Use the scenario below to answer the following question

Jerimiah and Nicko were discussing how well a vehicle uses its energy. They add a gallon of gasoline to the vehicle and observe the vehicle as their friend drives it in a circle around them. Jerimiah and Nicko hear the sound of the running engine, feel heat coming off of the exhaust and off the engine, and can see the vehicle move around them. After doing calculations they realize the vehicle did not travel nearly as far as they thought it would when it used the gallon of gasoline. Jerimiah claims that the energy must have been destroyed during its use, which is why they both heard the engine noises and felt the heat coming off. Nicko claims that the energy could not have been destroyed, but cannot determine what happened to all of the energy.

What can Nicko say that will explain why the energy was not destroyed during their test?


Answer 1


Nicko: So guys, i'm doing some crazy things with my test today, so the energy wasn't destroyed

Teacher: Why?

Friends: Yeah why loser

Nicko: Because we add a galon of gasoline to the vehicle and observe the vehicle as our friend drive it in a circle around us

Friends: Shut up lose-

Teacher: Guys shut up, Nicko.. can you explain more detail?

Nicko: After doing calculations we realize the vehicle did not travel nearly as far as our thought it would when it used the gallon of gasoline.

Teacher: What's your opinion about that Nicko?

Nicko: I claims that the energy could not have been destroyed, but cannot determine what happened to all of the energy.

Bob: It's my turn

Teacher: Nicko, you can go home now.

Nicko: Thank you teacher!

Teacher: *smile

Bob: Bye Nick!

Nicko: Bye Bob! Good Luck!

Bob: You too!

Unfortunately Nicko going to home with those all pain because of bully

Bully: Yo Nicko

Nicko: ...

Bully: where's your money?

Nicko: I don't have money

Bully: *Punch Nicko

Nicko: *Ughh

Bully: *founds money

Nicko: Nooo, Don't :'(

Bully: Lies, this is your money, bye loser.

Nicko: Ughh my body

Then his mom called his teacher and leave from that school


Answer 2
Green beans tomatoes potatoes ;p

Related Questions

In very early attempts to classify organisms, the greek philosopher, Aristotle, identified all animals as "aire dwellers, land dwellers, or water dwellers". Under this system, all of the following organisms would have been placed in the same group: bat, grasshopper, eagle, butterfly, flying squirrel, and sparrow. In the space below, construct a dichotomous key that can be used to identify 6 animals.

I will give brainliest. PLS answer its 10 pm and I need this done by mignight.



I hope this helps!

Explanation:   Bat, grasshopper, eagle, butterfly, flying squirrel, and sparrow.  In the space below, construct a dichotomous key that can be used to identify these 6 animals.

1.a.Body covered with hair ----------------------------Go to line 2

b.Body not covered with hair -----------------------Go to line 3

2.a.Has forelimbs modified for flying ----------------bat

b.Has forelimbs modified for gliding --------------flying squirrel

3.a.Body is covered with feathers -------------------Go to line 4

b.Body not covered by feathers -------------------Go to line 5

4.a.Beak is adapted for capturing prey -------------eagle

b.Beak is adapted for cracking small seeds -----sparrow

5.a.Wings are large for body size -------------------butterfly

b.Wings are folded and lie flat on body ---------grasshopper

What are the characteristics of a foliated metamorphic rock?



Texture with foliations. Minerals can be banded in a foliated metamorphic rock. The mineral flakes will be layered and appear parallel to the rock. A thin rock fragment will result when a foliated rock splits.


Banded minerals.........

Which are lymphocytes?



It's the third one


The answer is the third one

Look at the following diagram of the carbon cycle. An image of carbon cycle is shown. The sun, a cloud, two trees, one on the left and the other on the right, an animal, lake, and a factory are shown in the image. An arrow is shown from the sun towards the left tree marked A. The sun is marked B. There is an arrow from the air above the clouds, marked C, towards the left tree. An arrow from a location close to the ground marked D points towards Dead Organisms, which is a label under the animal. An arrow marked E points from the right tree straight up to the clouds. An arrow marked F points from the animal straight up to the clouds. An arrow marked G points from the factory towards the air above the clouds, C. There is an arrow pointing from the air to the lake labeled Carbonates in Water, an arrow pointing down from dead organisms to Fossils and Fossil Fuels, and an arrow from Fossils to the factory. Which of the following facts is best represented by the arrow pointing from C to A? The energy stored in atmospheric carbon dioxide is conserved because it is used to create new forms of energy present in decomposed plants. The energy stored in atmospheric carbon dioxide is conserved because it is transformed into glucose during photosynthesis. The chemical energy present in carbon dioxide is reduced when it is converted into chemical energy in glucose. The chemical energy present in carbon dioxide is used up completely during the burning of trees.




sorry needed the points

please help, I will give you brainliest!!!
1.) Which term refers to the movement of materials through a cell membrane without using the cell’s energy?
A concentration
B passive transport
C active transport
D collision
2.) Which term refers to the diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane?
A active transport
B engulfing
C passive transport
D osmosis
3.) This one is on a screenshot
4.) Diffusion occurs due to differences in _____.
D temperature
B concentration
C size
D collisions
5.) Which are types of passive transport?
A diffusion and engulfing
B engulfing and transport proteins
C transport proteins and osmosis
D osmosis and diffusion
6.) What is a function of water in a cell?
A helping the cell move and grow
B producing lipids and carbohydrates
C assisting in the production of proteins
D preventing rapid temperature changes
7.) Which describes DNA and RNA?
A proteins
B nucleic acids
C lipids
D carbohydrates
8.) Sugar molecules can combine with one another to form large molecules called _____.
A enzymes
B proteins
C lipids
D starches
9.) Active transport requires a cell to use _____.
A diffusion
B its own energy
C collisions
D osmosis
10.) The cell membrane and water are both involved in _____.
A the movement of materials into and out of the cell
B preventing chemical reactions from taking place
C directing the cell’s activities and functions
D making and packaging proteins for the cell
11.) Which describes engulfing?
A active transport in which the cell membrane forms a new vacuole
B passive transport in which the cell membrane surrounds a particle
C active transport in which proteins move molecules in and out of the cell
D passive transport in which water moves through the cell membrane
12.) Which describes starches and sugars?
A proteins
B enzymes
C carbohydrates
D lipids
13.) Which is involved in engulfing?
A endoplasmic reticulum
B cell membrane
C Golgi bodies
D transport proteins
14.) Which term refers to the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration?
A diffusion
B concentration
C collision
D active transport
Which describes a selectively permeable membrane?
A allows only certain substances to pass through
B permits all substances to pass through in small quantities
C permits only certain substances to leave but all to enter
D allows large quantities of every substance to pass through
Thanks, if you did help me



1) Passive transport

4) Concentration

5) Osmosis and diffusion

9) It's own energy

14) Diffusion

15) Allows only certain substances to pass through

I'm not sure about the others

1) Passive transport
2) Osmosis
4) concentration
5) D
6) C
7) B

Physical feature ideas for my own creature i'm making
(not a biolody question)
will give brainliest
got wings and scales for it
I need 2 more


devilish horns and broken lava hands

Fun Fact of the day: (Science Edition) Many of the cells in your body are 0.01 mm long- one hundredth the size of an ameba. How many body cells would you have to stack end to end to equal your height? (This is not a question for me for school I just like to learn and ask fun questions on brainly that are SCHOOL RELATED)





hehehhehe :>

Ooohhh ok cool! That’s is actually pretty interesting.

Which animals are living in a social hierarchy? Check all that apply.

a Bengal tiger that lives and hunts alone in the forest
an ant colony in which some gather food and some protect the nest
an adult meerkat that watches for predators while young meerkats play
male mountain goats that compete for the chance to mate with a female
a group of mole rats in which some dig tunnels and others care for babies



A Bengal tiger that lives and hunts alone in the forest

an adult meerkat that watches for predators while young meerkats play

male mountain goats that compete for the chance to mate with a female







just took the test goodluck mate

A person's stance, or opinion, about a debated topic is called _____.

a position
evidence i need help please asap





The answer is Controversy

Can you give me reasons on why having long nails is better than short nails?



No, I prefer short nails. Longer ones look uglier and get in the way

they are better looking than numbs you can do better designs wit long nails there are different types of long nails u can

how does the density of water affect the movement of water around the globe?



The Role of Density


Denser water tends to sink, while less dense water tends to rise. Cold-water currents occur as the cold water at the poles sinks and slowly moves toward the equator. Warm-water currents travel out from the equator along the surface, flowing toward the poles to replace the sinking cold water.

Different densities of water don’t mix so the more dense sink and a less dense float


Which of the below is an example of when homeostasis fails? *

You sweat on a really hot day.

You have an asthma attack and your lungs swell, making it hard to breathe.

Your heart rate increases as you exercise.

(This is 7th grade science)


It’s C because when you have a asthma attack your lungs stay the same

What role do genes have in making proteins?


Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins. (A few genes produce other molecules that help the cell assemble proteins.) The journey from gene to protein is complex and tightly controlled within each cell. ... (Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.)


A few genes produce other molecules that help the cell assemble proteins.


During the process of transcription, the information stored in a gene's DNA is transferred to a similar molecule called RNA (ribonucleic acid) in the cell nucleus. Both RNA and DNA are made up of a chain of nucleotide bases, but they have slightly different chemical properties. The type of RNA that contains the information for making a protein is called messenger RNA (mRNA) because it carries the information, or message, from the DNA out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm.

Should we stop drinking bottled water? why and why not


We should stop drinking bottled water, because the plastic that the bottles are made out of are bad for the environment. Some water bottles can contain BPA which is bad for you, as well.
The solution it’s simple yes you should stop buying it there is no evidence it is better for you and indeed it may be less safe than tapwater the drinking water Inspectorate regulates mains water 99.97% of samples passed to strict standards while local authorities watch over bottled water plants

What is oxidation?
releases energy from the sun
releases energy from meat products for us to use
releases energy from the food for us to use
releases energy from photosynthesis


i think 4th because in photosynthesis plants produces and release oxygen into the air.
oxidation is loss
reduction is gain
answer= releases energy from photosynthesis

5. For the picture below, write the season (winter, fall, spring or summer) that is happening ineach of the 4 positions shown as the Earth revolves around the sun.

1: N Hemisphere____
1: S Hemisphere_____

2 N Hemisphere______
2. S Hemisphere_____

3: N Hemisphere____
3. S Hemisphere____

4. N Hemisphere____



1. Autumn

1. Spring

2. Winter


3. Spring

3. Autumn

4. Summer


yeah what they saiddd



i think deer, squirrel, mouse but also look at the information to tell if any other organism is a secondary consumer.

Has there ever been a time where this much snow has fallen on San Antonio? (Especially, on more than one day.)


I live in Dallas and NO
There has been days where there was

what this???????????????


The answer is c. The stem supports the leaves and flower




Open your imagination. Good Luck Answering!


Answer: Check picture


True or False: Disease helps the body maintain homeostasis. *


(This is 7th grade science)


It’s definitely true



Answer: D


I am sure it is D. It doesn’t say to explain your answer but if you need me to lmk!

Mechanical waves can travel only though a _______________ such as a solid, liquid, or gas.






I think it might be prism I’m not sure

i think the answer is medium

How is an analogy different from a simile and a metaphor?
An analogy compares things, while similes and metaphors only describe them.
An analogy compares several different aspects of one thing to another.
An analogy uses like or as to make a direct, simple comparison.­
An analogy makes a direct, simple comparison without using the words like or as.


Answer: A simile is saying something is like something else. A metaphor is often poetically saying something is something else. An analogy is saying something is like something else to make some sort of an explanatory point. You can use metaphors and similes when creating an analogy.


The answer is


A simile is a statement that is saying 2 or more things are alike using the words “like” or “as”

A metaphor is the same thing except they DON’T use the words “like” or “as”

A analogy is saying 2 or more things are DIFFERENT, not SIMILAR, so just about the opposite of a metaphor or simile.

What is an advantage of sexual reproduction?

A. Offspring are identical
B. Produces more offspring
C. Offspring are diverse
D. Produces fewer offspring

plz help thank you if you do have a great day or night


The Answer is C
C. Offspring are diverse

Sexual Reproduction passes 50/50 genes from both parents making their children have more diverse genes. Asexual however, their offspring is identical.

Due to this info...;

It cannot be A
It cannot be B either, because it has nothing to do with the amount of offspring
It cannot be D either, because like I said with B, it has nothing to do with the amount of offspring
It’s C!!!

The particles in this wave move perpendicular to the direction of the movement of the wave. These waves are snake-like.


Transverse because they are wigly

Need help please!! For 58 points!!!


The main sequel is different to spectral class O by it being 15,000 less than the main sequel.

I don’t know if this is what it was asking for but I trued my best. Sorry if it’s wrong

4. What season is it in the Southern Hemisphere in Picture B? Why?


I think it’s winter because the southern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, if I’m looking at that right.
I will go with winter mate!!

Name one piece of evidence to support the theory of evolution.



Genetics proves it


Every living thing has the same genetic roots, that with fossils and proof of adaptation to environments, and you have your proof, there are soo many other sources of evidence too.

Evidence for evolution: anatomy, molecular biology, biogeography, fossils, & direct observation.

Which terms are listed in the correct order from largest to smallest? *

A. Genes, DNA, Chromosomes, Nucleus, Cell
B. Cell, Nucleus, Gene, DNA, Chromosome, Gene
C. DNA, Nucleus, Cell, Gene, Chromosome
D.Cell, Nucleus, Chromosome, DNA, Gene

PLZ PLZ help thank you


C, because DNA is the smallest one
The answer is d I remember doing a test with these questions
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