what anthony davis did to be successful​


Answer 1


Davis was traded to the Lakers in 2019. He has won gold medals with the United States national team on their 2012 Olympic team and 2014 World Cup team, making him the first player in basketball history to win an NCAA title, NBA title, Olympic Gold Medal, and FIBA World Cup.

Related Questions

please help me i need this ASAP



What does the policy of isolationism emphasize? The belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided


C. The belief that political ties with other countries should be avoided.



How did the Framers of the Constitution ensure the power of the legislative branch was limited?

A) The judicial branch has to approve laws.
B) Senators can serve only two terms.
C) The president can veto laws.
D) Only states can create laws for themselves.



To ensure that the president could never become too powerful, the Framers made many PRESIDENTIAL POWERS dependent upon the will of Congress. For example, the president is given the power to make treaties with foreign countries, but those treaties must be approved by the Senate by a two-thirds majority.

I hope this helps you

A or C could be the answer

Which is generally true about guerrilla warfare?



Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.

Help please! ill mark brainliest if correct.


The third one, they found loopholes and were able to keep all their money from the government


i believe the answer is B


they were accused of being monopolists who earned profits by intentionally restricting the production of goods and then raising prices.

that why i think that is the answer.

Who was Martin Luther King, Jr's mentor?​



Ralph Bunche was his mentor

Read the passage from an argumentative essay.

"The Columbian Exchange was bad. It had many effects on native peoples. One of these effects was disease. Disease harmed people. It led to death. Some say up to 90 percent of native peoples died.”

How should the passage be revised to create a more formal tone?

Slang terms should be removed.
First-person pronouns should be added.
Simple sentences should be balanced with more complex ones.
Long and complex sentences should be split apart and made shorter.


Answer: ok here is the awnser.


- use more of a deeper vocabulary rather than words like "bad"

"The Columbian Exchange was terrible. It had many effects on native peoples. One of these effects was the spread of diseases. Disease affected people which contributed to the deaths of many people . Some suggest up to 90 percent of native peoples died.”


The answer is C.


It is C because when I wrote in my notes I put " balance simple sentences with complex ones". please mark brainliest

Which countries would you expect to have the strongest
A countries with high GDPs per capita
B) countries with low GDPs per capita
countries with average GDPs per capita


The answer to this Is A

Write a story ending with Be wise and say NO to drugs and pre-martial sex.

This is just part of the story that i have written. i want to know peoples opinion about it. Is it written well ? Is it too long ? PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THIS IS GOOD ENOUGH AND IF YOU THINK I WILL GET ALL MY MARKS.
i havent written about pre-martial sex as yet.

Drugs and pre-martial sex are very common in todays world. Today, youths are very engaged in drug and pre-martial sex activities without realizing the consequences and results of their actions. A drug is a substance which, when taken into the body, alters the body function. Drugs can be legal and illegal, however illegal drugs are very common among youths. Some examples are cocaine, heroin, marijuana and ectasy. Taking drugs when young can interfere with development processes occurring in the brain. Youths may take drugs because they are curious and want to start experimenting for themselves, to fit in, to feel better and good about themselves. However most teens do drugs because of peer-pressure or family issues. Youths with stressful early life experiences, lack of parental supervision etc, are at risk for drug use. Some consequences of taking drugs are damaged immune system, cardiovascular conditions, seizures, strokes, financial issues, relationship problems and mental health issues. Drug use and addiction are preventable.



the answer is Drugs and pre-martial sex are very common in todays world. Today, youths are very engaged in drug and pre-martial sex activities without realizing the consequences and results of their actions. A drug is a substance which, when taken into the body, alters the body function. Drugs can be legal and illegal, however illegal drugs are very common among youths. Some examples are cocaine, heroin, marijuana and ectasy. Taking drugs when young can interfere with development processes occurring in the brain. Youths may take drugs because they are curious and want to start experimenting for themselves, to fit in, to feel better and good about themselves. However most teens do drugs because of peer-pressure or family issues. Youths with stressful early life experiences, lack of parental supervision etc, are at risk for drug use. Some consequences of taking drugs are damaged immune system, cardiovascular conditions, seizures, strokes, financial issues, relationship problems and mental health issues. Drug use and addiction are preventable.

What are the citizens of Louisiana dissolving themselves of?


Explanation: January 26, 1861, the delegates to Louisiana's secession convention meeting in Baton Rouge voted 113 to 17 to secede from the Union.

who is Shivalinga rudra Sarja​


Ok im in middle school but here da best i got


In 1824, the Desai of Kittur who did not have a son and

was on his death bed, adopted a boy and named him as his successor. The British Masters, however, refused to accept the

right of the adopted child to the chieftaincy and in accordance

with the doctorine of lapse demanded the surrender of Kittur.

This was resented by the widowed queen. Rani Channamma, w no

raised the banner of revolt against the British policies, and

ant i-Administr-Jt ion. She put up a valiant fight against the

mighty British, who finally succeeded in annexing Kittur.^" In

1829 there was a second rebellion in Kittur, under the leadership

of Sangolli Rayanna. This was also put down and Rayanna was

captured and put to death of Nandgad in Khanapur taluka in

1830. Then the Government of Bombay brought under the regulations, territories of Bombay-Karnataka region which had been

acquired either by conquest from the Marathas or by treaty and

agreement from other states. These territories were formed

into a district and named as Dharwar, which was divided into

two collectorates in 1836 and the head quarters of the northern collectorate was actually shifted to Belgaum in 1838.

Did this help? :D

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (Excerpt)
by L. M. Montgomery
. . . It was not the room, which was far more comfortable than Rebecca's own at the farm, nor the lackof view, nor yet the long journey, for she was notconscious of weariness; it was not the fear of astrange place, for she loved new places and courtednew sensations; it was because of some curiousblending of uncomprehended emotions that Rebeccastood her sunshade in the corner, tore off her besthat, flung it on the bureau with the porcupine quillson the under side, and stripping down the dimityspread, precipitated herself into the middle of thebed and pulled the counterpane over her head.

In a moment the door opened quietly. Knockingwas a refinement quite unknown in Riverboro, andif it had been heard of would never have beenwasted on a child.

Miss Miranda entered, and as her eye wanderedabout the vacant room, it fell upon a white andtempestuous ocean of counterpane, an ocean breakinginto strange movements of wave and crest and billow.


The tone in which the word was voiced gave it allthe effect of having been shouted from the housetops.

A dark ruffled head and two frightened eyesappeared above the dimity spread.

"What are you layin' on your good bed in thedaytime for, messin' up the feathers, and dirtyin'the pillers with your dusty boots?"

Rebecca rose guiltily. There seemed no excuseto make. Her offense was beyond explanation orapology.

"I'm sorry, aunt Mirandy--something cameover me; I don't know what."

"Well, if it comes over you very soon again we'llhave to find out what 't is. Spread your bed upsmooth this minute, for 'Bijah Flagg 's bringin' yourtrunk upstairs, and I wouldn't let him see such acluttered-up room for anything; he'd tell it all over town." . . .

Why does Rebecca think her offense is beyond explanation or apology?
because her aunt reacted so strongly
because she knows better than to climb into a bed with boots on
because her aunt does not approve of napping during the day


Answer: B. because she knows better than to climb into a bed with boots on


Rebecca think her offense is beyond explanation or apology because she knows better than to climb into a bed with boots on.

She slept on the bed without taking off her boots which is really a bad habit. This really made her aunt angry and she felt she really didn't have an excuse for what she did and her offense is beyond explanation or apology.

An association of workers created to improve the working conditions and wages of its members is a __________.
labor union



D. labor union


Answer: Answer is D. labor union


After the Civil War, the plantation slavery system was replaced by sharecropping. There were both benefits and
drawbacks of this new system. Choose ALL true statements about the impacts of sharecropping.
It made most freed people wealthy as their farms grew.
It tended to keep African Americans in long-term debt.
It gave freedoble the ability to farm for themselves.
It created a booming economy in the South during Reconstruction.
It benefited landowners, as they would receive part of the crops.


The %100 right Answer is:

The letter (B), (C), and (E) on Edge in 2022.


The wrong options are letter (A), and (D) only.


I Hope This Helped you guys.

It tended to keep African Americans in long-term debt, free double the ability to farm for themselves, and benefited landowners, as they would receive part of the crops. Thus, options B, C, and E are correct.

What is slavery?

When a person is owned by another person, slavery is said to have occurred. In this case, the person in question is not receiving any compensation for the work or services he performed for the other person, and he is also not receiving humane treatment is slavery

It gave African Americans the opportunity to cultivate for themselves, offloaded two people from long-term debt, and helped landowners because they'd earn a portion of the harvests. Sharecropping took the role of the plantation system of enslavement after the Civil War. This proposed program had both advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, option  B, C, and E is the correct option.

Learn more about slavery, here:



What was Jackson’s message to Congress on Indian Removal?




Jackson declared that removal would "incalculably strengthen the southwestern frontier." Clearing Alabama and Mississippi of their Indian populations, he said, would "enable those states to advance rapidly in population, wealth, and power."

The __________ was passed to establish government control over unions and to reduce the power of unions.
Wagner Act
Taft-Hartley Act
Immigration Act
first minimum wage law



Taft-Hartley Act




Help me pls! ill mark brainliest if correct!





I hope this is it :)

pa help po please



I'm sorry I can't help you because I don't know this language

Same sorry I would but I’m English

Islamic law requires that all faithful Muslims must make a ___________ to the city where Islam was developed.


Hajj, it’s a tradition every Muslim who is able to go there, that they make it one of their priorities to go there.

In your opinion, why is it important to engage in physical activities like badminton and table tennis, most especially this time of pandemic?​


it's important to engage in these type of things because there is nothing else to do in this pandemic and it's something to help energize us.

Before starting any international games, the national anthem of both
participating countries are played? Why do you think is it done?​



Só both countries are being respected because if you only do one single country it would be unfair for the others and won't be given respect for play the game and representing their countries

Explain how the numbers of electoral votes are dispersed among the fifty US states. How does this rule apply to the District of Columbia?

it has a review sheet on edge



The numbers are dispersed by population of the state. The same number of representatives a state has in the house is the number of electoral votes they have. The district of Colombia has the number of vote of the least populated state.


People who are close to family, but not really related are called
A.Fictive kin
C.Extended family





extended family because they are not too close



Fictive Kin means an individual who is not related by birth, adoption, or marriage to a child, but who has an emotionally significant relationship with the child.

any five differences between mountain region and hilly region of Nepal?​


mountain region.

climate is extremely cold.apple and other different fruits are grown.mostly bhote,magar and sherpa live here.many mountains are found which help to attract tourist.Yak, Sheep etc animals are found here.

hilly region.

climate is moderate.the land is fertile .mostly newar, Gurung and Chhetri live here.many natural resources are found.elephant , doges etc animals are found here

The government of ________________ is a dictatorship where the citizens have limited freedoms, while the government of __________ is democratic where the citizens experience personal freedoms. A. Cuba, Latin America B. Mexico, Cuba C. Brazil, Cuba D. Cuba, Mexico i need help asap! thanks!



ay good luck :3



thermal enerfy is...


Answer + Explanation:

Thermal energy refers to several distinct physical concepts, such as the internal energy of a system; heat or sensible heat, which are defined as types of energy transfer; or for the characteristic energy of a degree of freedom in a thermal system kT, where T is temperature and k is the Boltzmann constant

Energy possed with a object that is like formed from movement

Which of these is an example of a service that the Florida state government provides?
movie theaters
public schools
grocery stores
video arcades



public schools


Answer: B. Public Schools

help pls! ill mark u brainliest if correct :) please answer both questions for brainliest! Use the second image to answer the questions


14 part a - c ( the confederate military had difficulty organizing itself. )
14 part b - b ( sectionalism )

Please answer and help me Brainly I’m stuck brainliest answers


Answer: C. Americans receive a guaranteed minimum income from the federal government.


Known as the Universal Basic Income, this proposal will see every American getting a guaranteed basic wage from the government regardless of if they are employed or not.

Some experts fear this will make Social Security payments less secure because the money used for Social Security might be diverted towards the Universal Basic Income and also people might not see the need for Social Security if there is already a basic income.




Distinguish between wholesale market and retail market.
no explainations please.​



Wholesale means the sale of goods in voluminous quantity, at a low price. The business of selling goods to end consumers in small lots at a profit is known as Retail. Wholesale creates a link between the manufacturer and retailer whereas Retail creates a link between wholesaler and customer.


The word wholesale simply means selling in bulk quantities and retail stands for selling merchandise in small quantities. ... While a wholesaler sells goods to the businesses, as they purchase goods to sell it further. On the other hand, a retailer targets final consumer and sells goods to them.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

which of the confederate states were west of the mississippi river​


The Trans-Mississippi Theater of the American Civil War consists of the major military operations west of the Mississippi River. The area is often thought of as excluding the states and territories bordering the Pacific Ocean, which formed the Pacific Coast Theater of the American Civil War (1861–1865).

Map of Trans-Mississippi Theater of the American Civil War, featuring only the major battles
The campaign classification established by the National Park Service of the U.S. Department of the Interior[1] is more fine-grained than the one used in this article. Some minor NPS campaigns have been omitted and some have been combined into larger categories. Only a few of the 75 major battles the NPS classifies for this theater are described. Boxed text in the right margin show the NPS campaigns associated with each section.

Activity in this theater in 1861 was dominated largely by the dispute over the status of the border state of Missouri. The Missouri State Guard, allied with the Confederacy, won important victories at the Battle of Wilson's Creek and the First Battle of Lexington. However, they were driven back at the First Battle of Springfield. A Union army under Samuel Ryan Curtis defeated the Confederate forces at the Battle of Pea Ridge in northwest Arkansas in March 1862, solidifying Union control over most of Missouri. The areas of Missouri, Kansas, and the Indian Territory (modern-day Oklahoma) were marked by extensive guerrilla activity throughout the rest of the war, the most well-known incident being the infamous Lawrence massacre in the Unionist town of Lawrence, Kansas of August 1863.
hope It Helps U
Please Mark as Brainliest
Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri.
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