What are the roots for the trinomial below? *x2 – 2x – 15O x=-5,x=-3Ox=5,x=-3Ox=3,x=5O x=-5,x=3

What Are The Roots For The Trinomial Below? *x2 2x 15O X=-5,x=-3Ox=5,x=-3Ox=3,x=5O X=-5,x=3


Answer 1




We have the following equation:


We solve by factoring. We look for two numbers that product -15 and the sum is equal to -2:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3\cdot-5=-15 \\ 3+(-5)=-2 \\ \text{Therefore:} \\ (x+3)\cdot(x-5)=0 \\ x+3=0\rightarrow x=-3 \\ x-5=0\rightarrow x=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

Is A= {9000, 5, 8, 119} a finite set?



Yes, it is.


A finite set is a set that contains a finite number of elements. That is, the number of elements in a finite set are countable.

The set given is:

A = {9000, 5, 8, 119}

There are 4 elements in this set and hence, it is countable.

According to the definition of a finite set, this set is a finite set.

Please help me with this geometry problem. i don’t understand.


Tangent theorem states that when two tangents intersect out a circle they are said to be equal


Tangent 2x+13 is equal to tangent 4x-8

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4x-8=2x+13_{} \\ by\text{ collecting like terms we will have that,} \\ 4x-2x=13+8 \\ 2x=21 \\ to\text{ find x we will dive both sides by the coefficent of x which is 2} \\ \frac{2x}{2}=\frac{21}{2} \\ x=10\frac{1}{2} \\ x=10.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The value of x =10.5

Evaluate the expression xy - 3x when x = 4 and y = 5



xy - 3x = 8

when x = 4 and y = 5


Given the expression

xy - 3x

When x = 4 and y = 5, the equation becomes

(4)(5) - 3(4)

= 20 - 12

= 8

)) Rick has decided to examine his checking account statements. The account balance was $2,010 last month, and 50% less this month. What is the account balance this month?


The account balance this month is $4020

Let the account balance this month = x

From the question, we have

The account balance was $2,010 last month.

∴x* 50%= $2,010

⇒x* 50/100= $2,010

⇒x* 1/2= $2,010

x = $4020


Finding the product of two or more numbers in mathematics is done by multiplying the numbers. It is one of the fundamental operations in mathematics that we perform on a daily basis. Multiplication tables are the main use that is obvious. In mathematics, the repeated addition of one number in relation to another is represented by the multiplication of two numbers. These figures can be fractions, integers, whole numbers, natural numbers, etc. When m is multiplied by n, either m is added to itself 'n' times or the other way around.

To learn more about multiplication visit: https://brainly.com/question/5992872


What steps should be followed to solve the following equation for x: -3x - 8 1 point= 4*Add 8 to both sides, then divide by 3Divide by -3, then add 8 to both sidesAdd 8 to both sides, then divide by -3Add 8 to both sides, then add 3 to both sides


1) Evaluating

-3x -8= 4 Adding 8 to both sides

-3x -8 +8=4+8

-3x = 12 Dividing both sides by 3


2) Examining the options then

C Add 8 to both sides then divide both sides by 3

A math teacher said that 18 out of 25 students passed the test. What percent of the students did NOT pass the test?can you please show me the work for this?



A math teacher said that 18 out of 25 students passed the test.


Total number of students = 25 student

Number of students who passed the test = 18

Number of students who did not pass the test = 25 - 18 = 7

So, the percent of the students who did NOT pass the test =


So, the answer will be 28%

a/b = c/d is equivalent to b/a = d/c. in other words, if two fractions are in proportion, their _____ are also in proportion


If two fractions are in proportion, their inverse ratio are also in proportion.


Proportion means an equation in which two ratios are set equal to each other.


a/b = c/d is equivalent to b/a = d/c. in other words, if two fractions are in proportion, their _____ are also in proportion.

Here we need to fill the blank with the correct answer.

According to  Invertendo Property,

For the four numbers a, b, c, d,

Consider if a : b = c : d, then b : a = d : c; which means

if two ratios are equal, then their inverse ratios are also equal.

It can be written as,

If a : b :: c : d then b : a :: d : c.

Then it can be written as,

=> a : b :: c : d

⟹ a/b= c/d

When take the inverse, then we get,

⟹ b/a= d/c

Which implies the following,

⟹ b : a :: d : c

Therefore, the answer is inverse ratio.

To know more about Proportion here.



Evaluate the left hand side to find the value of aa in the equation in simplest form. 4





Apply exponent rule

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^{\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{6}}=x^{\frac{3-1}{6}} \\ \\ \\ x^{\frac{2}{6}}=x^{\frac{1}{3}} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]a=\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

We have


3. Determine the missing length in the following triangle. Round to thenearest tenth. (2 points: 1 point for correct answer, 1 point for showingyour work) *1214Your answer



1) Examining the picture, we can assume this is a Right Triangle, and then use the Pythagorean Theorem

a²=b² +c²

14² = 12² +c² The hypotenuse is the larger side a

196=144 +c²

196-144 = c²

52 =c²

√52 =√c²

c= √52

2) Rounding off to the nearest tenth we can write

c= √52 is approximately 7.2

The equation of the line is y=_. The slope indicates that the temperature decreases by 3.5 F for each 1000 foot increase in altitude


The slope of the function is m = -3.5, which indicates that the temperature decreases by 3.5 degrees for each 1000 feet increase in elevation.

The temperature at Sea level is 87 °F

What is the slope of a function?

The slope of a straight line function is the ratio of the rise to the run of the function.

Parts of the question that appear missing includes; The slope and the temperature at Sea level is required.

A point on the table of the graph is that at 4 feet, the temperature is 73 °F

The rate at which the the temperature changes = -3.5 °F  per 1,000 feet

The slope of the equation is therefore;

y - 73 = -3.5·(x - 4)

y = -3.5·x + 14 + 73 = -3.5·x + 87

y = -3.5·x + 87

The equation of the the line of the temperature above Sea level is an equation of a straight line, which is of the form; y = m·x + c


m = The slope of the function

By comparison, the slope of the equation of the line the function is; m = -3.5

The temperature at Sea level, which is the y-intercept is found at the point where x = 0, which gives;

y = -3.5 × 0 + 87 = 87

The temperature at Sea level is 87 °F

The slope of line of the graph of the function, m = -3.5

Learn more about the equation of a straight line here:



A teacher bought 28 books for her class. She spent a total of $112.00. What is the price, p, for each book? Let p = price for each book​


$4 each



therefore the answer is $4 each

how are rational munbers written as decimalsfYI:I was listening but I just don't understand


We have 4 rational numbers which we are asked to express in decimal numbers.

To do this, we divide the numerator of each rational number by its denominator, when we do that, we get the following results:


What is the image of (−9,−12) after a dilation by a scale factor of 1/3
centered at the origin?


By dilation with a scale factor of 1 / 3 centered at the origin, the image of the resulting point is (- 3, - 4).

How to determine the location of the image of a point by using a dilation formula

In this problem we find the coordinates of a point set on Cartesian plane, whose image is the result of using a dilation centered at the origin, whose definition is introduced below:

P'(x, y) = O(x, y) + k · [P(x, y) - O(x, y)]


O(x, y) - Center of dilationP(x, y) - Original pointP'(x, y) - Resulting pointk - Scale factor

If we know that O(x, y) = (0, 0), k = 1 / 3 and P(x, y) = (- 9, - 12), then the image of the original point is:

P'(x, y) = (0, 0) + (1 / 3) · [(- 9, - 12) - (0, 0)]

P'(x, y) = (- 3, - 4)

To learn more on dilations: https://brainly.com/question/13176891


Solve the inequality -2d < 5



d> -5/2

Step-by-step explanation:


divide both sides by -2



d > - [tex]\frac{5}{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

- 2d < 5

divide both sides by - 2, reversing the symbol as a result of dividing by a negative quantity.

d > [tex]\frac{5}{2}[/tex] or d > 2.5

What is the slope and y intercept of the line whose equation is y = -4x + 2?b =m=


To find the slope and the intercept of the line

y = -4x + 2

y = mx + b

so in this case the m = -4, because is the coefficient on x rigth over there

and b is going to be the constant term

b = 2

Work out the lenght off x


Using the Pythagorean theorem, the length of the side x is √147.

What is the Pythagorean theorem?The Pythagorean theorem, sometimes known as Pythagoras' theorem, is a fundamental relationship between a right triangle's three sides in Euclidean geometry. According to this statement, the areas of the squares on the other two sides add up to the size of the square whose side is the hypotenuse.

So, the formula of the Pythagorean theorem:

H² = l² + w², where H is the hypotenuse.

Now, substitute the values and calculate as follows:

14² = 7² + x²x² = 14² - 7²x² = 196 - 49x² = 147x = √147

Therefore, using the Pythagorean theorem, the length of the side x is √147.

Know more about the Pythagorean theorem here:



The price to mail a letter at the post office is $0.51 for the first ounce, and $0.20 for each additional ounce. Stephanie paid $1.31 to mail her letter. How much did the letter weigh?A. 7 ounces B.6 ouncesC.4 ounces D.5 ounces


The cost of sending mail is given as $0.51 for the first ounce and then every ounce after that costs $0.20.

For each letter, the cost would be expressed as;

[tex]\begin{gathered} C=0.51+0.20x \\ \text{Where x is the weight in ounces} \\ \text{For Stephanie's letter,} \\ 1.31=0.51+0.20x \\ \text{Subtract 0.51 from both sides} \\ 1.31-0.51=0.51-0.51+0.20x \\ 0.8=0.20x \\ \text{Divide both sides by 0.20} \\ \frac{0.8}{0.2}=x \\ 4=x \\ \text{Note that she paid \$0.51 for the first ounce} \\ \text{This means she paid for 1 ounce plus another 4 ounces} \\ \text{Stephanie's letter weighs 5 ounces} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, Stephanie's letter weighs 5 ounces.

The correct answer is option D

Which x value is in the domain of the function f(x)=2cot(3x)+4?A. pi/4B. pi/3C. piD. 2pi





The domain of the function is;

[tex]\frac{\pi }{3}nHence, the x-value that is in the domain of the function is;[tex]\begin{gathered} any\text{ value that is not a multiple of }\frac{\pi}{3} \\ \\ Hence,\text{ } \\ \frac{\pi}{3},\pi,2\pi\text{ will be multiples of 3x and will make the function undefined.} \\ \\ Therefore,\text{ the x-value in the domain is }\frac{\pi}{4}\text{ because putting x = }\frac{\pi}{4}\text{ makes the function defined} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, OPTION A is correct.

Given the system below. What is the x value of the solution? 3x + 5y = 8 y = x + 8


We are given the following system of equations:

3 x + 5 y = 8

y = x + 8

So we can use the "substitution method" to solve it, since the second equation is already giving us a possible substitution to make:

Replace y with x + 8 in the other equation.

We proceed as shown below:

3 x + 5 y = 8

3 x + 5 (x + 8) = 8

Use distributivr property to remove the parenthesis:

3 x + 5 x + 40 = 8

8 x + 40 = 8

subtract 40 from both sides to isolate the term in "x"

8 x = 8 - 40

8 x = - 32

divide both sides by 8 to isolate "x"

x = - 32 / 8

x = - 4

We found the requested x value

We are also asked to find y , so we use the value for x in the substitution equation:

y = x + 8

y = -4 + 8 = 4

Then y = 4

The pair that satisfies this system is x = -4 and y = 4 or in pair form: (-4, 4)

In your own words describe an exponential function. Are there restrictions on the domain why or why not? Are exponential and logarithmic function inverse. why or why not?(this is all one question, from the same page i just am on my laptop so cant provide picture)



An exponential function is a mathematical function, which is used in many real-world situations. It is mainly used to find the exponential decay or exponential growth or to compute investments, model populations, and so on. In this article, you will learn about exponential function formulas, rules, properties, graphs, derivatives, exponential series, and examples.

An example of an exponential formula is given below as


The following figure represents the graph of exponents of x. It can be seen that as the exponent increases, the curves get steeper and the rate of growth increases respectively. Thus, for x > 1, the value of y = fn(x) increases for increasing values of (n).

Are there restrictions on the domain why or why not?

For any exponential function, f(x) = ab^x, the domain is the set of all real numbers. For any exponential function, f(x) = ab^x, the range is the set of real numbers above or below the horizontal asymptote, y = d, but does not include d, the value of the asymptote.


The domain of exponential functions is equal to all real numbers since we have no restrictions with the values that x can take.

Are exponential and logarithmic function inverse. why or why not?

Logarithmic functions are the inverses of exponential functions. The inverse of the exponential function y = a^x is x = a^y. The logarithmic function y = logx base a is defined to be equivalent to the exponential equation x = a^y


Exponential functions and logarithmic functions are inverses of each other

what is the value of the square root of -25+10


Celeste, this is the solution to the exercise:

Let's recall that √-1 = i, therefore:

The first term of the sum is √-25 = √25 * -1 = 5i

The second term remains the same. + 10

Thus, the correct answer is D. 5i + 10

Writing an equation in slope intercept form for the line passing through each pair of point . (0, 3) and ( 1, -2)



• Point ,A( 0, 3 )


• Point ,B( 1, -2 )


• Equation in slope-intercept form:



0. Finding the slope ( ,m ,):


2. Finding the intersection with y-axis ( b ) using point A:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ 3=(-5)\cdot0+b \\ b=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]




0. We found the slope of the equation ( ,m ,)


1. We found the intersection with the ,y-axis ,( ,b ,)


2. We displayed the values in the correct position of the equation.

What are 2 numbers that are exactly the same are said to be?


When two numbers are exactly the same, we say that they're equal. Is denoted by the sign '='

if x-1/x = 20, then x =





[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x-1}{x}=\frac{20}{1} \\ \text{cross multiply} \\ 1(x-1)=20(x)_{} \\ we\text{ have} \\ x-1=20x \\ \text{collect the like terms} \\ -1=20x-x \\ -1=19x \\ \text{rewrite} \\ 19x=-1 \\ \text{Divide both sides by 19} \\ \frac{19x}{19}=-\frac{1}{19} \\ \\ x=-\frac{1}{19} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answer


I need help with the third question where it says segment addition




We have that the line EG = 71.

We are given that

EF = 8x - 17


FG = 5x - 3

We see from the diagram that:


a. A random sample of 43 cars in the drive-thru of a popular fast food restaurant revealed an average bill of $18.58 per car. The population standard deviation is $6.22. Estimate the mean bill for all cars from the drive-thru with 97% confidence. Round intermediate and final answers to two decimal places.



[tex]\begin{gathered} n=43 \\ Mean\text{ = \$18.58} \\ \sigma=\text{ \$6.22} \end{gathered}[/tex]



[tex]\text{Confident interval =M }\pm\frac{Z\sigma}{\sqrt[]{n}}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} M=\text{ mean or Average} \\ Z-score=Z_{97}=2.17 \\ n=43 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute the parameters into the Confident Interval formula

[tex]\text{Confident interval =18.58}\pm\frac{2.17\times6.22}{\sqrt[]{43}}[/tex]

Then we calculate the Addition and subtraction

First the Addition

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Confident interval =18.58+}\frac{2.17\times6.22}{\sqrt[]{43}} \\ \\ \text{Confident interval =18.58+}\frac{13.4974}{\sqrt[]{43}} \\ \\ \text{Confident interval =18.58+}\frac{13.4974}{6.5574} \\ \text{Confident interval =18.58+}2.05833 \\ \text{Confident interval =}20.63833342 \\ \\ \text{Confident interval =}20.64\text{ two decimal places} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then now for subtraction

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Confident interval =18.58-}\frac{2.17\times6.22}{\sqrt[]{43}} \\ \\ \text{Confident interval =18.58-}\frac{13.4974}{\sqrt[]{43}} \\ \\ \text{Confident interval =18.58-}\frac{13.4974}{6.5574} \\ \text{Confident interval =18.58-}2.05833 \\ \text{Confident interval =}16.5216658 \\ \\ \text{Confident interval =16.52 two decimal places} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answer

[tex](16.52,\text{ 20.64)}[/tex]

If reciangle ABCD is in quadrant II, and rotated 270 degrees counterciockwise around the origin, then what quadrant will rectangle A'B'C'D' be in ? Quadrant l Quadrant II Quadrant lll Quadrant IV


Quadrant IV.

1) Let's Draw this to give us a better idea.

In a 270º CCW Rotation, the rule is every coordinate to be translated

(x.y) ---(y,-x)

2) Let's give to our quadrilateral

A(-2,3) ---- A'(3,2)

B(-4, 3) -----B'(3,4)

C(-6, 4) -----C' (4,6)

D( -8, 4) ---- D' (4, 8)

And so forth

So Quadrant IV is the answer.

Which equation represents a line which is perpendicular to the line y =- +522x - 5y = -302x + 5y = 152y-53 = 10O 5x + 2y 12



The equation that represents the perpendicular line is;



We want to find the equation of a line perpendicular to the line;


Recall that for two lines to be perpendicular to each other, their slope must be a negative reciprocal of one another.




For the given equation, the slope of the given line is;


To get the slope of the perpendicular line, let us substitute m1 to the equation above;

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_2=-\frac{1}{m_1} \\ m_2=-\frac{1}{(-\frac{2}{5})_{}} \\ m_2=\frac{5}{2_{}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the equation of the perpendicular line would be of the form;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=m_2x+c \\ y=\frac{5}{2}x+c \\ mu\text{ltiply through by 2} \\ 2y=5x+c \\ 2y-5x=c \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation of the perpendicular line will be of the form;


Where c is a constant;

From the options, the only equation that is similar to the derived equation is;


Therefore, the equation of the perpendicular line is;


what is the equation in point slope form of the line that passes through the point (5, 0) and has a slope of 1.2?


To see the equation we know that the general equation of a line is:


Where m is the slope. So you know that the slope is 1.2, then you have an equation like this:


Since b is just a number we can say that this is also equal to:


We'll write it this way so it's similar to the options.

Then you know that the line pases through point (5,0). To find the value of constant c we replace the value of x and y from this point (x = 5 and y=0):


And clear c from this expression

[tex]0=5+c\Rightarrow c=-5[/tex]

So the answer is:


Find the area of each. 'Use your calculator's value of r. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.


To find the area of a circle given the radius;


Other Questions
Marvin is hoping to buy a used car for S4025. His parents give him $275 towards the car. To earn the rest of the money he plans to mowlawns for $50 per yard. How many yards will he need to mow to earn enough money to buy the car?O 86 yardsO 50 yardsO 80 yardsO 75 yards A car travels at a constant speed of 12 m/s and has a momentum of 4800 kgm/s. What is the mass of the car? a woman earns $3000 per month and budgets $420 per month for food. what percent of her monthly income is spent on food At which angle is secant of theta equals negative radical 2 question mark Solve for x. 9x + 7 - 3 - 4x = -26 Evaluate the function when x= -2,0, and 59) v(x)=12-2x-5 1. The number of people attending a school meeting was 80. There were four times as many parents as supervisors atthe meeting. How many supervisors attended the meeting? How many parents?Let x = number of supervisors at the meeting.4x = number of parents at the meeting The ratio of girls to boys on Mr.Miller's team is 4 to 5. If thereare 60 boys on his team, thenhow many students are there onhis team? Following the example of the Greeks, create a myth in which fate plays a significant role. The myth should include at least one character who is given a prophecy or prediction; the ways in which the character reacts to the fate they are given; and the outcome of the prophecy or prediction that was given. There can be an additional storyline such as what we saw in Perseus and The Quest of the Golden Fleece, but fate should play a major role in the myth.Your myth must be at least FOUR paragraphs in length (minimum of five sentences per paragraph).You will be graded according to the following criteria:Content- Describe the setting and/or community from where the myth comes.- Explain through the myth how something in real life originated or occurs OR demonstrate how fate plays a clear role in the myth.- Create well-developed characters that will attract and engage your reader.- Create a well-defined problem or conflict for the protagonist. Organization- Include a strong, engaging opening to your myth.- Include an ending that brings closure to the myth.- The structure should be that of a narrative.- Include an ORIGINAL title for your myth.Voice- Use emotional, suspenseful, and dramatic language.- Use a consistent point of view, preferably third-person omniscient or limited.Word Choice- Use vivid words and details to describe the characters, action, and setting.- Avoid being repetitive in word choice.Sentence Fluency- Construct sentences that are clear. Vary your sentence length and structure and avoid run-on sentences.- Avoid sentence fragments and do not begin sentences with and, but, or or.Conventions- You may use past or present tense, but keep verb tense consistent.- Use correct spelling and grammar. Presentation- Type and double-space your myth using a readable font no larger than 12 point.- Use MLA format for heading and title. Part 2: The Final Draft (40 points)Revise your rough draft by making improvements to your syntax, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and formal language and by incorporating feedback from your instructor. After making these edits and revisions, paste the final draft of your essay below. (40 points) im writing about Komodo dragon to the nearest hundreds it says in red it got cropped out Select all that apply:which of the following are aspects of culture?A. building stone templesB. groups of hutsC. the cultivation of cropsD. the worship of a rain godE. small animal figurines I need help on solving this Did I get the right answer ? And do the table right ? Many solderless connectors are color coded for the size of wire they are designd to work with. WHat size is indicated by the color blue? Angles C and D are acute angles of a right triangle. Given sin D=2/7, which statement is true? 4. The perimeter of a rectangular garden is 36 feet. The length of the garden is 6 less than twicethe width. Find the length and width of the garden.Variable:Equation:Variable:Equation:LengthWidth graphing on the coordinate plane how does absolute value help you write a number sentence to help you find the distance Write the ratio as a fraction in lowest terms.35 minutes to 5 hours 6x = 3/2 what does the x equal to quadratic function with x intercepts -1 and 1