True or false : The following statement has credibility ? " The study used data provided by the game makers , Electronic Arts and Nintendo of America , on how much time the respondents spent playing , unlike previous research that relied on imprecise estimates from the players . The video game industry has previously been reluctant to work with independent scientists , the paper noted . " True O False


Answer 1


true it has credibility

Related Questions

Write about the picture. Have fun and feel free to use your creativity!




wth- how did that even get up there- ;/


By Frederick Douglass
Extract from an Oration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852

Fellow-Citizens—Pardon me, and allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here to-day? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? and am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits, and express devout gratitude for the blessings, resulting from your independence to us?

But, such is not the state of the case. I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in which you this day rejoice, are not enjoyed in common. The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity, and independence, bequeathed by your fathers, is shared by you, not by me. The sunlight that brought life and healing to you, has brought stripes and death to me. This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn. To drag a man in fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony. Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to speak to-day? ...

Fellow-citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions, whose chains, heavy and grievous yesterday, are to-day rendered more intolerable by the jubilant shouts that reach them. If I do forget, if I do not faithfully remember those bleeding children of sorrow this day, "may my right hand forget her cunning, and may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth!" To forget them, to pass lightly over their wrongs, and to chime in with the popular theme, would be treason most scandalous and shocking, and would make me a reproach before God and the world. My subject, then, fellow-citizens, is AMERICAN SLAVERY. I shall see this day and its popular characteristics from the slave's point of view. Standing there, identified with the American bondman, making his wrongs mine, I do not hesitate to declare, with all my soul, that the character and conduct of this nation never looked blacker to me than on this Fourth of July. Whether we turn to the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous and revolting.

Which of the following correctly describes the main purpose of the second paragraph? (5 points)

To reprimand his listeners for forgetting past and present injustices
To remind the audience that the Fourth of July is only for citizens
To impress the disparity of experience between citizens and slaves
To reveal the steps needed to end slavery



The main purpose of the second paragraph is:

C. to impress the disparity of experience between citizens and slaves.


The second paragraph of Douglass's speech emphasizes how different it is to be a white, free person and to be a slave on the Fourth of July. After all, the nation is celebrating freedom. But, as Douglass says, he and the other slaves are "in fetters", so inviting them to celebrate freedom is an act of cruelty, of irony. He makes a point of stating that, emphasizing the disparity between the slaves' and white people's conditions. There is no reason for slaves to celebrate, which means there is no reason for Douglass to celebrate. He, a former slave, knows the pain and suffering he came from. He cannot forget and ignore that thousands of people who are still in that predicament, working to death while being mistreated, beaten, humiliated, or sold as possessions.

1. Great Britain was invaded and settled by all of the following except
a. Romans
b. Angles and Saxons
c. Vikings
d. Normans
e. Greeks


Great Britain was invaded and settled by all of the following except Romans.

What did Irish immigrants experience that might motivate all Irish people to use St. Patrick’s Day to proudly celebrate their past?



the potato famine?


happy st. patricks day!

Irish immigrants experience symbolic ethnicity that might motivate all Irish people to use St. Patrick’s Day to proudly celebrate their past.

What do Irish immigrants think about?

Symbolic ethnicity is a type of social identity in which a person exclusively engages with specific aspects of their own culture.

The St. Patrick's Day celebrations, which feature open-air parades and festivals, Irish traditional music, and the donning of green clothing, are something that Irish people identify with. Banquets and dances are present, which were once very common.

At these events, marching bands, the military, fire brigades, youth organizations, and much more frequently take part.

Therefore, taking pride in a cultural tradition without making it a regular part of one's life is what is meant by symbolic ethnicity.

Learn more about Irish, here:


Name: __________________                        Date: ___________
Metaphors Worksheet (Meanings Part 2)
[Animated image]
A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things. Often times it uses the word “is.”
Directions: For each metaphor given blow, write what you think it means.
Example A: Thoughts are a storm, unexpected
Answer: someone may have many unexpected thoughts at anytime
1. Once your heart's been broken it grows back bigger-
2. His hair is a white snowflake and his hair is a messy haystack-
3. He is all heartbroken-
4. The pigeons fountained into the air-
5. Her hair was bone white-
6. He tried to help but his legs were wax-


1. after a bad thing happens you learn from it and get stronger
2. his hair is very white and messy.

You have previously chosen a side to an issue, stated a claim, and you have written ideas about your claim in your Argument Organizer. Now you will use your ideas from the organizer (and tips from this lesson) to write the introduction to your argument. Write three or more complete sentences. Remember to include:

Overview: provide general information about your topic

Explanation: describe why your issues is controversial

Claim: present your stand on your issue that excludes all personal feelings and the pronoun “I”



              "why teens shouldn't play dangerous sports"                      


                                                                                                                              Sports can be a time for celebration and a great source of entertainment for everyone involved, both players and fans. However, injuries and even death can always cast a shadow. With so many physical contacts, it's no surprise that every sport contains an element of danger.Sports can be a great way to exercise both the body and the mind. They are also a fantastic source of entertainment.

While some people participate in sports for recreational purposes, many others pursue it professionally. Most physical sports involve some level of danger. While participating in some of the most dangerous sports, players are always at risk of being hurt or injured, whether it is a serious injury or a minor one. In addition, players in extreme and dangerous sports have a high risk of injury.

Sports and games are the most effective forms of exercise for both the body and the mind. People participate in a variety of sports around the world.Some are meant to be played indoors, while others are meant to be enjoyed outside. Some are soothing, while others are strenuous.

There is always a level of danger involved in the majority of physical sports, but in some, the level of danger can bring the athlete dangerously close to death.Sports are a great way to get some exercise, but they are not always risk-free. Some athletes may put themselves in danger in pursuit of thrills and physical excellence. They climb mountains, speed down steep hills, collide head-on, and perform numerous other perilous feats.As a result, extra caution, proper training, and safety equipment are required before engaging in these dangerous sports.


please urgent please beg


1) invitation
2) organise
3) celebrate
4) preperation
5) order
6) at least
7) borrow

hope this helps!! :)

Write a letter of appreciation to the People of China. Describe what you learned about Ancient China, including the dynasties, philosophers, inventions and many other great facts you may have discovered. The letter should be at four to five paragraphs long, neatly printed or typed 10 OR 11 FONT.


Philosphers are Buddha, Lao Zi, Shang Yang, Confucius
Dynasties are Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty



explain more so i can write it.


"I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold."
These lines contain an example of
O simile.
O metaphor.
O hyperbole.
O synecdoche.


simile i say sorry if wrong :(

What event was part of the myth about Theseus in the Minotaur as well as the myth about Jason in the Golden fleece? A daughter falls in love with a suitor and tries to help them survive, the gods provide a special gift to help us hero succeed, a young man tries to escape a trap by flying out, or a king attempts to kill a hero who threatens his power? PLEASE HELP!!!



the fourth option I did it that's why

What are benefits of running?
3-5 sentences



help to build strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise.

Running slashes your risk of heart disease.

help maintain a healthy weight.


The benefit of running, is well alot here are some examples. Running helps build stanima, so you can run longer if needed. It builds leg muscle well I guess you can kick better if your a kick boxer. Running also can makr you lose fat so you look better and also feel better about yourself. (Cant think of 5th sentence.)

In December of 1956, the Supreme Court ended the bus boycott by ruling that
Alabama’s segregation laws were unconstitutional.
Montgomery’s segregation laws were constitutional.
public schools should be integrated as quickly as possible.
the military should be integrated as quickly as possible.



Alabama’s segregation laws were unconstitutional.


The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America states that everyone has the right to equal protection, privileges of the law irrespective of one's race or color. This means that even blacks have the same rights to ride or use public transport as whites.

So, the bus boycott that resulted because of a segregated seating for blacks was deemed rightful. The Supreme Court in its December 20, 1956, ruling states that all persons, irrespective of race or color, must be given the same treatment. The court ruled Alabama's segregation laws unconstitutional and resulted in the integration of Montgomery buses the next day.

Thus, the correct answer is the first option.

A: Alabama’s segregation laws were unconstitutional.


in the Fourteenth Amendment  the Constitution of the United States of America states that everyone has the right to equal protection privileges of the law irrespective of one's race or color. This means that everyone.

Click to read "Musée des Beaux Arts," by W. H. Auden. Then answer the question.

Which line(s) from Auden's poem capture(s) the indifference in Brueghel's poem?

a) About suffering they were never wrong, / The Old Masters:
b) there always must be / Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating / On a pond at the edge of the wood
c) the expensive delicate ship that must have seen / Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky, / Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.
d) the ploughman may / Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry



A. about suffering they were never wrong the old masters


The line from Auden's poem that captures the indifference in Brueghel's poem is:

c) "the expensive delicate ship that must have seen / Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky, / Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on."

What does this line refer to ?

This line from Auden's poem refers to the ship in Brueghel's painting that continues to sail calmly on, even though it must have witnessed the boy falling out of the sky. This suggests a sense of indifference to the tragedy that has occurred, as the ship continues on its journey without stopping to help or acknowledge the boy's fall.

The other lines listed in the answer choices do not capture the same sense of indifference as this line. Option a) acknowledges the Old Masters' understanding of suffering, while option b) describes children who are not aware of the suffering happening around them.

Option d) describes a ploughman who may have heard the cry but does not indicate any sense of indifference.

Auden's poem captures this sense of indifference and detachment from suffering that is present in Brueghel's painting. The speaker notes that "the Old Masters" were never wrong about the nature of suffering, and yet they were also able to see beyond it to the "human position" of those who suffer.

The poem also explores the idea that suffering is an individual experience, and that even when others witness it, they may not truly understand or care.

Learn more about indifferences at :


Select the choice from the answer choises and put it in the box
Matt promised his parents that he would both clean his room () help with the yard work.
a. but
b. and
c. nor
d. or


it would be B i hope this helps:)

Lines 410-415: How are the stakes raised in these lines and for whom?






Realism was a popular literary movement in nineteenth-century America. American realist writers attempted to convey life authentically by
including elements in their works such as true-to-life settings and characters, as well as regional dialects that reflected how people really talked.
Which of the following excerpts contain elements of realism?


A). ("No, you won't. Set down and stay where you are. I ain't going to hurt you, and I ain't going to tell on you, nuther. You just tell me your secret, and trust me. I'll keep it; and, what's more, I'll help you. So'll my old man if you want him to. You see, you're a runaway 'prentice, that's all. It ain't anything. There ain't no harm in it. You've been treated bad, and you made up your mind to cut. Bless you, child, I wouldn't tell on you. Tell me all about it now, that's a good boy.")

(Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)


Realism is characterized as the literary period in which the writers were more inclined towards portraying the subjects as they are in real life.

Mark Twain is popularly known as one of the most popular realists of all time. He laid emphasis on depicting the characters naturally and true-to-life through which the audience can relate themselves.

In the first excerpt, the speech pattern employs the use of dialect which gives it a realistic touch and shows the conflicts that people go through in regular life.

Learn more: Realism




4. Now that we allow the children of illegal immigrants to attend public schools, it's only a matter of time before those kids grow up and vote for candidates who will open our border completely. Eventually our entire government will be run by illegal immigrants.



Yes and no


Yes our government may be ruled my immigrants but I dont think its possibly for them to open completely the borders

We make comparisons for two reasons:
Pls help my grades aren’t the best



1 are they the  same

2 what is different


To see which we like the best and to and see what we think is appropriate or more useful

Which of the following transitions would be used to show a relationship?

A. Understandably
B. Third
C. To begin with
D. Because of this





Ok I think it is D because, using the word 'because' links 2 points together, thus showing a realtionship.

What limitations should certain people have when using social media?


The limited should be 2 to 1 hours

During the Romantic era, many Americans responded positively and enthusiastically to writers’ thoughts about the connection between humans and the rest of nature. What is Americans' relationship to nature today? What would Thoreau, Emerson, and the Fireside Poets say about the ways in which Americans tend to interact with our natural surroundings?

Identify two examples from modern American life that show how connected (or disconnected) we are to nature in the ways described by the American Romantics. Then select one quote from an American Romantic writer that relates to each of your examples. Explain how the quote relates to the example. Is the example evidence of a strong Romantic connection or a weak Romantic connection to nature?





Intuition is the ability to acknowledge and understand things in an instant, rather than having the need to reason and think more on it. This ability to have an instinctive feeling and understanding of things without the need to reason it logically enables people to come to decisions sooner.

American romantic writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau emphasized a great deal on the importance of intuition, nature, and imagination in their works. They focused and deal a lot about these elements in their works, presenting a close connection with nature and away from reason. For them, they believed that reason contradicts and prevents a man from using his imagination and thus prevents the use of his full ability.

Few cars on the road will reduce ozone gasses or Fewer cars on the road will reduce ozone gasses?



Fewer cars on the road will reduce ozone gasses


Sedaris says that the No. 1 incident “turned my pity into something hard and ugly”. In your own words, explain what he means. Give an example from today’s world of this happening in our society



(Slightly confused but I tried)

It means the great deal of pity that he has been receiving has turned into a bad situation.

This is happening in our society because we feel such pity about what is happening in the world that it stresses us out.


Plz rate my answer & if you have any questions feel free to ask:)

What Sedaris means by this statement is that the feelings he had for the Tomkey family had changed because they were not willing to help themselves.

In the world, we find that people in vulnerable situations do things that worsen their conditions so those who want to help them refrain from doing so.

What is Pity?

Pity is the feeling of concern that we have for people.

Sometimes we desire to help people, but when they do not make efforts to help themselves, we can become tired and even refrain from helping them

Learn more about the Tomkey family here:

What is the best change we can make to this sentence?
When I opened my present I let out a yell.


When i opened this mysterious present, my stomach begun to flutter, I was excited but nervous of what could be inside. As soon I opened it I let out a a squeal that deafened my own ears.

What do you think the moral of "The Masque of the Red Death" is?


~Shoto Todoroki here~



i just did this lesson...

hope this helps :))

PLZ PLZ PLZ Answer this question





That should be the right Answer !




it means shocked

In "How Archaeologists Found the Lost City of Troy," what is the author's purpose in mentioning the wooden horse's presence elsewhere in culture? A. To emphasize the literary significance of the wooden horse in epic poetry and modern-day novels B. To show how a war tactic in literature became an internationally recognizable symbol C. To describe how the genius behind the horse became globally respected for his strategic skills D. To provide examples of how the horse tactic persisted in warfare until the Middle Ages


B) to show how a war tactic in literature became an internationally recognizable symbol


the answer would be B. To show how a war tactic in literature became an internationally recognizable symbol


hope this helped

Will give Brainliest if your correct
Who is better?
A. Sakura
B. Hinata
Plz don't remove it.





It’s definitely a hard decision to make because their equally matched but I decided that Hinata is the best

Which of the following is an OPINION?

a. Susan B. Anthony’s case did not go to the Supreme Court.

b. Susan B. Anthony struck an important blow for woman’s suffrage

c. The election inspectors spent time in jail because they allowed Susan to cast a ballot.

d. Susan B. Anthony obtained presidential pardons for each of the inspectors.


I think the answers is B)

I get it but I don’t get it lol someone help pls



My uncle gave a dog to my cousin, which was adopted from the shelter.

Terry spotted a baby owl on his way to school. ( I dont see any mistakes with this one)

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