
50 Newtons
40 Newtons
What is the net force on the box?
10 Newtons West
10 Newtons East
90 Newtons West
90 Newtons East


Answer 1
the answer will be abcd i am sorry

Related Questions



Answer: 26.67 m/s



Length traveled by the ball [tex]s=40\ m[/tex]

Time taken to reach the goal post is [tex]t=3\ s[/tex]

Initial velocity [tex]u=0\ m/s[/tex]

Using the second equation of motion

[tex]\Rightarrow s=ut+\frac{1}{2}at^2\\\Rightarrow 40=0+\frac{1}{2}a(3)^2\\\Rightarrow a=\frac{80}{9}\ m/s^2\\[/tex]

Now using

[tex]\Rightarrow v^2-u^2=2as\\\\\Rightarrow v^2-0=2\times \frac{80}{9}\times 40\\\\\Rightarrow v=\sqrt{\dfrac{80\times 80}{9}}=\dfrac{80}{3}\\\Rightarrow v=26.67\ m/s[/tex]

The velocity of ball will be 26.67 m/s

why a small car can stop easier than an 18 wheeler while traveling at 70 mph down the interstate?


Smaller cars have less momentum than bigger cars. What’s in motion stays in motion but objects with more momentum (can be from weight or from speed but in this case it’s about weight) tend to stay in motion longer.

Calculating net force





Net force is the sum total of forces acting on an object.

The Fn which is the net force is

450+ (-250) + (-600)+ 600+ 0 + 250 + (-450)

= 450-250+(-600)+ 600+0+250-450

= 0N

The net force is 0

if the period of the wave is 0.34 seconds what would be the frequency of the wave



3 every second


Which type of electromagnetic waves should the scientists' cameras use in order to safely capture images of the sea turtles at night?
visible spectrum



D :} if not that is A  that what my thing say where correct



A.) infra-red


A 3.00 kg cart on a track is pulled by a string so that it accelerates at 2.00 m/s/s. The force of tension in the string is 10.0 N. What is the force of friction on the cart?



If the track is horizontal and the string is pulled horizontally, the friction on the cart would be [tex]4.0\; \rm N[/tex].


Let [tex]m[/tex] denote the mass of this cart, and let [tex]a[/tex] denote the acceleration of this cart.

[tex]m = 3.00\; \rm kg[/tex].

[tex]a = 2.00\; \rm m \cdot s^{-2}[/tex].

Apply Newton's Second Law to find the net force on this cart.

[tex]\begin{aligned}\text{Net Force} &= m \cdot a\\ &= 3.00\; \rm kg \times 2.00\; \rm m\cdot s^{-2}\\ &= 6.00\; \rm N\end{aligned}[/tex].

The following forces act upon this cart:

(downward) gravitational attraction from the earth,(upward) normal force from the track,(forward) tension from the string, and(backward) friction from the track.

Assume that the track is horizontal, and that the string was pulled horizontally. The normal force from the track would exactly balance the downward gravitational attraction from the earth. Hence, the [tex]6.00\; \rm N[/tex] net force on this cart would be equal (in size) to the size of the tension from the string ([tex]10.0\; \rm N[/tex]) minus the size of the friction from the track.

In other words:

[tex]\begin{aligned}&\text{Size of Net Force}\\ &= \text{Size of Tension} - \text{size of friction}\end{aligned}[/tex].

[tex]\begin{aligned}& 6.00\;\rm N = 10.0\; \rm N - (\text{size of friction})\end{aligned}[/tex].

[tex]\text{size of friction} = 10.0\; \rm N - 6.00\; \rm N = 4.0\; \rm N[/tex].

Two dogs are pulling on a chew toy. One dog pulls the chew toy with 64 N (E) and
the other pulls the chew toy with 31 N [W]. Determine the NET FORCE acting on
the chew toy.



33 N


Given that,

One dog pulls the chew toy with 64 N (E) and  the other pulls the chew toy with 31 N [W].

We need to find the net force acting on the chew toy. Let East be taken positive and west be taken negative. So,

[tex]F_{net}=+64+(-31)\\\\=33\ N[/tex]

So, the net force acting on the chew toy is equal to 33 N.

I need help on this question !



A. Create habitats for coral, but not fish

For an object falling at the terminal velocity, list all the forces (magnitude and direction) acting it?



Three stages of falling

There are three stages as an object falls through a fluid:

at the start, the object accelerates downwards due to the force of gravity

as the object's speed increases, frictional forces such as air resistance or drag increase

at terminal velocity, the weight of the object due to gravity is balanced by the frictional forces, and the resultant force is zero


Question 1
Which of the following is the most accurate description of the relationship between velocity and acceleration?
Velocity and acceleration are the same thing.
Velocity is a type of acceleration.
Acceleration is a change in velocity.
Acceleration is positive and velocity is negative.
Question 2
An object that is undergoing a change in velocity is said to be-





Acceleration is your changing Velocity. An object that is ACCELERATING is experiencing a change in velocity. usually positive. if an object such as a car reduces velocity, it is called deceleration

In paragraph 3 and paragraph 24, what is meant by the phrase “designer babies”? A. Babies that are bred to be particularly attractive
B. Babies whose DNA has been altered to enhance a specific trait
C. Babies whose DNA has been altered to avoid disease
D. The biological children of genetic researchers


I think D but. It sure


if the land warms faster than the sea during the day, which breeze is experienced ( Assume during the day and that the land asd sea do not have the same temperature. )

A) Sea breeze
B ) Land breeze
C ) No breeze



sea breeze



A sea breeze


the faster an object moves, the __ kinetic energy it has.
more or less?





Kinetic energy is a form of energy that results from work being applied to that object; thereby the faster it moves, the more energy it has stored and that energy is referred to as kinetic energy.  

What is the geocentric angle of the earthquake focus?​





the epicenter Is d point directly above it at the structure of the earth

What is the velocity of a wave that has a frequency of 200 Hz and a
wavelength of 0.5m?



No idea now


wil get back to you in few minutes

What happend to the space pod in missing seconds?



From our investigation of what forces are like in a collision, we learned that when two

objects collide, a force is exerted on each object. The two forces are in opposite

directions but the same strength. This allowed us to infer that an equal strength force

was exerted on the space station and the pod, but in opposite directions.

As a result, the space station and the pod are moving in opposite directions. We need to

learn more about the effects of collisions on each object’s motion so we can report back

to Dr. Gonzales at the space agency.

You will use physical materials to gather data about

forces in a collision. You will also notice how objects

are affected by collisions. Students will use their

data to infer the force direction for objects in a


Based on the velocity change of each object,

what did you infer about the direction of forces

during a collision?

• We observed that the velocity of each object changed during a collision, so we can infer

that a force had to be exerted on each object. However, the motion of the objects

changed in different ways.

• The object that was moving forward slowed down, so I can infer that the force must have

pushed backward on this object.

• The other object started moving forward, so the force must have pushed forward on that

object. If one force was backward and one force was forward, then the forces pushed

the objects in opposite directions.


Good Luck!

Which of the following is a compound? A)oxygen B)water C)nitrogen D)hydrogen





water is a compound

The answer is water h2o

What is the first step in cell division?

Daughter cells create copies of their components.

Daughter cells grow in an unregulated fashion.

Parent cells are created from daughter cells that split.

Parent cells create copies of their components.







Parent cells create copies of their components.



Investigation to find out relationship between the current in the coil and the force on the iron disc



Electromagnets are made of coils of wire with electricity passing through them. Moving charges create magnetic fields, so when the coils of wire in an electromagnet have an electric current passing through them, the coils behave like a magnet.


6. What is the resultant force on each car below? Remember TWO pieces of
information are needed.
7. What additional statement could we make about each car? Think about what key
words we could use



In first case, the forces on LHS and on RHS is the same i.e. 3 N. The force acting on the car is balanced force. As a result, the car will not move at all.

In second case,

Force on RHS = 2000 N

Force on LHS = -6000 N

Net force acting on it is given by :

F = 2000+(-6000)

= -4000 N

Hence, this is the required solution.

URGENT PLEASE HELP!!!! GIVING BRAINLIEST!! If you answer this correctly ill answer some of your questions you have posted! (30pts)





From the attachement,

M.A =  Load(L)/Effort(E)

M.A = L/E...................... Equation 1

Where M.A = .Mechanical Advantage, L = Load, E = Effort.

Given: L = 500 N, E = 100 N

Substitute these values into equation 1

M.A = 500/100

M.A = 5.

Hence the actual mechanical advantage of the pulley is 5

F. A 50. A resistor (R2), and unknown resistor R2, a 120 Volt source, and an ammeter are connected in a
complete circuit. The ammeter reads 0.50 ampere (current).
a. Determine the resistance of Rz.


Complete question is;

A 50.-ohm resistor, an unknown resistor R, a 120-volt source, and an ammeter are connected in a complete circuit. The ammeter reads 0.50 ampere.

A) Calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuit shown.

B) Determine the resistance of resistor R shown in the diagram.


A) R_eq = 240 Ω

B) R = 190 Ω


A) To get the equivalent resistance, we will use the formula;

R = V/I


V is Voltage

I is current

R is equivalent resistance

From the question, V = 120 V and I = 0.5A


R_eq = 120/0.5

R_eq = 240 Ω

B) From the image, we see that the resistors are connected in series.

Formula for resistors in series is;

R = R1 + R2 +..... Rn


240 = 50 + R

R = 240 - 50

R = 190 Ω

A) The equivalent resistance of the circuit shown will be  240 Ω.

B) The resistance of resistor R will be 190 Ω

What is resistance?

Resistance is a type of opposition force due to which the flow of current is reduced in the material or wire. Resistance is the enemy of the flow of current.

The given data in the problem is;

R is the resistance = 50.-ohm

v is the voltage = 120-volt source

I is the value of the current =0.50 ampere.

A) The equivalent resistance of the circuit shown will be  240 Ω.

According to ohm's law

[tex]\rm R= \frac{V}{I} \\\\ \rm R= \frac{120}{0.5} \\\\ \rm R=240 \ ohm[/tex]

Hence the equivalent resistance of the circuit shown will be 240 Ω.

B) The resistance of resistor R will be 190 Ω

The given resistors are connected in the series;

R = R1 + R2 +..... Rn

240 = 50 + R

R = 240 - 50

R = 190 Ω

Hence the resistance of resistor R will be 190 Ω

To learn more about the resistance refer to the link;


Can someone answer this form me i need help!!!


It decreased the speed
Decrease in speed I’m pretty sure

A dog exerts a force of 30N to move a wagon 2m in 5s. What is the power of the dog?
help me



i do not know


im doing for education too


I don't know too . want to help but I don't know how .


sorry bro . I want to have points eeek . :/

Why does the moon appear to change its shape as seen from Earth

A.Different parts of the sunlit moon become visible as the moon revolves around the Earth

B.Different parts of the moon are lit as the moon rotates

C.The moon moves farther and then closer to Earth

D.The sun lights different parts of the moon during different seasons




Why does the moon appear to change its shape as seen from Earth

Sutt S
Kam Scheela MARIO MARTINEZ-HTPhysics.pdf
Test BGK
Question: A pinball machine's plunger has a spring constant of 22
N/m and is compressed by 0.04 m to start a 0.006 kg pinball.
1. What is the elastic potential energy before the ball is released?
2. What is the kinetic energy of the pinball the instant it leaves the
3. What is the speed of the pinball the instant it leaves the spring?
4. If the pinball is moving at 1.3 m/s as it is deflected horizontally
across the top of the pinball machine, how much higher above the
ground is this part of its path when compared to its starting



1. The elastic potential energy is 0.0176 Joules

2. The kinetic energy of the pinball the instant it leaves the spring is 0.0176 Joules

3. The speed of the pinball the instant it leaves the spring is approximately 2.42212 m/s

4. The height of the part where the pinball is located on the machine above the ground is approximately 0.213 meters


The spring constant of the pinball machine's plunger, k = 22 N/m

The amount by which the pinball machine's plunger is compressed, x = 0.04 m

The mass of the pinball ball, m = 0.006 kg

1. The elastic potential energy, P.E. = 1/2·k·x²

By substitution, we get;

P.E. = 1/2 × 22 N/m × (0.04 m)² = 0.0176 J

The elastic potential energy, P.E. = 0.0176 J

2. At the instant the pinball leaves the spring, the plunger and therefore the force of the plunger no longer acts on the pinball

Since there are no external forces acting on the pinball to increase the speed of the pinball after it leaves the spring, the velocity reached is its maximum velocity, and therefore, the kinetic energy, K.E. is the maximum kinetic energy which by the conservation of energy, is equal to the initial potential energy


K.E. = P.E. = 0.0176 J

The kinetic energy of the pinball the instant it leaves the spring, K.E.= 0.0176 J

3. The kinetic energy, K.E., is given by the following formula;

K.E. = 1/2·m·v²


v = The speed or velocity of the object having kinetic energy K.E.

Therefore, from K.E. = 0.0176 J, and by plugging in the values of the variables, we have;

K.E. = 0.0176 J = 1/2 × 0.006 kg × v²

v² = 0.0176 J/(1/2 × 0.006 kg) = 88/15 m²/s²

v = √(88/15 m²/s²) ≈ (2·√330)/15 m/s ≈ 2.42212 m/s

The speed of the pinball the instant it leaves the spring, v ≈ 2.42212 m/s

4. The height of the pinball is given by the following kinematic equation of motion;

[tex]v_h[/tex]² = u² - 2·g·h


[tex]v_h[/tex] = The velocity of the pinball at the given height = 1.3 m/s

u = v ≈ 2.42212 m/s (The initial velocity of the pinball as it the spring)

g = The acceleration due to gravity ≈ 9.8 m/s²

h = The height of the pinball above the ground

We get;

[tex]v_h[/tex]² = 1.3² = 2.42212² - 2 × 9.8 × h

∴  h = (2.42212² - 1.3²)/(2 × 9.8) ≈ 0.213

The height of the part where the pinball is located on the machine above the ground, h ≈ 0.213 m

name one material through which continuous flow of charge can be produced from heat energy​



A continuous flow of negative charges (electrons) creates an electric current. The pathway taken by a electric current is a circuit.



Copper, and aluminum


Explain the melting of a solid in terms of molecules and energy​


When you melt a solid the heat creates energy, when you heat up molecules they will move quicker and start to somewhat break apart into a liquid structure.

Heat generates energy when you melt a solid; as you heat up molecules, they move faster and begin to break apart into a liquid form.

What is the melting point?

The melting point is the point at which a substance transforms from a solid to a liquid.

The melting point of a liquid is the temperature at which it transforms from a solid to a liquid at atmospheric pressure. This is the point where the liquid and solid phases are in balance.

Heat generates energy when you melt a solid; as you heat up molecules, they move faster and begin to break apart into a liquid form.

The kinetic energy of the molecule is due to the movement of the molecule as the temperature of the system increases the melting point comes closer.

As the temperature increases the kinetic energy of the molecule increases.

Hence the energy, melting point, and temperature relatively affect each other.

To learn more about the melting point refer to the link;


To learn more about the melting refer to the link;


The hot resistance of a 125V filament lamp is 500Ω. Determine the current taken by the lamp and its power rating.



0.25 amps


V = IR

125 = I(500)

I = 0.25 amps

What do organisms get when Glucose is broken down?




chemical energy  :)   yay...  we can live  :D  

the answer is chemical energy !!
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