What are some motifs in The Things They Carried?


Answer 1

The Things They Carried is a short story with three major themes that are present throughout: war, vulnerability, and guilt.

He wrote The Things They Carried in 1990. Tim O'Brien employs a number of motifs, which are recurrent concepts, pictures, or symbols that highlight significant ideas in a piece of art or literature. The haze, the forest, the mud, and the gloom of night are a few of the motifs used.

The Items They Carried Stockings Symbols One of the soldiers in Lt.... The Baby Water Buffalo is Henry Dobbins. Curt Lemon, a soldier in the platoon, is killed... Fog and Water. Water and fog imagery are used by O'Brien to represent freedom, loss of freedom, and the haziness of recollections.

regret and Freedom lost, and memories that are unclear.

The Things They Carried frequently and consistently explores the themes of shame and guilt. For fear of humiliating themselves, their families, and their cities if they left, soldiers felt compelled to go to war.

To learn more about  humiliating please click on below link



Related Questions

What are the 5 parts of an essay in order?




Body, First Point, Second Point, Third Point,


How do the slight variations in the final lines of Stanzas 3 and 5-the use of the
quotation marks and the addition of the exclamation point--most affect the
poem's impact?
They make it sound increasingly worried.
They make it sound increasingly submissive.
increasingly forceful.
They make it sound
They make it sound increasingly hopeful.


Answer: They make it sound increasingly forceful.

The slight variations in the final lines of Stanzas 3 and 5-the use of the quotation marks and the addition of the exclamation point--most affect the poem's impact in this way:

(d) They make it sound increasingly hopeful.

What is the effect of stanzas 3 and 5?

Stanzas 3 and 5 from the poem have the effect of making the poem sound increasingly hopeful. The use of quotation marks in stanza 3 as seen in the phrase “Let my people go” points to the feeling of hopefulness as a person who has superior powers urges Pharaoh to let his people go.

The addition of the exclamation mark as seen in stanza 5, “Let my people go!” makes the command more urgent and serious. So, the Israelites could have assurance.

Complete Question;

Read the song lyrics.

Go Down, Moses

"Go Down Moses" is a negro spiritual that references the Old Testament and the events of Exodus.

Go down, Moses,

Way down in Egypt land

Tell old Pharaoh

To let my people go.

When Israel was in Egypt land

Let my people go

Oppressed so hard they could not stand

Let my people go.

Go down, Moses,

Way down in Egypt land

Tell old Pharaoh

“Let my people go.”

“Thus saith the Lord,” bold Moses said,

“Let my people go;

If not I’ll smite your first-born dead,

Let my people go.”

Go down, Moses,

Way down in Egypt land,

Tell old Pharaoh

“Let my people go!”

How do the slight variations in the final lines of Stanzas 3 and 5—the use of the quotation marks and the addition of the exclamation point-—most affect the poem’s impact?

(a) They make it sound increasingly forceful.

(b) They make it sound increasingly submissive.

(c) They make it sound increasingly worried.

(d) They make it sound increasingly hopeful.

Learn more about exclamation marks here:



What do you think is the best Filipino trait that is very useful and helpful among us Filipinos in dealing with our co employees and employer s?


I believe the best Filipino trait that is very useful and helpful among us Filipinos in dealing with our co employees and employers is our natural sense of hospitality. We are known for our warm and welcoming nature, and our ability to make others feel comfortable and accepted in any environment. This trait helps us to foster strong relationships with both colleagues and employers, allowing us to work together effectively and foster a healthy work environment.

The Texas Farm Bureau represents which segment of the Texas agricultural industry?a. large agricultural producersb. retail sales of farm goodsc. farm equipment suppliersd. family farms and ranches


The Texas Farm Bureau represents large agricultural producers segment of the Texas agricultural industry.

The Texas Farm Bureau is a voluntary, statewide, agricultural advocacy organization founded in 1952. The Bureau is committed to "serving the agricultural and rural communities of Texas through advocacy, education and service."

The organization represents farm and ranch families in all 254 counties of the state, and works to promote and protect the interests of these families through a variety of programs and services.

Hence, the correct option is "A"

To know more about Texas, click here.



Molly is reading an epic poem in which the main protagonist solves many challenging puzzles by making clever observations. What does this suggest about the culture that the epic poem comes from??

A. the culture fears people with problem-solving abilities.
B. the culture values intelligence and wit.
C. the culture belives that puzzles are silly
D. the culture thinks physical strength is more important than mental strength.


The culture that the epic poem comes from  fears people with problem-solving abilities.

What would be a brief explanation of poetry?

Poetry is literature that uses words handpicked and structured for their significance, texture, as well as movement to elicit a focused imagination consciousness of experiencing or a particular emotional experience.

What function does poetry serve?

Poetry can be an effective method of instruction that aids in participants' literacy development. It can also help writers describe their feelings while letting readers relate to those feelings. Aesthetics, or the study of what is attractive in the world, is another relationship between poetry and aesthetics.

To know more about poetry visit:



question in picture (pls help)



D) hindrance to success


Liability means putting one at a disadvantage. Amaria was accepted because she was not considered a delay or block towards the group's success.

d) hinders nice to success

Question 19 (1 point)
Which detail best supports the idea that Joseph Campbell's work has a lasting impact
on people today?
His work is studied all over the world.
The hero has to undergo battles on the journey.
Artists and writers influenced Campbell's theories.


Based on the use of inference and powers of deduction, the detail that has the best chance of using supporting details to show that Joseph Campbell's work has a lasting impact on people today is A.His work is studied all over the world.

What is a Supporting Detail?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the use of evidence that validates a given claim and makes use of factual information and statistics in order to show if the original claim is true or false.

Hence, it can be seen that the question is incomplete, but using inference and deductions, for a person's work to have a lasting impact on people, this means that many people have learned from it and are using it and from the list of answer choices, the most likely answer is option A because if his work has a lasting impact, then it would be studied all over the world.

Read more about supporting details here:



Which gear is best for turning?


The gear is best for turning 2nd gear.

Kate Mandell takes a job as a nanny for two young orphans at an isolated Gothic mansion in the Maine nation-state. She quickly learns that the kids Miles and vegetation are emotionally distant and unstable. when extraordinary activities begin to plague Kate and the siblings, she starts to suspect that the estate's darkish corridors are home to a malevolent entity.

Turning is the maximum common lathe machining operation. at some point in the turning system, a slicing tool removes cloth from the outer diameter of a rotating workpiece. the primary goal of turning is to lessen the workpiece diameter to the preferred dimension. There are two types of turning operations, tough and end.

Learn more about turning here:-https://brainly.com/question/28111469


What is the big 5 trait of openness?


Answer: xtraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.


Three bulbs are connected in a parallel circuit and one burns out. What will the other two bulbs do?


In a parallel circuit, just one light will go out if it burns out; the other lights will continue to operate.

Since the bulbs are identical, if one of them burns out, the current flow is interrupted, which causes additional current to flow through the other two bulbs, increasing their light.

When one bulb in a parallel circuit with multiple bulbs burns out, more current is now passing through to the remaining bulbs, making the remaining lamps burn brighter than before. The amount of energy available to light the bulbs increases as the current increases, making the bulbs brighter.

The voltage between the three bulbs should remain constant if they are linked in parallel across a source of voltage.

the same as when a single bulb is linked to a single power source. The three-bulb scenario triples the total current drawn from the voltage source, which makes it different from the other condition.

To learn more about  constant please click on below link



Choose the sentence in which every pronoun has a clear antecedent:

a ) What's worse, they charge fees for not meeting minimum spending requirements .

b) It can feel frustrating for consumers who don't want to spend money on their credit card each month .

c ) Some credit card companies require you to spend a minimum balance every month .

d ) Consumers need to be careful to select a credit card that is right for them .


answer : d )


explanation : an antecedent is the thing represented by a pronoun the antecedent of a pronoun is a noun.


we want a sentence in which every pronoun has a clear antecedent.


ex : hedgehogs? why can't they just share the hedge?

(in this example hedgehogs is an antecedent of they (which is a pronoun))


in order for it to be a valid sentence where a pronoun has a clear antecedent, a person or person(s) must be represented.


a) what's worse, they charge fees for not meeting minimum spending requirements. (NOT valid - no noun here to represent pronoun)

b) it can feel frustrating for consumers who don't want to spend money on their credit card each month. (NOT valid)

c) some credit card companies require you to spend a minimum balance every month. (NOT valid - no pronoun here to represent noun)


therefore, the answer is d)


hope this helps !

- audrey ♡

What is the sum of digits of 9999999999 3?


The sum of the first and the last digits is equal to the third digit.

When you add two or more numbers, the resulting answer you get can be defined as a SUM. The added number is called the summand. In the example above, 6 and 4 are the summands, and 10 is their sum. Zero is called the identity element of rational addition. So the sum of 0 and any rational number is just a number.  

In mathematics, the summation is the addition of any number, summand, or sequence of summands called. The result is their sum or sum. Click AutoSum to automatically enter a formula (using the SUM function) that sums the numbers. To add the January numbers to this entertainment budget, select cell B7 just below the number column. The sum of   4 is a concept that emphasizes the fact that there are multiple, if not infinite, ways to achieve a particular outcome, goal, dream, or goal.

Learn more about sum here:-https://brainly.com/question/25734188


when posting is complete, the post. ref. column in the general journal is completely filled in with account numbers..
A. True
B. false


True, the Post. Ref. field in the general journal is fully filled with correct account numbers after posting is finished. The account number in the Post. Ref. column of the journal show identifies the account to which a sum of money has been posted.

Should references made in a post be noted in a journal post ref column?

Prior to any sums being entered into the ledger, the posting reference must always be entered into the journal's Post. Ref. column. Writing down the account title and keeping track of the balance are the two phases in opening an account.

What does the general journal post-reference column mean?

When and where entries have been posted to ledger accounts are recorded in a journal's posting reference column.

To know more about the Post. Ref. visit :-



What are the effects of inferiority complex?


An inferiority complex manifests as persistent self-doubt, low self-esteem, and a tendency to withdraw from social situations.

Some persons have traits like those of a superiority complex, such as intense rivalry and a refusal to accept responsibility for their errors.But when a person has an inferiority complex, they frequently retreat when among someone who make them feel inadequate. In certain cases, a person like this could act violently against others or behave in an extremely competitive manner in an effort to overcompensate for a perceived shortcoming.An individual with an inferiority complex may overcompensate in a variety of ways. For instance, someone who suffers from a Napoleon complex, or inferiority complex, brought on by everyday heightism may become excessively self-conscious of how others see them.

Thus these are the effects of inferiority complex.

To learn more about inferiority complex, refer: brainly.com/question/29459971


why do you think setting aside money in your savings and looking for scholarships is a good ""preparation"" step before applying for financial aid?


Answer: I t is good because you can save money for college in case you don't get any scholarships.

Explanation: You don't want to spend all of your money

How does the government finance deficit spending ?


The budget deficit is financed by the government. That is, there will be a deficit if government expenditure (G) exceeds tax collections (T), which can be covered by selling government bonds (by borrowing money).

Every deficit must be paid for. First, this is accomplished by selling government securities like Treasury bonds (T-bonds). Treasury bonds are bought by people, companies, and other governments, and they are used as collateral for loans to the government.The gap between the federal government's expenditures (also known as outlays) and its tax collections is used to determine the federal budget deficit for a given year (also known as revenue). When the government collects more revenue than it spends, there is no yearly deficit.

Thus this is how the government finance deficit is spent.

Refer here to learn more about deficit: https://brainly.com/question/26010226


Where are infrared most commonly used?


Among the maximum famous are warmness sensors, thermal imaging and night time imaginative and prescient equipment.

In communications and networking, infrared mild is utilized in stressed and wi-fi operations. The wavelengths of infrared electromagnetic radiation, frequently referred to as infrared mild, are longer than the ones of seen mild. Therefore, it's far invisible to the human sight. According to traditional wisdom, the wavelength variety of infrared mild lies among seven hundred nanometers, or the notional pink give up of the seen spectrum, and round 1 millimetre. Infrared (IR) mild is utilized in electric warmers, food-cooking appliances, far flung controls, optical fibres, protection systems, and thermal imaging cameras that may see humans withinside the dark. The 3 number one subcategories of infrared are near-, mid-, and a long way-infrared. Additionally, it is able to be divided into 5 categories: near-infrared, short, mid, long, and a long way infrared waves.

Thus these are the most commonly used infrared.

Refer here to learn more about infrared:  brainly.com/question/21128736


What is the outcome of the protagonist’s response to the conflict?


People need antagonistic forces that are working against your protagonist in order to create tension for them. The arch-villain is a common trope in genre fiction, but antagonists can be any opposing force that frustrates the core motivation of your character.

What is the force in conflict with the protagonist?

A conflict is a struggle between two opposing ideas, forces, or points of view that forms the core of a story. These forces have previously been referred to as the protagonist and antagonist.

The surroundings could be rife with problems that prevent your protagonist from solving her problems and might even make her internal conflicts worse. The protagonist finds it more challenging to get through the challenges in the story as a result of these environmental conflicts.

Thus, People need antagonistic forces that are working against your protagonist.

For more information about force in conflict with the protagonist, click here:



Why didn't Bud like to be called Buddy?


she intentionally named him Bud,


She told him to never let people call him Buddy because she intentionally named him Bud, like a flower-to-be that is waiting for the right environment to bloom, and that she had a lot to teach him when he became a young man.                   will that help?

Answer:He remembers that his mother said if she wanted him to be named Buddy, she would have added another “d” and a “y” to his name.


Is being open-minded a strength?


Yes, being open-minded is indeed a strength. Open-mindedness allows us to be more receptive to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives. It pushes us to be more creative and to think outside the box for solutions and answers. Open-mindedness also makes us more flexible and adaptable, allowing us to better adjust to changing situations. Ultimately, open-mindedness helps us to grow both personally and professionally, making us more successful in our pursuits.

sometimes when we hear or read a sentence, the front portion (beginning) of the sentence can be interpreted multiple ways, but the end of the sentence serves to clarify the correct meaning. this type of sentence would be an example of


Sometimes when we hear or read a statement, the first part (beginning) can be interpreted in a number of different ways, and the second sentence will refer to actual cases, therefore the past simple will also refer to actual past cases.

However, it is true that these exist. The subject of the sentence, which is a non-finite verb phrase, is nominalized to form the topic of Visiting the Zoo.

Punctuation is used to make written or printed language more clear. to formally introduce any information that constitutes a sentence. She had lunch, went for a stroll, and then resumed her job.

Complex sentences Two independent clauses are combined to form a compound sentence. either the same sentence or a sentence that comes before or after it.

To learn more about interpreted multiple ways from given link



Write 3 examples of opinions.​


Answer: no


I'm not going to help you cheat

Why is BTS so inspiring?


BTS has been receiving a lot of love for their music, especially their lyrics, which frequently touch on personal and social commentary, the themes of mental health

difficulties of school-age youth and coming of age, loss, and more. The seven members, RM, Jin, SUGA, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook, are comparable to household names today. They have broken 25 Guinness World Records, received two GRAMMY nominations, and have recorded four number-one albums quicker than any other group since the Beatles. The South Korean ensemble especially accomplished all of this while mostly singing in their own tongue, setting an example for other Asian music groups.

They have backed UNICEF's efforts to reduce violence and their education initiatives for underprivileged children. Additionally, they took involved in raising

To learn more about especially please click on below link



What do you learn from these entries about the kind of person Anne is? Use examples from the text to write at least 150 words describing her personality, her values, and her interests.


In order to learn from the entries about the kind of person Anne is, here is a guide to help you:

Study the entries about Anne Frank very well.Identify the characteristics and qualities of her person.Make additional research from books and websites that have wriiten about her.Make sure you talk about her personality, her values, and her interests  in  a very concise manner.

What is personality?

Personality is defined to be a combination of the characteristics and qualities of someone which actually make up the person. Personality is usually used to identify someone and mark that person for who he/she is. Personalities of people either makes them acceptable in a circle of influence or rejected.

We see here that to learn about the personality and values of Anne Frank, it is important to study the entries properly.

Learn more about personality on https://brainly.com/question/17636115


What is pure and symbolic speech?


Pure speech is spoken verbally, whereas symbolic speech is expressed via gestures and symbols. Both are covered under the First Amendment.

Symbolic communication includes nonverbal, nonwritten forms of expression including burning flags, wearing armbands, and burning draft cards. Unless it directly threatens another person or public order, it is typically protected by the First Amendment.Pure speech can take several forms, such as face-to-face conversation, public speaking, or written publishing. Direct communication may be a part of speech plus, but it also involves "expressive behaviour." A physical act, such as handing out flyers, picketing, or taking part in a public demonstration, must accompany expressive behaviour.

Thus this is the pure and symbolic speech.

Refer here to learn more about pure and symbolic speech: https://brainly.com/question/29553311


What are the 4 elements in order?


There are four elements. According to Greek philosophy, the universe is made up of the elements fire, air, earth, and water.

The Four Elements are often placed as four corners, but they can also be arranged from bottom to top in ascending order, with the Sun (Fire) sitting on top of everything, the Earth rising out of the water, and the Air above the Earth. There are four elements. According to Greek philosophy, the universe is made up of the elements fire, water, earth, and air. Life's fundamental building blocks are oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The human body and the bodies of animals both contain large amounts of these four elements. Although the human body is made up of more components, the four we've emphasized are involved in every aspect of existence.

To learn more about elements please click on below link



How you can improve and become a good citizen?


Properly citizen need to stay in peace and concord together along with his neighbours and fellow citizens.

He need to appreciate the establishments of his country. A properly citizen need to usually appreciate the legal guidelines of the nation and need to haven't any endurance with criminals and anti-social elements.

He need to be vigilant in opposition to the enemies of the country. Identify traits of properly citizenship such as truthfulness, justice, equality, appreciate for oneself and others, obligation in day by day life, and participation in authorities with the aid of using teaching oneself approximately the issues, respectfully keeping public officers to their word, and voting.

Read more about citizenship;



why is it important to the story that Maggie decides to speak up and volunteer to be the team captain ​


Answer: It is important when Maggie decides to speak up and volunteer to be the team captain to confront your anxiety

By the way, make sure to write the full question because otherwise it will be harder for people to answer it


Spin a spinner numbered one to seven, and toss a coin. What is the probability of getting an odd number on the spinner and a head on a coin?


There are four odd numbers from one to seven. It is 4/7 likely that the spinner will land on an odd number. Half of the time, a coin will land on its head. 4/7x1/2=4/14 or 2/7 is the likelihood of getting both an odd number and a head.

Calculate the likelihood of drawing an odd number and a head. The response is 14. According to my logic, flipping a coin and getting a heads result equals 12 when rolling an odd number. So 0.5×0.5 = 14.

The likelihood of spinning an odd number will change if the spinner has an odd number of numbers on it. For instance, if the spinner has three slots, the likelihood of spinning an odd number is 23. But if there are eleven.

To learn more about spinner please click on below link



This passage is excerpted from Edith Wharton, House of Mirth, originally published in 1905.
Selden paused in surprise. In the afternoon rush of the Grand Central Station his eyes had been refreshed by the sight of Miss Lily Bart. It was a Monday in early September, and he was returning 5 to his work from a hurried dip into the country; but what was Miss Bart doing in town at that season? Her desultory air perplexed him. She stood apart from the crowd, letting it drift by her to the platform or the street, and wearing an air o irresolution which might, as he surmised, be the mask of a 10 very definite purpose. It struck him at once that she was waiting for someone, but he hardly knew why the idea arrested him. There was nothing new about Lily Bart, yet he could never see her without a faint movement of interest: it was characteristic of her that sh always roused speculation 15 that her simplest acts seemed the result of far-reaching intentions.
An impulse of curiosity made him turn out of his direct line to the door, and stroll past her. He knew that if she did not wish to be seen she would contrive to elude him; and it 20 amused him to think of putting her skill to the test. "Mr. Selden—what good luck! She came forward smiling, eager almost, in her resolve to intercept him. One or two persons, in brushing past them, lingered to look; for Miss Bart was a figure to arrest even the 25 suburban traveller rushing to his last train. Selden had never seen her more radiant. Her vivid head, relieved against the dull tints of the crowd, made her more conspicuous than in a ball-room, and under her dark hat and veil she regained the girlish smoothness, the purity of tint, 30 that she was beginning to lose after eleven years of late hours and indefatigable dancing.
"What luck!" she repeated. "How nice of you to come to my rescue!"
He responded joyfully that to do so was his mission in 35 life, and asked what form the rescue was to take.
"Oh, almost any—even to sitting on a bench and talking to me. One sits out a cotillion—why not sit out a train? It isn't a bit hotter here than in Mrs. Van Osburgh's conservatory—and some of the women are not a bit uglier." She broke off, 40 laughing, to explain that she had come up to town from Tuxedo, on her way to the Gus Trenors' at Bellomont, and had missed the three-fifteen train to Rhinebeck. "And there isn't another till half-past five." She consulted the little jewelled watch among her laces. "Just two hours to wait. And
45 I don't know what to do with myself. My maid came up this morning to do some shopping for me, and was to go on to Bellomont at one o'clock, and my aunt's house is closed, and I don't know a soul in town." She glanced plaintively about the station. "It IS hotter than Mrs. Van Osburgh's, after all. If 50 you can spare the time, do take me somewhere for a breath of air." He declared himself entirely at her disposal: the adventure struck him as diverting. As a spectator, he had always enjoyed Lily Bart; and his course lay so far out of her orbit 55 that it amused him to be drawn for a moment into the sudden intimacy which her proposal implied.
"Shall we go over to Sherry's for a cup of tea?" She smiled assentingly, and then made a slight grimace.
"So many people come up to town on a Monday—one is 60 sure to meet a lot of bores. I'm as old as the hills, of course, and it ought not to make any difference; but if I'M old enough, you're not," she objected gaily. "I'm dying for tea— but isn't there a quieter place?"
He answered her smile, which rested on him vividly. Her 65 discretions interested him almost as much as her imprudences: he was so sure that both were part of the same carefully-elaborated plan. In judging Miss Bart, he had always made use of the "argument from design."
Which choice best summarizes the passage?
(A) The passage presents a portrait of two characters who decide to travel together
(B) The passage explains the reasons for one character’s avoidance of a community
(C) The passage captures one character’s fascination with another character
(D) The passage describes a busy train station and the characters who inhabit it


The choice that best summarizes the passage is option (C) The passage captures one character’s fascination with another character

What does The House of Mirth teach us?

An opposition between money and morality is presented in The House of Mirth. While those in the working class are morally upright (or at least not involved in the circles of the obscenely affluent), the richest characters, those in New York society's highest echelon, are petty and morally vacuous.

According to the story, the plot centers on the terrible end of 29-year-old Lily Bart, who was said to be a very stunning woman with a wealth of connections but no marriage to maintain her social standing and thus people began to look down on her

Therefore, from the passage, Selden's mood changes from perplexed to curious throughout. Lily has Selden's attention, and he wants to spend more time with her. Lily is described as being engaging and thoughtful in the text.

Learn more about Summary from


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