What did Daniel do to prove that his freedom was real? chapter 15​


Answer 1


May you tell what book this was..?

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Morrison returns from Strawberry one day with a note that their mortgage is due immediately. Papa goes to Strawberry the next day and finds out that their credit is no longer good there, so he has to call Uncle Hammer to see if he can get the money.


hope this helps you

Why is it a good idea to have note cards rather than a fully written-out speech?
It's not
Reading directly from a sheet of paper makes it difficult to sound natural
Reading directly from a sheet of paper can confuse the audience
Note cards mean you can condense a speech to its essential points



Reading directly from a sheet of paper makes it difficult to sound natural

This is from the play, "The Twelfth Night" Read the passage:

Olivia (breathless with love): Blame not this haste of mine. If you mean well, now go with me and with this holy man. Plight me the full assurance of your faith. What do you say?

Olivia speaks these words to Sebastian. What emotion is Olivia feeling at this moment?

A. stubborn
B. determined
C. curious
D. overwhelmed



im gonna say overwhelmed


please let me know if im wrong

A pig that has internal parasites has (____) living in its intestines.



Large roundworms.


Nodular worms.








Roundworms/Adult roundworms


Select S if the sentence fragment is a subject (noun phrase) or P if it is a predicate (verb phrase).

traveled for over an hour


Answer: Predicate


It contains the verb, which is part of the verb phrase or predicate

The following question is based on your reading of "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe.
What is the major problem with Robinson's canoe?
a. He has no way to get it to the water. C. It does not have enough room for provisions.
b. It has a leak that he cannot locate.
d. He has no way to waterproof it.





Have a Nice Day

Read the passage and poem.
from The Wind in the Willows
The Mole had been working very hard all the morning, spring-cleaning his little home. First with brooms, then with dusters; then on
ladders and steps and chairs, with a brush and a pail of whitewash; till he had dust in his throat and eyes, and splashes of whitewash all over his
black fur, and an aching back and weary arms. Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his
dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing. It was small wonder, then, that he suddenly flung down his brush on the
floor, said 'Bother!' and 'o blow!' and also 'Hang spring-cleaning" and bolted out of the house without even waiting to put on his coat. Something
up above was calling him imperiously, and he made for the steep little tunnel which answered in his case to the gravelled carriage-drive owned by
animals whose residences are nearer to the sun and air. So he scraped and scratched and scrabbled and scrooged and then he scrooged again
and scrabbled and scratched and scraped, working busily with his little paws and muttering to himself,'Up we go! Up we go!' till at last, pop! his
How is the coming of spring addressed differently in the passage and poem?
O 1. In the passage, Mole dreads the arrival of spring because he doesn't like the work involved. In the poem, spring is a beautiful time
where the stream is full of life.
02. In the passage, Mole can't wait for spring but is too exhausted from spring-cleaning to leave his hole. In the poem, spring comes
silently and gently widens the stream.
3. In the passage, Mole works hard to prepare for spring and waits calmly in his burrow for its arrival. In the poem, spring is delayed,
and the stream remains blocked by snow.
04. In the passage, Mole longs for spring so much that he rushes to the surface to play in the meadow. In the poem, spring is a
destructive force that threatens the stream valley.


In the poem Mole can't wait for winters but is too exhausted from spring cleaning to leave his hole. Thus the option (2) is correct.

What is the theme of the poem?

The Wind in the Willows is the poem related to the adventures between the several animals in the countryside. These animals behave like humans and talks to each other. It is all about the friendship among the animals and how the save their friend from the troubles.

During springs waiting ,mole was exhausted in the cleaning to he left his home and found a river where he met rat.

Thus in the poem springs comes silently and gently and widens the stream. The correct option is (2).

Learn about The Wind in the Willows here:



Poetry: What is the definition of Stanza?



A stanza is a grouped set of lines within a poem, usually set off from others by a blank line or indentation.

It’s even harder to understand everything when there’s background noise, like in the cafeteria or a fast food place. What is the adjective in the sentence? Question 6 options: a) even b) cafeteria c) harder d) background



The answer is c) harder.


I believe it's even (a)


I say this because harder is an adverb

Read this text.

In a famous article by travel agent Donald Workman, he asserts that, “It’s simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal.”

Which of the following is a correct revision of this text?

The text is correct as it is.

In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that: “It’s simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal.”

In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that “it’s simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal.”

In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that, “it’s simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal.”



C) In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that "it's simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal."


If the answers are

In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that, "it's simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal."

In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that: "It's simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal."

In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that "it's simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal."  

The text is correct as it is.


In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that, “it’s simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal.”

hope it is helpful to you

How many days did it take him to get tot he "forbiden" city?
The water of Babylon



8 days


---- I am confused. yes or no​


Ummm I am confused too but yes

What values does president reagon suggest all Americans share in his appeals to their sense of patriotism



Freedom, economic prosperity, opportunity and the rule of law were some of the values mentioned by President Reagan in Christmas talk about the family in the US. Presumably he meant these were values shared by many Americans.

OOPS. There were several times in Part 1 when, as you played the role of Nat and tried to do the right thing, you may have said or done the wrong thing. Sometimes others would overlook it. Other times, you suffered for it. Write about a time in your own life when you intended to say or do the right thing, but the wrong words came out of your mouth. Who was there


One day, I ended up offending my mother without the intention of offending her, I felt very sad about it and I ran to apologize and explain that my intensions were completely different. This situation happened when I heard a song by a singer that my mother was a fan, when she was a child. When I heard the music, I ran to show it to my mother and used the exact words "when I heard it, I automatically remembered you." The problem was that the music was a strong critic of situations that my mother had already lived in the past and because of my words, she thought I was offending her. However, I meant that I remembered her because of the singer. I had not paid attention to the lyrics of the song and not even the way I was talking about it, but when I realized that my mother was offended, I went to apologize and explain the situation quickly.

The following question is based on your reading of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. PUCK Fairy king, attend, and mark: I do hear the morning lark. OBERON Then, my queen, in silence sad, Trip we after the night's shade: We the globe can compass soon, Swifter than the wandering moon. TITANIA Come, my lord, and in our flight Tell me how it came this night That I sleeping here was found With these mortals on the ground. What poetic device is used here? a. Rhyme c. Symbolism b. Repetition d. Metaphor Please select the best answer from the choices provided



The poetic device being used in the excerpt is:

A. rhyme


We can define rhyme as the repetition of ending sounds in words, especially words that are at the end of poetry lines. Let's use the first lines of the excerpt as an example:

Fairy king, attend and mark:

I do hear the morning lark.

The words "mark" and "lark" sound quite similar, right? That is because they have the same final sounds /ark/, the only difference between them being the first consonant sound of each /m/ and /l/. This is an example of rhyme.

The same happens in the other lines, with the pairs "soon" and "moon", "flight" and "night", and "found" and "ground".

What are the things you want to remember about the pandemic/being quarantined? 75 words (you’ll need to elaborate)



Road shimmer

Wiggling the vision

Heat heat waves

I'm swimming in a mirror

Road shimmer

Wiggling the vision

Heat heat waves

I'm swimming in a

Sometimes, all I think about is you

Late nights in the middle of June

Heat waves been faking me out

Can't make you happier now

Sometimes, all I think about is you

Late nights in the middle of June

Heat waves been faking me out

Can't make you happier now

Usually I put

Something on TV

So we never think

About you and me

But today I see

Our reflections

Clearly in Hollywood

Laying on the screen

You just need a better life than this

You need something I can never give

Fake water all across the road

It's gone now the night has come but

Sometimes, all I think about is you

Late nights in the middle of June

Heat waves been faking me out…

Which excerpt is part of the exposition of “The Snow-Queen”?

Kay and Gerda were looking at one of their picture-books—the clock in the great church-tower had just struck five, when Kay exclaimed, “Oh! something has stung my heart, and I've got something in my eye!”
In the winter they could not do this, but then they put hot pennies against the frozen window-panes, and made round holes to look at each other through.
His little sledge hung on fast, and it went on like the wind.Then he cried out, but nobody heard him. He was dreadfully frightened.
“Look in the glass, Gerda! Just see how regular they are! They are much more interesting than real flowers. Each is perfect; they are all made according to rule. If only they did not melt!”





i got it on edg 2021




Which best describes the author's attitude in the passage?
1. frustrated, because our understanding of the atom is so limited
2. smug, because our understanding of the atom has progressed significantly
3. hopeful, because our understanding of the atom is advancing
4. satisfied, because our understanding of the atom is complete



3. Hopeful, because our understanding of the atom is advancing.


The attitude of a writer refers to the tone that is used by the writer in narrating or writing the text. This means that specific words are used by writers to reveal their tone, their attitude, the feelings towards the topic.

In the given passage, the author delves into how our understanding of atoms has developed from ancient times to what we now know. And in stating that "thanks to these scientists and others, our understanding of the atom is more complex than it ever was, and it continues to evolve and change." This line shows that the writer's tone is hopeful. The use of words such as "evolve, change" reveals the hopeful tone of the writer.

Thus, the correct answer is option 3.


3. Hopeful, because our understanding of the atom is advancing.


Good Luck!

Identify :
1. Falling Action:
2. Resolution:
3. Climax:
4. Exposition:
5. Rising Action:



Falling action: characters doing things, typically pursuing things they want.

Resolution: main problem is resolved or worked out.

Climax: greatest amount of drama, action, and movement.

Exposition: introduces background information to the reader.

Rising action: events that lead up to the climax


Below is a diagram. Happy learning!

pleas help thank you :]


Answer:you would have to post page 28


Which of the following is a characteristic of communism? Select all that apply.
All citizens have the same opportunities to develop skills.

All resources for production are controlled by one political party.

All goods are distributed equally, and no one owns private property.

People work for the state and receive an income based on their contribution.

(will give brainliest)




All of these are examples of communism. If you look at Other countries that might have these types of political gain, you can see that all of these apply. Let me know if you have any questions.

Which sentence BEST explains why Emma befriends Harriet?


Answer: You did not give us examples plz do

is this sentence combined correctly someone plsss helpp plzz ​


this answer is an example of a bad sentence, as the comma does not need to be there
The answer would be a bad sentence

Please answer this correctly without making mistakes



direct object.


A sentence can be defined as a group of words that comprises of both a subject and predicate used to convey a logical information. Sentences are classified into four (4) main categories and these includes;

I. Simple sentence.

II. Compound sentence.

III. Complex sentence.

IV. Compound-Complex sentence.

In English language, a subject can be defined as the person, thing, idea or place that performs an action.

Thus, it gives the readers a complete idea about whom the author's fictional work is centered around or written on.

On the other hand, an object refers to the person, thing, idea or place that receives an action performed by the subject.

Also, a direct object is the specific thing a subject acts upon and as such it answers the question of what, whom or who.

Hence, the Pulitzer Prize which was awarded by the Columbia University to Alice Walker is a direct object.

Charlotte in The True Confessions of Charlotte
Doyle is
A:the antagonist
B:the protagonist
C:a flat character
D:told in third person



B the protagonist. The book is told in first person and she's the main character therefore she is the protagonist.


Hope this helps :)


B. the protagonist


hope this helps :)

"When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine."

Define AUTHOR'S PERSPECTIVE. Explain WHY it is important to know it BEFORE reading a selection. Then, describe the author of "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine.'

At least 3-5 Sentences



Throughout Jhumpa Lahiri's short story “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” it is clear that symbolism is used to emphasize two distinct themes: hope and opportunity. Mr. Pirzada came from Dacca to work on a book, while his family is stuck in the middle of the civil war, known as the India-Pakistan Conflict of 1971.

help pls question in pic will give brainliest!!!​





I believe it is C because the thesis is not restated in the conclusion.

According to NASA, there are now more than 500 working (1) 2,000 defunct satellites, 1,400 used
and 1,100 smaller objects (3)
Since the beginning of (4) exploration in
1957, more than 137 (5) _have exploded or broken apart while in (6) around the Earth.
Over time, even working spacecraft lose (7) and screws.
And (8)
moves fast-several thousand kilometers per second. At that speed, even the tiniest,
can cause huge problems. NASA engineers think an electronic (10) hit the Columbia
space shuttle, leaving a 6-milimeter dent in the door of the shuttle's (11) _ba' Had the door been
open, the speeding projectile could have pierced the shuttle's vulnerable (12).
So much (13) has bounced off the shuttles that NASA has had to replace 63 shuttle windows
since 1981. Several thousand near-misses involving (14) and satellites happen every day. NASA
fears the situation will get worse. What do you think? How can we (15)


I don’t what to tell you man sorry

Which point of view does the narrator use in the passage?
"Beannacht libh," cried Miss Ivors with a laugh as she ran down the staircase.
Mary Jane gazed after her, a moody puzzled expression on her face, while Mrs. Conroy
leaned over the banisters to listen for the hall-door. Gabriel asked himself was he the
cause of her abrupt departure. But she did not seem to be in ill humor: she had gone
away laughing. He stared blankly down the staircase.

A. First person
B.second person
C.third person limited
D.third person omniscient



C. third person limited


hope this helps :)

Out of the choices provided above, it can be concluded that the narrator uses a third person limited point of view throughout the passage. Therefore, the option C holds true.

What is the significance of point of view?

A point of view of narration can be referred to or considered as the perspective used by a narrator to narrate the story to the readers. When a third-person limited perspective is used, the readers cannot connect themselves with the character of the story.

For a third-person limited point of view, the readers are of a perspective that they are talking about another character in whose life the events taking place are being narrated in the story.

Therefore, the option C holds true and states regarding the significance of a point of view.  

Learn more about a point of view here:



Which best describes what kind of speaker Chase is?
Chase and his classmates are discussing local service
opportunities. Chase is excited to share his idea of
providing sack lunches for those in need. During the
discussion, Chase offers information about his service
project. He listens carefully to the questions of the
group and answers respectfully,
Chase is not an effective speaker because he uses
very informal language.
O Chase is not an effective speaker because he is not
confident about his idea,
O Chase is a very effective speaker because he
comes prepared to share.
O Chase is a very effective speaker because he
communicates non-verbally.
Mark this and return
Save and Exit



the answer would be the second one

Other Questions
Pls help Ill brainlest ASAP Please select the word from the list that best fits the definitionan unusually long period during which rainfall is below averageCalifornia Currentcold-waterdroughtEl NioGulf StreamLa NiabuoysTropicsupwellingSave anwarm water What is the equation to solve this problem? can someone please do the balanced equation for potassium fluoride? Find the area of the compound figure. Round your answer to 2 decimal places if required. (Use = 3.14)Hello! Ive been stuck on this problem for a while andthough I know the answerIm not sure how to get to it? Please help! HELPPPP ASAPPWhat is Douglass appealing to when he uses the phrase"deprives itself of one-half of all that is wisest and bestfor its usefulness"?Read the excerpt from Frederick Douglass's speech onthe emancipation of women.If the sense and sum of human goodness in man andwoman combined is greater than in that of either aloneand separate, then the government that excludeswomen from all participation in its creation, admiration,and perpetuation, maims itself, deprives itself of one-halfof all that is wisest and best for its usefulness, successand perfection.O authorityO credibilityO emotionso evidence help me pleasei've ask this 3 times and didn't get a correct answer Which of the following functions are linear? List three concrete actions you can take in a essay Why did the Confederate states replace the Stars and Bars flag with the Confederate battle flag? A) The Stars and Bars flag was too detailed and unattractive. B) The Stars and Bars flag looked too much like the American flag. C) The Stars and Bars flag had been used since the Revolutionary War. D) The Stars and Bars flag caused racial division in southern states. The courthouse keeps a register of the buildings at every address in the city.Which definition best matches the meaning of register in the sentence?1. a vent that controls the flow of air into a room2. an official book with a record of items or namesthe type of machine that records numbers4. the range of a voice or a musical instrument Weaver ant nests are most common in the outer, often uppermost, sunlit branches of trees. The site of energy influx and photosynthesis, this shell of greenery is where most biological action in forests takes place and thus where the majority of resources sought by the ants accumulate. There the ants bind adjacent living leaves into a kind of arboreal tent. Ranging from the size of a baseball to the size of a volleyball but weighing not much more than an inflated balloon, the nests look frail, but they shelter the ants from wind, rain, and rivals. Transpiration,superscript,1,baseline, from their leaf walls creates a built-in HVAC,superscript,2,baseline, system, providing relatively stable temperature and humidity.paragraph 2,To begin building a nest, a worker pulls at the edge of a leaf, and if she's successful in bending it, nearby ants join her. The workers may stand side by side while gripping the leaf margins, but if the leaves are too far apart, they climb on top of one another and, seizing each other by the waist, form leaf-to-leaf chains that are strong enough to drag the foliage together. Within hours, the nearby leaves are drawn tight and aligned in a nest configuration.paragraph 3,The name ,begin italics,weaver ant,end italics, comes from the next step, which involves a kind of child labor. In many ant species, the larvae spin silk cocoons in which they transform into adults. But a weaver ant larva does not make a cocoon. Instead, it produces silk at a young age, when still small enough to be held and manipulated by an adult worker. After bearing the larva to the construction site, the worker locates a leaf edge through palpations of her antennae, then lowers the larva's head to it. The larva attaches a silk line to the edge, and the worker then shuttles it back and forth between the leaves, like a weaver working a loom, until the foliage is bound by woven sheets. As a finishing touch, the nest is detailed with tidy entries and internal walls and galleries. The nests, I suspect, can last for years: when the leaves wither, workers bind fresh ones into the structure to replace them.paragraph 4,Weaver ants avoid the inconveniences endured by most ants, which, as central-place foragers, spend considerable time commuting from one central nest. This is evident in driver ant raids, where hundreds of thousands of ants regularly travel dozens of meters or more. Weaver ants minimize the amount of moving around they do by spacing leaf nests throughout their territory, erecting them wherever their workers are needed and foliage is available for construction. This also makes it easy for them to handle unforeseen events quickly: a worker seeking assistance need only communicate with the ant reserves in the nearest nest.paragraph 5,Inside the tent, among the brood piles, are smaller workers with shorter limbs. In most polymorphic ants,,superscript,3,baseline, the major workers are scarce and specialized, but with ,begin italics,Oecophylla,end italics,,superscript,4,baseline, the opposite is true, with the majors doing the foraging and nest construction, serving as the workaday ants rather than "soldiers," in the sense of a specialized defensive caste. The minors are less numerous and tend the eggs and small larvae. The physical differences between minors and majors are more modest than in the marauder and driver ants, but the two are relatively distinct, with only occasional intermediates. Typically, the queen is in a nest toward the center of the territory near the top of a crown, though she moves from time to time. Her eggs are distributed among the nests by her workers.paragraph 6,Because weaving a nest requires an assembly of workers and larvae, one wonders how weaver ant colonies get started. What does the first nest look like? Once, in the Australian outback, I peeled apart two small leaves sewn together at chest level to find four queens and forty workers, the latter each the size of a small major worker in a mature colony, cohabiting in a space the size of a change purse. Making such a tiny nest need not be difficult. Before their first workers are old enough to do the job, the neophyte queens are likely to join forces to hold larvae and weave the nest together.This sentence is from the passage."Ranging from the size of a baseball to the size of a volleyball but weighing not much more than an inflated balloon, the nests look frail, but they shelter the ants from wind, rain, and rivals." (Paragraph 1)What is the effect of comparing the size and weight of weaver ant nests to familiar objects? 1. The comparisons reveal that the nests serve as practical and spacious homes.2. The comparisons reinforce the idea that ants work as a team to build their nests.3. The comparisons emphasize that the nests are remarkable and surprising structures.4. The comparisons highlight that the primary purpose of the nests is to protect the ants. A Carnot engine uses a steam boiler at 100C as the high-temperature reservoir. The low-temperature reservoir is the outside environment at 35.0C. Energy is exhausted to the low-temperature reservoir at a rate of 150 W. Hint (a) Determine the efficiency of the engine. (Give your answer as a percentage.) eC = % (b) Determine the useful power output of the heat engine (in W). output = W (c) How much steam (in kg) will it cause to condense in the high-temperature reservoir in 2.00 h? condensate = kg Which of the following is true regarding women and work during WWI?Select one:OFemale factory workers earned more than male factory workers during the war,Women worked only as volunteers and did not get paid during WWI.The number of women in labor unions increased during the war,Women only worked outside of the home if their husband was killed in the war, help me pls.-hummus Joel is the sole shareholder of Manatee Corporation, a C corporation. Because Manatees sales have increased significantly over the last several years, Joel has determined that the corporation needs a new distribution warehouse. Joel has asked your advice as to whether (1) Manatee should purchase the warehouse or (2) he should purchase the warehouse and lease it to Manatee. What relevant tax issues will you discuss with Joel? What does Lomonosov see as Peter's virtues or qualities? 25 pts, please help ASAP A = 84 + 2t. Assuming A has the same value, the given equations form a system of two linear equations. Solve this system using an algebraic approach and interpret your answer. Identify two ways that temperature plays a role in chemical changes. Will mark brainliest please help ASAP Complete the square to find the vertex of this parabola x^2-14x+4y+29=0