What are three good things teens should do in their spare time?


Answer 1


teens i think need to study, live there life and drop people that don't believe in you all these things can help your mental health

Related Questions

please i need help its due in 5 mins.



I can’t decide between B and D but I am leaning toward D


The uniform looks to be of military origin,and the bag looks like a little pigeon carrier bag so it must be one of those two.

Hope this helps :3

Am I to late or no, if not let me know I would comment what my prediction would be.

Item 8
Too Fast

Batnik’s father was a great inventor. He had created many things that made people’s lives easier. One of his inventions was a car that could operate on both water and land; this car was Batnik’s favorite. On water, it could float and travel at speeds up to 80 miles per hour. But on land, it could travel at speeds over 200 miles per hour. Batnik’s father had created this special car to help people from their island get to the mainland and other islands faster. When Batnik's father was a boy, the only method of travel from one island to another was by ferry, and the trip often took hours. People who were sick and needed medical help from the mainland would have to endure the long crossing or not go at all because of delays. Batnik’s father loved his homeland and wanted to ease the burden on the people, so he created the water car.

When he showed the car to Batnik, Batnik’s father warned Batnik that the car should not be driven at the maximum speed on land or water because the engine could burst into flame. One day when his father was away, Batnik decided that he wanted to show the car to his friends. He drove it on the water, at first going only half the possible speed. Then, as his excitement grew, he increased his speed on the water and was nearing maximum speed. When he reached the land, he continued to accelerate. His exhilaration grew. Like the mythological Greek boy Icarus, who flew too close to the sun, Batnik forgot his father’s warning and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. When the car exceeded 200 miles per hour, it burst into flames.
How is the character of Batnik's father in “Too Fast” similar to Pan in "Pan: God of the Wild"?

Both act in ways that cause the deaths of young people.

Both help people with new inventions.

Both have aspects of joy and terror.

Both travel throughout the world in unusual ways.





Please help with this


D. To show emotion or feeling

For a piece of writing to qualify as a poem, it has to:
use lines and stanzas, not paragraphs
include words that rhyme with each other
have a regular rhythm or pattern of accents
present a message about feelings


Hi! I believe that I have an answer.

Not every single poem has to rhyme. Not every poem has to have a rhythm/pattern. And not every poem has to talk about feelings.

Therefore, my answer is the first one,

Use lines and stanzas, not paragraphs.


use lines and stanzas, not paragraphs


Which sentence contains a double negative?

I have no time for supper because we are late.

Don't light the candle next to the curtain.

We didn't see nothing at the store.

I can't find my basketball anywhere.



we didn't see nothing at the store


didn't and nothing cancel each other out

"We didn't see nothing at the store" sentence contains a double negative. Thus, option 'C' is the correct option.

What is a double negative?

When two grammatical negation structures are employed in the same sentence, the result is a double negative. The more general phrase for when there are many negatives in a sentence is "multiple negations." Double negatives can yield an affirmative in certain languages when they cancel one other out, but they can also amplify the negation in other languages.

The use of two negatives in a single independent phrase is referred to as litotes, and in standard English, the negatives are considered to cancel one another and result in a weaker affirmative (see the Robert Lowth quote below). However, depending on how the phrase is put together, certain dialects consider that the second negative is intensifying if a verb or adverb is placed between them.

Learn more about double-negative sentences here:



PLEASE HELP ASAP !!! (crying)


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. B


These i am pretty sure on



6.B or D

Hello everyone! Just a quick warning that Astralduelist is going around and doing scams and won't leave you alone! he is deleting all my questions so nobody can help me and is very annoying! if you happen to run into him, BLOCK HIM PLS! HE is very annoying and he is making me waste my points! So pls block him or report him if you see him. Good day





Have a nice day

Thank you for the warning!! I’ll make sure to do that

How are u today?….


Bad I am trying making my day good just trying to chill and you

I am very well today. Thank you:)

How does background knowledge help you understand what your reading?


To understand how or why the things are happening or why the person feels the way they do about the situation
to understand more information about the story, you get to see which sides are better (if any) makes the story more relatable

How did the WPA help encourage literacy among U.S. citizens?
They wrote a book about the impact of a literate nation.
They took several reading surveys of a diverse American population.
They made and distributed posters promoting reading.
They gathered literacy data to compare with other countries.



They made and distributed posters promoting reading.


I just got it right on a quiz

The WPA help encourage literacy among U.S. citizens by making and distributing posters promoting reading.

What is WPA?

The works progress administration a new name of work projects administration was an American new deal organization that hired millions of job seekers, largely uneducated men, to complete public works projects, such as erecting public structures and roads.

How was it started?

On April 8, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt encouraged Congress to approve $4.9 billion for the funding of a temporary federal works program known as the Works Progress Administration during the great depression.

What is Federal one?

The group of initiatives created with the intention of providing the public with professional and white-collar jobs relating to the arts was referred to as Federal One. They are:

The Federal Art Project (FAP)The Federal Music Project (FMP)The Federal Theater Project (FTP) The Federal Writers' Project (FWP)

To learn more about WPA, Works Progress Administration, and organization here,



Please help me with this question


B. If you never give up, your dreams will come true

Which statement best evaluate the effect of adding descriptive detail in the
second version of the passage?
Passage 1:
I tried counting sheep to fall asleep. Soon I thought of a pasture with a
fence. On one side were a lot of sheep. My mind thought of each one
jumping over the fence. To make things more interesting. I pictured
sheep with different colors of wool. After counting over 100 ewes, 1
realized I still couldn't sleep
Passage 2
I hoped I could count sheep to make myself fall asleep. My mind's eye
quickly created a green pasture with long flower strewn grass
surrounded by a small wooden fence. Outside the fence, a long line of
sheep waited. My mind pictured them jumping up and over the wooden
rails one by one. Some were black, and some were white. A few had
spots or interesting markings on their wool. Each had a facial
expression that was wise or soothing or happy. But after counting
more than 100 ewes, I realized that my brain was as wide awake as
A It helps the reader picture what the narrator is imagining
OB. It helps the reader understand that the narrator is not telling the
C. It gives the passage a more frightening feeling
D. It highlights the tender and loving one of the passage





the descriptive details help the reader understand what the narrator is feeling. It gives a bigger sense of things


The correct answer should be A.


In the second passage, the narrator is using more description in the story. They discuss the different colors/patterens of the sheep wool. (I hope this helps.)

can yall help? thanks.





When it takes whole paragraph to describe an amazing scene like this, the author wants you to get a slow, yet relaxed vibe.  


B. It makes it feel like it is moving slowly.


What kinds of details should be used to create an effective anecdote?


Answer: having a relevant event, have your story be interesting, structure ideas, draw a conclusion


some details may include having an interesting plot, chronological ideas and a strong conclusion :)

How did the memories influence the development of Jonas’s character?
Group of answer choices

The memories helped Jonas see color and know what the changes of weather can do.

As Jonas begins to receive memories and learn more about the world before sameness, he naturally begins to think more independently. He becomes frustrated with his community and makes his own decision to leave the community.

Jonas’s character developed through the memories because it gave him the power of the receiver.

The memories developed Jonas’s character by letting him gain the same knowledge as the Giver as the Giver loses the memories.


It has to be B.

A) makes no sense
C) Jonas is the receiver but it’s because he’s “gifted”
D) the giver was still content with his job knowing he will be holding all the pain for his people Jonas was no content and decided to leave to experience the joy and pain of real life.

so b is the reasonable choice

Please help anwser the question please. (read he story before doing a summary) Thanks!



When listening to street music, Pedro wished he could play musical instruments. An opportunity arose when he heard that Carnegie Hall offers a chance for kids to learn to play instruments. He signed up but things quickly went left when the recorder was too difficult to play. Pedro was annoyed and upset, but his father encouraged him to keep on playing as nothing will come easy. In the end, Pedro never gave up and got the opportunity to play at Carnegie Hall in front of other musicians.


the guys above me is correct

Help me please hurry



C I think

I don't know

What kind of text structure does the author MOSTLY use in paragraph 3 to explain the realationships between air pressure and storms?


Answer:Cause and Effect

Explanation: If you read the second paragraph you kinda get a hunch of what is going to be so next time read it slow and out loud to yourself and cross of what you don't think is the answer.

Hope this Helps!;)

cause and effect

hopefully that helps!!!!!!!!!!

Read the following sentences. Victor was lonely until he heard that birds of a feather flock together. He took out his baseball card collection and began to talk about baseball with William. The two baseball fans became good friends. What is the meaning of the adage or proverb birds of a feather flock together? Friendship makes it difficult to feel lonely. Make friends by talking about sports. People spend time with others who are similar to them. You rarely see different animals hanging out with each other.



I  read it but whats the question?



either "friendship makes it difficult yo feel lonely" or "people who spend time with others who are similar to them"


hope this helped a little



Tone- how the narrator/speaker feels towards the events of the narrative they are describing
Mood- how the piece makes us—the reader—feel
Evidence- examples of the literary devices the author used and how they were used (diction, metaphor, imagery, contrast, etc.)

Paragraph #1:
The tone (coming from the narrator) is joyous, lively, and sentimental
The mood (to the reader) is warm, festive, and personal
EVIDENCE: Imagery of pleasant sensations like “bright lights” the “smell of cookies and cider,” “bright packages,” and the “warm room” as well as the selected vocabulary of “gleamed,” “hummed,” and “playfully,” demonstrate the narrator’s comfort, familiarity, and enjoyment of the holidays while indicating to the reader that this is a safe, happy, and celebratory time.

Paragraph #2:
The tone is depressed and disheartened
The mood is bleak and expired
EVIDENCE: words like “long, cold winter” “dry, brittle (tree),” and the juxtaposition (contrast) between putting “decorations back into their boxes” with the past “finery” of the house show the narrator’s disappointed feelings towards the end of the holiday season and the general “sigh” of the house.

Based on information in the section “Fearing the Worst,” what can you infer about Dolly’s family?



What book is this


The calling out of a child's number is similar in today's society to

Group of answer choices

calling out a child's complete name

announcing the child's age

stating the date



the answer is B. Calling out child’s complete name
b-calling out there child’s complete name

What can you infer about the family unit’s interaction with each other?
Group of answer choices

The family unit’s interaction demonstrates how they became a family unit.

The family unit’s interaction demonstrates how they have no real feelings for each other, are satisfied with the conformity of individuals in the community, and believe everything the elders tell them.

The family unit’s interaction demonstrates how they help each other with their training in the community.

The family unit’s interaction demonstrates how much they love each other and would do anything for each other.



Social interactionist perspectives on the family examine how family members and intimate couples interact on a daily basis and arrive at shared understandings of their situations. Studies grounded in social interactionism give us a keen understanding of how and why families operate the way they do.

Which of the following represents an external conflict? Psyche longs to know the identity of her mysterious husband. Niobe refuses to honor the goddess Minerva. Diana hunts a wild boar. Minerva declares herself more beautiful than all the goddesses.



Diana hunts a wild bear.


All the other choices are meant for people with their internial feelings.


Diana hunts a wild bear.


Because this is a conflict with something outside of one's self. This is a physical conflict, compared to the rest of the conflicts which are internal.

What themes do you predict will be developed in The Outsiders? What evidence leads you to make this prediction?
Look back at the predictions you made about themes that might be developed in The Outsiders. How does Chapter 2 change your prediction, if at all? What details either support your prediction or suggest other themes?

What are readers waiting to find out by the end of Chapter 5 of The Outsiders? What events keep them from learning how the story's conflict will be resolved?



Empathy, they will all learn to step in one another's shoes. The evidence that leads me to this is when Cherry becomes friends with Ponyboy even though they are quite different.


I have read the book, so you need to do the other two.

Happy learning!

The themes that may be developed in the book are the struggle between social classes, the importance of family and loyalty, and the sense of isolation and alienation felt by some of the characters.

What is The Outsiders?

Based on the first chapter of The Outsiders, it is predicted that some of the themes that may be developed in the book are the struggle between social classes, the importance of family and loyalty, and the sense of isolation and alienation felt by some of the characters. This prediction is based on the contrast between the rich Socs and the poor Greasers, as well as Ponyboy's sense of being an outsider and his connection with his gang members.

Chapter 2 reinforces these themes and introduces new ones, such as the idea of innocence and loss of it, and the importance of friendship. The conflict between the Socs and the Greasers becomes more apparent in this chapter, with a violent encounter between the two groups. Ponyboy's relationship with his brother Darry is also developed, highlighting the theme of family and loyalty.

By the end of Chapter 5, readers are waiting to find out how the conflict between the Socs and the Greasers will be resolved and what will happen to Johnny and Ponyboy after they run away. The events that keep readers from learning how the conflict will be resolved include the ongoing tension and violence between the two groups, as well as the uncertainty and danger faced by Johnny and Ponyboy while on the run.

Learn more about The Outsiders, here:



yall i need help can you helP?








A is wrong, because it doesn't draw a strong correlation to a reader's life unless they let their dogs get loose.

C is wrong, because it shows the strength of the relationship between the characters

D is wrong, because as a conclusion, it doesn't need to explain how Rowdy got loose.

please help me asap!!!


Hello! I believe I have the answer.

I don't really know much about this, but I do know that when I was visualizing this, I felt very welcomed, so my best answer would be -

a. Welcoming

I hope that helps and good luck! Let me know if I'm wrong!


I would say A:welcoming

due to the ice cream man and the children

This would not make sense in any of the other answer choices because a gloomy mood would show darkness.Violent would be fighting.While lonley would be WAYYYY different  . So welcoming would be best in this question.

How is dialogue used in “Uncle Marcos” to describe the main character?



Good dialogue reveals personality, and characters only very rarely say precisely what they are thinking. ... So when two characters go back and forth explaining precisely what they are feeling or thinking to each other, it doesn't seem remotely real. Good dialogue is instead comprised of attempts at articulation.


Good taking points and personality

During the nineteenth century few parts of the worlds were out of the ___ of the British influence.
A. Circuitous
B. Circumspect
C. Circumference
E. Configuration
F. Figurative
G. Cyclic
H. Encyclopedic




Explanation:Next time cross out what you don't think is the answer and read the instructions slow out loud to yourself!

Hope this helps;)

C - it makes the most sense out of all the answers

In the text, the author discusses how what you choose to eat matters. How can you help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by making different choices about what you eat?



Don't use Plastic, Stop Wasting food, Eat less meat, Try eating a plant based food diet, Grow your own produce etc.

Don’t use plastic for anything, don’t waste food, don’t litter
Other Questions
Helppppp meeee llsss Green anoles were forced out of their established habitat of trees, plants, walls and fences by invasive brown anoles. The green anoles then had to find new habitats in wetlands and tree crowns. This example illustrates the concepts of: The circumference of circular hot tub at a hotel is 56.5 yards. What is the diameter of the hot tub? Patricia needs 2 pints of purple icing to decorate cupcakes. She will use the following recipe for 1 pint of purple icing. 1 pint of white icing4 1/4 teaspoons of blue food coloring2 1/2 teaspoons of red food coloring.explain two different ways for patricia to find total number of teaspoons of blue and red food coloring necessary to make 2 pints of purple icing Number 11 choose three of the words to use in a sentence What was the result of the Great Schism of 1054?The Emperor Justinian split the Byzantine Empire into two parts.Muslims split into groups of Sunnis and Shiites.The Seljuk Turks conquered Constantinople.he Eastern Orthodox Church split off from the Roman Catholic Church. Megan surveyed a random sample of 60 students at her school and found that 42 of them ride the bus to school each day. If there are 320 students at Megans school, about how many of them ride the bus to school each day? Will mark brainliest! Find the Volume of the Sphere. Use 3.14 for pi. Round your answer to the nearest whole number. If L1 L2 , and L3 L4 , what is the measure of 1? Please help me Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Find the area of the shape shown below. A new car is purchased and a $30,000 loan is taken. The loan is for 7 years (84 months) andthe interest rate is 2.9% compounded monthly. What is the monthly payment? What is 8.05 10-5 in standard notation? HELP!!!!!! Will mark brainiest who is the author of the play The Alchemist? [tex]\frac{3}{4}\alpha-1\frac{1}{5}=2\frac{3}{4}[/tex] 12,000= 120 tens true or false Read the excerpt below:As of now, if a child is brought into the country illegally, there is no method for becoming adocumented resident. Congress should consider giving undocumented students an opportunityto gain legal status by passing the DREAM act, a bill that would provide certain illegal studentswho graduate from US high schools, who are of good moral character, and who arrived in theU.S. as minors, the opportunity to earn permanent residency. It was introduced in the United States Senate, and the United States House of Representatives on March 26, 2009. Passingthe DREAM Act would encourage undocumented students to achieve in school and becomehelpful members of our society. This opportunity for education would allow them to obtaingood jobs and salaries and thus get off the welfare system and stay out of crime.The purpose of this passage is ...*To explain how the DREAM act impacts undocumented children in the United States.To explain how the DREAM act was introduced in Congress.To argue that the DREAM act would ultimately help undocumented students become productive members of society.To argue that the DREAM act would solve the immigration issues our country experiences. Why is the number 4 not a real number? (In case you couldn't tell, it says the square root of negative 4)Select one:A. It contains a negative sign.B. It contains a square root.C. It contains the square root of a negative number.D. It is a real number. I think no one will answer by question correctly but if anyone does i would appreciate it so much that I'd give you 5 stars, a thanks, and brainliest.My question: Why might you add marks and numbers to a thermometer? Where would you put them? Flip both coins 50 times and record your data in a table like the one below.