What are the problems of inheritance?


Answer 1

Problems with inheritance are as follows:

1. Reusing code

The primary goal of inheritance is to eliminate redundant code by allowing child classes to use parent class implementations.

2. State the interface

Also known as the "Liskov replacement principle," the child class and parent class interact using the same interface.

Encapsulation of breaks : When a class inherits another class, we include all of the parent class's methods and attributes and expose them to the child class, which breaks encapsulation. The child object can access all of the parent object's methods and replace them. That goes against the principle of object oriented programming and generates a tightly connected relationship between child and parent classes.

Because inheritance must include all of the parent class's methods and properties, even if they are not utilized or required by the child class, this adds more complexity than is necessary. It is challenging to reuse just a portion of the code without including all the methods in ServiceBase because we can only inherit from a single class if we extract all the code into ServiceBase.

To learn more about inheritance, refer: brainly.com/question/25248029


Related Questions

What are the types of inheritances?


Only one inheritance ,inheritance on several levels., various inheritance, multiple paths of inheritance, inheritance in a hierarchy, Inheritance hybrid.

Genetic variation distribution in families is characterized by inheritance patterns. To anticipate disease risk in a patient's family members, it is essential to comprehend these patterns. By examining a pedigree, we may discover genotypes, identify phenotypes, and predict how a trait will be passed down in the future. The most frequent inheritance patterns are autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, X-linked recessive, multifactorial, and mitochondrial inheritance; the ABO blood type is inherited in an autosomal codominant manner. Information from a pedigree allows one to determine the mode of inheritance of a given allele, such as whether it is dominant, recessive, autosomal, or sex-linked. The O allele is recessive, whereas the A and B alleles are codominant.

Learn more about Inheritance from



What did the Declaration of Sentiments advocate ?


The statement in the constitution said, "We consider certain realities to be self-evident; that the all men and women are created equal." The Statement of Sentiments made a claim that was influenced.

What does independence look like?

forming your own strategy and making decisions without external pressure. An employee, for instance, who works hard while receiving little guidance from their supervisor to contribute to their company.

What characteristics define independence?

People that are independent think for themselves. Because of this trait, their ideals and convictions are firmly anchored and are not easily influenced by the views of others. Any choice they make is based on the what they believe, not on what others might think or expect of them.

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promotion permits are available and required for in-store demonstrations and promotions such as offering wine and beer samples. t or f



promotion permits are available and required for in-store demonstrations and promotions such as offering wine and beer samples. t or f


if anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. and anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.


In Luke 14:26, Christ made this comment (New King James Version). Christ was outlining some fundamental rules for living a Christian life in this passage.

When Jesus stated, "If someone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life as well, he cannot be My disciple," what did He mean?

Christ is stating that those who want to follow Him and adhere to the Christian way of life must love Him more than their family, friends, and even their own lives. "No man has greater love than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends," said Christ. I've referred to you as pals . God showed his love for us by sending his Son to suffer for us "while we were yet sinners."

How does Jesus advise becoming a disciple?

We have to be ready to sacrifice everything for Jesus if we want to be his disciples. Even if our parents decide not to accept the Lord, following Jesus needs dedication and fidelity. If and when we are forced to make the difficult decision between our devotion to Jesus and our loyalty to our family, we must choose Jesus. We must follow Christ even if our family rejects us or worse because we are Christians. We can say that we "hate" our family in this sense. We must put our connection with Jesus above our relationships with our parents, siblings, and other family members in order to follow Jesus' demand to "hate father and mother."

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You’re given an assignment to write a brief for your supervising attorney, in a lawsuit
between two local businesses over payment of a construction contract totaling $100,000.
In preparing this document, it’s important that you educate the judge on
A. the procedural rules of your state court system.
B. the law applicable to the case in question.
C. the difference between substantive law and procedural law.
D. the constitutional standards for admitting evidence.


Based on the peculiarity of rule of law in different localities and the content of this question, when preparing this document, you must educate the judge on the procedural rules of your state court system.

What are the Procedural rules of the state court systems?

The term Procedural rules of the state court systems are used to describe the law that establishes the rules of the court and the methods used to ensure the rights of individuals in the state court system.

Generally, it is believed that state court systems follow their own state rules of civil procedure which may be widely different from the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP).

Therefore, since the court case involved two local businesses, and to ensure there is fairness, the Judge should be aware of the procedural rules of your state court system to determine the right judgment.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the. the correct answer is option A. "the procedural rules of your state court system."

Learn more about the procedural rules here: https://brainly.com/question/28560902


like the partners in a partnership, the shareholders in a corporation cannot change without affecting the continued existence of the firm.


Like the partners in a partnership, the shareholders in a corporation cannot change without affecting the continued existence of the firm is a true statement.

The lifestyles of the partners determine the existence of a partnership firm. The partnership agreement eventually ends when all the partners pass away because no one is left to manage the business.

Double taxation is a difficulty for the agency and its stockholders since money is taxed both when it is earned and again when it is delivered to stockholders as dividends.

A partnership is a business that is owned by two or more people with the intention of turning a profit. A legal entity, the employer is structured in line with the laws of the kingdom in which it was established. Separate from its owners is the business employer.

To learn more about Shareholders visit: https://brainly.com/question/29312409


What is the most likely reason Shakespeare included this passage he explains Hamlet's behavior?


He starts the rivalry between Ophelia and Hamlet, which heightens tension and moves the plot along.

Ophelia describes Hamlet's actions and how he jolted her in great detail when she complains to Polonius about his strange behavior. She was very frightened. Ophelia lets her father know what happened. Hamlet made an effort to convince the court that he is mad and that Polonius's acceptance of this would help his case. Ophelia was previously instructed by Polonius to stop replying to Hamlet's letters.

Hamlet's most irrational outburst, directed at Ophelia, may be explained by the idea that Claudius and Polonius are listening in on the conversation. If Hamlet believes he is being eavesdropped on, he may be acting more irrationally than he actually is.

Read the excerpt from Act II of Hamlet.

Ophelia: Alas! my lord, I have been so affrighted.

Polonius: With what, in the name of God?

Ophelia: My lord, as I was sewing in my closet,

Lord Hamlet, with his doublet all unbrac'd;

No hat upon his head; his stockings foul'd,

Ungarter'd, and down-gyved to his ancle;

Pale as his shirt; his knees knocking each other;

And with a look so piteous in purport

As if he had been loosed out of hell

To speak of horrors, he comes before me.

What is the most likely reason Shakespeare included this passage?

He explains Hamlet’s behavior through Ophelia’s dialogue, thereby tying up loose ends in the plot.

He introduces the conflict between Ophelia and Hamlet, thereby adding suspense and advancing the plot.

He characterizes the relationship between Ophelia and Polonius, thereby adding to the exposition in the plot.

Learn more about Hamlet here:



Which of the following best explains why delegates to both the Republican and Democratic Conventions in 1996 were much more likely to be have college and postgraduate degrees than was the rest of the voting population?(A) College education increases the likelihood of holding liberal political positions.(B) College education increases the likelihood of holding conservative political positions.(C) Political activism increases with education levels(D) Education allows people to have more time to attend conventions(E) Some states required delegates to hold college degrees


Delegates to the Democratic and Republican Conventions in 1996 were both college and graduate college grads, which is consistent with the theory that political involvement rises with education levels.

What are delegates used for?

Methods can be supplied as parameters when using delegates. Callback methods can be specified via delegates. Several methods could be executed on a singular event by chaining together delegates. The delegate type does not have to perfectly match the methods.

Delegates' roles in the election:

State delegates attend the party congress to cast their votes for the candidates of their choosing. However, convention delegates select the nominee if no candidate wins the support of the majority of something like a party's delegates as during caucus and primaries. Additional voting rounds result in this.

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What is a deficit in government spending?


When the federal government's spending exceeds its receipts, a deficit occurs. The federal government overspent its revenue by $87.80 billion in fiscal year (FY) 2023, resulting in a deficit in the national budget.

When spending outpaces revenue during a specific time frame, there is a budget deficit. On this page, we determine the deficit using the fiscal year of the government. The most recent time the federal government budget had a surplus in the previous 50 years was in 2001. The federal government borrows money through offering U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and other assets in order to fund programs while running a deficit. The accumulation of this borrowing and the interest payable to the investors who bought these securities makes up the national debt.

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which of the following is empowered by the u.s. federal government to review and approve research activities involving vertebrate animals?


The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is empowered by the u.s. federal government to review and approve research activities involving vertebrate animals. The correct answer is C.

A body established by the federal government to oversee the establishment of animal programs, facilities, and procedures is known as the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). It offers a framework for adhering to federal legislation, regulations, and values regarding the use of animals in testing, education, and research. They assess or examine requests for permission to employ vertebrate animals. They also check every place that houses animals.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

Which of the following is empowered by the U.S. federal government to review and approve research activities involving vertebrate animals?

A. The Integrity Official

B. The Institutional Review Board

C. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

D. The Principal Investigator

Learn more about  The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at https://brainly.com/question/21879747


What does Hamlet conclude about life and death?


Hamlet is also afraid of what death might have in store for him. In the final sections, Hamlet states that he is hesitant to kill himself because he runs the risk of not understanding the secret that death is preferable than life.

What do sections mean?

Subsections, paragraphs, respect to data, clauses, subclauses, and things are common subunits used to divide up sections. The units in the instance of a favorable legislation title are decided by Congress.

The Constitution has how many sections?

It contained 395 articles divided into 21 cfr part and 8 schedules when it was enacted. It is the 2 active constitution in the world, after the Code of Alabama, with roughly 145,000 words. A prologue and 470 articles, divided into 25 parts, make up the constitution.

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What impact did Tinker v Des Moines have?


Tinker v. Des Moines, a significant Court Ruling from 1969, guaranteed children' rights to free speech in state education.

Do you have the freedom of speech anything?

The First Amendment ensures our right to free speech and free association, therefore the government is not allowed to restrict our ability to write or speak what we want or to create clubs or other groups.

Is the freedom of speech protected by the constitution?

According to article 19 of the Declaration of Human Rights, the freedom to speak freely is a fundamental right. Nevertheless, some countries and influential individuals from all around the world are putting this right in jeopardy. Several liberties fall under the umbrella of free speech.

To know more about freedom of speech visit:



What does the second branch of government do?


The second branch of government has the power to draft legislation approve or reject the heads of federal agencies federal judges and presidential candidates for the Supreme Court and declare war.

The president is the head of state head of government, and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States. Under Article 2 of the Constitution, the President is responsible for executing and enforcing the laws passed by Parliament.

There are 15 executive branches each headed by an appointed member of the president's cabinet and responsible for the day-to-day management of the federal government. They are assisted by other law enforcement agencies such as the CIA and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Learn more about The second branch here:- https://brainly.com/question/14616234


According to the current law, legislative districts must be approximately equal in population and should also allow for ______.



According to the current law, legislative districts must be approximately equal in population and should also allow for minority representation

employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees’ health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. t or f


Employers who provide health insurance to their employees are required to take precautionary measures to prevent the disclosure of employee health information to unauthorized parties are true.

What is health insurance?

Health insurance is a type of insurance protection that covers medical, surgical, medication, and the like for the insured or policyholder. This insurance can replace medical expenses due to illness or injury, as well as pay for medical treatment costs directly.

Health information regarding identity, diagnosis, medical history, examination history, and medical history of workers must be kept confidential by clinicians, management officers, and heads of health facilities so that they cannot be given to just anyone.

Learn more about the type of insurance here :



An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct.



An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct. Indemnification

What is Swift real message in A Modest Proposal?


Swift's satirical essay is intended to draw attention to the issues facing the Irish people at the time.

Swift utilised humour to draw attention to England's flaws. He took this course of action to avoid going to jail. Although some could claim that Swift overused satire in this instance, he was able to expose English wrongdoings. Swift's primary goal in writing this essay was to prevent kids from becoming problems for their parents and the general population. The author's satire addresses the topic of the exploitation of the Irish by rich Irish people on a social level and by the English in politics by using the motifs of poverty, class, politics, mercantilism, and greed.

Learn more about Jonathan Swift here:



What are the 3 public policies?


There are three primary forms of public policy: regulatory, distributive, and redistributive.

Every policy has three key factors a hassle definition, desires to be executed, and the policy devices to deal with the trouble and achieve the desires the coolest public coverage seeks to outline troubles and put into effect strategies in an effort to produce measurable and fine effects for most people.

A few examples of public policy include informing the public approximately making wholesome choices, such as what they consume, bodily hobbies, and the results approximately smoking. policies also can paintings to prevent the unfolding of sicknesses, just like the mask mandates and other public regulations we've visible in the course of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Learn more about policy here



The 3  types of public policy: are regulatory, distributive, and redistributive.

Public policy will include legal guidelines, rules, regulations, judgments, case studies, government programs, and so forth. Now public regulations and their nature are basically of 3 kinds – restrictive, regulatory, and facilitating policies.

Some examples of public policy encompass informing the public approximately making healthful alternatives, such as what they devour, bodily hobbies, and outcomes of smoking.0.33, contemporary way “present day” or “current now.” current public policy is the coverage of this days-now, not rules of the past or the future. present-day public policy certainly approaches “modern-day government movements.” read on to analyze the impact that cutting-edge public policy has on your life.

Learn more about Public policy here:



which term describes the fact that the district courts are where most cases begin in the federal court system?



original jurisdiction

When did us use economic sanctions?


Between 1945 and 1990, the US slapped 104 sanctions unilaterally on 104 different countries. Since 1990, sanctions have been strengthened, and since 1998, the US has economic restrictions on more than 20 nations.

What kind of sanctions did the US impose on Russia's economy?

In particular, the Russian Central Bank's assets worth about $300 billion have been immobilized by sanctions that the United States and its allies and partners have applied, reducing the central bank's ability to support the war effort and lessen the effects of the economic sanctions.

Has the US ever received a sanction?

The Boston Tea Party against the British Parliament, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act against American trading partners, and the 2002 steel tariff on the People's Republic of China are some of the most well-known economic sanctions in American history.

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Which branch of the u.s. government declared some new deal legislation unconstitutional?


According to question , Supreme Court declared some new deal legislation unconstitutional .

The Constitution's language does not mention the most well-known Supreme Court power, judicial review, or the ability to declare a legislative or executive action to be in violation of the Constitution. In Marbury v. Madison, the court articulated this theory (1803).

A statutory plan to regulate and control agricultural production, according to the Supreme Court, "is a matter beyond the authority entrusted to the federal government," which is why it was found unconstitutional in 1936. A comparable program that did receive court approval replaced the AAA.

To know more about Supreme Court visit :



What are the current qualifications that a candidate must meet before they could be appointed to the US Supreme Court?



The Constitution does not specify qualifications for Justices such as age, education, profession, or native-born citizenship


What is another word for approval of the Constitution?


Ratify is the process of endorsing or adopting a rule in order to make it effective after previously being worthless.

What does being ratified entail?

Ratify is the action of authorizing or adopting a law so that it becomes effective after previously being ineffective. In the constitution context, nations may accept the enactment of a brand-new constitution or perhaps a modification to an existing one. A convention or agreement can only be ratified once it has been signed and approved by a vote.

What makes ratify important?

The necessary goal of the accorded was to inform the people of the provisions of the newly legislative government. They served as forums for both opponents and supporters to argue their cases in the presence of the general public.

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How did Tinker v Des Moines affect the First Amendment rights of high school students ?


The court ruled that a school may restrict a student's First Amendment rights if: Significant disruption of or substantial interfering with school programs is foreseeable.

What does the word "amendment" mean?

A contract or other document's provisions can be changed or added to by an amendment. An addition or alteration that essentially preserves the original document's integrity is called an update. Other times, an addition can completely delete the old content and replace it with fresh wording.

Why is amendment necessary?

The Indian Constitution is a lengthy and intricate document. As a result, it needs an update rather frequently with changes. The Indian Constitutional was not intended to be a holy, static, or unchangeable law.

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Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees' health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. T/F


"Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees' health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. " Option A True

What is health information?

Generally, In this context, "health information" refers to any personally identifiable information regarding a person's health or handicap. It contains facts or opinions on your injury, disease, or handicap.

Notes on your symptoms or a diagnosis are two examples of the kind of health information that might be included. information on a health service that you have previously received or would in the future.

Read more about health information

at https://brainly.com/question/26370086


an employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment.


False, an employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment.

Why is insurance so crucial in society?

Contributes trillions of dollars in taxes, funding, and investments in the economy; and. Helps to keep the economy going forward by offering peace of mind in an uncertain world. Insurance policies are advantageous to anyone wishing to safeguard their family, assets/property, and themselves from financial risk/loss: Insurance plans will assist you in paying for medical emergencies, hospitalization, illness and treatment, and future medical care. The basic goal of insurance is to safeguard against future risk, accidents, and uncertainties. Insurance cannot prevent the risk from occurring, but it can undoubtedly cover for the risk's losses. There are numerous forms of insurance available, but some are more important than others. Everyone should have home or property insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, health insurance, and automobile insurance.

To know more about insurance visit:



Why is there a term limit for President?


In presidential and moderately systems, term limitations serve as a means of preventing the possibility of monopoly, where a leader essentially becomes "president for life."

What are examples and potential?

POTENTIAL is defined by the Britannica Dictionary. Used before a noun. Possibility: Capable of becoming true. The potential advantages of the new medicine are exhilarating for doctors. The factory, according to critics, could endanger the environment.

What kinds of potential are there?

Elastic potential energy, gravitational, and chemical potential energy are the three basic categories of potential energy. It is possible for items that can be strained or compressed to store elastic potential energy.

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What is Hamlet's tragic flaw dilemma?


Procrastination is his deadly weakness. His ongoing awareness and uncertainty prevent him from taking the necessary action.

How does procrastination work?

purposely and repeatedly postpone. To purposefully put off doing something that needs to be done, use the intransitive verb postpone. It's remarkable how many people put off doing something they know will have a bad effect on them. Procrastination comes in three flavors: traditional procrastination, innovative avoidance, driving priority dilution.

Procrastination is what kind of conduct is it?

Consequently, delaying a planned course of action despite comprehending its drawbacks might be perceived as irrational conduct and as procrastination. Procrastination behavior is delayed in at minimum two different ways. Procrastination is referred described as "mental resistance" in mindset coaching.

To know more about procrastination visit:



Which category of tax is not included on schedule 2?
Select one:
a. Alternative minimum tax
b. Self-Employment Tax
c. Medicare Tax
d. Sales Tax


Medicare and sales tax are not included in scheduled 2

What is the easy amendment process?


In response to an application by the governments of multiple of the states, Congress must convene a convention to propose changes.

What does the word "amend" mean?

An agreement's or another document's terms can be changed or updated. A simple new addition or modification that preserves the integrity of the first statement is called an amendment. Sometimes a modification entails completely removing the old content and substituting fresh material for it.

What would make an excellent sentence to change?

Women now have the opportunity to vote thanks to changes made to the country's constitution. They made the decision to alter the law in 1920. He try and make things right by apologizing to me.

To know more about Amendment visit:



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