What does it mean that we should not expect a "smoothly ironed" Aztec history?


Answer 1
We should not expect a “smoothly ironed history” means that every civilization is complicatedand that there are going to be us and downs, some wins some loses, some beauty and some ugliness.

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como solventar una mejor calidad de vida dentro de América.???


Plz help me with mine I’m sorry
Algunas de estas ciudades calificadas como las más "habitables" lideran un ranking que elabora cada año la Unidad de Inteligencia del grupo The Economist, con 140 de las urbes más grandes del mundo.
La urbe europea que se convirtió por primera vez en la mejor ciudad del mundo para vivir
La lista clasifica a cada una según más de 30 factores que influyen en la calidad de vida, como la seguridad, el acceso a la atención médica, la calidad de los alimentos y bebidas, acceso a la educación y la calidad de las carreteras y el transporte.
Cuáles son las ciudades con mejor calidad de vida de América Latina y el resto del mundo
Las ciudades que encabezan la tabla suelen recibir mucha atención, así que decidimos centrarnos en aquellas que, si bien no llevan la delantera, han escalado más posiciones en la última década.

What is Douglas’s point of view regarding the Constitution?



He thought that the people can view the constitution the way that they think is right. He didn't seem to mind if the country was going to divide.

Why were Northerners opposed to the idea of popular sovereignty?


The law violated Northerners' notions of states' rights, it infringed on civil liberties in the North

What is an effect of outsourcing jobs?

A. More jobs in America

B. An increase in fair trade

C. Higher prices for consumers

D. The creation of sweatshops



D - The Creation Of Sweatshops


Just Took The Test On  A p e x

Discuss three causes which led to the start of World War I . Which cause was the strongest
reason the war started? Why?



The immediate cause of World War I that made the aforementioned items come into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary


2. Much conflict has resulted since the creation of Israel after World War II. This conflict between Arabs and Jews has left thousands dead and thousands more displaced. How much of the original land given to the Jews as the state of Israel do they still posses?
a. one half
b. one third
c. all of it --and then some
d. the same amount



all of it--and then some


I took the quiz and got it right;)


all of it--and then some


Since the creation of Israel after World War II, fighting among Jewish soldiers and Arab forces has led Israel to gain more territory than it was originally granted in 1948 by the United Nations. The expansion of the state of Israel has contributed to Arab resistance to the UN proclamation that made Israel a separate state.

Describe the foundational truth of the Sermon on the Mount.


The foundational truth of the Sermon on the Mount is that only an inward transformation will produce the needed outward reformation in a person's life.


ye the guy on top is right its the same thing in my assignment


What long-term movement does Esherick see the Boxers as part of?



What long-term movement does Esherick see the Boxers as part of? (1 point) Their long term goal was to encourage people to see themselves as a united country. Esherick does not think that the Boxers rebelled against the government. Instead, he says they aimed their anger at foreign influences.

help me please its history


I believe that XIV amendment is the correct answer  hope this helps

Who were the victims of the Shanghai massacre and who were their murders (help asap) will give Brainly if right



Chinese communists were killed by Chinese nationalists

Thenks and mark me brainliest :))0

The above answer is correct

What was the operation of the Allied invasion of Normandy in France called?
A. Operation Torch
B. Operation Overlord
C. Operation Barbarossa
D. Operation Sea Lion


Answer: B. Operation Overlord

Explanation: "Normandy Invasion, also called Operation Overlord or D-Day, during World War II, the Allied invasion of western Europe, which was launched on June 6, 1944 (the most celebrated D-Day of the war), with the simultaneous landing of U.S., British, and Canadian forces on five separate beachheads in Normandy, France."


Operation Overlord

Normandy Invasion, also called Operation Overlord or D-Day, during World War II, the Allied invasion of western Europe, which was launched on June 6, 1944 (the most celebrated D-Day of the war), with the simultaneous landing of U.S., British, and Canadian forces on five separate beachheads in Normandy, France.

Explain the goal of a labor union.


ANSWER: The main purpose of labor unions is to give workers the power to negotiate for more favorable working conditions and other benefits through collective bargaining.



labor unions are organizations which help members and employees. It's main purpose is to give workers more favorable and comfortable working conditions through collective bargaining

The Artides of Confederation established a strong national government. The states last most of their power.

A. True
B. False​


Answer: True.


hey! i’ll give brainliest please help!







im almost positive its Greece!


What Soviet city did hitler want to capture


Stilangrad i dont know!!!!!!!

I believe the answer is Moscow

What was the purpose of the American satellite,
Explorer I?



The first American satellite


Explorer I was the first American satellite to go to space. It was launched in 1958 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Explorer I was the response to the Sputnik I launched by the Soviet Union. The purpose of the Explorer I was to carry scientific instruments like a cosmic ray detector in space.

What were two advancements during the Agricultural Revolution?


She or he is right bc I got it right ^^^^

A factory that only builds cars is an example of

A Opportunity Cost
B Specialization
C Scarcity
D Interdependence



B specialization


they know that making cars are what there good at so they focus on that because they have more experience so there made quicker and better than with something they don't specialize in


Describe how medical conditions and living conditions combined to create a dismal situation for Civil War soldiers.



Lots of soldiers died of starvation and caught many sickness from unsanitized living conditions


Why did the United States and the Soviet Union NOT want to fight each other directly during the Cold War?


Both nations did not want to fight directly because of the threat of a nuclear Holocaust, They were the most powerful nations that spread influence and dominance to surrounding countries and fighting them directly would have started another World war.


The United States and the Soviet Union not wanted to fight each other directly during the Cold War because both sides were afraid of fighting each other directly.

Prior to the 1920s consumers had to rely on cash and savings to buy high priced luxury goods, (which most could not afford). What allowed the "average" consumer to buy higher priced goods in the 1920s?
O Installment plans
O Increased savings accounts
O Organized crime
O Increase in the money supply


The expansion of credit in the 1920s allowed for the sale of more consumer goods and put automobiles within reach of average Americans

-> the answer is increase in the money supply

increase in money supply would be your answer

Which of the following mfacts best shows that some of the effects of the
Declaration of Independence were bitter?
A. The fight for independence divided families and friends.
O B. It took six months for the Declaration of Independence to reach all
of the states.
O C. British reinforcements arrived in New York as the Declaration of
Independence was being signed.
D. Congress debated and revised Thomas Jefferson's draft before
adopting the Declaration of Independence.


Explanation :

When the president vetoes a bill it is considered a ___.



Veto procedure


In your own words briefly describe why did Rome fall.



The most straightforward theory for Western Rome's collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces. Rome had tangled with Germanic tribes for centuries, but by the 300s “barbarian” groups like the Goths had encroached beyond the Empire's borders.


In conclusion, the Roman empire fell for many reasons, but the 5 main ones were invasions by Barbarian tribes, Economic troubles, and overreliance on slave labor, Overexpansion and Military Spending, and Government corruption and political instability.


The Empire was broken in two halves by Diocletian. This split made the empire easier to control in the short run but the two halves went apart over time. Eastern and western cooperation to address external threats was not sufficient. Barbaric invasions of the West were driven by the influence of the Eastern Empire.Explanation:

How did the Council of Trent revitalize the Catholic Church?
The Council of Trent sent missionaries around the world to learn about other religions.
The Council of Trent reduced the number of religious orders to end corruption.
The reforms of the Council of Trent ended corruption and strengthened the church.
The reforms of the Council of Trent established an alliance with Protestant churches.



its c



C/The reforms of the Council of Trent ended corruption and strengthened the church.


This was the right answer on the assignment

1. Why was the United States unable to oppose Japan in the early 1930s with a
significant military force?



They though League of Nations would compete against Japanese and racism would take power away from Japan.





La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no hay opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Las principales ideas de Karl Marx en torno a la propiedad privada, dueños de la producción y mano de obra, fueron las siguientes.

Karl Marx fue un economista y filósofo alemán considerado el gran ideólogo y promotor del socialismo como doctrina económica contraria al capitalismo.

Fue el creador de conceptos como el materialismo económico que se refiere a que los hombres deciden cuáles son las relaciones de producción que establecen en una sociedad, entre a las que se incluye el tipo de relaciones económicas y la forma de producción de la riqueza.

Para Marx, el Capitalismo explotaba a los trabajadores, y por esa razón propuso que deberían ser los trabajadores, también llamados el Proletariado, quienes deberían ser los responsables de administrar los medio de producción y beneficiarse de su trabajo. De igual manea, los trabajadores son los que tendrán el derecho de dirigir y no ser explotados por la burguesía.

Bajo su concepto de socialismo, el Estado es el que debe facilitar los medios para producir, y los trabajadores, los generadores de esa producción.

Between 1870 and 1916, approximately how many immigrants came to the United States? 10 million 25 million 75 million 125 million



25 million.


Industrial revolution can be defined as a period of significant change in economic and social manufacturing process characterized by the use of handicrafts and agrarian methods to the use of power-driven equipments and machines. Basically, the industrial revolution began in Great Britain (England) between 1760 to 1840 and eventually spread across other countries of the world.

Migration refers to the movement of a group of people from one geographical region (location) to another geographical destination in search of better living conditions, work or social amenities.

Migration selectivity can be defined as the likelihood or tendency that a subset (part) of a group of people are going to move (migrate) out of a particular geographical location or area.

Some of the factors that influence migration selectivity are income level, age, education, gender etc.

Between 1870 and 1916 during the industrialization period, approximately 25 million immigrants came to the United States of America in search of greener pastures and better living conditions or standard of living.


25 million


Between 1870 and 1916 25 million immigrants came to the US and most settled in cities due to urbanization.

hello guys can anyone suggest me an anime an underrated one​


i only watch Pack a green but you should watch that if you haven’t

What resulted from the Battle of Horseshoe Bend?



The battle of horseshoe bend was one of many conflicts between the U.S. and Native Americans during the Creek War. The outcome of the Battle of Horseshoe was Native American victory. Which resulted in the treaty of Ft. Jackson being created which ended the creek war and gave the U.S. 22 million acres of land.  

Answer: it effectively ended the creek war. it made andrew jackson a national hero. He was made a major general in the U.S. Army and on January 8, 1815, defeated the British forces at the Battle of New Orleans. The war effectively ended with the Treaty of Fort Jackson (August 1814), where General Andrew Jackson forced the Creek confederacy to surrender more than 21 million acres in what is now southern Georgia and central Alabama. These lands were taken from allied Creek as well as Red Sticks.


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