TRUE or FALSE: The only way to see a recessive trait is to inherit 2 recessive


Answer 1


false it's more than two

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Can someone please help me



No doubt the answer is plants they are one maintaining the temperature, responsible for rains too...

i think its D but i not sure so can yall pls help me



I'm not really sure but I thinks its


Why is one side of the moon called "the dark side of the moon"?
O A. The moon's rotation and revolution take the same time.
B. The moon's rotation time is exactly twice the time of its revolution.
C. The moon's rotation time is exactly half the time of its revolution.


The 'dark side' of the Moon refers to the hemisphere of the Moon that is facing away from the Earth. ... It is only 'dark' to us, as that hemisphere can never be viewed from Earth due to a phenomenon known as 'Tidal Locking'

Calculate the concentration of NO2NO2 in an equilibrium mixture given that the concentration of N2O4=0.200MN2O4=0.200M and Keq=67.3Keq=67.3 for the reaction: 2NO2(g)⇌N2O4(g)2NO2(g)⇌N2O4(g). Calculate the concentration of in an equilibrium mixture given that the concentration of and for the reaction: . 18.3 M 0.00297 M 337 M 0.0545 M none of the above


Answer: The concentration of [tex]NO_{2}[/tex] in the given equilibrium mixture is 0.0545 M.


The ratio of concentration of products and reactants raised to the power of their coefficients is called equilibrium constant. The symbol used to denote equilibrium constant is [tex]K_{eq}[/tex].

As the given reaction equation is as follows.

[tex]2NO_{2}(g) \rightleftharpoons N_{2}O_{4}(g)[/tex]

The expression for equilibrium constant of this reaction is as follows.

[tex]K_{eq} = \frac{[N_{2}O_{4}]}{[NO_{2}]^{2}}[/tex]

Now, substitute the given values into above formula as follows.

[tex]K_{eq} = \frac{[N_{2}O_{4}]}{[NO_{2}]^{2}}\\67.3 = \frac{(0.2)}{[NO_{2}]^{2}}\\So, [NO] = \sqrt{\frac{0.2}{67.3}}\\= 0.0545 M[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that the concentration of [tex]NO_{2}[/tex] in the given equilibrium mixture is 0.0545 M.

How does an ecosystem benefit when leaves fall from a tree and decompose on the soil?
A. Nutrients are released into the soil.
B.Soil erosion decreases
C.Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the soil.

D.Soil temperature decreases.


The first answer is w

When leaves fall from a tree and decompose on the soil it benefits the ecosystem as nutrients are released into the soil.

What is an ecosystem?

Ecosystem is defined as a system which consists of all living organisms and the physical components with which the living beings interact. The abiotic and biotic components are linked to each other through nutrient cycles and flow of energy.

Energy enters the system through the process of photosynthesis .Animals play an important role in transfer of energy as they feed on each other.As a result of this transfer of matter and energy takes place through the system .Living organisms also influence the quantity of biomass present.By decomposition of dead plants and animals by microbes nutrients are released back in to the soil.

Learn more about ecosystem,here:


what it meant by executive mention the function of Executive​


[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{pink}{An}}{\red{sw}}{\orange{er}} {\color{yellow}{:⌐■-■}}}}}[/tex]


The organ of government that primarily looks after the function of implementation and administration is called the executive.


Executive is the branch of government responsible for the implementation of laws and policies adopted by the legislature.

ThanksHope it helps.

How do scientists determine the names for so many different living things





What is my formula? Silver l acetate



Ag(I)C2H3O2 ....................

Silver only has a single valence value (+1) so you really don't need to put the (I) in the chemical formula.

A sample was then prepared containing 14.00 mL of coffee and 8.00 mL of 4.80 ppm Li , and diluted to a 50.00 mL total volume. The ratio of the internal standard signal to the analyte signal in the unknown sample was found to be 0.840/1.000 (Li signal/Na signal). Determine the unknown concentration of Na in the coffee sample.



The right answer is "[tex][Na^+]=5.57 \ ppm[/tex]".


The given values are:

[tex]\frac{A_s}{A_{coffee}} =\frac{0.840}{1.000}[/tex]

According to the question,

The concentration of standard will be:

=  [tex]\frac{7.80}{50.00}\times 4.80[/tex]

=  [tex]0.156\times 4.80[/tex]

=  [tex]0.748 \ ppm[/tex]

Coffee after dilution,

⇒  [tex]\frac{A_{coffee}}{C_{coffee}} =F\times \frac{A_s}{C_s}[/tex]


⇒  [tex]C_{coffee}=\frac{A_{coffee}}{A_s}\times \frac{C_s}{F}[/tex]

On substituting the values, we get

⇒               [tex]=\frac{1.000}{0.840}\times \frac{0.748}{1.68}[/tex]

⇒               [tex]=1.191\times 1.3104[/tex]

⇒               [tex]=1.561 \ ppm[/tex]


In unknown sample, the concentration of coffee will be:

=  [tex]1.561\times \frac{50}{14}[/tex]

=  [tex]\frac{78.05}{14}[/tex]

=  [tex]5.57 \ ppm[/tex]

How many atoms are there in 24 moles of Fe?


Answer: There are [tex]145 \times 10^{23}[/tex] atoms in 24 moles of Fe.


According to the mole concept, 1 mole of a substance contains [tex]6.022 \times 10^{23}[/tex] atoms.

Therefore, atoms present in 24 moles of Fe are calculated as follows.

[tex]24 mol \times 6.022 \times 10^{23} atoms/mol\\= 144.52 \times 10^{23} atoms\\or, 145 \times 10^{23} atoms[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that there are [tex]145 \times 10^{23}[/tex] atoms in 24 moles of Fe.

If a 50.0 g piece of glass is heated from 20.0°C to 40.0°C, how many joules of heat are added? The specific heat of glass is 0.50 J/g°C.



500J (joules)


since heat is is the product of mass, change in temperature, and specific heat, the solution can be found from the equation q = mcΔt, heat is 50 * .5 * 20 = 500J

Use the nutrition label to answer the following questions.
16.How much energy is contained in
the six-cookie serving size
recommended on the label?

17.How much energy in joules is provided by eating
six cookies? (1 cal = 4.184 J; ALSO: 1 Calorie = 1



six cookies?(1 cal _4.184 j; ALSO: 1 Calorie -1 kilocalorie)

Convert 61 μg of aluminum phosphate to grams. (Hint: 1 μg = 1 x 10-6 g, so multiply 61 by 1 x 10-6)


Answer: 61 μg of aluminum phosphate in grams is equal to [tex]61 \times 10^{-6} g[/tex].


According to standard conversion of units, 1 microgram [tex](\mu g)[/tex] is equal to [tex]1 \times 10^{-6}[/tex] g.

Therefore, [tex]61 \mu g[/tex] is converted into grams as follows.

[tex]1 \mu g = 10^{-6} g\\61 \mu g = 61 \mu g \times \frac{10^{-6}}{1 g}\\= 61 \times 10^{-6} g[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that 61 μg of aluminum phosphate in grams is equal to [tex]61 \times 10^{-6} g[/tex].

The ΔHfus for ethanol is 4.60 kJ/mol. If it takes 7500.0 Joules of energy to melt a sample of ethanol, how many grams of ethanol are in the sample? The chemical formula for ethanol is C2H5OH.




- Standard state refers to

a) 1 atm and 25°C

b) 1 atm and 100°C

c) 1 atm and gaseous reactants

d) None of these


Answer: The standard state refers to 1 atm and [tex]25^{o}C[/tex].


It is known that a chemical/substance can either be present in a solid, liquid or gaseous state.

So, when the phase of a substance like solid, liquid or gas is present at 1 atmosphere pressure and at a temperature of [tex]25^{o}C[/tex] then it known as standard state of substance.

Thus, we can conclude that standard state refers to 1 atm and [tex]25^{o}C[/tex].

Ito ang web browser na kapalit ng Internet Explorer! plsssss help naman ako epp po ito hindi ko po alam ​



p o e t i c o


no lo entenderias

1 point
To help you with estimating, the individual answers to A, B, C should all
have zero in the one's place. Add those answers up to get the numerical
code. Input that code to move on.*
A) 56 g NH3 can be dissolved in 100 g of water at °C
B) At 50°C, 166 g of KNO, can be dissolved in g of water to make a saturated
C) At 76°C, KCI and HCI have the same solubility. What mass of each could be dissolved in
80 g of water?
Your answer
This is a required question




A scientist wants to investigate several problems. In which of the following situations is using a simulation LEAST suitable for solving a problem?
a. When a scientific study requires performing a large number of trials that need to be conducted very quickly
b. When the solution to the problem requires real-world data inputs that are continually measured at regular intervals.
c. When performing an experiment that would be too costly or dangerous to conduct in the real world
d. When it is considered acceptable to make simplifying assumptions when modeling a real-world object or phenomenon





got from another website

The simulation which is least suitable to scientists for solving a problem is when performing an experiment that would be too costly or dangerous to conduct in the real world.

What is scientific approach?

Scientific approach is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge and result. This method involved the careful observation of the problem, applying skepticism about the problem and giving cognitive assumptions also.

If a scientist wants to investigate several problems, then they will perform a large no. of trials at regular intervals to get the required result. But if performing of any experiment is dangerous to conduct in the real world then scientists will ignore to solve that problem.

Hence, option (C) is correct.

To know more about scientific approach, visit the below ink:

who am I? my number name has the same number of letters as me. I am number _____​




is the answer


Which of the following lists contain ONLY metals?



I'd there and pictures?? can put the list

Suppose that you must go into court and testify as to the level of X in the river water. Your lawyer is concerned that your analytical results are lower than they should be because you cannot extract with benzene (distribution Ratio K=4) all of X from your samples. Assume the concentration of X in the 1.00 L river water sample is 1.06 x 10-4 M.
a. How many extracts would be required to remove all but 1000 molecules of X from the sample with repeated 10.00 mL portions of extract?
b. How many extractions are required for a 99.99% chance of extraction of the last molecule remaining (0.01% chance of a single molecule left behind)



The appropriate solution is:

(a) n ≈ 900

(b) n ≈ 1165


According to the question,


The final number of molecules throughout water will be:

= [tex](\frac{1000}{1000}\times 4\times 10 )^n[/tex]

where, n = number of extractions


The initial number of molecules will be:

= [tex]1.06\times 10^{-4}\times 6.023\times 10^{23}[/tex]

= [tex]6.387\times 10^{19}[/tex]

Final number of molecule,

⇒ [tex]1.566\times 10^{-16}=(\frac{1000}{1040} )^n[/tex]

                       [tex]n \approx 900[/tex]


Final molecules of X = left (0.01%)


⇒ [tex]initial = 6.384\times 10^{19}[/tex]

   [tex]\frac{1}{6.384\times 10^{19}} =(\frac{1000}{1040} )^2[/tex]

                 [tex]n \approx 1165[/tex]


Select the correct answer.
Your friend Keith has been in a dating relationship for six months. His personality has changed in these months. He looks unhappy and rarely smiles. He avoids the company of friends. On the rare occasions you have seen him, his face appears bruised. You suspect that Keith may be in an abusive relationship. What should you do in this case?
avoid talking to Keith
confront his dating partner
encourage Keith to speak up and report abuse
advise him to tolerate the abuse, as difficulties are a part of life


I think c cause if he is in a relationship that’s abusive he needs to speak up before it goes way worst.

How do new traits enter a population?


Answer: By the way that population is treated and also by new borns.

Explanation: new borns are given traits based off their parents but also new traits that are developed off of their own. Now if that population has access to resources and a lot of it. Chances are they will become bratty,selfish and things such as.

How many moles are in 153 grams of O2?



4.78 mol O2


Grams --> moles

Grams/molar mass = moles

153 g O2 / 32 g/mol O2 = 4.78125 (significant figures so round it up; the grams has 3 significant figures, so round it up) 4.78 mol O2

If 348 grams of Mg(OH)2 reacts with excess HCl (this is CL chlorine, not C and I), how many moles of MgCl2 (this is CL chlorine, not C and I) are produced?



moles MgCl₂ = 5.97 moles


First, let0s write the overall reaction that is taking place here:

Mg(OH)₂ + HCl ----------> MgCl₂ + H₂O

Now, we need to balance this reaction:

Mg(OH)₂ + 2HCl ----------> MgCl₂ + 2H₂O

Now, the exercise already stated that the HCl is in excess, so we can assume the magnesium hydroxide is the limiting reactant. If this is true, then, to get the moles of MgCl₂ produced, all we need to do is calculate the moles of Mg(OH)₂ that reacted, using the following expression:

moles = mass / MM

The atomic weights for Mg, O and H are:

Mg: 24.305 g/mol;  H: 1 g/mol;  O = 15.999 g/mol

Let's determine the molar mass of Mg(OH)₂:

MM = 24.305 + (2 * 15.999) + (2 * 1) = 58.303 g/mol

Now, let's determine the moles:

moles = 348 g / 58.303 g/mol = 5.97 moles of Mg(OH)₂

As we can see in the overall reaction, there is a mole ration between Mg(OH)₂ and MgCl₂ of 1:1, that's why we can conclude that the moles of Mg(OH)₂ would be the same moles of MgCl₂:

moles Mg(OH)₂ = moles MgCl₂ = 5.97 moles

Hope this helps

1. What is the kinetic energy of a cow that has a mass of 1500 kg and is moving at 4
meters per second?






Kinetic Energy (K E) = 1/2 mv^2




How many liters of chlorine are needed to produce 5.64 moles of aluminum chloride? Need help ASAP



190 L


Given that:

Number of moles = mass/molar mass

number of moles = 5.64

molar mass of aluminum chloride = 133.34 g/mol

The balanced equation is:

2 Al + 3 Cl2 --> 2AlCl3.

From above reaction:

5.64 mole of  AlCl3 reacts with 3 mole Cl2  to give 2 mole AlCl3


[tex](5.64 \ mole \ AlCl3) \times (3 \ mole \ Cl2 \ / \ 2 \ mole \ AlCl3)[/tex]

= 8.46 mole Cl2 gas.

At Standard temperature and pressure:

= (22.4 L/1 mole gas) * (8.46 mole Cl2)

= 190 L chlorine gas

IT due tomorrow Giving Brianliest!!!!!
This is not a eassy!!!!!


I’m sorry but I cannot see the picture

Determine the number of moles in 1.5 x 10^25
atoms of iron.


It should be 20 moles of iron

Which example is the site of oxidation when the dry cell is operating?

solid zinc layer

cardboard separator

graphite rod



A dry cell is one type of electric battery which is generally used for the home and portable electronic devices. A battery is a device which consists of one or more electrochemical cells. The site of oxidation occurs in solid zinc layer. The correct option is A.

What is a dry cell?

A dry cell is defined as an electrochemical cell which consists of low moisture immobilized electrolytes in the form of a paste which restricts it from flowing. It is developed by the German scientist Carl Gassner which converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

A dry cell consists of a metal container in which a low moisture electrolyte paste covers the graphite rod or a metal electrode. Generally, the metal container will be zinc whose base perform as the negative electrode (anode).

For a dry cell battery to operate, oxidation  will occur from the zinc anode and reduction will take place in the cathode.

Thus the correct option is A.

To know more about dry cell, visit;


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