this structure is a pavilion fabricated from commerically-available plastic tubes.


Answer 1

The structure that is a pavilion fabricated from commerically-available plastic tubes is called PIPE pavilion.

What is the PIPE pavilion?

Students studying architecture worked under Farnaz Fattahi's guidance and supervision to build the Khayam University PIPE pavilion.

With the help of practical building methods and digital resources, this temporary pavilion explores the relationship between conceptual design thinking and these elements. 2.9 meters high and 6 meters wide, this pavilion's framework is made of wood.

A cardboard-based organism protrudes through the rough concrete surface and declares its existence there.

Therefore, the 1014 recycled cardboard pipes that make up the creature have a sustainability identity and mirror the idea of upcycling. 28 architecture students worked under Farnaz Fattahi's direction to assemble the sculpture known as the PIPE pavilion. The undertaking encourages the idea of reducing trash and pollutants as an upcycling effort.

Learn more about pollutants recycling from

Related Questions

What are the 4 types of nonfiction?


Expository nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, persuasive nonfiction, and descriptive nonfiction.

Right here are many exclusive sorts of nonfiction, but they extensively suit those categories expository nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, persuasive nonfiction, and descriptive nonfiction. Nonfiction, or nonfiction, is any report or media content that attempts, in proper faith, to provide statistics grounded simplest in statistics and actual life, in preference to the imagination.

A few typical examples of nonfiction encompass diaries, biographies, news tales, documentary films, textbooks, journey books, recipes, and scientific journals.

Nonfiction, by contrast, is genuine and reviews proper events. Histories, biographies, journalism, and essays are all taken into consideration as nonfiction. normally, nonfiction has a better general to uphold than fiction.

Learn more about nonfiction


Why do girls like BTS?


BTS has evolved from GIRLS a swaggering hip-hop trio to a highly talented musician with a profound, underlying message in each song.

For instance, their songs emphasize that acknowledging unpleasant emotions is just as vital as telling GIRLS you to embrace yourself and conquer your anxieties. The band BTS is incredibly artistic, which is the primary justification. Competent vocalists including RM, J-Hope, Jungkook, V, Jin, Suga, and Jimin are included in it. These performers, whether they are dancing, singing, or performing, are very talented and competent in their respective fields. This is the reason the BTS fans is so enamored of them.

I used to be more self-centered and never gave any consideration to charitable causes. But ever since I found out about BTS, I've spent a lot of time

To learn more about GIRLS please click on below link


What does Farquhar's wife represents?


Although she is largely an imagined presence throughout the entire novel, Farquhar's wife emerges as a symbol of innocence and familial safety.

A devoted lady who represents the security and tranquility Farquhar craves in her home. Farquhar's wife, however, also stands for the realm that Farquhar rejects in embarking on his rash expedition to derail the North's effort. His wealth and contentment at home are insufficient for him; he is desperate to find other means to support himself and establish his reputation. Even still, in his most desperate hour, he keeps coming back to her image and his memories of his kids.

To know more about Owl Creek bridge, refer to this link:


Why does the story about Thalia make Percy feel “hollow and guilty”? ​


Because she wanted to save the other two half bloods while she sacrificed herself.

Please help, i need the answer ASAP
From "The Moon"

By Emily Dickinson

The moon was but a chin of gold

A night or two ago,

And now she turns her perfect face

Upon the world below.

Her forehead is of amplest blond;

Her cheek like beryl stone;

Her eye unto the summer dew

The likest I have known.

Her lips of amber never part;

But what must be the smile

Upon her friend she could bestow

Were such her silver will!

And what a privilege to be

But the remotest star!

For certainly her way might pass

Beside your twinkling door.

"The Crescent Moon"

By Amy Lowell

Slipping softly through the sky

Little horned, happy moon,

Can you hear me up so high?

Will you come down soon?

On my nursery window-sill

Will you stay your steady flight?

And then float away with me

Through the summer night?

Brushing over tops of trees,

Playing hide and seek with stars,

Peeping up through shiny clouds

At Jupiter or Mars.

I shall fill my lap with roses

Gathered in the milky way,

All to carry home to mother.

Oh! what will she say!

Little rocking, sailing moon,

Do you hear me shout—Ahoy!

Just a little nearer, moon,

To please a little boy.

In a paragraph of 5–7 sentences, compare and contrast how the authors' diction and syntax describe their varied viewpoints on the moon. In your response, be sure to:

Explain the differences and similarities in diction, tone, and syntax from each poem

Discuss the meaning of each text

Use your best grammar, punctuation, and spelling


The moon is described by the two authors differently; one sees it as a lovely woman, while the other sits somberly and muses. Although the viewpoints differ, they are discussing the same subject.

What was the summary of poem "The Moon"?

"In her description of the moon's beauty, Emily Dickinson compares its "face" to the moon, summertime dew, stars, and the universe. The poetry evokes a seductive, heavenly sense. The reader gets a unique and extraordinary feeling from it. The poem was considered to be eye-opening. It demonstrated how many things might represent different things, but everyone will have their own viewpoints or opinions."

Beryl is a mineral that typically appears as blue, green, pinkish, or yellow crystals. When Dickinson states this, she is implying that the moon's "face" has a blushing radiance, giving the poem a lovely sense. The reader gets the impression that the moon is always grinning because of the way she describes the moon's "lips" and that they never part. Since amber is a shiny gold tone, which is very different from the moon's regular blackness, using it as an example helps to heighten the whimsical sense.

To know more about Emily Dickinson, visit:



Both "The Moon" and "The Crescent Moon" poems both talk about the moon. They both use similes and personification to further describe the moon in a detailed way. The poem, "The Crescent Moon" focuses more on how the author feels and communicates with the moon. However, in the poem "The Moon" the author describes the moon as a person, which is personification. Specifically, the poem is describing the moon as a pretty lady.

Hope this helps

Why is the narrator in Owl Creek Bridge unreliable?


Answer - In some sense, Bierce presents readers with an unreliable third-person narrator. The narrator knows, the entire time, that Peyton is dreaming, but tricks readers into thinking that Peyton has escaped. By representing the scenes of Peyton's dream as reality, the narrator toys with the reader's emotions.

Question: What is the most appropriate order of the sentences to provide the best version of the report?

passage: The following is a rough draft of a student's report. It contains errors.
(1) This restores the regular rhythmic patterns of the heart. (2) The process of defibrillation was first discovered in 1899 by two physiologists at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. (3) Defibrillation is a process used to treat instances of cardiac arrest or arrhythmia. (4) Today, different types of defibrillators are available, including portable ones that are called automated external defibrillators or AEDs. (5) An electric device, called a defibrillator, is used to give electric shocks to the heart.

answers: A.
(1) The process of defibrillation was first discovered in 1899 by two physiologists at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. (2) Defibrillation is a process used to treat instances of cardiac arrest or arrhythmia. (3) This restores the regular rhythmic patterns of the heart. (4) An electric device, called a defibrillator, is used to give electric shocks to the heart. (5) Today, different types of defibrillators are available, including portable ones that are called automated external defibrillators or AEDs.
(1) Defibrillation is a process used to treat instances of cardiac arrest or arrhythmia. (2) An electric device, called a defibrillator, is used to give electric shocks to the heart. (3) This restores the regular rhythmic patterns of the heart. (4) The process of defibrillation was first discovered in 1899 by two physiologists at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. (5) Today, different types of defibrillators are available, including portable ones that are called automated external defibrillators or AEDs.
(1) The process of defibrillation was first discovered in 1899 by two physiologists at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. (2) Today, different types of defibrillators are available, including portable ones that are called automated external defibrillators or AEDs. (3) An electric device, called a defibrillator, is used to give electric shocks to the heart. (4) This restores the regular rhythmic patterns of the heart. (5) Defibrillation is a process used to treat instances of cardiac arrest or arrhythmia.
(1) Defibrillation is a process used to treat instances of cardiac arrest or arrhythmia. (2) The process of defibrillation was first discovered in 1899 by two physiologists at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. (3) Today, different types of defibrillators are available, including portable ones that are called automated external defibrillators or AEDs. (4) This restores the regular rhythmic patterns of the heart. (5) An electric device, called a defibrillator, is used to give electric shocks to the heart.


Answer: AEDs are important because they strengthen the Chain of Survival. They can restore a normal heart rhythm in victims of sudden cardiac arrest. New, portable AEDs enable more people to respond to a medical emergency that requires defibrillation. When a person suffers a sudden cardiac arrest, their chance of survival decreases by 7% to 10% for each minute that passes without defibrillation. AEDs save lives.A microprocessor inside the defibrillator interprets (analyzes) the victim's heart rhythm through adhesive electrodes (some AED models require you to press an ANALYZE button). The computer analyzes the heart rhythm and advises the operator whether a shock is needed. AEDs advise a shock only to ventricular fibrillation and fast ventricular tachycardia. The electric current is delivered through the victim's chest wall through adhesive electrode pads.An AED can check a person's heart rhythm. It can recognize a rhythm that requires a shock. And it can advise the rescuer when a shock is needed. The AED uses voice prompts, lights and text messages to tell the rescuer the steps to take. AEDs are very accurate and easy to use. With a few hours of training, anyone can learn to operate an AED safely. There are many different brands of AEDs, but the same basic steps apply to all of them. See the illustration below of a Red Cross Training Device, modeled to look and behave like an AED without emitting any shock. Most AEDs are similar in appearance, varying in color and design.Most AEDs are designed for use by non-medical personnel such as police, flight attendants, security guards, and other lay rescuers who have been properly trained. Having more people in the community who can respond to a medical emergency by providing defibrillation will greatly increase sudden cardiac arrest survival rates.




AEDs are important because they strengthen the Chain of Survival. They can restore a normal heart rhythm in victims of sudden cardiac arrest. New, portable AEDs enable more people to respond to a medical emergency that requires defibrillation. When a person suffers a sudden cardiac arrest, their chance of survival decreases by 7% to 10% for each minute that passes without defibrillation. AEDs save lives.A microprocessor inside the defibrillator interprets (analyzes) the victim's heart rhythm through adhesive electrodes (some AED models require you to press an ANALYZE button). The computer analyzes the heart rhythm and advises the operator whether a shock is needed. AEDs advise a shock only to ventricular fibrillation and fast ventricular tachycardia. The electric current is delivered through the victim's chest wall through adhesive electrode pads.An AED can check a person's heart rhythm. It can recognize a rhythm that requires a shock.

What is it called when the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses?



Ordering Effects


Ordering Effects: are when basically when someone is being asked questions and depending on the order and sequence of the questions they inflencers how the the subject answers.

How does a child develop an inferiority complex?


Negative remarks, critiques, and unjustified expectations we have of a child are the first signs of an inferiority complex or poor self-esteem.

They develop into the kid's internal voice. Children who avoid interacting with classmates are showing signs of poor self-esteem. Children start to develop sentiments of inferiority as they become increasingly conscious of their flaws and compare themselves to others; these beliefs then inspire them and direct their behavior.Being harassed or taunted for being different from classmates can also result in feelings of inferiority, the author adds. "It can also result from receiving negative feedback or being informed they are weak or lacking in some way. When this message persists, it may make one feel inadequate."

Thus this is how a child develop an inferiority complex.

Refer here to learn more about inferiority complex:


Why are infinitives used in a sentence?


An infinitive is a verbal that can act as a noun, adjective, or adverb.

When describing someone's intentions, the verb "in order to" is frequently substituted with an infinitive. They function here as adverbs to describe the main verb. Mother left the house to buy milk. This email is being sent to you to inform you of an important development. An infinitive can take the place of a noun and appear as the direct object or subject of a sentence. It can also appear in a sentence's predicate as a subject complement, which provides information on the subject, following a linking verb (like is). The basic form of the verb, such as to dance, to sing, or to run, is added to the infinitive. How do you know whether to use a gerund or not?

To learn more about infinitive please click on below link


What are the 6 types of qualitative research Please provide a brief explanation in each type?


The 6 types of qualitative research are Phenomeno-logical Method, Ethnographic Model, Ground-ed Theory Met-hod, Case Study Mo-del, Hist-orical Model and Narrative Mo-del.

Phenomeno-logical Method uses methods such as observ-ation and inter-view to try to work out why peo-ple make the decisions they make out-side of purely logical rea-sons.

Ethno-graphic Model

Researchers using the ethno-graphic research mo-del look to observe how peo-ple act, or how they use a pro-duct rather than how they mig-ht self-report they use it.

Ground-ed Theory Met-hod

When using ground-ed theory app-roach to qualitative rese-arch, the aim would be to see what quest-ions and theo-ries eme-rge from the data set.

Case Study Mo-del

A case study model focus-es in on one thing – an indivi-dual, a family, a busi-ness or other and ta-kes an in-depth view.

Histori-cal Model

The historical met-hod uses past eve-nts as a means to ex-plain the cur-rent.

Narrative Model

The narrative model is a form of qualitative research that is formed over time, observations and notes taken at every stage similar to the narrative of a story.

To know more about qualitative research click below:


in gladiator, when maximus fights to save himself from his executioners, he dispatches the first two of them in a matter of 15 seconds. what is notable about the underscore in this brief passage? group of answer choices


Commodus murders his father Marcus Aurelius after understanding that Marcus Aurelius would have chosen Maximus Decimus Meridius, the commander of the northern

army, as the rightful heir to the throne of the Caesar, rather than him. Then, after killing his father and attributing the crime to Maximus, Commodus claimed the throne as his rightful inheritance and put Maximus to death.Due to injuries sustained during his captor escape, Maximus falls after burying his wife and son. He is discovered by slavers, who take him to Zucchabar, a Roman province in North Africa, where Proximo, the gladiator trainer, buys him as a slave. He exhibits leadership.

To learn more about Maximus please click on below link


What are the reason why massive open online courses becoming popular nowadays?


MOOCs are most popular with younger generations. Almost two-thirds of students taking MOOCs are under 35 years old. However, people of all ages join the classes.

Free MOOCs attract students who either can't afford a college education or aren't interested in one. Other attendees are people who want to learn more about a hobby or topic of interest.

The popularity of MOOCs surged during the pandemic. Perhaps new students were unable to attend in-person schools and sought an alternative. Or maybe people who lost their jobs turned to MOOCs to learn new skills and increase their employability.

MOOC is an online course anyone can take. MOOCs often enroll large numbers of students from all over the world. Since MOOC classes are online, students can take courses offered by universities and countries in another part of the world. Individuals who would otherwise not be able to attend prestigious universities can learn from Harvard, Yale, and Stanford.

To know more about MOOC visit:


which attitude or talent most clearly helps odysseus triumph in the bow-and-arrow challenge in the excerpt from the odyssey, part 2? a. his love for penelope b. his loyalty to the gods c. his pride in his heritage d. his great skill at archery


Near the end of Part 2, why does Penelope put Odysseus to the test? She is interested in finding out if he has retained his youthful intelligence. She wants him to show the populace that he truly is their king.

The Odyssey's Penelope conducts a competition in Book 21. She displays Odysseus' bow and informs the potential husbands that she will choose the first man who can string it and successfully shoot an arrow through 12 axes. Even after trying, Telemachus and the suitors are unable to string the bow. The task entails an accomplishment that has only been accomplished by Odysseus: stringing his big bow and sending an arrow through a line of twelve axes. Odysseus was a teenager when he left Ithaca for the Trojan War.

To learn more about Odyssey please click on below link


What are 3 centrifugal force examples?


The tension force in the string of swinging tethered ball and the gravitational force keeping a satellite in orbit.

In Newtonian mechanics, the centrifugal force is an inertial force that appears to behave on all gadgets whilst considered in a rotating frame of reference. it's miles directed far away from an axis that is parallel to the axis of rotation and passes thru the coordinate machine's starting place.

Centrifugal force is the outward pressure, away from the axis of rotation, performing on a revolving object. Centrifugal force is the tendency of an item shifting in a circle to travel far from the middle of the circle.

Centrifugal pressure is a pseudo pressure in a circular movement that acts along the radius and is directed far from the center of the circle. it is located from an inertial body of reference. it's far-found from a non-inertial frame of reference.

Learn more about centrifugal force here:-


Does being open-minded increase self confidence?




Being open-minded means you allow yourself to think beyond the boundaries where you normally would have stopped yourself. You gain self-confidence. Being open-minded leads one to get more ideas, facts, knowledge and wisdom, all of which are necessary elements to living life in a confident manner.

questions 1. what words does the author use to describe the powers in the constitution? 2. does the necessary and proper clause quoted in this excerpt comfort or upset the author? why? 3. does the author believe a bill of rights is necessary? yes no? 4. does the author trust the future members of congress? why does this matter?


Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist Bill of Rights

The words used by the author to describe the powers in the constitution are: Unlimited, unbound, immense and undefined.The necessary and proper clause quoted in the expert makes the author upset. This is because it makes the author have an opinion that there is nothing that can prevent congress from being overbearing.Yes, the author feels that the Bill of Rights is necessary. He feels that congress has too much power vested in them thus making the bill of rights necessary to check the powers of congress in order to protect the population and state.The author does not trust the future members of congress and remains skeptical whether they shall remain wise. This matters because congress has a lot of power bestowed on it and therefore the wisdom of members of congress shall help them handle the power to the advantage of the state and population.

Read more:





I can’t really see so yeah


What is the most important thing to consider in performing Cheerdance?


In cheering, it's crucial to focus on three things: flexibility, strength, and endurance.

It need flexibility to practice and execute leaps. The flexibility of a cheerleader will enable her to jump higher. Furthermore, when correctly stretched, jumping is simpler.Motions are the most crucial components of cheerleading and cheer dancing. A routine or dance is made distinct and standardized among squad members via movements. They also add to the performance's polished appearance.Before commencing any sport, get a sports physical. Before the season begins, be in good form. Before every practice, game, and competition, warm up and stretch. Practice on surfaces with good impact absorption, such as spring floors or landing mats that are 4 inches thick on top of foam floors.

Thus this is the most important thing to consider in performing Cheerdance.

Refer here to learn more about Cheer Dance:


what are the three methods commonly used to distribute door-to-door purchases to customers?


The post office, courier services, or directly with the seller at the moment of purchase are frequently used to deliver door-to-door sales.

Door to door sales, or In-home sales of products or services are known as door-to-door sales. Both the buyer and the seller can start door-to-door sales.In-home sales of products or services are known as door-to-door sales. Trading anyplace outside the trader's business premises is also recognized as door-to-door sales, therefore door-to-door sales are not always conducted at the consumer's house.Door-to-door salespeople visit your home to present you with goods and services, including utility services. To get you to buy something you might not need or be able to afford, these sellers commonly use pressure tactics.

Thus these are the three methods commonly used to distribute door-to-door purchases to customers.

Refer here to learn more about door-to-door:


read the narrative prompt: write an essay about your favorite outdoor activity. which of the choices is the best implied thesis statement for the prompt? (remember that an implied thesis statement is an overall idea or belief that a writer uses as the basis of the essay but never states directly in the writing.)



Write an essay abour whats your favrite thing to do outside


In which case the distance and magnitude of displacement are equal?


The entire distance traveled on a straight road without changing lanes and the shortest way are equal. Therefore, the distance traveled and the amount of displacement are equal when the vehicle is traveling straight ahead without changing directions.

When the displacement's size and the path's length are both equal?

A body moves in a straight path with constant velocity when it is in uniform motion. The distance traveled in this situation equals the displacement.

Is the distance and magnitude the same?

Magnitude is a term used to describe size or distance. We can relate the magnitude of the movement to the size and movement speed of the object. The magnitude of a thing or an amount is its size.

Are vector magnitude and distance equivalent?

Distance is only defined by magnitude, whereas displacement depends on both direction and magnitude. One illustration of a vector quantity is displacement. An illustration of a scalar quantity is distance. Any quantity with both magnitude and direction is a vector.

Know more  about distance:


Which best explains how the phrase “white granular powder” supports the author’s purpose of calling attention to the environment?


Answer: The powder is an unnatural substannce.

Explanation: As the rachel Carson's book, "Slilent Spring", shocked the world in 1962 because it created a consciousness of the use of DDT and the terrible consequences it had on human diseases. Nobody before Carson's conclusions had thought on this serious issue.

The book was the originator ofenvironmental and ecological movements that targeted the use of chemicals and the support for nature and life. "Silent Spring" impacted the world after knowing the dangers of toxic chemical pollutants in the air.

Unfortunately, you did not include further context, excerpt, or references. But it seems you are talking about an excerpt of the book "Silent Spring", written by American author Rachel Carson.

How do you layout a shelf?


One third books, one third decorations, and one third free space per shelf is the general rule of thumb for laying out & designing shelves. Load the bottom shelf using identical boxes and baskets if you don't have enough storage space.

About Shelf

A shelf is a horizontal, flat surface that is used to display or store things at a place like a store, office, or other building. It is elevated above the ground and frequently fastened to a wall, supported by brackets on its shorter length sides, or fastened to cabinets in various ways using brackets, dowel rods, screws, or nails. Additionally, pillars or columns may support it. A countertop, ledge, mantle, or rack are additional terms for a shelf. Console tables are tables that are made to lean up against a wall, maybe mounted.

To know more about Shelves:


What type of matter is mashed potatoes?


Mashed potatoes could be either a liquid or a solid. The final say, of however, belonged to the TSA personnel: Since the potatoes assumed the shape of their container

it was concluded that they were a liquid, more particularly, a gel. The USDA nutritional food group Vegetables and Vegetable Products includes mashed potatoes. A potato is classified as having solids or starches. Although the majority of potatoes have stable solids chemistry, occasionally one will make up to your kitchen and turn out to be an overachiever. Boiling and crushing potatoes into a soft mass, frequently with butter and milk, is what is known as making mashed potatoes. Due to the quantity of carbs they contain, potatoes are classified as a starchy vegetable, according to Dunn.

To learn more about  occasionally  please click on below link


Essay on the topic of advantages and disadvantages of computers in education ​


Answer: 1. computers connect them to a whole other world and a more interactive world of learning 2. generally children with computer learning grow up to be more creative 3. there are more opportunities when on a computer 4. too much screen time is bad for them 5. additives can be present when young children are on the computers


these are some things to be on the pro side. Find your opinion first and research. Then fluff it, adding some unnecessary things that make sense.

Answer:we can easily search information in it. we can install the dictionaries & others software wich can be used as learning tools.

however,many disagree&feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction.people arrgue that over dependence on technology can make the student less creative&passive


Why is satire important?


Satire is used in various mediums such as film, literature, and even music. The purpose of satire is to both entertain audiences and cause them to think more deeply about a subject. It is often humorous, but does not have to be.

Satire is a genre in which exaggeration, irony, humor or ridicule are used to criticize and expose flaws in human nature and behavior. In addition to being its own genre, it is a literary device often used to critique politics and topical issues.

The word satire derives from the Latin phrases “satur” meaning “full” and the phrase “lanx satura,'' which literally translates to “a dish full of various types of fruits.” While this might seem far removed from its modern meaning, the term “satire” was used by Roman critics. The origin of this genre is widely considered to be Aristophanes’s Old Comedy.

Satire is a term that is often misunderstood and for good reason. With the advent of the internet, social media, and memes, it has become the main vehicle for writers and creatives

To know more about Satire visit:


it's strange that you____(call) because_____(just, think) about you​



I was just thinking

50 pts hurry!!!!!

In the following scenario, which option would a marketing director most likely do first?

A major food magazine is in the early stages of preparing a fall comfort food issue of their magazine. The marketing and art departments have just finished meeting with the editorial department to discuss expectations, brainstorm some ideas, and talk about potential advertising clients.

Begin contacting potential advertisers.

Set up a meeting with the art department to plan photo shoots.

Research foodie websites to see what comfort foods are currently trending.

Meet with the editor-in-chief to begin developing a mock lay-out of the issue.


In the given situation, the marketing director most likely do first is research foodie websites to see what comfort foods are currently trending. The correct option is (C).

What do you mean by the marketing?

The process of developing, communicating, delivering, and trading offerings that are valuable to customers, clients, partners, and society at large collectively is known as marketing.

Marketing describes the actions a business does to encourage the purchase or sale of a good or service.

Advertising, selling, and delivering goods to customers or other firms are all included in marketing. Affiliates perform some marketing on behalf of a business.

Marketing aims to take a product or service, pinpoint its ideal consumers, and attract those consumers to the product or service that is being offered.

Therefore, in the given situation, the marketing director most likely do first is research foodie websites to see what comfort foods are currently trending.

To know more about the marketing, visit:


Is mashed potatoes good for?


Because they sometimes contain additions that increase saturated fat and sodium, mashed potatoes, a popular comfort food, are frequently less healthful than other potato recipes.

The American Heart Association has designated potatoes as a food that promotes heart health since they are a natural supply of fibre, protein, and starchy carbohydrates. It is a widely used and important source of food worldwide. Improves digestion is just one of potatoes' many health advantages. Fiber, which helps you lose weight by keeping you fuller longer, is found in potatoes. By regulating blood sugar and cholesterol, fibre can help avoid heart disease. Additionally, potatoes are a great source of vitamins that support healthy bodily functioning and antioxidants that fight disease. Potatoes

To learn more about carbohydrates  please click on below link


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