what are 2 industries that the first Chinese immigrants worked in when they arrived in California i n the 1850s?​


Answer 1

what are 2 industries that the first chinese immigrants worked in when they arrived in california in the 1850s?​

farmhands and laundry workers

Related Questions

Match the following.

1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .



adonijah is a brother, nathan was a prophet, Bathsheba is the wife, zadok is the preist, and soloman is the king


i read the bible often and that how

ik it lmk if u need more help. this is me helping u because u helped me

The match, the following in the question.

Nathan-----------------------ProphetAdonijah --------------------BrotherBathsheba-------------------------------MotherZadok--------------------------PriestSolomon------------------King

What is mother?

The term “mother” refers to the woman as she gives birth to the baby. The mother's responsibility was to take care of the children. A mother plays an important role in the children's lives, such as teaching, caring, and providing the food. The mother is there to help the children's growth, such as emotional, cognitive, physical, and social.

The match according to the birth in the relation are:

Nathan-----------------------ProphetAdonijah --------------------BrotherBathsheba-------------------------------MotherZadok--------------------------PriestSolomon------------------King

As a result, the words are the match according to the relation aforementioned.

Learn more about on mother, here:



Biggest land animal in the world​








What was one significant result of the changes in manufacturing and transportation that took place in the first half of the nineteenth century?

A. Many factory laborers left cities to work in far away rural areas due to improvements in transportation.
B. Improved transportation led to the development of many new factories in the South and the West.
C. People in cities often made more money as they took on skilled positions in manufacturing and transportation.
D. Cities became overcrowded as more and more people traveled to the North, looking for factory work.



Cities became overcrowded as more and more people traveled to the North, looking for factory work.

Finally over, how days did the Battle of Gettysburg last?

4 days

3 days

1 day

2 days


It’s 3 days. I searched it up

Which international trend of the 20th century provides the best historical context for understanding the inclusion of article 25 in the "covenant of the League of Nations"?

A. I Wilson’s fourteen points speech

B. Widespread isolationism

C. The 1918 influenza pandemic

D. The rise of totalitarianism


Answer:1918 influenza pandemic

Explanation:took test


C. The 1918 influenza pandemic


Why were World War I war bonds important to the war effort?
They ensured long-term commitments from soldiers who would fight.
They served as a source of cheap manufacturing labor.
They provided the government with excellent generals and commanders.
They gave the government a source of income to help fund the war effort.



d. they gave the government a source kf income to help fund the war effort


i got it wrong so they told me the right answer :p

Which group experienced the greatest victories in Central Asia?





Founded: 1206

1227 (Genghis Khan's death): 12,000,000 km2 (4,600,000 sq mi)

1206 (unification of Mongolia): 4,000,000 km2 (1,500,000 sq mi)

1294 (Kublai's death): 23,500,000 km2 (9,100,000 sq mi)

1309 (last formal reunification): 24,000,000 km2 (9,300,000 sq mi)

The Mongol Empire (1206–1368), which ruled over a sizable portion of Eurasia by 1300, was the world's largest continuous empire when it was formed due to the Mongol invasions and conquests in the 13th and 14th centuries. Thus, option B is correct.

What were the effects of the Mongol empire on Central Asia?

Trade growth and the Pax Mongolia were two effects of the Mongol Empire on Central Asia. The Pax Mongolia, or the Mongol Peace, restored law and order to the empire.

However, the Khwarizmi Empire would be destroyed due to the Mongol invasion of Central Asia, and many of the local civilian population would be massacred.

The conquest of Central Asia by the Mongols paved the way for their push into Europe and the rest of the Muslim world, which resulted in the fall of Baghdad and drastically changed the trajectory of Islamic history.

A significant factor in the Mongols' success in the 13th and 14th centuries CE was their adoption of their enemies' strategies and technology, which allowed them to overthrow established military powers in China, Persia, and Eastern Europe.

Learn more about Mongols here:



What law code reorgabized roman law and made them less confusing


Answer: hi



The law of Justinian


When the Byzantine emperor Justinian I assumed rule in 527 CE, he found the law of the Roman Empire in a state of great confusion. It consisted of two masses that were usually distinguished as old law and new law.

The old law comprised  all of the statutes passed under the republic and early empire that had not become obsolete;  the decrees of the Senate passed at the end of the republic and during the first two centuries of the empire; and the writings of jurists and, more particularly, of those jurists to whom the emperors had given the right of declaring the law with their authority. These jurists, in their commentaries, had incorporated practically all that was of importance. Of these numerous records and writings of old law, many had become scarce or had been lost altogether, and some were of doubtful authenticity. The entire mass of work was so costly to produce that even the public libraries did not contain complete collections. Moreover, these writings contained many inconsistencies.

The new law, which consisted of the ordinances of the emperors promulgated during the middle and later stages of the empire, was in a similarly disorganized condition. These ordinances or constitutions were extremely numerous and contradictory. Because no complete collection existed (earlier codices were not comprehensive), other ordinances had to be obtained separately. It was thus necessary to collect into a reasonable corpus as much of the law, both new and old, as was regarded as binding and to purge its contradictions and inconsistencies.

- Britannica

<3 Enjoy,


Based on this map, what conclusion can you make about Britain's colonization of Australia in the 1700s?
It was a colony for prisoners.
Colonization hurt the natives there.
Britain had easier access to Asian ports.
It was colonized after the American Revolution



the awnser would be A a colony for prisoners


Supervision by officers in the "automated fashion" refers to:



pre-addressed postcards.

Rumors of an impending crisis
Investors sell millions of shares of stock
Banks are not insured by the government

An economic impact of the 20th-century events described above was —

A. Severe drought in the Great Plains

B. High unemployment rates

C. The election of a new president

D. Civil rights for Hispanics



B. High unemployment rates


The country’s gross national product declined by over 25 percent within a year, and wages and salaries declined by $4 billion. Unemployment tripled, from 1.5 million at the end of 1929 to 4.5 million by the end of 1930. By mid-1930, the slide into economic chaos had begun but was nowhere near complete.

B high unemployment rates lmk if this works

3. Which of the following does NOT take place during mediation?

Parties with like ideas and beliefs work with a mediator to counter any possible arguments.

A mediator, whose is specially trained, brings people together to settle their disagreements.

O two parties meet to determine who is right and who is wrong about their disagreement

O A legal contract is drawn up outlining the agreement that has been reached during mediation.​


B I just finished it on Plato

Answer: The last one  A legal contract is drawn up outlining the agreement that has been reached during mediation.​


What were the effects of the second industrial revolution on workers?


The availability of work became unpredictable as it rose and fell with the demand for goods. Gradually, women who had first been drawn into cities to work in the factories lost their manufacturing jobs as machines decrease the demand for labor

if i ask for help can someone help me plzz​



what do u need bro we got you??!

In the 1930's were Jews escaping Nazi Germany, granted VISAs into the US? Explain



It was difficult to get the necessary papers to leave Germany, and US immigration visas were difficult to obtain. The process could take years.


Using the image and your knowledge, besides the need for raw materials what other strategic factor led to American imperialism
in the late 19th century?
desire to limit growing Japanese influence in new regions
the need for more naval bases to protect economic interests
the need for more territory due to growing population in the United States
desire to spread technology and new innovations to Latin America and
Southeast Asia



B)the need for more naval bases to protect economic interests



Based on the information from this lesson, write a paragraph that summarizes the economic problems in Germany, Italy, and Russia after World War I. Be sure to include information about how these problems contributed to totalitarianism.



Some of the problems that let to the rise of dictators in Germany, Italy, and Japan was that they were all mad aggravated. Germany and Italy were mad at what their role in the Treaty of Versaills. Hitler knew this so he promised a better future and everyone rallied behind him. This is what happened with all three countries. These people promised a better future so they rallied behind them and the leaders became dictators.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainest plz

How did laws change after WW1?



what kind of laws. be more specific

How many African-American students
originally enrolled at Central Little
Rock High School in 1957?
A. 1
B. 6
C. 9




nine black students

By 1957, the NAACP had registered nine black students to attend the previously all-white Little Rock Central High, selected on the criteria of excellent grades and attendance. Called the "Little Rock Nine", they were Ernest Green

There were 9 students enrolled⭐️!!!

did the compromise of 1850 benefit the north or the



It benefited the North because California was admitted to the Union as a free state and it benefited the South because it added the Fugitive Slave Act which made it illegal to help escaped slaves.


Both the North and South disliked some aspects of the Compromise of 1850. The south did not like that Clifornia would be a free state and that they could not trade slaves in Washington D.C. The north did not like the fact that slavery could be spread into new southwestern territories and they really didn’t like the fugitive slave act. The fugitive slave act forced northern states to return escaped slaves to their owners.


Item 14
Which famous words did President Ronald Reagan say?

“The buck stops here!”

“That’s one giant leap for mankind!”

“An Iron Curtain has descended across Europe!”

“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”



The last one, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

how was propaganda used during the French Revolution?



Modern techniques of propaganda had their beginnings during the Revolutionary period in France when the French public was systematically bombarded by the press and various groups to manipulate its opinion and consolidate a new sense of loyalty and national identity.

Please help me with this assignment (no links)



Odysseus's would allow himself to tied to the most so that he could hear the song without endangering his vessel.

Personal qualities that we recognise Odyssey's behavior are brave,loyal and clever.

Important values of ancient Greek culture revealed loyalty ;Glory ;Intelligence and Hospitality in daily life.

Question 1 of 10 What was a challenge for Know-Nothings elected to office? O A. Finding government jobs for soldiers O B. Winning rights for northern immigrants O C. Organizing southern immigrants O D. Producing change in government​



a.Finding government jobs for solidiers o

Who is incorrectly listed as serving in the role of top political leader of her nation?
O Margaret Thatcher-England
O Indira Ghandi—India
O Nancy Pelosi—United States
O Golda Meir-Israel



Nancy Pelosi—United States


i just took the quiz and that one was correct.

During the Cold War, the greatest deterrence to a nuclear war between the 1 point
United States and the
Soviet Union was? *
that the Russians had more nuclear missiles, but the U.S. had more accurate ones.
that each nation depended economically on the other.
that neither nation had the will to fight.
the threat that both nations would destroy one another if a nuclear war were to occur.



the threat that both nations would destroy one another if a nuclear war were to occur.


both countries knew they would be committing omnicide

what are 10-15 items that would help someone in the future learn about the civil right movement? Write a short summary of the importance of each item.


1. Speeches from Martin Luther King Jr
2.segregated restaurants and water fountains
3. protests against Ruby Nell Bridges Hall for being the first black girl to go to school in America
4. Malcolm X speeches- he talked about how he felt about white people in America
5. The KKK
6. Martin Luther King Jr was shot and taken to the hospital, he survived the gun shot but the doctor gave him medicine that killed him
7. MLK Jr wife filed a lawsuit against the doctor and won
8. rosa parks refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man
9. discrimination in jobs
10. white supremacy rallies

What role did medieval knights have in feudalism?

They protected nobles and their land.
They protected serfs from their lords.
They protected the king from nobles.
They protected nobles from angry serfs.


I believe it is option c they protected the king from nobles


A. they protected nobles


What was the battle of San jacino ?



The battle of san jacinto ,fought on April 21 1836, in the present-day houston ,Texas was the decisive battle of the texas revolution, which was led by general samuel Houston


Charlemgne was important because he:

A. Took power from the Catholic Church.
B. Established the Holy Roman Empire.
C. Stoped the spread of the Black Death (AKA the Bubonic Plague).
D. Created the manor system.



B. Established the Holy Roman Empire.


Charlemagne established the Holy Roman Empire in the 9th century. He was crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III in the year 800.

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