URGENT!! Read the following discussion:

I really liked Pride and Prejudice. It showed how powerful
women can be when they are smart and resourceful.
Elizabeth's self-confidence and ability to identify what she
wants was really impressive.

I don't know. I thought it was kind of a girl's book – chick
lit. I found it a little boring. It was all about who liked one
another and who was going to get married. Kind of silly, I

I think that's actually what makes it so interesting. It was a time when women's roles were so limited, and they were totally dependent on men for their well-being. If you didn't marry well, you risked being penniless!

It's sort of like a 19th-century adventure novel, when you
put it that way. This was like the one central conflict of
their lives, and they had to win!

Right. And what was funny is that as a reader you can see
all along that Elizabeth and Darcy are just made for each
other, but Elizabeth has no idea. She thinks she hates him!

One thing it shows us as modern readers is how lucky we
are to be able to depend on ourselves to make our own
fortunes, rather than having to rely on other people to fall
in love with us!

which student is most clearly contradicting his or her own views in this discussion?

a. marco
b. will
c. mackenzie
d. emily


Answer 1


A. Marco doesn't really seem to be putting his opinion in his words.


Related Questions

please help me on my sister's module.
great answer = automatic brainliest
please don't try anything funny.


I’m sorry I’m apologizing a photo of the text, I’m not sure why Brainly is refusing to let me answer directly without it glitching.

what makes home for you?
At least 70 words no from the internet ​



Home is a place where you can go to feel comfortable, and not judge and you can share your opinion with your loved ones. Home isn't just house its how you feel being in it an who's in the home with you. Home is very important it where most of memory's are made, cooking, laughing, watching movies, having gatherings and much more.

All of the following ideas are repeated in this passage EXCEPT
A. flowers
B. the early twenties
C. weather
D. new clothes
E money


Answer: What is the passage?


&. In your opinion. Would Aloo return to his home?
a reasons for your​


Hello. You did not present the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

To answer this question you will need to read the text to which it refers. When doing this reading, you should take into account whether Aloo feels like going home, if he feels like it, the chances of him coming back are very high, even if he has to face many difficulties to make this return. However, if he does not feel the urge, it is likely that he will not strive to return.

Your teacher wants to arrange either a theatre or museum trip for your class. You have
been asked to write a report about it for your teacher.
In your report you must:
• give two benefits of going on a theatre trip
• give two benefits of going on a museum trip
• state which trip you prefer and why.
You must write between 100 and 150 words only.



I hope that it is enough for you to write


we must go to the museum because it is educational if you go to the museum you might want to go to mountain museum because it is educational and cultural it has so many interesting things and many information about the Himalayas and the people who live in that region. There is a theater in the museum which tells us about the Himalayas and the people who have climbed the mountain you can also get to see utensils. You might feel like you are in a theater while watching getting information about the Himalayas. You can also get to know about the animals found in the Himalayan region.

We must visit the museum because it is educational, and if you do, you may want to visit the mountain museum since it is educational and cultural and contains a wealth of information about the Himalayas and the locals who live there.

What is Museum?

In the museum, there is a theater where we can examine tools and hear stories about the Himalayas and the people who have climbed the mountain.

While watching and learning about the Himalayas, you could have the impression that you are in a theater. Additionally, you can learn more about the species that inhabit the Himalayan region.

"A museum is a non-profit, long-term organization that studies, gathers, conserves, interprets, and displays tangible and intangible history in the service of society.

Therefore, We must visit the museum because it is educational, and if you do, you may want to visit the mountain museum since it is educational and cultural and contains a wealth of information about the Himalayas and the locals who live there.

To learn more about Museum, refer to the link:



what does this passage reveal about Eric and garrett?​



garett likes to bost about himself, while eric is modest so b

do you know what human rigths are?please explain your answer​



Human Rights

some human Rights are listed below:

Every human have the right to speak for themselves.Every human have the right to live.Every human have the right to free from slaveryEvery human have the right for education.

How are the actions of the Weird Sisters, Duncan, and Macbeth's wife similar?
Select one:
They betray Macbeth when he becomes king.
They push Macbeth toward being king.
They fail to show respect for Macbeth.
They commit crimes that anger Macbeth.



Well I have read this two weeks ago, So I thinks it is d.They commit crimes that anger Macbeth. It is surely d!!


thanks me later

and mark me as brainliest if it helped you

Please help me i need a summary on this



yea whers da answer


we _be glad to help the poor use the following answers to fill the blank (could,will,might,may)​





It makes the most sense when put in the sentence


See explanation for answer.


We "will" be glad to help the poor. I'm not sure if this is correct but I hope it helps!

Have a lovely day!

The word "vegan" (,begin bold,vee,end bold, • gun) can refer to a particular kind of diet or the person who follows that diet. Vegans typically do not consume animal products, so their diets avoid meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. There are various reasons that people decide to become vegans; one reason is for the perceived health benefits of a vegan diet.

Many experts say that a well-planned vegan diet is healthy, but vegans must choose their foods wisely. The animal and dairy products in a non-vegan diet provide important nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D. Vegans must find plant-based sources for these nutrients. For example, vegans can get vitamin B12 from fortified,superscript,1,baseline, breakfast cereals or foods made from soybeans. Many dark-green vegetables contain calcium; so do red beans and calcium-fortified fruit juices. Vegans can get vitamin D from fortified soy milk or rice milk. A healthy vegan diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and beans.

People who want to switch to a vegan diet should start slowly. They should learn everything they can about being vegan and discuss their plan with a doctor or a dietician.,superscript,2,baseline, They should read food labels to see which foods contain animal products and look through a vegan cookbook. Then they might try a few popular vegan foods, such as veggie burgers. Many of the foods they ate before can remain part of a vegan diet. Vegans can still enjoy a crisp salad and a shiny, red apple!

Which pair of statements, best expresses two main ideas in the passage?

1. Most people who become vegan make the switch because a vegan diet is healthier than other diets. Vegans can get all essential nutrients by including a variety of vegetables and fruits in their daily diet.

2. The term "vegan" refers to people whose diets do not include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. People should not switch to a vegan diet without first learning how to prepare vegan foods.

3. A vegan diet may lack nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D that meat-based diets provide. People who become vegan discover that their new diet includes many of the same foods they ate before.

4. Vegans must make sure that their diets include a balance of proper nutrients from plant-based sources. People who want to become vegan should educate themselves about the diet and make gradual changes.


I believe it's 2. The term "vegan" refers to people whose diets do not include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. People should not switch to a vegan diet without first learning how to prepare vegan foods.

why is mother tounge important in teaching elementary grades? 50 words.​



The teaching of mother is important because it helps in developing child's personal ,social and cultural skills and identity. It supports to develop child's critical thinking and literacy .The teaching of other languages in elementary school may be hard for students to learn and understand so the teaching of mother tongue should be practiced for better understanding and learning of children. Learning the native same language signifies same history of your parents,grand parents and cultures

2. O Brasil ocupa 47% de todo território da América do Sul e apresenta uma extensa fronteira tanto
terrestre quanto marítima. Assinale a alternativa correta em relação às fronteiras brasileiras.
a) O Brasil faz limite com todos os países da América do Sul
b) Apesar da extensão da fronteira terrestre, o governo brasileiro tem facilidade de fiscalizá-la e
c) A fronteira marítima se estende desde o estado do Amapá até o Rio Grande do Sul, o que favorece diversas atividades econômicas.
d) As fronteiras marítimas interligam diversos estados e regiões do Brasil, mas não são usadas
como rotas comerciais



please in english



You are nervous about speaking in public so you decide to record yourself
speaking. Which is the best question to ask yourself as you listen to the
A. Are my points on topic?
B. Is there more information I can add?
O C. Am I speaking slowly enough?
O D. How nervous am I?



point c


coz point b and c you need to look at the end of the speech anyways and as for point d everyone is some what nervous so that can't really be helped

please help fast! i’ll give brainliest.


Answer: 4


There you go, hope it helps

what does the ending of the story named a letter to god tell about Lincho​


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


In the end, Lencho​ seems to be ungrateful and even accuses the people from the post office of having stolen his money, because he´s unaware that it was them, and not God, who gave him money.


In the story "A Letter to God," by G.L. Fuentes, Lencho is a farmer whose entire crop yield has been damaged by a hailstorm and decides to write a letter to God asking for 100 pesos to sow his field again. When the postmaster discovers Lencho´s letter, secretly collects some money for him, but is not the full amount Lencho had asked for. In the end, Lencho writes another letter for God, asking for the full amount, and accusing the people from the post office of having stolen part of his money, showing that he´s ungrateful and unaware of who are the people actually trying to help him.

What is the sum? Complete the Equation -4.5 + 3.5








i need answers pls ?









Explain why Mark Boyle gave up money in 2008. Use text evidence to support your answer. Your answer must include 3-4 sentences.

PLZ HELP if you do you get 30 pionts



Mark Boyle wanted to make the world a better place so he decided to grow his own food, purify his own water, and make his own furniture.  Mark Boyle states that if we didn't depend on earth so much we would be in a better situation by now.  Mark Boyle gave up on money on don't buy anything day, he donated all of his money to charity.  Mark Boyle did it because he wanted to keep earth and the people safe.

Explanation: Be careful I used this as my answer too.  Write something like that but use your own words.

___2. Which adjective best characterizes Romeo at this time?

A. Defiant
B. Fearful
C. Indignant
D. Humorous


I dont have the text or whatever you have that has this question so i cant answer it in my best form possible please upload the text or something so i can help you

Which author is credited with

bringing the Modernist

Movement to the United States?



William Carlos Williams


I hope this is right :)

This is no essay it’s just a question and I am giving brianliest to the best answer



When magma seeps up through trenches in the seafloor, older rocks are pushed into rifts at the edges of the continent.

Plz help me No links Ty :3
Who is the protagonist of the story the gift of magi??


I think Della would be the protagonist

can you name some of your rights and privileges?​



I have the right to freedom of speech (duh)

and a privilege i have is being able to travel abroad to Australia from training


The right to equality, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of religion, the right to life and personal liberty, the prohibition against exploitation, and the right to education are only a few of the fundamental rights guaranteed to Indian people under the Indian Constitution.

What additional rights Indian people have ?

Indian people also have the freedom to request information under the freedom to Information Act, cast a ballot in elections, and take part in lawful rallies and demonstrations.Right to equal protection under the law and equality before the law without distinction based on gender, race, caste, or place of birth.

Right to take part in democratic activities and run for public office.

the freedom to look for job and do it wherever in India without fear of persecution because of one's religion, ethnicity, caste, sex, or place of birth.

the freedom to follow and spread any religion or belief of their choosing.

the right to create groups or unions to further their interests.

Right to unrestricted access to public amenities and services, including utilities, schools, and hospitals.

Learn more about Rights at :



in the book of SOLD by Patricia McCormick, how does the author describes Lakshmi (with quotes from the book)



i dont know that book haha sorry i know this wasnt helpful


Order the events in the CORRECT order of WHEN they happened in the book from BEGINNING TO OUR L
= Equality 7-2521 got in trouble in school.
= Equality 7-2521 were assigned as a Street Sweeper.
= Equality 7-2521 met The Golden One.
= Equality 7-2521 found the tunnel.
= Equality 7-2521 discovered power.
= Equality 7-2521 met International 4-8818



Equality 7-2521 got in trouble in school.Equality 7-2521 were assigned as a Street Sweeper.Equality 7-2521 met International 4-8818Equality 7-2521 found the tunnel.Equality 7-2521 discovered power.Equality 7-2521 met The Golden One.


In the book, "Anthem" by Ayn Rand, the people live in a dystopian society where individualism has been quashed. A man named Equality 7-2521 tells his story of how he got into trouble at school because he was smarter and taller than most.

He was assigned as a street sweeper so that he would not be able to fully utilize his brilliance. Here he met is friend International 4-8818 who was posted to be a street sweeper for being creative. As they were sweeping the streets they discovered a tunnel.

Equality 7-2521 spent time there experimenting and discovered power. It was around this time that he met the Golden One, a female that he had feelings for that he did not quite understand.

In “homesick”why doesn’t jean want to sing, God save the king”?



She feels like a traitor to America.


Miss Williams, Ian Forbes, & her mother try to force her to sing. Jean is an outcast because of her decision.

State how you seek others' cooperation to accomplish your tasks.​





The third essential component of cooperative learning is individual accountability. The purpose of cooperative learning groups is to make each member a stronger individual. Students learn together so they can subsequently perform better as individuals!!

Answer: The third essential component of cooperative learning is individual accountability. The purpose of cooperative learning.


1. Which sentence best describes the author's opinion of women's
athletic dress codes?
O A Women athletes should conform to society's fashion
OB Sports is the one area where women should not be judged for
what they wear.
C Criticism of women's athletic fashion does not stop eventual
progress and change.
OD Men use harsh dress codes to ensure they don't have to
compete against women.


Answer: Criticism of women's athletic fashion does not stop eventual  progress and change.


This is based on a C*mmonlit article about women's dressing in tennis. It uses examples of Serena Williams wearing the famous "catsuit" which was viewed as controversial and immodest.

Even though she as criticized for the attire, Ms. Williams still went ahead and and won the title. This, couple with the continued success of women's tennis over the years regardless of the criticism thrown at their dressing proves that the criticism will not stop growth.

Why were the police so willing to look at Walter McMillan as Rhonda's murderer even though it was clear the person who accused hirn had clearly never met him before? A.The community was putting a lot of pressure on the police to arrest someone. B.Walter had confessed to the murder. C.The police wanted to punish Walter for his affair with Karen Kelly. D.The chief of police had personal issues with Walter and saw this a way to get even.





Other Questions
Carnivores and herbivores are both consumers. Which statement best describes how they differ from one another?A) Carnivores produce all the energy they needB) Carnivores only eat animals whereas herbivores only eat plantsC) Carnivores eat living organisms whereas herbivores eat organisms that have diedD) Carnivores obtain energy by eating food whereas herbivores obtain energy from sunlight y= -x + 4 please help Read the story Hummingbird and Heron:Many years ago, when the world was so young that the sun was still new in the sky, there lived two friends. Heron was large and slow, with a long, gangly neck and big, floppy wings. Hummingbird was tiny and swift, with wings that moved so quickly that they buzzed and a slender beak as sleek as a needle.Heron and Hummingbird both loved to eat fish from the river. Every morning, Heron would fish to her heart's content, eating until her stomach was so round and heavy that she had to waddle back to shore. Every afternoon, Hummingbird would fish and feast until he was so heavy that his tiny, buzzing wings could no longer keep him in the air. Heron and Hummingbird thought they were the luckiest birds in the world.One afternoon, Hummingbird did not catch as many fish as usual. He fished and he fished, but his line came up empty more times than it ever had before. He flew to Heron's house."Heron! Heron!" he called. "Why have you eaten all the fish?"Heron bustled to her door, angry and surprised at her friend's accusation."Me? Eat all the fish?" she squawked. "I barely caught anything this morning! My poor stomach has been growling all day."The two birds began to argue over who had eaten more fish. Finally, Hummingbird raised his wing to stop the debate."I do not think there are enough fish left in the river for both of us," he said. "Let's have a race. Whoever reaches the dead tree on the other side of the hills first owns all the fish. The loser has to find something else to eat."Heron agreed. They prepared to race. Hummingbird was certain that he would win. He watched Heron as she awkwardly stretched her wings and prepared to fly. This will be like catching fish in a barrel, he thought with a grin.Hummingbird zoomed past Heron as soon as the race began. He flew so far ahead that he lost sight of her behind him. He slowed down as he passed a patch of wildflowers. They smelled so sweet that he had to stop and look at them more closely. Hummingbird just had to try some of their nectar. He drank until his belly was heavy and his eyelids drooped. Perhaps just a short nap, he thought, as he settled himself into a nest of soft leaves.It was late in the day when Hummingbird woke up. He stretched his wings and glanced at the sky. He could just make out the shape of Heron, flying slowly but surely toward the dead tree. She was almost done with the race! Hummingbird zipped into the air and flew as fast as he could, but it was too late. Heron reached the tree first. From that day forward, Heron owned the fish, and Hummingbird lived on nectar.Select the sentence from the story that supports the inference that Hummingbird feels confident about racing Heron.A. He watched Heron as she awkwardly stretched her wings and prepared to fly. B. zoomed past Heron as soon as the race began.C. "I do not think there are enough fish left in the river for both of us," he said.D. This will be like catching fish in a barrel, he thought with a grin. Daniel placed $2,500 in a one-year time deposit (CD) with a 2.7% annual interest rate. Approximately how much interest will Daniel earn at maturity? 3. Eggs are shipped in large boxes that contain 20 egg cartons. Each egg carton holds 12 eggs. How many eggs are in 5 large boxes? ELA questions, but what the absolute heck? i've been trying and couldn't get the right answers. Please Describe the life of a cowhand. I need help With this A 0.454-kg block is attached to a horizontal spring that is at its equilibrium length, and whose force constant is 25.0 N/m. The block rests on a frictionless surface. A 5.70102-kg wad of putty is thrown horizontally at the block, hitting it with a speed of 8.99 m/s and bounced with the same speed of 8.99 m/s in opposite direction. How far does the block compresses the spring? Hal has two cans containing biscuit dough. The cans are cylindrical and their dimensions (in inches) are as follows. Can A: h = 8 and r= 1.1 Can B: h = 4 and r = 2.2Which of the following statements about the volumes of the cans is true?OA.The volume of can A is half the volume of can B..The volumes of the two cans are equal.OC. The volume of can B is four times the volume of can A.OD.The volume of can B is half the volume of can A. B. How does its genotype and phenotypediffer from the non-circled offspring?Someone answer me please 800 30SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH Can someone explain this to me? Evaluate the expression for t = 3.15 4t = (blank/answer) Does deregulation always work to promote competition and lower prices? Differentiate between: Species diversity and ecosystem diversity Question 34Which of the following is a right protected through procedural due process?O A) the right to free speechO B) the right to jurytingO C) the right to travelO D) the right to vote Find the area of the image below The first duty of the first responder is to begin collecting evidence.O TrueO False Can anyone help please ? Help Ill give extra points