What did Major Sibley do while he was posted at Fort Union? A. sibley helped to retake new mexican posts lost in war. B. sibley charted paths to points further west. C. sibley was dismissed for his harsh methods. D. sibley helped with construction of the fort and supplies at other forts.


Answer 1

Answer: B. Sibley charted paths to points further west.


During the Civil War, Major Sibley planned to conduct a New Mexico campaign in which he hoped to capture the cities of Albuquerque and Santa Fe as well as Fort Union.

From Fort Union, Major Sibley hoped to push further west to California and establish naval bases from which they could get supplies and escape the Union blockade of Southern ports.

Answer 2

Answer: D

Explanation: It says in the comments its D so why not post it lol have a great day(;

Related Questions

Why did the north and south go to war?


Answer: A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. ... The South wished to take slavery into the western territories, while the North was committed to keeping them open to white labor alone.

The event known as the “Quasi-War” started because?



The XYZ affair was an incident that occurred during John Adams presidency, between the American and French foreign representatives. ... America refused to pay the bribe, and tensions with France that began with Jay's Treaty soon morphed into the Quasi-War in 1798.


What did Germany and Imperial Japan have IN COMMON?
blitzkrieg strategy
the desire to dominate Latin American colonies
poor natural resources
ultra-nationalist sentiment along with racist ideas of superiority


Answer: it would be "ultra-nationalist sentiment along with racist ideas of superiority" because imperial japan in the second world war waas trying to take over the eastern front and had already taken most of islands in the area like new gunine and took over much of china and was going to continue toward america and wanted hawaii hence pearl harbor. Like wise germany was in lue of trying to take over the entire world and making germany a superpower and might have succeded if not for the winter casuing the soviet union to push them back and lose a lot of land.


hope this helps you lad

have a great day and stay safe :)

and if you have any other WW2 or WW1 related questions ill be happy to help :D

Which sentence from the article BEST supports the article's central idea? A But there's more to cats' grooming than cleaning their coats. B Pitsko works with great cats at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. C Lions and tigers at the zoo lick their wounds, Pitsko said. D The grooming is partly to encourage them to go to the bathroom.


i think. A.) or C.)

Why was Robert Anderson so important during the civil war. What did he do. Short paragraph please!



Robert Anderson was an American military officer who was born on 14th of June, 1805 and died in 1871.

He was significant to the Civil War because he was the Union commander during the very first battle of the war when the Confederate Army attacked.

Can someone please help me

navigable rivers

ample coal deposits

stable government structure

protection from European political turmoil

All of these factors helped in the
industrialization of England.
imperial expansion of Europe.
unification of Italy the mich 8005
success of France in the early 19th century,



The answer is Imperial expansion in Europe.


I found the answer on quizlet

The given factors/options are the characteristics of Industrialization of England because any industrialization is only possible when all the resources are available in ample.

What is industrialization ?

Industrialization is a process which transform the economy from agrarian and handicraft to manufacture based, where technology is introduced to every day life .

At that time England possessed all the characteristics like abundance of coal deposits at disposal to make steam engine work . Another various factor which were responsible was that monarchy had very limited role and people were commercial minded. And support from the government for commercial projects such as building ships. Apart from that cheap cotton, labors and British colonies were responsible.

Hence we can conclude that desirable condition efforted to make industrial revolution happen. Therefore option A is correct.

Which of the following symbolized the women's rights movement in the 1960s? passage of Title IX election of the first female U.S. Senator passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 publication of Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique



D. publication of Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique


The publication of Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique symbolized the women's rights movement in the 1960s.

Betty Friedan was a leading feminist activist who became one of the early leaders of the feminist movement. She also later became a public figure for the rights of women in America.

Feminine Mystique discusses the roles of women in industrial societies, focusing on the issue of women being confined to the house. She began observing and writing about how women are equal to their menfolk, and that gender discrimination is one that must be overcome. The publication of this book in 1963 led to a huge outpour of support for her feminist perspective, leading to the 'second wave' of the feminist movement in America.

Betty Friedan's observation and comment on the issue of women as equals to men made a huge impact on society. Her book "Feminine Mystique" would become the symbol of the women's rights movement during the 1960s.  

Learn more about Betty Friedan here:


What was Thomas Becket made in 1162?


Becket was nominated as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162.

Which book contains the collected teachings of the prophet Muhammad?







C.) "Qur'an"


The Quran is the sacred book of Islam and contains all the precepts of Prophet Muhammad given by Gabriel, the archangel, in Mecca and Medina.

Answer: Qur' an


_  _

0  0


During World War II, why were Japanese Americans placed in internment camps?
A:They were attempting to lead political revolts.
B:They were considered a threat to national security.
C:They were awaiting deportation back to Japan.
D:They were waiting for work in war industries.





Abolitionists wanted to _____.

maintain a border between Slave and Free states
stop the extension of slavery and eventually do away with it
extend the Missouri Compromise line all the way to the Pacific Ocean
keep slaves out of the West



stop the extension of slavery and eventually do away with it

Stop the extension of slavery and eventually do away with it.

By 1500, Renaissance ideas were mainly being spread across Europe through





Why did V. M. Molotov come up with the Molotov Plan?
O A. To hurt the Soviets for helping the West
O B. To help countries in Western Europe fix themselves after the war
O C. To practice containment against Japan and other countries in
O D. To prevent Eastern European countries from taking Marshall Plan



D. To prevent Eastern European countries from taking Marshall Plan money

V.M. Molotov comes up with the Molotov Plan to prevent Eastern European countries from taking the Marshall Plan money. The correct option is d.

Who is V.M. Molotov?

V.M. Molotov was a Russian and later Soviet politician and diplomat, an Old Bolshevik, and a leading figure in the Soviet government from the 1920s onward. He served as Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars from 1930 to 1941 and as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1939 to 1949 and from 1953 to 1956.

During the 1930s, he ranked second in the Soviet leadership, after Joseph Stalin, whom he supported loyally for over 30 years, and whose reputation he continued to defend after Stalin's death. As People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs in August 1939, Molotov became the principal Soviet signatory of the German–Soviet non-aggression pact, also known as the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.

V.M. Molotov retained his place as a leading Soviet diplomat and politician until March 1949, when he fell out of Stalin's favour and lost the foreign affairs ministry leadership to Andrei Vyshinsky.

Learn more about Molotov, here:





b is the right answer

I think its B but i ddont know good luck

the underlined word.
1. Some say he impaled 40,000 people. Others say
it was closer to 100,000. In any case, he
condemned a staggering number of people to
this slow and agonizing kind of death.
A astonishing
B unsteady
C arrangement
D small



A. Astonishing.


In the given sentence, the underlined word is "staggering". This word is an adjective, meaning it modifies a noun.

As used in the given passage, the word "staggering" is used alongside "number of people". It is used to emphasize the number of people that the person hurt/ inflicted. This means that he killed a really great, astonishing, shocking number of people.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

which supreme court case decision impacted the author of this excerpt and who was the lawyer of the court case




Answer is a

“gEt OuT oF mY kITcHEN” - Harry styles







"No sHoEs iN My hOuSe" -Roddy Rich


8. Describe 4 new pieces of technology that were introduced during World War One. What
kind of impact did they have? Someone’s help please



1) Machine guns:

The machine gun allowed soldiers to rapid fire bullets at the enemy at a rate of 400 to 600 rounds per minute. This allowed defenders the ability to dominate the battlefield and cause the death of advancing enemy soldiers.


The invention of tanks made defenisve trench networks in the style of WWI obsolete. ... They were able to drive over all sorts of terrain, including trenches and they were able to smash barbed wire. They were able to move quickly, acting as cavalry used to act.

3)Poison gas:

The most widely used, mustard gas, could kill by blistering the lungs and throat if inhaled in large quantities. Its effect on masked soldiers, however, was to produce terrible blisters all over the body as it soaked into their woollen uniforms.Mustard gas, introduced by the Germans in 1917, blistered the skin, eyes, and lungs, and killed thousands. Military strategists defended the use of poison gas by saying it reduced the enemy's ability to respond and thus saved lives in offensives.

4)Flame throwers :

On July 30, 1915, flamethrowers were used effectively against British positions to flush soldiers out of their trenches and into the open. The flamethrower, like poison gas, was a psychologically terrifying weapon, leading to its use by the German Army in more than 300 battles in the war.

Please read this and help me please



C and D.


Douglass MacArthur served as a General who led the Southwest Pacific into World War I, he also supervised the Allied occupation of Japan successfully, and also leading the United Nations forces in the Korean War.

In 1945, MacArthur was given responsibility as a Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) to bring to action the Occupation plan in Japan. The two economic initiatives advanced by MacArthur during the Occupartion and Reconstruction of Japan were to distribute lands among the small farmers, which gave more power to them over the rich landowners. Another initiative taken was to break large companies or conglomerates.

Therefore, options C and D are correct.

What are theCivic duties of American citizens and need to rank from least important to very important


Do you have a picture of your options, or are you supposed to make your own list?

Miguel felt excited as he walked into the circus acrobatics class. He was good at sports, but he'd never tried anything like this before. Now Miguel watched as the teacher stepped onto the mat and demonstrated a flip. With spotters helping, Miguel attempted the same movements, but his flip spun a little sideways. He didn't let that stop him. Miguel kept practicing, and by the end of the session his flip was much improved.

How do Miguel's actions reveal the theme of the story?

Question 1 options:

They show it is possible to overcome fear of new things.

They show it is possible to succeed through determination.

They warn against being overly confident of your abilities.


Answer: They show it is possible to succeed through determination

Explanation: These two sentences: "With spotters helping, Miguel attempted the same movements, but his flip spun a little sideways. He didn't let that stop him." indicate that while Miguel experienced a setback with performing a flip (the spin sideways), he "did not let that stop him".

This shows his determination, which pays off in the end as indicated by the sentence: "Miguel kept practicing, and by the end of the session his flip was much improved."

How do businesses use opportunity costs to decide
what to produce?

How is marginal analysis for a business similar to
the marginal thinking that you do as a consumer?

What are marginal revenue and marginal cost?



Marginal Revenue Analysis. Marginal revenue is the amount of revenue added only by the last unit of output sold. For example, if a business sold 10 televisions, their total revenue is 10 times the price of the televisions, and the marginal revenue of the 10th television sold is the total revenue min


used goggle

Is Fair Trade or Free Trade a better system? Make sure you compare and contrast both systems.

(Please use your own words)



Free enterprise concentrate on the decrease of obstacles and regulations that protect specific nations or industrial sectors. Fair trade, that being said, favors the interests of employees, strengthened employment environments and eliminate possible pay inconsistencies from region to region.

Summary on why the articles of confederation fail


There wasn't any common currency in the Confederation era. The central government and the states each had their own separate money, which mades with other countries many difficult. To add, the Confederation relied on the states to send tax money to the central government. The central government lacked funds and thus they could not maintain a military or the paper currency.

Unmarried women in the colonies could not run businesses and own property.*





False: Unmarried women in the colonies COULD run businesses and own property.

Source: https://quizlet.com/32655950/ch-4-test-questions-flash-cards/#:~:text=False%3A%20Unmarried%20women%20in%20the,run%20businesses%20and%20own%20property.


True! Only Men could own property.

Brainliest pls!

The graph shows changing population statistics during the early part of the twentieth century.

A line graph showing African American Population by Region, 1900 to 1930 comparing the Midwest to Northeast. X axis is years 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930. Y axis is Population in increments of 500,000 starting at 0 and ending at 1,500,000. In 1900 and 1910 both regions were around 500,000. In 1920 both grew to around 750,000, and in 1930 both were close to 1,250,000.

By the 1930s the African American population of the Midwest and Northeast

had more than tripled since 1900.
had more than doubled since 1900.
had increased by half since 1900.
had remained the same since 1900.



By the 1930s the African American population of the Midwest and Northeast had more than doubled since 1900.


Given that the African-American population in the aforementioned regions was 500,000 people in 1900, and said population increased to 1,250,000 30 years later, to determine the population growth rate during that period, the following calculation must be performed:

1,250,000 / 500,000 = X

2.5 = X

Thus, the African-American population in these regions increased by 2.5, that is, more than doubled during that period of time.


The correct answer is B. had more than doubled since 1900


Got this correct on Edg. 2021

How did the outcome of the Supreme Court decision in Marbury v Madison (1803) impact the judicial branch moving forward?



Marbury v. Madison strengthened the federal judiciary by establishing for it the power of judicial review, by which the federal courts could declare legislation, as well as executive and administrative actions, inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution (“unconstitutional”) and therefore null and void.


The answer is Madison is a nice person becUs do way food she don’t eat
Explanation is I’m a really nice guy

is anyone good at paraphrasing? pls help!!

Bantu speakers first divided in two groups: Wide and Narrow Bantu. The modern languages of the first are spoken only on and around the Cameroon grasslands, while all the other Bantu languages belong to the second. Therefore, in practice “Bantu” usually refers to Narrow Bantu. Narrow proto-Bantu emerged from Wide Bantu in the Sanaga valley just south of the grasslands of western Cameroon. Until recent times, this huge expansion was believed to have been brought about by a single vast human migration.

It proved however to be exceedingly difficult to establish the genetic subdivisions of Narrow Bantu that such a migration would have produced, mainly because the daughter languages have borrowed so much from each other and otherwise changed over the past millennia that much of the evidence for their exact genetic relationships has been erased.​





What ultimately kept the us and the Soviet’s from actually fighting?








Which religious group was a leader
in the abolitionist movement?



Quakers were the leaders in the abolitionist movement

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