True or False? The Speaker of the House has much more influence in Congress than does the Vice President.
A. True
B. False


Answer 1

As presiding officer of the House of Representatives, the speaker holds a variety of powers over the House and is ceremonially the highest-ranking legislative official in the US government.
Answer 2


false, both equal


Related Questions

As a democratic-Republican, one of Thomas Jefferson's goals as president was to:


Jefferson promised to abolish taxes, cut spending on the government and the military, pay off the national debt, and reduce spending overall. He made an effort to bring the nation back to the Republican basic ideals by his actions both personally and in public policy.

The Republican Party's early 1800s political platform, known as Jeffersonian Republicanism, advocated for a constrained federal government and lower spending. When he took office in 1801, President Thomas Jefferson first implemented this strategy. When Jefferson became president, he was determined to undo the Federalist policy of the 1790s. The Sedition and Alien Acts were repealed, and his administration cut taxes, spending, and the national debt.

To learn more about Republican, click here.


Answer:reduce the size of the federal government.


What was an effect of the French and Indian war? (Choose all that apply.)


French influence in the New World was essentially eliminated as a result of Britain's victory in the French and Indian War.

How did the French and Indian War benefit France?

The port of New Orleans and the French colonies west of the Mississippi would be annexed by Spain. The Caribbean islands that British soldiers had taken during the war would be returned to France in exchange for these cessions, as well as territory in India, Africa, and Minorca, an island in the Mediterranean.

What bonds the colonies shared during the French and Indian War?

Fighting alongside one another against the French and American Indians during the French and Indian War were the American colonists acting under British military leadership. As of late, the colonists had gathered to express their displeasure towards.

TO know more about  French and Indian war visit:-


can someone really “SMART” help me, PLEASE?!


Near the bottom, you can see where it says, peaceful taller, and prosperous land, and the Gupta empire was all about Hinduism not Buddhism.

in what way did the crusades start a chain of events that led to european discovery of the new world? they facilitated an intellectual exchange with cultures that already knew about the new world. they led to increased movement between europe and asia that resulted in new trade networks. they caused europeans to give up efforts at conquering asia and look for new lands to conquer in the west.


The crusades start a chain of events that led to European discovery of the new world as they

They blocked the trade routes between the Europe and Asia and prevented silks and spices from reaching Europe.

Describe the major Traders during the 17 C.

The Portuguese: The Portuguese under the leadership of Vasco da Gama landed at Calicut on the 17th May, 1498 The Dutch: With a view to get direct access to the spice markets in South-East Asia, the Dutch undertook several voyages from 1596 and eventually formed the Dutch East India Company .Anglo-Dutch Rivalry: The Dutch rivalry with the English, during the 17th century was more bitter than that of the Portu­guese. The French: Colbert, minister of Louis XIV, created the Companies des Indus Orientals in 1664 .

To know more about Trade from the given link


Answer: globalization


Do you think it is a problem that our ideas about the world don't affect the way we interpret
history? Is it even possible for that to happen?


Answer:perceive the world?The dynamics of psychology — cognition, perception, learning, emotion, attitudes and relationships — all play a significant role in how humans see themselves and the many elements in their environment. Psychologists study how human behavior — from interpersonal relationships to recycling — affects our world.


What área some of the high density cities un the world??


Manila, Philippines: 119,600.

Pateros, Philippines: 94,400.

90,460 people reside in Mandaluyong, Philippines.

85,140 people live in Baghdad, Iraq.

Some of the world's high density cities include Mumbai, India, which has 83,66 inhabitants.

What is population density, and what are some examples?

The average population density is the number of people in a population per unit of area or volume. An area of square meters with a population of 100 insects has a density of 1 bug per square meter, for instance.

What does "high population density" mean?

A high population density suggests that the population is large for the size of the country. There is a high population density in nations like Belgium and the Netherlands. Large nations with low densities are Canada and Australia.

To know more about  density cities visit:-


Compare the impacts of imported items on social status in the period 1450-1750 with the impacts of imported items on social status in the twenty-first century.


The  impacts of imported items on social status in the period 1450-1750 is that because  the economic systems operate with the Triangular Trade which do affect the social structures through the creation of New World European social hierarchical systems found in British and Spanish colonies.

The impacts of imported items on social status in the twenty-first century is that it improves living the standards as well as reducing poverty levels.

What is the importance of impacts of imported items on social status?

The act of imported items on social status can help to bring a good relationship between the countries because it help to increase the way they trade which can be termed the act of globalization.

It should be noted that the globalisation  do bring about the increase in the economic prosperity as well as the opportunity in the developing world.

Find out more on social status at


Why did Mehmed II take over Constantinople? *
Byzantine empire grows week- Ottoman empire becomes powerful & takes over
O The Ottoman empire buys the land and changes the name
The Byzantines up and leave so the city is vacant and up for the taking


On May 29, 1453, the Ottoman Army, led by Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, captured Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.

The cannon built by Orban, a Hungarian artillery specialist, was essential to the Ottoman Turks winning Constantinople because it hammered on the city walls until they eventually collapsed, allowing the Ottoman forces to enter the city. Constantinople had survived the Christian Crusader army's assault in 1204 but was unable to repel the Ottoman Turks' onslaught. The Near Eastern countries were soon captured by the Ottoman Turks, and eventually, Constantinople was reduced to basically simply its city limits, a capital without its empire.

On Easter Monday, April 2, 1453, the young Ottoman sultan Mehmet II and his armies started their siege. Emperor Constantine XI was adamant to hold out even though it was impossible inside the city walls.

Learn more about Constantinople here:


_to make a change by a legal process


To make a change by a legal process is called an amendment.

An amendment is a formally recognized alteration to a statute, agreement, charter, or other legal document. The word "amend," which means "to improve," serves as its basis.Such agreements may be amended to add, remove, or update certain provisions. They are typically employed when writing a new document is preferred than updating an old one. The amendment process is exclusive to the legislative branch.A motion is a request for action in parliamentary process. Such a proposal may be amended by using a motion to amend. Motions may be amended to add, delete, or replace words. Some secondary motions as well as all major motions are amendable.

Thus this is the meaning of amendment.

Refer here to learn more about amendment:


Which group was losing power in the early 1900s in Oklahoma?



I believe the answer is A.

Answer: D.corporations

Explanation: I had the question

why do certain themes apply to civilizations separated by thousands of miles and hundreds of years


Certain themes apply to civilizations separated by thousands of miles and hundreds of years because humans tend to live with similar issues and circumstances that made them make decisions conducive to solving problems, although many different ways of thinking oppose a single way to resolve things.

Communities and nations also have had to establish contact and trade relations with other cultures. Some by will others by force, war, or conquest. All these factors allowed the exchange of culture, values, and traditions between different nations that were carried along for many years. That is why they are still present in different, times, eras, and places of the world.

A proposed amendment to the Constitution becomes law when it is ratified by

three-fourths of the states.

a national election.

the U.S. House and Senate.

the Supreme Court.


A proposed amendment to the Constitution becomes law when it is ratified by three-fourths of the states.

What is constitutional amendment?

A constitutional amendment is a modification of the constitution of a polity, organization or other type of entity. Amendments are often interwoven into the relevant sections of an existing constitution, directly altering the text.

How does an amendment become a law?

Conventions in three-fourths of the states must approve, or ratify, the amendment for it to pass. This amounts to 38 states total.

The amendment must be approved by at least two-thirds of both houses. If they then approve the amendment it is sent to the legislatures of each state of the union. Then all state legislatures must approve the amendment by three-fourths vote. After all is approved, the amendment then becomes law.

Learn more about amendments here:


DUE T 2:00 PM!!!!
Which two nations were the only African nations to resist European imperialism
a. Egypt

b. Libya

c. Congo

d. Ethiopia

e. Liberia





ethiopia and liberia

How might changes in phase relate to an issue in environmental racism?


The availability of affordable land, a lack of political will to oppose businesses, and poverty are a few factors that contribute to environmental racism. Both businesses and the government search for inexpensive land to build hazardous waste sites or dump poisonous chemicals.

What is environmental racism?

Environmental racism, also known as ecological apartheid, is a type of institutional racism that results in the disproportionate placement of hazardous waste disposal sites, incinerators, and landfills in communities of color.

Internationally, it is also linked to extractivism, which blames Indigenous peoples and impoverished countries with a substantial population of people of color for the environmental costs of mining, oil extraction, and industrial agriculture.

The environmental justice movement emerged in the United States and other countries throughout the 1970s and 1980s in response to environmental racism.

Learn more about environmental racism, from:


What is the period called when Stalin struck out against anyone who he
believed to be a threat to his power?
A. De-Stalinization
OB. The Holocaust
OC. The Great Purge
OD. Détente



C. The Great Purge


B is out, because that was Hitler killing the Jewish.

A is out because that means removing Stalin

D is out because a detente is lessening of tension between nations.

The Attorney General could only ascend to the presidency if __________.


The Attorney General could only ascend to the presidency if those above him/her couldn't serve. Thus option D is correct.

What is Attorney General?

The primary legal counsel to the administration is provided by the attorney general or attorney general. Attorneys general may also oversee criminal prosecutions, civil litigation, or even general legal matters in some governments.

A situation like this is unusual because the attorney general is seventh in line. However, if that were to happen, it would only do so if those in authority over him were unable to carry out their duties. In history, of course, this has never occurred.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about   Attorney General, here:


The complete question is Probably

The Attorney General could only ascend to the presidency if __________.

Congress allowed it.

the President allowed it.

Constitution was cahnged.

those above him/her couldn't serve

The _______________ began out of a protest for an 8-hour work day.
A) Pullman Strike
B) Haymarket Riot
C) Homestead Strike

Which Strike is correct?



B) Haymarket Riot

Hope This Helps You!




they bombed the Haymarket square which is why it is called Haymarket riot,one person died, workers were injured during the riot.

Which scientist proposed the idea of studying humans as groups rather than as individuals
O Lamarck
X Darwin.
O Malthus
O Linnaeus​


Your answer is indeed Darwin.

Question 4
Which of the following led to the writing of the Magna Carta?
economic restrictions under imperialism
O abuse of power by monarchs
O threats of revolution from colonial governors
O missionary work of clergy
1 pts



I think the 3rd one and 2nd one,but

what was the result of that battle of Trenton and prince during the American revolution

A) an increase in support morale

b) France entry into the war on British side

c) France entry into the war on the colonial side

D) a decrease in support for the colonial cause ​


The battles of Trenton and Princeton led to an increase in the number of men enlisting in the Continental army.

General William Howe's British forces had been forcing the Continental Army south out of New York since August 1776. On November 16, the British invaded Manhattan's Fort Washington and captured 2,000 Americans. The Americans were then chased by the British across New Jersey. Washington crossed the Delaware River with his troops in mid-December, heading south. They set up camp on the Pennsylvanian side but were short on supplies, food, and ammo. 1,400 Hessians were stationed at Trenton under Colonel Johann Rall's command.

Rall's soldiers were worn out and unprepared for Washington's attack, despite the fact that he had warned them of colonial operations, and there is no truth to the reports that they were intoxicated from Christmas celebrations.

Learn more about American Revolution here:


3. Why were they called boxers



Because by the time the rebels, referred to by Westerners as Boxers because they performed physical exercises they believed would make them able to withstand bullets, killed foreigners and Chinese Christians and destroyed foreign property Also The Boxers were a secret organization that began killing Christian missionaries and their converts, They were a clandestine social society, in existence since the early 1700s. Essentially a cult, they practiced a form of shadow boxing and believed their followers were invulnerable.

Explanation: The Boxers were a secret organization that began killing Christian missionaries and their converts, They were a clandestine social society, in existence since the early 1700s. Essentially a cult, they practiced a form of shadow boxing and believed their followers were invulnerable.

According to this map, which seven colonies did not have any major battles?


The military history of the Thirteen Colonies between their establishment and the American Revolution in 1775 is known as Colonial American military history.

What was the name for colonists who avoided combat?

The word "patriots" was used to characterize colonies that favored leaving the British Empire. Those who supported remaining as British colonies were known as loyalists. Neutrals are Americans who support both views and are unable to choose a side. The reasons why colonists sided with one group or another varied.

Did the colonies ever engage in conflict?

The majority of early colonial wars between colonizing powers in North America were fought in order to secure important forts, with the exception of the raiding expeditions during the French and Indian War.

To know more seven colonies visit:-


When it first entered World War II, why did the United States agree to commit most of its resources to the war in Europe?
Stalin assured Roosevelt that the Soviet Union could deal with Japan.
Roosevelt felt the other thirty percent was needed to defend the US mainland.
Roosevelt did not feel the United States needed to engage Japan.
Roosevelt felt that Germany was more of a threat than Japan.


"When it first entered World War II, the United States agreed to commit most of its resources to the war in Europe because Roosevelt felt that Germany was more of a threat than Japan."

"Franklin Roosevelt addressed Americans through radio, disapproving participation in the war while putting the responsibility on Nazi encroachment. In a calculated way, he attempted rise of  American anger at Hitler's tries to rule over Europe, while holding his obedience to the "Neutrality Act of 1937". He wanted to assist "the Allies" but also had to please American people who were against participation in the war. "

To learn more about F. Roosevelt,


Answer: D

Explanation: jus trust

how did france's activity in the americas differ from that of spain? the french fostered alliances with native peoples for commercial advantages, rather than military ones. the french were motivated more by a desire to map the world than to establish colonies. the french were not concerned with spreading christianity to native peoples.


The way that France's activity in the Americas differed from that of Spain was the French fostered alliances with Native peoples for commercial advantages, rather than military ones.

What was the goal of the French in the Americas?

When the French came to the Americas, their main goal was to engage in commercial ventures. They therefore fostered alliances with Native peoples to improve trade networks.

This was different from the Spanish who came to conquer, control, and occupy. They therefore used alliances for military advantages rather than commercial advantages like the Spanish.

Find out more on the French goal in the Americas at


What group dominated politics and decision making in America?


The groups which dominated politics and decision making in America are Democratic Party and Republican Party.

Explain how the U.S. motives for imperialism were applied
to the acquisition of Alaska and Hawaii.
Be sure to address each of three major motivations for

the belief in cultural superiority
the desire for military strength
the desire for new markets and natural resources


When the United States annexed Hawaii, the American Navy was able to access Hawaii's naval base, Pearl Harbor, and during the acquisition of Alaska, they were able to grow, acquire vital resources, and increase their dominance on the global stage.

William Seward favoured moving forward with plans to acquire Alaska and supported territorial expansion. Because of its economic woes and expectation that the United States would counter Great Britain's ambitions as its main opponent, Russia agreed to the Alaska Purchase. As Alaska was obtained by diplomatic means, this was advantageous for the United States.

The United States annexed the Hawaiian Islands due to its need for naval bases, territorial expansion, and the necessity to remain competitive internationally. In addition, as was already indicated, by capturing Hawaii, the United States was able to strengthen its position as a global superpower.

Know more about Alaska acquisition here


Besides honoring veterans who fought in world war i, what are some other wars veterans fought in?.


Vietnam war, world war II, and The iraq war

What changed as a result of the ruling in the supreme court case hernandez v. Texas?.


The Supreme Court unanimously decided in Hernandez v. Texas held that all racial and ethnic groups who were subject to discrimination were covered by the Fourteenth Amendment, extending the reach of civil rights laws to encompass Hispanics and all other non-whites.

An all-Anglo-Saxon jury in Edna, Texas, charged Pete Hernandez, a teenage Mexican-American cotton picker, with the murder of Joe Espinoza and sentenced him to life in prison in 1951. Gus Garcia, Carlos Cadena, and James de Anda, Mexican American civil rights attorneys from San Antonio and Houston, Texas, respectively, appealed the Hernandez case to the US Supreme Court. The Court unanimously decided on May 2, 1954, that the Fourteenth Amendment protects people outside of the "two-class theory" and that Mexican Americans in Jackson County, Texas, were a "special class." Chief Justice Earl Warren, who was governor of California during the Mendez v. Westminster case in 1947, presided over the decision.

The all-Anglo jury found Hernandez guilty of murder and gave him a life sentence.

To learn more about the Fourteenth Amendment tap here:


Marco polo give a summary of his life. Be sure to include how his life and accomplishments influenced the flow of history after him. 20 points


Marco Polo, was a Venetian merchant and traveler who journeyed from Europe to Asia. He was born into a Venetian merchant family and traveled to China with his father and uncle through the Silk Road, arriving in Kublai Khan's court around the year 1274.

The Polo family lived in China for almost 17 years during which time Marco was dispatched on various trips by the King. After sailing from eastern China to Persia and then traveling on land via Turkey, the Polos made their way back to Venice in 1295.

Soon after his return, Marco was captured by the Genoese and imprisoned with Rustichello, a writer who assisted him in writing his accounts.

To know more about Marco Polo here:


Select the correct text in the passage:
Which statement shows a desire among White Southerners to resist change after the Civil War with respect to their treatment of African Americans?

-In 1862, President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which began to settle the question of slavery.

-Then the Reconstruction Amendments gave African Americans citizenship and some voting rights.

-creating an economic system called sharecropping which had little difference from slavery.


The Civil War with respect to their treatment of African Americans were creating an economic system called sharecropping which had little difference from slavery.

What is slavery?

The word slavery is defined as when a person is treated as the property of another person. In this situation, the person is called the slave. And the person who controls it is called a slave master. And that determines that slaves are forced to work.

As the sharecropping was the economic system, that was existed before the Civil war, As the both white and black American were became sharecroppers.  

The words share cropping is referring as, there was a system is there by which the landlord and the planter was allows having a tenate, as in the exchange of share of the crop is there in it.

Therefore, The right option (C) is correct

Learn more about slavery here:


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