What are the 5 account types?


Answer 1

5 Different Account Types-Revenue, Equity, Assets, Liabilities, Expenses

Every time you sell a good or service, your accounting records need to be updated to reflect the transaction. The appropriate transaction is then added to the corresponding account as soon as this is finished. You must also keep a record of any transactions in which your business purchases goods or services from other companies. This continuous trail of records ensures that your business runs at a high level. Because you'll know how much working capital you have on hand, you'll be able to make crucial business decisions thanks to precise financial reporting. Because of this, each account should show the appropriate quantities, letting you know what each one includes.

Learn more about account from



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g fica taxes are a deduction from employee earnings and are also imposed upon employers as an expense. group of answer choices false true


FICA taxes are a deduction from employee earnings and are also imposed upon employers as an expense.

The Federal Insurance Contributions Act targets both employees and employers to fund Social Security and Medicare (federal programs that provide benefits to pensioners, the disabled, and children of deceased employees). US federal wage contributions.

Both the employee and employer pay her FICA tax at the same rate. The FICA tax is divided into two parts: the Social Security tax and the Medicare tax. The 2022 Social Security tax rate is 6.2% of wages and the Medicare tax rate is 1.45% of wages. These add up to a FICA tax rate of 7.65%.

No, but they are closely related. FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) basically refers to taxes that fund social security retirement, disability, survivor, spousal, and child benefits. The FICA tax is also part of the Medicare budget.

Learn more about FICA https://brainly.com/question/15183057


the use of heavy advertising in the promotion mix is least likely to occur in which product life cycle stage?


In the introduction stage of the product life cycle, extensive advertising is least likely to be included in the marketing mix.

Advertising is a method of communication that aims to inform, educate, convince, and remind people about your brand or company. Advertising needs to work well with other corporate elements and marketing strategies in order to be effective.

Advertising must be disruptive, which calls for you to put down your newspaper or put your day on hold long enough to read or hear the advertisement. Advertising must also be trustworthy, distinctive, and memorable in order to be effective. Just like any effective marketing assistance, it must be founded on a solid positioning strategy. Allocating sufficient finances to develop a media calendar for ad frequency, which is essential for ad memorability, is the last phase in any advertising campaign.

To know more about advertising click here,



what is the most normative theory guiding your answer? group of answer choices stockholder theory stakeholder (or shareholder) theory social contract theory no answer text provided.


Normative ethics is the study of issues that arise when individuals make decisions or choose to speak out in relation to morality.

Stakeholder theory, considered the most widely accepted theory of business ethics, explains that a company's stakeholders include everyone affected by its business.

One of the key beliefs of stakeholder theory is that the stakeholders of an organization are almost everyone whose organization fails or ceases to exist. Stakeholders therefore include a wide range of groups such as governments, employees, investors, the environment and competitors. The company is healthy. Where broad consultation is impractical, companies can ensure that everyone involved is doing the right thing. For example, treat your employees right, build products that are good for your community, and pay taxes to your government.

Lear more about normative theory here : https://brainly.com/question/28549154


melba was involved in an automobile accident. she was found liable for $20,000 in property damages. fortunately, she had pap coverage with a split limit of 25/50/20, a deductible of $500, and a comprehensive deductible of $100. how much will her out-of-pocket expense be for the accident?


Melba had an accident, therefore she has to pay the $600 cost minimum deductible.

Damage to real or tangible personal property resulting from carelessness, malicious destruction, or a natural disaster is referred to as property damage. Similar to vandalism and arson, property damage involves damaging other people's property while causing more physical harm and incurring huge costs.

The insurance's conditions are 25/50/20.

Therefore, the most that will be compensated for property damage is $20,000

The claim in this instance is for $20,000.

Therefore, the complete claim will be approved subject to paying the $600 deductible. This totals $600 after a $500 deductible and a $100 comprehensive deductible.

Melba will incur a $600 loss due to this accident.

To know more about Property Damage, refer to this link:



a zero-based budget is a budget that is continuously updated so that the next 12 months of operations are always budgeted.A. TrueB. False


A zero-based budget is a budget that is continuously updated so that the next 12 months of operations are always budgeted. [FALSE]

The correct answer is rolling budget.

About Zero Based-Budgeting

Zero Based Budgeting  has another name as an unfinished budget.

Which is done with the assumption that each allocation starts from zero.

This type of process does not consider activities in the previous period.

Usually these budgets are bottom-up and top-down because the budgeting process requires discussion between employees and management.

This type occurs when the company experiences financial restructuring due to the impact of economic changes or internal company impacts.

Functions and Objectives of the Budget

As a form of communication bottom-up to high management or related parties in a project or work for a certain period. So that management knows what is the priority of spending.

As material for assessing the feasibility of a job or project to be carried out. As material for planning a review of organizational or company finances to determine what resources are appropriate for use based on financial value. As a measuring tool, comparison, evaluation, control over the performance of activities or projects that have been done. Ensuring the business goes according to plan and commitment. So that all expenses are measurable. Measure the remaining finances that can later be used for the next period. As a reference in making decisions in implementing implementation methods so that available resources can be maximized.

Learn more about zero-based budget at https://brainly.com/question/23218253.


if a nation's goods exports are $55 billion, while its goods imports are $50 billion, we can conclude with certainty that this nation has a


If a country sells $55 billion in products while importing $50 billion in goods, we can be guaranteed that this country has a surplus in the goods balance of trade.

The difference between the monetary value of a country's exports and imports over a specific time period is known as the balance of trade, commercial balance, or net exports. A distinction between a trade balance for products and one for services is occasionally drawn. A flow of exports and imports over a specific time period is measured by the balance of trade. The term "balance of commerce" does not necessarily imply that imports and exports are "equally balanced." A country has a trade surplus or positive trade balance if it exports more than it imports; on the other hand, a country has a trade deficit or negative trade balance if it imports more than it exports. 

Learn more about trade from



ironwood corporation has ordinary taxable income of $25,000 in 2021, and a short-term capital loss of $15,000. what is the corporation's tax liability for 2021? a.$13,650 b.$5,250 c.$10,500 d.$2,100 e.none of these choices are correct.


The correct answer to the given question of Corporation's tax liability of 2021 is option c) 10,500.

Capital gains of the same kind are first offset by losses on your investments. Long-term losses are then subtracted from long-term gains, while short-term losses are first subtracted from short-term profits. Then, net losses of either sort may be subtracted from gains of the other kind.

What Is Tax Liability?

An individual, company, or other entity has a tax liability when they owe money to a federal, state, or municipal taxing body.

When you earn money or make profits off of the sale of an investment or other asset, you often owe taxes on that money. If your income is insufficient to trigger tax filing, you might not owe any income taxes.

To learn more about Tax Liability click here



: economic growth will lead to safer workplaces as workers use their increased wealth to buy more safety. economic growth will lead to safer workplaces as workers use their increased wealth to buy more safety. false true


Economic growth will lead to safer workplaces as workers use their increased wealth to buy more safety. economic growth will lead to safer workplaces as workers use their increased wealth to buy more safety. its true.

Economic growth is the rise or improvement in the market value of the commodities and services generated by an economy within a given fiscal year, adjusted for inflation. Traditionally, statisticians have calculated growth as a percentage rate of real gross domestic product, or real GDP. In order to remove the inflationary distortion on the prices of produced items, growth is typically calculated in real terms, or terms adjusted for inflation. Economic growth is measured using national income accounting. The ratio of GDP to population is a typical metric used to compare the economic growth rates of different nations.

Learn more about Economic growth from



Which ONE of the following statements describes MANAGERIAL accounting BETTER than it describes financial accounting?
a) Has standardized information requirements
b) Includes budget and forecast data Is disseminated to the public
c) is subject to an independent external audit


The statement that describes managerial accounting better than financial accounting is b) includes budget and forecast data.

Importance of managerial accounting

Managerial accounting or management accounting collects, analyzes, and interprets information obtained from financial accounting and other sources to help management make better decisions to achieve goals and optimize el performance of the business.

Managerial accounting is only for internal use by managers and shareholders of the organization. It is not mandatory to prepare and audit it. It serves as a vital source of data for planning, forecasting, and managing.

To learn more about managerial accounting, click here:



If the fed wanted to expand the money supply as part of an antirecession strategy, it could:________


If the Fed desired to make bigger the cash grant as part of an antirecession strategy, it could. decrease the activity rate paid on excess reserves

What happens when the Fed expands the money supply?

An increase in the provide of cash works each via lowering pastime rates, which spurs investment, and via putting greater cash in the hands of consumers, making them experience wealthier, and for this reason stimulating spending.

To make bigger money supply, Fed can lower discount rate, which encourages banks to borrow more reserves from Fed. Banks can then make extra loans, which increases the money supply. To decrease cash supply, Fed can increase discount rate

Learn more about Fed expands here:


define fiscal policy and explain whether the government should implement an expansionary or contractionary fiscal policy during the pandemic.


Expansionary fiscal policies include increased government spending or tax cuts. An economy that overproduces must shrink. In that case, contractionary fiscal policy is the right choice.

What is government?

The federal government consists of three distinct branches—legislative, executive, and judiciary—whose powers are delegated by the United States Constitution to the Congress, the President, and the federal courts, respectively.Government is the state or community system of government. The Colombian Encyclopedia defines government as "a system of social control in which the right to make laws and the right to enforce laws belong to specific groups in society."Each type of government comes to power and governs in its own way.
Learn how to take power and how to govern each form of government: monarchy, democracy, oligarchy, authoritarianism and totalitarianism.
Various forms of government include direct democracy, representative democracy, socialism, communism, monarchy, oligarchy, and dictatorship.

to learn more about government from the given link :

Morgan has an investment worth $130,000 dollars after 20 years. If his original investment was for $50,000 what must the interest rate have been?.


Morgan's initial investment was $50,000. After 20 years, it becomes $130,000. The interest rate is 4.9%

Assuming the compound interest, the formula for the future value is:

FV = PV (1 + r)ⁿ


PV = present value

r = interest rate

n = number of periods

Parameters given in the problem:

FV = $130,000

PV =  $50,000

n = 20

Plug these parameters into the problem:

130,000 = 50,000 (1 + r)²⁰

(1 + r)²⁰ = 2.6

1 + r = 1.049

r = 1.049 - 1 = 0.049 = 4.9%

Learn more about interest here:



landrum corporation's required rate of return on investments is 14%. what is the accounting rate of return on the investment?


Landrum corporation's Their return on investment is C, which is 7.60%.

The whole first is to figure out the value of total net profit.

Overall Income Statement - Total Degradation reflects the sum net earnings value.

$325,000 - ($250,000 - $20,000) is indeed the total net profit value.

Value of Total Net Income = $325, -230

$95,000 is the total net income value.

The next step is to determine the average net income.

Average total revenue / the number of years equals average net income.

= $95,000 / 5 = average net income

Net income on average is $19,000.

Permit us to now determine the rate of return.

(Average yearly revenue / Primary Investment) * 100 is the accounting rate of return.

($19,000 / 250,000) * 100 is the accounting rate of return.

7.60% is the accounting rate of return.

Therefore, the Rate Of return is 7.60%.

To know more about Rate Of return click here



trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time..A. TrueB. False


It is true that trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.

What are trade secrets?

Trade secrets are confidential pieces of information that provide a business with a competitive advantage, such as formulas, patterns, compilations, programs, devices, methods, techniques, processes, or strategies. Trade secrets are usually protected under state and federal laws, and can include customer lists, manufacturing processes, business plans, and marketing plans.

The key to protecting trade secrets is to keep them confidential and not allow them to be disclosed to anyone outside of the company. Companies must also take steps to keep trade secrets secure, such as using encryption, limiting access to certain parts of the company, and keeping the information in secure storage.

Trade secrets have an unlimited duration, meaning they do not expire after a fixed period of time. This is because trade secrets are protected by law and are not just limited to a certain amount of years. Trade secrets are business information that is kept confidential and are not available to the public. They are protected by law and can include customer lists, formulas, recipes, manufacturing processes, and other business information. Trade secrets have an unlimited duration, meaning they do not expire after a fixed period of time. This is because trade secrets are protected by law and are not just limited to a certain amount of years. Companies must take measures to keep trade secrets confidential, such as only disclosing the information to employees who need to know it and implementing security measures to protect the information.

It can be concluded that trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.

To know more about trade secrets, click this link:



A monopoly make positive economic profit in the long run because
A. can; new technology constantly lowers costs for the monopoly firm and for its competitors
B. can; barriers to entry prevent other firms from entering the market and sharing the profit
C. cannot: other firms will enter the market until all firms are earning zero economic profit
D. cannot: eventually demand will decrease and prices will fall


A monopoly make positive economic profit in the long run because can; barriers to entry prevent other firms from entering the market and sharing the profit.

Can a monopoly generate long-term positive economic profit?

Even over the long term, large entry barriers keep businesses from entering the market. As a result, the monopolist may be able to avoid competition in the long run and make good economic profits.

What are the top three causes of entry barriers for monopolies?

However, due to one specific aspect of monopoly, these earnings do not generate the kind of fierce rivalry that Perfect Competition describes. The market, technological, or legal forces known as entry barriers deter or stop potential competitors from entering a market.

To Know more about Perfect Competition



The model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply explains the relationship between: _________


The model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply explains the relationship between real GDP and the price level.

The aggregate demand/aggregate supply model depicts what determines total supply or total demand in the economy, as well as how overall demand and whole supply interact at the macroeconomic level. Aggregate supply, or real GDP, is the entire amount of product that businesses will generate and sell.

The entire amount spent on domestic goods and services in an economy is known as aggregate demand. A curve with an increasing slope that depicts the aggregate supply curve suggests that when the price per unit rises, a business will provide more. The supply curve ultimately becomes vertical, suggesting that a business can no longer produce at a given price point because they are constrained by certain inputs, such as the number of employees and the number of factories.

Learn more about GDP here:



vertical analysis of financial statements is accomplished by preparing common-size statements.
a. true
b. false


The statement that Vertical analysis of financial statements is accomplished by preparing common-size statements is True.

What is Vertical analysis of financial statements?

Vertical analysis can be described as the method of financial statement analysis whereby each line item is listed as a percentage of a base figure within the statement.

It should be noted that a horizontal line  can be seen to proceeds from left to right on a chart to the x-axis, however Vertical analysis  can be used  in trend analysis, for the relative changes in accounts  with time like  on a comparative basis over a five-year period.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about financial statements at:



consider an economy with 450 workers. if the marginal product of labor (mpl) is 15 and the market price (p) is $4, what is the value of the marginal product of labor (vmpl)?


$60 MRPL = MPL × P = 15 × $4 = $60, this is the value of the marginal product of labor(VMPL)

What is marginal product of labor?

The change in output caused by a unit or infinitesimal change in the quantity of a production component, while leaving all other input consumption in the production process constant, is commonly characterised as the marginal product of that factor.

A factory exists that makes toys. Toys cannot be created in a factory if there are no employees. Six toys are created in an hour at the factory with one employee. Eleven toys are created every hour at the factory with two employees. When there are two workers in the plant as opposed to one, there is a marginal product of labour of five. The term "growing marginal returns" refers to the marginal output of work.

To learn more about marginal product of labor



how would the federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment?


The Federal Reserve stimulates the United States economy and reduce unemployment by opening market asset purchases, reserve regulation, discount lending, and forward guidance to manage market expectations.

How does the Federal Reserve stimulate the economy?

If the Federal Reserve purchases bonds in the open market, it raises the money supply in the economy by swapping out bonds in exchange for cash to the general public. Contrarily, if the Federal Reserve sells bonds, it decreases the money supply by removing cash from the economy in exchange for bonds.

As the Federal Reserve runs monetary policy, it affects employment and inflation mainly through using its policy tools to affect the availability and cost of credit in the economy.

Learn more about Federal Reserve at: https://brainly.com/question/23247429


gmc expressed as a percentage on the total dollar and the per unit mcs are the same. group of answer choices true false


Per unit MCS does not remain constant because it rises with rising output (quantity) and falls with falling output level. As a result, the claimed fact is limited to being untrue.

Hedonic price modeling, a regression-based analysis of retail unit pricing that enables the price effect of particular product features to be calculated in isolation from all other product variables, served as the main analytical framework employed in the MCS. Hedonic models were used to separate the pricing effect of energy efficiency features and performance in the context of predicting incremental measure costs. The MCS study team assessed a total of 38 measure groups' worth of 75 hedonic price models. On March 11, 2014, the draft MCS results and report were made available for stakeholder review. On June 10, 2014, the final MCS results and report were released. Detailed records of the data collecting and cleaning procedures

learn more about Per unit MCS here



non-records may only be removed from dha custody when proper authorization has been received.


True, Non-records may only be taken out of DHA custody with the right authorization.

Authorization, also known as authorisation, is the function of specifying access rights/privileges to resources, which is related to general information security, computer security, and, in particular, access control. In more formal terms, "to authorize" means "to define an access policy."

It is the process by which a server determines whether or not a client is authorized to use a resource or access a file.Authentication and authorization are frequently combined so that the server can identify the client who is requesting access.

non-records may only be removed from dha custody when proper authorization has been received.True/False.

To know more about Authorization, click here.



Why is it called a checking account?


Writing checks is a common banking service that gave rise to the name checking account. It is known as a current account in the UK and many other nations. With a bank or another financial organization like a credit union, a person can open a current account.

A checking account is a type of bank account that allows for easy daily cash deposits and withdrawals. For instance, you can deposit a check you receive, withdraw cash with your debit card, or set up direct deposit to get your paychecks. You can keep track of your payments and stick to your spending plan by keeping all of your financial activities in one place, which is your checking account. Furthermore, because it is a flexible account, managing daily financial responsibilities like collecting paychecks, making purchases, and paying bills is made easier. A checking account and a savings account are fundamentally different from one another in that the former is primarily used for daily access to your money while the latter is intended for saving.

Learn more about account from



What is the most important purpose of performance management?


Performance management's goal is to give teams and people the tools they need to grow, the respect they deserve to be driven, and the accountability to understand expectations.

Teams' alignment on priorities and the practical application of the organization's principles are ensured by performance management.

Individual's performance will be improved as a result of performance management, which is ultimately communication. Individuals perform better when their work is in line with the company's goals. When people are aware of what is expected of them, get constructive criticism, and have access to essential tools, they perform well.

To know more about management here



which aspect of the workforce scorecard is concerned with whether the workforce has the skills to execute the strategy?


Leadership and Workforce Behaviors is concerned with whether the workforce has the skills to execute the strategy.

How could the workforce scorecard be a crucial lever in the strategy execution process?A key tool in how organizations execute their strategies is the workforce scorecard. According to the Workforce Scorecard, investments in people should support the execution of strategy through elements like as attitude and culture, competencies, and behavior.When used in HR, the Balanced Scorecard assists managers in coordinating all HR initiatives with the strategic objectives of the business. Managers can monitor goal progress and make sure that actions are geared toward strategic objectives by assigning metrics to them. It improves precision and enables managers to spot deficiencies right away.

To learn more about Balanced Scorecard refer,



mia purchased $167 worth of old picture frames (on account) to be sold to customers at her photography studio. which account would be debited for this transaction?


Inventory will be debited for this transaction.

In income, commerce, and economics, a customer is the recipient of an amazing, service, product, or concept - obtained from a supplier, seller, or dealer via an economic transaction or trade for money or some different precious consideration.

A customer is a character or business that purchases another corporation's goods or services. Clients are vital due to the fact they power sales; without them, agencies can't live.

A customer is someone who buys products or services from a company, whilst a customer refers to a certain kind of client who purchases professional services from a business.

Learn more about customers here:-https://brainly.com/question/26546102


a fixed budget, also known as a static budget, has resources allocated on a single estimate of costs. that budget amount ______.


A fixed budget, also known as a static budget, is a budgetary plan that remains constant, i.e. does not change with changes in the volume of input and output such as sales, production units, activity level, and so on.

A fixed budget assists a business in achieving peak performance by monitoring revenues, sales, and expenses. By comparing each department's performance to a fixed budget and identifying and analyzing variations, the organization can achieve its long-term financial goals.

Management, such as managers, chief financial officers, and accountants, may use a fixed budget to analyze and develop financial controls. It functions as a system check tool, preventing overspending and tallying expenditure with revenue generated by sales.

A well-managed fixed budget also aids in the development of cash flow projections. In simple terms, a fixed budget is a planning tool that enables an organization to monitor all revenue generated and all expenses incurred, thereby assisting it in meeting its financial objectives.

To learn more about fixed budget, please refer:



on october 31, legacy rocks inc., a marble contractor, issued for cash 400,000 shares of $10 par common stock at $18, and on november 19, it issued for cash 50,000 shares of preferred stock, $75 par at $80. a. journalize the entries for october 31 and november 19. b. what is the total amount invested (total paid-in capital) by all stockholders as of november 19?


As of the reporting period, the company's overall equity, or equity primarily attributable to stockholders, is reported in the stockholder's equity section of the balance sheet.

This includes the company's par-valued stocks, retained earnings, and other comprehensive income, as well as any stocks issued above par.

November 19 Cash (50,000 * 80) 4,000,000 Preferred stock (50,000 * 75) 3,750,000 Paid in capital in excess of par - preferred stock 250,000 Cash (400,000 * 18) 7,200,000

Common stock (400,000 * 10) 4,000,000 Paid in capital in excess of par - common stock 3,200,000.

Preferred stock: $3,750,000 Common stock: $4,000,000 Paid in capital above par: preferred stock: $250,000. Paid in capital above par: common stock: $3,200,000.

Capital expenditures total $11,200,000.

To learn more about stockholder's equity here



the increasing cost and volatile prices of natural resources is a key driver of sustainable marketing. the increasing cost and volatile prices of natural resources is a key driver of sustainable marketing. true false


The increasing cost and volatile prices of natural resources is a key driver of sustainable marketing. the increasing cost and volatile prices of natural resources are key drivers of sustainable marketing. False

Sustainable marketing is the promotion of environmentally and socially accountable merchandise, practices, and brand values. if you've ever spent a touch bit greater on something due to the fact you knew it turned into domestically sourced or 100% recyclable, you've got experienced sustainable advertising.

As an example, if clients value a product's residences, the organization can also market the product as being crafted from recycled substances. If customers recognize a product's capacity to save them time, the enterprise may additionally market the product as being easy to apply and time-saving.

Learn more about Sustainable marketing here:



nonprofit organizations experienced a push in the early-1990s for outcome-based performance measurement. group of answer choices true false


Nonprofit organizations experienced a push in the early-1990s for outcome-based performance measurement is true.

Non-income groups encompass churches, public colleges, public charities, public clinics and hospitals, political businesses, criminal aid societies, volunteer services corporations, hard work unions, professional associations, studies institutes, museums, and a few governmental businesses.

A nonprofit employer (NPO) is one that isn't driven by income but by the aid of dedication to a given purpose, this is the goal of all profits beyond what it takes to run the agency. Due to this, NPOs obtain tax-exempt status from the federal authorities, which means they do not must pay profits tax.

Learn more about organizations here: https://brainly.com/question/25922351


Malcolm said that he has no choice but to go ahead with the website changes. This suggests his power is lessened due to a low level of

A. discretion.
B. substitutability.
C. visibility.
D. centrality.
E. reference.


Malcolm said that he has no choice but to go ahead with the website changes. This suggests his power is lessened due to a low level of  visibility. The correct answer is C.

What makes visibility crucial?

Visibility is the range at which an object or light may be seen clearly. Since it is dependent on how clear the air is around it, it does not change independently of ambient light or the time of day. It makes it easier to introduce you to more people to let people know who you are and how you might help them, increase brand recognition, and establish your expertise and authority.

Malcolm claimed he was forced to move forward with the website revisions. This implies that his influence is diminished as a result of his low level of visibility.

Visibility is significantly diminished (from the driver's seat) at distances when objects and lights are clearly visible. Poor vision can be caused by tall buildings, large vehicles on the road, trees, bends, and other roadside obstructions.

To know more about Visibility, visit:



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