true or false with reason :- partner firm is a non trading concern​


Answer 1




A partnership firm can be said to be a trading business with a maximum limit of ten partners involved in the purchase and sale of goods and services.

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Plsss help me this due is tonight plsss



whatever the trait is, I'm just going to use tall as an example

1. phenotype=

Tall: Short



Tall: Short



Tall: Short



Tall: Short



Tall: Short


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Hey, you didn’t attach a image.

Which substance has a low albedo?
A. A black asphalt road
OB. A beach of white sand
C. A shiny building
D. An iceberg


It’s a guess but it’s not C. Because that would be high albedo. Low albedo would probably be D. An Iceberg

Explanation: Albedo is the measure of the reflectivity of a material. A high albedo means it reflects a lot of light and a low albedo means it absorbs a lot of light.

My Second Explanation: The higher the albedo, the more the surface reflects light. Snow and ice have high albedos; a dark rock would have a lower albedo.

True or false? A purebred plant has a heterozygous genotype.
Please help



false. :D


It is h o m o zygous (apparently that is a bad word haha )

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If the temperature is too hot, you may feel tired and lethargic, and if it is too cold, this may heighten the pain you feel.

What enzyme is needed to synthesize DNA by adding nucleotides to DNA that are complementary to the template?
DNA polymerase




Seems right to me

Answer: DNA Polymerase

Explanation: DID IT ON USATP

The text box below contains facts about salmon:
Facts about salmon. baby salmon migrate from freshwater streams and rivers to the ocean.
in the ocean, baby salmon d/r/i//n/k salt water.
Special cells on the salmon's gills called c/h//l/o//r/i/d//e cells help the salmon to e/x/c/r//e/t//e/ salt.

How do populations of baby salmon respond to changes in s/a//l/i//n/i//t/y as they migrate?
The baby salmon u/t/i/l/i//z/e// special structures but do not a/l/te/r/ their behavior.
The baby salmon al/t/e/r/ their behavior and u/t//i/l//i/z/e special structures.
The baby salmon u/t/i//l//i//z/e special structures to a/l/t/e//r their behavior.
The baby sa.l.m.on a/l/t/e/r their behavior but do not u/t/i/l//i/z/e special structures.



what even is the question i am so cunfuzzles






Slash-and-burn agriculture, method of cultivation in which forests are burned and cleared for planting. Slash-and-burn agriculture is often used by tropical-forest root-crop farmers in various parts of the world and by dry-rice cultivators of the forested hill country of Southeast Asia

the answer is agriculture :

name two characteristics that all these animal share ( frog, buck, doves, lizard, dragonflies )​



They all have a beating heart, and a brain


Beating the heart and a brain is the two characteristics that all these animal shares frog, buck, doves, lizard, and dragonflies​.

What are the different characteristics of animals?

Frogs are cold-blooded animals and are classified into the class of amphibians, they are vertebrate animals with backbones.

The lizard was included in the class reptilia, they are creeping and burrowing terrestrial animals situated on the land, and also have scales on their body. Similar to the frog, they are also cold-blooded animals having a backbone.

The major classification of the animals is done by the presence of a backbone, which differentiates them in vertebrates and invertebrates.

Therefore, in the given question all the animals share common feature of having a heart and brain.    

Learn more about animals, here:


Help me answer this biology question Urgent



1) Producers

2) Photosynthesis

3) Consumers

4) Herbivores

5) Carnivores

6) Decomposers


I neeeeedddddddd helpppppppp


Invasive is the correct answer! :)

An earthquake with a Richter magnitude of 5 releases ______ more energy than an earthquake with a Richter magnitude of 3.
a. 900
b. 27000
c. 30
d. 2





The table below shows the number of rabbits living in an area of forest over 4 different generations. The table also breaks down their population size by fur color. Which statement below gives the best explanation of this data?

image link:



In a forest the brown rabbit would be the best





how do genes create traits in a organism



Like chromosomes, genes also come in pairs. Each of your parents has two copies of each of their genes, and each parent passes along just one copy to make up the genes you have. Genes that are passed on to you determine many of your traits, such as your hair color and skin color.

is this what you are looking for

what enzyme helps digest lipids?

- lactase
- amylase
- cellulase
- lipase


Lipase helps digest lipids


The answer is lipase  

Hope this help

Explanation:I did the test

What is an amniotic egg?


Answer: The amniotic egg was an evolutionary invention that allowed the first reptiles to colonize dry land more than 300 million years ago. Fishes and amphibians must lay their eggs in water and therefore cannot live far from water. ... Within the chorion is the amnion, the membrane for which the amniotic egg is named.


Which hot and dry biome is home to large herds of herbivores that feed on many types of grasses?





The development by farmers to produce larger tomatoes is the result of



artificial selection by selectively breeding the larger variants


brainpop newton's laws of motion worksheet answer key catagorize it answer


Answer:where the  questions. cos


Where do nutrients enter the body?



thru the nucleus or cell wall i think


Answer: The small intestine absorbs most of the nutrients in your food.

Explanation: The small intestine is good for absorption due to it having a large inner surface area.

Can anyone help me with my homework



Explanation: 1. Sediment is a naturally occurring material that is broken down by processes of weathering and erosion, and is subsequently transported by the action of wind, water, or ice or by the force of gravity acting on the particles.

2.  Organic, Clastic and Chemical Sedimentary Rocks.

3. The formation of coal takes millions of years, which is why it is an exhaustible and non-renewable natural resource.

It was formed around 300 million years ago when the earth was covered with swampy forests.

When plants in these forests- mainly trees, mosses, ferns, and reeds died, they fell into the swamps.

Thus there was a thick layer of dead vegetation in the swamp formed.

4. Clastic rocks are composed of fragments, or clasts, of pre-existing minerals and rock. A clast is a fragment of geological detritus, chunks and smaller grains of rock broken off other rocks by physical weathering.

6.Squeezed and compressed over time, the sediments become 'consolidated' (made solid) into layers of rock. Stratigraphy is the study of those layers Cementation occurs when dissolved mineral components deposit in the interstices of sediments. It is the sticking together of sediment that forms a rock.

7. It is used by marine biota to form a shell frame. Shells of marine animals are rich in carbonate minerals. When the marine animals die, the shells will accumulate and settle in a place so that rocks are formed.

8. This may be due to the overburden load, which is essentially the weight of all the material above the layer of minerals in question squashing them flat. Or it may be due to deformation caused by the movements of tectonic plates which often causes a form of deformation known as shearing where two things slide past each other. When this occurs in ductile rock masses, it acts to flatten and rotate mineral grains so that their long axis is parallel to the shear plane.

Che healthy way to lose weight is to...
Drink a lot of water
O Take in slightly less calories than you use daily
O Eat no fats
O Eat no carbohydrates
1 point



O Take in slightly less calories than you use daily



It has been shown that the healthiest diets to lose weight are those where individuals consume fewer calories than normal and simultaneously by taking care of consuming all essential nutrients in adequate quantities.  

The essential nutrients to be consumed in a healthy diet include:

1- macronutrients, especially proteins (amino acids) to avoid muscle loss as well as normal metabolic functions, and fats, which are required to absorb some micronutrients (i.e., liposoluble vitamins)

2- micronutrients, which include vitamins (e.g., vitamin D, vitamin C, etc) and minerals (e.g., iron, calcium, etc).

what name do we use for the outer membrane of skeletal muscle cells?
a. sarcoplasmic



The answer is sarcolemma

the answer is c sarcolemma

If u looked at a SA cells and cardiac muscle cells under a microscope, do u think they would look the same or different from each other? Explain ur reasoning HELP MEE PLSSSSS



They look a little bit different. SA cells contain fewer mitochondria, fewer myofibers, and a smaller sarcoplasmic reticulum. This means that the SA node cells are less equipped to contract compared to the atrial and ventricular cells.

Pleaseeeeeeee heeeeeeelpppp





i wish it could help you

The ADG1(ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase 1) is involved in flowering timing in plants. You are interested in developing a DNA probe using partial protein sequence information. Part of the amino acid sequence is Glu-Glu-His-Asp-Val-Leu 1. determine the possible antisense oligo nucleotides possible from this amino acid sequence 2. How many total unique different oligonucleotide would need to be produced to cover all possibilities




2) 48


1) Determine the possible antisense oligo nucleotides possible from this amino acid sequence

Given that the peptide sequence is = Glu-Glu-His-Asp-Val-Leu 1.

we will use a codon table to show the codons and Anticodons for each of the Amino acids  

Amino Acid   Codons                                                         Anticodons

 Glu                GAA, GAG                                                    UUC, CUC

 His                 CAU, CAC                                                    AUG, GUG

 Asp         GAU, GAC                                                    AUC, GUC

 Val                 GUU, GUC, GUA, GUG                             AAG, GAC, UAC,CAC


From the table above

The possible antisense oligo nucleotide sequence is : UUC-AUG-AUC-AAG-UAA.

2)  How many total unique different oligonucleotide would need to be produced to cover all possibilities

A desired peptide sequence requires 16 anticodons

Hence the total unique different oligonucleotide needed to be produced to cover all possibilities = 16 *3 = 48

The ADG1(ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase is involved in flowering timing in plants and a DNA probe is made by using partial protein sequence information. Part of the amino acid sequence is Glu-Glu-His-Asp-Val-Leu.

1. To determine the possible antisense oligonucleotides possible from this amino acid sequence:

Since, for every amino acid, there is a specific codon and anticodons are present so according to the given information, the possible antisense oligonucleotides for Glu-Glu-His-Asp-Val-Leu is UUC-AUG-AUC-AAG-UAA.

2) The total number of unique different oligonucleotides that would need to be produced to cover all possibilities is 48

since the amino acid sequence is Glu-Glu-His-Asp-Val-Leu has 16 anticodons and each anticodon have 3 nucleotides so the possible number of oligonucleotides are  :

16×3 = 48.

What are codon and anticodon?

A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid.

An anticodon is a trinucleotide sequence complementary to that of a corresponding codon in a messenger RNA sequence.

Thus, according to codon and anticodon, the possible antisense oligonucleotides for Glu-Glu-His-Asp-Val-Leu is UUC-AUG-AUC-AAG-UAA and a number of unique different oligonucleotides that would need to be produced to cover all possibilities is 48.

To learn more about the codon and anticodon click here:





I think the answers probably b

Based on scale of 100 and represents average performance



Ok what is the question good sir/madam?



Yes i agree with the other answer SIr or Ma'am but i don't know if this question!

3. This is the menstrual phase wherein pregnancy is poss
a) follicular phase
c) menstrual phase
b) luteal phase
d) ovulation phase
woman for pregnancy.​



Insiso "d"... The ovary phase depends on the days after emnarazo.


D ovulation phase.


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