Using no other digits except 2 and 5 write down, if possible, a three-digit multiple of 3 but not of 6


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

225/3 = 75

225/6 = 37.5 (since this is not a whole number it's not a multiple of 6)

Final answer = 225

Hope this helps!

Answer 2
The answer is going to be 225

Related Questions

write the product in standard form (2x + 5) ^2




Step-by-step explanation:

(2x+5)^2 = (2x+5) (2x+5)

Using the foil method : 2x(2x) = 4x^2

(2x) (5) = 10x

(2x) (5) = 10x

5 (5) = 25

Combine like terms





b. gain of 279 pounds

Step-by-step explanation:

107+85-27+114 = 279


9100 + 107 + 85 - 27 + 114

Total weight = a. 9379 pounds

Evaluate the expression 18 - 5 + 4 / 5 x 1



18 - 5 + 4 / 5 x 1





hope it is helpful to you

Can someone help me please



4) 60 ft.²

5) 96 cm.²

6) 96

7) 126

8) 72

9) 32

10) 90

11) 216

(Formula for the area of a rectangle: length x width)

(Remember to follow PEMDAS when calculating the problems.)

i need help with this math



Perimeter = 56

Area = 196

Step-by-step explanation:

We use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the half-length of the sides (a):

a² + a² = (7√2)²2a² = 7² * 22a² = 98a = 7

Half of a side is 7, meaning that the full length is 14.

With that in mind we can calculate the perimeter and area:

Perimeter = 14 * 4 = 56Area = 14² = 196

There is a lighthouse on top of a cliff. The light of the lighthouse is 200 feet above sea level. It can be seen on the deck of a ship that is 25 feet above sea level. If the angle of depression from the light of the lighthouse to the deck of the ship is 30 degrees, then how far from the cliff is the ship, to the nearest foot?



Step-by-step explanation:

It is C

Answer: C- 303

Step-by-step explanation:

Based on the figure below, what is the value of x? (look at picture \/)



X = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

90 - ( 30 + 15 ) = 45

45/5 = 9





Step-by-step explanation:

27. A bag contains 2 red and 4 yellow apples. Brandon selects 2 apples at random. What
is the probability that he has chosen 2 yellow apples?



Step-by-step explanation:

Total apple =6

Yellow apples = 4



(4/6)*(3/5)= 12/30

help pls!!!! would be appreciated thank you



fairly sure its not the fourth one or the second one- so that narrows it down to the first and third one

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the Area of the figure below, composed of a rectangle with a semicircle
removed from it. Round to the nearest tenths place.



Area of the figure = 25.7 units²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of the given figure = Area of rectangle ABCD - Area of the semicircle with diameter CD

Area of the rectangle ABCD = Length × Width

                                               = BC × AB

                                               = 8 × 4

                                                = 32 units²

Area of the semicircle = [tex]\frac{1}{2}\pi r^{2}[/tex]

Here, r = radius of the semicircle

r = [tex]\frac{\text{Diameter}}{2}[/tex]

r = [tex]\frac{1}{2}(CD)[/tex]

r = [tex]\frac{4}{2}[/tex]

r = 2 units

Therefore, area of the semicircle = [tex]\frac{1}{2}\pi (2)^2[/tex]

                                                       = 2π

                                                       = 6.28 units²

Area of the given figure = 32 - 6.28

                                         = 25.72 units²

                                         ≈ 25.7 units²

Help.... help i don’t need a link I need someone who can help me out.




Step-by-step explanation:

First add the numerator

5/8 + 3/4

Get a common denominator

5/8 + 3/4*2/2

5/8 + 6/8


Then subtract the denominator

-2/3  - 5/6

-2/3 *2/2   -5/6

-4/6 - 5/6


Then divide

11/8 ÷ -9/6

Copy  dot flip

11/8 * -6/9


11/8 * -2/3

11/3 * -2/8

11/3 * -1/4


3. Write an equation of the line that passes through (2, 3) and is perpendicular to y=-1/2x - 5




Step-by-step explanation:

A line that is perpendicular has a slope that is a negative reciprocal of the given equation. The slope of the given equation is -1/2, so the negative reciprocal would be 2.

Then, using slope-intercept form, plug in the point values (2,3) into the equation and solve for b.





Therefore the equation is y=2x-1

given the degree of measure of angle KJH is 66 degrees find the measure in radians​


9514 1404 393


  E)  0.366π

Step-by-step explanation:

There are π/180 radians in a degree.

  66° = 66°(π/180°) = (66/180)π = 11/30π ≈ 0.366π radians


11/30 = 0.366... repeating, so would normally be rounded to 0.367

Two of the vertices of a triangle are located at (6,0) and (5,10) on the coordinate plane. The third vertex is located at (x,20) , where x is a negative value. The area of the triangle is 60 square units.

Using the shoelace formula (Green’s Theorem) in counterclockwise fashion, write an equation that can be used to find the value of x .


The answer is 1,1 . 3,-3, 5, -3

Using the shoelace formula (Green’s Theorem) in counterclockwise fashion, the value of x is -8.

What is Shoelace formula ?

Area of Polygon can be calculated using Shoelace formula described by Mathematician and Physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss where polygon vertices are described by their Cartesian coordinates in the Cartesian plane.

A = [tex]\frac{1}{2} |x_{1} y_{2} +x_{2} y_{3}+........x_{n-1}y_{n} +x_{n} y_{1} -x_{2} y_{1} -x_{3} y_{2} - ........-x_{n}y_{n-1}-x_{2}y_{n} |[/tex]

Shoelace formula (Green’s Theorem)

A = [tex]\frac{1}{2} |x_{1} y_{2} +x_{2} y_{3}+........x_{n-1}y_{n} +x_{n} y_{1} -x_{2} y_{1} -x_{3} y_{2} - ........-x_{n}y_{n-1}-x_{2}y_{n} |[/tex]

Where A is the area of the polygon and n is the number of sides of the polygon.

Here A = 6, n = 3, [tex]x_{1}[/tex] = 6, [tex]y_{1}[/tex] = 0, [tex]x_{2}[/tex] = 5, [tex]y_{2}[/tex] = 10, [tex]x_{3}[/tex] = [tex]x[/tex], [tex]y_{3}[/tex] = 20

A = 60 = [tex]\frac{1}{2} |(6.10)+(5.20)+(x.0)-(5.0)-(x.0)-(6.20)|[/tex]

60 = [tex]\frac{1}{2} |60+100-10x-120|[/tex]

60 = [tex]\frac{1}{2} |40-10x|[/tex]

60 = [tex]|20-5x|[/tex]

So 20 - 5x = -60

5x  = 80

x = 16

20 - 5x = 60

5x  = -40

x = -8

since x is a negative value,

we can know x = -8

Hence the value of x is -8.

Find out more information about green's theorem here


The dot plots show the heights of boys and girls at a summer camp. Heights of Boys and Girls at Camp 2 dot plots with number lines going from 40 to 60. A plot is titled Boy's Heights. There are 0 dots above 40, 1 above 41, 3 above 44, 3 above 46, 2 above 48, 3 above 50, 4 above 52, 4 above 54, and 0 above 56, 58, and 60. A plot is titled Girl's Heights. There are 0 dots above 40 and 41, 2 dots above 44, 3 above 46, 1 above 48, 3 above 50, 4 above 52, 3 above 54, 4 above 56, and 0 above 58 and 60. Which is a true statement for most of the data in each plot? Most of the data in each plot are greater than 48. Most of the data in each plot are less than 48. Most of the data in each plot are around 52. Most of the data in each plot are around 54.



A- most of the data in each plot is greater than 48

Step-by-step explanation:

took the test



Step-by-step explanation:


What is the Standard Form of 82?



8.2 x 10^1

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose that the store manager of a small rural pharmacy is doing a linear regression of daily sales of over-the-counter (OTC) decongestant nasal sprays on forecasted pigweed pollen count. He would like to determine if he can use a straight ine equation to predict OTC decongestant nasal spray sales from the allergy forecast for pigweed pollen. The store manager records the data for five random days. The pollen forecast is for pigweed only and is given in parts per square meter (ppm )2
Pollen forecast OTC decongestant sales (dollars)
14 $101
19 $89
13 $48
6 $21
9 $47
The store manager calculates the regression equation for the data as 5.514x-6.073.
Determine the standard error of the slope of the regression line, SEb, for the data. Give your answer precise to at least three decimal places SE=______.




Step-by-step explanation:

Mean of x = Σx / n

Mean of x = (14 + 19 + 13 + 6 + 9) / 5 = 12.2

Sum of square (SS) :

(14-12.2)^2 + (19-12.2)^2 + (13-12.2)^2 + (6-12.2)^2 + (9-12.2)^2 = 98.8

Mean of y = Σy / n

Mean of y = (101 + 89 + 48 + 21 + 47) / 5 = 61.2

Σ(y - ybar)² = (101-61.2)^2 + (89-61.2)^2 + (48-61.2)^2 + (21-61.2)^2 + (47-61.2)^2 = 4348.8

df = n - 2 = 5 - 2 = 3

Σ(y - ybar)² / df = 4348.8 / 3 = 1449.6

√(Σ(y - ybar)² / df) = √1449.6 = 38.074

Standard Error = √(Σ(y - ybar)² / df) / √SS

Standard Error = 38.074 / √98.8

Standard Error = 3.83

Suppose A and B are independent events. If P(A) = 0.6 and P(B) = 0.85, what is P(A and B)?
A. .34
B. .51
C. .17
D. .68


Answer:0.51 I just took the test

Step-by-step explanation:

find the area of this parallelogram with the measurements 5.2cm and 8.4cm​



43cm square

Step-by-step explanation:

A= bh

A=8.4cm x 5.2cm


The mirror has a frame. The diameter of the mirror with the frame is 17 inches. To the nearest hundredth, what is the area of the mirror with the frame? Use 3.14 for π.



the diameter: 17inches

so the radius is: 8.5 inches

the formula for calculating a circle's area:



8.5×8.5×3.14= 226.865

The required to the nearest hundredth, the area of the mirror with the frame is approximately 254.34 square inches.

What is surface area?

The surface area of any shape is the area of the shape that is faced or the Surface area is the amount of area covering the exterior of a 3D shape.

We know that the diameter of the mirror with the frame is 17 inches, which means that the radius of the mirror is half of that or 8.5 inches.

To find the area of the mirror with the frame, we need to subtract the area of the frame from the area of the circle. The area of the circle is:

[tex]A_{circle} = \pi r^2A_{circle} = 3.14 \times (8.5)^2A_{circle} \approx 226.98\ \ \ square inches[/tex]

To find the area of the frame, we need to subtract the area of the inner circle (the mirror) from the area of the outer circle (the frame). The radius of the inner circle is 8.5 inches, and the radius of the outer circle is half of the diameter of the mirror, or 8.5 + (1/2) = 9 inches.

The area of the frame is:

[tex]A_{{frame}} = \pi (9^2) - \pi (8.5^2)A_{frame} = 3.14 \times (81 - 72.25)A_{frame} \approx27.36 \ \ \ square inches[/tex]

Now we can find the area of the mirror with the frame by adding the area of the circle and the area of the frame:

[tex]A_{mirror\ with \ frame} = A_{circle} + A_{frame}A_{mirror\ with \ frame} \approx 226.98 + 27.36A_{mirror\ with \ frame} \aprrox 254.34 \ \ \ square inches[/tex]

Therefore, to the nearest hundredth, the area of the mirror with the frame is approximately 254.34 square inches.

Learn more about the surface area here:


Using no other digits except 2 and 5 write down, if possible, a three-digit multiple of 6









Step-by-step explanation:



A three-digit multiple of 6 that uses no other digits except 2 and 5 is 252.

Step-by-step explanation:

The question is basically asking a number that only uses 2 and 5 that is divisible by 6.

When you divide 252 by 6, you get 42, and this proves that 252 is a multiple of 6.

A boat can travel 395 miles on 79
gallons of gasoline. How far can it travel
on 21 gallons?



Write an inequality for the graph


The open circle means the inequality will be greater than or equal to (≥) or less than or equal to (≤).
A closed circle means the inequality will be greater than (>) or less than (<)

An arrow pointing right to increasingly positive values means the inequality is getting greater (> or ≥)
A narrowing pointing left to increasingly negative values means the inequality is getting lesser (< or ≤)

So for this graph with an open circle and rightward pointing arrow, “x” will be some number on the number line greater than the first point of -38:
x > -38

What is the volume, in cubic cm, of a rectangular prism with a height of 10cm, a width of 20cm, and a length of 11cm?



2200 cubic cm

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a rectangular prism is found using the formula:

V = l*w*h

V = 10 cm * 20 cm * 11 cm

V = 2200 cubic cm

Answer: 2200

Step-by-step explanation:

NEED HELP FROM SOMEONE SMART!!! A trapezoid's area can be calculated by the formula A = {(b + b2)h, where A stands for area, b, for the first base's length, b2 for the second base's length, and h for height. Find the area of the trapezoid below.​


Answer:   90 square meters


Work Shown:

b1 = 14 and b2 = 6 are the two parallel bases

h = 9 is the height

A = area of trapezoid

A = h*(b1+b2)/2

A = 9*(14+6)/2

A = 9*20/2

A = 9*10

A = 90 square meters

Find the LCD of the given rational equation: 9/x-1+-3x/x+6=4x/x^2-7x+6


Answer: the answer would be A.


Step-by-step explanation:

a p e x

The LCD of the given expression is (x-1)(x-6)(x+6).

What is LCD?

The least common denominator (LCD) is the smallest number or expression that can be a common denominator for a set of fractions.

What is the LCD in the given expression?

Factor the denominator of the right side of the equation.


From this, it is conclude that the common denominator will be [tex](x-1)(x-6)(x+1)[/tex].

Therefore, the LCD of the given expression is (x-1)(x-6)(x+6).

Learn more:


Solve using Quadratic formula simplified square root



Step-by-step explanation:

Population Inferences

The Mitchell Junior High newspaper staff conducted two samples in which 40 students were randomly selected to represent the entire 600 member student

population. The results of the two surveys are shown below.

7:45 AM






8:30 AM




9:00 AM




Read the headline and state of the headline is supported by the data.

OVER 300




8:00 AM



Not Supported



Over 300 students did not support start time after 8:00am

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]N = 600[/tex] --- population

[tex]n = 40[/tex] --- sample

See attachment for dataset

Required [True/False]

Over 300  wants start time after 8:00am

First, we calculate the number of samples that wants start time after 8:00am

[tex]x = 8:30am\ start + 9:00am\ start[/tex]

For sample 1

[tex]x_1 = 18[/tex]

The corresponding value of x1 in the overall population is:

[tex]X_1 = \frac{x_1}{n} * N[/tex]

[tex]X_1 = \frac{18}{40} * 600[/tex]

[tex]X_1 = \frac{18 * 600}{40}[/tex]

[tex]X_1 = \frac{10800}{40}[/tex]

[tex]X_1 = 270[/tex]

For sample 2

[tex]x_2 = 19[/tex]

The corresponding value of x2 in the overall population is:

[tex]X_2 = \frac{x_2}{n} * N[/tex]

[tex]X_2 = \frac{19}{40} * 600[/tex]

[tex]X_2 = \frac{19* 600}{40}[/tex]

[tex]X_2 = \frac{11400}{40}[/tex]

[tex]X_2 = 285[/tex]

None of X1 and X2 is greater than 300.

Hence, over 300 students did not support start time after 8:00am

None of X1 and X2 is greater than 300. so, over 300 students did not support start time after 8:00 am.

The population is 600 and the sample is 40.

What are Population Inferences?

The population of inference refers to the population (or universe) to which the results from a sample survey are meant to generalize.

Over 300 students did not support start time after 8:00 am

For sample 1

[tex]\rm x_{1} =18\\[/tex]

The corresponding value of x1 in the overall population is:

[tex]\rm X_{1} =\frac{x_{1} }{n} \times N\\\rm X_{1} =\frac{18}{40} \times 600\\\rm X_{1} =\frac{10800}{40}\\ \rm X_{1} =270\\[/tex]

For sample 2

[tex]\rm x_{2} =19[/tex]

The corresponding value of x2 in the overall population is:

[tex]\rm X_{2} =\frac{x_{2} }{n} \times N\\\rm X_{2} =\frac{19}{40} \times 600\\\rm X_{2} =\frac{11400}{40}\\ \rm X_{2} =285\\[/tex]

None of X1 and X2 is greater than 300.

Hence, over 300 students did not support start time after 8:00 am.

Learn more about the population of inference here:

What is the value of x??
Please help!!!


Step-by-step explanation:

first description must be given to the questions

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