two students are talking about what causes the tides. student a says that the tide comes in and goes out based on differences in the height of the sea level. student b says that the changing tides are caused by earth rotating into and out of the tidal bulges. which explanation is more technically correct? why?


Answer 1

Technically, student A is more accurate. The difference in sea level height, according to student A, is what causes the tide, whereas the earth's rotation in and out of the tidal bulges, according to student B, is what causes the shifting tides.

The daily rise and fall of the tide is brought on by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon, according to the definition of the general cause of tides. The varying heights of the water during the day correspond to the rising and falling of the tides. The varying distance between the earth and the moon is what causes the daily variations in tide heights.

In order to study tides and the different phenomena that affect tides, such as hurricanes and winter storms, scientists monitor the height of the water level. They result from the earth's gravitational pull from the moon and, to a lesser extent, the sun. A shore experiences a high tide when the wave's highest point, or the crest, reaches it. A coast suffers a low tide when the trough, or lowest point, approaches it.

Learn more about sea level visit:


Related Questions

________the drainage pattern associated with areas where the rocks have the same resistance to erosion is a pattern, whereas drainage patterns are found on symmetrical mountains.


Radial the drainage pattern associated with areas where the rocks have the same resistance to erosion is a pattern

What is the seepage framework?

The seepage framework is characterized as a strategy for further developing efficiency by the waste of water onto or into the dirt. Arrangement of maintainable seepage made to decrease the potential impacts of improvement.

The sort that happens most often has a dendritic seepage design, which is like the expanding construction of tree roots. Any geographical element made by the lopsided eroding of rocks and the ensuing testimony of the subsequent flotsam and jetsam affected by exogenous geomorphic powers is alluded to as an underlying landform or controlled design.

Learn more about drainage pattern:


What are the factors that should be given more importance in product development for assuring quality?



-Performance and intended function.

-Reliability of the product within a specific time frame.

-Conformity to product specifications.

-Product durability and lifespan.

-Product serviceability.

-Physical features of the product.

Explanation: youre welcome

what is the difference between an end moraine and a ground moraine, and how do they relate to the budget of a glacier?


Answer:-Lateral and medial moraines consist of glacially-transported rock and debris. They form on the sides of glaciers (lateral moraines) or at the boundary between two tributary glaciers (medial moraines). Either way, they often mark the edges of an ice body.

It forms at the very end of a glacier, telling scientists today important information about the glacier and how it moved. At a terminal moraine, all the debris that was scooped up and pushed to the front of the glacier is deposited as a large clump of rocks, soil, and sediment.

It forms when two glaciers meet and the debris on the edges of the adjacent valley sides join and are carried on top of the enlarged glacier. As the glacier melts or retreats, the debris is deposited and a ridge down the middle of the valley floor is created.                                                                              Moraine has one of the most chaotic characters of any deposit, made up of totally unsorted rocks with no sorting whatsoever--just dropped when the ice melts. Terrains with moraine are hard for man to use, because there are rocks of all sizes everywhere.                                                                                          The deposition of ground moraines tends to fill in low areas producing a leveling effect. This leveling effect often clogs existing drainage areas leading to an alteration of drainage patterns. In areas where ground moraines are still relatively fresh, this can lead to the creation of swampy, poorly-drained topography.

keeping in mind that in geology we put the older time periods at the bottom of the legend, what geologic structure makes up the northern part of kentucky?


In geology we place the period of older time at the bottom of the legend, the Cincinnati Arch exposed north of Kentucky forms the strongest, oldest, least-broken geologic structure in the United States.

Kentucky, also known as the Commonwealth of Kentucky, is one of the Upper South states and is located in the Southeastern part of the United States. To the north, it shares boundaries with Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio; to the east, with West Virginia; to the south, with Tennessee; and to the west, with Missouri. The Ohio River serves as its northern boundary. Frankfort serves as the state's capital, while Louisville and Lexington are its two biggest cities. In 2020, there were roughly 4.5 million people living there. On June 1, 1792, Kentucky became the fifteenth state to join the Union, separating from Virginia in the process. The term "Bluegrass State" refers to the Kentucky bluegrass, a type of green grass that grows in many of the state's pastures and has supported the thoroughbred horse industry in the state's centre. Due to its favourable farming circumstances in the past, the state's central and western regions saw the creation of huge tobacco plantations similar to those in Virginia and North Carolina using slave labour during the antebellum South and the Civil War. Kentucky is eighth in the nation for the production of beef cattle, fifth for goat husbandry, and fourteenth for grain. Kentucky has also historically been a significant hub for the tobacco industry. The non-agricultural sectors of Kentucky's economy have grown in prominence in recent years, including auto manufacturing, energy fuel production, and healthcare institutions. In terms of the quantity of cars and trucks assembled, the state comes in fourth place among US states.

Learn more about Kentucky here


describe the phenomenon of liquefaction in earthquakes and why it occurs. what happens? how can it affect buildings? what can be done to prevent damage to buildings in areas prone to liquefaction?


When an EQ causes shaking, the ground liquefaction, turning it into quicksand. Grainy materials contract as they settle, which causes water to rise to the surface. When an EQ ends, poorly constructed structures may tilt and be struck in a titled posture.

Liquefaction occurs when waterlogged, loosely packed sediments at or near the ground's surface start to lose strength as a result of violent ground shaking. During earthquakes, liquefaction beneath buildings and other structures can result in significant damage. During an earthquake, liquefaction is the process that makes soil behave more like a liquid than a solid. Sand and silt grains in damp soil underground are rearranged by the shaking, and the water between the grains is squeezed. Liquefaction is the term for the phase transitions from solid to liquid (melting) and from gas to liquid (condensation, respectively). The temperature and pressure at which a solid transforms into a liquid is known as the melting point (sometimes referred to as the liquefaction point). Prostate-derived serine proteases in the female reproductive tract are active enzymatically during the proteolytic process of semen liquefaction, which causes a gel-like ejaculated semen to turn watery.

Learn more about liquefaction here


which feature might result where wind erosion acts on a resistant rock layer overlying a softer rock layer? group of answer choices desert pavement talus yardang bajada


Yardang might result where wind erosion acts on a resistant rock layer overlying a softer rock layer. Yardangs are created by wind erosion of an initially flat surface made up of areas of harder and gentler material.

A yardang is a sleek protuberance sculpted from bedrock or any consolidated or semiconsolidated material by the combined action of dust and sand abrasion and deflation. Yardangs are elongated features that are three or more times lengthier than wide and resemble the hull of a boat when viewed from above. The wind erodes and removes the soft material, leaving only the harder material.

Learn more on erosion


Deep ocean____ and _____ blank are created by convergent boundaries of ocean and continental crust PLEASE


Answer: trenches and mountains


I saw this question already and know the answer!

What term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea?


About 200 million years ago Pangaea broke into two new continents Laurasia and Gondwanaland.

Laurasia was once made of the existing day continents of North America (Greenland), Europe, and Asia. Gondwanaland used to be made of the present day continents of Antarctica, Australia, South America.

What do we call the ruin up of the Pangaea continent?

Wegener, by means of contrast, proposed that Pangaea's constituent portions had slowly moved heaps of miles aside over lengthy periods of geologic time. Wegener proposed his time period for this movement, die Verschiebung der continent (German: “continental displacement”), which gave upward shove to the time period continental drift, in 1912.

Nowadays, it is believed that Pangaea was just one of numerous super continents to mass collectively (and spoil apart) over the course of geological history. According to the theory, this cycle of breaking apart and coming collectively happens due to the fact of subduction, which happens when tectonic plates converge with one another.

Learn more about  Pangea continent here:

Is this statement true or false? the aegean sea is an arm of the mediterranean between turkey and greece.


Answer: True


the andes consist of altiplanos, or groups of several mountain ranges that run parallel to one another. t or f


False; the Andes do not contain altiplanos, or contiguous collections of different mountain ranges.

What makes the Altiplano significant?

Many pre-Columbian societies, including the Chiripa, Tiawanaku, and the Inca Empire, were located in the Altiplano. In the sixteenth century, Spain took control of the area. The Altiplano's top industries now include mine, llama and vicua herding, and tourism (in its cities).

What is the region of the altiplano?

Puna is another name for the region of the Altiplano, which is located in western Bolivia and southeast Peru. The Altiplano begins in southern Peru, northwest of Lake Titicaca, and stretches roughly 600 yards (965 km) southeast to Bolivia's southwest corner.

To know more about altiplanos visit:


What do orcas need to survive?


They are at the top of the food chain and eat a wide variety of prey, including fish, penguins, and marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, and even whales, with teeth up to four inches long. They have been observed grabbing seals right off the ice. They eat fish, squid, and seabirds as well.

Orcas (Orcinus orca) are commonly referred to as killer whales, despite the fact that they almost never attack humans. According to Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC), the killer whale got its name from ancient sailors who saw them hunting in groups to take down large whales (opens in new tab).

Orcas are now recognized as one of the most widely distributed mammals on the planet, inhabiting every ocean. They are extremely social, diverse, and ferocious marine predators whose diet includes everything from penguins to great white sharks.

Learn more about Orcas to visit this link'


Which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


A natural border between Europe and Asia is created by the Urals Mountains , which rise like a long, narrow spine across western Russia. The 2,500 km (1,550 mi) long mountain range cuts through semi-arid and forested regions in the south and Arctic tundra in the north.

What makes the Ural Mountains a natural border?

A natural border dividing the two continents is created by the watershed of the Ural Mountains. Averaging between 3,000 and 4,000 feet above sea level is the mountain range. Mount Narodnaya, the highest peak, has a height of 6,214 feet. The boundary extends from the Ural Sea and follows the impassable Ural River until it empties into the Caspian Sea.

The Ural Mountains are commonly believed to separate Europe from Asia. Vasily Tatishchev's initiative saw the center of the Ural Mountains formally established as the boundary between Europe and Asia in the middle of the 18th century.

To know more about Ural Mountains, refer:


which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


The Urals rise like a long and narrow spine across western Russia, forming a natural divide between Europe and Asia. The mountain range spans 2,500 kilometers (1,550 miles) passing through the Arctic tundra to the north and through forested and semi-desert landscapes to the south.

The band became shaped in 2002 by using guitarists Emile and Sid, bassist Jow Feldtmann and drummer Nelius de Lange. rapidly thereafter Emile delivered in his former not My canine bandmate Hanu de Jong because the band's vocalist, completing the line up. In early 2003 the band released their debut album Self aware to huge essential acclaim and a South African song Awards (SAMA) nomination.[1] In June that identical yr founding guitarist Sid left the band and became changed via Deon Kruger.

LEarn more about narrow here


What is the relationship between temperature and depth?


Scientists quantify that for every mile dug beneath the planet's surface, the temperature rises 15o F and the pressure rises at the a rate of about 7,300 pounds per square inch.

The deeper you go into the ground, the warmer it becomes. The temperature at the base of the crust is around 1000°C, 3500°C at the foundation of the mantle, and 6,000°C at the center of the Earth. There are three major sources of heat in the depth ground: (1) temperature from when the earth formed and accreted, that has not yet dropped; (2) frictional heating, exacerbated by higher density core material capsizing to the earth's natural center; and (3) high temperatures from radioactive substance decay.

Learn more on temperature


The american revolution was largely fought over policies levied by the british government which sought to tax imports and supplies to the colonies.
a. true
b. false


Answer: True


How do sea urchins survive in the intertidal zone?


The urchin will camouflage or decorate itself with algae, rocks, and shells in an intertidal zone. Scientists believe that this behavior may help protect the urchin from UV rays, drying out, or being eaten.

Sea urchins live in the intertidal zone to a depth of 100 feet. At low tide, they seek refuge from the waves in rock cavities. At times, they forage for their favorite foods, giant kelp and other algae. Urchins have hard, round shells covered in spines called tests.

How do sea urchins survive?

Intertidal sea urchins will pile rocks and shells on top of themselves to protect themselves. They dig scooped-out burrows in the soft rock over generations, sometimes trapping themselves in a self-made prison. Bacteria also have an impact.

Learn more about sea urchins to visit this link


Which of the following is used by cosmologist to determine the age of the universe?
age of old nearby galaxies
age of young nearby galaxies
age of young nearby stars
age of old nearby stars



age of old nearby stars


Cosmologists use the age of old nearby stars, such as white dwarfs, to determine the age of the universe. This is because white dwarfs cool and dim over time, so by measuring their current temperature and brightness, cosmologists can estimate how long they have been around. This provides a minimum age for the universe, since the white dwarfs must have formed at some point in the past in order for them to be present today.

what is the term for a wooded area with heavy rainfall and persistent condensation?


Answer: Cloud Forest

ote the flat, high-elevation areas on the north and south side of the valley, which are formed from the deposition of glacial sediment. this implies that the north fork stillaguamish river has cut down, or incised, into this sedimentary deposit. which of the triggering mechanisms below is likely implicated in the failure of most or all of the stillaguamish landslides? group of answer choices slope steepening and undercutting by stream erosion increasing thickness of material on the top of the hillslope through sedimentation seismic shaking increased housing development in the area


Landslide debris buried nearly a mile of State Route 530 and stopped the North Fork Stillaguamish River. It also destroyed roughly 40 homes and other buildings. Tragically, 43 people died as a result of it at Steelhead Haven, a neighborhood close to Oso, Washington. Oso served as a metaphor for the worst-case landslide scenario.

What led the Oso landslide to cover such a large area?

The high mobility of the landslide was probably caused by a number of different variables, including the initial porosity of the soil and the water content from rainfall in the months before.

When flow landslides, like the one at Oso, suddenly invade neighborhoods and give residents little to no time to flee, they turn into disasters. Landslides happen anywhere.

To know more about River visit ;


Do killer whales get depressed?


Apparently, captive orcas and killer whales are displaying signs of depression and boredom, according to a former trainer at SeaWorld.

The San Diego park's footage, which John Hargrove claims shows the animals are in pain in captivity, was taken. The female Orca in one film appears to be too despondent, according to Hargrove, to care for her young. Orcas in the wild never cease to move. In contrast, orcas at SeaWorld will float still in their pools for minutes or even hours at a time.

Whales in the wild never do this, and it's thought that when they're in captivity, the stress and boredom of life in captivity causes them to float. Scientists can certainly assert that killer whales think and experience emotions at a level similar to humans and apes by analyzing both the physical behavior of killer whales and the brain regions that we know have to do with emotions.

Learn more about Whales visit:


due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the earth is currently experiencing increasing temperatures, creating a global change in climate. what are the effects of climate change on the global distribution of species?


Species from mountains are moving to higher altitudes. Distributions of species are moving toward the polar regions of the planet. the region surrounding the North or South Poles. The majority of the northern polar region is made up of pack and floating ice that is 7 to 10 feet (2 to 3 meters) thick, floating on the Arctic Ocean, and is encircled by land masses.

The Arctic Ocean and a portion of several nearby land masses are included in the northern polar area, sometimes known as the Arctic. The Antarctic, often known as the southern polar region, includes parts of the Southern Ocean and the continent of Antarctica. The two polar zones are distinct from the two major climatic and biogeographical belts of the planet, a tropics belt around the equator, and two middle latitude regions situated between the tropics and the poles. Because they receive so little direct sunshine, the Arctic (North Pole) and Antarctic (South Pole) are both extremely frigid. Even at the height of summer, the Sun is low on the horizon. The Sun doesn't rise at all for several months during the winter since it is so deep below the horizon. The world's climate is significantly regulated by our frozen poles. The white ice helps to maintain a uniform temperature on Earth by reflecting some of the sun's rays back into space. The circulation of warm and cold water around the oceans is also regulated by sea ice.

Learn more about polar regions here


Which feature of this rock demonstrates that it is an organic rock? the varying sizes of its rock fragments the visible pieces of sediment it contains the ocean animals deposited in its layers the crystals of dissolved minerals it contains.


The feature of the rock that demonstrates it is an organic rock is the ocean animals deposited in its layers. The correct option is C.

Shells, coral, plant debris, or the bones of marine animals are just a few examples of organic remains that accumulate and solidify to produce rocks.

The presence of ocean animals in the rock layers suggests that it was generated throughout time by the aggregation and compaction of organic components.

Thus, the existence of marine life in the strata of the rock reveals its organic origin. The ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about organic rocks here:


What push factors do you think force many people from Syria to flee?


Violence: Since the start of the civil conflict, about 13,000 children have died or suffered injuries.

Infrastructure that has collapsed includes hospitals, clinics, schools, utilities, and water and sewage systems.

Who are Syrians?

Generally, People often leave conflict in the hopes of quickly returning. So they relocate close by—possibly to relatives or friends in a neighboring town or just over the border—so they can continue to monitor their properties and sources of income.

But many Syrians have given up on that optimism in the wake of the more than five-year battle. There is little hope for peace since their houses have been destroyed and their families ripped apart.

Thousands of individuals are now prepared to go far further in search of the protection they so urgently need since they have nothing left and their exile locations are becoming more overcrowded.

The situation within Syria has only become worse, with war escalating in every area and the country's services and economy essentially in ruins. This not only encourages new individuals to emigrate but also has a significant influence on those who have already fled to nearby nations.

Read more about Syrians


What happens if a whale is out of water too long?


The whale will get dehydrated according to their body specs and also will destroy their own organs because of their body specifications.

Without the buoyancy and weightlessness of the water to support it, the whale's own body weight would destroy its organs after only a few minutes on land. Second, the whale would soon overheat, get dehydrated, and dry out owing to the thick layer of blubber (over 1 ft of blubber in certain species).

For more questions like Whale visit the link below:


What is the relationship between water clarity and sea otter survival?


To survive, otters need clean water in relatively specific, undisturbed environments. Sea otters need clean, watery habitats with plenty of prey.

Otters are good indicators of water quality. As predators, they are high up on the food chain. Sea otters must maintain a core body temperature of 37 degrees to stay alive but live in waters where temperatures can drop to -1 degree.

On the other hand, river otters are not found in highly-polluted watersheds. Their small numbers spread across wide ranges have made them extremely vulnerable to pollution, habitat destruction, and historical, unregulated trapping.

Learn more about the otters here:


What initiatives should you implement to ensure student learning happens in school and is extended at home?


Set up a daily family routine, including healthy eating and sleeping habits.Provide a place and time at home for homework.Check on assignments, homework and projects.

having empathy and compassion. building a reliable and safe structure. increasing the good.... promoting academic risk. Including strategy education in the teaching of active listening. establishing cooperative connections. The needs of students, differentiation in practice, the identification of students with high potential, and more. using a daily challenge, gifted role models, and daily challenges Identifying the Gaps. Formations Co-Teaching. Working with students who have a variety of learning needs. Questions and answers, discussions, interactive lectures (during which students reply to or ask questions), brief writing assignments, hands-on activities, and experiential learning are all examples of strategies.

To learn more about habits click the link below:


How whales sleep without drowning?


Whales use to sleep but as they are mammals they also have lungs and they use to breathe under the surface of the water. But when they don't have enough CO2 concentration they use to have sleep.

They don't start breathing until the CO2 levels are significantly greater than what humans can take, according to their brains. These processes, which are a component of the marine mammal diving response and aid in the sleeping process, are adaptations to living in an underwater environment.

Our involuntary respiratory system allows us to breathe even while our conscious mind is asleep. If an Orca were to fall asleep in the same way we do, it would be at risk of drowning.

For more questions like Sleep of Whales visit the link below:


using the plot of the number of landslide versus time, why might the number of landslides appear to be increasing over the past 2000 years compared to the earlier part of the holocene (10,000 years to present) record? (more than one answer may be correct).



1. Rising population levels and increased urbanization may have caused an increase in infrastructure development, leading to more landslides as a result of changes in soil and land use.

2. Climate change may have increased precipitation levels and caused an increase in the frequency and severity of landslides.

3. Improved monitoring techniques and technology may have made it easier to detect and report landslides, leading to an apparent increase in landslides over time.

Which city in florida was named after the cigar manufacturer who opened a factory there?



Ybor City.


Ybor City, now a neighborhood within Tampa, was settled in 1886 by Cuban cigar manufacturers under the leadership of Vicente Martínez de Ybor. The cigar companies moved from Key West to avoid unionization of their workers. Story of a Man of Ybor City. Ybor City, Florida.

What can beat an orca?


Because orcas are apex predators, they are at the top of the food chain and are unassailable. No other predator can match the size and strength of killer whales can beat, which are among the largest and most formidable marine mammals.

Though they are more difficult to catch than some other prey due to their rapid swimming, orcas will consume other species of dolphin. Killer whales generally smash dolphins to stun them before diving in for the kill because opening their jaws at high speeds would put too much strain on their lower jaw.

Despite having a terrifying reputation, the orca is superior to the great white shark in a direct confrontation. Orcas are not just larger, but they are also more intelligent. Although orcas still have significantly higher metabolic rates than great whites whales because they breathe air, it is now known that great whites are warm-blooded.

Learn more about orcas visit:


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