Two different squares have an areas of 36m° and 49m°
What is the difference of the lengths of their sides?


Answer 1

The difference of the length of two different squares having area of 36 square meters and 49 square meters is 1 m.

According to the question,

We have the following information:

Two different squares have an area of 36 square meters and 49 square meters.

We know that the following formula is used to find the area of square:

Area = side*side

Side*side = 36

Side = √36

Side = 6 m

Now, side of the another square:

Side*side = 49

Side = √49

Side = 7 m

Now, the difference in the length of the sides of these two squares:


1 m

Hence, the difference of the length of two different squares having area of 36 square meters and 49 square meters is 1 m.

To know more about difference of the length here


Related Questions

I'll send the pic in the session


The Slope-Intercept form of the equation of a line is:


Where "m" is the slope of the line and "b" is the y-intercept.

In this case you know that "y" represents the number of books in Himanshu's home library and "x" represents the number of weeks.

In the graph you can identify that:


And you can also identify this point on the line:



[tex]\begin{gathered} x=2 \\ y=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute these values into the equation


and solve for "m" in order to find the slope:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8=(m)(2)+6 \\ 8-6=2m \\ \\ \frac{2}{2}=m \\ \\ m=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the equation of this line is:


Based on the explained above, you can conclude that he had 6 books in his library and then he started adding 1 book each week.

To find the number of books he has after 4 weeks, you can make:


Substitute this value into the equation and evaluate. Then:


The answer is: Option A and Option F.

which is the best estimate for the average rate of change for the quadratic function graph on the interval [tex]0 \leqslant x \leqslant 4[/tex]


The average rate of change of the given quadratic function on the interval

[tex]0\le x\le4[/tex]

is the slope of the secant line connecting the points

[tex](0,f(0))\text{ and (4,f(4)}[/tex]

In other words, the average rate of change is


From the graph, we can see that f(0)=0 and f(4)=-4. By substituying these values into the last equation, we obtain

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{-4-0}{4-0} \\ m=-\frac{4}{4} \\ m=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the average rate of change for the given quadratic function whose graph is shown on 0≤x≤4 is -1

The sum of two numbers is 7. Find the numbers


Statement Problem: The sum of two numbers is 7. Five times the larger number plus four times the smaller number is 48. Find the numbers.


Let x be the larger number and y be the smaller number such that;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y=7\ldots.\ldots\ldots\text{equation}1 \\ 5x+4y=48\ldots\ldots\text{.equation}2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

From equation 1, we have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y=7 \\ x=7-y\ldots\ldots\ldots....\text{equation}3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute equation3 in equation2, we have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5x+4y=48 \\ 5(7-y)+4y=48 \\ 35-5y+4y=48 \\ -1y=48-35 \\ -1y=13 \\ \text{Divide both sides by -1;} \\ -\frac{1y}{-1}=\frac{13}{-1} \\ y=-13 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, substitute the value of y in equation3;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=7-y \\ x=7-(-13) \\ x=7+13 \\ x=20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the larger number is 20 and the smaller number is -13

1). preises 12,4 the following: Find the intercepts and domain and perform the symmetry test on each parabola with equation: Graph the vertex, focus, and endpoints of the latus rectum; then draw the parabola for each ome axes the parol plete (a) y = 87 (c) y = – 4x (b) x2 = 8y (a) x = - 4y


wee have


this is a horizontal parabola open to the right

the vertex is the origin (0,0)


(h,k)=(0,0) ------> vertex of the parabola

Use your answers from #1 and #2 to find the length of each arc between gondola cars. Use 3.14 for pi and round to the nearest hundredth. You must write out all the numbers you are multiplying together, meaning, show your work for full credit.


We have a SkyWheel.

We know that the angle between the gondolas is 360/41 = 8.78°.

The radius of the wheel is 181/2 = 90.5.

We know have to calculate the length of the arc between gondolas.

The length of the arc L can be calculated using proportions: the length of the arc is to the angle between gondolas as the total circumference of the wheel is to 2*pi (or 360°).

We can express this as:


If we rearrange, we can solve for L:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{L}{\theta}=\frac{C}{2\pi} \\ \frac{L}{\theta}=\frac{2\pi r}{2\pi} \\ \frac{L}{\theta}=r \\ L=\theta\cdot r=(\frac{2\pi}{41})\cdot90.5=(\frac{2\cdot3.14}{41})\cdot90.5=13.86ft \end{gathered}[/tex]

NOTE: we have to express the angle theta (that is the angle between the gondolas) in radians when we want to calculate a length. That is why this angle is expressed as the total angle of the circle (2*pi) divided the 41 gondolas.

If we use 8.78°, we should express it as:

[tex]L=\theta\cdot r=8.78\degree\cdot(\frac{2\pi}{360\degree})\cdot90.5ft=13.86ft[/tex]

With the factor 2pi/360 we are converting the angle in degrees into radians in order to calculate the length.

Answer: the length of the arc between gondolas is 13.86 ft.

i'm stuck on this problem!




7x-7 ;x=4

we will just substitute for the values




Step-by-step explanation:

award as brainliest

What is (f + g)(x)?f(x) = x + 1g(x) = 3x²Write your answer as a polynomial or a rational function in simplest form.



f(x) = x + 1

g(x) = 3x²

To find (f + g)(x), sum the like terms of the function.

(f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) = x + 1 + 3x²

(f + g)(x) = 3x² + x + 1

Answer: 3x² + x + 1

Find the range and standard deviation of the set of data.230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242


The data given is ,230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242.

The range of the data is defined the difference of largest number from smallest number.

The largest number in the data is, 242.

The smallest number in the data is, 230.

Therefore, the range is determined as


The range of the set of data is 12.

To determine the standard deviation,

First determine the mean of the data,


The value of



The standard deviation is determined as,


Here v denotes the variance.


The standard deviation is given as,


(3x-3) = 48 Find the value of X




Step-by-step explanation:


3x = 48+3

3x= 51

x= 51/3 = 17

I am attaching a picture of the question as you can see my teacher has already answered it but she wants me to show how she got the answer


Surface area of a square pyramid:

[tex]\begin{gathered} SA=B+\frac{1}{2}p\cdot s \\ \\ B=\text{area of the base} \\ p=\text{perimeter of the base} \\ s=\text{slant height} \end{gathered}[/tex]

To find the surface area of the given pyramid as you don't have the length of the slant height, use the height of the pyramid and the radius of the base to form a right triangle and find the slant height:

Pythagorean theorem for the right triangle above:

[tex]\begin{gathered} s^2=h^2+(\frac{1}{2}b)^2 \\ \\ s=\sqrt[]{h^2+(\frac{1}{2}b)^2} \\ \\ s=\sqrt[]{(12in)^2+(\frac{1}{2}\cdot18in)^2} \\ \\ s=\sqrt[]{(12in)^2+(9in)^2} \\ \\ s=\sqrt[]{144in^2+81in^2} \\ \\ s=\sqrt[]{225in^2} \\ \\ s=15in \end{gathered}[/tex]

Perimeter of the base is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} p=4b \\ p=4\cdot18in \\ p=72in \end{gathered}[/tex]

Area of the square base:

[tex]\begin{gathered} B=b^2 \\ B=(18in)^2 \\ B=324in^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the surface area of the given pyramid is

[tex]\begin{gathered} SA=324in^2+\frac{1}{2}\cdot72in\cdot15in \\ \\ SA=324in^2+540in^2 \\ SA=864in^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Problem 2: Solve the matrix equation for "x" and "y" 8 -X 2 13 4 1- [ 3 -9 10 -4y 5 6 [ 0 16


Solve the operation of the matrix

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\begin{bmatrix}{8} & {-x} & {} \\ {5} & {6} & {} \\ & {} & {}\end{bmatrix}{}-\begin{bmatrix}{3} & {-9} & {} \\ {10} & {-4y} & {} \\ {} & {} & {}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}{13} & {4} & {} \\ {0} & {16} & {} \\ {} & {} & {}\end{bmatrix} \\ \begin{bmatrix}{16} & {-2x} & {} \\ {10} & {12} & {} \\ {} & & {}\end{bmatrix}-\begin{bmatrix}{3} & {-9} & {} \\ {10} & {-4y} & {} \\ {} & {} & {}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}{13} & {4} & {} \\ {0} & {16} & {} \\ {} & {} & {}\end{bmatrix} \\ \begin{bmatrix}{13} & {-2x+9} & {} \\ {0} & {12+4y} & {} \\ {} & {} & {}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}{13} & {4} & {} \\ {0} & {16} & {} \\ {} & {} & {}\end{bmatrix} \end{gathered}[/tex]

From this result we know that

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2x+9=4 \\ 12+4y=16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now clear x and y from the equations

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2x+9=4 \\ -2x=-5 \\ x=-\frac{5}{-2} \\ x=\frac{5}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 12+4y=16 \\ 4y=4 \\ y=\frac{4}{4} \\ y=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

x is 5/2 and y is 1

California Chinese Shar Pei Rescue buys 1,898 lbs of dog food. They plan to split it equally among their 26 dogs. How much dog food will each dog receive (this is not per day FYI)?



The answer is 73 i hope it helps

how do I translate six more than four times a number z into a variable expression


For the relationship, two variables are needed.

One of the variable is given as 'z'. Let the other one be 'x'.

Then you need to translate that 'x' is six more than four times a number 'z'.

This can be expressed as,


Thus, the right side of the expression represents the relationship "six more than four times a number z".

Write the coordinates of the vertices after a rotation 90° counterclockwise around the origin.


Check the picture below.

I need help with this practice problem *you can pick more than one answer



Consider the following trigonometric equation:

[tex]3\cot (\theta)=-\sqrt[]{3}[/tex]

This is equivalent to:

[tex]\cot (\theta)=-\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{3}[/tex]

now, consider the following trigonometric circle and the above equation:

According to this trigonometric circle and the definition of the cotangent function, we can conclude that the general solution would be:

[tex]\theta=\frac{2\pi}{3}+\pi n[/tex]

If f(x) = x - 3, g(x) = 3x - 9, and h(x) = x^2-6x+9, then (gf)(2)=



Given the question in the image, the following are the solution steps to answer the question.

STEP 1: Write the given functions

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=x-3 \\ g(x)=3x-9 \\ h(x)=x^2-6x+9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

STEP 2: Find the gf(2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} \left(gf\right)\left(x\right)=g\left(x\right)f\left(x\right) \\ =g\left(2\right)f\left(2\right) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find g(2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=2 \\ By\text{ substitution,} \\ g(2)=3(2)-9=6-9=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find f(2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=2 \\ By\text{ subsitution,} \\ f(2)=2-3=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find gf(2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} By\text{ multiplication,} \\ =-3\cdot-1=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answer is 3

Can please help mii here



the function Is y= -x+5 .........

let's compare the significant notation recession of two of these numbers 0.00000000004=4.0x10 to the power of 7 =1.08v 10 Wright a sentence comparing then


We are given these two numbers:

4*10^(-7) and 1.08*10^(-9).

What is similar is that they are in scientific notation, that is, the base of both is

between 1 and 9.

The difference is in the exponent. 0.0000004 is lesser than 1, so the exponent will be negative, while 1,080,000,000 is greater than 1, so the exponent will be positive.

Is it a
linear function?




Step-by-step explanation:

Well, by looking at the x factors, none of them repeat so it is a function. To determine if it's linear, you can look to see if the change is consistent. From 0 to 2 is +2, and from 10 to 6 is -4. From 2 to 4 is +2, but from 6 to 4 is -2. Since it doesn't go down the table at a set rate, it isn't linear. So, it is a function, but not a linear function

Edmond, an NFL running back, rushed for an average of 148 yards per game this season, which is 85% higher than his average was last season. What was his average then?


Edmond average then was 174.12 , by using the given percentage.

What do you mean by percentage?

A  ratio that may be stated as a fraction of 100 is a percentage. If we need to calculate a percentage of a number, we should divide it by its entirety and then multiply it by 100. The proportion therefore refers to a component per hundred. Per 100 is what the word percent means. The letter "%" stands for it.

It is given that Edmond rushed for an average of 148 yards per game this season.

Let the average of Edmond last year be x

According to question, 148 yards per game is 85% of x

85% of x = 148

85/100 × x = 148

x = 148 ÷ (85/100) = 148 × (100/85) = 14800/85 = 174.12

Thereofore, Edmond average then was 174.12

To learn more about the percentage from the given link.


Apr 20, 11:27:10 AMA series of coins are stacked to represent a right circular cylinder (on the left). Thecoins are then "slid" to represent a distorted cylinder (on the right). The samenumber of congruent coins was used in each stack. Which of the following statementswill be TRUE regarding these stacks of coins?


The picture provides to stacks of coins and the number of coins used in both stacks are the same. One stack is straight while the other has been slightly distorted. Nonetheless, since the stacks of coins are congruent, the volume would be the same.

Determine the present value P that must be invested to have the future A at simple interest rate r after time t A= $3000.00 r=15,0% t= 9 months Round up to nearest cent as needed





The future value A and the present value P are related by the following equation

A = P(1 + rt)

Where r is the interest rate and t is the time.

Now, we need to convert 9 months to years as follows

9 months x 1 year / 12 months = 0.75 years

Then, replacing A = 3000, r = 15% = 0.15 and t = 0.75, we get:

3000 = P(1 + 0.15(0.75))

3000 = P(1 + 0.1125)

3000 = P(1.1125)

Now, we can solve for P

P = 3000/1.1125

P = 2696.63

Therefore, the present value is $2696.63

Select the correct answer.
What is the solution to |2x + 3| = 15?




Step-by-step explanation:






Mrs.smith deposits $980 in a saving account that pays 3.1% interest compounded daily


The amount at the end of 30 days, when interest compounded daily is found as $982.53.

What is referred as the compound interest?Compound interest is investment determined on the preliminary principal plus all previous periods' accumulated interest. The power of compound interest is the ability to generate "interest on interest." Interest could be compounded at any time, from continuously to everyday to annually.

The formula for calculating the compound interest is;

A = P(1 + r/100n)∧nt


CI = compound interestP = principal amount = $980r = rate of interest = 3.1%n = number of time interest compounded = 30 dayst = time in years = 1 months; 1/12 year.A = amount after given time.

Now put the values in the formula.

A = 980(1 + 3.1/3000)∧30(1/12)

A = 980(1.0025)

A= 982.53

Thus, the amount at the end of 30 days, when interest compounded daily is found as $982.53.

To know more about the compound interest, here


The complete question is-

Mrs.smith deposits $980 in a saving account that pays 3.1% interest compounded daily. Calculate the total amount for 30 days.

Find the least common denominator for thesetwo rational expressions.x3-3x2 – 2x + 1 x2 + 6x - 7-Enter the correct answer.000DONEClear all02 ?




[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x^3}{x^2-2x+1}=\frac{x^3}{(x-1)^2} \\ \\ \frac{-3}{x^2+6x-7}=-\frac{3}{(x-1)(x+7)} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the LCM is


By half-time at a basketball game, Tracy had already made 18 points. He makes only 3-point baskets in the second half of a game and made a total of 33 points the entire game.

Discrete or Continuous?


I am guessing that it is discrete.

This is the info I’m going off of, “In a basketball game, for example, it is only possible for a team's score to be a whole number—no fractions or decimals are allowed, and so the score is discrete.”

1. Translate & Solve *20 points"Seven subtracted from the product of a number and -4 is -59."A) n = 13B) n = -13C) n = 26D) n = -26


Seven subtracted from the product of a number and -4 is -59, let me translate it.


Let me solve it now (Next).

[tex]\rightarrow4x+7\text{ = 59}\rightarrow x=13[/tex]

The sum of two-sevenths of a number and 3 is 9


This is the translation, let me solve it next.

[tex]\frac{2x}{7}=6\rightarrow x\text{ = }\frac{42}{2}=21[/tex][tex]x^2-14=50\rightarrow x\text{ = 6}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{40x}{100}-10\text{ =-4}[/tex][tex]\frac{40x}{100}=6\rightarrow x\text{ = }\frac{600}{40}=15[/tex]

The quotient of a number increased by 4 and -3 is 15

[tex]\frac{x}{4}-3=15\rightarrow x=72[/tex]

x = y + 3
(2y + x = 12



X is 6, Y is 3

Step-by-step explanation:

The first equation states that x=y+3, so we can substitute x for y+3 in the second equation. We get 2y+y+3=12.

Combine like terms: 3y+3=12

Subtract 3: 3y=9

Divide by 3: y=3

Substitute y=3 into the first equation: x=3+3

Simplify: x=6


first one is

x= 6

second one is

y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

just use the solving eqautions method- I will give you a chart on how




see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

the domain is the x- coordinates (input) of the ordered pairs, note repeated values are only listed once , then

domain { - 3, 0, 1, 2 }

the range is the y- coordinates (output) of the ordered pairs , note repeated values are only listed once, then

range { 1, 2, 4, 5 }

For the relation to be a function then each value of x must map to one unique value of y.

here - 3 → 1 and 2 → 1

Thus the relation is not a function

20) Write a division number story with an answer of 1/4.Be sure to ask a question.


Example : 2 oraanges is to be share among two people in the ratio of 1 to 7. Find the amount of orange each person will get

Since, 16 oranges is to be shared among two people and their ratio is 1 to 7

Firstly, sum the ratios together

= 1 + 7

= 8

For the first person

Since the total ratio is 8

Then the first person will receive 1/8 of the total oranges

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{8}\text{ x 2} \\ =\frac{2}{8} \\ =\frac{1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

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