Weights of 2-year-old girls are normally distributed with a mean of 253 lbs, and a standarddeviation of 1.12 lbs. According to this information, what weight would be the 33rd percentile? You must


Answer 1

We have here a case of a normally distributed variable. We can solve this kind of problem using the standard normal distribution, and the cumulative standard normal table (available in any Statistic Book, or on the internet).

We have that we can find z-scores to normalized the situation, and then, using the cumulative standard normal table, we can find the percentile. Then, we have:


In this case, we need to find the raw value, x. We need to find a z-score that represents that before it there are 33% of the cases for this distribution: in this case, the value for z is approximately equal to z = -0.44.

Now, we have the mean (253 lbs), and the standard deviation (1.12 lbs):


And now, we can determine the value, x, which is, approximately, the 33% percentile of this normal distribution:

1. Multiply by 1.12 to both sides of the equation:


2. Add 253 to both sides of the equation:

[tex]-0.4928+253=x-253+253\Rightarrow252.5072=x\Rightarrow x=252.5072[/tex]

Therefore, the weight that would be the 33rd percentile, is, approximately, x= 252.5072 or 252.51lbs (rounding to the nearest hundredth).

Related Questions

You deposit $300 in an account that pays 1.48% annual interest. What is the balance after 1 year if the interest is compound daily?


We are going to use the compound interest formula to solve:



P = initial balance

r = interest rate

n = number of times compounded annually

t = time

1.48% to a decimal


Since the interest is compounded daily, we will use 365 for n. Therefore:


Answer: $304.47

2 3/5 •3= ?A 13/15B 1 2/13C 6 3/5D 7 4/5




First of all,we multiply 5 and 2 i.e.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5\times2=10 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then,add 3 to this value.

It becomes 10+3=13



Now, we convert the obtained value in mixed fraction.

First we divide 39 by 5 and then write the remainder in numerator and dividend in the side as shown.


Here, when we divide we get 6 as divident and 4 as remainder, so we express it like this.

Hence, option (4) is correct.

Divide the polynomials using long division or synthetic division.
(x³ − 4x²+x+6) ÷ (x − 2)
(Type your answer in the box WITHOUT any spaces.)


Answer:To divide a polynomial by a binomial of the form  x - c using synthetic division.

Use the Remainder Theorem in conjunction with synthetic division to find a functional value.

Use the Factor Theorem in conjunction with synthetic division to find factors and zeros of a polynomial function.

Step-by-step explanation:

if you have the lessons this is what id do to solve this!

In the Itty Bitty High School, there are 85 students. There are 27 students whotake French, 51 who take Geometry and 38 who take History. There are 10 thattake Geometry and French, 7 that take History and French and 15 that takeGeometry and History. There are 2 students who take all 3 and 5 that take noneof these subjects.What it the probability that you randomly select a person who is a female giventhey are brown headed? *Fair ColorBrom Blonde Red87682SaleFemale34861271666Your answer





The probability would be the quotient between the number of people with these characteristics (female, brown hair) and the total number of people

[tex]\begin{gathered} p(\text{female and brown) }=\frac{66}{548+876+82+612+716+66}=\frac{66}{1450}=0.022 \\ p(\text{female and brown) }=2.2\text{\%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

A population of beetles are growing according to a linear growth model. The initial population (week 0) is Po = 9, and the population after 4 weeks is P4 = 25. Find an explicit formula for the beetle population after n weeks. Pn = After how many weeks will the beetle population reach 113?


Pn = 4n + 9

it will take 26 weeks


Po = 9

P4 = 25

the linear model will be in the form of linear equation:

y = mx + c

where c = Po

x = 4

y = P4 = 25

we insert to get the m = slope or rate of change

25 = m(4) + 9

25 = 4m + 9

25 - 9 = 4m

16 = 4m

m = 16/4

m = 4

Inserting the m and c into the equation of line:

y = 4x + 9

We are told represent the number of weeks with n. Hence, we replace our x with n.

Also, y = Pn

Pn = 4n + 9

when Pn = 113, n = ?

Pn = 4n + 9

113 = 4n + 9

113 - 9 = 4n

104 = 4n

104/4 = n

n = 26

Therefore, it will take 26 weeks for the beetle population to reach 113

QuestionThe population of deer in a national forest has consistently increased by 5% each year. This year, thepopulation of deer is 5, 000. If the population increases at the same rate, what number of deer isexpected to be in the national forest next year?



5250 deer


We know that the deer population increases by 5% each year. This means That if we start with a population of 5000, then next year the population will be 100% + 5% = 105% of 5000.

Now, what is 105% of 5000?

The answer is



Hence, the deer population after one year will be 5250.

We can solve the same problem with a somewhat different approach.

We know that the deer population increases by 5% per year. Then what is the deer population next year if we start with 5000 deer?

Next year the population will have increased by 5%.

Now, what is 5% of 5000?

The answer is



This means the population has increased by 250.

Therefore, the population next year is 5000 + 250 = 5250 deer.

Use this diagram to answer the questions
4b. 3
Part A
Which expression represents the area of the rectangle?
B. 6+ (40 - 3)
D. 2 x 6 x (40 - 3)
6+ (40 - 3) + 6 + (40 - 3)

Part B
Which expression is equivalent to the expression you chose in Part A?
B. 246 - 18
C. 80+ 6

Find the area of the rectangle if = 4 Enter your answer in the box
square units


We will answer the question given in the picture.

We can see from the question a part of a linear function, and we can see an open circle at the point (4, -2). We can also see that the arrow of the linear function indicates that the function continues infinitely.

To find the domain and the range of the function we need to remember that:

• The domain of a function is, roughly speaking, all of the values for which the function is defined. In general, is represented by all of the values of x for which this function is defined.


• The range of a function is, roughly speaking, all the values that the variable y, the dependent variable, takes for each of the values of the independent variable, x.

Therefore, if we check the graph, we have:

The domain of the function

1. The values for x are not defined for x = 4 (we can see a small open circle at the point (4, -2). However, the values for x continue infinitely after that. Therefore, the domain of the part shown is as follows:

[tex]\text{ Domain=}x>4[/tex]

And we can say that the domain of the function is for all of the values greater (not equal to x = 4) to positive infinity. We can write this in interval notation as follows:

[tex]\text{ Domain=}(4,\infty)[/tex]The range of the function

We can check from the graph that the values for y start from y = -2. However, y = -2 is not included since we have a small open circle that indicates that (see above).

Therefore, the range of the function is given by:


And we can say that the values of the range are less than y = -2 (not equal), and they are all smaller than y = -2 (for instance, -3, -4, -5.001, -10.222, and so on). The latter values are less than y = -2. We can write this in interval notation as follows:

[tex]\text{ Range=}(-2,-\infty)_[/tex]

Therefore, in summary, we can say that:

1. The inequality to represent the domain of the part shown is x > 4. It means that the domain is those values of the independent variable greater than x = 4 (not equal to 4), and these values extend to positive infinity.

2. The inequality to represent the range of the part shown is y < -2. It means that the range is those values of the dependent variable less than y = -2 (not equal to y = -2), and these values extend to negative infinity.

Donna run 7 miles in 60 minutes. At the same rate, how many miles would she run in 24 minutes?


We know how many miles she runs in 60 mins, we can make a rule of three to find the miles in 24 mins

So if she runs 7 miles in 60 mins

how many x miles in 24mins

x = (24mins*7miles)/60mins = (24*7miles)/60 = 2.8 miles

So, Donna runs 2.8 miles in 24mins.

I need help with this practice problem I need to know if I’m correct.


Let's draw a picture of our problem:

The trigonometric value function of the angle beta will have the same value of the trigonometric value function of theta. Then, in order to find the cosine of beta, we can use the following right triangle


[tex]\cos \beta=\cos \theta=\frac{-4}{\sqrt[]{61}}[/tex]

or equivalently

[tex]\cos \beta=\frac{-4}{61}\sqrt[]{61}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is correct.

I need help with 10 please it says to find the area of each shaded sector. And round to the hundredth place



SR = 26 m.

To find:

The area of shaded region.


Here, QR ~ PS. So, angle PTS = angle QTR.

So, angle PTS = 73 degrees.

To find the area of the shaded region, we have to subtract the area of unshaded region from the area of the circle.

Here, SR is the diameter and SR = 26. So, the radius of the circle is 13 m.

Since, the unshaded regions are similar to each other. So, the total area of the unshaded region is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=2\times\frac{73}{360}\times\frac{22}{7}\times(13)^2 \\ =\frac{542828}{2520} \\ =215.41m^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The area of the circle is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\pi r^2 \\ =\frac{22}{7}\times(13)^2 \\ =\frac{3718}{7} \\ =531.14 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the area of shaded region is:


Thus, the area of the shaded region is 315.73 m^2.

Seventh grade > Y.12 Area of compound figures with triangles MRGWhat is the area of this figure?3 mm4 mm8 mm2 mm5 mm6 mm3 mmWrite your answer using decimals, if necessary.square millimeters6 mm



Area of the figure = 72mm²



An irregular figure

To find:

the area of the figure

To determine the area, we will divide the figure into shapes with known areas

We have 1 triangle, 1 rectangle, and 1 square. We will find the area of each of the shapes

Area of triangle = 1/2 × base × height

height = 3mm

base = 4 + 3 + 1 = 8mm

[tex]\begin{gathered} Area\text{ of the triangle = }\frac{1}{2}\times8\times3 \\ \\ Area\text{ of the traingle = 12 mm}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Area of rectangle = length × width

length = 8mm, width = 3mm

[tex]\begin{gathered} Area\text{ of the rectangle = 8 }\times\text{ 3} \\ \\ Area\text{ of the rectangle = 24 mm}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Area of square = length²

length = 6 mm

[tex]\begin{gathered} Area\text{ of the square = 6}^2 \\ \\ Area\text{ of the square = 36 mm}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Area of the figure = Area of triangle + Area of the rectangle + Area of the square

[tex]\begin{gathered} Area\text{ of the figure = 12 + 24 + 36} \\ \\ Area\text{ of the figure = 72 mm}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find the diameter of the circle with an area of 14π squared inches. Round to the nearest hundredths. Please solve using this formula: Area= πr^2r=radius



Area of the circle

[tex]A=14\pi\text{ in.}^2[/tex]


To find the diameter of the circle.


The area of the circle is given by the formula:

[tex]A=\pi r^2[/tex]

Where r = radius of the circle

Put the given value of A.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 14\pi=\pi r^2 \\ r^2=14 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take the square root on both sides.

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=\sqrt{14} \\ r=3.741\text{ in.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now the diameter D= 2r

[tex]\begin{gathered} D=2\text{ }\times3.741 \\ D=7.482\text{ in.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:

The diameter of the circle D= 7.482 in,

2. What is the value of 'm' if 9m ÷ 9-3 = 95


Divide 9m by 9 which equals 1m then add 3 to both sides and you get m equals 98 which (because you don’t need the 1)


m = 98

Step-by-step explanation:

9m/9 - 3 = 95

9m/9 = 95 + 3

9m/9 = 98


9m = 98 × 9

9m = 882

Divide both sides by 9

m = 98

what is represented by 2 in the ordered pair (2,7)


In (2, 7), 2 is the input

What is the product of 2 1/2 and 1 1/4


First, we transform the mixed fractions into improper fractions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\frac{1}{2}=\frac{2\cdot2+1}{2}=\frac{5}{2}, \\ 1\frac{1}{4}=\frac{1\cdot4+1}{4}=\frac{5}{4}. \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we multiply the improper fractions:


Finally, we transform the improper fraction into a mixed fraction:




-x + 2y = 11 three points graphed please help !


We can see that we have the following equation:


And we can see that this is a linear equation in standard form:


And we need to graph the linear equation. To achieve that, we can proceed as follows:

1. We can find the intercepts of the linear function, and then we will have two points we can use to graph the line equation. We can find another point to graph it easier.

2. To find the x-intercept (the point where the line passes through the x-axis, and when y = 0) is as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -x+2y=11\rightarrow y=0 \\ \\ -x+2(0)=11 \\ \\ -x=11\Rightarrow x=-11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the x-intercept is (-11, 0).

3. To find the y-intercept (the point where the line passes through the y-axis, and when x = 0) is as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -x+2y=11\rightarrow x=0 \\ \\ 2y=11 \\ \\ \frac{2y}{2}=\frac{11}{2} \\ \\ y=5.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the y-intercept is 5.5 (0, 5.5).

4. Since we have a decimal, and to be more precise, we can find another point. To do that, we can try with x = 5:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -x+2y=11 \\ \\ -5+2y=11 \\ \\ -5+5+2y=11+5 \\ \\ 2y=16\Rightarrow y=\frac{16}{2}=8 \\ \\ y=8 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then we have another pair to graph the function: (5, 8).

5. We can find another point, using x = -5. Then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -x+2y=11 \\ \\ -(-5)+2y=11 \\ \\ 5+2y=11\Rightarrow5-5+2y=11-5 \\ \\ 2y=6 \\ \\ \frac{2y}{2}=\frac{6}{2}\Rightarrow y=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, another point is (-5, 3)

5. Now, with these values, we can sketch the graph of the line as follows (we will use (-5, 3) and (5, 8), and we will see that the line passes through the point (0, 5.5):

• (-11, 0),, (-5, 3),, (0, 5.5), ,(5, 8)

Therefore, we can see the points: (-5, 3), (0, 5.5), and (5, 8) are three points that solve the equation -x + 2y = 11, since they lie on that line:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -(-5)+2(3)=11 \\ \\ 5+6=11 \\ \\ 11=11\text{ \lparen It is true\rparen} \\ \\ \text{ And we can follow the same steps for the other two points:} \\ \\ -(0)+2(5.5)=11 \\ \\ 11=11 \\ \\ \text{ And} \\ \\ -5+2(8)=11 \\ \\ -5+16=11 \\ \\ 11=11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, in summary, we graphed the linear function as follows, and we found that the three points on the graph solve the equation -x + 2y = 11, that is, (-5, 3), (0, 5.5), and (5, 8):

What makes 3 + 7 + 2 = 0 + 2 true?


Assuming that the question for this case is:


We can subtract in both sides of the equation 2 and we got:


And the solution for this case would be 10

starting with the graph of f(x)=8^x write the equation of the graph that results from Shifting f(x) 5 units upward y=____shifting f(x) 9 units to the left y=____reflecting f(x) about the x axis and the y axis y=


We have the following:



for there to be an upward displacement, we must add the function the value that we want it to rise, like this



for there to be a shift to the left, we must add the exponent from the value we want it to rise, like this



for there to be a shift to the left, we must subtract the exponent from the value we want it to rise, like this

The inverse is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=8^x \\ x=8^y \\ \ln x=y\cdot\ln 8 \\ y=\frac{\ln x}{\ln 8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is

[tex]f(x)=\frac{\ln x}{\ln 8}[/tex]

Having trouble understanding


Since the value of the coin collection rises proportionally every year, this functions exponentially.

What are exponential functions?

The exponential function in mathematics is represented by the symbols f(x)=exp or ex. The word, unless otherwise stated, normally refers to the positive-valued function of a real variable, though it can be extended to the complex numbers or adapted to other mathematical objects like matrices or Lie algebras. f(x) = bx, where b > 0 and b 1, is the formula for an exponential function. B is referred to as the base and x is referred to as the exponent, just like in any exponential expression. Bacterial proliferation is an illustration of an exponential function. Some bacteria grow by two folds per hour. The exponent is the independent variable, or x-value, in an exponential function, while the base is a fixed value. An exponential function would be, for instance, y = 2x. Here is what that appears to be.

To know more about exponential function ,visit:



can you help me with this question


Since B is the midpoint of AC, we can conclude:

[tex]\begin{gathered} AC=AB+BC \\ also \\ AB=BC \\ so\colon \\ 6x+1=2x+9 \\ solve_{\text{ }}for_{\text{ }}x\colon \\ 6x-2x=9-1 \\ 4x=8 \\ x=\frac{8}{4} \\ x=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

A survey was done on the drink preferences of shoppers at the mall. The results are shown in the table. What is the probability that a shopper, chosen at random, will prefer neither Drink D nor Drink C?



Case: probability


From the table,

The probability that a shopper will prefer neither D nor C is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Pr(NotDorC) \\ =\frac{n(AorBorE)}{Total} \\ =\frac{9+11+5}{46} \\ =\frac{25}{46} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:

The probability that a shopper will prefer neither Drink D nor C:


Find the derivatives of the following using the different rules.1. y = 3x + 29


To find the derivative of the given function, we can use the power rule.

[tex]ax^n\Rightarrow nax^{n-1}[/tex]

In this rule, we multiply the exponent of the variable by its numerical coefficient and then subtract 1 from the exponent.

For this function y = 3x + 29, we have two terms. These are 3x and 29. We need to apply the power rule for each term.

Let's start with 3x.


The first derivative for 3x is 3.

For the term 29, since there is no variable, the derivative for 29 is 0.

So, the first derivative of y = 3x + 29 is y' = 3 + 0 or just y' = 3.


A large survey of countries including the USA, China, Russia, France, and others indicated that most people prefer the color blue. In fact, about 24% of the population claim blue as their favorite color. Suppose a random sample of 86 college students were surveyed and 30 of them said that blue is their favorite color. Does this information imply that the color preference of all college students is different (either way) from that of the general population? Use α = 0.05.1. State your null and alternate hypothesis. What is the level of significance? Will you use a left tail, right tail or two-tail test?2. What is the value of the test statistic. 3.lFind the P-value. Sketch the sampling distribution z = to show the area corresponding to the P-value. 4. Based on 1-3, will you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? Are the data statistically significant at level α ? State your conclusion in the context of the application.


We have to perform an hypothesis test of a proportion.

The claim is that the sample has a different proportion than the population.

Then, the null and alternative hypothesis are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} H_0\colon\pi=0.24 \\ H_a\colon\pi\neq0.24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The significance level is 0.05.

The sample has a size n=86.

The sample proportion is p=0.349.


The standard error of the proportion is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sigma_p=\sqrt{\dfrac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}=\sqrt[]{\dfrac{0.24\cdot0.76}{86}} \\ \sigma_p=\sqrt{0.002121}=0.046 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we can calculate the z-statistic as:


This test is a two-tailed test*, so the P-value for this test is calculated as:

[tex]\text{P-value}=2\cdot P(z>2.241)=0.025[/tex]

* We use a two-tailed test because we are looking for difference above or below the population proportion.

As the P-value (0.025) is smaller than the significance level (0.05), the effect is significant.

The null hypothesis is rejected.

At a significance level of 0.05, there is enough evidence to support the claim that the sample has a different proportion than the population.


1) The null and alternative hypothesis are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} H_0\colon\pi=0.24 \\ H_a\colon\pi\neq0.24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

2) The test statistic is z=2.241.

3) The P-value is 0.025. The value in the standard normal distribution is:

4) As the effect is significant (the P-value is less than the significance level), there is evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

The conclusion is that this sample has a proportion that is significantly different from that from the population.

2 + 2 what is it I need to know please :/



The answer is 4



Step-by-step explanation:

when you add them together you get 4

which equation represents the graph shown below?A. y=4sin(pi/80x)+5B. y=5cos(pi/80x)+4C. y=4cos(pi/80x)+5D. y=5sin(pi/80x)+4


Since the amplitud of the function is 5 and it starts on (0,9) we can say that the function is:


Are these events independent or dependent? A. Rolling a 6-sided dice twice and recording whether the outcome was even or odd. B. Picking a number from a hat, recording the number and keeping the slip out of the hat, then picking a second number from the same hatA. dependent ; independentB. independent; dependentC. independent ; independentD. dependent ; dependent



What are the coefficients in the expression 32x + 24y - 15z?



32, 24, 15

Step-by-step explanation:

A coefficient is a number that comes before a variable, so therefor 32 24 and 15 are the coefficients.

When a tow truck is called, the cost of the service is $150 plus $5 per mile that the car must be towed.
Write and graph a linear equation to represent the total cost of the towing service, which is dependent on the number of miles the car is towed.
Find and interpret the slope and y-intercept of the linear equation


The linear equation to represent the total cost of the towing service is;

C = 150 + 5x.

What is defined as the term linear equation?A linear equation is one in which the variable's highest power is always 1. A one-degree equation is another name for it. A linear equation inside one variable has the standard form Ax + B = 0.

For the given question,

The fixed cost of towing service = $150.

The variable cost per mile = $5.

Let the number of miles be 'x'.

The total cost be 'C'.

Thus, the equation becomes;

C = 150 + 5x.

C = 5x + 150 (linear equation to represent the total cost of the towing service)

Find the slope and  y-intercept of the linear equation;

Comparing the equation with the slope intercept form of line;

y = mx + c

slope m = 5

y-intercept c = 150.

Thus, the  linear equation to represent the total cost of the towing service is; C = 150 + 5x.

To know more about the linear equation, here



Mark says that an angle showing a turn through of a circle that is 10 inches across


The question involves comparing the measure of two angles different circles

For the first circle

The angle turn through 1/4 of a circle, which means that the circle turns through 90 degrees

For the second circle that is 10 inches across

The angle also turned through 1/4 of the circle. This also implies that the circle turns through 90 degrees


The angle turned by the two circles is the same. Hence, Mark is not correct

Which statements describe one of the transformations performed on f(x) = x²to create g(x) = 3(x+5)² -2? Choose all that apply.A. A vertical stretch with a scale factor of 3B. A translation of 2 units to the leftC. A translation of 5 units to the left□ D. A vertical stretch with a scale factor of eP


The transformations performed on the function f(x) to create g(x) include : a vertical stretch with a scale factor of 3 and a translation of 5 units to the left.

We are given a function f(x). The function f(x) is defined as x². We also have another function, g(x). The function g(x) is defined as g(x) = 3(x + 5)² - 2. The function g(x) is formed by performing several transformations on the function f(x). The first transformation is translating the function to the left by 5 units. The next transformation is stretching the function vertically by a scale factor of 3. The last transformation is translating the function downward by 2 units.

To learn more about transformations, visit :



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