What does the Serengeti ecosystem smell like?


Answer 1


Everywhere you look, the world is truly wild, in a way that's just breathtaking. What does it smell like? You wouldn't think it would be noteworthy, but the whole Serengeti smelled clean. Fresh, kind of, with just a trace of dust on the wind.Explanation:

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Help due soon I’ll give brainliest

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Which of the following would be made entirely of
nonrenewable resources?
A. A bedspread
B. Olive oil
C. A car engine
D. A textbook



C. A car engine


Renewable sources of energies are those who can grow again, such as trees and plants, or that can always reappear, such as wind and solar energy. Nonrenewable energy, however, cannot be regenerated, like oil and coal, or are mined minerals.

what is respiration


Answer: the action of breathing.

In a food chain, consumers gather energy by _______. Can someone plz help


consuming organisms at a lower trophic level


consuming organisms at a higher trophic level


decomposing dead organic matter


absorbing sunlight directly





l guess cos if u consider carnivores they feed on herbivores who are on a lower tropical level


The correct answer is A Consuming organisms at a lower tropic level



pls help ASAP no link​



atmosphere, underground, glaciers , Oceans.

water that falls from the clouds towards the ground like rain or snow or sleet

Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers.

Evapotranspiration is the sum of water evaporation and transpiration from a surface area to the atmosphere.

Please mark as brainliest if answer is right

Have a great day, be safe and healthy  

Thank u  


20. A group of animals with common traits that can mate and produce fertile young is called a
a. family
c. class
b. species
d. phylum



Different species are defined based on reproductive isolation.
answer: b. species

explanation: “a group of animals with common traits” is literally the definition of species.

Describe how amino acids are categorized by their chemical properties. Explain how a change in the amino acid sequence of the FXR1 protein could decrease the ability of the protein to bind to RNA .



The nature of amino acids can vary they can be acidic, alkaline, or neutral based on the functional group attached to their side-chain. The functional group of the amino acids determines the property of the hydro loving or phobic nature of particular amino acids. Interaction of different biomolecules depends on their affinities with one another such as hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, van der Waals interaction based on structural and fundamental unit or monomer of the biomolecule.

Based on the given explanation, we can say that if there is a modification in the sequence of the building block amino acid of the FXR1 protein, might lead to a decrease in affinity to bind to the RNA by changing in the binding domain of this protein. There might be a complete structural change such that it can no longer interact with RNA.

Amino acids are grouped on the basis of their side chains.

Amino acids are categorized on the basis of their side chain attachment. All the amino acids has a specific side chain which is known as an R group. This R group is also attached to the α carbon. The R groups consist of shapes, sizes, charges, and reactivities. This allows all amino acids to be grouped or categorized on the basis of their chemical properties of their side chains.

If there is a change occur in the sequence of the building block amino acid of the FXR1 protein, it might lead to a decrease of binding to the RNA. There might be a complete change in the structure which leads no more attachment with RNA so we can conclude that amino acids are grouped on the basis of their side chains.

Learn more about amino acids here: https://brainly.com/question/2526971

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/23468809

What is the trait called that "showed" up or was "expressed" in all of the offspring?
A. Offspring

B. Heredity

C. Dominant

D. Recessive



C. Dominant trait

What do the circled letters on the outside of the Punnett square in the attached figure represent?



The circled letters represent the genotypes of the two parents

The top 2 letters (A a) is the genotype of one of the parents

The 2 letters on the far left (AA) is the genotype of the other parent

Nitrogen is present in the environment in chemical forms like

A) Organic nitrogen - containing compounds
B) Ammonium ions
C) Nitrate
D) All of the above


The best answer to go with is b

Can someone tell me how sedimentary rocks usually form ? ( please one simple sentence)


Answer: many various sediments carried over time all compile to create a new rocks


Hope this helps

please help!!!!!!!!!!!!


The answer is C an increased cardiac output helps deliver more nutrients and oxygen to the working muscles.

Which of the following is the correct order of the categories in the modern system of classification?


Answer: is c


Acid rain can have a pH between 1.5 and 5.0. The effect of acid rain on the environment depends on
me pH of the rain and the characteristics of the environment. It appears that acid rain has a negative effect
un plants. The scale below shows the pH of normal rain.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314
PH Scalo
Provide the information requested In questions 41-43 that should be included in a research plan to test the
effect of
pH on the early growth of bean plants in the laboratory.

Q: State a hypothesis, identify the independent variable and state 2 factors that should be kept constant



what effects do the pH has on different conditions of weather


ketp constant is the temperature....independent variable is time

Acid rain can have a pH between 1.5 and 5.0. The effect of acid rain on the environment depends on the pH of the rain and the characteristics of the environment. It appears that acid rain has a negative effect on plants.

Can acid rain hurt you?

Acid rain does not directly harm the human body, but the resulting sulfur dioxide can cause health problems. In particular, sulfur dioxide particles in the air can promote chronic lung problems such as asthma and bronchitis.

Acid rain or acid deposit is a broad term that includes all forms of precipitation, including acidic components such as sulfuric acid and nitric acid, falling from the atmosphere into the ground in a moist or dry form. This can be rain, snow, fog, hail, and even acidic dust.

Learn more about Acid rain here: https://brainly.com/question/6700006


What 3 structures do plant cells have that animal cells do not have?



A cell wall, chloroplasts, plastids, (and in some cases vacuoles but they are sometimes present in both)





It Is Number 3 My Grandmother Is A Doctor


Trust Me Its Number 3 She Has Been Working For 15 years btw

Blood flow to the foot will decrease causing pain. Disregard the other answer .. . Grandma is wrong. Decreased blood flow and pain are characteristic of peripheral artery disease. The pain is a result of ischemia due to the atherosclerotic plaque occluding blood flow.

Which of the following describes a scenario that would result in the phenotypic change shown in the graph?

A) A fish that has mouth parts adapted to eat moderately sized prey is introduced into a lake in which there are only large and small prey.

B) A population of mice live on the ground and in short trees. An invasive, tree-dwelling snake that preys on the mice is introduced into the area.

C) Climate change-induced warming of arctic tundra reduces average snow cover that lighter-colored arctic
foxes rely on for camouflage. Darker-colored arctic foxes are better suited to the exposed moss and grass habitat.

D) House sparrows that lay smaller-than-average clutches of eggs produce fewer viable offspring, while larger-than-average clutches of eggs result in malnourished chicks that have a higher mortality.



C) Climate change-induced warming of arctic tundra reduces average snow cover that lighter-colored arctic foxes rely on for camouflage. Darker-colored arctic foxes are better suited to the exposed moss and grass habitat.

The graph shows how 'climate change reduces snow cover that lighter-colored arctic foxes rely on for camouflage, whereas darker arctic foxes are better suited'.

What is adaptation?

Adaptation refers to the emergence of phenotypic characteristics to face environmental factors.

Adaptations are evolutionary responses to challenging environmental conditions.

Adaptations are fundamental during environmental change (e.g., (climate change).

In conclusion, the graph shows how 'climate change reduces snow cover that lighter-colored arctic foxes rely on for camouflage, whereas darker arctic foxes are better suited'.

Learn more in:


Mention the three types of collisions involved in convergent boundaries.



Oceanic-oceanic boundaries

Oceanic-continental boundaries

Continental-continental boundaries

Hope it helps ya...!!

Which of the following statements for artificial selection are true?

A).Artificial selection is the intentional breeding of organisms for desirable traits
B).Artificial selection can only be seen in animals
C).Artificial selection is the breeding of plants and animals without interference
D).Artificial selection can only be seen in plants



A) Artificial selection is the intentional breeding of organisms for desirable traits.

Read the following selection from the section
"Another Threat To Sea Otters."
It reveals how this view of the food
chain, from the top to the bottom.
provides us with an illuminating new
way of looking at nature and its tightly
interwoven components.
Which two words would BEST replace
illuminating" and "components in the selection above?

A. inspiring; traits
B. captivating; aspects
C. convincing; segments
D. enlightening: elements





Illuminating gives the reader the idea that some new information has been brought to attention, but that is not the case in this text. Enlighten means to give some a better, deeper knowledge on something, which better fits here. Component means part of an element, to narrow compared to elements incontext.

Your best answer here would be D, enlightening, and elements.

Describe the mutation that confers resistance to infection to a major strain of HIV.



BIKTARVY® is indicated as a complete regimen for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adult and pediatric patients weighing ≥25 kg who have no antiretroviral (ARV) treatment history or to replace the current ARV regimen in those who are virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies per mL) on a stable ARV regimen with no history of treatment failure and no known resistance to any component of BIKTARVY.

What happens to the digested food? The small intestine absorbs most of the nutrients in your food, and your circulatory system passes them on to other parts of your body to store or use. Special cells help absorbed nutrients cross the intestinal lining into your bloodstream.



The small intestine absorbs most of the nutrients in your food, and your circulatory system passes them on to other parts of your body to store or use. Special cells help absorbed nutrients cross the intestinal lining into your bloodstream

Which measurement unit represents volume?



Liter is a measurement unit that represents vume.

I will give brain to the correct answer!

Which statement best explains how sewage systems help fight the spread of disease?

A. They carry antibiotics that kill pathogens

B. They carry human waste to treatment facilities away from cities

C. They kill animals that spread pathogenic bacteria

D. They add chlorine to drinking water before it is transported to homes.​



As I think option D is the correct one.




a p e x

What is the history of Gene Therapy?



The concepts of gene therapy arose initially during the 1960s and early 1970s whilst the development of genetically marked cells lines and the clarification of mechanisms of cell transformation by the papaovaviruses polyoma and SV40 was in progress.



The concept of gene therapy arose during the 1960s and 1970s and is still in its infancy, meaning there is a paucity of reliable, long-term data on the safety and efficacy of this therapy.


i have to give credit to...

Dr. Ananya Mandal, MD

and here is the website https://www.news-medical.net/health/Gene-Therapy-History.aspx

mkdoyle27 had my answer so i put something else her answer came from... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1303270/#:~:text=The%20concepts%20of%20gene%20therapy,and%20SV40%20was%20in%20progress.

Anand I was asking to prepare slogans to participate in a rally to create awareness on conservation of soil. help him and write the slogans ​



''Protect the soil is to protect life on earth'' and ''Protect the soil to ensure human survival'' .


''Protect the soil is to protect life on earth'' and ''Protect the soil to ensure human survival'' are the slogans to create awareness on conservation of soil. In these slogans, a very important message is given to the people is that soil is important for the survival of humans and other creatures on this planet because this soil provides food which is the main source of survival. If there is no soil , no food will be produced which leads to the death and extinction of all humans.

I NEED THIS NOW!! No links

What does it mean when a substance sinks in water?

It is malleable.

It is not soluble.

Its density is less than water's density.

Its density is greater than water's density.


1.) The density of an object determines whether it will float or sink in another substance.
An object will float if it is less dense than the liquid it is placed in.
An object will sink if it is more dense than the liquid it is placed in.

Change up the words dk about the rest

Mountain building happens as a result of –

Question 3 options:

Two continental plates converging

Two oceanic plates converging

Two continental plates transforming


two continental plates converging

The bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus are frequently used in the production of yogurt. there



The bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus are frequently used in the production of yogurt. These bacteria use lactic acid fermentation when oxygen is not available.

The bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus are frequently used in the production of yogurt. These bacteria use lactic acid fermentation when oxygen is not available.

I hope it helps you :)

Which of these is an example of ACTIVE immunity?
A.) A baby receiving breast milk from a well vaccinated adult with a strong immune system.
B.) A person receiving a Hepatitis B vaccine prior to entering the healthcare field.
C.) A person receiving a tetanus shot after cutting themselves on a rusty metal nail.
D.) A person receiving an antivenom after a snake bite.



I think the option b is correct

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