Was Swift's A Modest Proposal Effective?


Answer 1

Although A Modest Proposal was a powerful piece of writing, the rural Irish poor were unaffected by it. A little more than a century later, thousands of people would perish in the Great Famine.

According to A Modest Proposal, the most straightforward solution to Ireland's economic crisis is for the people to use their children as food. Surprisingly, it also provides a range of possibilities for preparation and serving. The author's true perspective is only revealed in the essay's conclusion paragraphs when the emphasis is shifted to the realities of the Irish economic system and the problems caused by absentee landlords. The narrator of the essay highlights the tragedy of what Swift is actually advocating with a distanced, solemn tone.

To learn more about The Modest Proposal, tap here:



Related Questions

What happens when two people open their hearts?


when two people open their hearts they get better. Opening your heart helps you heal.

Give in to anxiety, worry, and uncertainty to overcome it. To accomplish this, open your heart wide like a butterfly net to catch scary ideas.Don't overcome anything; simply be there and watch life's nonsense.Develop your attention and concentration, and unite with your ever-present breath.Train your mind to get rid of the clutter by allowing it to naturally fade away.Although the mind is incredibly complex, training it is incredibly easy.The secret is to refocus our attention to the present moment by using affirmations to improve our perception of ourselves.Simple if done consistently without any other objectives except total effort and awareness.Happy recovery and success on your journey.

Learn more about  open heart to visit this link



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don't understand your question maybe you should snap the book cover

What was the theme of Thomas Jefferson inaugural address ?


Thomas Jefferson's first inaugural speech focused on unity.

What did Thomas Jefferson's inaugural speech center on? He made an effort to end the party animosity over the preceding ten years. For the election of the president and vice president, party tickets were established by the Twelfth Amendment.

Thomas Jefferson attempts to mend the rifts caused by the Election of 1800 in his First Inaugural Address, which is dated March 4, 1801. He lays out what he sees as the core values of the government, which will form the cornerstone of his administration.

He refused to ride in a carriage to be sworn in, breaking the tradition set by George Washington and John Adams, and instead chose to walk up Capitol Hill along what is now Pennsylvania Avenue.

To learn more about  Pennsylvania please click on below link



Expand the following sentence to include two prepositional phrases. Add a comment to explain why the use of prepositional phrases improves the sentence.

The man pounded his fists and cried out.


In order to expand the following sentence to include two prepositional phrases and to add a comment to explain why the use of prepositional phrases improves the sentence, this would become: "As the house burned, the man pounded his fists and cried out."

What is a Prepositional Phrase?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the group of words that is used to modify the object of the sentence that contains a preposition, and an object.

Hence, it can be seen that from the original sentence, we can see that this is a simple sentence, but to improve the sentence, a prepositional phrase was added and this is "As the house burned" which gives more information about why the man was crying out and pounded his fist on the desk"

Read more about prepositional phrases here:



What are the 5 elements of theme?


The factors essential on your tale or themes shape are character, plot, setting, and tension.

Balancing those factors is step one to creating your innovative writing amazing

Plot, Setting, Character, Conflict, Symbol, and Point of View are the primary factors which fiction writers use to expand a tale and its Theme.

These 5 additives are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution. These vital factors maintain the tale walking easily and permit the movement to expand in a logical manner that the reader can follow.

Read more about theme;



What are 4 ways that a pathogen can be prevented?


Immunize yourself against contagious illnesses. routinely and thoroughly wash and dry your hands, If you're unwell, stay home. The four approaches to avoid pathogens are to cover coughs and sneezes.

About Pathogens

In science, a pathogen would be any organism or agent with the potential to cause illness. Another name for a pathogen is an infectious agent or just a germ.

In the 1880s, the word "pathogen" first became in use. An infectious microbe or agent, like a virus, bacteria, protozoan, prion, viroid, or fungus, is typically referred to as a pathogen. Insects and helminths are examples of small animals that may carry or spread illness. Instead of being called pathogens, these creatures are more commonly referred to as parasites. Microbiology is the study of micro organisms, especially tiny harmful organisms, whereas parasitology is the study of parasites as well as the hosts of parasites.

To know more about pathogen:



What is an open mind relationship?


An open-minded Relationship simply means being able to temporarily put one's natural preconceptions on hold and reflect on one's unconscious bias in order to consider the potential of an alternative concept, scenario, or reality.

Over time, there has developed the misconception that the term "open-minded" in a partnership is a catchall for "anything goes." As previously stated, the term "open-minded" has been used as a euphemism while discussing partnerships for years.

Being open-minded does not imply the absence of morals, standards, or beliefs about what is right or wrong. Rather, it entails letting go of preconceived notions about others and, whenever feasible, expanding the spectrum of people with whom you could contemplate developing a connection.

To know more about Relationships, refer to this link:



After you have read the poem thoroughly, present your analysis of the poem in an essay. Think of a major claim that you can make about the poem and build an argument to support that claim using evidence from the text. (An essay that contains such an argument is called an explication of a poem.) Your claim may be a specific interpretation of the poem, a view about the poet's attitude toward the subject, the relationship of the subject to the historical context of the poem, the significance of some element of the poem's form, or another similar type of analysis.

Your essay should include the following:

your interpretation of the poem
textual evidence to support your interpretation
an analysis of specific elements of the poem
a discussion of how specific elements of the poem (such as theme, figurative language, or structure) affect the meaning of the entire poem
a major claim about the poem
an argument to support your claim
Use Internet resources for help on crafting your essay, such as the ones below:

Purdue University's Online Writing Lab
Questions and answers about explications from Vanderbilt University
You can also consult other essays and discussions about the poem you choose. Be sure to cite any ideas in your essay that came from the Internet or other sources, and remember to cite all the resources you used for ideas as well as direct quotes in your essay by using in-text citations and providing a works cited list in MLA format.

Insert your essay in the space provided.
Here are a few points I made to help your answer.
-Work without hope By Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It looked the most interesting, and the easiest to follow and analyze.
-The main theme of the poem is eternal nature and how it is when compared to how fragile and insignificant men can really be. the tone is appreciation and despair. The poem is a sonnet, it consists of twelve rhyming verses plus a couplet. It also uses rhyme throughout in order to provide rhythmto the poem.


Answer: I call this a Petal paragraph: Point, Evidence, Technique, analysis, and link. Add those and u will be fine! Start off with something you find interesting about the poem explain why and use P.E.T.A.L.

This passage is excerpted from Federalist Paper No. 5, published in 1787. In it, statesman John Jay discusses the potential effects of dividing the U.S. into several different nations.
The history of Great Britain is the one with which we are in general the best acquainted, and it gives us many useful lessons. We may profit by their experience without paying the price which it cost them. Although it seems obvious to 5 common sense that the people of such an island should be but one nation, yet we find that they were for ages divided into three, and that those three were almost constantly embroiled in quarrels and wars with one another. Notwithstanding their true interest with respect to the continental nations was really 10 the same, yet by the arts and policy and practices of those nations, their mutual jealousies were perpetually kept inflamed, and for a long series of years they were far more inconvenient and troublesome than they were useful and assisting to each other. Should the people of America divide themselves into three or four nations, would not the same thing happen? Would not similar jealousies arise, and be in like manner cherished? Instead of their being "joined in affection" and "free from all apprehension of different interests," envy and jealousy would 20 soon extinguish confidence and affection, and the partial interests of each confederacy, instead of the general interests of all America, would be the only objects of their policy and pursuits. Hence, like most other bordering nations, they would always be either involved in disputes and war, or live 25 in the constant apprehension of them. The most sanguine advocates for three or four confederacies cannot reasonably suppose that they would long remain exactly on an equal footing in point of strength, even if it was possible to form them so at first; but, admitting 30 that to be practicable, yet what human contrivance can secure the continuance of such equality? Independent of those local circumstances which tend to beget and increase power in one part and to impede its progress in another, we must advert to the effects of that superior policy and good management
which would probably distinguish the government of one above the rest, and by which their relative equality strength and consideration would be destroyed. For it cannot be presumed that the same degree of sound policy, prudence, and foresight would uniformly be observed by each of these
confederacies for a long succession of years. Whenever, and from whatever causes, it might happen, and happen it would, that any one of these nations or confederacies should rise on the scale of political importance much above the degree of her neighbors, that moment would 45 those neighbors behold her with envy and with fear. Both those passions would lead them to countenance, if not to promote, whatever might promise to diminish her importance; and would also restrain them from measures calculated to advance or even to secure her prosperity. Much 50 time would not be necessary to enable her to discern these unfriendly dispositions. She would soon begin, not only to lose confidence in her neighbors, but also to feel a disposition equally unfavorable to them. Distrust naturally creates distrust, and by nothing is good-will and kind conduct more 55 speedily changed than by invidious jealousies and uncandid imputations, whether expressed or implied. The North is generally the region of strength, and many local circumstances render it probable that the most Northern of the proposed confederacies would, at a period not very 60 distant, be unquestionably more formidable than any of the others. No sooner would this become evident than the Northern Hive would excite the same ideas and sensations in the more southern parts of America which it formerly did in th southern parts of Europe. Nor does it appear to be a rash 65 conjecture that its young swarms might often be tempted to gather honey in the more blooming fields and milder air of their luxurious and more delicate neighbors. They who well consider the history of similar divisions and confederacies will find abundant reason to apprehend 70 that those in contemplation would in no other sense be neighbors than as they would be borderers; that they would neither love nor trust one another, but on the contrary would be a prey to discord, jealousy, and mutual injuries; in short, that they would place us exactly in the situations in which 75 some nations doubtless wish to see us, viz., formidable only to each other.
The author’s central claim in the passage is that:______.
(A) since bordering nations are naturally competitive, the U.S. should avoid division.
(B) since Britain is experienced in the art of war, the U.S. should imitate their policies.
(C) since the North is stronger than the South, multiple confederacies are inevitable.
(D) since unity is critical to the future of the U.S., a new form of government is needed.


This passage is excerpted from Federalist Paper No. 5, published in 1787. The author’s central claim in the passage is that: since bordering nations are naturally competitive, the U.S. should avoid division.

The Federalist Papers were written and published in order to persuade New Yorkers to ratify the proposed United States Constitution, which had been drafted in Philadelphia during the summer of 1787.

Hamilton, Jay, and Madison argued in the Federalist Papers that the Articles of Confederation's decentralization of power prevented the new nation from becoming strong enough to compete on the world stage or to quell internal insurgencies like Shays' Rebellion.

Hence, the correct answer is "A".

To know more about Federalist Paper, click here.



When did mandated reporting start in Illinois?


Certain categories of public and private sector employees in Illinois have been obligated by state law since 1975 to notify the government right away if they suspect child abuse or neglect.

A wide range of professions are required by Illinois (and all other states) to report any suspicion of child abuse. The term "mandated reporters" refers to these professionals as well as anyone else who is compelled by law to report any suspicion of abuse or neglect. In California, the first child abuse reporting statute was passed in 1963. Only doctors were required to report physical abuse under that earlier statute. The concept of reportable child abuse and the people who must report it have undergone several modifications over the years.

In the middle of the 1960s, mandatory reporting rules were implemented in the United States. These laws served as a reaction to a deemed social issue.

To learn more about implemented please click on below link



What made BTS famous?


In the year 2013, BTS won Best New Artist at the South Korean Melon Music Awards, which was their first important distinction.

BTS made a number of firsts in 2013, including the release of their debut album "2 Cool 4 Skool" and "O! RUL8,2' to their year's first live performance. They received their first significant honor at the South Korean Melon Music Awards later that year when they were named Best New Artist. BTS won the top place in a weekly music performance event on one of Korea's three major television broadcast networks a few years after its 2015 debut.

However, unlike the Korean big three, Bang would let his stars communicate with their fans and write their own music as a means of self-expression. BTS would become the most well-known band in the world thanks to this relative freedom, and Bang would become a multibillionaire.

To know more about BTS Band, refer to this link:




You find an article that says,

"Fed up with whiny, lazy students who are only looking to make the grade, some professors are striking back. Their weapon: Rate Your Students, a blog maintained by an anonymous faculty member, who collects rants from across the United States (and Canada)."

You already knew from your teacher that this was happening, and you looked up the article to include in your paper. You write:

"Faculty members across the United States and Canada are tired of being the only ones that get rated. They decided to rate their students."

Choose the best answer.

A. You don't need to cite this because you already knew this information.

B. You don't need to cite this because you did not use specific information from the

C. You need to cite this because you paraphrased.

D. You need to cite this because it is common knowledge.

E. You don't need to cite this because it is common knowledge.


Answer: C

Explanation: If you used an article, you need to say where you got the information from




Even if you knew this information, you looked it up and rephrased it using said paragraphs, It was the idea of the paragraphs and you wrote it based on that. Therefore, you have to cite it.

intexticated is a term that can describe a person who is distracted by texting while they are driving. True/False ?


this answer would be considered true

Quotations from 'A Christmas Carol' that link to the
term catalyst:


The catalyst in 'A Christmas Carol' is referred to as a ghost, quotations from this story that links to the term catalyst are - "If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child shall die".

What is 'A Christmas Carol'?

A Carol for Christmas. with prose. A Christmas Carol, also known to be a Ghost Story of Christmas, is a novella by Charles Dickens that was originally published in 1843 in London by Chapman & Hall and illustrated by John Leech. The tale of Ebenezer Scrooge, an old miser who receives visits from the ghost of his former employer Jacob Marley as well as the souls of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come, is told in the Christmas Carol. Scrooge changes into a nicer, gentler man after their visits. Dickens' A Christmas Carol was written at a time when the British were reexamining both older Christmas practices like songs and contemporary ones like letters and Christmas trees. He was influenced by his own childhood memories as well as the Christmas tales written by other authors, such as Washington Irving and Douglas Jerrold.

The catalyst in 'A Christmas Carol' is referred to as a ghost, quotations from this story that links to the term catalyst are - "If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child shall die".

To know more about Christmas carols, visit:



How do you know if you have an open heart?


If you are kind, honest, and loving, then it means you have an open heart.

When you open your heart it brings a new sense of joy. Living with an open heart is exciting, thrilling, and terrifying. It's all about holding space for ourselves so we can know and respect who we are, and heal ourselves and others around us.

Being open heart helps us understand that nothing is more precious than loving ourselves for who we are. One must forgive, heal and feel their emotions deeper and higher. It helps us attract the love and life we want.

An open-hearted person will be open and very honest about their feelings. They will be very accepting and not judgmental of others. They will be sincere, kind, generous, and very compassionate.

To know more about Open-hearted,



which option is the best hook to introduce an argumentative essay about why it is important for kids to have a hobby


According to the given statement Like their parents' generation, today's kids don't have as many hobbies.

What is a sample of an argumentative essay?

A successful argumentation essay includes the author's opinions and views in addition to facts and evidence to support its arguments. For example, you might have wanted to make the case in an academic argument that your classmates would enjoy visiting New York.

What subject matter dominates an argumentative essay?

The goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to concur with and back up your viewpoint on a subject by articulating your arguments and supporting them with facts. It's critical to strike the right balance between detailing credible research and expressing your ideas.

To know more about Argumentative visit:



is the sentence "he didn't realize his last chance was walking out the door" personification or hyperbole?


This would be hyperbole

Read this sentence.
Project Gutenberg was the first project to give an offer of an online tool that offered free books that cost nothing to anyone who could
access or use the Internet.

Which of the following is the most concise way to write this sentence without losing important information?
Select one:
a. A project called Project Gutenberg was the first to offer an online tool that offered free books to anyone who could access or use
the Internet.
b. Project Gutenberg was the first to offer free books to anyone who could access the Internet.
c. Project Gutenberg was the first project to give an offer of free books to anyone.
d.The first online tool for everyone was Project Gutenberg.


We can see here that  the most concise way to write this sentence without losing important information is: B. Project Gutenberg was the first to offer free books to anyone who could access the Internet.

What is a concise writing?

Concise writing is the type of writing that is straightforward and free of extraneous words or imprecise wording. In your writing, conciseness and clarity are crucial. It can be tempting to use more words or phrases to make your writing sound more scholarly or professional.

We can see that in concise writing, there is no need for too many information. It is very important to note that concise writing entails writing in a straightforward way. The goal seen in concise writing is the making use of effective words that can still retain the main points.

We see here that option selected is correct.

Learn more about concise writing on https://brainly.com/question/26720309


Read the passage from a raisin in the sun. beneatha (with a grand and bitter gesture): this, friends, is the welcoming committee! walter (dumfounded, looking at lindner): is this what you came marching all the way over here to tell us? lindner: well, now we've been having a fine conversation. i hope you'll hear me all the way through— walter (tightly): go ahead, man. which words from the text best support a sarcastic tone? "welcoming committee" "marching" "hear me" "go ahead"


In the passage from Raisin in the Sun, the word from the text that best supports a sarcastic tone is “welcoming committee”.

A sarcastic tone, also known as verbal irony, is used to convey a meaning opposite to what is actually said. In other words, sarcasm occurs when a speaker says one thing, but actually means the opposite. Sarcasm is a literary device that utilizes irony to mock someone or something or convey contempt. It is the use of words that refer to the opposite of what the speaker or writer intends, particularly to insult or show irritation. Furthermore, an author may utilize sarcasm to add humor or cynicism. In the given passage from Raisin in the Sun, the word that best supports a sarcastic tone is “welcoming committee” which is said by Beneatha with a grand and bitter gesture which is opposite of her intent.

Learn more about Sarcastic tone:




“Welcoming Committee”


The answer above is correct.

What is Cugoano's purpose in this excerpt to prove?


Cugoano's goal in this section is to show the horrors of slavery.

The author used the scenario to demonstrate how relationships must be jeopardized in order for slavery to survive. The slaves felt sorrow and horror as a result of the cruelties they suffered. The purpose of Cugoano's play is to demonstrate the atrocities of slavery. It was done to depict the challenges and denial of freedom that slaves endured.Sancho pushes for aggressive action, whilst Cugoano urges individuals to make minor changes to eradicate slavery. Sancho appeals to the whole public, but Cugoano appeals to his audience directly. Sancho is less tolerant than Cugoano because he is encouraging swift action.

Thus this is the Cugoano's purpose.

To learn more about Cugoano's purpose, refer: https://brainly.com/question/19667212


How does the allusion to Acheron add to the sinister
mood in this part of the play?

O by implying that Macbeth will gain connections to the underworld

O by establishing that Macbeth will assume control of more territory

O by suggesting that Macbeth is closer to death than he realizes

O by explaining how Macbeth rose to his position of


Does the allusion to Acheron add to the sinister mood in this part of the play by implying that Macbeth will gain connections to the underworld.

What is the allusion?

Allusion is a figure of speech where an item or incident from a different context is subtly or indirectly referenced. The audience is expected to draw an obvious connection. The relationship is typically referred to as a reference when it is clearly stated by the author.

When we make a suggestion and count on the other person to get the reference, we are using an allusion. For instance: His Kryptonite is chocolate. The word "kryptonite" in this instance relates to or suggests the superhero, Superman.

The Acheron's Pit One of the rivers of Hades according to Greek mythology is Acheron. The word "pit" in this context may refer to a cave or dark ravine that is said to open up into the underworld.

Therefore, Thus, option (A) is correct.

Learn more about the allusion here:



by the end of the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, how has macbeth most clearly changed since the beginning of the play?


By the end of Act III, Macbeth has become a power-hungry tyrant who is willing to do anything to maintain his own power. His ambition has caused him to lose touch with his morality and he has become a cruel and ruthless ruler.

The tragedy of Macbeth is a cautionary tale about the dangers of ambition. At the beginning of Macbeth, the protagonist is a brave and loyal man, who is respected and admired by all who know him. He is a devoted husband and a loyal subject of Duncan, the King of Scotland. He is a man of honor who values his own personal integrity and the integrity of Scotland more than anything. In Act III, however, Macbeth has changed drastically. His ambition has taken over his sense of morality and he has become a cruel and ruthless tyrant, willing to do anything to keep his throne.

The most striking change in Macbeth is his willingness to use violence and murder to secure his own power. At the beginning of the play, he is deeply disturbed by the thought of murdering Duncan to fulfill the witches’ prophecy. But by the end of Act III, Macbeth has committed three murders, the most recent of which is the assassination of Banquo. He has become so consumed by his ambition that he is willing to shed innocent blood in order to protect his own power.

Learn more about Macbeth at :https://brainly.com/question/27037865


What's the Difference Between Your Story's Theme and Its Message?


The message is to follow your ambitions despite obstacles. By putting an end to the conflicts in a certain way, resolutions also bring any themes in the tale to a close.

One final time, the key themes are emphasized to further impress them onto the audience. The author's final opportunity to engage the reader and make any closing arguments is in the resolution. Even though the characters may sometimes experience suffering while the issue is resolved, it always does. Illustrations of Resolution. A quarrel between two friends over a boy ends when they understand that friendship comes first, and the boy eventually leaves the town nevertheless.

Learn more about Themes here:



Who is the most popular band in the world right now?


The largest group at the time is the South Korean boy band BTS. They are currently ranked first in the Billboard Artist 100 and have been on the chart for an amazing 249 weeks as of the week of July 24th, 2021.

The BandLab NME Awards 2022's Best Band In The World winner is Fontaines D.C. At the BandLab NME Awards 2022, Fontaines D.C. won the prize for Best Band In The World. The Weeknd has the most number of monthly Spotify listeners among male artists as of December 2022, while Taylor Swift has the highest number of monthly Spotify listeners among female artists. The most popular male and female artists are Ariana Grande and Ed Sheeran, respectively.

To learn more about amazing please click on below link



this structure is a pavilion fabricated from commerically-available plastic tubes.


The structure that is a pavilion fabricated from commerically-available plastic tubes is called PIPE pavilion.

What is the PIPE pavilion?

Students studying architecture worked under Farnaz Fattahi's guidance and supervision to build the Khayam University PIPE pavilion.

With the help of practical building methods and digital resources, this temporary pavilion explores the relationship between conceptual design thinking and these elements. 2.9 meters high and 6 meters wide, this pavilion's framework is made of wood.

A cardboard-based organism protrudes through the rough concrete surface and declares its existence there.

Therefore, the 1014 recycled cardboard pipes that make up the creature have a sustainability identity and mirror the idea of upcycling. 28 architecture students worked under Farnaz Fattahi's direction to assemble the sculpture known as the PIPE pavilion. The undertaking encourages the idea of reducing trash and pollutants as an upcycling effort.

Learn more about pollutants recycling from


Which statement describes the majority party in the US Senate ?


The phrase used to characterize the US Senate's majority party is The majority party is represented by each of the sixteen chairpersons.

The Senate has full legislative power along with the House of Representatives. The Senate also has the only power to grant or withhold its "advice and consent" to treaties negotiated by the government, as well as to accept or reject presidential nominees to executive and judicial posts.The only body with the authority to approve treaties and confirm presidential nominations is the Senate. However, there are two exceptions to this rule: any treaty involving international trade and the approval of Vice President nominees by the House.

Thus this is the statement that describes the majority party in the US Senate.

Refer here to learn more about US Senate: https://brainly.com/question/16931085


What is the message in the poem this is just to say?


Temptation, Guilt, and the Pursuit of Simple Pleasures "This Is Just To Say" is a poem about the modest joys of ordinary living.

To demonstrate this, the poem depicts a speaker eating frozen plums that another person—possibly the speaker's lover—was storing.

Message and Meaning The term meaning refers to the concepts presented in the poem as a whole - the poem's sense or message.

We regularly use the phrases concept, subject, motif, and meaning while discussing poetry. Typically, the term "idea" refers to a concept, principle, system, approach, or plan.

The message, or theme, of a tale is what the author wishes to educate you via his or her writing. Some stories contain a message known as a moral or a life lesson.

Learn more about to  poem  visit here;



I will give u brainiest if u answer my question correctly :)
Find the surface area of this prism


The surface area of the prism is given as follows:

216 cm².

How to obtain the surface area?

The surface area of a prism is obtained with the sum of the areas of each part of the prism.

The pars of the prism are all rectangular, and the dimensions of each part are given as follows:

2 rectangles with dimensions 6 cm and 9 cm.4 rectangles with dimensions 3 cm and 9 cm.

The area of a rectangle is given by the multiplication of the two dimensions that compose the rectangle.

Then, considering the six rectangles, the surface area of the prism in this problem is given as follows:

Surface area = 2 x 6 x 9 + 4 x 3 x 9 = 216 cm².

(the area is in cm² as the dimensions are in cm, as cm x cm = cm²).

More can be learned about surface areas at brainly.com/question/16519513


Seth's natural history professor is lecturing about the different ages of evolution. As the professor talks about them, Seth thinks about an image to go
with each one to help him remember the name. What is he doing?
OA repeating the words out loud
OB. creating a mental picture
OC doodling
OD. taking notes


OB. Creating a mental picture.


Creating a mental picture


It says that Seth thinks about an image to go with each one, meaning that he is creating a mental picture.

What is the main purpose of soliloquy?


Soliloquies help to reveal many vital character emotions key to the plot. They help the audience achieve a better understanding of the character’s emotions, feelings, attitudes and thoughts.

A soliloquy is a speech delivered aloud by a character in a play that is solely audible to that character and the audience.

It can be utilized to expose to the spectators a character's emotions and thoughts or crucial plot facts that we wouldn't otherwise know about.

Many literary devices are frequently used by authors and playwrights to aid the audience in understanding a play more fully.

The soliloquy is a component that appears frequently in plays. In any drama, soliloquies play a crucial role. When a character expresses their ideas to themselves directly in front of the audience, this is known as a soliloquy.

The function and purpose of these soliloquies in the play is for the audience to develop a further understanding of a character’s thoughts, to advance the story line and create a general mood for the play.

To know more about soliloquy, visit:



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A firm is operating in the United States with only two other competitors in the industry.a. It is likely this industry would be characterized as:multiple choice 1monopolistically competitive.pure monopoly.perfectly competitive.oligopoly. Use your knowledge of social networking sites and the vocabulary that you learned in this unit to create a personal profile page in French. Review the Social Networking tutorial to fill out each category in the table correctly.For this task, you can use information that is specific to you, or you can make up information. As always, be creative and practice the vocabulary you learned. Insert a picture (of you or someone else) above the table, then fill out the table. Comparative Vs. SuperlativeComplete the sentences using the comparative form.1. It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere____ (quit)?2. The weather is too cold here. I'd like to live somewhere______ (warm)3. You're talking very loudly. Can you speak_____ (quiet)4. Unfortunately her illness was we thought at first,____ (serious)5. The exam was than I expected_______ (difficult)6. Going by train is than driving_______ (expensive)7. You're than me._________ (old)8. Can you walk a bit ?______ (fast)9. It's to live in a big house,________ (comfortable)10. I'd like to have a car________ (big)Complete the sentences using a superlative.1. This hotel is in town.________ (cheap)2. This building is building in the town.______ (old)3. It's university in the world._______ (famous)4. It's one of rooms in the hotel._______ (good)5. It was book in my life.________ (bad)6. What is sport in your city?________ (popular)7. What's country in the world'?________ (small)8. What's thing you've ever bought? _______(expensive)9. It was decision I've ever made.______ (important)10. This exercise is I've ever done, _______-(difficult)Complete the sentences using a superlative or comparative form.1. USA is than France._______ (large)2. David is student in our group.________(tall)3. She is than I._______ (old)4. It isn't warm today. It was yesterday. _______(warm)5. She is singer in our country. _______(popular)6. This motorbike is in this shop.______ (expensive)7. A sofa is than chair,_______ (comfortable)8. My father is than by brother.______ (strong)9. This mountain is place in the world.______ (dangerous)10. English is subject of all. _____(interesting) a train leaved the station at 5=0 traveling at a constasnt speed the train travels 360 kilometer in 3 hours Write a function that relates the distance traveled d to the time t There are 1000 milligrams in 1 gram.How many milligrams are in 12 grams75 milligrams? Tickets to the garden show cost $6.75 for adults and $3.75 for children. By rounding to the nearest whole dollar, find an estimate of the cost for a family with 2 adults and 3 children to visit the garden show.thes are the answersA. $21B. $23C. $24D. $26 What is the equation of the line through 1 2 so that the segment of the line intercepted between the axes is? A person invests 3500 dollars in a bank. The bank pays 6.75% interest compoundedquarterly. To the nearest tenth of a year, how long must the person leave the moneyin the bank until it reaches 8500 dollars?ntA = P(1+2) " Knowledge of letter names and fluency of letter naming in Kindergarten are among the best ______ of later reading success. What are the main goals of NATO Why do countries want to be a part of this alliance? Wilson Co. purchased land as a factory site for $800,000. Wilson paid $80,000 to tear down two buildings on the land. Salvage was sold for $5,400. Legal fees of $3,480 were paid for title investigation and making the purchase. Architect's fees were $31,200. Title insurance cost $2,400, and liability insurance during construction cost $2,600. Excavation cost $10,440. The contractor was paid $2,500,000. An assessment made by the city for pavement was $6,400. Interest costs during construction were $170,000. The cost of the land that should be recorded by Wilson Co. is: $886,880 Prove that if three consecutive integers are the sides of a right-angled triangle, they must be 3, 4 and 5. 28. your 78-year-old grandmother is having difficulty with memories of her grandchildren, whom she dearly loves. she has difficulty with simple tasks that she has performed hundreds of times, such as remembering the route to the grocery store. she is also quite a bit different in her personality than she used to be being more reactive and prone to anger. there are several types of dementia; what type is your grandmother most likely experiencing? a.alzheimer's disease b.lou gehrig's disease c.huntington's disease d.a negative medical interaction effect Graph the linear equation.Find threepoints that solve the equation, then ploton the graph.X - y = 0 What is the most effective way to revise sentence 21?Sentence 21:What a young person is interested in doing for the rest of his or her life is the consideration in choosing whether he or she should pursue a most important higher education.A. Make no change.B. What a young person is interested in doing for the rest of his or her life is the consideration in choosing whether he or she should pursue a most important higher education.Please answer it right, and asap Which excerpt from " contains a metaphor?The dusty roads go up and downWith people tramping in to town.I saw the next-door garden lie,Adorned with flowers, before my eyeI held the trunk with both my handsAnd looked abroad on foreign lands.I saw the dimpling river passAnd be the sky's blue looking-glass; Do men like open relationship? Mrs. Feinman has 20 boxes of markers. Next year, She plans to buy 560% more boxes. How many boxes will she have in all? Group of answer choices Find the area between the curves y=x^2 and y=-3*x What message did the Roosevelt Corollary send to the rest of the world o The US had the most powerful navy in the world?