What does fixed supply mean? Tell what a fixed supply curve looks like and what its appearance means.


Answer 1


The summary of the given question is summarized throughout the below portion.


Fixed supply would be described as more of a commodity or items will keep a fixed cost, a growing market will result in an increased balance price of the underlying security throughout the availability.The amounts that a supplier is prepared to offer of any sort of commodity or target market at any certain price must be displayed graphically, seen as a fixed supply curve.
Answer 2


A fixed supply is a supply of material that always be there. The Fred supply curve looks like a slope rising upward from left to right, since product price and quantity are directly related. I.e. as the price of a commodity increases in the market, thee amount supplied increases.



Related Questions

How do you think the geography of Cusco affected features of their civilization? Consider the difficulties of transport in this particular landscape.​


Answer: I think the geography of Cusco affected features of their civilization because they had to adapt to their new environment, and that could take a long time.

The geography of the Cusco is affected by features of their civilization because they have adapted to their new environment.

Where is Cusco located?

The Cusco is an important city in Peru and is located on the southeastern side of the country near the valley of the Andes mountain range.

The city is the seventh most populous and has a population of 428,450 has an elevation of about 3,400. Being an indegenlius city has a montanlus landscpe and has subtropicla highland type of cliamte. Most of the transportation is on foot.

Find out more information about the Cusco.


extend from the western United States into western

a. Grand Banks
b. Great Lakes
c. Alps
d. Rocky Mountains


the answer is C
good luck

Which represents a community



people and buildings


it makes a community

The middle name of the mother of the only U.S. President to ever resign from office.





Hannah Milhous Nixon was the mother of President Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon described his mother as "a Quaker saint"

Which areas account for the largest amounts of spending by state governments?

My scoring meanings are at the bottom

A) military defense and foreign policy programs.
B) intergovernmental revenue and interest on debt.
C) public welfare programs and education.
D) social security payments and disability insurance.

Ω Entity001 And Project Omega Ω

My star scoring amount meaning:
1 star = links that aren't brainly question links and blank answers
2 stars = brainly question links without an answer with them
3 stars = wrong answer
4 stars = close or explained incorrectly but still correct in answer
5 stars = correct in all ways

other people's brainly questions who need answers too:



Public welfare and education



Describe how the caste system affected people born into the Brahmin caste. What does it mean to be born into the untouchable caste?



Members of a high caste enjoy more wealth and opportunities while members of a low caste perform menial jobs. The highest class/caste is the Brahmin, and the lowest, are the Untouchables, or pariahs. To be born into an Untouchable caste meant you were looked down upon society, and people, like the name Untouchable, could not even touch you. People in the highest caste had more job opportunities, and had more privileges.

Hope this helps!

• the U.S. Army bought farmers' crops to feed the troops
• factories needed more workers to fill defense contracts
• the U.S. military hired more people to increase the size of its forces

Which example best describes the information given in the box about the United States in the 1940s?

OA. reasons why monopolies were tolerated during World War II

OB. ways that World War Il government programs influenced society.

OC. how World War II helped improve the nation's economy

OD. how World War II caused domestic issues due to rationing



B. ways that World War Il government programs influenced society.


Considering the instances or situations given in the question, the example that best describes the information given in the box about the United States in the 1940s is "ways that World War Il government programs influenced society."

The above statement is true simply because World War 2 occurred between 1939 to 1945, and during this period, the U.S. Army bought farmers' crops to feed the troops; factories at home needed more workers to fill defense contracts; and the U.S. military hired more people to increase the size of its forces, among many other things. All of these show how and ways the World War Il government programs influenced society.

What impact did the influence of the Church have on the Renaissance?



The Ninety-five Theses led to the Reformation, a break with the Roman Catholic Church that previously claimed hegemony in Western Europe. Humanism and the Renaissance therefore played a direct role in sparking the Reformation, as well as in many other contemporaneous religious debates and conflicts.


The Ninety-five Theses led to the Reformation, a break with the Roman Catholic Church that previously claimed hegemony in Western Europe. Humanism and the Renaissance therefore played a direct role in sparking the Reformation, as well as in many other contemporaneous religious debates and conflicts.

This should be correct I looked it up.

What was the United States government's policy of trying to erase Native American culture called?​



The policy of assimilation was an attempt to destroy traditional Indian cultural identities. Many historians have argued that the U.S. government believed that if American Indians did not adopt European-American culture they would become extinct as a people.

What did the colonists do when they found out about the taxes​



American colonists responded to Parliament's acts with organized protest. Throughout the colonies, a network of secret organizations known as the Sons of Liberty was created, aimed at intimidating the stamp agents who collected Parliament's taxes.

mark me brainliestt :))

What was one important achievement of Greek civilization?


Developing the first written message, Greeks were known for this the most at the time, it brought them better communication and prosperity

Elabore un escrito (10 líneas) explicando cómo lleva a la practica en su diario vivir las Dimensiones y

el aporte que tienen en su crecimiento Personal, Moral y Espiritual


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

¿Cómo lleva a la practica en su diario vivir las Dimensiones y el aporte que tienen en su crecimiento Personal, Moral y Espiritual?

Para llevar a la práctica esos importantes elementos, necesitamos estar consciente que debemos ser congruentes entre lo que decimos y lo que hacemos.

Para ello, nuestros valores -nuestra moral- son los pilares de nuestra vida. Literalmente son como los cimientos de nuestros sistemas de creencias. Estos valores se desprenden de nuestras creencias espirituales que dan fe a nuestras vidas y nos conectan con la divinidad, independientemente de la religión que profesemos.

La creencia espiritual, reflejada en nuestros valores y conducta, tendrá como consecuencia nuestro crecimiento personal basado en la ética. Es decir, en el respeto y la tolerancia a los demás, de igual manera que a nosotros nos gustan que nos respeten y se toleren nuestras ideas, aunque los demás no estén de acuerdo con lo pensamos.

In the economic climate of the 1970s,

A. inflation was high and unemployment rates were low.
B. inflation and unemployment rates were low.
C. inflation and unemployment rates were high.
D. inflation was low and unemployment rates were high.



A. inflation was high and unemployment was low

List three (3) ways Booker T. Washington was a "great" man.

Your answer



The answer is below


Booker T. Washington was considered a "great" man for many reasons. He was an African American who championed the course of African American liberation and the civil rights movement in many ways, particularly towards the end of the 19th century and early 20th century

He was considered a great man for many reasons, some of which are:

1. He played a vital role in ensuring the Tuskegee institute become University.

2. He assisted in ensuring that African American students get huge donations for their education from wealthy people

3. His Atlanta Compromise Speech was considered Revolutionary, as it charges both black and white to work together to achieve a better society or America.

how and why was hitler able to take power of germany


Hitler attained power in March 1933, after the Reichstag adopted the Enabling Act of 1933 in that month, giving expanded authority. President Paul von Hindenburg had already appointed Hitler as Chancellor on 30 January 1933 after a series of parliamentary elections and associated backroom intrigues.

This likely spurred the desire for
nationalism in Italy.
A. Triple Alliance
B. Congress of Vienna
C. The Zollerein

No links


the answer is B. Congress of Vienna

in response to the Dred Scott case:

border states freed their slaves

The southern states seceded from the union

abolitionists increase their efforts to end slavery

anti-slavery laws were enforced in the south



Abolitionist increased their efforts to end slavery


How/why is the standard oil trust important?



cause we need oil for tons of things


Anu-anong kapistahan Ang ipinag diriwang ng mga bisaya?​


Ang Visayan ay tahanan ng mga pangunahing piyesta relihiyoso at pangkulturang Pilipino tulad ng Ati-atihan Festival, Dinagyang Festival, at Sinulog Festival sa Enero, ang Pintados Festival tuwing Hunyo at ang MassKara Festival sa Oktubre.



The Visayas have many festivals or celebrations throughout the year. Here are some of them:

1. Sinulog Festival - It is held every third Sunday of January in Cebu City. It is a celebration showing devotion to Sto. Niño

2. Kadayawan Festival - It is held every August in Davao City. It is a celebration of the people of Mindanao for the blessings they receive from their crops.

3. Ati-Atihan Festival - It is held every third Sunday of January in Aklan. This is a celebration of the people of Aklan in showing their devotion to Sto. Niño and remembering their Ati ancestors.

4. Dinagyang Festival - It is held every third Sunday of January in Iloilo City. It is a celebration showing devotion to Sto. Niño and remembering the history of their city.

5. Tuna Festival - It is held every third Sunday of September in General Santos City. This is a celebration of the people of GenSan with their main product, tuna.


These are just some of the festivals celebrated by the Visayas. There are many others such as Pintados Festival in Leyte, MassKara Festival in Bacolod, and many others.

Select the phrase or sentence that states that duty.



The answer is the last sentene where Lincoln says he must preserve the union


Is the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict one that will be easy to end? Why or why not?



Hello There!!


In my opinion,I believe it will be really difficult to end the conflict because they have alot of disagreements between them.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


Hi I need help on this question please

Based on the map, how did the industrial revolution affect the population of Great Britain?

Question 5 options:

People flocked to the country side.

The population of Britain decreased.

Population increased in Ireland.

Population density increased in cities.


d is the corey answer emmegdnrbrjebirbrof for third fhr did die grid due did f

How does this picture attack the emotions and bring people over to buy war


This image uses a wounded soldier to pull at people’s heartstrings and highlight the care and help they need

Answer ASAP pleaseeee!!!



its B


I took the test before and if search it up pollution and overcrowding is in there.


"Then why did you shoot me with your blowguns?" asked Bruce Hand while rubbing his Neck.

Which word is incorrectly capitalized?






Neck is only a common noun, no need to capitalize it. :)

Japanese and German crimes against humanity during the World War II included all of the following EXCEPT A. using prisoners of war in cruel medical experiments. B. mass murder of selected ethnic groups. C. torture of prisoners captured in battle. D. unleashing nuclear weapons in major battles


D. unleashing nuclear weapons in major battles

All of the following are examples of a revolution except for



C. Voting for the US president.


A revolution is any sharp or strong change that may be political, geographical, or even economical, but mostly revolutions are political. In simple words, revolutions are when people protest and demand reformation or bring about a significant change to an already existing system.

In the given options, the voting of the US president is not a revolution but rather a democratic decision to choose or elect a leader for the country. It is a change, but not a string or rebellious change that people pressed or revolt about.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.


Voting for the US president.


Hope this helps

Explain three difficulties women faced during the Civil War:



01. Inequality

02. Discrimination

03. Lack of rights


01. Women were seen as property, often not receiving the respect that they deserved.

02. Women were not treated properly by men, often excluding from important meetings, etc.

03. Women did not have the right to own land, property, vote, etc.


More than 400 women disguised themselves as men and fought in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War.Thousands of women in the North and South joined volunteer brigades and signed up to work as nurses.With many of the adult men off to war, it was up to women to manage the home by themselves. In many cases this included running the farms or businesses that their husbands left behind. Women also raised money for the war effort. They organized raffles and fairs and used the money to help pay for war supplies. Women worked in factories and in government positions that were vacated when men left to fight. Women were still seen as property and not human beings.

This all helped move forward the women's rights movement and change the way the US perceived women.

Hope this helps!


What started World War 2?



the treaty of Versaillesthe rise of dictatorshipsthe failure of peace efforts

are the reason which started world war 2

Which number pattern places the following events in the correct order?

1. World War II
2. The breakup of the USSR
3. World War I
4. The Russian Revolution
5. The Cold War

A. 3, 1, 4, 2, 5
B. 4, 3, 1, 5, 6
C. 2, 5, 3, 4, 1
D. 3, 4, 1, 5, 2





WW1 - 1914

Russian Revolution - 1917

WW2 - 1939

Cold War - 1947

Breakup of USSR - 1991


The answer would be D, not aure if you mean by start or end bit assuming you mean ending, it would be D.

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