What does the simile add to the passage? Choose two answers.

a description of the Cyclops’ home
a comparison between Odysseus and his men
an image of helplessness
a visual image of the Cyclops’ pets
a comparison between the men and innocent animals


Answer 1

The simile that can be added to the passage are as follow:

An image of helplessness

A comparison between the men and innocent animals

Hence, Options C and E are correct.

What does comparison mean?

Comparison or comparing is the act of assessing two or more items by identifying their pertinent, comparable features, and then identifying which of those traits are similar to, and which are distinct from, the other and to what extent.

It is possible to compare two entities using the comparative form. When three or more things are being compared.

Therefore, Options C and E are correct.

Learn more about comparison from here:



The complete question has been attached in text form:

Read the excerpt from part 2 of the Odyssey.

Neither reply nor pity came from him, but in one stride he clutched at my companions and caught two in his hands like squirming puppies to beat their brains out, spattering the floor.

What does the simile add to the passage? Check all that apply.

a description of the cyclops’ home

a comparison between odysseus and his men

an image of helplessness

a visual image of the cyclops’ pets

a comparison between the men and innocent animals

Answer 2


C & E are the answer  


EDGE 2023!!

Related Questions

In a three-paragraph essay, write about the importance of having freedom and how people are affected when their freedom is limited. You will have to include an introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion.

You cannot use “I” in this essay.


What we refer to as freedom of expression is a collection of rights protected by the First Amendment, including freedom of the press, petition, association, and assembly. This freedom is described as "the matrix, the necessary prerequisite of almost every other form of freedom" by the Supreme Court. It is necessary for the survival of other essential rights, such as the right to vote.

Along with the other liberties in the First Amendment, the right to free speech was established on December 15, 1791. Humans now have the fundamental right to speak freely and to express their opinions about any subject without interference from the government. It's crucial. because it enables social change and intellectual interaction. The decision by high school students in Des Moines, Iowa, to wear armbands as a form of protest against the Vietnam War is an illustration of this freedom. The headmaster claimed the armbands were dangerous and distracting, but the Supreme Court sided with the students, stating that the armbands were an expression of their right to free speech. According to Ai Weiwei, "Without freedom of expression there is no contemporary world, only a primitive one," which means that without this freedom, we would be deprived of our fundamental human right and live in a society that was under government control. Americans have the freedom to publish news and opinions without fear of governmental censorship because to the freedom of the press. This freedom is essential because it enables people to share information about various topics without the government imposing restrictions that would alert other people.

In conclusion, the freedom of the press, of expression, and of society are all crucial for the efficient operation of America. Humans have a fundamental right to freedom of expression, which allows them to speak out without interference from the government. The right to freedom of the press. Americans have the freedom to publish news and opinions without interference from the government. Humans also have the right to live their life as they like thanks to society's freedom. In the end, all of our liberties contribute to the security and tranquility of our nation.

What is freedom ?

Personal liberty is defined as: the freedom of the person to go and come as they like; equality before the courts; the security of private property; the freedom of thought and expression; and the freedom of conscience subject to the rights of others and the public.

To know about Freedom from the link



translate into spanish .

This letter certifies that Mr. Hector Molina is currently working on a day to day basis as help on the installations of different types of flooring. Currently he is working and making $350.00 a week.



Esta carta certifica que el Sr. Héctor Molina actualmente trabaja día a día como ayudante en la instalación de diferentes tipos de pisos. Actualmente está trabajando y ganando $350.00 a la semana.

:) I'm learning

Translation of English → Spanish

Esta carta certifica que el Sr. Héctor Molina actualmente trabaja día a día como ayudante en la instalación de diferentes tipos de pisos. Actualmente está trabajando y ganando $350.00 a la semana.

Imagine you are an advice columnist ( someone who gives professional advice to people who have problems). Write a blog for a website aimed at young people in which you discuss the issues raised and give balanced advice about what it is like to be a parent. Write 15-200 words.



Explanation: The blog for a website aimed at young people in which I discuss the issues raised and give balance advice about what it is like to be a parent and things that we humans don't understand what goes on in someone head. Parents have there own idea of seeing what we don't see in life. The also have experience with almost everything that they did as kids

What foreshadows the confrontation between Dylan and Clint?
OA. the description of the classroom setting
OB. the fact that Dylan is a teacher's pet
OC. the description of their personalities
OD. the fact that the other kids pick on Dylan



OC is the correct answer


how does the arrangement of plot details, particularly in the rising and falling action, affect the dramatic situation in the text?


The arrangement of plot details in the rising and falling action are:

Rising Action

In rising action, there's called conflict which has two types, such as internal (character vs. self) and external (character vs. character; or character vs. society; or character vs. nature)

Climax ⇒ We can consider the climax as a three-fold phenomenon:

First, the main character receives new information.

Second, the main character accepts this information.

Third, how the main character acts on this information.

Falling action ⇒ Where the resolution begins. All the events and complications will start to fall into the right place.

Five Elements of Fiction

There are five elements of fiction that must be present in the story, such as setting, point of view, character, plot, and theme.

What is Plot?

One of the important elements of the story is plot. Plot is how the author arranges events to develop the basic idea of their story. There are five essential parts of plot, such as:

Exposiiton (introduction of the characters)Rising Action Climax Falling ActionResolution

Learn more about The Main Elements of Fiction at: https://brainly.com/question/13918288  


Part A

What effect does the phrase “would learn his character" have on the meaning of this passage?


A)It implies that his uncle has an unusual personality.
B)It proposes he will read his uncle's sermons.
C)It suggests that he is not talking about a real person.
D)It indicates he would train in his uncle's profession.

Question 2
Part B

How does the phrase “would learn his character" contribute to the passage’s tone?


A)It reveals frustration.,
B)It shows a feeling of disgust.
C)It conveys amusement.
D)It creates a sense of regret.


The effect the phrase “would learn his character" have on the meaning of this passage is It indicates he would train in his uncle's profession. Thus the correct option is D.

The phrase “would learn his character" contribute to the passage’s tone as It conveys amusement. Thus the correct option is C.

What is the inference?

Inference in any literature piece refers to achieving the conclusion of any subject with the support of facts and evidence present in the particular piece of literature.

In this passage, Franklin talks about his early education. Additionally, he talks about how his uncle Benjamin gave him volumes of lectures. He says that this was done in case he chose to pursue a career similar to that of his uncle.

Learn more about Inference, here:



The complete question is Probably

Excerpt from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

My elder brothers were all put apprentices to different trades. I was put to the grammar-school at eight years of age, my father intending to devote me, as the tithe of his sons, to the service of the Church. My early readiness in learning to read (which must have been very early, as I do not remember when I could not read), and the opinion of all his friends, that I should certainly make a good scholar, encouraged him in this purpose of his. My uncle Benjamin, too, approved of it, and proposed to give me all his short-hand volumes of sermons, I suppose as a stock to set up with, if I would learn his character. I continued, however, at the grammar-school not quite one year, though in that time I had risen gradually from the middle of the class of that year to be the head of it, and farther was removed into the next class above it, in order to go with that into the third at the end of the year.

Part A

What effect does the phrase “would learn his character" have on the meaning of this passage?

It implies that his uncle has an unusual personality.

It suggests that he is not talking about a real person.

It indicates he would train in his uncle's profession.

It proposes he will read his uncle's sermons.

Part B

How does the phrase “would learn his character" contribute to the passage’s tone?

It conveys amusement.

It reveals frustration.

It shows a feeling of disgust.

It creates a sense of regret.

What was Martin Luther’s main with the Catholic Church?


On the church door at Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses opposing papal indulgences, or the atonement of sins through monetary payment.


From 1955 until his assassination in 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. (born Michael King Jr.; January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American Baptist clergyman and activist. He was one of the movement's most famous leaders. The son of early civil rights activist and preacher Martin Luther King Sr., King improved civil rights for people of color in the United States through nonviolence and civil disobedience. King is an African American church leader. He conducted targeted, peaceful opposition against Jim Crow laws and other kinds of discrimination, motivated by his Christian convictions and Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent activity.

Luther questioned the self-indulgent behaviors of the Catholic Church because he believed in justification by faith. He was against indulgences in general, not only the church's avarice. He didn't think the Catholic Church had the authority to absolve individuals of their sins. Luther believed that only God's mercy could bring about salvation. Nobody had to look for salvation through the church or pay for it.

To know about MARTIN  LUTHER from the link



Find the sentences with Present Perfect Tense:
I have got a family:a mother a father and a brother. My brothers and I always help our parents about the house. Today we have done a lot of things. My brother has raked the leaves in the garden. I have washed the dishes. My brother and I have done the shopping. My brother and my father have swept the paths. My mother and I have watered the flowers. My mother has cooked dinner since 5 o'clock. my father has repaired the bike for 2 hours. We are very happy family!


The sentences that contain Present Perfect Tense are:

I have got a family: a mother a father and a brother. Today we have done a lot of things. I have washed the dishesMy brother has raked the leaves in the gardenMy mother and I have watered the flowers.my father repaired the bike for 2 hoursMy mother has cooked dinner since 5

What is a Present Perfect Tense?

This refers to the term that is used to refer to the type of tense that is used for past actions that also continue into the present.

Hence, it can be seen that the sentences that contains present perfect tense has been listed above.

Read more about present perfect tense here:



Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or the past
form of the verbs in brackets.

I (have) a crash while I
to drive.
2 Sam
3 It
4 What
cancel the barbecue.
5 Emma
6 Ryan
(ski) in France.
7 Harry
(get) his first job while he
8 You obviously
(live) in London.
(rain), so we
(see) you in town?
(decide) to
(do) when I
(meet) Sally.
(not hear) the phone ringing because
(listen) to music in her bedroom.
(break) his arm while he
(work) as a chef when he
(not listen) when I



work work worked

break broke broken

Which selection best replaces the word denounce in the passage
below ?
Even hatred at times may elicit a response. You fight it. You
denounce it. You disarm it.
A. announce
B. condemn
C. exalt
D. deny


The correct answer choice is (B). The word "condemn" best replaces the word denounce in the given passage.

The given passage is the words spoken by Elie Wiesel in his famous speech - The Perils of Indifference. He delivered this speech on 12th of April 1999 at the White House. Elie Wiesel was an author and Nobel Prize Winner.

Elie Wiesel said, "The opposite of love is not hatred, it’s indifference. Even hatred at times may elicit a response. You fight it. You denounce it. You disarm it. Indifference elicits no response. Indifference is not a response. Indifference is not a beginning, it is an end."

To know more about The Perils of Indifference here



How does the American Southern Gothic short story differ most significantly from its
English counterpart?use complete sentences


Answer: Although inspired by Gothic literature, Southern Gothic does not dwell on suspense and the supernatural. Rather, there is a dark humor in the stories. It follows the idea of exposing the problems of society, but does so by developing complex characters.

Explain why unmanned marine vehicles are so useful—provide specific examples or facts from the video.


Unmanned marine vehicles help with marine tasks, completing them in less time, reducing risks, and reaching deeper waters.

In particular, unmanned marine vehicles (UMVs) have automated a lot of dangerous tasks that were previously carried out manually.

As a matter of fact, UMVs will enable humans to explore, exploit, protect, and exploit oceans sustainably in the near future.

Unmanned marine vehicles (UMV) are robotic craft that can be operated from a distance and are used to accomplish activities and conduct maritime exploration with little danger.

Uses of UMV:

They take up dangerous activities from seafarers,They enable deeper water exploration.They do jobs faster than people do.

When building ports, for instance, these maritime vehicles are extremely helpful. They take on the role of divers who must perform the task manually, working long hours and putting their lives in danger. A UMV eliminates the need for people to submerge themselves because specialists can operate the robot from the surface.

In conclusion, UMVs are helpful since they are handy instruments that cut down on hazards and save time.

To know more UMVs refer to:


1. Write the comparative and superlative forms of each word below. Some words will require the use of less and least. pls help only got 10 points left no trolls







2. For each word below, create three sentences using the comparison forms.




3. For each word below, identify the suffix. Then create two sentences each using comparison forms.



4. Create three sentences describing a chore, each using comparison forms for these irregular words.



5. Create five sentences describing your best friend using comparison form with words of your choice. Identify the comparison form you are using in your sentences


1. Great: comparative degree>greater ; superlative degree>greatest.

kind: comparative> kinder ; superlative> kindest.

Calm: comparative>calmer ; superlative> calmest

Rough: comparative rougher ;  superlative> most rough.

Narrow: comparative>narrower : superlative>narrowest

2. Helpful:

Sara is more helpful than Angelina.My mother is more helpful than my Aunt.Clara's younger daughter is more helpful than her son.


Jones is  more friendly than Sam.Sara is more friendly than Henry.Andrew's cat is is more friendly than Sara's cat.


Heart problem is more serious than stomach pain.Henry's nature is more serious than Sara's.Sandra is more serious about her studies than Clara.

3. Suffix in agreeable is -able

Mr. Peters is more agreeable man than Mr. Black.Sandra's point of view is more agreeable than Angelina.

Suffix in faithful is -ful

Clara is more faithful than Sandra.Sam's dog is more faithful than Clara's dog.

4. Comparative of good is better :

Sam is better at cleaning than Pete.Sara is better at cooking as compared to Clara.Sidney does better cleaning than Sara.

Comparative degree of bad is worse:

Sara is worst at cleaning as compared to SidneyPete is worst at cleaning the garden than Sam.Sara is worst at cooking as compared to Sidney.

5. Comparison form of small is smaller

Jonas's height is smaller than Pete.

comparison form of fast : faster

Jonas's dog runs faster than mine.

comparison form of large : larger

Jonas's house is larger than mine.

comparison form of good is : better

Jonas's car is better than mine.

Comparison form of high is higher.

Jonas kicks ball higher than me.

To know more about superlative and comparative degree, refer



How was Billy Weaver from "The Landlady" overconfident? (WITH TEXT QUOTES)


The main character of the narrative, Billy Weaver, is a cheerful and naïve seventeen-year-old teenager. He is really interested in learning why, but the landlady is able to deceive and divert him from his quest for the truth.

Billy's naïve and trusting personality keeps him from detecting that things might not be as they appear, which ultimately allows the sweet-looking landlady to take advantage of poor Billy.

Although the story's cliffhanger doesn't specifically state what happens to Billy, it is inferred that the landlady poisons his tea so she may suffocate him as she does to her dogs. "But the air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice on his cheeks."

To know more about Text here



21. Which of the following rhetorical techniques does the
author repeatedly use in the passage as a means to
engage the reader?
A. Forthright attacks on what he labels as readers'
misunderstanding of basic historical fact
Open-ended questions and appeals directed to
C. Direct quotations from past readers of his work
that capture their responses to his ideas
D. Descriptions of his own experiences as a citizen of
the Muscogee (Creek) Nation of Oklahoma


The following rhetorical techniques does the author repeatedly use in

the passage as a means to engage the reader.

Why, then, was this shot taken? is just one of the numerous questions the author poses throughout the section (lines 58-59).

What is rhetorical technique?

These queries encourage the reader to reflect on the subjects covered in the passage.Because the author does not criticize any mistake on the part of the reader, the response "Forthright attacks on what he characterizes as readers' misunderstanding of basic historical fact" is incorrect.We notice the author posing questions to the reader throughout the chapter, hence the proper response is "open-ended inquiries and appeals intended at readers."Because the author does not include direct quotations from his readers, the answer option "direct quotations from prior readers of his work that capture their responses to his ideas" is incorrect.

However, The response option "description of his own experiences as a Muscogee (Creek) Nation resident of Oklahoma" is incorrect since the author does not use this summary to draw the reader in.

To learn more about Rhetorical technique do follow



Is the blank a semi colon comma or neither



Explanation:Because he is adding on to the story

The blank will be better as a comma.

Why is the narrator in a hurry?
She is trying to run away from her whiny little sister.
She is anxious to see the opening scene of the movie.
She is trying to sit with strangers instead of her family.
She is lost in the dark hallway of the crowded theater.


i’m not quite sure, im trying to figure it out as we speak

Read the lines from Langston Hughes's poem "I, Too, Sing America."

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.

In contrast to Walt Whitman's poem "I Hear America Singing," why does the speaker use the word "brother" in the first line of the stanza?

To indicate that he is someone’s brother.

To indicate that his family makes him eat in the kitchen.

To indicate that the arriving company is family.

To indicate that people belong to same metaphorical family.



D: to indicate that people belong to the same metaphorical family






Why is it allowed to hunt dinosaurs with red paint in safari. Inc




The hunters are only allowed to shoot the dinosaurs that have red paint on them because the animals are going to die in the near future anyway


the answer is yes have a good day

MARKING BRAINLIEST! read the opening paragraphs in “a modest proposal” and find the satirical techniques, or how the author showed you satire in the beginning. i need this in a PQC. please answer asap, thank u


Swift provides a proposal in "A Modest Proposal" to end the Irish famine in the early 1700s.

What are the satires in "A Modest Proposal"?

Swift utilised satire in this instance to ridicule the affluent people's treatment of the impoverished people during the famine and to convey the issue of poverty in Ireland. To be clear, Swift is not advocating eating children as a feasible solution to the issue; rather, he is highlighting the problems he sees with the Irish government while illustrating the uncaring and harsh mentality of the privileged. Swift has an intense, sombre tone throughout "A Modest Proposal" as a whole.

A Modest Proposal makes its argument using a technique known as satire, which is the use of sarcasm, comedy, or exaggeration to critique the beliefs of others. Swift plainly has no true desire for the Irish people to sell their children as food, but he is attempting to make a point by utilising the absurd idea.

The pamphlets that were being distributed at the time are parodied in Swift's song "A Modest Proposal." He emphasises this by making fun of the fake modesty in the tone of many of his contemporaries' pamphlets through the use of language throughout the poem, including the term "modest" in the title. Although their approach appeared logical, their suggestions revealed a British ruling class arrogance toward their citizens in Ireland that is all too prevalent.

Swift expresses his mounting rage at the ineptitude of Irish politicians, the hypocrisy of the affluent, the oppression of the English, and the poverty and misery he seen so many Irish people experiencing in his proposal. Swift's disdain for the Irish people's seeming unwillingness to stand up for themselves is shown in "A Modest Proposal," which laments the grim predicament of an Ireland that is almost entirely exploited by England. He claims that the Irish themselves are also to blame for the level of poverty in their country, not only the English.

To learn more about "A Modest Proposal" from the given link



read the opening paragraphs in “a modest proposal” and find the satirical techniques, or how the author showed you satire in the beginning. i need this in a PQC. please answer asap, thank u

4. Many ideas are passed from generation to generation. What can you tell about how the lottery has been
passed on overtime in the village? What theme or idea about tradition might be expressed in the contrast
between Mrs. Hutchinson's behavior in paragraphs 9 and 45 - 51?



Not all prizes are meant to be rewarded forever!


Hope this helps.

Which spanish-derived rhythmic feature is prominent in chilean folkloric genres such as tonada and cueca?.


Non-syncopation is spanish-derived rhythmic feature is prominent in chilean folkloric genres such as tonada and cueca.

What does syncopation mean?Synchopation is the process of emphasising ordinarily "weak" portions of the "beat." Additionally, this is the time to offset notes, phrases, or even whole phrases from the overall rhythm. Hope this was helpful. Knowing syncopation allows you to understand its opposite.When the syncopated note is distributed unevenly across the stressed and unstressed beats, syncopation is referred to as irregular. When there is only one accent displacement, syncopation is deemed to be simple.A syncopated 4/4 rhythm accentuates notes that aren't on each quarter note to produce an off-beat pulse. Rests and divided notes are used in syncopated rhythms to emphasise the offbeat.Syncopated rhythms or beats are those in music that are surprising or sound "wrong" in an intriguing sense. A syncopated beat typically places the emphasis in unexpected places. Syncopation occurs when your ear anticipates a weak beat but hears a strong or stressed one instead.

To learn more about syncopation refer :



pleace is my testing


Hunter still has his doubts about moving to New York City at the end of the novel because he is unsure whether or not the positive parts of the city outweigh its drawbacks.

The ambitious style of H.T. Tsiang's satirical, semi-experimental novel The Hanging on Union Square, which combines humor-laced allegory with newspaper quotes, non sequiturs, and slogans, tackles socialist politics in Depression-era New York, a time of union busting and food lines.

Union Square has a character named Hunter. He is the centre of the story's tension as he mulls over whether or not to go from the outback to New York City.

The author's exploration of the story's theme suggests that sometimes a person must fully immerse themselves in an event they are attempting to avoid in order to come to a decision about it.

Learn more about reading comprehension at:



Hunter still has his doubts about moving to New York City at the end of the novel because he is unsure whether or not the positive parts of the city outweigh its drawbacks.

The ambitious style of H.T. Tsiang's satirical, semi-experimental novel The Hanging on Union Square, which combines humor-laced allegory with newspaper quotes, non sequiturs, and slogans, tackles socialist politics in Depression-era New York, a time of union busting and food lines.

Union Square has a character named Hunter. He is the centre of the story's tension as he mulls over whether or not to go from the outback to New York City.

The author's exploration of the story's theme suggests that sometimes a person must fully immerse themselves in an event they are attempting to avoid in order to come to a decision about it.

Learn more about reading comprehension at:



Use context clues to determine the meaning of perfunctory as it is used in paragraph 7 of “The Lottery.” Write your definition here and identify clues that helped you figure out its meaning. Then check the meaning in a dictionary.


Mr. Summers was duly sworn in as the lottery's official by the postmaster; at one time, some people remembered, there had been a recital of some sort, performed by the lottery's official, a perfunctory, tuneless chant that had been rattled off duly each year.

What does perfunctorily mean?

A cursory explanation of the origins of perfunctory would be that it is derived from Latin. The term was coined in the late 16th century and comes from the Late Latin perfunctorius, which means "carelessly or superficially done." Perfunctorius is derived from two Latin words: per-, which means "through," and fungi, which means "to perform."

Fungi is also the origin of the words function, defunct, and fungible, but not fungus; that word is also Latin, but it is most likely a modification of the Greek word spongos, which means "sponge."

Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" was first published in The New Yorker on June 26, 1948. The plot revolves around a fictitious small American town that has an annual tradition known as "the lottery," in which a member of the community is chosen at random and stoned.

To learn more about perfunctorily refer :



Can someone please help me with these questions??

1. Evaluate the poem, "Fable for When There's No Way Out."
How does the chick's experience relate to the human experience?

2. How is the theme of the poem, "Fable for When There's No Way Out" an example of "seeing common things in an uncommon way?"

3. To what extent can you agree with the author's advice? Base your answer upon a Scriptural principle. You may wish to refer to Philippians 4:13 and to Proverbs 16:32, or you may use other applicable passages with which you are familiar.

4. Write a poetic line that uses alliteration in at least three words.

5. Write a poetic line with at least three words illustrating the technique of consonance.

6. What quality of the locomotives does the consonance of the S and SH sounds in the sentence below suggest?
I hear the locomotives rushing and roaring, and the shrill steamwhistle.

7. What quality of the locomotives does the consonance of the R sound in the sentence below suggest?
I hear the locomotives rushing and roaring, and the shrill steamwhistle.


1) By stomping and breaking out of its shell, the chick's experience is very parallel to human experience in that humans too have to reach a point where they need to break free from certain limitations.

2) The poem "Fable for when there's no way out" is a fantastic example of "viewing common things in an uncommon way" since its common subject is to never give up until you've tried all you can.

3) The author's advice is very logical. It mirrors the message in Philippians 4:13 which indicates that anyone can achieve anything if they are strengthened by the Universe.

4) A poetic line that uses alliteration is "Starting small is synonymous to success"

5) A poetic line that uses consonance is: Real steps may encounter, a regress. But a rational reset will lead to success.

6) and 7) By utilizing SHrill, ruSHing, and Steam whiStle, the author is alluding to the sound and picture of a train, and the Steam whiStle is to indicate the steam rising from the train. The r in RuSHing now represents the locomotive's speed or power.

What is a consonance?

A phonological similarity between two words or a beginning rhyme (see also Alliteration). Consonance can also refer to consonants that are shared, whether in succession ("bed" and "bad") or in reverse ("bud" and "dab").

Because consonance encourages readers to pay greater attention to language, it can slow down the reading process while also boosting reading comprehension. Poets benefit from consonance because it stimulates repeated reading of a collection of words.

Learn more about Consonance:

In a one-paragraph rhetorical essay, compare and contrast how Walt Whitman in “I Hear America Singing” and Langston Hughes in “I, too” both use rhetorical choices to achieve their purposes for each one of their texts. Explain whether you feel they were successful, or not.


What is the poem "I Hear America Singing" trying to say? The poem's theme is that each person has a special task that must be completed for both their personal dignity and the benefit of society as a whole. Every person matters and their contributions to American life should be recognized.

What does I, Too, Sing America by Langston Hughes mean?

Because of his skin tone, he felt like an unremembered American citizen, which is how the poem conveys that. Even though he is continuously being ignored and hidden away by the dominant people of society because he is African American, Hughes declares in the brief poem that he, too, is an American.

There are many other similarities between the two poems. The titles are the first and most evident similarities. I Hear America Singing and I, Too, Sing America are two songs that feature or are about America. The two poems by the poets discuss their perceptions of America at the period they lived.

Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing" and Langston Hughes' "I, Too" both focus on announcing one's national identity. The terms "Sing" and "America," which denote a sense of patriotism, appear in both compositions. By singing about their nation, Americans can display their patriotism.

Whitman's main goal was to examine, talk about, and celebrate his unique personality, originality, and self. Second, he wished to praise democracy and the achievements and possibilities of the United States of America.

To Learn more about "I Hear America Singing" refer to :



in fame is a fickle food what quality do the repeated sounds create



the tone is that it could change in a second


Why is Richard so focused on winning the sales contest?


What assignment is this for ?

25 points
In this unit, you’ve looked at opposing viewpoints on issues that drove one of the most controversial eras in US history—the time before, during, and after the Civil War. As you know, some of the same issues still exist in twenty-first century American culture and politics. For example, race relations, civil rights, labor rights, and state versus federal control are still targets of movements for social change. And each issue meets up with resistance from opposing forces.

Choose a source of conflict that you are aware of in American culture now and describe it in this discussion forum. Would you consider it primarily an interpersonal conflict, a political conflict, or a social conflict? Does it have roots in the era of the Civil War, or is it a modern issue? Why do you think people are so passionate about the issue? What possibilities do you see for resolving the conflict, and how long might that take?


The topic we are discussing about here is Sexism, which means a prejudice or discrimination based on gender, most especially against women and girls.

What is the idea of Sexism?

In sociology, a sexism refers to an ideology based on the belief that one s-ex is superior to another. It is based on discrimination, prejudice or stereotyping on gender and is most often expressed toward women and girls.

The conflict that I know of in the American culture now is sexism. It is still a social conflict as well as a modern issue. To resolve this social conflict, I say we as a people should unite and treat each other equally.  There should be no such thing as a lesser or superior gender, citizens  need to get it out of their mind, most especially the males.

Even, in an organization, sexism leads to inefficient as it holds employees back and channels them into the wrong roles; this often results to organisations missing out on their employees' full potential.

Read more about sexism



The repetition of beginning sounds in words is


Answer: Alliteration

Explanation: because it's The repetition of a beginning consonant sound, usually in a line or verse or in a sentence.

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