western europe's economy began to grow in the late eleventh and twelfth centuries ce because nobles had a demand for luxury goods and question 1 options: italian merchants figured out how to make cinnamon, saffron, and cardamom grow in the soil of western europe. italian city-states largely cleared the mediterranean sea of muslim pirates. when crusaders took the city of jerusalem, they took control of the treasury of the al-aqsa mosque, which had the world's largest known concentration of gold, silver, and precious stones. the gold and silver then entered circulation in european markets. crops failed in china, and the demand for european grains caused wealth to flow from east to west.


Answer 1

The right response is that Italian traders discovered how to get cardamom, saffron, and cinnamon to grow in Western European soil.

What did crusaders do in the past?

The Crusades were a string of interfaith conflicts amongst Christians and Muslims that were largely waged to seize control of key locations revered by both faiths. Between 1096 and 1291, eight significant Crusade missions of different size, power, and level of success took place.

Why did the Crusades occur?

The vast majority of historians believe that Pope Urban II's sermon delivered at Clermont-Ferrand early November 1095 served as the impetus for a series of military operations to liberate this same Holy Land of Muslim rule.

To know more about Crusaders visit:



Related Questions

Was the internment of people of Japanese ancestry warranted?
What was daily life like in the internment camps?


Answer The interment of people of Japanese ancestry was warranted because they sent them to the internment camps. The Americans did this because of what had happened to the US recently at that time which was Peral harbor so they though every Japanese American was in on it even if u were born in the US you would have to go to the camps.

What replaced the imperial government of Japan


In 1947  the imperial government of Japan was replaced by with the Japan Self-Defense Forces.

After its defeat in World War II the empire was dismantled. The contemporary territories include the Japanese archipelago and these areas. Regardless of territorial changes the emperor remains the formal head of state of Japan. During most of history, de facto power was with shoguns or prime ministers.

The 1947 constitution changed the emperor's role from head of state to the “symbol of the state and of the unity of the Japanese people.” Three emperors have reigned since this constitution was promulgated: Emperor Hirohito , Emperor Akihito , and Emperor Naruhito.

Following the end of World War II, the present Constitution of Japan was adopted. It replaced the previous Imperial rule with a form of Western-style liberal democracy. Japan experienced unparalleled destruction by U.S. military forces during World War II, resulting in its complete capitulation.

Only two countries – the Liberia and Myanmar – still (mostly or officially) stick to the imperial system, which uses distances, weight, height or area measurements that can ultimately be traced back to body parts or everyday items.

Today, the head of the Japanese government is the Prime Minister; the usage of the term "shogun" has nevertheless continued in colloquialisms.

After Japan surrendered in 1945, ending World War II, Allied forces led by the United States occupied the nation, bringing drastic changes. Japan was disarmed, its empire dissolved, its form of government changed to a democracy, and its economy and education system reorganized and rebuilt.

Japan is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, leader of the Democratic Party of Japan, derives his authority to govern from the constitution.

to learn more about  imperial government of Japan:



American occupation


Following the Empire of Japan's surrender, it was occupied by the United States of America from 1945-1952

An Italian trader bought merchandise in China and now wants to return home with it. However, he doesn't want to return via the Silk Road. Choose
all the spots on the route he can take to reach Italy.
Silk Road


The spots on the routes the Italian trader can take, after buying merchandise from China, that doesn't involve the Silk Road include:

The spot in IndiaThe Spot in the Indian oceanThe spot going up the Red seaThe spot over Italy

What was the Silk Road ?

The term "Silk Road" refers to a network of trade routes that were utilized for more than 1,500 years, from the opening of commerce by the Han dynasty of China in 130 BCE until the Ottoman Empire's closure of trade with the West in 1453 CE.

The Silk Road traversed some of the most difficult terrains in the world, such as the Pamir Mountains and the Gobi Desert, for roughly 6,437 kilometers (4,000 miles). The roads were frequently in bad shape because there was no single government to provide maintenance. Robberies were frequent. Traders gathered in caravans with camels or other pack animals for protection.

The Italian can pass by India and the Red Sea to avoid this Silk Road on their way back to Italy.

Find out more on the Silk Road at https://brainly.com/question/24869354


The U.S. Constitution does not give he Congress the power to:



No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.


Why was the intervention of cuneiform an inportant development



With cuneiform, writers could tell stories, relate histories, and support the rule of kings.


With cuneiform, writers could tell stories, relate histories, and support the rule of kings

What did the
Nineteenth Amendment allow?
• A.
African American emancipation
O B.
black male suffrage
O c.
women's suffrage
• D.
racial integration on public transportation



The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.


Select the correct answer.
Which statement is true?
• A.
Inexhaustible resources are limited.
O B.
Only tangible goods are scarce.
Exhaustible resources are abundantly available.
Exhaustible resources are scarce.
Governments have unlimited money.



i think the option D is right

Which of the following transformed protest into rebellion by the mid-1960s?

Mexican immigration


the Vietnam War

gender inequality

discrimination against homosexuals


The Vietnam War was event that transformed protest into rebellion by the mid-1960s. The Option C is correct.

What is the summary of Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War was a conflict in Vietnam that lead to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. It was second of the Indochina Wars and was officially fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam.

The northern Vietnam was supported by the Soviet Union, China and other communist states, while the south Vietnam was supported by the United States and other anti-communist allies. The war was also known as a Cold War-era proxy war.

Read more about Vietnam War



how did the dreadscott decision intensify the conflict between the north and the south



The Dred Scott Decision outraged abolitionists, who saw the Supreme Court's ruling as a way to stop debate about slavery in the territories. The divide between North and South over slavery grew and culminated in the secession of southern states from the Union and the creation of the Confederate States of America.

How does conflict develop


Answer:whenever people disagree over their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires


Haiti's struggle for independence from colonial powers was different from thi struggles of other Caribbean and Central American countries because: • A. it led to the formation of a democracy. • B. it did not rely on support from foreign governments. C. it took the form of a slave revolt. D. it resulted in immediate economic growth.


Haitian struggle for independence from colonial powers was different from the struggles of other Caribbean and Central American countries because it led to the formation of a democracy. Option A is correct.

What is Haitian Struggle?

It rebelled in 1791 during the most extreme uprising of this time period. More than any other movement, the Haitian struggle (1791–1808) promoted equality and human rights for all people, regardless of skin tone. In 1791, after slavery was outlawed by the National Assembly, slaves rose up in insurrection.

Further the first country to acknowledge its independence was France. Thus, Haiti became the second country in the western hemisphere (after the United States) to gain independence from a European power and the first black republic in the history of the globe.

Thus Haiti's Struggle is benchmark struggle in the history of independence in entire globe.

Learn more about Haiti's Struggle refer:



Which Supreme Court case involved a question of national security?

Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
Minersville School District v. Gobitis (1940)
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943)
Korematsu v. the United States (1944)


Answer: Which Supreme Court case involved a question of national security?

Korematsu v. the United States (1944)

Explanation: In this case, the Supreme Court upheld the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. The government argued that it was necessary for national security, while Korematsu claimed that it violated his constitutional rights.

The Court ruled in favor of the government, stating that in times of war or national emergency, the need to protect against espionage and sabotage outweighed individual rights. However, it is important to note that this decision has been widely criticized and later discredited.

Learn more about Korematsu v. the United States (1944) here: https://brainly.com/question/14090930.

Which of these was an effect of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?

A. Many Black Americans became small-business owners.

B. Many Black Americans were required to work in the fields.

C. Black Americans were restricted from entering many public places.

D. Black American students had access to a college education for the first time.​



C - Black Americans were restricted from entering many public places.

Explanation: Please correct me if I'm wrong. Have a good day!

What did President Wilson do to help the "White
Russians" who were opposed to the "Red Russians"
in their civil war?


Answer: President Thomas Wilson sent some US divisions to Archangel in Russia for Whites against Red and US as a whole recognised USSR in 1933 and 222 Troops were killed in Intervention.

Describe each of the two major political parties in the Unites States (Democrat and Republican).



The two-party structure, as well as the two mainstream political parties


The election industry in the United States is known as a two-party system. This indicates that multiple parties control the political landscape at all three branches of the government. These parties involved are indeed the Republican Party as well as the Democratic Party in the United States.

Which of the following is true of the Bush and Obama administrations’ efforts to police the southwest border?

They increased the number of U.S. Border Patrol agents.

They prohibited the use of regional unofficial militias to patrol the border.

They paid private militias through the Department of Homeland Security to provide extra enforcement at border crossings.

They publicly supported protests against illegal immigration.

They denied the importance of illegal immigration.



The only statement that is true of the Bush and Obama administrations' efforts to police the southwest border is "They increased the number of U.S. Border Patrol agents." The other statements are not true.


which of the following statements best descibes the contributions of louis pasteur during the industrial revolution


Louis Pasteur's contribution during the industrial revolution was developing methods to kill disease-causing bacteria in food and water.

Who is Louis Pasteur?

Louis Pasteur (27 December 1822 – 28 September 1895) was a French-born scientist. As a scientist, he was able to find a way to keep food from spoiling for some time using a heating process commonly known as pasteurization. As a high school physicist, Louis Pasteur I started my career. At the age of 26, he was already a professor at the University of Strasbourg, then moved to the University of Lille, where in 1856 he made a discovery of great importance for medicine. His first discovery was pasteurization, which kills the bacteria in milk by heating it.

Louis Pasteur, a scientist who supports the theory of biogenesis, famous for his theory "Omne ovum ex vivo omne vivum ex ovo".

Learn more about Louis Pasteur https://brainly.com/question/11137072


*Questions should be equipped with options that can be chosen by students

Shortly after the Civil War, what was the controversy concerning the printing of paper money called greenbacks? A. Debtors did not like them because the paper money was not worth as much as specie. B. The Republican Party had allowed the printing of greenbacks, angering representatives from the northern states. C. Creditors were concerned that they would lose money on the loans they had made. D. The economy was based only on how much gold was available, and creditors wanted to add silver as well.


The controversy that surrounded the printing of paper money called greenbacks after the Civil War was C. Creditors were concerned that they would lose money on the loans they had made.

What were Greenbacks?

Greenbacks were the first form of the American dollar and because their backs were printed in green they got their names. The first greenbacks were created to help pay for the American Civil War. The northern economy experienced inflation as a result of the greenbacks' declining value because they were not fully guaranteed by gold.

Creditors therefore were very concerned that the loans they made would lose value and so they would lose money on the loans they had made. This led them to demand the Gold standard. This led to the United States going back to the Gold Standard which also had its own problems and annoyed the farmers who wanted the silver standard.

Find out more on Greenbacks at https://brainly.com/question/11472836


Which is an example of collateral damage?

the support staff of a military unit that is attacked

a hospital that is hit by accident during a bombing

a targeted strike on a munitions factory in a major city

several soldiers who die months after the war from battle injuries


The example of collateral damage from what we have here would be a hospital that is hit by accident during a bombing. Option B

What is meant by collateral damage?

This is damage in the form of deaths and wounds sustained by civilians who are not military personnel as a result of combat in a war.

The phrase "collateral damage" probably first appeared as a euphemism for friendly fire or the deliberate killing of non-combatants and destruction of their property during the Vietnam War.

accidental deaths and property damage caused to civilians during military operations

Read more on collateral damage here https://brainly.com/question/13805632


Each person has a unique perspective that influences the way he or she sees the world. What is this called?

A. Interpretation
B. Point of view ​






I believe the correct answer is B.


Point of view is the way you view things from your perspective.

Which of the following is true about the 2004 presidential election?

Fewer people voted in this election than the 2000 election.

George W. Bush won in a landslide.

John Kerry won Iowa and New Mexico.

John Kerry won by using his amicable personality.

Bush generated more enthusiasm among supporters than Kerry.



All of the statements are true about the 2004 presidential election.


..Why does Angelina Grimke believe in abolition?



In Grimké's mind, abolition was the only first step towards the true objective of complete political and social equality for men and women of all races. She leaned on her strong religious beliefs and moral outlook, discussing issues such as the sexual abuse of female slaves that she had witnessed first hand.

How did the great compromise solve a problem of representation at the constitutional convention?



The Great Compromise solved the problem of representation because it included both equal representation and proportional representation. The large states got the House which was proportional representation and the small states got the Senate which was equal representation.

What is the purpose of the constitutional


The Constitution defines the fundamental law of the U.S. federal government, setting forth the three principal branches of the federal government and outlining their jurisdictions. It has become the landmark legal document of the Western world, and is the oldest written national constitution currently in effect

john sevier and other early tennesseans distinguished themselves for their valor during the american revolution at the decisive battle of


John Sevier and other early Tennesseans distinguished themselves for their valor during the American Revolution at the decisive Battle of King's Mountain

What is Battle of King's Mountain?

The Battle of Kings Mountain was a decisive victory for the Patriots in South Carolina between Patriot and Loyalist militia during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War. The battle he took place on October 7, 1780, nine miles (9 miles) south of present-day Kings Mountain, North Carolina. In the countryside of what is now Cherokee County, South Carolina, Patriot militia defeated Loyalist militia under Major Patrick Ferguson of the 71st Infantry Regiment. The battle was described as "the greatest American battle of the war."

Ferguson arrived in North Carolina in early September 1780 and recruited troops into a Loyalist militia to flank Lord Cornwallis' main force. Ferguson called on the Patriot militia to lay down their weapons or face the consequences. Militia rallied and attacked Ferguson and his men.

Learn more about Battle of King's Mountain https://brainly.com/question/25253695


what were some of the terms included in the treaty of Versailles? Check all that apply


limits to Germany's armyharsh reparations for Germanyformation of a League of Nations


A, B, and C


Germany was limited to a smaller army so that they would have less of a chance of being able to defeat countries, and so they didn't have as much military power, because that's kind of what started the war.

There were harsh reparations because they were held fully responsible for the war meaning they had to pay for all damage done. So they paid in all different forms, whether it was money or materials, they gave around 3 billion dollars their time which is even more money now.

The League of Nations was also created due to the treaty of versailles so that they were able to hold world peace together, and try to prevent any further warfare such as world war I.

-Hope this helped & Happy Holidays!

What was a major voting issue during the 1844 presidential campaign?

A. Whether to create a new, strong central bank

OB. Whether the United States should annex Texas

OC. Whether the United States should rebel against Mexico

D. Whether to implement Henry Clay's American System


OB . Whether the United States should annex texas, the process took 10 years and in December 29, 1845, it finally became a state, war was not the intention

American Sentiment Directly After 9/11—Describe the American public’s support of the Iraq War and War on Terror directly after the terrorist attacks. Do you think this was a justified response or not? What were the primary causes of support for the war? Provide a counterargument. Make a strong point of comparison to the American public’s support of World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor to America and the War on


There are the primary causes of support for the war in American Sentiment Directly After 9/11 are significant emergency incidents, National Incident Management System the natural disasters and industrial accidents.

What is American Sentiment Directly After 9/11?

Directly Assessing American Attitudes Following 9/11, the federal government acted fast to create a security framework to safeguard our country from large-scale international threats.

Americans' Attitudes Directly The National Incident Management System, emergency situations such as terrorist attacks, industrial accidents, and natural catastrophes have caused $21.8 billion in property damage since 9/11.

As a result, the primary causes of support for the war in American Sentiment Directly After 9/11.

Learn more about on American Sentiment Directly After 9/11, here:



Which statement BEST summarizes the goal expressed in this excerpt?

The goal was to prevent slavery from spreading north of the Mason-Dixon line.

The goal was to ensure that slavery would remain a Southern institution for all time.

The goal was to keep abolitionism from influencing governments in newly acquired territories.

The goal was to balance admission of free and slave states and their representation in Congress.


The goal was to prevent slavery from spreading north of the Mason-Dixon line the statements summarizes the goal expressed in this excerpt. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is summarizes?

The term summarizes refers to the whole content being in a short summary. The summaries are condensed versions of the paragraphs. The information is concise but complete. The summary's main purpose is to shorten the sentences with an outline of the significant points.

The objective was to keep slavery from extending north of the Bailey line. The border was drawn to resolve a disagreement between the British colonies of Baltimore and Pennsylvania/Delaware. The objective was to keep slavery from supplying north of the Mason-Dixon line.

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on summarizes, here;



Answer: 1. D. The goal was to balance admission of free and slave states and their representation in Congress.

2. C. The admission of California threatened the balance because it was such a large new state and fell outside the bounds of the Louisiana Territory. More free states were sure to follow.

3. A. John Brown took drastic action to achieve just ends.

4. D. his apparent kindness to the African American woman and child

5. C. will endure as long as states are able to decide their laws for themselves.

6. B. Northern attempts to eradicate slavery represent a direct threat to the viability of the South.

7. B. the election of Abraham Lincoln as president

8. B. After the Emancipation Proclamation, the Union actively recruited free and enslaved blacks to fight.

9. C. fought bravely, showing that they were deserving of the same rights as other citizens.

10. B. the demand for medical supplies and nurses to treat sick and wounded soldiers

11. written response

12. A. An end to the war comes only with an end to slavery.

13. written response

14. B. Sherman's army liberated enslaved people and seized and redistributed land as they went.

15. written response

16. A. limits placed on voting rights of black men

17. C. With the end of Reconstruction, Southern states sought to roll back Fifteenth Amendment protections.

18. written response

19. B. The law extended the protections of the Civil Rights Act of 1886, which Johnson had vetoed.

20. written response

21. C. It declared enslaved persons in rebellious states to be free.

22. A. He hoped to persuade some Confederate states to switch sides.

23. written response

Explanation: My name on quizlet is Aron_Sonn, consider dropping by

► Make a Venn diagram or chart comparing the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. How are these principles alike? How are they different?​





Venn Diagram:

Separation of Powers & Checks & Balances

|                            | Separation of Powers | Checks & Balances |


| Purpose                    | Limit Government    | Limit Government |

| Government Branches        | 3                   | 3                |

| Legislative Power          | Congress            | Congress         |

| Executive Power            | President           | President        |

| Judicial Power            | Supreme Court       | Supreme Court    |

| Alike                     | Limit Government    |                  |

| Different                 |                    | System of checks |

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