What are some factors to help prove that the Islamic religion spread by military conquests


Answer 1


Over a period of a few hundred years, Islam spread from its place of origin in the Arabian


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An aphasia that is characterized by fluent speech with good intonation and syntax, but is often semantically incoherent is most commonly associated with: Group of answer choices a. left hemisphere posterior temporal lobe damage b. left hemisphere occipital lobe damage c. a sectioned corpus callosum d. left hemisphere frontal lobe damage



a. left hemisphere posterior temporal lobe damage


Aphasia: In psychology, the term "aphasia" is described as a language impairment that tends to affect the comprehension or production of speech and the capability to write or read. Aphasia is caused due to injury to an individual's brain, significantly from a particular stroke.

Aphasia is generally caused due to damage to the temporal lobe of an individual's brain.

In the question above, the given statement represents option-a as the correct answer.

list out any 5 effects of climate change in nepal​



they are


1. there is too cold in terai region

why would a slave need to protect their own spirit?



Salves were constantly beaten down, torn to nothing and treated as a tool..With any person this would lead to self harm, depression, feeling useless, feeling like you mean nothing and so forth. Or even PTSD.  With this said it is important to protect your mind and your spirit in order to say sane and healthy.


Coming from a future Therapist :)

A revolution is where things stay the same and the government does not change.
O True
O False





because revolution the definition of revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system

President Roosevelt's plan to "pack the court" would have granted the president the power to do which of the following?



President Roosevelt's plan to "pack the court" would have granted the president the power to dominate the Supreme Court, imposing new adept justices on his policies in order to achieve almost immediate approval of all his policies.

This was attempted by President Roosevelt in 1937, through various legislative proposals that sought to add judges to the Court, although this was ultimately not approved and, therefore, many of Roosevelt's proposals within the New Deal process were determined as unconstitutional.

Continental drift occurs as a result of
A) hot, drifting material inside Earth
B) strong winds on the surface of Earth
C) shifting ocean tides


it’s c i did this on my test i got it right

How has tourism both helped and hurt many Caribbean nations


The tourism industry is a major employer throughout the region, directly supporting nearly 700,000 jobs and another 2.2 million indirectly in 2011. However, many of these jobs are seasonal and very low-paid, while the money generated by internationally funded projects fails to reach locals. In fact, only 15 percent of the Chinese-funded Baha Mar construction project in the Bahamas found its way to local laborers. On many islands, a racial divide appears to exist, on the one hand, between the owners of tourist facilities, and, on the other hand, the workers at the tourist establishments, according to former Caribbean ambassador Sir Ronald Sanders.

Local Development
Tourism could have a tremendous beneficial impact on local economies, but many hotels source their food and cleaning products from abroad rather than purchasing them from local producers. An Oxfam study found that hotels in St. Lucia imported more than 70 percent of their produce every year. Local farmers cannot compete internationally and have suffered from a decline in the banana trade, but Oxfam and other organizations are encouraging hotels to source food from local farmers, and by doing so keeping the tourist income within the community and supporting farmer’s efforts to diversify their crops. For some hotels and restaurants, shopping locally adds a more authentic flavor to the products that they offer tourism and is a selling point in itself. For example, the Ocean Terrace Inn in St. Kitts prides itself on serving food made using locally sourced ingredients.

Rewrite / Combine each sentence using an interrupter.

1.Duncan said the bicycle has made him feel more at ease with his commute. The commute has now been cut down to an hour.

2.Rex Sinquefield was the driving force behind the resurgence of chess in the United States. Rex Sinquefield is a successful entrepreneur.

3.The friends had been informed that they were to meet each other in the division finals. They were informed after a series of elimination bouts.

4.The dark sky reflected Greg’s mood. The sky was filled with angry clouds.

5.Colvin was studying about Sojourner Truth. Sojourner Truth was a former slave who became an abolitionist and women’s rights activist



duncan said the bicycle has made him feel more at ease with his commute. The commute has now been cut down to an hour. rex  Sinquefield was the driving force behind the resurgence of chess in the United States. Rex Sinquefield is a successful entrepreneur. The friends had been informed that they were to meet each other in the division finals. They were informed after a series of elimination bouts.

The dark sky reflected Greg’s mood. The sky was filled with angry clouds. Colvin was studying about Sojourner Truth. Sojourner Truth was a former slave who became an abolitionist and women’s rights activist

how did chandra gupta I obtain most of his land?​



Chandra Gupta I obtained most of his land by marriage; by doing this he was able to quickly obtain land by marrying a royal with a rich father, making him one of the wealthiest men in his time.

Hope this can help! ≧◡≦

Answer: By marriage

Explanation:Thank me later

why do temperature on the moon surface very much more than the temperature on earth


Answer: The moon does not have an atmosphere, whereas the earth does.

Explanation: The atmosphere of the earth, along with the presence of water, allows for the temperature to be much more stable (think of how greenhouse gases absorb lots of heat). The moon does not have that kind of atmospheric protection, so the temperature can increase and decrease much more drastically.

Answer:  The earth has the ozone layer while the moon does not that's why jokes like, "you hear about the restraunt on the moon?  I heard it has no atmosphere!  So the sun is not blocked by anything and nothings holding the heat in either so yeah


What is the name of Kenya’s legislative branch?


The Parliament of Kenya is the bicameral legislature of Kenya. It consists of two houses: Senate (upper house) The National Assembly (lower house)

What generalization can you make about the growth of slavery in Georgia?



Since their were not enough workers to work rice and tobacco farms their were not enough workers so people began smuggling slaves into Georgia fro North Carolina.


How are patterns found in waves?



When an object is forced into resonance vibrations at one of its natural frequencies, it vibrates in a manner such that a standing wave is formed within the object. Such patterns are only created within the medium at specific frequencies of vibration.

Vibrations when an object is forced into resonance

Treason is when you agree with your country and do nothing wrong.
O True
O False


The Answer Is False.
Treason Is When You Double-Cross (Or Disagree) Your Home.

what aree the benefits of team sport?​



Team sports help teach adolescents accountability, dedication, leadership and other skills.

Many athletes do better academically. ...

Sports teach teamwork and problem-solving skills. ...

Physical health benefits of sports. ...

Sports boost self-esteem. ...

Reduce pressure and stress with sports.

it's mainly helps to Get togetherness in team work and helps to achieve success easily by helping each other in the team....

Who is president of Nepal​




Bidya Devi Bhandari is 2021's president of Nepal.


Bidhya Devi Bhandari.....

What are the different types of laws and how are they applied



The Constitution. supreme body of laws that govern our country.Statutory law. written or codified law such as legislative acts, declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something.Common or Case Law. Civil Law (Private law) .Criminal Law.Equity Law.Administrative Law.


-hope it helps♡


How did capitalism affect European economies?

People bought more goods, which created a supply.

People bought more goods, which created demand.

Fewer resources were available, which increased demand for goods.

Fewer resources were available, which decreased the supply of goods.






Its B lol


Good Luck

What is language? In your own words.



A languages are used in many different countries to communicate each other.

Hope it helps..

Have a great day : )

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what is sexual orientation discrimination?



Sexual orientation discrimination is discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or sexual behaviour.

For example, if my co-worker is gay and is discriminatied against because of this, that is considered Sexual orientation discrimination.


In 2-3 sentences explain how a media watchdog can benefit a democracy.



Watchdog journalism can work effectively in well-established democratic countries. This is because in such countries, there is high level of the freedom of the press and journalistic autonomy and independence.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

What empire fell when it was attacked by outside invaders



the roman empire :)



Western Rome fell due to outside forces

How did literature impact Ancient Indian Society



Hindu literary traditions dominate a large part of Indian culture. Apart from the Vedas, which are a sacred form of knowledge, there are other works such as the Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, treatises such as Vaastu Shastra in architecture and town planning, and Arthashastra in political science.


Why should you slow down below the speed limit and turn on hazard lights as you exit a highway to pull over?



If you need to warn other drivers of a real and unexpected emergency, emergency flashers can be used in most states. This applies when there is hazardous obstacle on the roadway, a sudden and serious problem with your vehicle, or any sudden health problem that affects your driving.

Be careful not to use emergency flashers if you must slow down and exit the highway because of an unexpected problem. It can be hard for others to understand your intentions, which could result in a crash.


If law enforcement signals you to pull over, turning on your hazard lights can show the officer that you acknowledge their signal and are following the request. Slow down, turn on your hazard lights, and stop your car in a safe location.

It is important to slow down below the speed limit and turn on hazard lights as they exit a highway to pull over to indicate to the others about the dangerous zone is over.

What is hazard lights?

Both of a couple of yellow flashing impressive lights on an automobile that crook on at the same time to indicate that the vehicles is stopped, slowing down, or reversing.

In most states, emergency flashers can be utilized to notify other drivers of a real and unforeseen emergency.

This is true if there is a dangerous obstruction on the road, if the driver's car has a sudden and major problem, or if he has a sudden health problem that impairs his driving.

If a driver have to slow down and exit the highway due to an unanticipated problem, be careful not to use emergency flashers.

Therefore, Others may not comprehend the driver's objectives, which could lead to a collision.

Learn more about the hazard lights, refer to:



On a supply and demand graph, supply will decrease and shift to the left when which of the
following happens?
The number of firms leaving the industry increases.
There are fewer government regulations in place.
The total cost of inputs decreases.
Production taxes decline over a short period of time.



Option A

The number of firms leaving the industry increases.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

China also has long coasts on the ----- Sea, -----Sea, and -----Sea.



Bohai Sea, Huanghai Sea, East Sea and South China Sea.


Whichever sea was mentioned before (the question states "also") just exclude it and enter the others.

The "New South" movement was the push to
teach African Americans new methods of farming
remove all Republicans from office
develop industry and manufacturing in Georgia


Answer:The answer is C

Which statement best describes the influence of Piye’s rule on ancient Egypt? Piye’s Kush was an important trade partner for Egypt. Piye conquered Egypt and established the 25th dynasty. Piye fought against the Romans to defend Egypt. Piye was an Egyptian pharaoh who conquered Kush.



B, i took the assignment


Outline four ways by which the environment can be protected from degradation​



not throwing trash on the ground, picking UP the trash there, and not ripping the grass up with yer hands XD


Four ways in which the degradation in the environment can be protected from degradation is by using methods like reuse, reduction, and recycling. Planting more trees, rainwater harvesting, and also by reducing the consumption of fuel.

What is Degradation?

Today sitting in the 21st Century the common thing which we address is the issue of the Environmental hazard which is taking place. An environmental hazard is a very common process, which has been affecting our lives. Especially the process of degradation has continuously changed the level of affectedness.

Degradation is the process by which the soil loses its nourishment and thus by losing its firmness and natural hold. Degradation is done naturally felling of trees, uprooting grasses, unavailability of proper water,non-biodegradable wastes being burnt, and burning of excessive fossil fuels.

Degradation has over time caused a lot of harm to society. Many incidents have occurred due to degradation including landslides. Destruction of land-which becomes arid and dry and not suitable for farming. All these make the process of degradation.

Learn more about Degradation here:



What are the shantytowns where homeless people lived that President Hoover was mocked about?


When the government failed to provide relief, President Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) was blamed for the intolerable economic and social conditions, and the shantytowns that cropped up across the nation, primarily on the outskirts of major cities, became known as Hoovervilles.

I hope this helps
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Evaluate the expression5c - 2 = when c = 3HELPPP quick 1. What is Chiapas, known by Enrique and other young migrants as the beast? Provide three possible reasons . subtract -10 from 100 1. List the names and accomplishments of two women's rights reformers from the 1800s (4 points) ANSWER ASAP PLEASEQuestion 6 (5 points)Read the passage and answer the question.To show his admiration for Charlemagne, the pope crowned him the new Roman emperor on Christmas Day, 800 C.E. After the death of Charlemagne in 814 C.E., the Carolingian empire began to decline. A group of nobles tried to unify Germany; however, most of the appointed kings lacked power because the nobles did not want to give up their independence. One exception was Otto I. Otto sent troops into Italy to protect the pope from the Magyars. To reward him for his assistance, the pope crowned Otto emperor of the Romans in 962 C.E., thus joining the affairs of the German kingdom with those of Italy and the papacy. Ottos coronation as emperor not only marked the German kings as successors to the empire of Charlemagne, but also as the successors of Ancient Rome.Based on this passage, which statement do these events best describe? aThe unification of Germany bThe formation of the Holy Roman Empire cThe decline of the Carolingian Empire dThe death of CharlemagneQuestion 7 (5 points)Which statement best describes the role of the early church and the monasteries in the spread of Christianity after the fall of the Western Roman Empire? aAbbots, who were the leaders of the monasteries, served as advisors to kings and ruled the lands near their monasteries bSome monks left the monasteries to preach the church's message, while those who stayed educated people, cared for the sick, and preserved knowledge by copying ancient texts cA priest named Patrick traveled to Ireland to set up churches and monasteries and pass on Roman learning to the people of Europe dMonasteries began to play a role in European politicsQuestion 8 (5 points)Read the statement and answer the question.Most of Europe lies within a few hundred miles of an ocean or sea. This encouraged trade, which helped Europes early economy grow. The expansion of trade brought about the growth of towns and cities. Many towns were located on land that was owned by a lord. Other towns grew around religious centers or areas where people could easily come together, such as crossroads, rivers, or ports.Based on this passage, which conclusion can be made? aManor villages later became bigger towns bThe growth of towns and cities was influenced by geography cLords controlled the towns and cities dTrade made cities and towns wealthyQuestion 9 (5 points)Which statement best describes the relationship between Charlemagne and the papacy in the early Middle Ages? aTheir authority overlapped and they often needed each other's help to maintain power bThey acted independently of one another cThey refused to help one another when their power was threatened dThey regularly fought over powerQuestion 10 (5 points)What act ensured that freemen accused of crimes had a right to a trial by a jury of their peers? aAssize of Clarendon bParliament cHabeas corpus dcommon lawQuestion 11 (5 points)Which statement best describes why 1066 is one of the most important dates in English history? a1066 was the year the Anglo-Saxons drove the Vikings from England b1066 was the year the Angles and the Saxons took over much of the country from the Celts and set up small kingdoms c1066 was the year William the Conqueror claimed victory at the Battle of Hastings and was crowned King William I d1066 was the year the Magna Carta was signedQuestion 12 (5 points)Select three economic and/or social effects of the Black Death. aLabor shortages bDecline in trade cPeople turned away from the Church dLasting effects on population growth ePeople stopped using moneyQuestion 13 (5 points)Read the passage and answer the question.There are diverse sciences because things can be known in various ways. For example, the astronomer and the natural philosopher both demonstrate the same conclusion, such as that the world is round; yet the astronomer does so through mathematics, while the natural philosopher does so in a way that takes matter into account. Thus there is no reason why those things treated by the philosophical disciplines through natural reason should not also be treated by another science insofar as they are known by the light of divine revelation. Thus the theology which pertains to sacred doctrine differs from that theology which is a part of philosophy.Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, c. 1267Choose the statement which best summarizes Aquinas' claim. aReligion and science should be kept separate bReligion and science do not have to be in conflict with one another cOne should use philosophy to understand religion dThere are different types of theology that can explain the natural world What is the equation of the line that passes through the point (-3, 4) and has aslope of 1? write an integer for each1- a deposit for $402- a loss of 25 poundsplease this assignment locks soon and its already over due, The specific type of exercise you do will determine the specific benefit you receive.True?False? Find the surface area of the prism. 108 divided by 2 1/2 Find the surface area of the pyramid.A triangular pyramid. The base triangle has a base of 20 yards and a height of 17.3 yards. 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