what are Christian books about? ( for example A Choice Not an Echo)
30 POINT!!


Answer 1


Christian things! It honestly just depends on the book, but pretty much all of them have a good message and point the way towards Christ.

Answer 2


They are about Christ and the Church, or they are about how a Christian thinks or should think.


I hope this helps and gives you some basic information on the subject. Thanks! BRAINLIEST PLEASE!

Related Questions

What is the main purpose of John F. Kennedy's speech?
A. to promote the common good.
B. to support limited government.
C. to defend individual rights.
D. to support equal opportunity.



A Is the answer

I hope help this answer

Answer A. hope this helps




1. Philosophy

2. Restore

3. Administered

4. Expand

5. Legal

6. Participate

7. Reinforce

8. Contact

9. Protect

10. Medical

Hope this helps. Give brainly please :)


See Below


1. Philosophy

2. restore

3. administer

4. expand

5. legal

6. participate

7. reinforce

8. contact

9. protect

10. medical

how did joseph stalin believed the government should be run?



He wanted the country to be communist and he wanted to be a dictator so he had pretty much complete power of Russia

I need help ASAP PLZ, NO LINKS!
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The excerpt above refers to historical events that took place in which of the following regions?
South, Central, and East Asia
The Middle East
Western Europe
North Africa



south , central , and east Asia


They are talking about Asian countries and south plus central

South, central, and East Asia  refers to historical events that took place in which of the following regions.

What are some of the historic movements?

Some of the main historic movements that change the future of the countries are-

Declaration of Independence in 1776 Constitution of the United States of America in 1787 Whiskey Rebellion in 1794Louisiana Purchase in 1803Battle of New Orleans in 1815 Monroe Doctrine in 1823Era of the Common Man

Thus, option A is correct.

For more details about historic movements, click here:



We're the southern states justified in seceding from the United States ?



The south had no justified reason to secede from the union. They were still bound to the constitution, had no legal right to secede, and broke numerous laws such as forming an illegal alliance and attacking the United States (at Ft. Sumter). The constitution was created as the basis of the United States government.


Another word for delegate is _________. A) colonist B) representative C) king D) patriot





La superioridad militar de los países europeos favoreció el control y dominio del continente africano

verdadero o falso?


Report this clown who put the first answer he’s trying to get your ip your welcome

hey! i’ll give brainliest please help!


C) subjects paying tribute to the Persian emperor

The 33rd US President Harry Truman said: "The United Nations is designed to make possible lasting freedom and independence for all its members." Do you think these will come one day?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The 33rd US President Harry Truman said: "The United Nations is designed to make possible lasting freedom and independence for all its members." Do you think these will come one day?

I really wish that quote could come true one day. However, the power, ambition, and hunger for economic control of government leaders make that quote sound more like an illusion than a possible reality.

The United Nations mission is clear. To bring peace to all regions of the world. The problem is that in reality, all world superpowers have political and economic interests worldwide, and have always tried to impose their policies trying to protect these interests.

Examples? Many. For instance the Cold War. The conflicts in the Middle East, just to mention a few.

do you think poor and migrant groups like these Oglala Sioux suffered more? Why?​



Can you post the thing so I can read it please

Why did most Southern states enact the Black Codes after the Civil War?
A:to support the Freedman's Bureau
B:to restrict the rights of former slaves
C:to support the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments
D:to restrict the political appointments of former confederates




Southern states enacted black codes after the Civil War to prevent African Americans from achieving political and economic autonomy.

B: to restrict the rights of former slaves

Describe west African society



West African society was one of the centers of civilization in the centuries leading up to the Atlantic slave trade. The vibrant economy and culture in West African society were greatly affected by the slave trade. The Atlantic slave trade was not abolished by the United States until 1809.

What was the most infamous symbol of the Cold War?
1. the Berlin Wall
2. the guillotine
3. the U-2 spy plane



The Berlin Wall


To this day, the Berlin Wall remains one of the most powerful and enduring symbols of the Cold War

Describe and explain why these countries were unable to keep their African colonies after World War II.



It destroyed the economy of European countries. To rebuild their economies they turned to Africa's mineral and agricultural wealth. Europe's growing interest in Africa's minerals led to her expansion into the interior. The great depression that followed worsened the already failing economies of Europe.

4. Location of an important 1969 oil discovery?


Norwegian sector of the North Sea

What is the name of the two groups of citizens who could vote in elections in the Roman Republic?
men and women
women and slaves
Romans and Athenians
patricians and plebeians


I believe the correct answer is D


D. patricians and plebeians

describe como an participado en la vida nacional los nuevos grupos sociales



I don't understand what you are trying to ask.


If the value of the American dollar was lower than the value of the Chinese
A American goods could be cheaper in China.
B China would refuse to import American goods.
C the Federal Reserve would release more money into the U.S. economy.
D the U.S. budget would have a surplus


A , explanation america products were better and more durable for china at the time

Why was the world changing in the early 1900s? *

Based from the text, what are the factors that changed the face of war?




 The world was changing because it was preceded by the Industrial Revolution.

These are the factors that led to World war 2 changing:

The Failure of Peace  

The Rise of Fascism. .

Formation of the Axis Coalition.  

German Aggression in Europe.  

The Worldwide Great Depression.  

Japan invading of China (1937)  

Pearl Harbor and Simultaneous Invasions

Answer: If your talking about WW1 then the industrial revolution.

Explanation: There were many new inventions like.
Zeppelins- used to throw bombs without being noticed (especially during the night)
Airplanes- Was first used as a spying gadget, then later on used as throwing bombs (attacking enemies).
U-boats- (mostly used by Germany) Mainly for attacking boats underwater going unnoticed by enemies.
Tanks- Was used for safe transportation (supplies) or to attack.
Poison gas- (Mustard Gas!) was meant to distract and confused the enemy in the trenches to get them out of the trenches. Later found out that the gas was a great killing supply.
Machine guns- Better usage than normal guns. Has more room for amo and usually leads to stale mate.

Describe how global culture is impacting the preservation of indigenous culture.


Globalization has many physical manifestations as evidenced by the constant movement of products, goods and services that cross international borders everyday. The Global South which sends its commodities into a volatile market, and provides cheap labor for the world’s major corporations, has long voiced its disappointment at the injustice of unequal trade relations and international regulatory organizations. The invasive development in the South to service the growth-based economies in the North has a negative correlation with a sustainable environment (Iqbal). Thus, they see firsthand the social and environmental repercussions that a culture of consumption creates in the world.

the greatest social and environmental effects remain out of view of most of the world, in the heart of our indigenous societies. According to Dr. Erica-Irene Daes, who was also the driving force behind the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, ninety five percent (95%) of the world's Indigenous peoples live in developing countries (Daes). In a guest lecture in Sydney, she articulates the following:

“Indigenous peoples today stand at the crossroads of globalization. In many ways, indigenous peoples challenge the fundamental assumptions of globalization. They do not accept the assumption that humanity will benefit from the construction of a world culture of consumerism. Indigenous peoples are acutely aware, from their own tragic experience over the past 500 years, that consumer societies grow and prosper at the expense of other peoples and the environment” (Daes).

Globalization has certainly had an impact on the world’s indigenous communities and sustainable ways of life, and the surrounding ecosystems in which they live (Iqbal).

The vast majority of indigenous cultures are also the Mother Earth’s greatest stewards and defenders, yet many are at risk of losing their livelihoods, health and security, due to governments and corporations disrespecting their property rights and exploiting natural resources. This is especially important in the Amazon. There live an estimated 1.7 million people belonging to some 375 indigenous groups that live within roughly 3,344 indigenous territories (ITs) and approximately 522 protected natural areas (PNAs). While the protected natural areas serve as biodiversity conservation, the indigenous territories are intended to “safeguard the rights of indigenous peoples to their land and livelihoods for social, cultural, and equity reasons

The Taj Mahal is located in northern India. The building is the greatest example of a husband's love for his wife. In 1631, the Emperor, Shah
Jahan, had the Taj Mahal built. It took many men and animals to build the massive structure. The Taj Mahal covers 42 acres and consists of many
different sections. The most famous section is the marble dome of the tomb where the Emperor's wife is buried. The dome is recognized by many
people around the world and has become a symbol of India.
Which sentence from the passage best shows the author's bias or personal view of the Taj Mahal?
1. The Taj Mahal is located in northern India.
2. The building is the greatest example of a husband's love for his wife.
03. It took many men and animals to build the massive structure.
4. The dome is recognized by many people around the world and has become a symbol of India.



Number 4 I think


Among all the given sentences, the one from the passage that best shows the author's bias or personal view of the Taj Mahal is: “The dome is recognized by many people around the world and has become a symbol of India.” Hence, Option D is correct.

What is the Taj Mahal?

In the entirety of Indo-Islamic architecture, the Taj Mahal is regarded as the pinnacle of architecture. Its renowned architectural beauty is a rhythmic blending of solids and voids, concave and convex surfaces, and light shadow. Additional decorative elements like arches and domes add to the visual appeal.

Among the main causes of the Taj Mahal's yellowing are air pollution, marble's oxidation-related discoloration, environmental neglect, and wear and strain brought on by the millions of visitors that come to see it each year.

The passage's line that most clearly demonstrates the author's prejudice or personal opinion of the Taj Mahal is "The dome is recognised by many people around the world and has become a symbol of India," which stands out among the other supplied lines.

Therefore, Option D is correct.

Learn more about Taj Mahal from here:



Lesbian women were largely ignored by the Nazi administration.





false i believe


Russia's _____ held back progress in the 1800's.

A.) size
B.) rigid social structure
C.) middle class
D.) amount of resources


D.) amount of resources


D is the answer....,...

Describe how Egyptian ancient religious belief system gives meaning to the human experiences of illness, death, and the hope of immortality?


Two ideas that prevailed in ancient Egypt came to exert great influence on the concept of death in other cultures. The first was the notion, epitomized in the Osirian myth, of a dying and rising saviour god who could confer on devotees the gift of immortality; this afterlife was first sought by the pharaohs and then by millions of ordinary people. The second was the concept of a postmortem judgment, in which the quality of the deceased’s life would influence his ultimate fate. Egyptian society, it has been said, consisted of the dead, the gods, and the living. During all periods of their history, the ancient Egyptians seem to have spent much of their time thinking of death and making provisions for their afterlife. The vast size, awe-inspiring character, and the ubiquity of their funerary monuments bear testimony to this obsession.

.Which of the following did NOT contribute to the Dust Bowl?Immersive Reader

a. Rising wheat demand encouraged farmers to destroy grasslands and replace them with large farms.

b. A series of lenient land policies allowed people with no farming experience to acquire massive tracts of un-irrigated land in the Midwest.

c. Farmers in the Midwest were planting too many different kids of crops, draining the soil of nutrients.

d. A severe drought began in 1931, drying out exposed and over-worked soil.


Answer  B


D and A are def right

What did the Berlin Wall symbolize? What did the "fall of the Berlin Wall " mean?



The wall symbolized the lack of freedom under communism.

It symbolized the Cold War and divide between the communist Soviet bloc and the western democratic, capitalist bloc.

Marked the falling of the Iron Curtain and the start of the fall of communism in Eastern and Central Europe. The fall of the inner German border took place shortly afterwards.

The fall of the Berlin Wall served as a symbol of the country's unification—and, for many, the end of communism in Eastern Europe and the Cold War.


You can put things in motion by pushing or pulling. True or false?



true because


your putting pressure on the object which makes it move

What was unique about the physical geography of the Oaxaca Valley?
it contained a vast system of caves.
it sat on top of an active volcano.
It sat thousands of feet above sea level.
It contained mostly swamps and jungles.



it contained a vast system of caves


it contained a vast system of caves



What was unique about the recording of "Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing"?



It was recoded by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell “Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing,” wrote as if under the influence of amatory forces; even if, in the spring of 1968, when “Real Thing” emerged on Motown Records.

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