Two planes start from the same point and fly opposite directions. The first plane is flying 20 mph slower than the second plane in 2 h the planes are 540 mi apart. Find the rate of each plane


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

let x = rate of the slower plane (First plane!)

x+25 = rate of the faster plane (Second plane!)

The planes fly for 2 hours, where Distance = R*T

Distance between the planes = SUM of the distances.

R*T + R*T= 470 miles

2*x + 2*(x+25)=470

2x+2x + 50 = 470



x=105 mph First plane

x+25= 105+25=130 mph Second plane.

Answer 2




x=105 mph First plane

x+25= 105+25=130 mph Second plane.


Step-by-step explanation:

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Em um jantar no castelo da rainha da Inglaterra, estavam presentes 10 pessoas da mais alta corte inglesa. Após o jantar foram servidas dois tipos de sobremesas, A e B. Sabe-se que apenas 5 pessoas comeram da sobremesa A e 7 da sobremesa B e 3 pessoas comeram as duas. Após um jantar, foram servidas as sobremesas X e Y. Sabe-se que das 10 pessoas presentes, 5 comeram a sobremesa X, 7 comeram a sobremesa Y e 3 comeram as duas. Quantas não comeram nenhuma sobremesa?


Fraction equals 287 kilograms

Here’s the problem:)


Since 4 is not between x degree and the right angle, it is the opposite
7 is the longest side (hypothenuse)
Given opposite and hypothenuse, you can use sine to find the degree
Sin = opposite/hypothenuse
sin^-1(4/7) = 34.84990458

The solution is 34.8 (rounded to tenth)



Step-by-step explanation:


since x is missing then its gonna be like this

[tex]tan^{-1}= \frac{7}{4}[/tex]

x= 60.260 round it if u want, my teacher said to round it to the tens place when finding the missing angle

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A cuboid measures 6cm by 3cm by 2cm

Draw a net of the cuboid



See attachment for cube

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Length = 6cm[/tex]

[tex]Width = 3cm[/tex]

[tex]Height = 2cm[/tex]


The net of the cuboid

A cuboid has 6 faces.

The dimension of these faces are:

Length and Width; Length and Height;

Length and Width; Length and Height;

Width and Height; Width and Height;

This means that the faces will have the following dimensions:

6cm by 3cm; 6cm by 2cm

6cm by 3cm; 6cm by 2cm

3cm by 2cm; 3cm by 2 cm

Taking into account the above measurements and dimensions, you draw 6 faces, then join similar sides lengths.

See attachment for net of the cuboid

A rose garden is formed by folning a rectangle and a semicircle, as shown below. The rectangle is 21 ft long and 17 ft wide. If the gardener wants to build a
fence around the garden, how many feet of fence are required? (Use the value 3.14 for , and do not round your answer. Be sure to include the correct unit in
your answer.)



76 ft of fence is required.

Step-by-step explanation:

21 ft + 17 ft + 21 ft + 17 ft = 76 ft

and 90% of people marry there 7th grade love. since u have read this, u will be told good news 2night. if u don't pass this on nine comments ur worst week starts now this isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this on ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. you will either get kissed or asked out in the next 53 minutes someone will say i love u

9xy + 6ab + 2xb
The expression consists of ? terms, and each term contains ? factors



They're 3 terms

Step-by-step explanation:

Im confused but the factor part because you can argue they're all factors of something. 81,18,4

Sten counts 39 rabbits in his garden. Round 39 to the nearest 10.


Answer: Round 39 to the nearest 10 is 40

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = -2x + 4 if x < 2 2x-4 if x>2 is continuous at x = 2. true or false




Step-by-step explanation:

For which of the following values of X is 5+X < 5?




Step-by-step explanation:




it simply is one , you just take five to the other side making x the subject of the formula

The triangles shown below must be congruent.
O A. True
B. False


The answer of your question is True

Angle Relationships

Use a calculator to find the approximate value of the expression. Round the answer to two decimal places.

The cosine of the complimentary angle to 38°

a. 0.68
b. -0.16
c. -0.22
d. 0.62

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



D. 0.62

Step-by-step explanation:

I calculated it logically

what is the solution to -3^2+4(-3)(-3)



The solution is 45.

Step-by-step explanation:




[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{ -3^2+4(-3)(-3)}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{-3^2}\\\mathsf{= -1\times3^2}\\\mathsf{3^2=3\times3=\bf 9}\\\mathsf{-1\times9}\\\mathsf{= \bf -9}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{-9 +(4)(-3)(-3)}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{4(-3)=\bf -12}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{= -9 + (-12)(-3)}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{(-12)(-3)=\bf 36}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{-9+36=\bf 27}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\large\textsf{Answer: \huge \bf 27}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\text{Good luck on your assignment and enjoy your day!}[/tex]


PLEASE HELPPPPP!!!!!!!!! (show work if you can)




Step-by-step explanation:

Start by finding the LCM of the coefficients of each polynomial:


Next, to find the least common multiple of each of the following terms, we need to take the absolute minimum we can of each term ([tex]x[/tex], [tex]y[/tex], and [tex]z[/tex]). The largest term of [tex]x[/tex] is [tex]x^4[/tex] in the first polynomial, so we'll take exactly that for our [tex]x[/tex] term in the LCM, absolutely nothing more. Similarly, the largest term of [tex]y[/tex] in any of the three polynomials is [tex]y^3[/tex] (also in the first polynomial) and the largest [tex]z[/tex] term in any of the three polynomials is [tex]z^2[/tex] in the second polynomial. Thus, the LCM of all our polynomials is:

[tex]180\cdot x^4\cdot y^3\cdot z^2=\boxed{180x^4y^3z^2}[/tex]


[tex]\mathrm{Factor\:}18x^4y^3z= 2\cdot \:3^2\cdot \:x^4\cdot \:y^3\cdot \:z\\\\\mathrm{Factor\:}30xy^2z^2= 2\cdot \:3\cdot \:5\cdot \:x\cdot \:y^2\cdot \:z^2\\\\\mathrm{Factor\:}12x^3y^2= 2^2\cdot \:3\cdot \:x^3\cdot \:y\\\\\mathrm{Multiply\:each\:factor\:with\:the\:highest\:power}= 2^2\cdot \:3^2\cdot \:5\cdot \:x^4\cdot \:y^3\cdot \:z^2\\\\180x^4y^3z^2[/tex]

-4(y - 2) = 12
y = ?​



Hello! answer: -1

Hope that helps!

A 4 foot tree was planted in 2012 outside a high school. The tree grew continuously by 22% each year from that point. Find out what the height of the tree was in 2020.



The height of the tree in 2020 was of 19.63 feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

Exponential equation for growth:

The exponential equation for the growth of an amount has the following format:

[tex]H(t) = H(0)(1+r)^t[/tex]

In which H(t) is the amount after t years, H(0) is the initial amount and r is the growth rate, as a decimal.

A 4 foot tree was planted in 2012 outside a high school.

This means that [tex]H(0) = 4[/tex]

The tree grew continuously by 22% each year from that point.

This means that [tex]r = 0.22[/tex]

Find out what the height of the tree was in 2020.

2020 is 2020 - 2012 = 8 years after 2012, so this is H(8).

[tex]H(t) = H(0)(1+r)^t[/tex]

[tex]H(t) = 4(1+0.22)^t[/tex]

[tex]H(4) = 4(1.22)^t[/tex]

[tex]H(4) = 4(1.22)^8 = 19.63[/tex]

The height of the tree in 2020 was of 19.63 feet.

the cost of 5 DVDs and a $15




Step-by-step explanation:

the cost of 5 DVDs and a $15

you didn't ask anything


$3 because 15÷3= 5 so it is 3

#37. What is the next step when solving the equation sin (2x) - sin (x) = 0​


sin(2x) - sin(x) = 0

Expand the first term using the double angle identity:

2 sin(x) cos(x) - sin(x) = 0

Factor out sin(x) :

sin(x) (2 cos(x) - 1) = 0

This leaves you with 2 cases that can be solved separately:

sin(x) = 0   or   2 cos(x) - 1 = 0

sin(x) = 0   or   cos(x) = 1/2

[x = 2   or   x = π + 2]   or   [x = π/6 + 2   or   x = 5π/6 + 2]

(where n is any integer)

What is the domain for √(x-2)? *

all real numbers except x=2
all real numbers for x≥2
all real numbers for x≤2
all real numbers except x=0


the answer would be A

Amanda is 160 cm tall. She is 10 cm taller than her younger sister Carl a. Which of the following equations can be used to find x? X + 10 = 160 X + 160 = 10 X - 10 = 160 x = 10 + 160 ​



A. x + 10 = 160

Step-by-step explanation:

This is the correct choice since, we already know the height of Amanda and it gives us the difference between her sister and her height. We can formulate an expression.

x + 10 = 160


160 - 10 = 150

x = 150

Thus, Carla is 150 centimeters tall.

URGENT PLEASE HELP!! a rectangle's area is 336 mm Its height is 16 mm. What is its bases?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Area = 336mm²

Height = 16mm

Base = ?

Area = Base × Height (Substitute numbers into the known variable)

336mm² = Base × 16mm ( Find the base,so divide

16mm on both sides)

Base = 336mm² ÷ 16mm

= 21mm

What is the greatest common factor (GCF) of 24 and 40?



What is the greatest common factor (GCF) of 24 and 40?



Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:


24=2×2×2×3 then we take the common 2×2×2=8

Jimmy spent $32.50 at the bowling alley. He spent $5 to rent shoes and the rest he spent on bowling l, which cost $5.50 per game. What are the 2 steps and how much games did jimmy bowl?



First you do 32.50 - the 5 dollars he used to rent shoes. Then you would get 27.50, then you do 27.50- 5.50 per game. 27.50- 5.50- 5.50-5.50-5.50-5.50. He bowled 5 games total

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 3 red, 5 green, 7 blue, 1 black and 4 yellow marbles in a bag. Once a marble is selected, it is not replaced. Find the probability of selecting a green
marble, then a red marble.




Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the volume V Of a cone has the radius r and the height h is shown below.
V= 1/3 π r ²h
H= what?



H is same as h which means height if cone or perpendicular drawn from tip of cone to the base plane !

Hope this helps

The point A(-7, 3) is translated onto A' by the vector =(5, -4).

The coordinates of A' are

O (-12,7)

0 (2, -7)

o (5, -4)

o(-2, -1)




Step-by-step explanation:

Let point A be initial point and A' be terminal point.

A(-7,3), A'(x,y) and V=(5,-4)




5=x+7. -4=y-3

5-7=x. -4+3=y

x=-2. y=-1


The coordinates of A'(-2, -1).

What is Translation?

Translation is the act of moving a shape or a figure from one location to another. A figure can move in translation up, down, right, left, or anywhere else in the coordinate system. Only the object's position changes during translation; its size stays the same.


point A(-7, 3)

and vector, V =(5, -4).

So, V=([tex]X_f-X_i,Y_f-Y_i[/tex])

Where X(final) = ?, Y(Final)= ?

So, (5,-4)=(x-(-7),y-3)


On comparing the coordinates

5=x+7  and -4=y-3

x= 2 and y = -1

Hence, the coordinates of A'(-2, -1)

Learn more about translation here:


what type of triangle is shown below check all that apply



The first image is an Isosceles Triangle and Acute

Step-by-step explanation:

obtuse triangle.

obtuse triangle

Kasey has been mowing lawns to save up money for a concert. He earns $15 per hour and needs at least $90 to go to the concert. How many hours should he mow? Write an inequality (with variable) to solve it.



he makes 15 dollars in an hr, so find how much 15 dollars goes into 90. 90 divide 15 = 6. therfore, kasey needs to work for 6 hours to make 90 dollars

Mrs.Oswalt has been craving smoothies lately. She buys a 20oz chocolate smoothie for 7$. Ms.Munguia buys a 17oz chocolate smoothie. How much is Ms.Munguia’s smoothie?
A. 5.95$
B. 8.24$
C. 6$



Cost of 17 oz smoothies = $5.95

Step-by-step explanation:


Amount of smoothies Mrs. Oswalt buy = 20 oz

Cost of 20 oz smoothies = $7

Amount of smoothies Ms. Munguia buy = 17 oz


Cost of 17 oz smoothies


Cost of 17 oz smoothies = Cost of 20 oz smoothies[Amount of smoothies Ms. Munguia buy / Amount of smoothies Mrs. Oswalt buy]

Cost of 17 oz smoothies = 7[17/20]

Cost of 17 oz smoothies = 119 / 20

Cost of 17 oz smoothies = $5.95

Question is below in photo


what about using 20-30-40-5

Step-by-step explanation:

the sequence is that you are skipping ten to get the second nb which is 30 and keep on going on to get 50

On Patrick's bookcase, 64% of the book are paperback, 0.2 are hardcovers with a dust jacket, and the rest are hardcovers without a dust jacket. Which type of book does he have the least number of?



The hardcover without a dust jacket.

Step-by-step Explanation

0.2 is 20%, so if you add that to the 64% you can see what the other percentage of books are. 64%+ 20% = 84. So if you subtract 84 from 100 that equals 16, so the other book percentage is 16%, which makes the hardcovers without a dust jacket the least number of books Patrick has.

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