what are four themes from the book "Tea and Sympathy"?


Answer 1

I don’t really know this one?! But I think this might be similar to your answer if not just go over the book <3!
What Are Four Themes From The Book "Tea And Sympathy"?

Related Questions

Which underlined phrases should be read together when reading fluently? Check all that apply

"Soon, however, before she was out of her teens, she was to be betrothed."

"She was as adventurous, as imaginative, as agog to see the world as he was”

"I am not sure how they were educated, whether they were taught to write."

"She had no chance of leaming grammar and logic, let alone of reading Horace and Virgil."

"They had no money evidently, according to Professor Trevelyan they were married whether they liked it or not."

Answer “A” “D” “E”


A, D, E is the correct answer

Which sentence is not grammatically correct? 1.May i go to my friend's house next Friday? 2. You must not smoke in a plane. 3.can we visit you on Tuesday? 4.You have to stop at the red traffic light.
thank you so much=)​



2)May i go to my friend's house next Friday?

3) . You must not smoke in a plane?

4)You have to stop at the red traffic light.

Part B: which of the following quotes best supports the answer to part A?
A: “ the old men who have lived here stare at us/ from deep disturb eyes “ ( lines 16-17)

B: “ The administrator says this is temporary/ so we go about our own business” (lines 26-27)

C: “ with a dream in their heart thinking they’ll get a chance to change the lives” ( lines 58-59)

D: others will go on living without a soul, a future, or a reason to live “ ( lines 63-64)





1.) Sequencing is a concept that spans all content areas.

A.) True

B.) False
Key words presented in a straightforward manner are called implied or inferred key words.

A.) True

B.) False



I have no clue what you are asking


Within the books; Fahrenheit 451 and Beowulf, what morals/themes can a person reading both books learn?



By reading both books, the reader can learn that ignorance leads to cowardice and it is better to die young than to become a coward without knowledge.


"Fahrenheit 451" tells the story of a society where books are burned and forbidden to be read. This is done as a way of preventing society from having access to information and becoming unknowing and ignorant. This lack of knowledge makes people cowardly, weak, fearful and inefficient, which is very harmful to the human being as a whole.

"Beowulf," in turn, tells the story of the hero Beowulf, who, being a strong and courageous man, risks his own life to face the threats that may arise.

By reading the two books, we can draw very valuable moral lessons, we can see that cowardice limits us, but courage strengthens us. Therefore, we can understand that it is better not to exist, than to live a life of cowardice that the lack of information causes.

The author says that in dystopia, “Teenagers see echoes of a world that they know.”

What is the connotation of the word “echoes”?







a. sounds


if you look up the word echoes it will tell you that it means sounds

The answer is B, in the author is talking about something familiar to the teens. For example, if you once lived in another state then visited the state again, you would feel echoes of your past. You could envision your childhood, all the memories would come rushing back. I hope this helped, have a great day! :D

Read the poem.

Cell Phone Sides

“What do you want
for your birthday, Sarah?
It’s not every day you turn eleven.”

“My own cell phone…?
Now Dad, no grumpy face.
Everyone has a phone. No big deal.”

“Not you. Not yet.”
Peer pressure, bullies,
he thinks. “It will interfere with homework.”

“Don’t you trust me?
I know how to study,
and it will help me be responsible.”

“You might lose it.
What about the expense?
What about your hearing, your neck, your eyes?”

“Please, Daddy, please,”
she begs, wrapping herself
and all her hopes and dreams around his neck.

“I don’t think so,”
he grumbles to the blur
stomping out—his pain, his heart, his baby.

She tries again.
“Kids need their freedom, friends.
What about calling in emergencies?”

“And touching base,
Sarah. But the minutes
talking, texting, tuning out—priceless waste?”

“I’ll pay, promise!
Give up my allowance,
Do extra chores, walk the plank. Please, Dad, please?”

“We’ll see...”
Based on the details, what is a theme of “Cell Phone Sides”?

People will sacrifice a lot for love.
Children learn important lessons as they grow.
Parents want what is best for their children.
One can learn a lot from the experiences of others.



I think the answer would be "Parents want what is best for their children." I'm not completely sure



Parents want what is best for their children.


In the text, the Dad says that he is afraid of encountering the online world. He says that she might get peer pressure or even meet cyber-bullying. He also says that He cares more about the expenses for her health instead of for a phone.

Answer correctly for brainlist

Which of the following is an example of human capital in an economy?

A. A music studio

B. A singer

C. A smartphone

D. A microphone



the answer is B. hope this helped

Answer ASAP 50 points
In his Virginia Convention speech, what reasons does Patrick Henry provide for mobilizing the Virginia militia? Select all that apply.

The British Army had already begun to attack Virginia.
All previous attempts at diplomacy had proven fruitless.
If they mobilized now, they could attack the British when they least suspected it.
The British were mobilizing troops and ships in preparation for a military operation.


Answer: B,D


In his Virginia Convention speech, [Patrick Henry reasons to provide for mobilizing the Virginia militia are: All previous attempts at diplomacy had proven fruitless and The British were mobilizing troops and ships in preparation for a military operation.

Hope This Helps!

B) All previous attempts at diplomacy had proven fruitless.

D) The British were mobilizing troops and ships in preparation for a military operation.

The number of species has been reduced from 442 to 294



and what answer do you need here?


Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary. what a wretched life a poor woman leads in our country said sahana she cannot work independently without taking help of others she depends on the pity of the people of the society.



What a wretched life a poor woman leads in our country- said Sahana. She cannot work independently without taking the help of others. She depends on the pity of the people of society.


We have to use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and with proper nouns, like Sasha. Also, we have to use periods to make sentences shorter and with meaning. This helps us to connect ideas in a clear way. We use the dash (-) to add information, in this case, to clarify who said something.

Who they are, what they do in the novel, how they are important to the story/plot- nick caraway - the great Gatsby



I explain it


Nick Carraway, the story's narrator, has a singular place within The Great Gatsby. First, he is both narrator and participant. Part of Fitzgerald's skill in The Great Gatsby shines through the way he cleverly makes Nick a focal point of the action, while simultaneously allowing him to remain sufficiently in the background. In addition, Nick has the distinct honor of being the only character who changes substantially from the story's beginning to its end. Nick, although he initially seems outside the action, slowly moves to the forefront, becoming an important vehicle for the novel's messages.

answer for points and brainilest


4.  D

5. A

6. D


I hope this helps

Please help answer this ASAP!!!



its c


can you give me brainlyest plz and thank you!

The3rd one the one that says the dog harrowed the poor cat until it finally housed and fled the room :)

Would a complex sentance be able to have a ; (semi-colon) in it?



Some lists already have commas to join dependent clauses or phrases. In this case, a semicolon can be used to separate the elements in a complex sentence.

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, but a dependent clause even though it has a subject and a verb cannot stand alone.





1 . A

2 . C

3 .  A

4 . D

5 . A

6. C

7. B

8. B

9. A

10. D

What line from Poem 26 by Emily Dickinson contains an example of inverted syntax?
1. And fences fled away
2. The bell within the steeple wild
3. It quivered through the grass,
4. We barred the windows and the doors



2. The bell within the steeple wild


I just took the quiz lol, hope this helps

Can someone plz help me with this one problem plz!!!



2. The Americans, with French help, defeated the British at Yorktown


The Americans and French surrounded the British and forced them into surrendering which is considered a victory.

What does the underlined word “percolating mean as it is used on page 2?


Percolating is the process of a liquid slowly passing through a filter.





Read this excerpt from Winston Churchill’s first address to parliament. What rhetorical elements make the speech effective ?



Explanation: on Plato

Answer: "C. Churchill asks questions that are designed to get the audience to agree with him, and he repeats key words and phrases."


Select the correct answer.

Read this excerpt from Winston Churchill's first address to Parliament:

I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat… You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.

What rhetorical elements make the speech effective?

    A. Churchill lists all the government's actions and war activities to help inspire the British people.

    B. Churchill invokes the will of God, giving his cause a religious authority and making the war seem like a sacred duty.

    C. Churchill asks questions that are designed to get the audience to agree with him, and he repeats key words and phrases.

    D. Churchill lists the sacrifices that will have to be made to win the war and shows war to be honorable and necessary.

    E. Churchill uses many adjectives such as dark, lamentable, and monstrous to show that war with Germany is necessary.

Commentary: I hope that this helps you. The Lord bless you and keep you, my friend. Shalom

Help please 20 points

1 .what was brat hypothesis ?
2 .identify the control group?
3 .Identify the independent and the dependent variables
4 .what might be some of the possible constants ?
5 .what should brat conclusion be ?


1: His hypothesis was that the mice could be stronger

2: The control group is the group that wasn’t in the microwave

3: The independent variable is the microwave and the dependent is the mice

4: (Sorry I cant answer this question)

That maybe the mice did actually get stronger because of he microwave

Select the correct answer.
Which of these is the best definition of a primary source?
an authentic retelling of events or time periods
a summary of firsthand accounts of events or time periods
a firsthand account of an event or time period
created by someone who didn't directly experience an event
O E.
research collected from other sources



a firsthand account of an event for time period.


The  best definition of a primary source is a firsthand account of an event or time period.

What is primary source?

A primary source (also called an original source) is an artifact, document, diary, manuscript, autobiography, recording, or any other source of information that was created at the time under study. It serves as an original source of information about the topic. Similar definitions can be used in library science and other areas of scholarship, although different fields have somewhat different definitions.

In journalism, a primary source can be a person with direct knowledge of a situation, or a document written by such a person.

Primary sources are distinguished from secondary sources, which cite, comment on, or build upon primary sources. Generally, accounts written after the fact with the benefit of hindsight are secondary.A secondary source may also be a primary source depending on how it is used.

Learn more about primary source,here:



Answer correctly for Brianlist

Monopolies are usually harmful to economies because they:

A. create inefficiencies due to low barriers for entry into a market.

B. do not allow businesses to take advantage of economies of scale.

C. prevent businesses from investing in research and development.

D. allow businesses to charge consumers extremely high prices.



I think the answer is A.

Good luck!


The best answer is A, but all of them actually seem to be correct.

Read the excerpt from The Crisis, Number I by Thomas Paine.

“Not all the treasures of the world, so far as I believe, could have induced me to support an offensive war, for I think it murder; but if a thief breaks into my house, burns and destroys my property, and kills or threatens to kill me, or those that are in it, and to 'bind me in all cases whatsoever' to his absolute will, am I to suffer it? What signifies it to me, whether he who does it is a king or a common man; my countryman or not my countryman; whether it be done by an individual villain, or an army of them? If we reason to the root of things we shall find no difference; neither can any just cause be assigned why we should punish in the one case and pardon in the other.”

Which is the clearest and most objective summary of the excerpt?
Paine declares that it will take all the money in the world to convince him to support this war. He asks what difference it makes who his opponent is or what crime he commits. In either case, Paine asserts that he must be punished.
Paine says that war is terrible, and ordinarily nothing could have convinced him to support it. However, he also believes that if a person or group commits severe crimes against him, that party should be punished, no matter who they are.
Paine's claim that no amount of money could induce him to wage war is self-serving, but he argues rightly that anyone who threatens his safety or the safety of his family should be punished.
All the treasures of the world could not have induced me to support an offensive war, for it is murder; but if a thief threatens to kill me or my family should I suffer it? Does it matter if it is a king, a common man, my countryman or not? Should I punish one and pardon the other?








Paine says that war is terrible, and ordinarily nothing could have convinced him to support it. However, he also believes that if a person or group commits severe crimes against him, that party should be punished, no matter who they are.

"he stood like a rock as they hurled insults at him," Is an example of which poetic device?



I believe the sentence is an example of simile.


A simile is a literary device which compares two different things. The purpose is to attribute the qualities of one to the other. In that sense, simile and metaphor are the same thing. What distinguishes them is that a simile will use the words "as" or "like" to establish the comparison, while the metaphor will not. For example, "your eyes are like stars" is a simile. On the other hand, "your eyes are stars" is a metaphor.

Thus, we can easily find the simile in the sentence we are analyzing here when the author says "he stood like a rock." He is comparing a person to a rock, probably with the purpose of saying that person stood there, unmoving - the same way a rock does not move.

Based on the meaning of the Greek roots helio-and-centrs, what is the definition of heliocentric?
1. central location
2. eccentric
3. one hundred solar systems
4. sun-centered


Answer: I would guess sun-centered

Explanation: If you search on the internet the definition of heliocentric you will get

having or representing the sun as the center, as in the accepted astronomical model of the solar system.

so that but in basic terms I would think it's sun-centered.

I'm not 100% sure but I'm making my best educated guess. Please Let me know if it was correct.

Match the lines from John donnes poems with their meaning



If they be two, they are two so. As stiffe twin compasses are two, Thy soule the fixt foot, makes




got it right PLATO

Read this excerpt from The Great Fire. At the same moment that Anderson's hose stopped, another steamer malfunctioned and its water also gave out. A well-aimed rap of a hammer got the engine working again, but then, at about 10:30, an old section of hose burst and the flow of water stopped again. Two valuable links in the chain of defense were gone, and there was nothing to stop the fire in these locations. Williams rushed to get the water going and to reposition his engines, but it was too late. The wind had pushed the fire past his circle, a wind that was blowing directly toward the heart of the city. How does the structure of this excerpt contribute to the central idea that the firefighters did not have the proper equipment to fight the fire



The structure of the text allows the reader to perceive a range of equipment that is not working properly and therefore prevent the good work of the firefighters.


Textual structure refers to the way the text is organized and how the information is presented to the reader. There are many types of textual structure, among which, we can mention the sequential structure, which is the one that presents a sequence of elements that have been part of a narrative. In the case of the text above, we can see that the author decided to use this type of structure, since we can read a sequence of equipment, used by firefighters, which are malfunctioning. In addition, we can see that this malfunction promotes a series of negative events that prohibit firefighters from doing a good job. These effects are also presented sequentially.


D. by explaining the effects of the steamer malfunctioning and the hose bursting


did the test

What struggles did Misha face while living in America?


One of the biggest struggles Misha faced was the constant back and forth to the nearest branch of a bank in home country. She was ready with the necessary collateral and was in a hurry to sort out an education loan to confirm her spot at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Business and secure her F-1 study visa for the United States.

How might Maleeka change after finding the poem her father wrote about her?

skin I’m in ( book)



can u show the poem i can't see it

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