what event made it possible for photons to begin to travel freely through the universe when the universe was about 380,000 years old?


Answer 1

The universe had grown and cooled to the point where electrons could join nuclei to create neutral atoms.

Planets, stars, galaxies, and all other types of countable number and strength make up the entirety of space, time, and all that is contained inside them. The Big Bang theory is the best cosmological explanation for how the universe evolved.There are three categories of substance that make up the universe: normal matter, "dark energy," and "dark number." The atoms that make up stars, planets, people, and all other visible objects in the universe are part of regular memory.

Unknown is the true size of the cosmos. But by measuring the observable cosmos, we may determine that the universe is currently about 95 billion mild years long.

To know more about universe



Related Questions

which method of measuring distances would you use if you wanted to measure the distance to stars in a nearby galaxy?


Parsec is used to measure the distances of stars in a galaxy.

A galaxy is a gadget of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar fuel, dirt, and darkish count number, certain together by means of gravity. The phrase is derived from the Greek galaxies, actually 'milky', a connection with the Milky manner galaxy that contains the solar gadget.

In 2021, information from NASA's New Horizons area probe turned into used to revise the sooner estimate to kind of two hundred billion galaxies.

The smallest of galaxies incorporate a “mere” few hundred million stars while the biggest galaxies contain up to a hundred trillion stars! Scientists have been able to segment galaxies into 4 principal types: spiral, elliptical, abnormal, and abnormal.

Learn more about Galaxy here:-https://brainly.com/question/17117676


two spheres, one hollow and one solid, are rotating with the same angular speed around an axis through their centers. both spheres have the same mass and radius. which sphere, if either, has the higher rotational kinetic energy? (a) the hollow sphere. (b) the solid sphere. (c) they have the same kinetic energy


The higher rotational kinetic energy they have the same kinetic energy.

What is rotational kinetic energy?

Rotational kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its rotational motion about an axis. It is equal to the work done by a torque on an object to rotate it from an initial angular position to its final angular position. The magnitude of the rotational kinetic energy is determined by the moment of inertia of the object, which is the sum of the products of the mass of each particle in the body with the square of its distance from the axis of rotation, and the angular velocity of the object. Rotational kinetic energy is also referred to as rotational energy, angular kinetic energy, and angular energy.

This is because the rotational kinetic energy of an object is determined by its mass and its angular speed, not its shape. Since the two spheres have the same mass and angular speed, they will both have the same rotational kinetic energy.

To learn more about rotational kinetic energy

what is the net torque on the wheel due to these three forces for an axis perpendicular to the wheel and passing through its center? let counterclockwise torques be positive.


The magnitude of the net torque on the wheel due to these three forces for an axis perpendicular to the wheel and passing through its center is


What would be the Net torque on the wheel?

The net torque on the wheel is determined from the moment of inertia of the pulley and the angular acceleration.

∑τ = Iα


I is moment of inertia α is angular acceleration

the moment of inertia of the axis perpendicular to the wheel and passing through its center is calculated as;

I = ¹/₂MR²τ = ¹/₂MR²ατ = ¹/₂MR²(aR)τ = ¹/₂MR³a


a is the acceleration due to the applied force.

Thus, the magnitude of the net torque on the wheel due to these three forces for an axis perpendicular to the wheel and passing through its center is ¹/₂MR³a.

To know more about net torque , visit:



justin, with a mass of 30 kg, is going down an 8.0-m-high water slide. he starts at rest, and his speed at the bottom is 11 m/s. how much thermal energy is created by friction during his descent?


537N thermal energy is created by friction during his descent.

The friction-related work is converted into thermal energy.

If Justin is initially at rest, MGH is his potential energy.

Thus, we have 30* 9.8*8 = 2352N.


Mass = m

Gravitational acceleration = g

Height = h

His potential energy is changed into usable kinetic energy when he reaches the bottom of the slide, leaving us with 1/2 mv^2.

Finally, we arrive to 1/2 * 30 * (11)^2 = 1815N

He had 2352N at the outset, and 1815N at the conclusion.

The thermal energy is therefore 2352 - 1815 = 537N.

To know more about thermal energy, visit:



consider the relationship between the energy of electromagnetic radiation and its wavelength. what will happen if the energy increases? the wavelength will remain the same. the wavelength will increase. the wavelength will decrease. what will happen if the wavelength increases? the energy will increase. the energy will remain the same. the energy will decrease.


Electromagnetic radiation is a sort of energy emission. This has two components, electrical and magnetic components, as is clear from the name. The radiation is hence known as electromagnetic radiation. In Fig. 1.1, it is depicted. From a very low frequency of 3 Hz to a very high frequency of 300 EHz (1 EHz = 1018 Hz), this radiation has a wide frequency range. Table 1.1 lists the metric prefixes along with their symbols.

The magnetic and electric vectors are perpendicular to one another and to the path of propagation. In Fig. 1, this is depicted. 1. Depending on the frequency, this electromagnetic spectrum is separated into different section

 Wavelength and Frequency Relationship


According , a wavelength is the separation between two crests or troughs. It is described in the "electronic spectrum" in terms of nm. 1 nm = 10−9 m. Radiation's energy and wavelength are inversely related. In other words, energy increases when the wavelength lowers and decreases when the wavelength grows.

In the IR spectrum, wavenumber, which has the SI value of cm1, is used in place of or v.

 The relationship between frequency and wavelength

where is the wavenumber, is the wavelength, c is the speed of light, and is the frequency of the radiation.

To know more about wavelength, click the link below;



What is the wavelength of a wave with period 2 s and speed 2 cm s?


The speed of the travelling wave is found to be 0.0628m.

The time period is given to be 2 seconds.

The time period and the frequency are related as,

T = 2πv

Putting values,

2 = 2πv

v = 1/π Hz.

The relationship between the frequency of the wave, the wavelength of the wave and the speed of the wave is given by

V = fy


V is the speed of the travelling wave,

F is the frequency of the travelling wave,

y is the wavelength of the travelling wave.

The speed of the travelling wave is given to be 2 cm/s (0.02m/s) and the frequency of the travelling wave is 1/π.

Now, putting all the values,

0.02 = 1/πy

y = 0.0628m

So, the wavelength of the travelling wave is 0.0628m.

To know more about frequency of wave, visit,



it is estimated that there are a trillion comets in the oort cloud. if it extends out to about 50,000 au from the sun, what is the total volume of the oort cloud in cubic au? (for this calculation assume that the oort cloud is spherical in shape)


The volume of the oort cloud that is in the shape of sphere is 5.2 * 10¹⁴ au³.

We know the volume of sphere as V = 4/3 * (πr³)

where, V is the volume

r is the radius of the sphere

Given that, radius of oort cloud is r = 50000 au

The volume of the oort cloud can be calculated as follows.

V = 4/3 * (πr³)

π is substituted as 22/7

V = 4/3 * 22/7 * 50000³

⇒ 88/21 * 125 * (10⁴)³

⇒ 523.8* 10¹²

⇒ 5.238 * 10¹⁴

Hence, the volume of the oort cloud that is in the shape of sphere is 5.2 * 10¹⁴ au³.

To know more about volume:



refer to the accompanying photos of an elliptical galaxy and a spiral galaxy to answer the following: which image (a or b) is an elliptical galaxy? which of these galaxies appears to contain more young, hot, massive stars? how did you determine your answer? when stars are born from a cloud of dust and gases, high- and low-mass stars form at about the same time. which group of stars, high-mass or lowmass, will die out first? over time, how will this affect the color of the light we observe coming from this group of stars?



An elliptical galaxy is a type of galaxy in the Hubble sequence characterized by having a roughly ellipsoidal shape and hardly any distinctive features, lacking, for example, the spiral arms that characterize the homonymous galaxies. They are one of the four main classes of galaxies described by Edwin Hubble in his 1936 work The Realm of the Nebulae,1 along with spiral and lenticular galaxies. Elliptical galaxies (E) are, along with lenticular galaxies (S0) with their large-scale disks, and ES2​3​4​ galaxies with their intermediate-scale disks, a subset of the "early-type" galaxy population. ".

Most elliptical galaxies are composed of older, low-mass stars, with a sparse interstellar medium and minimal star formation activity, and tend to be surrounded by large numbers of globular clusters. Elliptical galaxies are thought to make up about 10-15% of the galaxies in the Virgo Supercluster, and are not the dominant galaxy type in the universe as a whole.5 They are found preferentially near the centers of galaxy clusters .6​

Elliptical galaxies range in size from dwarf ellipticals with tens of millions of stars, to supergiants with over a hundred trillion stars dominating their galaxy clusters. Originally, Edwin Hubble hypothesized that elliptical galaxies evolved into spiral galaxies, which was later found to be false,7 although the accumulation of gas and smaller galaxies can form a disk around a pre-existing ellipsoidal structure.8 9 The stars found within elliptical galaxies are, on average, much older than the stars found in spiral galaxies.7


A student pushes a 12-kg block on a frictionless, horizontal surface. If the block is initially at rest, what is the speed of the block after the student pushes the block for 5 seconds with an acceleration of 2. 0 m/s/s?.


The speed of the block after the student pushes it is 10m/s.

Mass of the block = 12 Kg

Initial speed = u = 0 m/s

Time = t = 5 s

Acceleration = a = 2 m/s²

Final speed = v =

To determine the final velocity; we use the First Equation of Motion:

= v = u + at

= final speed = initial speed + acceleration X time

= v = 0 + 2 X 5

= v = 10 m/s

Therefore, the speed of the block after the student pushes it for the time period of 5 s with an acceleration of 2 m/s² is 10m/s.

To know more about First Equation of Motion:



is the current through r1 greater than, less than, or equal to the current through r2 immediately after the switch is first closed?


The ratio of current in both of the given resistors is I1  - R2

                                                                                     I2    R1

Here we have been given that two resistors which are  and  respectively are connected in parallel with a cell. We have been asked to find the current that is flowing through the resistor  to the current flowing through

The current in both the resistors will be different as we know that in parallel connection of the given resistors the current through each of them is different, but the voltage remains the same.

From ohm's law, we have,

V = IR      

Where V is the potential difference between the respective ends of the resistors, I is the amount of current flowing in the circuit and the R is the resistance.

Then we have,

Current (I1) in the  resistor is as follows:

I1 =V/R1

Current (I2) in the  resistor is as follows;

I2 =V/R2

The ratio of the currents in both the resistors is as follows;



⇒ I1/I2=R2/R1

Therefore the ratio of current in both the resistors is    ⇒ I1/I2=R2/R1                                                                            

To learn more about resistors refer to:



Entropy never decreases in a spontaneous process. Give an example to support this statement. n/a Now choose from one of the following options Why? a) The transfer of energy by heat from colder bodies to hotter bodies is a spontaneous process in which the entropy of the system of bodies increases. b The melting of an ice cube placed in a room causes an increase in the entropy of the room. c The dissolution of salt in water is a spontaneous process in which the entropy of the system increases. d) A plant uses energy from the Sun and converts it into sugar molecules by the process of photosynthesis.


The entropy never decreases in a spontaneous process. The correct example of this statement is (b) The melting of an ice cube placed in a room causes an increase in the entropy of the room.

The second law of thermodynamics can be stated in terms of entropy, in this statement of the law; ''a spontaneous process increases the entropy of the universe''. This is represented by the following equation:



ΔG = Change in Gibb's Free Energy

ΔH = Change in heat

T = Temperature

ΔS = Entropy

If the value of ΔG = negative, then it is a spontaneous process. This is called exothermic process. In exothermic process, the entropy will only increase and in endothermic process, the temperature is high, so again the entropy will only increase.

Hence, entropy never decreases in spontaneous process.

To know more about Entropy:



a small insect smashes into the windshield of your car while you are zooming down the interstate. which experiences a larger acceleration; the bug or the car?


The mass of the body has a direct relationship to the force. The force exerted by small insects will be less because they weigh so little. As a result, the car exerts more force.

Describe force.

A body is changed from its state of rest or motion by the application of force, which is an external agent. Magnetic, frictional, nuclear, gravitational, and other types of forces are among them.

Force in physics is calculated as the sum of mass and acceleration.

F = ma is the formula for force. The force generated by a heavy body is therefore greater than the force generated by a light body.

In contrast to the insect, which is much smaller and lighter than a car, the car is much larger and weighs much more. In light of this, the massive car exerts a greater force than the tiny insect.

To know more about force visit:



four charges q1, q2, q3 and q4, are placed at the corners of a square. charges q1 and q4 are located on opposite corners and have equal charges. both q2 and q3 have a charge of 1.0 c. if the force on q2 is zero, what is the charge on q1?


The charge on q1 if four charges q1, q2, q3 and q4, are placed at the corners of a square, and charges q1 and q4 are located on opposite corners and have equal charges is - 0.35 C.

Let the side of the square be a. Let the charges of q1 and q4 be q.

q2 = q3 = 1 C

The force on q2 due to q1 is,

F21 = ( k q2 q1 ) / a²

F21 = k q / a²

The force on q2 due to q4 is,

F24 = ( k q2 q4 ) / a²

F24 = k q / a²

Resultant of F21 and F24 is,

FR = √ ( F21² + F24²

FR = √ ( k q / a² )² + ( k q / a² )²

FR = √2 ( k q / a² )

The force on q2 due to q3 is,

F23 = ( k q2 q3 ) / ( √2 a )²

F23 = k / 2 a²

Since net force on q2 = 0

FR + F23 = 0

√2 k q / a² = - k / 2 a²

q = - 1 / 2 √ 2

q = - 0.35 C

To know more about force on a charge



g a spacecraft orbits an unknown planet at a distance of 5:2 ?107 from its center. the period of its orbit is 52 hours. what is the mass of the planet?


The planet's mass is 2.19 * 10 24 kg when a spacecraft orbits it at a distance of 5.82107 from its Centre. Its orbital period is 52 hours. Kepler's principles of planetary motion roughly predict that planets

Ordinarily, the term "orbit" refers to a trajectory that repeats itself periodically, though it can also apply to a non-repeating trajectory. Kepler's principles of planetary motion roughly predict that planets and satellites have elliptic orbits, with the Centre of mass orbiting at a focal point of the ellipse [2]. The measurement of distance between two objects or points can be quantitative or occasionally qualitative.

time = 2pi x R/v v=1677 m/s F=mv2/R= GMm/R2 M= mass of planet = 2.19 * 10 24 kg.

Learn more about mass here



how does the applied force to get something moving compare to the applied force to keep it moving at a constant velocity?


The applied force MUST ALWAYS be higher than the frictional force in order for the object to begin moving or accelerate. The initial acceleration increases as the disparity grows. (Keep in mind that the square of a motion's resistance is its speed. Because of this, the top speed restriction for cars is set.

Some of the responses are incorrect because they don't comprehend what the term "force" means in the formula "Force = Mass x Acceleration." The force necessary to balance the resistance while at rest or while moving is NOT this force. To move the object, further force is required. Call the frictional force, which opposes this initial extra force, P, and changes with motion, F.

P will keep accelerating the object until the increase in friction stops it from moving at all. That does not imply that the object is not being subjected to additional force. The value of F has grown, but it is still present, and the object is moving with a steady speed.

To know more about Force relationship with mass and acceleration :



Oxygen gas is collected at a pressure of 123 kpa in a container which has a volume of 10. 0 l. What temperature must be maintained on 0. 500 moles of this gas in order to maintain this pressure? express the temperature in degrees celsius.


The temperature required is  29315.6457C to maintain on 0.5 moles of the oxygen gas in order to maintain the given pressure.

We have pressure, volume, moles it means we can easily apply the ideal-gas equation which is given by the formula


where P is defined as the pressure,

V is defined as the volume of the gas

n is defined as the number of moles of the gas

R is defined as gas constant

and T is defined as the temperature of the gas.

Now,we have P=123kpa=123000pa,


So, on putting the values in above formula,we get


=>T=(1230000) / 41.570


But we got the temperature in kelvin and we need to report in Celsius,so we know that





Hence, required temperature is 29315.6457C

To know more about temperature, visit here:



if 10.0 kg of ice at 0 o c is added to 2.0 kg of steam at 100 o c, the temperature of the resulting mixture is


If 2.0 kg of steam at 100 o C and 10.0 kilogram of ice at 0 o C are combined, the resulting mixture will be hotter than 50 degrees. In its gaseous state, water is steam.

This might happen as a result of boiling or evaporation, where heat is provided until the water achieves the enthalpy of vaporization. Although wet steam, the visible mist or aerosol of water droplets created as water vapour condenses, is sometimes referred to as "steam," saturated or superheated steam is invisible. The concept of temperature is used to convey quantitatively how hot and cold something is. Using a thermometer, one can gauge temperature. Thermometers are calibrated using a variety of temperature scales, which historically drew on a variety of reference points and thermometric substances.

Learn more about steam here



A 8.0-m long wire with a mass of 10 g is under tension. a transverse wave for which the frequency is 570 hz, the wavelength is 0.10 m, and the amplitude is 3.7 mm is propagating on the wire. the maximum transverse acceleration of a point on a wire is closest to?


The maximum transverse acceleration of a point on a wire is closest to is 474100 m/s².

The wave function expression is given as :

y = A cos ( ωt + Ф)

A is the amplitude

ω is the angular frequency

Ф is the phase angle

the seconds derivative of wave function is the transverse acceleration :

a = d²y / dt²

a = - ω² A cos ( ωt + Ф)

the maximum  transverse acceleration is given as :

a_max =  ω² A

            = ( 2πf)² A

            = 4 π² f² A

             =  4 × ( 3.14)² (570 )² × 3.7

             = 474100 m/s²

To learn more about transverse acceleration here



the hubble constant is about 70 km/s/mpc. you measure the redshift of four galaxies. the first has a redshift of 1500 km/s, the second has a redshift of 750 km/s, the third has a redshift of 5000 km/s and the fourth has a redshift of 2000 km/s. which galaxy is the closest?


The hubble constant is about 70 km/s/mpc. you measure the redshift of four galaxies. the first has a redshift of 1500 km/s, the second has a redshift of 750 km/s, the third has a redshift of 5000 km/s and the fourth has a redshift of 2000 km/s. Andromeda is the closest galaxy.

A galaxy is made up of gravitationally bound clusters of stars, stellar debris, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter. The word "galaxias" is a Greek word that means "milky" and alludes to the Milky Way galaxy, which is where the Solar System is located. Hubble constant, galaxies range in size from dwarfs, which have less than 100 million stars, to supergiants, which have more than 100 trillion stars. All of these stars orbit the galaxy's center of mass. Galaxies have an average of 100 million stars. Stars and nebulae make up a very small portion of the material of a typical galaxy; dark matter makes up the majority of the galaxy's mass. Typically, galaxy cores contain supermassive black holes. Galaxies can be characterized as elliptical, spiral, or irregular based on their visual shape. [6] Many of them are thought to have supermassive black holes in their cores. The main black hole of the Milky Way.

To know more about hubble constant please refer: https://brainly.com/question/14020340


How is spring potential energy calculated?


The formula of string potential energy is equal to the product of force and distance of displacement.

Also, force is nothing but the product of spring constant and displacement.

The potential energy of the spring is calculated using the formula,

PE = 1/2* k* x²

where, k is spring constant

x is displacement

The potential energy of the spring is the potential energy stored as a result of the deformation of a particular elastic object, or a spring. It describes the work done to stretch a spring and depends on the spring constant k and the distance stretched.

The spring constant is the characteristic property of the spring. It depends upon the construction material and is measured in units of Nm⁻¹.

To know more about spring potential energy:



How is muscular strength calculated?


Muscle strength is measured by estimating a person's one repetition maximum (1RM).

1RM is a measurement of the greatest load (in kilograms) that one can move means it can be lifted, pushed, or pulled once without failure or injury.

1RM is calculated by counting the maximum number of exercises that you can do in repetition by the use of a load that is just less than the maximum amount that can be moved. This number is known as the repetitions to fatigue (RTF) – you are required to stop counting the repetitions when you feel you can no longer do the exercise in a proper way or when you slow down or can't keep a steady pace.

To know more about muscle strength here



The position function of an object is the antiderivative of the velocity function.a. trueb. false


Position is the antiderivative of velocity because velocity is the derivative of position. You can determine the location for all time if you know the velocity for all time and the initial position. Velocity is the antiderivative of acceleration because it is the derivative of acceleration.

How are the position function and the velocity function connected?

As was explained before, the instantaneous velocity at that instant is the derivative of a function indicating a particle's position along a line at time t. The instantaneous acceleration of the particle at time t is represented by the derivative of the velocity, which is the second derivative of the position function.

What does velocity mean when it depends on position?

The rate of change in position is known as velocity. The displacement of an object is the change in position, or the smallest distance between its initial location and its final position in a given direction.

To know more about Antiderivative of velocity visit;



A spherical balloon filled with gas has a leak that causes the gas to escape at a rate of 1. 5 m3/min. At what rate is the surface area of the balloon shrinking when the radius is 4 m? present your answer rounded to two decimal places.


Rate of  change of surface area of the balloon shrinking is (3/4)m²/min  when the radius is 4 m.

We are given that volume of spherical balloon is decreasing with a rate of 1.5m³/min. We know that volume of sphere is given by the formula=(4/3)πr³ where r is the radius of the spherical balloon.

We are given change of volume with respect to time, so we differentiate the volume with respect to time.


=>dV/dt = (4/3)π×(3r²)×dr/dt



=>dr/dt = (-1.5/4πr²)m/min

Now, we know that surface area of sphere is given by the formula 4πr²,so we need we differentiate the surface area with respect to time again,


=>dS/dt = 4π×2r×(dr/dt)

=>dS/dt = -8πr×(dr/dt)

We have dr/dt= (-1.5/4πr²),so putting it we get

=>dS/dt= -8πr×(-1.5/4πr²)

=>dS/dt = -(8×1.5)/(4×r)

when radius(r) is 4m,we get

=>dS/dt= -(8×1.5)/(4×4)

=>dS/dt= -12.0/16

=>dS/dt= -(3/4)m²/min

Hence, rate of change of surface area is (3/4)m²/min.

To know more about surface area, visit here:



what property of light is responsible for the different colors we observe? different colors have different frequencies. the size of the photon determines the color. varying levels of intensity result in different colors. the speed of a light wave determines its color.


Wavelength is the property of light is responsible for the different colors.

The length that a periodic wave travels across in order to replicate its shape is known as its wavelength. It is the distance between two successive corresponding wave points of the same phase, such as two neighboring crests, troughs, or zero crossings, and it is a feature of both traveling waves and standing waves, as well as other spatial wave patterns. The spatial frequency is defined as the wavelength's inverse.. Additionally, sinusoidal wave envelopes, modulated waves, and waves created by the interference of several sinusoids are also commonly referred to as having a wavelength.

Wavelength. and frequency are inversely. related, assuming a sinusoidal. wave traveling at a constant. speed

Learn more about Wavelength here:



1. a force of 125 N
while being moved 2.5 m. How much work is done?


The work is done by a force of 125 N while being moved 2.5 m is equal to 312.5 J.

What is the work?

Work done can be described as the energy needed when a force is applied to move an object through a definite displacement. The work done can be defined as both the applied force and the displacement of the object.

The function of the force is to move a body in a straight line in the direction of the exerted force over a distance 'd'.

W= F × d

Where 'd' is the displacement, 'F' is the applied force and W is the work done.

Given, the force applied on the object, F  125 N

The displacement by the object, d = 2.5 m

The work done by the object can be calculated as:

W = F.d

W = 125 ×2.5

E = 312.5 J

Learn more about work, here:



When you cook a marshmallow on a metal poker tool over an open flame, energy is transferred. Identify the three different ways thermal energy is transferred in this situation. Be sure to name the specific places or phenomenon in this system where each of the types of thermal energy transfer is occurring and the direction the energy is being transferred (from what to what).


When we cook a marshmallow on a metal poker tool over an open flame, there are three ways in which heat energy is transferred: Conduction, convection, and radiation.

Heat energy transfer

Heat transfer is the natural transfer of heat from an object with a higher temperature to an object with a lower temperature. Heat transfer can occur in three ways, namely conduction, convection, and  radiation.

Conduction occurs when heat flows from a place with a high temperature to a place with a lower temperature using a fixed heat-conducting medium. Heat transfer from the open flame to the marshmallows via direct fire contact with the marshmallows is an example of conduction.Convection is the transfer of heat by means of a stream in which the intermediate substance also moves. If the particles move and cause heat to propagate, convection will occur. The hot air rising from the flames burning the marshmallows is an example of convection.Radiation is heat transfer without a medium. Radiation can also usually be accompanied by light. The direct transfer of heat from the flame to the marshmallow in the form of waves is an example of radiation.

Learn more about heat transfer here: https://brainly.com/question/16055406


2) a rope of mass m and length ` hangs from the ceiling. (i) what is the wave speed on the rope a distance y above the lower end? (ii) how long does it take for a wave to travel up the rope?


When a rope with mass m and length 'hangs from the ceiling, the wave speed on the rope is V = (gy)1/2 and 2(L/g)1/2, which is the speed of the wave to go up the rope.

Wave speed is a property of waves that can refer to the absolute value of the phase velocity, the speed at which a wave phase propagates at a particular frequency group velocity, the propagation velocity for the envelope of wave groups, and frequently the velocity of wave energy, which is different from the phase velocity for dispersive waves. When the string is yy distance from the bottom, the tension there is mg, where m is the mass of the component below y. Mass per unit length is what is meant by linear density.

V =(gy)^1/2

2(L/g)^1/2 is the speed of the a wave to travel up the rope.

Learn more about speed here



if a dipole, starting from rest and initially pointing opposite to an external magnetic field, is slightly perturbed, it will rotate in order to point in the same direction of the external magnetic field (its lowest potential energy state), with its potential energy changing to kinetic energy (just like a ball given a slight push at the top of a hill rolling into a valley). considering this energy conversion, what is the angular speed of the dipole moment as it passes through its lowest potential energy state (when it points in the same direction as the external magnetic field)?


When the angle between the dipole moment and electric field is 0°, the lowest amount of potential energy is present in an electric dipole.

What is the formula for magnetic dipole moments?

Technically referred to as a magnetic dipole, a tiny current loop functions as a tiny magnet. The formula m = NIA, which results in the units - Ampere meter square, determines the power of that tiny magnet, the magnetic dipole moment m.

What is the relationship between an electron's rotating magnetic moment and angular momentum?

The electron's orbital angular momentum forms a 180° angle with the orbital magnetic moment's direction. Explanation: Given is the equation for the relationship between an electron's rotational momentum and its magnetic moment: = - e m e L e 2 m e L, where e and me are the electron's mass and charges.

To know more about dipole moment visit:-



a 750 g aluminum pan is removed from the stove and plunged into a sink filled with 10 kg of water at 200c. the temperature quickly rises to 240c. what was the initial temperature of the pan


A 750 g aluminum pan is removed from the stove and plunged into a sink filled with 10 kg of water at 200c. The temperature quickly rises to 240c. 100 c the initial temperature of the pan.

The physical concept of temperature indicates in numerical form how hot or cold something is. Temperature is measured with a thermometer. Different temperature scales, which traditionally established various reference points and thermometric materials, are used to calibrate thermometers. The most widely used scales are the Kelvin scale (K), which is mostly used in science, the Fahrenheit scale (°F), and the Celsius scale, also referred to as centigrade and denoted by the unit symbol °C. The kelvin is one of the seven base units in the International System of Units (SI). On the thermodynamic temperature scale, absolute zero, also known as 0 kelvin, or 273.15 °C, is the lowest temperature. The third law of thermodynamics recognizes that it can only be very nearly attained experimentally and that it cannot actually be reached. It would be challenging for a body to produce heat at such temperature. Temperature is a crucial factor in all branches of natural science, including physics, chemistry, Earth science, astronomy, biology, ecology, material science, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, geography, and the majority of aspects of daily living. These fields cover the majority of the scientific disciplines, including biology, medicine, and ecology.

To know more about temperature please refer: https://brainly.com/question/7510619


a color television tube also generates some x rays when its electron beam strikes the screen. what is the shortest wavelength of these x rays, if a 30.0-kv potential is used to accelerate the electrons?


6.626 x [tex]10^{-11}[/tex] m   is the shortest wavelength of these x rays.


λ = h c/ΔE

λ = wave length

h = 6.626 x [tex]10^{-34}[/tex]  m² kg /s  = Planck constant

ΔE = 30 keV potential ( 1 keV = 1.6021 x [tex]10^{-16}[/tex] J)

c = velocity of light = 3 x 10⁸ m/s

Put these values in formula,

λ  =    (6.626 x  [tex]10^{-34}[/tex]  m² kg /s x 3 x 10⁸ m/s) / (30 x 1.6021x [tex]10^{-16}[/tex]  J)

   =    6.626 x [tex]10^{-11}[/tex] m

Hence, 6.626 x [tex]10^{-11}[/tex] m   is the shortest wavelength of these x rays.  


Learn more about x rays here:- https://brainly.com/question/16045726


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