Use the words pharaoh and reign in a paragraph explaining the role of Egypt's leader.


Answer 1

The Egyptians thought that their pharaoh served as a liaison between the world of the gods and the world of mortals.

Who was the leader of the Pharaohs?

Hopkins portrayed Joe Young, the leader of the Pharaohs, in "American Graffiti," who persuades Curt, the film's hero, to attach a chain to a police car in order to rip out the vehicle's rear axle. Over the course of his career, Hopkins accrued more than 100 film and television credits.

Pharaohs in ancient Egypt served as both the nation's political and spiritual heads of state. The word "pharaoh" refers to the palace where the pharaoh resides and has the meaning "Great House." Early Egyptian kings were referred to as "kings," but over time the term "pharaoh" became more prevalent.

Learn more about pharaoh here:


Related Questions

John Lennon and Paul McCartney led post Beatles musical groups that included their wives Yoko and Linda. Why do you think they were asked to participate? How do you think they were received by Lennon and McCartney fans?


They were encouraged to take part in order to watch over their husbands and to test their creative prowess or any other talents that would be necessary for the success of these ensembles.

We can determine this response because:

- Linda and Yoko were both women with qualities and skills that were crucial to the development of the musical ensembles, despite the fact that many people undervalue their contributions to the groups.

- Yoko was a very clever woman who could draw support for the musical group from a variety of groups and also had creative abilities that might be used.

- Linda was crucial to running the group since she was a very talented entrepreneur while having little artistic flair.

- The two were also able to support their husbands and spend more time in their established relationship by taking part in these gatherings.

To know more about Linda and Yoko, kindly click on the link below :


They were asked to participate because of their close relationship with the two songwriters.

It was no secret that both John and Paul had a deep love and admiration for their wives, and inviting them into the creative process was a way for them to honor their relationships. Furthermore, Yoko and Linda were both talented musicians in their own right, and their contributions helped to shape the sound of post-Beatles music.

As far as fans were concerned, the reaction to the inclusion of Yoko and Linda was mixed. Some fans appreciated the effort to make the music more inclusive, while others saw it as a betrayal of the Beatle's legacy. Furthermore, some fans criticized the two women for their lack of experience and musical talent, which only fueled the negative reactions.

All in all, the decision to include Yoko and Linda in the post-Beatles music was a bold but ultimately positive one. Their contributions were essential in helping to create the unique sound of post-Beatles music, and they brought a level of authenticity to the unmatched songs.

To know more about why were Yoko and Linda invited refer to:


which of the following is a feature of dissociative disorders? select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a depersonalization b derealization c both of these d neither of these


Depersonalization is a feature of dissociative disorders. Dissociation is the separation of a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of who they are from their reality.

Memory, identity, emotion, perception, conduct, and a sense of self are all affected by dissociative disorders. All aspects of mental functioning could be affected by dissociative symptoms.

A sense of detachment or a sensation of being beyond one's body, as well as memory loss or amnesia, are a few examples of dissociative symptoms. Dissociation is the separation of a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of who they are from their reality. Dissociative disorders are frequently linked to prior trauma.

Everybody has gone through a similar procedure, therefore it's natural. Daydreaming, road hypnosis, and "getting lost" in a book or movie are all instances of mild, everyday dissociation that include "losing touch" with awareness of one's immediate surroundings.

To know more about Dissociative disorders visit:


An employer can eliminate a worker's medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker's employment. True or false?


False. Upon the voluntary termination of a worker's employment, an employer is not permitted to terminate the worker's medical, vision, or dental insurance coverage.

- An employee decides to leave their position or terminate their agreement voluntarily. In contrast to being fired, laid off, or downsized, a voluntary termination is one in which the employee, not the employer, makes the decision.

- When you resign from a job, you might characterize your exit favorably. However, there are also advantages to getting fired. If you aren't fired from your work, you can't receive unemployment benefits.

- For instance, a shift in one's personal circumstances due to family obligations, a decision to return to school, unhappiness with one's workplace due to a hostile supervisor, a lack of appreciation for one's work performance, and a lack of autonomy, challenge, or professional relationships (among others).

To know more about voluntary termination , kindly click on the link below :


What are the difficulties encountered by the senior high school students in modular learning?


The challenges faced by senior high school students in modular distance learning include problems with internet connectivity, inadequate educational resources, a lack of understanding of the module's contents, and assessment instructions.

MDL strengthens family ties, promotes self-directed learning, and is cost effective. Discipline is a frequent source of difficulty for distance learning students. Many individuals struggle to come up with and stick to a plan when they are not in a lecture hall with a lecturer. Technical issues can vary from a slow internet connection to faulty hardware and software. Many technological issues stem from a lack of knowledge of computer technology and applications. The speed of your Online connection has a significant impact on how quickly you can get to lecture.

Learn more on learning


You are giving a presentation to an audience that knows very little about your subject. Which concept in the mccandless method offers you the opportunity to avoid people getting distracted by something they don't understand? 1 point.


In the given scenario, according to Mccandless method presenter can avoid audience distraction by something they don’t understand by answering obvious questions before they’re asked. (Option A)

Mccandless method refers to a five-step process which is based on the successful way David McCandless a British data-journalist and information designer presented data visualizations. The steps included introducing the graphic by name, answering obvious questions before they're asked, stating the insight of your graphics, calling out data to support that insight, and telling the audience why it matters. In the scenario where the audience of the presentation have very limited knowledge about the subject the second step of the method would apply. By answering the obvious questions that might appear in audiences members’ minds before they can ask questions, the presentation can minimize confusion and ensure audiences pay attention to presentation’s stories rather than try to decode chart elements. Hence, it provides the presenter with the opportunity to avoid audience distraction.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are A) Answer obvious questions before they’re asked. B) State the insight of the graphic. C) Introduce the graphic by name. D) Introduce the graphic by name.

Learn more about Mccandless method:


What city did General Sherman's army destroy in order for the Union army to
continue the March to the Sea?
A. Andersonville
C. Atlanta
D. Chickamauga



C. Atlanta


what geographic challenges did the Sahara cause for merchants in west Africa


The hot Deserts of Sahara and water scarcity were the main geographic challenges did  for merchants in west Africa.

What are geographic challenges of Sahara Desert?

The geographic condition of Sahara consist of water is sparse, temperatures are frequently above 100 °F, severe windstorms blow sand, impairing visibility, and shifting sand cause the landscape to change regularly make trade through the desert in the Sahara dangerous. Death might possibly ensue from crossing the wide desert.

However the exchange of gold and salt was one of the first factors in the development of trade. Gold was abundant in West Africa, but salt was not available. North Africa, on the other hand, had a dearth of gold but a plenty of salt. Middle Eastern, European, and North African kings all desired gold.

Therefore West Africans could not survive without salt because it is necessary for maintaining human existence. Due to the scarcity, people were encouraged to trade across the difficult desert terrain.

Therefore traders facing said challenges during transporting greater range of items along the routes.

To know more about geographic challenges of Sahara Desert refer:


Conflicts between two mutually exclusive projects occasionally occur, where the npv method ranks one project higher but the irr method puts the other one first. in theory, such conflicts should be resolved in favor of the project with the higher npv.

a. True
b. False


Theoretically, these conflicts ought to be settled in favor of the project with the greater npv. The assertion is accurate.

Why do some projects where IRR and NPV are mutually exclusive have a conflict?

The scale of the project, the type of the project (independent vs. mutually exclusive), and the nature of the cash flows (normal vs. non-normal) are the root causes of the NPV and IRR disagreement. Projects that are independent are those in which the acceptance of one does not influence the acceptance of another.

Why is a higher NPV better than a lower one conceptually?

 A larger Net Present Value indicates that an investment might be profitable, which is always taken into account when making investment decisions.

To learn more about Net present value here:


A common moving-in cost for an apartment would be
O All of these
O First and Last Month's Rent
O Cleaning Deposit
O Security Deposit


A common moving-in cost for an apartment would be First and Last Month's Rent, Cleaning Deposit and Security Deposit.

What is called rent?

Amounts earned beyond what is required economically or socially are referred to as economic rent.

This may happen, for instance, when a buyer makes an offer before learning the seller's suggested price in an effort to obtain an exclusive good or service.

According to the formula, one can calculate economic rent by subtracting the value of the free market. Read more about the agreed-upon price of the production element.

The price that the buyer and producer agree upon is known as the agreed price.

The elasticity of supply and the degree of demand are obviously factors in determining the amount of rent in salaries.

Mobility, in turn, has a significant impact on supply elasticity.

Learn more about rent, here


What are the challenges of studying and understanding these early forms of communication?.


Studying and understanding early forms of communication can be a difficult task due to the lack of knowledge and understanding of the cultures that developed them.

Exploring the Challenges of Studying and Understanding Early Forms of Communication

The biggest challenge of studying and understanding these early forms of communication is the lack of knowledge and understanding of the cultures that developed them. Many of these forms of communication were passed down through oral tradition, so they have not been accurately preserved and documented.

Additionally, without an understanding of the language and culture of the people who created these forms of communication, it can be difficult to decipher the meaning behind them. Additionally, in many cases, the symbols and symbols used to convey messages are no longer understood by modern scholars.

Learn more about communication:


27. what neurotransmitter is especially involved in the functioning of memory, declines in late adulthood? a.norepinephrine b.serotonin c.dopamine d.acetylcholine


C) Dopamine and serotonin are the neurotransmitters that are most frequently discussed in relation to aging. From early adulthood, dopamine levels have been linked to declines in cognitive and motor performance, which average around 10% per decade.

Which neurotransmitter is involved in memory deterioration?

Acetylcholine (ACh), a neurotransmitter necessary for memory and learning processing, decreases in Alzheimer's disease patients' concentration and function.

What are the effects of dopamine and norepinephrine?

Neuromodulators like dopamine and noradrenaline are very important because they control the states, actions, rewards, learning, and memory processes of the brain. Canonically, the primary sources of dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) with dissociate functions are the VTA and Locus Coeruleus (LC).

To learn more about Dopamine and serotonin here


today we know that violent criminal activity can be very complicated and well thought out in which area?


Today we know that violent crime in all the areas of fantasy, planning, and execution of violent criminal activity can be very complicated. The reasons can be understood in further explanation.

Because fantasy is the motivating force in the serial killer's life, it is essential to the murder itself. The murderer is effectively inspired to murder by an intrusive fantasy life in addition to being propelled to do so by their cognitive patterns. Their early-learned belief that using violence against other people is a "normal" and acceptable means to achieve their goals practically encourages murder. Additionally, just like with addiction, their conflicted feelings about societal norms motivate them to engage in a prohibited action in this murder case.

It has been noticed that criminals are driven by fantasy, and to convert that fantasy into reality, they used to do a lot of planning and plotting and at last, make the mastermind plan to execute their plans.

To learn more about Criminal Cases, click here:


mindfulness is defined as the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment. which of the following statements about mindfulness is false? group of answer choices a. mindfulness pertains to our inner world of thinking and feeling. b. mindfulness pertains to our outer worlds of other people and events. c.mindfulness requires less effort than letting our minds wander. d. mindfulness is about concentrating or focusing.


The consciousness that arises through paying attention to purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment is characterized as mindfulness. Mindfulness takes less work than allowing our minds to wander. Hence, the correct option is (c.) mindfulness requires less effort than letting our minds wander.

What are the benefits of Mind exercise?

Mindfulness is the practice of focusing one's attention on the present moment experience without judgment, which one acquires via meditation or other training. Mindfulness stems from sati, a major component of Hindu and Buddhist traditions, and is based on Zen, Vipassana, and Tibetan meditation techniques. Though definitions and practices for mindfulness vary, Buddhist traditions explain what mindfulness entails, including how beyond, gift, and future moments arise and fall away as fleeting sense experiences and intellectual occurrences.

To learn more about  Buddhist traditions, click


Which enlightenment philosopher influenced the ideas in the declaration of independence?


Philosopher John Locke influenced the ideas in the declaration of independence.

English philosopher and physician John Locke FRS is referred to as the "founder of liberalism" and is recognized as one of the most important intellectuals of the Enlightenment.Locke, who is frequently recognized as the father of contemporary "liberal" thought, developed the concepts of natural law, social contract, religious toleration, and the right to revolution, all of which were crucial to the success of the American Revolution and the subsequent U.S. Constitution.All people, according to Locke, are equal because they are born with certain "inalienable" natural rights. That is, rights that were bestowed by God and are inalienable. These fundamental natural rights are "life, liberty, and property," according to Locke.

To know more about John Locke here


about _____ percent of adolescents and young adults have reported being cyberbullied or cybervictims.


About 20 percent of adolescents and young adults have reported being cyberbullied or cyber victims.

Cyberbullying is the purposeful, ongoing, and malicious use of words or images in an online setting with the intent to harm another person's well-being. Although youth mostly form and maintain relationships through texting and digital messaging, this level of connectivity could result in uncomfortable and nonconsensual interactions. One-fourth of adolescents report receiving sexual photographs they didn't request.

Lower school attendance and performance, more stress and anxiety, feelings of loneliness and dread, poor attention, and depression are just a few of the repercussions of cyberbullying on young adults and this works the same as bullying someone in person.

To learn more about cyberbullying, follow the below link:


The total amount of u. S. Currency in circulation divided by the u. S. Population comes out to about $3,500 per person. That is more than most of us carry. Where is all the cash?.


The total amount of u. S. Currency by dividing the total amount of US cash in circulation by the country's population, $3,500 is the result of The remaining funds are kept in banks.

Banks hold some of the currency these are referred to as reserves. A part of the money that customers deposited is often kept by banks in reserves.Additionally, there is money in the register since every register needs some currency to be able to hand out change, indicating that the debt is owed by businesses rather than by individual debtors.A term in money supply known as "monetary basis" gauges an economy's highly liquid assets.It covers all money in circulation in the economy as well as deposits held as reserves by commercial banks by the central bank. Since bank vault cash is readily available to the economy, it is also included.That is more than most of us carry.

To know more about U.S currency visit:


raising total utility is the prime objective of which political philosophy? question 36 options: utilitarianism liberalism libertarianism none of the above is correct.


Raising total utility is the prime objective of which political philosophy : Utilitarianism.

A family of normative ethical theories that recommend behaviors to maximize the happiness and well-being of all individuals who are impacted is known as utilitarianism in the field of ethical philosophy.According to the utilitarian perspective, if you are picking ice cream for yourself, you should select the flavor that you will enjoy the most.Four characteristics are shared by all utilitarian ethical theories: I consequentialism; (ii) welfare; (iii) impartiality; and (iv) aggregationism. Consequentialism is the idea that morally, one should advocate for solely positive outcomes.

To know more about Utilitarianism here


which memory test would most effectively reveal that mr. quinn quintano, at age 55, still remembers many of his high school classmates?


The memory test would most effectively reveal that mr. quinn quintano, at age 55, still remembers many of his high school classmates is the recognition test.

In a test type known as recognition testing, previously presented content is then provided again by the examiner together with brand-new material. The aim is to indicate for each trial whether the item was previously met in a certain context (yes/no recognition) if items are shown one at a time.

Presenting the old item alongside the new item is another typical style (termed foils or distractors). In this scenario, the aim is to identify which of the items has been seen before (forced-choice recognition). The modality (visual or auditory), content (verbal or nonverbal), or test format (yes/no or forced choice) of the information being tested may all affect how different recognition memory tests are.

To know more about Recognition test visit:


A strong security program begins by assessing the backgrounds of the employees in the organization.a. Trueb. False


It's erroneous to say that an effective security program starts with a background check on each employee.

Which is correct employees or employee's?

Add an apostrophe and a s to show that singular nouns are in possession.   Add simply an apostrophe to show possession when using plural nouns ending in s, as in three employee paychecks and two boss suggestions.

Who are employees of a company?

Employees refers to the individual hired by such a company to complete a specific task. Employer are in control of determining an employee's wage, hours worked, and working conditions. Employee receive benefits that subcontractors do not.

To know more about employees visit:


why is cs used in this way? how is it solving a problem in the creation of entertainment?


Computer science is playing a growing role in the entertainment industry, helping to create new and innovative forms of entertainment

Computer science is becoming more and more involved in the entertainment sector, contributing to the development of fresh and cutting-edge types of entertainment. For example, computer science is used to create virtual reality experiences that allow people to immerse themselves in realistic, interactive environments. This technology is being used in various settings, including gaming, film, and advertising.

Additionally, computer science is being used to develop new storytelling methods, such as interactive narratives and branching plot lines, which can make entertainment more engaging and immersive for audiences. Additionally, computer science is being used to develop advanced algorithms and machine learning models that can help to analyze and understand user behavior, allowing entertainment companies to tailor their content and marketing efforts to better meet the needs and interests of their audience.

Read more about computer science on:


a family wins a multimillion-dollar lottery. they can now buy whatever they want but they are still unhappy. how would emile durkheim explain this?


According to Durkheim, People are more satisfied when they understand and stay within limits and boundaries.

Durkheim made significant contributions to sociology, particularly in the areas of morality, religion. One of the three basic sociological theories, structural functionalism, was founded on Durkheim's idea of functionalism. According to Durkheim's theory, social ties differ depending on their degree of integration and (moral) control, and are a positive consequence of the structure of a group or class of people's social relationships. The foundation of Durkheim's sociology is functionalism. He, along with other functionalists, concentrated on the issue of order and the benefits of social institutions, justifying their existence in terms of the contributions they made in order to function.

A family wins a multimillion-dollar lottery. They can now buy whatever they want butthey are still unhappy. How would Emile Durkheim explain this?

A. They are just unhappy people with a disposition toward being glum.

B. People are more satisfied when they understand and stay within limits and boundaries.

C. The family ultimately feels guilty because other people they know are still struggling.

D. The money came from gambling, and the family is embarrassed about that fact.

Learn more about Durkheim here:


Under current texas lobbying rules, an individual who crosses either the compensation and reimbursement threshold or the expenditure threshold while engaged in lobbying efforts: ________


Under current texas lobbying rules, an individual who crosses either the compensation and reimbursement threshold or the expenditure threshold while engaged in lobbying efforts: is a lobbyist.

professional lobbyists are humans whose business is trying to steer regulation, regulation, or different authorities' decisions, moves, or policies on behalf of a collection or character who hires them. individuals and nonprofit companies can also foyer as an act of volunteering or as a small part of their everyday tasks.

An officer of Duke writes to a Member of Congress urging her or him to vote against a modification with the intention to be offered during the controversy on a bill. This constitutes lobbying because it states a view about specific legislation. Lobbyist” method a person who is hired and gets charge, or who contracts for monetary attention, for the motive of lobbying, or someone who's principally hired for governmental affairs by using another character or governmental entity to foyer on behalf of that different person or governmental entity.

Learn more about lobbyists here:


_____is negative action toward an individual as a result of one’s membership in a particular group.





according to surveys, how many transgender people in the united states have reported that they have been harassed or attacked at school, at work, or in their communities as a result of being transgender?


Answer: The majority of those surveyed (K–12) who identified as transgender or were thought to be transgender experienced some type of mistreatment, including verbal harassment (54%), physical assault (24%), and sexual assault (13%). Furthermore, 17% of those mistreated severely enough to force them to drop out of school.


cultures around the world have different attitudes toward those who do not fit into cultural gender norms. which statement applies native american attitudes about gender?


The Correct answer are Native americans.

People who do not fit into cultural gender norms have supernatural powers.

People who do not fit into cultural gender norms have special privileges.

western cultures:

people who do not fit into cultural gender norms are ignored or medically "corrected."

People who do not fit into cultural gender norms do not exist.

What does it mean to be a Native American?

According to the United States Census Bureau, an American Indian or Alaska Native is "a person descended from any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment." Individual American Indians are, by definition, citizens of their federally recognized nation.

Learn more about Native americans to visit this link


assessing phonological skills is almost never appropriate after a child has completed first grade.a. trueb. false


The fallacy that assessments of phonological ability are rarely adequate after a child completes first grade

Developing strong word reading requires phonological skills in hearing and manipulating spoken sounds (phonemes, syllables, etc.). Phonological skills help children understand how letters and letter patterns work to represent printed language. As a factor, it has been the focus of much research. The most important phonological recognition skills that children need to learn at these grade levels are phoneme mixing and phoneme segmentation. The written word corresponds to the spoken word, so phonological awareness is essential for reading. Readers need to recognize sounds representing letters and letter combinations in order to transition from the printed word to the spoken word (yomi) or from the spoken word to the written word.

To know more about phonological skills visit:


How did the agricultural revolution get food?


Many nomads relocated to locations with pleasant temperatures and fertile soil when the climate warmed. Then another historical revolution happened. For the first time, people began to settle in one location to cultivate grains and vegetables. Farming gradually supplanted hunting and gathering as the primary source of sustenance.

What was the Agricultural Revolution, and how did it affect food production?

The Agricultural Revolution, the enormous growth in agricultural productivity in Britain between the mid-seventeenth and late-nineteenth centuries, was connected to new agricultural methods such as crop rotation, selective breeding, and more productive use of arable land. For nourishment, they foraged for edible wild plants and hunted animals. Humans began establishing tiny gardens and domesticating animals for nourishment throughout this revolution. Archaeologists have discovered evidence of the first farms in several locations throughout the world.

To learn more about Agricultural Revolution, click


the early research on authentic leadership grew out of an underdeveloped area of which branch of leadership studies?


An field of transformative leadership that was still in its infancy gave rise to the early studies on authentic leadership.

Transformative leadership is a leadership style that has the ability to inspire followers to make positive changes in their own lives. Leaders who transform organizations tend to be enthusiastic, vivacious, and passionate. These leaders care about what is happening and are actively involved in it, but they also have everyone in the group's success in mind.

Transformative leadership focuses on encouraging group members to grow, foster loyalty, and have trust in one another.

Leadership specialist and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns was the one to first establish the idea of transformational leadership. "Leaders and followers make each other develop to a greater degree of moral and motivation," says Burns, describing transformational leadership.

learn more about transformative leadership here:


what is it called when the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses?


It is called ordering effects when the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses.

Order effects are variations in research participants' answers as a result of how the experimental materials are presented to them (for example, first, second, third).

Any type of research can have order consequences. People may respond to questions differently in survey research, for instance, depending on the order in which the questions are posed.

When using within-subject designs, or when the same participants are used in all conditions and the researcher wants to comares answers between conditions, order effects are a particular concern.

The issue is that the study's results could be impacted by the sequence in which the circumstances are presented.

To know more about ordering effects:


What is the role of condensation in the water cycle?


The process of condensation, which is the reverse of evaporation, converts airborne water vapor to liquid water. Because it causes clouds to form, condensation is essential to the water cycle.

Condensation plays an important function in the water cycle because it creates clouds. Condensation converts water vapor to liquid form, which then falls as precipitation on the ground. the water on the earth's surface that is exposed to the sun's heat during the day. As a result, water will convert from a liquid to a gas and eventually evaporate. It can cool and condense back to the liquid phase in the atmosphere, where clouds are created.

Therefore, condensation's function in the water cycle is to cause clouds to form.

To know more about role of condensation:


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