What do Members of Congress Do


Answer 1
Members of Congress represent the people of their district in the United States Congress by holding hearings, as well as developing and voting on legislation. All bills must pass Congress before they can go to the President to be signed into law.

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Oregon and Florida were acquired about the same time is true or false?




Well, Oregon was acquired in 1856 while Florida was acquired in 1819

I don't consider this as "around the same time".

What were the terms of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention of 1787? A. State representation in Congress would be equal, but each state would receive tax revenue based on population. B. State representation in Congress would be based on population, but each state would receive an equal proportion of tax revenue. C. States would have equal representation in the Senate, but the number of seats they received in the House of Representatives would be based on population. D. States would have equal representation in the House of Representatives, but the number of seats they received in the Senate would be based on population.

i will give brainiest



its d


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Answer:Which residents rejected.

Explanation: sorry i'm a little late

The Fifth Stage saw the enactment of the 26th Amendment stated that no state can set the minimum voting over 18 years old

True or False?





you are an adult when your turn 18 so unless u do not have a criminal record you are aloud to vote


true, It allowed voting to people 18 years or older.


What would this photograph most likely say regarding the civil rights movement


I would say letter B.


Its Martin Luther King and he's known for the nonviolent protests he held.

Ummm I think it’s B

Explain why the following scenario fails to solve the problem of dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico:

Legislators in Louisiana pass a bill outlawing nitrogen fertilizer.



Legislators in Louisiana pass a bill outlawing nitrogen fertilizer. because it is toxic and harmed life around it.


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Yes I’d they die


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For Native Americans, the War of 1812 was a desperate struggle for freedom and independence. Native Americans became involved in the conflict to secure British support for their own war against the United States. Led by Tecumseh, they played a key role in defending Canada.


They wanted to keep there land safe, safeguard their tribal lands. They hoped that if the British would get a victory that it would relieve the

unrelenting pressure they were experiencing from U.S. settlers who wanted to move further in the native amaricans land.

write a 4-paragraph essay that describes women in the workforce during WWII.




              Some 350,000 women served in the U.S. Armed Forces in World War II, both at home and abroad. They included the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots, who on March 10, 2010, were awarded the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal. Meanwhile, widespread male enlistment left gaping holes in the industrial labor force and defense industry. Women were critical to the war effort: Between 1940 and 1945, the age of “Rosie the Riveter,” the female percentage of the U.S. workforce increased from 27 percent to nearly 37 percent, and by 1945, nearly one out of every four married women worked outside the home. World War II opened the door for women to work in more types of jobs than ever before, but with the return of male soldiers at war’s end, women, especially married women, were once again pressured to return to a life at home, a prospect that, for thousands of American women, had shifted thanks to their wartime service.

Women in the Armed Forces in World War II

In addition to factory work and other home front jobs, approximately 350,000 women joined the Armed Services, serving at home and abroad. At the urging of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and women’s groups, and impressed by the British use of women in service, General George Marshall supported the idea of introducing a women’s service branch into the Army. In May 1942, Congress instituted the Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps, later upgraded to the Women’s Army Corps, which had full military status. Its members, known as WACs, worked in more than 200 non-combatant jobs stateside and in every theater of the war. By 1945, there were more than 100,000 WACs and 6,000 female officers. In the Navy, members of Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES) held the same status as naval reservists and provided support stateside. The Coast Guard and Marine Corps soon followed suit, though in smaller numbers.

One of the lesser-known roles women played in the war effort was provided by the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs. These women, each of whom had already obtained their pilot’s license prior to service, became the first women to fly American military aircraft. They ferried planes from factories to bases, transporting cargo and participating in simulation strafing and target missions, accumulating more than 60 million miles in flight distances and freeing thousands of male U.S. pilots for active duty in World War II. More than 1,000 WASPs served, and 38 of them lost their lives during the war. Considered civil service employees and without official military status, these fallen WASPs were granted no military honors or benefits, and it wasn’t until 1977 that the WASPs received full military status. On March 10, 2010, at a ceremony in the Capitol, the WASPS received the Congressional Gold Medal, one of the highest civilian honors. More than 200 former pilots attended the event, many wearing their World War II-era uniforms

Though women had been joining the work force in greater numbers since the hardships of The Great Depression, the entry of the United States into World War II completely transformed the types of jobs open to women. Before the war, most working women were in traditionally female fields like nursing and teaching. Post-Pearl Harbor, women worked in a variety of positions previously closed to them, though the aviation industry saw the greatest increase in female workers. More than 310,000 women worked in the U.S. aircraft industry in 1943, representing 65 percent of the industry’s total workforce (compared to just 1 percent in the pre-war years). The munitions industry also heavily recruited women workers, as represented by the U.S. government’s “Rosie the Riveter” propaganda campaign. Based in small part on a real-life munitions worker, but primarily a fictitious character, the strong, bandanna-clad Rosie became one of the most successful recruitment tools in American history, and the most iconic image of working women during World War II.

how did knew tecnology help farmers in the greay plains.



New technologies helped farmers on the Great Plains after the Civil War by saving them time and effort. Some of the technologies that made it possible to settle and farm the Great Plains were steel plows, water-pumping windmills, barbed wire and railroads


What challenges do you think the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 will bring to a nation that only achieved independence in 1776​



one is the issues of slavery in the western land of Louisiana purchase becam a major issue in the later years and part of the cause of American civil war


hoped this helps

Why did the United States become involved in the Korean War?


I think that the answer that you are on is the correct one

1. The interaction between a master and slave evolved into a _______

A.) System of accommodation and resistance
B.) Strange type of friendship
C.) Gang system
D.) Task system


A.) System of accommodation and resistance

i think is the best answer to the question

1. Which cause-and-effect relationship is accurate?
(1) The Russian Revolution led to an absolute monarchy.
(2) Enlightenment thoughts led to manorialism.
(3) The Black Plague led to labor shortages.
(4) The Commercial Revolution led to the creation of traditional economies





not 100% sure but i think its 1

Do you think the government has a responsibility to take care of the poor or is it up to each individual to care for themselves? Explain your answer.



I think that the people have the responsibility to take care of themselves there is no reason why the government should. Like rasing the minimum wage is not a good idea it is just going to screw us over in the end.


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Critiques by radicals of United States foreign policy

To increase Germany's defense against France, Bismarck formed the Triple Choose... .



Is this WW2? Because I am a WW2 need.




please answer the questions above will mark the answer as brainliest​
sorry supposed to be maths not history



who should i use for womans history
1.Mae Carol Jemison
2. Zendaya
3.Josephine Baker
4.Kamala Harris
5.Jill Biden,








She is a queen. Period.

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin


In the north east portion of the United States predominantly Pittsburg, and the industrial Midwest

Shays' Rebellion, an uprising of disgruntled farmers and Revolutionary War veterans in Massachusetts, was
a major factor leading to


The creation of a stronger central government that would better be able to handle military and  economic problems than the Articles of Confederation.

How did Kublai Khan’s empire differ from the Mongol Empire built by Genghis Khan?

Khan’s empire did not expand past ancient China.
Khan’s empire did not conquer China’s capital.
Khan’s empire did not conquer southern China.
Khan’s empire did not unify the Chinese provinces.



Khan's empire did not expand past ancient China. 


ur answer will be/ A Khan's empire did not expand past ancient China.


i need helpppppppppppppppppppppppp plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
no links either tell me the answer straight up



2: A, 3: D


Loss of soil fertility, erosion of soil, soil toxicity, diminishing water resources, pollution of underground water, salinity of underground water, increased incidence of human and livestock diseases and global warming are some of the negative impacts of over adoption of agricultural technologies by the farmers to make

The middle east was divided by religions and Palestinian and Israeli religions are different.

Which kept African Americans from nominating candidates for office?
poll taxes
literacy tests
white primaries
grandfather clauses



Grandfather clauses


The grandfather clause kept the African Americans from nominating candidates for office.

What is the grandfather clause?

The grandfather clause or the legacy clause can be defined as the law that states that the old rules will apply in some existing situations while the new rules framed will apply in all future cases.

In the case of African Americans, they were denied to nominate the candidates for office. The clause further stated that the African Americans who enjoyed the right to vote prior to 1867, or their lineal descendants, would be exempt in the future from educational, property, or tax requirements for voting.

Therefore the correct option is D.

Learn more about the grandfather clause here:


What were the major disagreements during the Casablanca conference?



The Casablanca Conference occurred on January 1943 and was the third time President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill met during World War II.In November 1942, Allied forces landed in Morocco and Algeria as part of Operation Torch.

When the British were completely focused on defeating Germany and favored a defensive stance in the Pacific in 1943, their American counterparts consolidated their gains by giving Japan time to counter the feared.

The disagreement is roused by plans for Europe following victory in North Africa.

What was the Casablanca conference?

A meeting was held between the President of the US and the Prime Minister of Britain. This meeting took place in the city of Morocco, named Casablanca.

The date of the conference was in 1943, January 14 to 24. For that meeting, the Soviet Primer also received the invitation.

Thus, plans for Europe after victory in North Africa arouse the disagreement.

Learn more about Casablanca Conference from here:



2. Which of the following is associated with a lack of competition in the marketplace?


U need to give more info

main features of non courption movements ??
I will mark as brainlist​



The movement was essentially a peaceful and non-violent protest against the British government in India.Indians were asked to relinquish their titles and resign from nominated seats in the local bodies as a mark of protest.People were asked to resign from their government jobs.People were asked to withdraw their children from government-controlled or aided schools and colleges.People were asked to boycott foreign goods and use only Indian-made goods.People were asked to boycott the elections to the legislative councils.People were asked not to serve in the British army.It was also planned that if the above steps did not bring results, people would refuse to pay their taxes.The INC also demanded Swarajya or self-government.Only completely non-violent means would be employed to get the demands fulfilled.The non-cooperation movement was a decisive step in the independence movement because, for the first time, the INC was ready to forego constitutional means to achieve self-rule.Gandhiji had assured that Swaraj would be achieved in a year if this movement was continued to completion.

Hope this will help you..

Do you think America should have supported the french revolution?​





when the french were starting their revolution america was still trying to start our government after winning our independence

What caused the new moral code of the 1920s?







The new morality of the 1920s can be defined as liberalism. It was the idea that all individuals are entitled to freedom and equality. The new morality of the 1920s affected gender, race, and sexuality during the 1920s. ... Concerning gender, the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.  


What is your favorite thing to do?
Also have you wrote a report this year?
I will give 10 points



I love to cook and do art. Yes I did do a report this year, but I always delete my document cause they are a waist of space.

ANSWER:i like to ride four wheeler n babysit. n yes i have wrote a few reports this year.
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