What do you do when ur friend is mad at u and u want to make her happy again but ur long distance friends


Answer 1


You have to start talking to her again. I guess you could send her something, but if she values your friendship, she'll be happy to be friends with you after a day.


I hope you guys make up

Answer 2


depends on the severity


if its not too severe a simple apology explaining why you said/did was wrong and that you learned or if it was really severe best thing to do is give it time and then apologize that way they calm down and probably push the issue aside. That's atleast what has worked in the past for me.

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Abraham Lincoln's plan for the Reconstruction of the South:
a. Sought to punish the South by delaying its readmission to the Union
b. Called for the military to reoccupy certain areas of the South
c. Required an oath of allegiance and acceptance of the 13th amendment
d. Was deemed too harsh by the Radicals in Congress




Explanation: i got 100 on quiz

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PLEASE ANSWER ONLY IF YOU KNOW. Reporting and blocking wrong or random answers ://



Those are all elected by voters in localities.


Clerk of the Circuit Court , Treasurer , Commissioner of Revenue and Sheriff are all constitutional officers.  


Select the boxes to identify denominations and sects of Christianity today
Eastern Orthodoxy





Eastern Orthodoxy




pretend this isn't here lol



it is now

(ㅅꈍ﹃ꈍ)*gᵒᵒᒄ ᵑⁱgᑋᵗ♡(ꈍ﹃ꈍㅅ)*

for me at least




Ok then


I need a constructed response of the story "Under fire" because i have to many baby siblings to baby sit and have a bunch of homework and personal things going on. I really need a constructed response for it and here is the question
Constructed Response
Look back at Passage A: “Calm Under Fire”. A central idea of the passage is that Henry Ossian Flipper became the first black graduate of West Point and a successful engineer through his determination in facing overwhelming obstacles. Identify and explain TWO relevant details from the passage that support the central idea. Use the RACECE format.

Thank you so much to whoever answers this because i don't have enough time to finish this essay.



I'll help you for 20 bucks

What effects of Reconstruction were the Patricians willing to accept?

A: It resulted in the election of a pro-lottery governor, lieutenant governor, and treasurer.

B: They accepted voting rights for African Americans, as well as some basic government services.

C: They wanted to end protections for freedmen and return to white supremacy, politically and socially.


This answer should definitely be B

The equilibrium price is commonly called the __________ price.
A. production
B. saturation
C. cost-efficiency
D. market-clearing


D. market-clearing is the answer


D. Market Clearing


Just did the test on edge

Who is husband of Elsa from Frozen


Jack Frost is Elsas husband




I could be wrong but i think the anwser is A.


Hope this helps!

What was going on in Europe at the time that prevented the British from committing a larger portion of its military to fighting in the War of 1812?





explain why the “jazz age” represented an important transition for american society


The jazz movement was then a reflection of an evolving African American identity born of shared historical experience, including the contemporary experiences of the Great Migration and continuing troubled race relations.

What was life like for child factory workers?




They had long and inflexible work hours. According to many studies, these hours ranged from 14 hours a day or 70 hours per week. The child laborers worked in environments that were unhealthy and dangerous to their physical well being. Many lost limbs, were killed in gas explosions; crushed under machines; and burned.

which events are these characteristics describing


Sorry is this from a text? If yes do you mind sending it so i can help you?
Send me the text and I can answer the question!!

Which is the best example of a model citizen’s civic participation?



making contributions to political campaigns and attending school

following basic traffic laws and paying bills on time

volunteering in the community and voting in elections

reading a newspaper regularly and attending religious services

Serve at homeless shelters. join the volunteer firefighters.

donate for blood donors



having a job is


What fears of Americans did progressives articulate?



Progressives articulated American fears of the growing concentration of power and the excesses of industrial capitalism and urban growth.

Which of Napoleon’s actions most contributed to his defeat? (Standard 1)
Question 9 options:

The blockade against England

The release of the Code Civil

The war against Austria

The war against Russia



the war against russia aka the invasion of russia


hope this helped


the invasion of Russia


Though other campaigns had taken a toll on Napoleon's military, the invasion of Russia is generally considered his largest failure. In 1807, Napoleon forced Russia to sign a treaty against trading with Britain. When Russia refused to continue this treaty in 1812, France invaded. French soldiers suffered from freezing, starvation, and Russian attacks during the invasion. The Russians burned their own cities instead of allowing the French to control them, and Napoleon was forced to end the invasion.

Why did the Native Americans take sides? With whom did they side?



it is your answer..... if it is helpful plzz like and comment......

Ok I think they took side with Christopher Columbus

What is the best description of capitalism?

the selling of finished goods to other colonies
the finding and producing of natural resources
the distributing of goods to individuals by the government
the making and selling of goods by individuals and businesses

answer is d



the answer is D


have a good rest of your day :)

The best description of capitalism is the making and selling of goods by individuals and businesses. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is capitalism?

Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit. In a capitalist system, individuals and businesses are free to engage in economic activity, such as producing and selling goods and services, with the goal of making a profit.

The market forces of supply and demand determine prices, and competition drives innovation and efficiency. Capitalism is characterized by private property rights, voluntary exchange, and the freedom to pursue self-interest.

While government intervention may exist to regulate the economy and protect property rights, the overall operation of the economy is driven by individual decisions and market forces rather than central planning.

Learn more about capitalism here:



How did Henry VIII encourage more people in England to read the Bible?
He required all men to attend religious services.
O He burned Protestants at the stake.
He had the Bible translated into English.
O He returned England to Catholic traditions.



The answer is c


It was against the law to publish a Bible in English before the 1530s. Latin readers and speakers had the power to interpret the Bible.  Hence option C is correct .

How did Henry VIII encourage more people in England to read the Bible?

Yet, Henry VIII authorised the publication of an English translation of the Bible in 1538, providing his subjects with easy access to the Bible. This was consistent with the religious reforms that the Reformation brought about across the continent.

Henry is clearly conveyed to be receiving the Word from God through the image. The speech-scrolls deliver the King's and the clergy's messages to the local parish congregation and Henry directly from God.

Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII's prime minister, ordered each parish to purchase a copy of an English dictionary in September 1538.Bible and put it "any convenient place" where everyone can see and read it. The Big Bible, so named because to its size, was produced to satisfy this need.

Learn more about Henry VIII here



Identify the following
1. Aid plan for world war 2 ravaged nations
2. war that took place on the day of the atonement
3. Leader of the Iranian revolution against the shah
4. British agreement with the jews that promised a home for the jews after world war 2
5. Code name for the U.S operations to prevent Iraq from occupying the Arabian peninsula
6. part of Egypt occupied by the Israelis
7. present Syrian president
8. port in Yemen where terrorists bombed a U.S ship



1.The Marshall Plan

2.Yom Kippur War: October 1973

3.Ruhollah Khomeini

4.Balfour Declaration

5.Operation Desert Shield

6.Sharm el-Sheikh

7.Bashar al-Assad

8. Aden harbor


Explain 5 principles of democracy​


“The first principle, rule of law, provides the framework for a democracy. In America, the US Constitution establishes the boundaries for every citizen and government official to follow, as it is the supreme law of the land. Likewise, American state and local governments also have laws to keep order and freedom. There must be a clear establishment of law to secure liberties.
Next, individual rights are essential to a democracy, because citizens are the heart of a nation. The US Constitution provides for individual rights in many capacities. One of the most prominent places is in the First Amendment (which provides for freedom of worship, speech, assembly, petition, and the press). The founding fathers of America wanted to make sure that a democratic form of government was created, so citizens never lived under tyranny again. The premise that “all men are created equal” and have natural rights (which should never be taken away) is central to democracy.
Another principle, the consent of the governed, is essential for a democracy to endure. This means that all citizens agree to abide by the laws of the land but that they also have a voice in the government. Citizens have the right to vote, petition the government, elect and recall officials, and more. When a form of government loses the consent of the governed, it is no longer a democracy. This principle asserts that the government is to exist for the people, not the other way around.
The next principle of a democracy, representative government, coincides directly with the consent of the governed. In America, citizens vote for many officials to be their voices in government. These representatives are to serve the people as they work for the expressed needs and desires of their constituents. Citizens can call, write, and visit their representatives to petition government officials or demand change. If citizens lose their voice, government officials can begin working for their own agendas.
Lastly, a system of checks and balances is also vital for a healthy democracy. In order to maintain this, the US Constitution established three branches of government—legislative, executive, and judicial—each with its own responsibilities and powers. Again, the founding fathers of America did not want a king who acted as a despot ever again. Likewise, they did not want lawmakers who made unjust rules or judges who were corrupt. So, checks and balances exist to maintain accountability and keep citizens’ rights at the center of government.”

^ From enotes

Study the map here. Then choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence about European
found a sea route around southern Africa in 1488.
Vasco da Gama found a route to
by sailing around Africa in 1498.
explored northeastern Canada in 1534.
In 1609, exploration of inland waterways in what is now the northern US led to the European discovery of the



✔ Bartolomeu Dias

found a sea route around southern Africa in 1488.

Vasco da Gama found a route to

✔ India

by sailing around Africa in 1498.

✔ Jacques Cartier

explored northeastern Canada in 1534.

In 1609, exploration of inland waterways in what is now the northern US led to the European discovery of the

✔ Hudson River


The answers to these questions are:

Bartolomeu Dias

found a sea route around southern Africa in 1488.

Vasco da Gama found a route to

India by sailing around Africa in 1498.

Jacques Cartier

explored northeastern Canada in 1534.

In 1609, exploration of inland waterways in what is now the northern US led to the European discovery of the

Hudson River

What is exploration?

This was the ways that the Europeans used to discover new areas in the past by carefully exploring and examining the places.

Read more on exploration here: https://brainly.com/question/2627006

How did Mughal Empire became so weak?


During the reign of Muhammad Shah (reigned 1719–1748), the empire began to break up, and vast tracts of central India passed from Mughal to Maratha hands.

Help me to write a letter about the marijuana debate



There has been a huge increase in legalization and use of cannabis (marijuana) in recent years. Despite federal prohibition of all cannabis use, 33 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical purposes; 11 of them and DC have further legalized it for recreational uses, and 15 other states have decriminalized marijuana use to some extent.

Each step raises ethical issues for health care providers, patients, and government officials.

The case in favor of using marijuana for medical purposes was made in a letter from the World Health Organization to the secretary general of the United Nations on January 24, 2019. Some 30 countries around the world had legalized medical marijuana as of 2018.

The letter followed an expert committee’s conclusion that cannabis and cannabinoids derived from the marijuana plant are relatively low risk and carry positive health benefits, including pain reduction and improvement of motor functions in patients with Parkinson’s. It called for more research to better evaluate the benefits and harms.

An expert committee appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine also raised some red flags about marijuana use in a report issued in January 2017. The panel considered more than 10,000 scientific abstracts published since 1999 and reached almost 100 separate conclusions.

Therapeutically, it found evidence that cannabis or cannabinoids could reduce pain symptoms, the muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis, and the nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. On the downside, it found suggestive evidence that cannabis use prior to driving increases the risk of a motor vehicle accidents and, in states where cannabis use is legal, increased the risk that young children would find and ingest the substance in overdose quantities.

Parents and other adults surely have an ethical obligation to keep cannabis out of the reach of children.

The panel found “moderate evidence” that cannabis can lead to abuse of other substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. It also found “limited evidence” that cannabis can impair learning, memory, and attention, even in individuals who have stopped smoking cannabis. It can also impair subsequent academic achievement, social relationships, and may increase the risk of unemployment and low income.

The panel cited a recent nationwide survey which estimated that 22 million Americans aged 12 and older had used marijuana in the last 30 days and that 90 percent of the adult users used it primarily for recreational purpose while only 10 percent used it solely for medical purposes. Around 36 percent used it for both purposes. This is an alarming increase in the recreational markets where oversight is minimal.

The risks of rapid expansion have been documented in Colorado, the first state to legalize recreational marijuana. Edibles there produced a disproportionate share of pot-related crises in emergency rooms, according to a report in The New York Times on March 25. Edibles were also more likely than inhaled pot to cause severe intoxication, acute psychiatric symptoms in people with no history of psychiatric illness, and cardiovascular problems. The lead author of the report, published in the April 16 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, told reporter Roni Caryn Rabin that he does not think edibles should be available in the retail recreational market.

Meanwhile, the state medical societies in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Delaware issued a joint statement in March opposing the legalization of recreational marijuana because there is not enough research proving it is safe.

Even though two-thirds of the states have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes, enrolling some two to three million people in their programs, the vast majority of health care systems won’t provide cannabis to their patients or allow them to bring their own supply. The facilities are reluctant because cannabis remains classified by the government as a schedule 1 drug, making it technically illegal to use for any purpose, including medical.

The greatest risk to public health is probably posed by cannabidiol oils (CBD) added to edible food products, such as cookies and brownies. The problem is that CBD is not psychoactive and does not cause the highs characterized by THC. It can take hours before it kicks in, so users may mistakenly believe it isn’t working and eat some more, compounding the risk. The edibles may also contain too much or too little of the supposedly active ingredient or contain toxic contaminants introduced during production, which is not tightly regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

A banana plant produces rhizomes, which are involved in





because i did research not like the guy on top of me :) hope you pass the quiz woof woof ;)

How did King Henry VIII change religion in England? Choose three correct answers. He split with the Catholic Church and formed the Church of England. He claimed that the king was the authority of the Church of England. He required that all people in England join the Catholic Church. He gave all the lands of the Catholic Church to people living in poverty. He had the Bible translated into English.



A, B, and E

he did not like the catholic church                                                                              





Why were Spanish weaknesses so significant in the defeat of the Spanish Armada?
[12 marks]



The Armada was difficult to attack because it sailed in a 'crescent' shape. while the armada tried to get touch with the Spanish army, the English ship attacked fiercely. however, an important reason why English were able to defent the armada was that the wind blew the Spanish ships northwards.

What did missionaries do in the new world?


civilize it, and made them more obedient.

French and Portuguese missionaries also made inroads in Canada, Brazil, and other parts of the Americas.

What rights we're expanded and restricted for women in the 1700s?​



So long as they remained unmarried, women could sue and be sued, write wills, serve as guardians, and act as executors of estates. These rights were a continuation of the colonial legal tradition.


For starters, women were only granted the right to vote in 1920. Before that, they didn't have a voice in who shaped America's laws or ran the government. They were also barred from acts as practical and simple as wearing pants or enjoying a vice, like smoking in public.

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