What are the small fuzzy wart looking bumps on the leafs?


Answer 1


I'm pretty sure you're talking about galls


Answer 2


These bumps are called galls, and they usually appear due to the presence of insects or mites.

Related Questions

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!


Increase because tighter areas are able to conduct more heat

The greatest benefit of species diversity is that ?


Answer:Greater biodiversity in ecosystems, species, and individuals leads to greater stability. For example, species with high genetic diversity and many populations that are adapted to a wide variety of conditions are more likely to be able to weather disturbances, disease, and climate change.


When a person strikes and lights a match, potential energy in the match is transformed into which types of energy?


Answer: Kinetic Energy


Kinetic Energy is energy in motion, while Potential Energy is stored.

I would have to say that it is transformed into kinetic energy

in what way are the digestive system and circulatory systems alike
a:They both perform the same function.
b: they are both structural systems.
c:they are both transport systems.
d:they both involve the same organs ​


C) they are both transport systems.

Which part of a cell will identify it as prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

A. mitochondria


C.endoplasmic reticulum



The answers is B. nucleus

Chloroplasts and mitochondria have something in common that supports the theory of endosymbiosis. What is it?
A) Mitochondria and chloroplasts are found in prokaryotes.
B) Mitochondria and Chloroplasts lack a nucleus.
C) Chloroplasts and Mitochondria are the same size as prokaryotes.
D) chloroplasts and mitochondria are similar in size.


Answer: A) Mitochondria and chloroplasts are found in prokaryotes.


Both mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own DNA and ribosomes.  The first endosymbiotic event occurred: The ancestral eukaryote consumed aerobic bacteria that evolved into mitochondria. In a second endosymbiotic event, the early eukaryote consumed photosynthetic bacteria that evolved into chloroplasts.

What control mechanisms might prevent cells from producing too much of the amino acid glycine?



What activities damage our lungs


Smoke: As we all know, cigarettes include toxic substances that trigger inflammation and destroy the lungs’ structure.1.

Mold: If too much moisture is present, mold can grow and become damaging to your airways. 2.

Chemicals: Inhaling chemical-filled air with things like noxious gas, chlorine, cleaning supplies and more can lead to threatening lung diseases.3.

Dust: Lung tissues can collect dust and particles over time which ends up injuring the airways.4.

Pollution: Not only can breathing in air pollutants cause irritation in your airways, but it also could lead to long-term lung damage.5.


smoking and doing drugs

What traits would help a predator be more “fit” to survive in each environment?
The environments it means are a white snowy place and a darker summer place. No links


white snowy place- color of the animals fur. For example white to blend in with the snow

A predator would likely be more fit if he could blend in with his surroundings, made minimal noise, had good hearing, and could move quickly.

What will make a predator fit in every environment?

Not simply color, but also possibly rough skin, sharp teeth, or claws to ward off predators, could have an impact on an individual's ability to survive.Microevolution (change in allele frequencies) can result via natural selection, with fitness-increasing alleles becoming more prevalent in the population.Reproductive success is measured by physical fitness (how many offspring an organism leaves in the next generation, relative to others in the group).It is the only method of evolution that may continuously lead to populations being more acclimated to, or better suited for, their environments, throughout time.

Therefore, natural selection is the phenomenon for survival of the fittest.

Learn more about natural selection here:



The picture below shows two bodies of water, a pond and a lake. How will these bodies of water most likely experience ecological succession? A The pond environment will be home to more fish and other organisms due to having more resources than the lake environment has. B The pond environment will soon turn into land, but the lake environment will spread into a larger body of water. C The pond environment will grow more plants at its bottom due to having more access to sunlight than the lake environment has. D The pond environment will soon spread into a lake, but the lake environment will recede until there is very little water left.



The answer should be C. 0000

Succession in a pond and a lake will differ because ponds are usually shallower than lakes.

What is succession?

It is the gradual changes to the community of organisms in an environment until a stable community is achieved.

Succession in water bodies may involve the gradual replacement of water by aquatic plants and then by terrestrial plants.

Ponds are usually shallower than lakes. Thus, ponds will receive more sunlight than lakes and grow more plants than lakes as time goes by.

Light is an important factor for plants to grow in any ecosystem.

More on succession can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/1291604

can someone help me fill this out?​



I Feel Bad For You My Dude

Waste product is CO2

Electrons move H+

H+ reacts with O2 and electrons to form H2O

ATP synthase moves H+ to make ATP.

Other guy who answered is a weanie.

How did eukaryotic cells originate?


Answer:The hypothesis that eukaryotic cells evolved from a symbiotic association of prokaryotes—endosymbiosis—is particularly well supported by studies of mitochondria and chloroplasts, which are thought to have evolved from bacteria living in large cells.


If a parent cell has 3 chromosomes before mitosis,how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have after mitosis and cytokinesis?



B. 3


Mitosis is the process of reproduction of somatic/body cells. This means that the number of chromosomes the original (parent) cell started out with, will remain the same for the daughter cells.

Given that if a parent cell has 3 chromosomes before mitosis, then the 2 daughter cells produced will also have 3 chromosomes after mitosis and cytokinesis.

Provide an example of a mutation that has a neutral effect on the organism.
___________ provide neither a beneficial nor harmful effect on ____________


Answer: EXAMPLE:Black bears can carry the mutated gene that produces the white bears.


What’s the difference between a primary source and a secondary source?

A primary source was written by someone who actually experienced the event.

The difference is about where the source appears—online or in print.

Primary sources are shorter than secondary sources. The difference is about how closely the source relates to your topic.




"A primary source was written by someone who actually experienced the event."


"A primary source was written by someone who actually experienced the event."


Which is a nonrenewable resource? *



The answer is Minerals hope this help
Minerals are a nonrenewable source.

Identify the transformations of energy that take place in the diagram. Assume the girl in the diagram eats the corn to gain the energy to ride the bike.



kinetic and solar energy


hope it helps

Answer: This is it!

Hope this helps

Cells make up larger pieces such as organs, _____and______.

Each cell performs different ____________.

What is the definition of a cell?



Solution given:

Cells make up larger pieces such as organs, __tissues___and__organ systems____.

Each cell performs different functions like;

provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions.

Cell is defined as a basic ,functional and structural unit of life.

How is Uranus similar to Jupiter?

It has rings.
It has no moons.
It has a rocky surface.
It has methane in its atmosphere


Uranus and Jupiter both have rings, both have moons, but they are mostly gas planets, and both have some methane. I think id.k if that helped

Uranus is similar to Jupiter in that it has methane in its atmosphere. Therefore, the correct option is D.

What are Uranus and Jupiter?

Both Jupiter and Uranus are planets in our solar system. Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is located five planets from the Sun. Uranus, the third largest planet in our solar system, is located at a distance of seven planets from the Sun.

Both planets are gas giants, with atmospheres composed mostly of hydrogen and helium. Their upper atmospheres also include methane gas, which gives them a blue-green colour. However, there are many differences between Uranus and Jupiter. Although they are much less noticeable than Saturn's rings, Uranus has a system of rings and at least 27 moons. Compared to Jupiter, Uranus is smaller and has less mass.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Uranus, here:



Which type of reproduction is shown in the diagram above?


Answer: there’s no diagram…


Which lake zone has phytoplankton?

A. Limenetic
B. Profundal
C. Benthic
D. Intertidal



Option A is the correct one.


limnetic zone

The limnetic zone is the most photosynthetically-active zone of a lake since it is the primary habitat for planktonic species. Because phytoplankton populations are densest here, it is the zone most heavily responsible for oxygen production within the aquatic ecosystem

what happens when a light beam passes from air in water?
A The light speeds up
B all of the light is absorbed
C The light is bent and transmitted
D The light is reflected





C. The light is bent and transmitted

In very dry environments, sand can pile into large dunes.
The wind causes ripples on the surface of the sand.
Fossilized ripples of windblown sand
What do fossilized dunes such as the one shown in the photo tell scientists
about the environment?
A. It was once cold and wet.
B. It used to be a glacier.
C. It used to be an ocean.
OD. It was once dry and windy.





the picture has ripples and is dry and cracked, hence the envirmoment having to be dry and windy.


It was one dry and windy.


I need help with this one too!!!



EE is dominant ee is recessive, the probability of the child having ee is 25 percent

Clownfish and sea anenome: the clownfish is protected and has a home. The sea
anemone gets nothing in return. What type of relationship is this?

carry capacity





The answer is commensalism! Brainliest?

1. John and Aubrey are trying to decide where to go for dinner. John says he wants Chinese. He
knows Aubrey doesn't really like Chinese but he is in the mood for it. Aubrey tells him she'd
rather have something else. John gets agitated and starts telling her she is just being selfish.
Aubrey backs down and agrees to eat Chinese just so he will stop yelling at her. John then kisses
her, smiles, and says, “I knew you loved me". This is an example of an abusive relationship.
O true





Just because he told she's being selfish ext.. lol it's not normal

Darwin specifically studied the
on the Galapogas islands.
A. Finches
B. Flowers
C. Turtles.
D. Insects




A. finches

darwin specifically studied the finches

on the galapagos islands.

5 sources of food contamination​



Major contamination sources are water, air, dust, equipment, sewage, insects, rodents


Contamination of raw materials can also occur from the soil, sewage, live animals, external surface, and the internal organs of meat animals.

1. gametes
2. gonads
3. seminiferous tubules
4. puberty in males
5. testosterone
6. corpus luteum
7. puberty in females
8. atresia
9. human chorionic gonadotropin
10. oxytocin

a. sperm production
b. endocrine structure
c. produces secondary sex characteristics
d. follicular degeneration
e, reproductive organs
f. indicates pregnancy
8. reproductive cells
h. milk ejection
i. menarche
j. spermatogenesis begins














The thin segment of the nephron loop's descending limb ________. The thin segment of the nephron loop's descending limb ________. is easily broken and replaced often aids in the passive movement of water out of the tubule aids in the passive excretion of nitrogenous waste helps to pack a greater number of nephron loops into a smaller space



The correct answer is ''aids in the passive movement of water out of the tubule''


The nephron loop has a descending branch, which goes to the renal medulla, and an ascending branch, which goes back to the cortex. The nephrons of these kidneys can have loops of Henle of different dimensions. The thin segment of the loop has thin epithelial membranes, its cells are highly permeable to water, but not to solutes. The water that exits from the descending portion of the nephron loop into the medullary space is immediately reabsorbed by the peritubular capillaries, causing osmolality to increase in both the tubular fluid and the medullary interstitial fluid. The characteristics of the descending branch differ from one species to another, the normal thing is that in one way or another, the osmotic concentration of the urine that moves through it is balanced with that of the interstitial fluid.

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Why do roots always grow in a downward direction, no matter which way you turn the seed or seedling?because roots weigh more than any other plant partbecause the plants stem begins to grow, and it pushes the roots downwardbecause that is the direction that roots find necessary water and nutrientsbecause the root contains hormones that make it grow away from the sun sick anddeath".1. What is the toneof the speaker? Select the correct answer.What does the term "McCarthyism" mean? (PLATO) OA accusations of disloyalty, subversiveness, or treason without evidenceOB. anti-communismO c. witch-huntsOD congressional committee investigationsO E. acts of seditionI CANT FIGURE OUT IF ITS A OR C Breakfast in America In America, breakfast is the only meal that is still eaten at home by most of the population. About 80% of Americans eat the first meal of the day at home. The other 20% of people either skip breakfast or buy their morning meal outside of the home. Most Americans eat dry cereal with milk for breakfast. Fruit juices, such as orange juice and apple juice, are common breakfast drinks. Eggs, with or without bacon, are the second most common morning meal. Bagels, muffins, and pastries are eaten less often than cereal and eggs. The breakfast trends in America are changing, though. While cereal is still the most popular breakfast food, its sales have started declining sharply in the last few years. Instead, more Americans are reaching for portable breakfast items, like yogurt and sandwiches. Many people who eat breakfast want a satisfying meal without a lot of added sugar. Breakfast items rising in popularity are higher in fiber and protein than dry cereal. A typical "All-American Breakfast" on the menu at restaurants might include eggs, bacon, ham, toast, potatoes, and coffee. However, most Americans are eating a lot less food in the mornings. They are also on the lookout for breakfast items that are easy to prepare and easy to carry.Passage 2What's for Breakfast? The nutrients you eat in the morning help give your body energy all day long. In the United States, like in some other countries, cereal in milk is a popular breakfast food. However, unlike the United States, many other countries include seafood, meats, and vegetables in their morning meal. All over the world, people eat foods for breakfasts that most people in the United States would save for later meals or not eat at all. In Japan, miso soup, white rice, squash with soy sauce, and grilled salmon are part of a common breakfast. In both Brazil and Germany, large pieces of bread served with cheese and meat, such as ham and sausage, make up the morning meal. In China, breakfasts vary greatly by region. Dim sum, which is made up of small plates of food such as dumplings and marinated meat, is one traditional breakfast option in the large country. A soup made of egg, milk, and green onions is a morning staple in Columbia. In Nigeria, moi moi, which is a paste made of ground beans, is wrapped in leaves and steamed for breakfast. In both Australia and France, breakfast cereals served with fruit and bread are common for breakfast. In Turkey, small plates of many items, such as tomato slices, olives, bread, cheese, eggs, cucumbers, jam, honey, and sausage, make up breakfast. Though breakfasts around the world look different, they all serve the same purposeto satisfy your hunger, at least until lunch!1Select all the correct answers.According to both passages, in which two ways do most Americans' breakfast preferences differ from the rest of the world? Most people in the United States prefer cooked cereals and grains for breakfast. Most people in the United States prefer breakfasts that are loaded with fats. Most people in the United States prefer salads with meat for breakfast. Most people in the United States prefer cereal in milk for breakfast. Most people in the United States prefer breakfasts that suit their hectic lifestyle. guys answer fastyyytytttttt what is chemical bonding? Simplify1/6 / 1 3/8 How is blm helpful to the black community??? anybody who can give me the lyrics to NF-CLOUDS gets brainlyest full lyrics please jane bought 5 3/5 boxes of raspberries and 2 1/4 boxes of strawberries. How much more boxes of raspberries did jane buy? 35/z=20/4 solve the proportionplz help me solve this Which of the following is good advice for organizing and presenting an oral report?Use academic language; avoid humor and pathos.Be sure to include all the detailed information you collected.Its okay to talk as long as you like, but just be sure you stay on topic.Keep the presentation brief, interesting, and engaging. In a blind taste test, 25 people chose brand A, 15 people chose brand B, and 10 people chosebrand C. There are 200 more people to be surveyed. Based on the data, which is most likely.to happen?About 10 more people will choose brand B than brand C.About 30 more people will choose brand C.About 30 more people will choose brand A than brand B.About 100 more people will choose brand A. Evaluate the expression for s = -1.