What does Juliet threaten Lady Capulet with and how does Lady Capulet respond?

A Juliet says she will run away if forced to marry Paris. Her mother tells her that is probably the best plan because Capulet will not change his mind.

B Juliet says she will kill herself if forced to marry Paris. Her mother tells her to be patient and wait for Capulet's rage to calm.

C Juliet says she will run away if forced to marry Paris. Her mother tries to calm and says that she will "commend" Juliet to her father.

D Juliet says she will kill herself if forced to marry Paris. Her mother basically tells her to go ahead.


Answer 1


choice B


Juliet says that she will kill herself if forced to marry Paris. Her mother tells her to be patient and wait for Capulet's rage to calm

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49. If I stay in town this summer I'd like to work at the zoo.
summer, I'd like to work
A. Summer, I’d like to work
c. summer; I'd like to work,
b. summer I'd like, to work
d. Correct as is



summer, I'd like to work

Describe a challenge Maniac overcame and how he overcame it​





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passive voice: He had been  explained by the Doctor.

How does the word choice in the following quote develop the tone of the paragraph? “where there was nothing but mud and a few plants to grab on to if you slipped, plants that would rip right out of the ground, plants that wouldn’t stop you if you fell, nothing but your screams between you and the rocks below.”

It conveys an angry tone through phrases like “nothing” and “rip.”
It conveys a mocking tone through phrases like “a few plants” and “slipped.”
It conveys a frightened tone through phrases like “grab,” “rip,” and “screams.”
It conveys an accepting tone through phrases like “nothing” and “wouldn’t stop.”



It conveys an angry tone through phrases like “nothing” and “rip.”


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1. How do the first 2 lines of the poem frame the speaker's tone and
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Ndnjdjdjdjxjxjxjxjnxnxnndjjdjdjd ndndjjxjxjx
I guess he/she is gone die soon their saying they don’t wanna die but they have no choice maybe their gettin old or something

What does it mean pay date?


What Is a Payment Date? A payment date, also known as the pay or payable date, is the day on which a declared stock dividend is scheduled to be paid to eligible investors. This date can be up to a month after the ex-dividend date

Write a few sentences about your most treasured possession without saying what it is. Use at least two phrasal verbs.



Sentences about my most valued possession, with two phrasal verbs


I use it to roam around & enjoy.

It is very convenient & easy to use, adds a lot of comfort to my life.

It adds efficiency & enjoyment to my short route travel.

Its simple to clean it up .

I drop off my friends , using it also.

Comment on the
new delhi 1974 poem​



What do you mean?


What is this question? I'd like to help.

Read the excerpt below:

As of now, if a child is brought into the country illegally, there is no method for becoming a
documented resident. Congress should consider giving undocumented students an opportunity
to gain legal status by passing the DREAM act, a bill that would provide certain illegal students
who graduate from US high schools, who are of good moral character, and who arrived in the
U.S. as minors, the opportunity to earn permanent residency. It was introduced in the United States Senate, and the United States House of Representatives on March 26, 2009. Passing
the DREAM Act would encourage undocumented students to achieve in school and become
helpful members of our society. This opportunity for education would allow them to obtain
good jobs and salaries and thus get off the welfare system and stay out of crime.

The purpose of this passage is ...*

•To explain how the DREAM act impacts undocumented children in the United States.

•To explain how the DREAM act was introduced in Congress.

•To argue that the DREAM act would ultimately help undocumented students become productive members of society.

•To argue that the DREAM act would solve the immigration issues our country experiences.


Answer: C, To argue that the DREAM act would ultimately help undocumented students become productive members of society.

Explanation: The key part of this exceprt is "Congress should consider..."

This indicates that there is an argument being presented in the excerpt, and this doesn't accurately describe solving any immigration issues so the answer is C.

Write two or three sentences discussing your opinion of the necessity of a green economy.  Use at least three of your vocabulary words.​



In a green economy, growth in employment and income are driven by public and private investment into such economic activities, infrastructure and assets that allow reduced carbon emissions and pollution, enhanced energy and resource efficiency, and prevention of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.



How does the narrator describe Uncle Matt's transformation after
Emily's death?
He has become more quiet and forlorn.
He has become more driven and passionate.
He has become more impulsive and carefree.
kids go,
ed up in
He has become more understanding and sympathetic.



It’s b


I just took it

Identify the errors in the given paragraph and rewrite the paragraph by adding appropriate Punctuation marks.

Have you ever noticed that the celebration of easter is not on the same date every year it can be anywhere between 22 march and 25 april the date is set within a week of the first full moon after 21 march it is believed that the holiday was named after the ancient Germanic goddess eastre she was the symbol of the rabbit and the egg both of these symbols are linked to rebirth and new life



Have you ever noticed that the celebration of Easter is not on the same date every year? It can be anywhere between the 22nd of March and 25th of April. The date is set within a week of the first full moon, after 21st of March. It is believed that the holiday was named after the ancient Germanic goddess, Eastre. She was the symbol of the rabbit and the egg; both of these symbols are linked to rebirth and new life.

I noticed there were a few other errors so I also fixed that as well ^^

I hope this helps


Have you ever noticed that the celebration of Easter is not on the same date every year? It can be anywhere between the 22nd of March and 25th of April. The date is set within a week of the first full moon, after 21st of March. It is believed that the holiday was named after the ancient Germanic goddess, Eastre. She was the symbol of the rabbit and the egg; both of these symbols are linked to rebirth and new life.


NO LINKS OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED! Only answer if you're very good at English.

What is the correct meaning of the word specialize?

Rene wants to take several cooking classes before he is ready to specialize.

A: Produce

B: Work


D: Decide





Number 11
choose three of the words to use in a sentence


Answer: concept: I have no concept about what it is like.

Transition: We were forced into a transition without being prepared for it.

Flair: Anna demonstrated her flair for drama.

I think no one will answer by question correctly but if anyone does i would appreciate it so much that I'd give you 5 stars, a thanks, and brainliest.

My question: Why might you add marks and numbers to a thermometer? Where would you put them?



The reason why they put numbers on a thermometer is because the number indicates the temperature. The reason why they put marks is to show that the thermometer has liquid on the.


This is my answer I hope it is right!!

In the importance of being earnest which type of character is Jack




Jack is a round character hope you guys have a good day :)


I took the test.

Sample Response: I'm sorry, but I've changed my
mind about joining the sorority, I'd like to be free to be friends with anyone I choose, What did you consider as you answered? Check all
that apply,

O Millicent no longer wants to be part of the group,
O Millicent wants to be free,
Millicent thinks about the free birds,
O Millicent values her friendship with Tracy,



Millicent values her friendship with Tracy


The significance of the sentence is demonstrated by the implication that D. Millicent appreciates her friendship with Tracy.

What is the definition of an inference?

An inference is a conclusion that can be drawn from the facts provided in a tale.

The significance of the sentence in this situation is that Millicent values her friendship with Tracy, as seen by the inference.

Learn more about inference on:



Is Nick Carraway (from The Great Gatsby) a reliable narrator and why?


he is unreliable because he is selective with regards to information he includes in his events

My cousin has been to my house dozens of times yet he got lost
while he was on his way over for dinner last week.



Some people are just weird.


What else can I say. Cousins are whack.

Putnam's wife was revengeful because
-she thought that witchcraft and the supernatural were to blame for the deaths of her unborn children

-her husband had an affair

-her husband had been
wronged by the church

-her husband was cheated out of land


Answer: she thought that witchcraft and the supernatural were to blame for the deaths of her unborn children


In the Crucible, Mrs. Ann Putnam accuses Rebecca nurse of witchcraft because she was having a had time explaining why she lost seven of her children to death before they were even born.

She decided that it was witchcraft that was the cause and because she was jealous of Rebecca Nurse, accused her of being the witch. The families were also at the time locked in a property dispute.


she thought that witchcraft and the supernatural were to blame for the deaths of her unborn children


Which of the following would be a good revision for the sentence below? Keep in mind the focus on active verbs. Around the house, Aaron is called "small fry" by his big brother. O A. Aaron's big brother calls him "small fry" when they are hanging out at home.
B. When Aaron is hanging out at the house, he is called "small fry" by his brother.
C. A long time ago, Aaron's big brother was called "small fry." too.
D. "Small fry" is what Aaron is called by his big brother.​


The ideal solution for active verb is (B). Aaron's brother refers to him as "little fry" when they are hanging out at the house.

What kind of verbs are active?

There are two types of active verbs: transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. A verb that needs one or more objects is said to be transitive. As opposed to intransitive verbs, which lack objects, this.

What are some examples of active verbs?

When a verb is active, it indicates that the subject of the phrase is the one carrying out the designated activity. For instance: In the most recent game, the Huskies (subject) defeated (active verb) the Bears. On Monday, a maths test will be taken by more than 30 students in my class (topic).

To know more about active verbs visit:-



Farmers have been growing genetically engineered (GE) sugar beets since 2008. The beets, developed via biotechnology, are genetically boosted to withstand sprayings of a common herbicide that is otherwise fatal to both crop and weeds. Some organic farmers fear that these plants could be harmful. Pollen from the GE beets could contaminate organic sugar beets, irrevocably altering their genetic content. Environmentalists are concerned that herbicide-resistant weeds could develop. A 2010 request for an injunction against growing the GE beets, however, was rejected by a federal judge. The judge ruled that issuing an order so late in the beets' growing season would result in substantial economic damage.

The beets are _________.

Press enter to interact with the item, and press tab button or down arrow until reaching the Submit button once the item is selected
A bittersweet
B corrupted
C meager
D controversial



the answer would be d
D,, the answer is controversial

write a letter to your headmaster telling him how your classroom should be like​



I don't know how you want your classroom arranged.. but I'll try to help!


You should do write letter professionally and with good key points. My english teacher suggests a letter to be in MLA format so you're more professional. So on, if you are arguing for a better classroom, perhaps, try to avoid fallacies. Fallacies make your argument or persuasion useless. I guess this is all the advice I can say... but good luck! And remember to use proper grammar too!!

Which of the following entries on a Works Cited Page is correct?

A. Grey, Mark. “Immigration as a Two - Way Street: Beyond the Melting Pot” Journal USA. U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs, 2014, 9-13.

B. Mark Grey. “Immigration as a Two - Way Street: Beyond the Melting Pot” Journal USA. U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs, 2014, 9-13.

C. Grey, Mark. “Immigration as a Two - Way Street: Beyond the Melting Pot” 9-13.

D. Mark Grey. “Immigration as a Two - Way Street: Beyond the Melting Pot” Journal USA. U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs, 2014, 9-13.

E. None of the above




Answer: I think it’s c


I am the one that pushes in the breeze I am there in that water the





???? What do you need help with exactly?

What music haunts Elie for the rest of his life

1- Trumpet music
2- German March songs
3- Beethoven Concerto
4- Jewish hymns



German mach songs



Jewish hymns (number 4)

Which answer best describes MLA format for essays?

A. 1" margins, class information, doublespaced, 12 point font

B. 12 pt Times New Roman, 1" margins, doublespaced, running header, class information, title centered, doublespaced, 1/2" tabs

C. 12 pt Times New Roman, 1" margins, doublespaced

D. 1-1/2" margins, running header, class information, title centered, 1" tabs, double spaced, except inbetween paragraphs


Answer: the answer is A


Help omg im timed and I have a few minutes left


The answers would be B
Other Questions
Most people in the underdeveloped countries of the world support themselves by:farmingmass productionfree enterprisecompetition The nervous system may be compared to a - *computertrash removal companyhighways in a citywater filtration center Working with do-while loopBring the program dowhile.cpp from the Lab 5 folder.The code is shown below:______________________________________________________________________________// This program displays a hot beverage menu and prompts the user to// make a selection. A switch statement determines which item the user// has chosen. A do-while loop repeats until the user selects item E// from the menu.// PLACE YOUR NAME HERE#include #include using namespace std;int main(){ // Fill in the code to define an integer variable called number, // a floating point variable called cost, // and a character variable called beverage bool validBeverage; cout The graph shows the number of books Rahul read, y, compared with the number of books Maggie read, x, over the summer.Which equation represents the relationship between the number of books read by Rahul and Maggie?A. y=x+2B. y=x+1C. y=3xD. y=2x question one, true or false? How can trauma impact generations of people? Julio is ordering books from BestBooks for his reading club. The table shows Julio's total cost of the book order, Including the shipping fee for each order. Read and choose the correct option with the stem-changing verb in the preterite tense .He, after checking the bags, _________ (continue) to the security inspection. (2 points) toi followed bdid you follow cthey followed dfollowed plzzzzz helpppp meeeeeee 8Drag each label to the correct location on the imageDetermine which details should be included in a summary of the passage and which details should be omitted from the summaryAncient pottery and rockart have been found inthe mountainsThe people who lived in themountains were huntergatherersMany of the early residentslived in cavesSpaniards came to themountains in the midsbdeenth centuryEvidence shows that themountains were inhabitedover 10,000 years agoDetails to include in summaryDetails to omit from summaryThe Guadalupe MountainsNo one knows when the fut people came to the Guadalupe Mountains inforwest Texas, but archaeological evidence Gates back over 10.000 years ago. The earliestinhabitants were her gatherers who fotowed avtale game and ripeningvegetation. They lived in and among the many caves and coves common throughoutthe range. Scattered evidence of their ende, including projectile points basketspottery, and rock art has been found throughout the mountain rangeSince then myfferent groups have moved in and out of the area, Induding theSpanish who arrived by the mid 1500s. There is the evidence of any attempts on thepart to penetrate the Guadalupes. No large scale settlements have been located. Therinfluence was significant, though because they introduced horses into the wea for thebands of Apaches who roamed freely over much of the southwest, horses quicklybecame an asset to their nomadic style. The Mescalero Apaches followed game,much as the earlier peoples had done, and they so harvested the apare for mescafor food and fiber Mescalero is the name given to them by the Sparvh it meansmesc maker. Apoveroasting pits and other remains of escalier campsites arecommon in the mountainsPrior to the mid 1800s, the Guadalupes remained an unchallenged Sanctuary for theMescalero Apaches. But newly established transportation routes, and the end of theCivil War, encouraged droves of pioneers, homesteaders muners and numerous othersto head west. In the mid 1800s, explorers were commissioned to look for possibleemigrant routes to the west. The proposed transcontinental red expected to followone of these routes through these wurveying expedition would never lead to aroad through Guadalupe Pass they did provide the first extensive studies of theGuadalupe regionin 1858 a horse-changing station was constructed near Pine Springs for theButterfield Overland Mel To protect the investments, the stapeline and settlers in theare demanded protection from the moty Several Cavalry troops were ordered inand out of the area that Indian raids and secure settierents along the stage route inthe winter of troopstead by HB Cushing penetrated the Guadalupes anddestroyed two primary Apache camps. These aggressive actions were devastating tothe Mescaleros who were already taongfood shortages within the increasingly mitedand base. They were eventually driven out of the Guadalupes by the late 1800's nearlyof the surg Mescaliero Apaches in the United States were ingon reservationsPermanent series in the Guipes were not common though even after thefinal displacement of the Mescaleros The Butterfield stage route through theGuades was abandoned in less than a year for a more favorable course alongastring of army forts to the south Mosters found the range distinted watersources to run and hospicable. The first permanent ranch house wasconstruded in 1976 byte Rader brothers Now Caled Frole Ranch served asresidence for several as through the years. And, as the only major buildingcomplex in the repon for several decades. served as a community center andrepona post office from 1916-1942. Today, the role Ranch House has been restoredand operates as temReset100 points please help me. Pleaseeeee need this quickly 50 points! COLUMN A1. gametes2. gonads3. seminiferous tubules4. puberty in males5. testosterone6. corpus luteum7. puberty in females8. atresia9. human chorionic gonadotropin10. oxytocinCOLUMN B a. sperm productionb. endocrine structurec. produces secondary sex characteristicsd. follicular degeneratione, reproductive organsf. indicates pregnancy8. reproductive cellsh. milk ejectioni. menarchej. spermatogenesis begins i need some help please In April 1865 general Lees army of northern Virginia 41Fill in: poisonous, hand-held, breeding, signs,focus, police, cuts, fall into, fatal, borrow.1 Always obey the road.............2 You mustn't panic if you............a mud bog!Do you ever......... books from the library4 Some documentaries use video footage from.......... cameras.5 My dad hates it when another driver........him off.6 December to February is....... seasonfor elephant seals. They give birth to a single pup.7 Try to ............on what he is talking about.8 The ...............car was chasing thesuspect through the streets.9 Scorpion stings can be............., soyou should be very careful.10 There are lots of ................spiders andsnakes in a jungle. Their bites can be verydangerous How many more barrels of gasoline then diesel were produced last year clown , ! Horatio Alger has just become product manager for Brand X. Brand X is a consumer product with a retail price of $1.00. Retail margins on the product are 33%, while wholesalers take a 12% margin. Brand X and its direct competitors sell a total of 20 million units annually; Brand X has 24% of this market. Variable manufacturing costs for Brand X are $0.09 per unit. Fixed manufacturing costs are $900,000. The advertising budget for Brand X is $500,000. The Brand X product manager's salary and expenses total $35,000. Salespeople are paid entirely by a 10% commission. Shipping costs, breakage, insurance, and so forth are $0.02 per unit.1. What is the unit contribution for Brand X?2. What is Brand X's break-even point?3. What market share does Brand X need to break even?4. What is Brand X's profit impact? Industry demand is expected to increase to 23 million units next year. Mr. Alger is considering raising his advertising budget to $1 million.a. If the advertising budget is raised, how many units will Brand X have to sell to break even?b. How many units will Brand X have to sell in order for it to achieve the same profit impact that it did this year?c. What will Brand X's market share have to be next year for its profit impact to be the same as this year?d. What will Brand X's market share have to be for it to have a $1 million profit impact?5. Upon reflection, Mr. Alger decides not to increase Brand X's advertising budget. Instead, he thinks he might give retailers an incentive to promote Brand X by raising their margins from 33% to 40%. The margin increase would be accomplished by lowering the price of the product to retailers. Wholesaler margins would remain at 12%.a. If retailer margins are raised to 40% next year, how many units will Brand X have to sell to break even?b. How many units will Brand X have to sell to achieve the same profit impact next year as it did this year?c. What would Brand X's market share have to be for its profit impact to remain at this year's level?d. What would Brand X's market share have to be for it to generate a profit impact of $350,000? Hole is to trench as whole is to Why was Margaret Thatcher considered a strong prime minister in Britain?