What are Hox genes?
-Hox genes regulate sex determination in mammals.
-Hox genes regulate flower development.
-Hox genes encode transcription factors that respond to steroids.
-Hox genes encode transcription factors with a DNA-binding domain called a homeo box and regulate development of the vertebrate body plan
- Hox genes are transcription factors that bind to specific DNA sequels called homeodomains
and regulate development of the vertebrate body plan.
Hox genes are transcription factors that bind to specific DNA sequences called


Answer 1


Hox genes regulate sex determination in mammals.

-Hox genes regulate flower development.

-Hox genes encode transcription factors that respond to steroids.

-Hox genes encode transcription factors with a DNA-binding domain called a homeo box and regulate development of the vertebrate body plan

- Hox genes are transcription factors that bind to specific DNA sequels called homeodomains

and regulate development of the vertebrate body plan.

Hox genes are transcription factors that bind to specific DNA sequences called



Answer 2


Genes that control the overall look of the body


Related Questions

How do scientists use fossils to study climate?



Many small organisms can be preserved within these layers of sediment through time. The changing abundances of these fossils through time can tell us whether a change in the environment or climate was gradual or abrupt. Studying fossil pollen and other fossils helps scientists to learn more about climate change.


How do scientists use fossils to study climate?


Fossils are used by scientists to study climate.The changing abundances of these fossils through time can tell us whether a change in the environment or climate was gradual or abrupt. Studying fossil pollen and other fossils helps scientists to learn more about climate change.

 Hope it Helps

Bye...Mark me as Brainliest

Civil engineers want to determine whether the porosity of surface soil affects aquifer recharge rates


Aquifer recharge is water that moves from the land surface or unsaturated zone into the saturated zone. Quantitative estimation of recharge rate contributes to the understanding of large-scale hydrologic processes. It is important for evaluating the sustainability of groundwater supplies, though it does not equate with a sustainable rate of extraction. Where contamination of an aquifer is a concern, estimating the recharge rate is a first step toward predicting solute transport to the aquifer. Recharge may cause a short- or long-term rise of the water table. Artificial drainage, e.g., with horizontal porous pipes buried at a chosen depth, is sometimes used to maintain a minimal thickness of vadose zone for agricultural or other purposes.
Recharge rates vary considerably in time and space. Recharge often occurs episodically in response to storms and other short-term, high-intensity inputs. For a given amount of infiltration, temporal concentration enhances recharge because it entails shorter residence times for water in the portions of the soil from which evapotranspiration takes place. Similarly, a larger fraction will become recharge if it is concentrated in narrow channels such as fingers or macropores, not only because this tends to hasten its passage through the unsaturated zone, but also because the water then occupies less of the volume of soil from which evapotranspiration takes place.

Name 3 BIOTIC things in this photo of the ecosystem. PLEASE HELP



3 biotic things in the above photo are-


Convection currents transfer thermal energy ____.
a. as a result of buoyancy
b. from warmer regions to cooler regions
c. between continents
d. from cooler regions to warmer regions


Convection currents transfer thermal energy ( from warmer regions to cooler regions. )

How dose human activity effect the water cycle


Human Impacts on the Global Water Cycle: Effects on Sea-Level and Climate. Large-scale human manipulation of water has significantly altered global patterns of streamflow. Resulting changes in sea level, ocean salinity, and in biophysical properties of the land surface could ultimately generate climate feedbacks

Please Answer These Questions!

1. What is a stimulus?
2. Why does the body respond to stimuli?
3. What are some different types of stimuli?
4. What are sensory organs and what type of stimuli do these receptors respond to?
5. What is an explanation of how the information from stimuli is communicated to the brain?
6. What is a description of the two things that can happen when the brain processes the information from stimuli?


Hello, 3Coli Here!

Here are your answers:

1. What is a stimulus?

Stimulus is a natural body reaction caused by changes in the environment around or inside the organism. This is a response from the brain.

2. Why does the body respond to stimuli?

The body responds to stimuli, because it needs to protect itself.

3. What are some different types of stimuli?

The two main types of stimuli are external stimuli and internal stimuli. External stimuli are reactions triggered by changes that occur outside of the body, while internal stimuli are reactions triggered by changes inside of the body.

4. What are sensory organs and what type of stimuli do these receptors respond to?

The most commonly used sensory organs include Eyes, Ears, Tongue, Nose, and Skin. Eyes respond to light and motion, because they are used to see. Ears respond to sound, because they hear. The tongue is used to taste, so it senses flavors. The nose is used to smell, so it responds to scents. Finally, the skin is used to feel, so it responds to whatever it feels.  

5. What is an explanation of how the information from stimuli is communicated to the brain?

Neuron receptors convert internal and external environments into electrical signals, and then is sent to the brain through nerves.  

6. What is a description of the two things that can happen when the brain processes the information from stimuli?

After the brain receives the signal, it will provide a response. One type of response is that the body will physically react to the change. The second type of response is to avoid the change.

Hopefully, this helps! :D

Ask your question below!

Which of the following best describes a mutation?

a change in a gene

a section of a chromosome that codes for a trait

anything that can damage a gene

a distinguishing quality that can be passed from one generation to another


a mutation is a change in a gene

As the medical examiner performs an autopsy on a body found in a nearby forest, she collects sand from between the victim's toes
that is identical to sand from a beach located 20 miles from the scene. What is the most important reason that this is relevant to
the case?
It suggests that the victim may have drowned.
It suggests that the victim may have taken a recent vacation.
It suggests that the crime may have occurred at another site.
It suggests that the suspect may have been to the beach recently.



It suggests that the crime may have occurred at another site.

Some seeds are endosed in a sweet, fleshy fruit. How would damage to the vascular tissue (Xylem and pholem, affect the developing fruit? A.Damaged vascular tissue would cause the developing fruit to accel in growth.
B . It would not affect the developing frut but it would affect the flower.
C. Damaged vascular tissue could cause the fruit to not completely develop or even develop at all.
D.The xylem and pholem are not parts of a plant and therefore would not affect anything.​



C. Damaged vascular tissue could cause the fruit to not completely develop or even develop at all.


If the vascular tissues such as xylem and phloem are damaged, the fruit does not completely develop because the food that is produced in the leaves does not reach to the seed. The xylem helps in the transportation of water from the soil that is necessary for making of food during the process of photosynthesis so damaged xylem will not produced food and no food will be transported from leaves to seeds and if some food is produced by the leaves the phloem does not transport it to the seeds.

Match the appropriate food item with the indicator chemical you would use to detect the principal organic molecule present in that item.
Note: some indicator chemicals may be used for more than one of these food items or not at all.
B. raspberry jam
A. benedict's solution
B. benedict's solution
E. V ground turkey
C. lodine
C. plain oatmeal
D. sudan IV
A honey
E. bluret reagent



raspberry jam -  benedict's solution

honey -  benedict's solution

ground turkey - biuret reagent

oatmeal - iodine


Benedict's test is a test used to confirm simple carbohydrates. it helps in identifying reducing sugars that have free ketone or aldehyde functional groups. Raspberry jam has mainly carbohydrates that can be tested by this indicator.

An iodine test is for the determination of starch which is a non-reducing sugar such as oatmeal

Sudan IV (C24H20N4O) is used for the presence of staining of lipids, triglycerides and lipoproteins. There is no food item given that has a proper amount of fat or lipid

Beuret reagent is a protein testing reagent that shows the presence of the protein. Ground turkey has a huge amount of protein that can be indicated by this

please help!! il give brainlist


which question do u need help with??


1-they are cats

2-different colors

3-orange.white.and black


The structure labeled A in figure 10-3 is called the?

also can someone help with 16 PLEASE !! ​


I’m pretty sure that the 15: is centromere
And 16: telomere

TRUE or FALSE: “ The change from a T to a C at position 3 caused all the changes that exist between the cichlid and the coelacanth/frog.” Explain your answer.


the answer is true i

Which option describes the most suitable forms of energy for the community the following scenario? A rural community located a high desert area has been struggling for years with a lack of growth and employment. Community leaders are learning to harvest new sources of energy that are clean and renewable, and have implemented a research to expand the uses for these energles.

solar and petroleum

wind turbine and solar



wind turbine and solar


why aren't scientific theories just called facts?




Is this a question or a joke?

The roots growing down is an example of _______________
A. positive geotropism
B. negative geotropism
C. Phototropism
D. Thigmotropism​



positive geotropism


The answer is positive geotropism

A. positive geotropism

What happens during fermentation?



Fermentation, chemical process by which molecules such as glucose are broken down anaerobically. More broadly, fermentation is the foaming that occurs during the manufacture of wine and beer, a process at least 10,000 years old.


Hope that this helped you :D

If all cells have the same DNA how do they become different types of cells?​


Cells are made of the same DNA but they can have different functions. It depends on where they are in your body; each of them have a separate job. There are different types of cells. Apparently, for a cell to work...1000 proteins must be made.

please answer!!

what would the offspring of a chicken look like if feather color were inherited through incomplete dominance?


They would be mixed or create a new colour. For example, if one chicken was black and the other was white, the colours would mix to get grey offspring :)

Help me with this please



1. b

2. a

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. a

7. a or b (they're the same)

(Punnett square and chart attached)


1. The father is a non-roller, as was given in the question. Remember that a phenotype is the physical trait displayed by an organism.

2. In order for the father to be a non-roller, the recessive non-roller allele would have to be expressed. In order for this to happen, he would need two recessive alleles.

3. The gene for tongue rolling is dominant, so if the mother is heterozygous (she has one dominant allele and one recessive allele), then she will be a tongue roller.

4. The mother has a dominant allele and a recessive allele.

5. 50% of the offspring have the Rr genotype and 50% have the rr genotype. This means that there is a 50% of having a tongue-rolling child and a 50% chance of having a non-rolling child.

6. Because the possibility of the offspring having either genotype is 50/50, the ratio would be written as 1:1. Both outcomes are equally likely.

7. Because the possibility of the offspring having either phenotype is 50/50, the ratio would be written as 1:1. Both outcomes are equally likely.


10. If the Moon were directly over the North Pole, what would you expect the tide
to be like along the equator?*
high tide
low tide
O neap tide
Ospring tide
11. A coastal town will experience --- high tides per day.*



first one is be the second one is d

3. _________ are vesicles that use oxygen to break down toxic substances in the cell.
a. Transport vesicles
b. Lysosomes
c. Peroxisomes
d. None of the above


peroxisomes is that answer

Which is NOT a characteristic that all animals share? heterotrophs unicellular cells with a nucleus



animals are multicellular


A child has a mass of 30 Kg on earth. If the gravity on the Moon is one sixth that of the earth what is the mass of the child moon



30 kilograms


A change in gravity does not affect mass.

help pls-

compare and contrast evaporation and boiling


so the simple answer would be evaporation is slow and can only occur through the surface of a liquid and it cools it down, while boiling is fast and produces bubbles ( evaporation does not ) and it occurs throughout the liquid and doesn’t cool it down. A similarity between the two would be water vapor is given off
Both the processes of evaporation and boiling result in a change from liquid to vapor.

hope this is what u we’re looking for and this helps !! :)

Students conducted an investigation on the properties of three elements. What type of element should sulfur be labeled? plz help ;(



one of them is oxygen but I'm not sure about the others sorry

Which is the link between fossil fuel use and flowers blooming earlier in the spring season?

A. A warmer Earth due to fossil fuel emissions has milder winters and earlier springs.
B. Fossil fuel emissions contain compounds that are fertilizers.
C. Spring seasons are cooler due to increased fossil fuel emissions.
D. Increased greenhouse gases due to fossil fuel emissions allows more sunlight to reach Earth.


Your answer is A. Have a good day! Also, any answer that says, ‘Here is the link to your answer: (link)’ DO NOT CLICK ON IT!!!

What was scientific racism seen in the eugenics movement



The Eugenics Record Office also maintained there was clear evidence that supposed negative family traits were caused by bad genes, not racism, economics or the social views of the time.


What is the pathway of air into the body?
Which plays both a role in physical and chemical digestion?

gall bladder



I'm not sure on this, but I would say saliva. Take this answer with a grain of salt though




I just got 100% on Edg.

Which statement about oogenesis is correct?

A. Diploid secondary oocytes undergo meiosis II to form a haploid ootid cell and a polar body.
B. Two diploid secondary oocytes undergo meiosis II to form four haploid ootid cells.
C. Haploid secondary oocytes undergo meiosis I to form a haploid ootid cell and a polar body.
D. Haploid secondary oocytes undergo meiosis II to form a diploid ootid cell.


A is correct. At the end of meiosis II there are 3 polar bodies and one octet that are all haploid.

The statement which is true about oogenesis is that the diploid secondary oocytes undergo meiosis II to form a haploid ootid cell and a polar body. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

What is Meiosis?

Meiosis may be defined as a type of cell division in which each parental cell is divided into four daughter cells. These daughter cells are genetically unique to the parental cells and are haploid in nature. Germ cells (gamete cells) are typically divided through this mode of cell division.

Oogenesis may be characterized as the process of female gamete formation including the formation of an oocyte from an oogonium followed by meiotic division. During the process of oogenesis, a haploid ootid cell and a polar body are formed with the help of meiotic division.

Therefore, the statement which is true about oogenesis is that the diploid secondary oocytes undergo meiosis II to form a haploid ootid cell and a polar body. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Oogenesis, refer to the link:



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