What are four ways animals can be identified?


Answer 1
Animals can be identified by four basic characteristics: their distinctive markings, the sounds they make, the way they move, and their group behavior.

Related Questions

How can I get green card in USA without marriage?


One can use the green card without being married in USA if they are an unmarried child of a United States citizen under the age of 21.

The other two conditions in which one can acquire green card without marriage is if you are a parent of a citizen over the age of 21 years or you are a widow or a widower of a citizen of United States. Generally, people of other country find it easy to get Green card via marriage however, if a person has valid reasons for their stay in United States, the government allows some few more options such as family based green cards, employment based green cards and special immigrant green cards. Green card is a government document which makes the person eligible to live and work in US permanently.

Learn more about Green card at:



jenny is, by nature, a nervous person. she has been having a hard time concentrating and seeks the help of a counselor, dr. ang. dr. ang begins by being very warm. he does not direct jenny with regard to what she should talk about. instead, dr. ang primarily focuses on empathizing with jenny and accepting her for who she is. which therapeutic orientation is dr. ang most likely using?


Jenny is, by nature, a nervous person. she has been having a hard time concentrating and seeks the help of a counselor, dr. Ang. dr. Ang begins by being very warm. He does not direct jenny with regard to what she should talk about. instead, dr. Ang primarily focuses on empathizing with jenny and accepting her for who she is. The therapeutic orientation that is dr. Ang most likely using is client-centered therapy.

What is treatment focused on the client?

It's a form of therapy that emphasizes conversation therapy. It is designed so that the client controls the therapy and the therapist only serves as a facilitator during the session. With this, the patient will be able to "steer the ship" and not feel rushed or under pressure to respond to questions.

The goal of therapy is to help the patient make decisions independently by listening to him and providing him with a supportive atmosphere by primarily focuses on empathizing with patient; the therapist should not criticize the patient's choices; this is known as "unconditional positive regard."

The therapist provides the client room to concentrate on himself and be independent of the choices he makes regarding what the therapist feels or thinks by withholding emotional feedback.

We may therefore affirm that Dr. Ang practices client-centered treatment.

To learn more about therapy visit: brainly.com/question/29517642


about _____ percent of adolescents and young adults have reported being cyberbullied or cybervictims.


Up to 20% of young adults and teenagers have admitted to being cyberbullied or cybervictims, and some say they are both. Psychosomatic and psychiatric issues are likely to affect both cyberbullies or their victims.

What does the term "cyberbullies" mean?

Sending, posting, or disseminating unfavorable, hurtful, or malicious content about another person is considered cyberbullying. It can also involve disclosing sensitive or private facts about another individual in a way that causes embarrassment or humiliation. Cyberbullying can occasionally become illegal or criminal behavior.

What occurs in an online bully?

Through a social networking site, a teen is the target of a bullying campaign by peers. Taylor Hillridge, a teen, registers on a social networking site and receives a laptop for her birthday. She begins to feel lonely as.

To know more about cyberbullies visit:



Can I lose my U.S. citizenship if I live abroad?


If a US citizen lives outside US, then it is not necessary that he/ she may lose their citizenship, however there are few conditions to be obliged carefully.

A person can retain their original citizenship by living some other foreign country. Also, there are no harsh penalties if a person lives abroad. While the normal limit one can stay abroad and retain citizenship and lawful residence in US is a year, however there are specified exemptions if the person is a military's personnel, government employee or secret agent. The citizenship can be revoked if it is found that the process of acquiring citizenship is fraudulent. Many times people misuse green card to get permanent citizenship of US by marriages which comes under marriage fraud. The person may lose their US citizenship if they become part of foreign land military services, or voluntary give up their citizenship or acquire dual citizenship.

Learn more about citizenship at:



At what event did maya angelou famously recite her poem on the pulse of morning?


At the Clinton inaugural ceremony maya angelou famously recite her poem on the pulse of morning.

Maya Angelou, a poet and author, presented her poem "On the Pulse of Morning" on January 20, 1993, during President Bill Clinton's first inauguration. With her public recital, Angelou made history by being the first woman and African American poet to ever read a poem at a presidential inauguration.In essence, "On the Pulse of Morning" is a manifesto. The poem, which was written and delivered for Bill Clinton's inauguration as president in January 1993, reaffirms the theme of Clinton's inaugural address, which urged the reinvention of America to secure its survival.

To know more about Clinton inaugural ceremony here



Which rights were denied to many american women? check all that apply. Voting serving in public office attending school owning property earning wages serving on juries.


There was a strong belief in the early 1800s that a woman belonged at home caring for her husband and children. Men didn't think women should do much work outside the house.

Women were refused to have the right during the early 1800s:

VotingServing in public office Attending collegeOwning property

Women were not always accorded the same fundamental rights as males in early America. For instance, married women had no legal title to any property they could possess or money they might earn, and no woman could vote.

In the decades before the Civil War, there was a modest but developing movement in favor of women's suffrage. Starting in the 1820s, several reform organizations, such as temperance leagues, the abolitionist movement, and religious organizations, spread throughout the United States.


Women were refused in the early 1800s for:

VotingServing in public office Attending collegeOwning property

Learn more about American women's rights here,



which ethnic group of immigrant adolescents showed the highest level of depression and the lowest self-esteem in a recent study?


The ethnic group of immigrant adolescent who showed the highest level of depression and lowest self esteem in recent study is Asian adolescent

Asian adolescents suffered high level of depression and low esteem due to cultural shock. The Asians are known to be reserved compared to the rest of the world. Migrating to the other side of the world mostly lead to cultural shock because of how liberal the rest of the world is.

Adopting the ways of a new society without entirely losing your old ways can boost your self-esteem while being forced to adapt without the possibility of holding on to your cultural tradition can lower your self-esteem. There is a sharp contrast between Asian cultures and the rest of the world. The conflict between withholding the old ways of life and adopting the new ones mostly leave them doubting themselves which is one of the causes of depression and low self esteem in Asian adolescents.

Learn more about self esteem in adolescent here



are grad students allowed to write letters of recommendation for undergrads applying to grad school?


Yes, they are, so long as there is a clear, professional relationship between the two and the grad student can write about the applicant in detail.

mark suffers from a great deal of irrational thoughts that affect his social life. he would benefit most from _____ therapy.


Mark suffers from a first-rate deal of irrational thoughts that have an effect on his social lifestyle. he might advantage most from cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Sigmund Freud, the founding father of psychoanalysis, discovered that Transference, the potential to unconsciously redirect feelings and desires from one individual to some other, is a critical element of the healing technique.

Energetic listening in counseling. the yank mental association (n.d.) describes energetic listening as a “psychotherapeutic technique in which the therapist listens to a customer intently, asking questions as wished, in an effort to absolutely recognize the content material of the message and the intensity of the purchaser's emotion.”

Learn more about therapy here



what statement best explains the impact of the dogs growling in this passage? it illustrates a growing sense of community among the animals. it reveals new information about napoleon in a small amount of text. it highlights the ways in which the animals are being silenced and controlled. it shows how napoleon’s leadership has progressed in a short period of time


The statement that best explains the impact of the dogs (animal farm police force) growling in this passage is: "It highlights how the animals are being silenced and controlled."

What is the Impact of the Dogs?

Dogs have a positive impact on society by influencing children's social, emotional, as well as cognitive growth, encouraging an active lifestyle, offering companionship, and even being able to predict epileptic episodes or the existence of specific cancers.

Through direct welfare protection and as a source of the attachment link, dogs may have an impact on social functioning. This companionship may also improve social and mental health. Getting a dog as a pet has been shown to lessen self-reported loneliness throughout the short and long term.

Learn more about the impact of the dogs here:






TLDR persons explanation above

correct on edge

instead of providing arguments in favor of a political candidate, ads may build political support by associating pictures of the candidate with emotion-evoking music and images. this strategy best illustrates peripheral route persuasion. informational social influence. central route persuasion. deindividuation.


instead of providing arguments in favor of a political candidate, ads may build political support by associating pictures of the candidate, this strategy best illustrated by  peripheral route persuasion.

People evolved the capacity to assess an argument through the peripheral route of persuasion because people do not always have the mental resources to elaborate and reason through an argument. Peripheral route processing is a quick way to arrive at a conclusion. Nothing or very little is elaborated upon.

When taking the peripheral path, a person is swayed by the initial impression an argument gives them, rather than the deliberate development and logic behind it. Peripheral route persuasion is an example of believing someone to be trustworthy and adopting their argument because they support the same political party.

learn more about peripheral persuasion at https://brainly.com/question/28064734


the war powers act a. none of these.b. prevents the president from funding covert actions.c. allows the president to run covert actions up to 60 days before informing congress.d. prevents the president from orchestrating any covert action.


It stipulates the president needs to notify Congress within 48 hours of navy motion and prohibits the military from final for greater than 60 days. The charter divides battle powers between Congress and the president.

1973. A decision of Congress that said the President can most effectively send troops into movement overseas by way of authorization of Congress or if the us is already below attack or severe threat.

The warfare Powers Act of 1973. The battle Powers decision, generally called the warfare Powers Act, changed into handed by Congress over President Nixon's veto to boom congressional manipulation over the government branch in overseas coverage topics, particularly in regard to military actions quick of formally declared struggle.

Learn more about Congress here



with respect to saving energy, what aspect of using two-sided printing was discussed in class as providing the most signifiant benefit?


The aspect of using double-sided printing was discussed in class as the most significant benefit of using only one sheet of paper, instead of using two.

How to save energy?

Double-sided printing helps reduce energy consumption by performing one task instead of two simultaneously. In addition to this benefit, there is a reduction in the use of paper, whose production and disposal can mean significant damage to the environment.

For organizations, double-sided printing can mean a significant reduction in the cost of printing and materials, in addition to research by Arizona State University, which showed that double-sided printing helped save about 700 trees.

Therefore, it is necessary to institute measures that promote sustainability, and the reduction of electricity and waste, which is beneficial for all.

Find out more about sustainability on:



What is the central lesson of the story will the wolf?


"Battle of the Two Wolves" is a story that teaches the traits that a person exhibits, may be a negative or a positive.

What the story, "Battle of the Two Wolves" is about?

The lesson of the two wolves serves as a analogy for how human consciences like false pride, greed, and rage may manipulate us, as well as how human consciences like bashfulness and tenderness can do affect us the same way, and it helps us realize that all of these sentiments takes its place of origin in our minds.

As a result, it helped us to understand that we will most likely exhibit the traits that we embolden, whether they are positive or negative.

To learn more about Battle of the Two Wolves visit here:



to pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute.


Each year, the tax rate may rise in order to adequately finance OASDI programs. Employers and employees must each contribute 7.65% toward FICAS; for self-employed people, this amount is typically doubled, or 15.3%.

- In the United States, the Social Security program offers security against income loss brought on by retiring, death, or disability. The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds are in charge of this program's financial operations.

- Social Security is financed through a unique payroll tax. Employers and employees each contribute 6.2 percent of wages up to the taxable maximum of $147,000 (in 2022), while self-employed people contribute 12.4 percent.

To know more social security program, kindly click on the link below :



A(n) ____ question is a question that is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument.


A question that steers the reply toward one side of an argument is referred to as a leading question.

A leading question is what kind of question?

Leading questions in surveys are ones that convince or point respondents in the direction of the desired response. Even though doing so may eventually bias or misrepresent the survey results, they are frequently framed in a certain way to elicit replies that confirm the surveyor's assumptions.

Leading questions are the simplest types of bias to spot since they make it abundantly evident that there is a "correct" response that the question is pushing you towards. These will always yield false results because the respondent was never given the chance to offer an honest response in the first place.

Learn more about leading question: https://brainly.com/question/29697165


andrea is reading a broad explanation for why some people are more vulnerable to addiction than are others. this reading material also includes several predictions concerning people's vulnerability to addiction. andrea is reading a(n) group of answer choices supposition. theory. hypothesis. operational definition.


Andrea is reading a comprehensive explanation of the factors that make some people more susceptible to addiction than others. This perusing material likewise incorporates a few forecasts concerning individuals' weakness to habit. Andrea is looking at theories.

The term "theory" frequently refers to an unproven assumption or a guess without evidence. However, a theory has almost the exact opposite meaning to scientists. A theory is a well-supported explanation of a natural phenomenon that can include laws, hypotheses, and evidence.

What are examples of theories?

Some examples are: Physics: the theory of relativity, the big bang, the atomic theory, and the quantum field theory. Biology: the theories of cells, evolution, and dual inheritance. Chemistry: Lewis theory, the valence bond theory, the kinetic theory of gases, and the molecular orbital theory.

To learn more about theories here



Adult development experts are virtually unanimous in their belief that midlife crises: ________


Adult development experts are virtually unanimous in their belief that midlife crises have no cross-cultural validity.

What is cultural validity?

Cultural validity  can described as the effectiveness with which science assessment addresses the sociocultural influences that shape the means of thinking .

It should be noted that the Cross-cultural validation can be seen as  whether measures  as one that were originally generated in a single culture are applicable, which is equivalent in another culture.

Hence , Adult development experts are virtually unanimous in their belief that midlife  lack cross-cultural validity.

Learn more about cross-cultural validity at:



What are 5 benefits of muscular strength?


Increase your ability to do activities .Reduce the risk of injury.Help you keep a healthy body weight. Lead to healthier stronger muscles and bones. Improves confidence and how you feel about yourself.


What were the reasons motives for the introduction of slavery at the Cape?


The primary motive for the introduction of slavery at the Cape was economic.

The Economic Motives Behind the Introduction of Slavery at the CapeThe Dutch East India Company (VOC) saw the potential to use enslaved people as a cheap source of labor to develop the colony. They also saw potential to use them as a source of profit, as they could be sold to other settlers or sent back to the Netherlands. In addition, the VOC sought to use slavery as a way to control the local population and maintain order in the colony. Finally, slavery was seen as a way to enforce religious and cultural norms, as the majority of the enslaved people were non-Christian and non-Dutch.

Learn more about slavery at the Cape at: https://brainly.com/question/26012187


a(n) is an intense state of being that we often describe as our feelings. a(n) refers to a prolonged, less intense state that does not occur in response to something we experience. dysphoria; dysmorphia emotion; mood mood; emotion orientation; hormone


Dysphoria, which derives from the Ancient Greek words "o" (dsphoros), "grievous," "- (dus-), "bad, difficult," and "- (phér), "to bear," is a severe feeling of disquiet or dissatisfaction.

It is euphoria's conceptual opposite. Dysphoria can coexist with sadness, anxiety, or agitation in a psychiatric setting.In addition to being unpleasant in and of themselves, extreme sensations of anxiety and unease raise the risk of . Psychiatric treatment therefore places a high premium on reducing dysphoria. Both the dysphoric symptoms itself and underlying reasons like depression or bipolar disorder can be treated.

learn more about dysphoric here:



archaeologists rely on the waste of past societies to tell them about the nature of the culture and lifestyles of ancient civilizations. group of answer choices true false


True. Archaeologists rely on the waste of past societies to tell them about the nature of the culture and lifestyles of ancient civilizations.

Archaeologists study artifacts and features to learn about how people lived at different times and locations. They are interested in learning about these people's daily lives, how they were governed, how they interacted with one another, and what they believed and valued. They investigate the ruins of stone and brick buildings, as well as paintings and sculpture. They also dig and explore the earth in search of tools, weapons, pots, pans, ornaments, and coins.

Learn more on societies



What types of goods and services are better off made where the labor is cheaper?

I couldn't put economics


Goods and services that are better off when the labor is cheaper are  restaurants, hotels, agriculture, mining, and  healthcare.

What is labor ?

The work that individuals perform to generate products and services is referred to as labor, which is a force of production. It comprises all the mental and physical labor put into creating commodities and services.

The effort that people put forth when they produce a thing or a service is referred to as labor as a factor of production. An author publishing a book or an artist creating a painting are two examples. All work done for a financial incentive qualifies as labor, including both physical and mental effort.

To learn more about labor



In contrast to the congressional reconstruction plan, what was the focus of president andrew johnson’s plan?


In contrast to the congressional reconstruction plan, the focus of president andrew johnson’s plan is  to uphold the thirteenth change, which abolished slavery; swear loyalty to the Union; and pay off their war debt.

The main difference between Lincoln's and Johnson's reconstruction strategies was how they treated post-civil war freedoms. Lincoln sought to guarantee rights, including the right to vote for individuals who had been slaves, but Johnson's plan no longer complied with those demands.

President Andrew Johnson's reconstruction plan, in contrast to the congressional plan, focuses on upholding the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery, swearing allegiance to the Union, and paying off their war debt.

Confederate soldiers, sympathizers, and even high-ranking officials may be able to obtain pardons for their crimes against the Union under plans stated by President Johnson. Similar to Lincoln's concept, reunion could take place after 10 percent of the 1860 population confirmed their devotion.

The obvious motivation was to revolutionize Southern culture by transferring political power from the old plantation class to the region's small farmers and artisans. Between April and December 1865, Congress was in recess, which gave Johnson the opportunity to implement his plan.

Learn more about  johnson’s plan here:



What are 4 common variable expenses someone might have each month?


In your budget, fixed expenses are those that never fluctuate, though they might occasionally be affected by other factors, such as a change in your cellular carrier or a rise in rent.

expenses auto loans Various loan repayments insurance costs tax on real estate Utility and phone bills Childcare expenses tuition costs gym subscriptions Depending on the type of expense, fixed expenses are paid on a regular basis and may vary somewhat, alter dramatically, or remain constant. Although fixed expenses typically occur monthly, they can also happen weekly, quarterly, twice a year, and annually. Budgeting can be aided by being aware of your bills' due dates. Divide the payment premium by six, for example, if you pay for your auto insurance twice a year.

learn more about expenses here:



Inclusive meditation allows the mind to wander and to observe any and all thoughts with detached observation.
a. True
b. False


The statement is true, as option A shows. This means that Inclusive meditation allows the mind to wander and observe every thought with detached observation.

What are the benefits of inclusive meditation?With inclusive meditation, the individual can better understand his thoughts.With inclusive meditation, the individual can learn about himself.With inclusive meditation, the individual can think without judging himself.

Inclusive meditation allows the individual to release all his thoughts about any subject, including the deepest and darkest thoughts, which are repressed by their contradictory contents.

This type of meditation allows these thoughts to exist without judgments and without being analyzed for their content, promoting a detached observation, which enables the individual to understand the functioning of his or her mind and how it reflects on who he or she is.

This promotes not only mental flexibility but also strong self-knowledge, allowing the individual to get involved in situations that are more comfortable for mental health.

Learn more about inclusive meditation:



What is the person called on an agile team who gets to decide what goes on the sprint backlog and whether a task is done or not?


It's the Development Team who determines the Sprint Backlog! So it's the following: The Product Owner brings forward the objectives that the Sprint should achieve and the Product Backlog Items that would help achieve these objectives.

what is Sprint Backlog?

A prioritized list of the features a product should have is referred to as a product backlog in agile project management. It is regarded as a "artifact" (a type of documentation) under the agile software development paradigm and is occasionally referred to as a "to-do list". Different project management systems refer to the product backlog by different names, including option pool in lean, work item list in disciplined agile, and product backlog in scrum. The product owner has a role in the establishment and ongoing maintenance of the product backlog inside the scrum framework. A sprint backlog consists of the product backlog's parts that have been chosen for development during that particular sprint.

To know more about sprint backlog visit:



In studies of alternative ways of treating panic disorder, _____________ has been found to work better than _______________ , due to lesser likelihood of relapse in the long term. when fear of fainting or of a heart attack escalates the symptoms of a panic attack, ____________ can be used to help the client see that these fears are irrational. if this technique fails, then ____________ can be used to break the cycle of panic.


In studies of alternative ways of treating panic disorder, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) has been found to work better than therapies , due to lesser likelihood of relapse in the long term.

A panic attack is an episode of serious worry that triggers extreme actual responses once there's no genuine risk or obvious reason. Fits of anxiety will frightfully shock. when fits of anxiety happen, you might assume you are losing the executives, having a cardiovascular breakdown or maybe passing on.

Specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a classification of medication that is for the most part utilized as antidepressants in the treatment of significant gloom, nervousness issues, and option mental circumstances.

Learn more about panic disorder:



What are the 5 strength training exercises?


Your body will gain muscle mass via strength exercise while burning calories to maintain a healthy weight. Strengthening exercises also make your body work against resistance, which enhances bone and muscular strength.


Exercises that include hip flexion and extension, such as squats, are referred to be hip-dominant exercises. These strength training workouts are distinguished by permitting increased hip flexion while you exercise.

Hip tremors (LOWER BODY PULL)

The largest muscle in your body, the glutes, are prone to weakening as a result of spending too much time each day in front of a computer, phone, or television. Maintaining strong glutes not only gives your legs and back more force for activities like walking, running, climbing, and lifting, but they also assist prevent injuries to your legs and back.

To maintain the strength of your glutes and repair the harm done by an office job, incorporate hip thrusts into your strength training routine three times per week.


Exercises involving rotational movement, like side twists, include powerful hip and core motions. The core and the spine are where the motion begins in a rotational movement. You may strengthen your core and better protect your spine by engaging in rotational movement activities.


You'll have a solid basis for moving into other pressing exercises, like the bench press, if you can master the push-up. Just be sure to start with the variation that corresponds to your present level of skill.


Although bodyweight lunges are a fundamental exercise, knee problems is frequently attributed to them. Because you can better control the muscles you need to accomplish the action, static lunges are usually one of the best options for novices.

To learn more about strength training exercises, please refer:



According to the keynesian view, if congress votes to increase government purchases and at the same time decrease personal income taxes, they:


According to the keynesian view, if congress votes to increase government purchases and at the same time decrease personal income taxes, they they made the decision to vote for the appropriate economic strategy.

Keynesian is a macroeconomic theory that examines all economic spending and how it affects the economy's output, employment, and inflation. It was created in the 1930s by British economist John Maynard Keynes in an effort to comprehend the Great Depression.

Keynesian economics' basic tenet is that economic stabilisation may be achieved by government intervention. The study of individual motivations and economic behaviour was initially sharply divided from those of broad aggregate variables and conceptions by Keynes' theory.

According to his theory, Keynes argued for higher government spending and lower taxes to boost demand and rescue the world economy from the Great Depression. Later, the phrase "Keynesian economics" was employed to describe the idea.

To know more about keynesian visit:



Other Questions
Case Problem Analysis: Limited Liability CompaniesTen individuals through an operating agreement form Cotillard, LLC, a limited liability company, in a state that has adopted the Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (ULLCA). The purpose of the LLC is to develop and sell new computer hardware systems. Each individual invested $1,000 and received 10% ownership of the LLC. Five years later, Cotillard became a successful company with a fair value of $10 million.Ashwini Abara, a member of the limited liability company, decided to withdraw from the partnership to start up a sustainable waste disposal business. The other members of Cotillard offer to return her initial investment of $1,000. Abara disagrees and wants compensation equivalent to the fair value of her interest in the limited liability company. The other members of Cotillard also claim that Abaras withdrawal was wrongful and that she violated her duty of loyalty to the company by starting her new business. The operating agreement is silent on how funds are distributed when a partner withdraws. The operating agreement is also silent on what a partner can or cannot do after withdrawing from the LLC.ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS:Abara and nine others are (PARTNERS, MEMBERS, or SHAREHOLDERS) of Cotillard, LLC. Generally, members liability in the company would be limited to their respective (OWNERSHIP INTERESTS IN THE COMPANY, INVESTMENTS IN THE COMPANY, or PERSONAL ASSETS).Members of a limited liability company (DO NOT, or DO) have the right to withdraw from the entity. Withdrawal from a limited liability company is also known as (DISSOLUTION, or DISSOCIATION). When a member dissociates from an LLC, he or she (MAINTAINS, or LOSES) the right to participate in management decisions. Generally, a dissociated member (DOES NOT, or DOES) possess the right to have his or her interest in the LLC bought out by the other members.Cotillards operating agreement (DOES, or DOES NOT) contain provisions establishing a buyout price. In states that (HAVE, or HAVE NOT) adopted the ULLCA, the LLC must purchase the interest at fair value within (60, 90, 30, or 120) days after the dissociation. Therefore, Abara is entitled to receive ($100,000, NOTHING, 10,000, 1,000,000, 1,000) or on dissociation from Cotillard, LLC. The amount Abara is entitled to receive represents (THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE LLC, THE FAIR VALUE OF HER INTEREST IN THE LLC, or THE VALUE OF HER INITIAL INVESTMENT).A members duty of loyalty generally (CONTINUES, or TERMINATES) when a member dissociates from an LLC. The operating agreement is (NOT SILENT, or SILENT) on whether Abara can form another company after dissociation. Therefore, Abara (MAY, or MAY NOT) form her new business and has withdrawn from the LLC (WRONGFULLY, or RIGHTFULLY).What If the Facts Were Different?Assume that the operating agreement explicitly states that a member who withdraws from the LLC may onlyreceive a maximum buyout price of $50,000.Abara (WOULD NOT, or WOULD) receive her share of the fair value of the company in this instance because when specific terms are stated in the operating agreement they (DO NOT GENERALLY, or GENERALLY) apply instead of default rules about how a dissociating members interest is purchased. what is the molarity of an aqueous solution prepared by dissolving 25.0 grams of na2so4 in enough water to form 500 ml of solution? molar mass(na2so4) if you bought stock using dollar cost averaging as listed here, what was your average cost per share? research shows that the appraisal interview: a. should take place in one session in order to give the employee a complete view of his or her performance b. can be divided into two sections, though this is not advisable c. is a time for the supervisor to give feedback on past performance and should not be used for developmental purposes d. should be held in two segments because the rater must perform the role of both evaluator and counselor The base of a triangle is decreasing at a rate of 131313 millimeters per minute and the height of the triangle is increasing at a rate of 666 millimeters per minute. 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