What did Edward hoppers use in the painting nighthawks to create "contrast"
a. light and dark values
b.dull colors
c. different patterns
d. similar textures


Answer 1

The correct answer is a. Hopper used the art components and style principles in specific ways. He used horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines and large, straightforward shapes. Price changes provide shapes illusion of real type. The lights and dark values conjointly produce a distinction.

By drawing sketches, Hopper was ready to experiment with varied representations and gather knowledge contributing to the final word conclusion. He elaborated on color notations that may modify Hopper to color in his studio instead of on location where differently ready.

In his paintings, he contrasted light-weight and shade with human design and savage nature by exploiting dark and lightweight hues (Hopper 37). Hopper captured an instant of real attributes with the mix of color and feeling (Hopper).

To learn more about contrasted light-weight, visit here



Related Questions

5. Compare and contrast the lives of Johann Sebastian Bach
and Ludwig Van
Beethoven. (6 points)
Major life events
Important musical compositions
Primary differences in style


Bach's compositions were primarily intended for use in churches, in contrast to Beethoven's oeuvre, which was primarily secular.

What do Beethoven and Bach have in common?

Two of the greatest composers of classical Western music are Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven. Germans were both of them. 20 years after Bach's passing, Beethoven, a contemporary of Mozart, was born. Two of the "three Bs" of classical music, Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms, are represented here. Beethoven had more success in his lifetime than BACH (1685–1750), who is typically regarded as a Baroque composer. Beethoven is known for his rich string quartets, sublime Missa Solemnis, sublime ninth symphony, piano compositions, concertos, and other works.

The general consensus is that Matthew Passion is Bach's finest work. Expressive recitative and stirring choruses combine to tell the story of Christ's Passion in a compelling way. Bach's music is delicate and delicate, frequently dripping with piercing sensitivity. The term "feminine" has been applied to his aesthetic, which is an archaic way of explaining that Bachian geometry is devoid of angles and that the shortest route between points A and B is a spiraling curve.

To learn more about Bach, visit:



musician christine mcvie has died at 79. which rock band was she a longtime member of?


Christine mcvie was a member of Fleetwood Mac

how does the musical training and composition style of cecil taylor differ from that of ornette coleman?


The unit structure is a phrase Cecil Taylor invented. Ornette Coleman's compositions have a strong melodic and emotional quality, unlike the majority of players who learn pieces of music by ear before developing them through improvisation.

Cecil Tylor started playing the piano when he was six years old and went on to study at the New England Conservatory in Boston and the New York College of Music. Taylor majored in composition and arrangement while attending the New England Conservatory. He also learned about contemporary European art music when he was there.

Ornette Coleman's style is distinct in two ways. First of all, even his enemies appreciate how melodious and emotive his tunes are. Second, listeners are turned off by his music because of the startling sound of his saxophone. The harshness of the sound is exacerbated by the plastic saxophone he is playing. Coleman was searching for a voice-like sound. He also employed microtones.

To learn more about Cecil Tylor, click here:



presenting a speech online is more challenging and time-consuming than delivering an in-person speech.


It is a true statement that presenting a speech online is more challenging and time-consuming than delivering an in-person speech.

What is an online presentation (Speech)?

An online presentation refers to a prepared speech or talk in which a person or group provides information, pitches a new idea, or introduces a new product or service through a video call. An online presentations are usually given to an audience, usually in a business setting.

In comparing the speech online and in-person speech, both types of speeches must be adapted to the online environment and both can be more challenging and time-consuming to prepare than speeches for in-person audiences. But, the final answer is that presenting a speech online is more challenging and time-consuming than delivering an in-person speech.

Full question "presenting a speech online is more challenging and time-consuming than delivering an in-person speech. True/False"

Read more about online presentation



Which artist photographed the above images? What did he pioneer?
Name the series of photographs above, and its significance.


The artist Eadweard Muybridge produced the above images. Horse in Motion is the name of the series of photographs.

Who was Eadweard Muybridge ?

Eadweard Muybridge, real name Edward James Muggeridge, was an English photographer best known for his groundbreaking work in motion-picture projection and photographic studies of motion. He was born in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, England, on April 9, 1830, and died there on May 8, 1904.

Eadweard Muybridge was the name Edward James Muggeridge chose because he thought it was the Anglo-Saxon version of his name. He came to the country as a young man but remained unknown until 1868, when his enormous pictures of California's Yosemite Valley catapulted him to fame.

When railroad tycoon Leland Stanford commissioned Muybridge to demonstrate that at a specific point in a trotting horse's stride, all four legs are simultaneously off the ground, Muybridge's studies in photographing motion started.

to learn more about Eadweard Muybridge click:



what is the name of the show that maggie dreams of dancing in in a holiday spectacular?


Maggie postpones her high class nuptials so she can fulfill her long-held desire to perform in "A Holiday Spectacular" with the Radio City Rockettes. Hallmark Channel is having a high-kick season right now.

In 1958, a wealthy heiress decides against getting married so she can pursue her long-held desire to perform in the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular.

In 2022, Hallmark will release 40 new Christmas films. Here is every detail you need to know about them, including the cast and air dates.

Bring on the festive happiness, The Hallmark Channel! On Friday, October 21, the network debuted its roster of holiday films for 2022, and what a lineup it is! Hallmark is releasing 40 new holiday films for the 13th annual Countdown to Christmas.

To know more about Christmas here



What was King Priam's fate in the black ships before Troy?


King Priam's fate was killed by Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles in the Black Ships Before Troy.

What is the Black Ships Before Troy?

Blаck Ships Before Troy is а children's book bаsed on the Аncient Greek epic poem Iliаd. The poem is а retelling of а pivotаl event in the Trojаn Wаr, which took plаce between the Bronze Аge Greeks аnd the Trojаns from modern-dаy Turkey аround 1200 BCE (before the common erа).

Who is King Priam?

King Priаm wаs the lаst stаnding king of Troy during the Trojаn wаr. He wаs аn importаnt figure in аncient Greek mythology. His story is explаined in the Book three of the Illiаd by Homer in а very cаptivаting wаy.

The lаst king of Troy, Priаm wаs killed by Neoptolemus, the son of Аchilles. His deаth wаs а big setbаck to the kingdom. His deаth аlso seаled the fаte of his city, Troy. The city wаs sаcked аnd the Greeks took Troy.

For more information about Black Ships Before Troy refer to the link:



PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tracy Chapman's Fast Car is an example of music that shares a


personal message

political message





I've actually listened to the song

Answer: Story

Explanation: Tracy Chapman's Fast Car tells the story of a working-class woman trying to escape poverty through Folk Rock music. Think of it as poetry set to music.

What time period was jazz?


Answer: 1920's


Jazz was invented by African-American musicians in New Orleans, Louisiana in the late 1800's. The music became more popular in the 1900's and took the country by storm in the 1920's. In the 1920's, the center for jazz moved from New Orleans to Chicago and New York City. Jazz was so popular in the 1920's that the time period is often called the "Jazz Age" by historians

pablo picasso and georges braque helped pioneer cubist landscapes. what earlier painter of landscapes inspired them?


Answer:Paul Cézanne


What can you say about the materials and technique used in the work of minimalism?


The Minimalists typically stayed removed from ancient art materials. Instead, they embraced the production techniques, business materials, and industrial fabrication to eliminate the proof of the artist's hand commonly found in, for example, brushstrokes.

Artists were curious about making three-dimensional geometric forms in industrial victimization materials like covering material, plywood, plastic, sheet and aluminum.

Minimalist Art uses laborious edges, geometric continuance shapes, blocks of color, precise lines, and restricted color decisions. Minimalist art reflects truth and ease by victimization solely the fundamentals to make different art items.

To learn more about Minimalist Art, visit here



What does technique mean in art?


Technique is important in art because technique is a process or method through which an artwork is made.

It helps artists to have a connected body of work. Techniques are important, as it helps in growing or evolving things.  Both techniques and principles are necessary in the making of an art. The manner and through which a person can create an art like dancing, panting, writing is called the technique of it. For example an employee of a company needs technical knowledge of a particular art or field in which he/she is working.

To learn more about Technique, here



why is our museum experience of art from the ages different from the way it was experienced by people during the time of the arts origins



because Modern art is more expressive and less formal than ancient art. It questions or rejects the traditional means, treatment, or mindset of creating art. Modern art reflects artists' expressions and perspectives. On the other hand, ancient art was impersonal and conformed to a certain society or society as a whole.

How many members are in a joint committee?


The Joint Committee is composed of ten Members of the Senate and ten Members of the House

The joint committee of the U.S. Congress is tasked with studying economic conditions and making recommendations for legislation to promote economic growth and stability. The Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate appoint ten senators and ten representatives from the House to the Joint Committee. Each names four members of the minority and six members of the majority, respectively.

The committee is chaired by a senator and a representative responsible for setting the committee's agenda and overseeing its work. The JEC holds regular hearings, invites experts to testify on various economic topics, and conducts research and analysis to inform its recommendations for legislation. The members of the JEC are appointed by the leaders of their respective parties in the Senate and the House.

Read more about Joint Committee on:



What do you think are the local materials which are considered native here in the Philippines name at least 5 local materials?


Local materials considered indigenous to the Philippines are:

BambooThe abacaCoconut shellsThe rattanThe wood.What are local materials?

They are all those elements that in former times were used for construction and architecture, that is to say, they are all those materials that have been used for the construction of walls that are in charge of separating spaces.

In the Philippines, structures and houses are influenced by the use of indigenous elements such as bamboo. Despite the advances in construction, many people want to preserve the traditional Filipino design.

Learn more about local materials in: https://brainly.com/question/7635851


what is the story of Emmett in the lego movie


its story focuses on Emmet, an ordinary Lego minifigure who helps a resistance movement stop a tyrannical businessman from gluing everything in the Lego world into his vision of perfection.

what design was traditionally used when doing research into middle age that limited the usefulness of the research?


The type of research design that is traditionally used when doing research into middle age that limited the usefulness of the research is known as cross-sectional design.

What is the cross-sectional study design?

Basically, a cross-sectional study refers to a type of research design in which you collect data from many different individuals at a single point in time. In cross-sectional research, the researcher observes the variables without influencing them.

In other word, as a type of observational study design, the investigator is able to measures the outcome and the exposures in the study participants at the same time.

Read more about cross-sectional



Why do you think elements and principles of design are important in creating an excellent work?


Elements and principles of design are important in creating an excellent work because it helps in creating and enhancing the design.

The Elements of design (EoD) enhances the user experiences for example points, lines, shapes, colors and textures. All these components work in combined manner to create an art of designing, this is its principle. The principles of design are combination of all the elements of design. when the artist uses more than one principle, he or she can create artwork that will make people speechless and can gain popularity.

To learn more about Element of design, here



The american musical theatre, in 2016, seems to be heading for a decline due to its racy content.
a. True
b. False


The answer is b. false

How do you start graffiti?


Graffiti is a form of visual art that typically involves writing or drawing on a public surface, such as a wall or sidewalk.

Graffiti is a form of visual art involving drawing on a public surface, such as a wall or sidewalk. While some people consider graffiti to be vandalism, others view it as a legitimate form of self-expression. Graffiti is typically done on public property, so one needs to find a spot that is visible to others but not too close to private property or areas where it could cause damage.

Before drawing, a sketch should be prepared. Once there is a location, design, and supplies ready, the person can start creating the graffiti. Using the sketch as a guide, the drawing or writing on the surface can start. It is also essential to choose colors that will be visible on the surface the person is working on and that will complement the design of graffiti.

Read more about Graffiti on:



Was jazz popular in the 1930s?


Yes, jazz was popular in 1930s.

The new style originated in Jazz music during 1930s, that is known as Swing Jazz. The most popular Artist was Duke Ellington and his band members. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, jazz was well known form of live entertainment. Jazz music helped people by giving them relief from their different problems.

To learn more about Jazz Music of 1930s, here



The cluster of buildings seen in the distance at the right of Liberty Leading the People signifies
a) the government of France.
b) the location of the battle.
c) the home of Lady Liberty.
d) the barracks of the army.


The French government is represented by the group of buildings seen in the distance to Liberty Leading the People's right. ( Option A )

- Eugène Delacroix painted Liberty Leading the People to commemorate the July Revolution of 1830, which overthrew King Charles X.

- This large oil painting on canvas is distinguished by its allegorical and political importance and has come to stand throughout the globe as a symbol of liberty and democracy. One of the most famous works of art in existence, it is widely used in popular culture as a representation of people's escape from oppressive control.

- Marianne, the Allegorical Muse, is the woman in the painting. The woman is more than just an allegorical figure, though; her name, Marianne, was apparently created by combining two highly popular names in France at the time, Marie and Anne.

To know more about Liberty Leading the People, kindly click on the link below :



thematically speaking, the trend for musicals in the twenty-first century has been toward the: _______


Serious, cynical, and even grim.

What is the impact of contemporary art techniques in our lives?


Contemporary artistic techniques have had a great impact on the lives of all people as it has allowed them to broaden their perspectives and allows them to reflect on life and art.

For all artists such as musicians and poets, contemporary techniques have been fundamental because they have allowed them to express themselves in different ways with the use of different techniques.

What are contemporary artistic techniques?

They are all those strategies that allow to express art in different ways, some of these styles are:

Fauvism or FovismDadaismExpressionismKinetic art, among others.

They are important because they help to express and satisfy the aesthetic needs of human beings.

Learn more about artistic techniques in: https://brainly.com/question/14407343


April is making an apron using a sewing machine. She notices that the thread is smooth and flat on one side, but the other side has large loops that shouldn’t be there. What should she adjust on her machine?

A. stitch depth
B. tension
C. stitch width
D. undercount


The answer is option B. Tension

April should adjust Tension on her sewing machine.

Tension in sewing is how tight the threads are pulled while sewing. It is what keeps your front and back stitches looking the same. Both the top and bottom tension must work together in order to create consistent stitching. The more thread in the stitch, then the loosed the stitch. The less thread, then the tighter the stitch and tension is what controls this.

The following are things to do tension of sewing is not right.

Rethread your top thread on the machine Rethread your bobbinClean your bobbin and tension areas checking for lint build upInsert a new needleCheck the needle you are using to make sure it is the right one for the sewing you are doingUse a good quality thread -on top and in the bobbin.

Learning more about tension in sewing here



which drummer famously threw a cymbal at charlie parker's feet during a jam session to indicate he should stop playing and leave the band stand? group of answer choices


Joe Jones, threw a cymbal at Charlie Parker's feet during a jam session to indicate he should stop playing and leave the bandstand.

Fletcher tells Andrew a tale about how Charlie Parker became Charlie Parker because Joe Jones once hurled a cymbal at Charlie Parker's head to illustrate his teaching strategies.

To learn more about, Charlie Parker, visit: https://brainly.com/question/15771861


which performance artist has often been a visible center of controversy for their support of causes like feminism and equality for the lgbtq community?


Marsha P Johnson . Activist for the rights of transsexuals and gays, one of the main figures in the Stonewall riots of 1969, when the gay community of New York City fought for equal rights.

What is technique in art appreciation?


Techniques - means a process, or a method of using the medium in a manner that he wishes to finish an art work.

Why technique is important in art?

Any type of art, whether it be improvisation, painting, or photography, requires technique. You must understand the fundamentals in order to become proficient, and progress needs hours and hours of dedicated practice. There is no escaping this truth.

What do technique and medium signify in terms of art?

A "medium" can relate to both the supplies (such as clay, wood, paint, fabric, charcoal, etc.) and the method of production (such as pottery, printing, painting, or sculpture).

Learn more about technique in art to visit this link



what artist sings the ever-popular christmas song all i want for christmas is you?


The artist is Mariah Carey

Which technique places one object above another to create the illusion of depth?
diminishing scale
vertical placement



Should be overlapping


when you place one object above another you overlap them and with some shading you can give an illusion of depth




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