What do you notice about the location of the Battle of Gettysburg compared to all of the other Civil War battles on the map?


Answer 1
Gettysburg was the farthest north compared to all the other Civil War battles on the map

Related Questions

How does this perspective differ from the private land ownership model used in most areas of North America?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include your reference to know what you are talking about. What is the "perspective"?

We need that perspective to be compared to the private land ownership model used in most areas of North America.

However, although you forgot to mention it, we can assume you are talking about the perspective of the land that Native American Indian tribes had.

If that is the case, then we can comment on the following.

The perspective about the land of Native American Indians was so much different from the white European colonists, who saw the land as a way to make a profit, as a private property to exploit raw materials and natural resources and make a living.

On the other hand, Native American people blessed the land and honored "Mother Nature." Native American Indian tribes had a special "spiritual" connection with nature and they only used what was needed to feed their families and survive. That is why Native Indians had special chants and dances to thank nature for the food, the rain, the wind, and other elements.

Native American Indians never believed that the land could be "owned," Mother Earth provided and Native Indians protected her.

In order to avoid peer pressure, it is important to recognize __________. A. what peer pressure is and who the victims of peer pressure are B. who is trouble, who is popular, and who will get you things in life C. who to go to if you are being pressured D. none of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided. A B C D





This seems like the most logical choice considering the choices you are given.


the answer is A



Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 bc...?



The 1860 United States presidential election was the 19th quadrennial presidential election, held on November 6, 1860. In a four-way contest, the Republican .



The Democratic Party split their vote.


Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States in 1860 over a deeply divided Democratic Party.





Step-by-step explanation:

For this question, we will need to use a Rate of Change in determining the final temperature.

It is firstly given that the ground temperature (when the altitude 0), has a temperature of 60°F.

To solve for the amount the temperature increases in total, you will need to do the following to find the value:

2,000÷ 100 = 20

20 is the amount of times the temperature will rise as the altitude goes to 2,000 feet. To solve for the actual RAISE in temperature, all you will need to do is:

20×1= 20°F.

Simply add 60°F+ 20°F to get 80°F as your final answer.


Answer: B 62


for every 1000ft, the temperature rises by 1 degree

Name five seas that are part of Asia



Arctic Ocean

Pacific ocean

The Indian ocean

North Pacific ocean

South Atlantic ocean

Why did Republican legislators in the Georgia General Assembly fail
to stop the expulsion of African American or Black legislators during


Answer: Question 8

Why did Republican legislators in the Georgia General Assembly fail to stop the expulsion of African American or Black legislators during Reconstruction?


They accepted the reasons given for each individual expulsion.


They did not want to risk losing influence with Governor Bullock.


They were outnumbered by legislators in favor of the expulsions.


They hoped they could work on other goals if they agreed to the expulsions.


Republican lawmakers in the Georgia General Assembly were unable to prevent the expulsion of African American or Black legislators during the Reconstruction era because white Democrats, who were at the time a minority in the Assembly, conspired with enough white Republicans to do so in September 1868.

When the expelled African American or Black politicians were rehabilitated, a strong Republican majority developed in the legislature, and by the start of 1870, Republicans controlled Georgia's legislature.

The three most well-known Black state lawmakers were Henry McNeal Turner, Tunis G. Campbell, and Aaron A. Bradley. In 1868, the Republican-dominated legislature ejected the African Americans who had been a part of it.

Learn more about on African American, here:



which detail in excerpt supports the theme "you should be kind to others"​


d is the correct answer

Arliss is working in the garden. Karen is reading in the living room.
Who is indoors?
Neither Karen nor Arliss





because its stated that Karen is reading in the living room



W.E.B. DuBois, an African American activist, helped to establish the NAACP and recommended that black people agitate for their rights.






i just learned this

I just learned about this in my class.

renaissance individualism emphasized



Individualism during the Renaissance

Individualism takes humanism a step further and is the belief that individual humans are capable of great accomplishments. The more communal, group oriented society and mentality of the Middle Ages was being replaced by a belief in the potential of the individual to make great achievements.

how many people supported hitler



he got over 12 years of support from atleast half of the people


ack i need help again (no links or random asnwers !!!)

Who is the head of the executive branch for the federal level; state level; local level?

Who makes up the legislative branch for the federal level; state level; local level?



In every state, the Executive branch is headed by a GOVERNOR who is directly elected by the people.

All 50 states have legislatures made up of elected representivies.


I hope this helps!

lz help if u answer this right ill try to give brain


The answer would be 5.5 cm

• Stable government during the Ming Dynasty
• Surplus food grown in agriculture
• Growing production of silk, textiles, and porcelain

Which of the following occurred as a result of the things listed above?
China's population went down.
More people became literate.
Trade within China increased.





Stability in government and a surplus of food as well as production increases drove trades with China to a higher level

who is the richest man on earth ​



Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the earth.

Help me please don’t judge me this is for my homework!

Can you help me to make a script about poverty in the pacific it needs to have 10 paragraphs!


Answer: Most people don’t associate poverty with the Pacific. It is usually linked to the suffering of children

in Africa or the backbreaking labor of so many in Asia. Both are a far cry from the image of a Pacific

well know, the reality is not always as idyllic as the image.

The Pacific Islands are vulnerable to natural disasters, most have few resources, almost all are

remote, and many have small populations. Over the years, Pacific Islanders have learned to cope.

They have developed cultures based on both cooperation and sharing with strong support systems that oblige people to share what they have with their families and communities. And they have

developed production systems that are designed to cope with these risks.

Pacific Islanders are rightly proud of their cultures and, in particular, these reciprocity obligations.

So proud in fact that many have trouble accepting that poverty is, or can be, an issue in their


One commonly held view is that Pacific Islanders live in a state of subsistence affluence. This is

certainly not true for all; and even when true, it is a narrow confine with few opportunities for

change and development. The standard of education and resources available; the remoteness

from the world economy; limits on participation and traditional land management systems combine

to restrict the opportunities available to most Pacific Islanders. There is little that is new in this; for

generations many Pacific Islanders have struggled to achieve a reasonable standard of living from

the available resources.

While poverty lines are not available for most to the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Pacific

Developing Member Countries (PDMCs), the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP)

Human Poverty Index (HPI)1 provides a guide to the number of disadvantaged in the Pacific. The

HPI analysis indicates that close to 43 percent of the total population of the PDMC are disadvantaged. Ninety-five percent of these disadvantaged live in the three Melanesian countries. While the

HPI provides a guide to those at risk, it is not a poverty line. It is important that further work be done

in the PDMCs to determine the number of poor and disadvantaged in each country so that appropriate intervention and support programs can be designed and implemented.

Traditionally, support from the extended family or community went a long way to alleviating poverty;

but for this system to work, it is necessary that the giver be able to improve the livelihood of the

receiver. If the whole family or community is poor, there may be little it can do to alleviate the

poverty of any member. There are communities, families, and individuals throughout the Pacific

who, despite the social support systems, live in hard-core poverty

Thus, poverty of opportunity persists and in some cases, is getting worse, despite a fairly widespread capacity to do something effective about it.

After 20 or more years of determined attempts by many agencies and governments to stimulate

growth, the majority of Pacific Islanders continue to rely on household production for their subsistence. Overall, the performance of the PDMCs remains disappointing. Poverty is a real issue in

many of the PDMCs and even the better-off countries struggle to provide productive employment

for their workforce.

In the past, the traditional support systems provided most with at least enough support to maintain

a basic life style. As the economies become increasingly monetized and come under the pressure

of continuing population growth, the traditional support systems are breaking down. One consequence is an increase in the incidence, depth, and severity of poverty throughout the Pacific.

As stated in the ADB’s Pacific Strategy for the New Millennium, the five key development challenges facing the PDMCs over the medium term are: (i) disappointing macroeconomic and growth

performance over the past decade; (ii) increasing poverty, particularly in Papua New Guinea,

Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu; (iii) continuing reliance on large government investments due to

inadequate private sector response; (iv) increasing environmental degradation; and (v) little progress

in strengthening the role of women in political, economic, and social spheres.

In its publication, Fighting Poverty in Asia and the Pacific: The Poverty Reduction Strategy, the

ADB outlines the objectives and issues that must be addressed if the goal of equitable growth is to

be achieved. The objectives are described as the Three Pillars of Growth: Good Governance,

Social Development, and Sustainable Growth. This analysis provides a useful guide to the suite of

issues that must be addressed.

Duncan and Pollard2 have extended the analysis to incorporate the hierarchy of institutional constraints that must be satisfied to achieve equitable growth.

Role for social problem belongs to our sociaty​





It is TRUE that the role of social problems belongs to our society​.

Generally, it is believed that social problem arises from the societal activities or social environment. Social problems can be traced to destructive activities in government and non-governmental institutions, including schools and families.

Hence, to solve social problems, society should take some specific roles, some of which are:

1. Provision of standard and up to date education to the citizens or inhabitants

2. Provision of jobs and creation of a conducive environment for businesses to thrives.

3. Managing population growth. The higher the population as against the resources available, the lower the standard of living will arise, as there would be inadequate resources supply to go round

4. Promotion of societal values. Promoting social problems such as smoking, gangsterism, and all that should be prohibited. At the same time, social values such as success in education and heroic acts should be rewarded.

Hence, it is TRIE that Role for social problem belongs to our society​

Pleaseeeeee helpppppp i will mark you brainlist



the answer is d

hope this helps


I am not sure I am answering from the usa, but I did research and from what I do know I think it is B because they usually control parks, parking, libraries, roadways, local police stations or lot all land uses in general and where it’s built, fire protection and public transportation

What are some differences between the inner coastal Plain, Outer coastal plain, piedmont, and mountains of the southeast? (Please Help me Fast)



Outer Coastal Plains- flat & low elevation. Soil is sandy

Inner Coastal Plains- slightly higher elevation. Soil is sandy

Piedmont- elevation is higher than the coastal plains. It is at the foot of the mountain. Soil is darker and richer.

Mountains- high elevation, rugged, steep land. Farms are smaller. Natural resources such as coal are formed


Why do you think that the Union wanted to take control of Richmond, Virginia?



What was the most important reason why the Union wanted to capture Richmond? Richmond was the capital of the South. Why did the South need support from Europe? The South needed money for the war effort.



Richmond, Virginia served as the capital of the Confederate States of America for almost the whole of the American Civil War. It was a vital source of weapons and supplies for the war effort, and the terminus of five railroads. The Union made many attempts to invade Richmond. ... Efforts to take Richmond by the James River were successfully blocked

Who and How studies Helicopters?



Neo-colonial researchers study helicopters. They do things like emergency medical services, fire fighting, forestry, law enforcement, military (all branches) tourism, and more.

Hope this helps!

Mark me brainliest if i'm right :)

Read this constitutional amendment:

No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any
house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of
war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.2

What does this amendment prevent the U.S. government from doing?

A. Searching citizens' property without approval from state
B. Enforcing any laws differently during peacetime and wartime
C. Interfering with citizens' civil liberties in their own homes
D. Seizing a citizen's property without due process of law



C. Interfering with citizens' civil liberties in their own homes



C. Interfering with citizens' civil liberties in their own homes


What type of weapons did superpowers compete for during the Cold War?
nuclear weapons



D, nuclear weapons


Hope It is Useful


Do you think extremist groups, cults, and gangs pose a significant threat in your country? Why or why not?
pls help



While I believe that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, I think these types of groups pose a huge threat. They jeapordize the safety of other people, which is more important than someone's right to their own ideals. Gangs make street violence more prevalant which in turn makes cities less safe. They make it dangerous to walk on the street at night. Extremist groups often put people of certain groups based on religion, nationality, sex, gender identity or expression, and race at risk for harm or even death. Lastly, cults often have their members performing dangerous, illegal acts that can harm other innocent people or the members that follow them. Historically, they can be very damaging to the body and psyche of the members as well. Therefore, yes, I do believe that these groups are dangerous for my country.


I hope this is what you were looking for!

Please help ASAP!!! Need help badly


Answer: Hello there! I'm kind of stuck between two options, but I'd say that the answer to this question is A.


A sounds like the most reasonable answer to me. In his lifetime, Cyrus civialized a large area of Rome and was deemed as great by the people.

The other answers didn't speak to me as much here...

B--He did tolerate a lot of religions, but I'm not sure about ALL of them.

C--I don't believe that Cyrus had any slavery involved in his conquers; in fact, I've heard people call him more gentle than anything.

D--I don't think he fought in this battle. I believe that it would've been the Persian king Xerxes I.

I'm sorry that I can't give a definete answer. I hope that this helps you somehow, though! :)

4. What were some of the positive and what were some of the negative effects of The
Industrial Revolution (on people & life in general).
Positive Effects
Negative Effects​



As an event, the Industrial Revolution had both positive and negative impacts for society. Although there are several positives to the Industrial Revolution there were also many negative elements, including: poor working conditions, poor living conditions, low wages, child labor, and pollution

if a person is a drug dealer is that also a violation of human rights​



yes it is





Is true because the person leads danger to society

It is a hot summer day, and Miguel wants to cool off. He decides to make a root beer float. He pours root beer into a mug and adds a scoop of vanilla ice cream. What thermal energy transfer occurs?
A. Thermal energy radiates out from the ice cream
B. Thermal energy moves from the ice cream to the root beer by convection
C. Thermal energy moves from the root beer to the ice cream by conduction
D. Thermal energy stays with root beer by induction



The answer is C.


Thermal energy moves from the root beer to the ice cream by conduction because the ice cream is touching the root beer and the root beer is warmer than the ice cream and heat transfers to cooler temperatures and conduction occurs when two temperatures are touching and transferring thermal energy that way. I hope I could help you! :)

The rights and duties of citizens are usually contained in the? These are the possible answers
-census report
-electoral list





because they say everything that happens in the country

Explain the view of Reconstruction and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments by Southerners.


Explanation: Its D i got it right on m test

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