What does the government own in a mixed economy?


Answer 1

While a command economy is heavily regulated and controlled by the government, a mixed economy has little to no regulation from it. In a mixed economy, governments let corporations to make a profit, but the amount of that profit may be constrained by taxes or tariffs.

For instance, the United States has a mixed economy, which maintains the majority of the ownership of the means of production in private hands while also including elements like agricultural subsidies, manufacturing regulations, and partial or total public ownership of some industries like postal service and national defense.

The goals are to: 1. Increase economic system efficiency; 2. Manage externalities and public goods 3. Giving accurate information. In a command economy, the government owns and manages all resources. Private persons are permitted to own and control part (if not all) of the production components in a mixed system. An economy with a mixed economic structure permits private property ownership but also includes some government intervention. Governments have the power to regulate in a mixed economy if they believe it will benefit everyone.

Learn more about mixed economy visit: brainly.com/question/10639562


Related Questions

which type of will involves serious risks of invalidity that the form is out of date with respect to current law?


A will that specifies an executor or an exception has a significant risk of being declared invalid since the form is no longer lawful under the law. Option (d) is Correct.

The person in charge of running the operations of a decedent's probate estate is known as the executor (for men) or executrix (for women). The chosen word is the same as the personal representative. It can be a smart idea to name a family member as executor if you believe they can handle the responsibility. Examples include naming a grandchild who is an adult, a niece or nephew, or one of your offspring.

A woman who has been charged with carrying out a final will and testament's instructions is known as an executrix. Both an executrix and an executor are accountable for the same things. The executor's primary responsibility is to follow out the deceased's instructions for managing their affairs and wishes. If there was no prior appointment, the executor is chosen either by the testator—the person who creates the will—or by the court.

Learn more about law visit: brainly.com/question/22967374


Correct Question:

Which type of will involves serious risks of invalidity and may not reflect the provisions of current law?

A. marital share

B. statutory

C. formal

D. exemption trust

E. living

What is Douglass's purpose in describing the experiences of other slaves?


Douglass also makes a case for the cruelness of slavery by drawing on the experiences of other slaves. After detailing Mr. Gore's murders of Demby, Douglass adds a number of related anecdotes.

What made Frederick Douglass most well-known?

The Chronicle of History of Frédéric Douglass, A American Slave, Released by Himself, his debut book, launched him to fame in 1845. He collaborated with renowned suffragists as Gerrit Smith and William Lloyd Garrison during most of his professional life, dedicating the most of it to the battle against slavery.

Why did Frederick Douglass decide to end slavery?

For Douglass, liberty was a natural right because it was clearly stated in the Declaration as a fundamental right. Douglass, who disagreed from Garrison, also believed that the authors of the U.S. The U.S. Constitution called for the eventual abolition of slavery.

To know more about Frederick Douglass visit:



You may be able to deduct the amount you paid for health insurance for yourself, your spouse, and your dependents on schedule 1 if what of the following statements is true.
Select one:
a. You are self-employed and had a net profit for the year reported on Schedule C
b. You were a partner with net earnings from self-employment
c. You used one of the optional methods to figure your net earnings from self-employment.
d. All of these
e. None of these


Based on the rules on health insurance and tax deductions, you may be able to deduct the amount you paid for health insurance for yourself, your spouse, and your dependents on schedule 1 if All of the above options.

What is a Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction

Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction is a term that is used to describe the special personal deduction that allows self-employed people who qualify to deduct 100% of their health insurance premiums for themselves, their spouses, and their dependents.

Generally, the Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction is aimed at reducing the burden of health care expenses, which is only applicable to your federal, state, and local income taxes.

Self-employed people that can have these questions must meet the followings:You are self-employed and had a net profit for the year reported on Schedule CYou were a partner with net earnings from self-employmentYou used one of the optional methods to figure out your net earnings from self-employment.You have no other health insurance coverage

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option D. All of the above.

Learn more about Health Insurance deductions here: https://brainly.com/question/29620938


Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment before beginning operations. So, the correct answer is option b.

The main federal law in the United States addressing water pollution is the Clean Water Act (CWA). Its goals are to improve wastewater treatment, maintain the integrity of wetlands, and restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters. It also acknowledges the states' obligations to address pollution and offers support to them in doing so, including funding for publicly owned treatment facilities.

The CWA expressly forbids the discharge of any pollution from a point source to surface waters unless it complies with its criteria, and the Act has since 1972 maintained the removal of all point-source discharges to surface waters by 1985 as an official "national goal."

To know more about Clean Water Act visit:



What are the three main parts of the executive office?


The Executive Office consists of The President, Vice President and the Cabinet.

The direct staff of the President, along with organisations like the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of the United States Trade Representative, make up the Executive Office of the President (EOP). The President of the United States, who serves as both the nation's head of state and military commander-in-chief, is given control over the Executive Branch. The President must select the leaders of all government agencies, which also includes the Cabinet, so that they can carry out and enforce the laws passed by the Congress. Another member of the Executive Branch who is prepared to take over as President when time demands is the Vice President.

Learn more about Executive Office here:



When an agent breaches the agency agreement or agency duties under a contract, the principal has a right to avoid any contract entered into with the agent. This right of avoidance is at the election of the principle.


" When an agent breaches the agency agreement or agency duties under a contract, the principal has a right to avoid any contract entered into with the agent. This right of avoidance is at the election of the principle." This statement is True.

A settlement is a manifestation of mutual assent through two or more people to each other. it's miles a meeting of the minds in a not unusual intention and is made thru provide and acceptance. A settlement can be shown from phrases, conduct, and in a few cases, even silence. agreement means that sentence parts are in shape. topics have to consider verbs, and pronouns should believe antecedents. Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural topics want plural verbs. In grammar, variety refers to the two styles of a phrase: singular (one) or plural (more than one).

An agreement is a settlement, however, a settlement isn't always usually a settlement. A settlement can be informal or it may be written; a settlement may be verbal or written, however, a settlement will constantly be enforceable if it consists of sure necessities.

Learn more about the agreement here: https://brainly.com/question/24460932


What is NGO list out its types and characteristics?


Non-governmental organizations, or NGOs,  crucial to philanthropy, aid,  international development. NGOs  frequently non-profit organizations with annual expenditures, range millions to billions of dollars.

For instance, what are NGOs?

The phrase "non-governmental organization," or "NGO," is quite inclusive and refers to a wide range of groups. International charities like OXFAM and Save the Children are among them, as are research centers, churches, community-based organizations, lobbying groups, and trade associations.

What exactly are NGOs, and what do they do?

Non-governmental organization is referred to as an NGO. Although there isn't a single, universally agreed definition of the an NGO, it's often a volunteer organization or group with a social objective that runs unaffiliated with the government. All across the world, NGOs and other organizations of a similar nature operate.

To know more about NGOs visit:



Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


The Water Power Corporation must install certain equipment in accordance with the regulations of the Clean Water Act because the operations to be commenced by the Water Power Corporation generate waste that will be discharged into navigable waters. This was done when b. Before beginning operations.

What is wastewater?

Wastewater is the remaining water that is disposed of originating from households, industries, and other public places, and generally contains materials or substances that can be harmful to human health and disrupt the environment.

Disposal of wastewater without being processed first has an impact on living things, for example, wastewater will cause a decrease in dissolved oxygen levels in the water. As a result, life in water requires oxygen to be disrupted and reduces its development. So a tool is needed to process the wastewater before it is discharged into the waters.

Learn more about the type of waste here :


What was a major reason for the US entry into WWI?


Wilson's decision to take the United States into World War I was primarily motivated by Germany's decision to resume submarine attacks on passenger and commerce ships in 1917.

But by January 1917, things had altered in Germany. Representatives of the German Navy persuaded the military hierarchy and Kaiser Wilhelm II during a wartime conference that month that resuming unrestricted submarine warfare could help defeat Great Britain within five months. The "Sussex commitment" might be broken, according to German policymakers, because the United States could no longer be regarded as a neutral party after providing armaments and financial support to the Allies. Germany also thought that by agreeing to the Allied blockade of Germany, the United States had compromised its neutrality.

Know more about Germany here:



What is another name for a trial simulation?
O A. mistrial
O B. mock trial
O C. bench trial
O D.voir dire



Mock trial


A mock trial is a simulation of a trial in a courtroom.

Another name for a trial simulation is mock trial. Thus, the correct answer is option (B).

What is a mock trial?

A mock trial is a trial that is performed or imitated. Mock trials are similar to moot courts in that they simulate lower-court trials, whereas moot courts simulate appellate court hearings.

Attorneys preparing for a real trial may conduct a mock trial with volunteers acting as role players to test theories or experiment with one another. Mock trial is also the name of an after-school programme in which students compete in rehearsed trials to learn about the legal system.

Mock trial is frequently taught in conjunction with a trial advocacy course or as an after-school enrichment activity. Some gifted and talented programmes may take place in one as well.

Therefore, mock trial is another name for a trial simulation.

To learn more about mock trial, click here:



Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


According to question, Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment before beginning operations .

Option B is correct .

Protecting both the environment and human health is the mission of the Environmental Protection Agency, a federal government agency in the United States. The manufacture, transformation, use, and disposal of chemicals and other pollutants are all under the EPA's jurisdiction.

If harmful substances are released from a facility, potentially responsible parties can escape responsibility by shifting ownership . By transferring ownership, potentially culpable parties can avoid responsibility in the event that dangerous substances spill from a facility, a damaging crime.

To know more about Clean Water Act visit :



What was the consequence of the georgia general assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction?


According to question, by September 1868, the General Assembly had temporarily evicted every African-American man. Before the 1870 session's end, an act of Congress restored their membership.

Republican Rutherford B. Hayes was elected president under the informal, unwritten Compromise of 1877, which settled the contentious 1876 presidential election, on the condition that he would withdraw federal forces from South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana.

The other Trustees, including General James Oglethorpe, were not morally opposed to the enslavement of Africans. Slavery was outlawed in Georgia because it went against their social and economic goals.

To know more about Act of Congress visit :



George Washington was at a disadvantage because the Constitution did not contain the following about the executive branch:


George Washington was at a disadvantage because the Constitution did not contain the details about how the President should govern.

George Washington was called as the "Father of His Country" by his citizens. In addition to serving as the country's first president, he oversaw the Constitution-writing convention and led the Continental Army throughout the American Revolution (1775–83).

He served as the Constitutional Convention's chairman and was chosen as the country's first president. He was in charge of implementing the Constitution's strong central government. He came up with a strategy to address the nation's debt issue.

In the American Revolutionary War, he served as a general as well. The most serious issues George Washington had to deal while being the first US president was the national debt accrued during the Revolutionary War.

To know more about 'George Washington' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/14598321


Are there any limitations to the student's freedom of speech outside of school hours or off shool campus?


Off campus, students have broad First Amendment rights as long as their expression does not pose a serious risk to academic integrity and order.

What does the word "amend" mean?

The provisions of a contractual or other instrument may be amended or supplemented. An addition or alteration that essentially preserves the original document's integrity is called an amendment. Other times, a change can totally remove the previous text and add new text in its place.

Why is it dubbed a "modification"?

Its foundation is the verb amend, who means to improve. By amending the treaties, provisions can be added, removed, or modified. They are typically employed when writing a new document is preferred than updating an old one. The amendment process is exclusive to the legislative branch.

To know more about Amendment visit:



Which statement best describes Laertes development between act and act?


The easiest way to sum up Laertes' growth between acts is to say that he gets more motivated to pursue political power.

What do you meaning by development?

Development is a multifaceted process that involves the reorganisation and reorientation of the entire economic AND social system rather than being merely an economic occurrence. Three equally significant parts make up the process of development, which aims to improve the quality of all human lives. Better Economic Opportunities Result from Development. Jobs are produced as a country develops more. This makes it possible for more people to find high-quality, reliable employment and support themselves and their families.

What is the ultimate goal of development?

The fundamental aim of human development is to create the conditions necessary for individuals to lead meaningful lives. Learning and development boost productivity, assist businesses attract and keep top personnel, and help businesses turn a profit. Then, it would seem that we should first comprehend what learning and growth are and who the main players are before moving on.

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Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in a. penalties and damages. b. penalties only. c. damages only. d. none of the choices.


According to question, Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in penalties and damages .

Option A is correct .

Protecting both the environment and human health is the mission of the Environmental Protection Agency, a federal government agency in the United States. The manufacture, transformation, use, and disposal of chemicals and other pollutants are all under the EPA's jurisdiction.

Potentially culpable parties can shield themselves from accountability by changing ownership in the event that dangerous chemicals are released from a facility. 35. Possible liable parties can escape accountability in the event of a leak of hazardous chemicals from a facility by changing ownership. a harmful tort.

To know more about Estuary Bay visit :



creosote inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the environmental protection agency has set maximum levels of emission. the plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely


The plant doesn't employ machinery to lower its emissions. It's likely that this violates the clean air act. As a result, choice A is accurate.

The Clean Air Act, the primary federal law governing air quality in the US, aims to control and reduce air pollution on a national level. It was initially passed in 1963 and has since undergone multiple changes. It is one of the first and most significant modern environmental laws in the US. Each non-compliant vehicle or engine, each instance of tampering or the sale of a defeat device, and each day the violation persists are punished by civil fines of up to $45,268 for each infraction.

It allocates $87 million "to ensure that reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are achieved via use of existing authorities" and reiterates the agency's duty to regulate greenhouse gases in a newly added section 135 of the Clean Air Act.

To know more about clean air act: brainly.com/question/10254492


under this act, what’s the maximum amount you’re liable for if a stranger uses your credit card without authorization?


Under the Fair Credit Billing Act, the maximum amount you are liable for is $50 if a stranger uses your credit card without authorization.

The Fair Credit Billing Act is a 1974 federal law which was enacted to protect consumers from unfair credit billing practices and allows individuals to dispute unauthorized charges and undelivered goods or services. The act is enforced by Federal Trade Commission which covers "open-end" credit accounts. The Act provides consumers with protection from unfair billing practices such as: charges not authorized by the consumer, charges with the wrong date or amount, charges on goods or services that weren't delivered, charges for goods or services that are received by not as described, calculation errors, charges for which the consumer needs clarification, and statements delivered to an incorrect address. For consumers, if an unauthorized user makes purchases with a card, the card holder's liabilities are limited to $50.

Learn more about Fair Credit Billing Act:



What reason did Wilson give Congress for entering WWI?


Wilson highlighted Mexico's attempts to form an alliance against the United States as well as Germany's breach of its agreement to halt unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic.

President Woodrow Wilson requested a declaration of war against Germany in front of a joint session of Congress on April 2, 1917. Wilson highlighted Mexico's attempts to form an alliance against the United States as well as Germany's breach of its agreement to halt unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean as justifications for starting a war. The resolution to declare war on Germany was approved by the Senate of the United States on April 4, 1917. Two days later, the House agreed. On December 7, 1917, the United States formally declared war on Austria-Hungary, a German ally.

Know more about Wilson here:



How did T Jeff use rhetorical appeals and devices to accomplish his purpose?


Jefferson used rhetorical devices and appeal to accompliseh his purpose very smartly. An appeal refers to  logos because he is demonstrating his reasons as to why the king is unfit and why the colonists don't consider themselves free.

He used rhetorical devices like parallelism and repetition to explain the reasonings of the Colonists decision to break their bonds with the King and Britain. He used of parallelism helped clarify his message to the King.

Rhetorical devices can be used to create emphasis in your story. It is refers to different ways you can do this  from analogies, such as similes and metaphors, to repeating words or phrases within a sentence while adding more details and repeating an thought using different words.

Learn more about Rhetorical devices click the link here:



Which is a step in the formation of a jury ?


A step in the formation of a jury is master jury list.

The right to trial by jury in criminal cases is ensured by the 6th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as the laws of each and every state. Legal counselors and judges select juries by a cycle known as "Voir dire," which is Latin for "to speak the truth." In Voir dire, the appointed authority and lawyers for the two sides ask potential hearers inquiries to decide whether they are able and reasonable to serve for the situation. Mistakes during jury choice are shared beliefs for offer in criminal cases.

The jury magistrate will deliver an master jury list. The master jury list will be contained the names and addresses of qualified people who dwell in the area and will remember people for the citizen enrollment rundown of the region, different people qualified for jury administration who have been authorized as per title 28, part 8, article 4 or 5 and people from different not entirely set in stone by the high court. The master jury list will be ready to stay away from duplication of the names of qualified legal hearer competitors.

Know more about Master Jury List - https://brainly.com/question/8002244


define the marbury v. madison supreme court decision (while using at least 2 of the following terms: unconstitutional, judicial review, precedent, interpretation, landmark case).


The Marbury v. Madison case established the "judicial review" theory, according to which the high court has the authority to deem congressional acts illegal.

Is it illegal if something is unconstitutional?

One source of regulation is the Constitution. It is "unconstitutional" to do anything while the Constitution is being broken. Putting legal jargon aside, the phrase "contrary to the Constitution" means exactly what it says. Everything that is illegal is unlawful since the Law is a source of regulation.

What qualifies as a constitutional violation?

This court case had a big impact because it was the first occasion the Supreme Court declared something unconstitutional. Any law or action taken by a govt official that violates the Constitution of the United States is known as being unconstitutional.

To know more about unconstitutional visit:



based on the estates & trusts outline, if a man is married, has no children, has one living parent, and dies "intestate," the surviving wife will generally receive how much of the property that must go through "probate?"


Intestate Estate, Section 2-210 of the Uniform Probate Code (p. 27-28). Property passes according to intestacy laws if there is no will. Testators may make wills. According to the testator's or testatrix's desires, a will is said to have "gone through probate" when someone passes away intestate (without a will).

What is probate?

The legal authority to manage someone's assets (their "estate") after their death is known as probate. Prior to obtaining probate, you shouldn't make any financial decisions or list any property for sale. If there is a will, the process of proving its validity and determining who is authorized to manage the decedent's inheritance is known as probate. The legal procedure known as "probate" is used to settle an estate or "prove" a will in court so that it is recognized as the true last bequest of the deceased.

What happens at probate court?

Depending on the intricacy of the estate, court proceedings may or may not take place, but in many instances, the final hearing will be held in person so that the personal representative may present the probate case to the judge for approval. Sometimes the full procedure can be carried out remotely. For instance, some smaller estates in Alaska may be able to obtain the judge's consent by filing a sworn declaration rather than appearing in person at a hearing.

To know more about Probate visit:



how would the federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment?


During recessions, the Federal Reserve utilizes a variety of monetary policy measures to assist lower unemployment and re-inflate prices, in such a way, it stimulates the United States economy.

What is the significance of the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve System, also known as the Federal Reserve or The United States' central bank. The Congress established it to give the nation with a more secure, adaptable, and stable monetary and financial system.

During recessions, the Federal Reserve employs a number of monetary policy instruments to aid in the reduction of unemployment and the re-inflation of prices.

Therefore, under the Federal Reserve, available are open market discount lending, asset acquisitions, reserve regulation, and forward guidance to influence market expectations.

Learn more about the Federal Reserve, refer to:



What are some pathos words?


Some pathos words include sorrow, heartbreak, anguish, heartache, grief, misery, seriousness and woe.

- Pathos is the ability to evoke feelings of sympathy, benevolent sadness, or compassion whether it be through a literary work, a musical composition, a speech, or another form of expression.

- Since the 16th century, when the Greek word pathos was introduced to English, it has come to imply "suffering," "experience," or "passion," and for English speakers, it typically relates to the feelings evoked by tragedy or by the portrayal of tragedy. In English, pathos has a large number of kin.

- Pathos is the ability of a character, circumstance, work of literature, or other artistic creation to evoke feelings of melancholy, especially when people are sympathetic: There is a pathos in his performance that he never lets veer into sentimentality.

To know more about pathos, kindly click on the link below :



what kind of evidence concerning radioactivity informed sweden’s nuclear power policy?


Contaminated crops and cow's milk evidence  concerning radioactivity informed Sweden’s nuclear power policy .  

Currently, almost 30% of Sweden's total national electricity supply comes from nuclear power. Six reactors altogether among the nation's three nuclear power stations are now in use. Forsmark, Oskarshamn, and Ringhals plants are the three NPPs in question.

Sweden is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a state without nuclear weapons. When the nation ratified the Treaty in 1968, it halted nuclear weapons research that had been carried out since the Second World War.

To know more about radioactivity visit :



Who approved the original Constitution?


Once nine of thirteen State governments had approved the Constitution, it would go into force.

What does the constitution do, and why?

A constitution is simultaneously a governmental, legal, and social tool. Legally, it provides a solid legal framework and safeguards human rights. Since its contents constitute a better or higher law, they serve as the basis for all regulations, laws, institutions, and procedures.

the first ten amendments, what are they?

The first ten Amendment are known as the Bill of Rights. It outlines the rights of Americans with regard to their governments. Individuals are given civil rights and privileges like free speech, freedom of the press, and of religion.

To know more about Constitution visit:



true or false? trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.



true or false? trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.


How do you become a jury in court?


Each court should randomly selects the names of the jury from the lists of registered voters and people with drivers licenses who live in that district. People those selected randomly complete a questionnaire form to help to determined that  if they are qualified to serve on a jury.

For becoming a jury in court must ensure to eligible all the specification that must be compulsory like citizenship of United States, be at least 18 years of age, reside primarily in the judicial district for one year ,be adequately proficient in English to satisfactorily complete the juror qualification form.

Not having a disqualification of  mental or physical condition not currently be subject to felony charges by imprisonment for more than one year & never have been convicted of a felony.

Learn more about Jury qualifications click the link here:



What are the vice president's 2 main roles ?


As head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the President of the United States holds the authority of the Executive Branch.

The President picks the leaders of federal agencies, including the Cabinet, with the goal of putting into effect and upholding the laws passed by Congress. Additionally a member of the Executive Branch, the Vice President is prepared, to take over as President if necessary.

The daily administration and enforcement of federal legislation are under the control of the Cabinet and autonomous federal agencies. The goals and objectives of these departments and organizations are as dissimilar from one another as those of the Department of Defense, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Social Security Administration, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Learn more about President here



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A firm is operating in the United States with only two other competitors in the industry.a. It is likely this industry would be characterized as:multiple choice 1monopolistically competitive.pure monopoly.perfectly competitive.oligopoly. Use your knowledge of social networking sites and the vocabulary that you learned in this unit to create a personal profile page in French. Review the Social Networking tutorial to fill out each category in the table correctly.For this task, you can use information that is specific to you, or you can make up information. As always, be creative and practice the vocabulary you learned. Insert a picture (of you or someone else) above the table, then fill out the table. Comparative Vs. SuperlativeComplete the sentences using the comparative form.1. It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere____ (quit)?2. The weather is too cold here. I'd like to live somewhere______ (warm)3. You're talking very loudly. Can you speak_____ (quiet)4. 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By rounding to the nearest whole dollar, find an estimate of the cost for a family with 2 adults and 3 children to visit the garden show.thes are the answersA. $21B. $23C. $24D. $26 What is the equation of the line through 1 2 so that the segment of the line intercepted between the axes is? A person invests 3500 dollars in a bank. The bank pays 6.75% interest compoundedquarterly. To the nearest tenth of a year, how long must the person leave the moneyin the bank until it reaches 8500 dollars?ntA = P(1+2) " Knowledge of letter names and fluency of letter naming in Kindergarten are among the best ______ of later reading success.