This is a character who changes their personality, attitude, and/or beliefs over time. This change is usually a result of a conflict.

Question 4 options:


Dynamic character


Static character


Answer 1


Dynamic Character


the protagonist is the main character

the antagonist is the "villian"

the static character is a character who does NOT change their personality, attitude, and/or beliefs over time.

Therefore, the answer is dynamic character

Related Questions

What was the primary effect of increased racial tensions during the 1920s



Postwar economic turmoil contributed to widespread racial unrest. Returning soldiers found it hard to find work and affordable housing, many blamed African Americans for taking their jobs. Frustration and racism combined to produce violence.


What was Europe like before and at the beginning of colonization



The motivations for the first wave of colonial expansion can be summed up as God, Gold, and Glory: God, because missionaries felt it was their moral duty to spread Christianity, and they believed a higher power would reward them for saving the souls of colonial subjects; gold, because colonizers would exploit resources

Question 2 of 5
Which statement best completes the timeline?
The first civilizations
dovolop in
The Muslim Empire
spreads across
Southwest Asia
The Ottoman
Empire collapse
A The Persian Empire is founded in what is now Iran
D. Baghdad becomes the center of the Muslim world
c. Arabian countries participate in World War I
D. The Abbasid caliphate falls to the Mongola


A: The Persian empire is founded in what is now Iran




Which of these events in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Act V, most clearly illustrates the workings of fate in bringing about Romeo’s death?

A.Romeo buys poison from an apothecary.

B.Romeo disobeys the law by returning to Verona.

C.Romeo kills Paris.

D.The Friar’s messenger is detained because of the risk of spreading





In what ways does the struggle for freedom change with history



In 1963 about 250,000 Americans of all races joined together in Washington D.C., to stand firm against racial injustice and to demand the passage of national civil rights legislation. At the March on Washington, Martin Luther King proclaimed, “I have a dream,” invoking the hopes of all Americans seeking racial harmony. The official poster, platform pass, and handbill are from the march.

March on Washington

March on Washington

Organizers of the March on Washington lead demonstrators to the Lincoln Memorial, 1963

(Courtesy of National Archives, Washington, D.C.)

Hope it helps

Why was it said that"The sun never set on the British empire" ?



The saying "The sun never sets on the British Empire" means that the British Empire was once so expansive that there was always some part of it that was sunny. ... Thus, the idea that the sun never set was true, in a way: some part of the Empire was always experiencing daylight.

The colonial response to the Intolerable Acts is the start of the American Revolution.

True or false


I believe it’s false to hope you get it right

once you have tied the overhand knot, what should you do?



Form a loop with the end of the rope. ...

Tuck the end of the rope through the loop. ...

Holding onto the end of the rope, pull the knot tight. ...

Use the overhand knot as a simple stopper. ...

Undo the knot by pushing both ends of the rope closer together

Which of the following led to an increase in Europe’s population in the mid 1700s


The correct answer is B. The Industrial Revolution.


The Industrial Revolution was a period in which profound transformations occurred in different areas of the European economy, society, and technology (mainly Great Britain) since the 18th century. Once this revolution started, its impact was massive and it spread throughout Europe, and North America in the 19th and 20th centuries. These changes allowed for an increase in the European population because the displacement towards large industrialized cities was encouraged and the demand for labor for factories increased rapidly. Therefore, the correct answer is B. The Industrial Revolution.

What type of components are referred to in the passage below? The components of a region include its topography, climate, water bodies, vegetation, and so on.



climate is the answer I keep finding


i believe it is geographical


70% sure

Who was the President of Japan in the cold war



shigeru yoshida was the president in Japan during the cold war and the leader was hirohito

Helppppppp should leaders prioritize virtue or effectiveness? Defend your choice with at least one specific reason​



Political and social leaders should prioritize virtue over effectiveness. This is so because by prioritizing virtue and compliance with ethical, moral and legal norms, governments or social leaders generate in individuals a correct behavior and a positive vocation in front of the rest of society, which ultimately leads to the obtaining of better political, economic and social situations, which end up being effective for the group or citizens themselves. That is, through virtue, in the long term, the effectiveness of social behaviors and government policies is achieved, which are durable because they are already embedded in the idiosyncrasy of society.

Give two reasons Ulysses leaves his own ears unplugged during the voyage.



He Wants to hear the siren's message.


He asks his crew to restrain him to prevent him from doing anything bad.

how did the invasion of the soviet union influence the course of world war ii

It forced the Soviets to withdraw from the war, allowing Germany to focus on
the war in Western Europe.

It was an unsuccessful attempt by Germany to control more territory, weakening
its overall ability to fight.

It gave Germany access to the resources it needed to continue fighting the war.

It convinced the Allied nations that the United States must enter the war to stop
German domination.



For your teacher to be giving you


this kinda stuff thats odd

Answer: I believe the answer your looking for is C

Explanation: I just took the test here is the proof the answer is C.

What city was the first capital of the United States?


Answer: New york city was the first orginal capital of the united states.



New York City


The 1901 Plan for Washington D.C. New York City was the first capital of the United States once the Constitution was ratified. George Washington took the oath of office to become the first President of the United States from the balcony of the old City Hall.

To become a village, a small community must ask permission of the
A. chief burgess.
B. city.
C. county
D. state.


Answer:  D: State, To become a village, a small community must ask permission of the State.

The 3 Renaissance ideas were Secularism, Humanism, and Individualism.
Which suggested humans beings and the world deserved as much
attention as God and faith. *
True or


These all represent the Renaissance main Idead!

What are some advantages and disadvantages of a country/colony being under foreign control?​


Colonialism is the total control or governing influence of nation over a dependent country or people or condition of being colonial. The colonized countries were mostly Africans because of the way they lived and behave so the colonizers were using the excuse of them not civilized and religious. But the colonial master’s aim was to exploit the colony economy and move them to their country making the colony depend on them. The disadvantages of colonialism is far more than its advantages, the main advantage is the civilization while the disadvantage is the economic dependent. But let talk of the advantages before its disadvantages.

As a member of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, the United States was pledged to protect: select all that apply
South Vietnam


B. Cambodia I think is the answer



South Vietnam



just did the test

Daphne jumped to the beat of her favorite band playing
on stage. She was so excited to be at this concert with
her three best friends, and couldn't believe they had
gotten the tickets. The summer heat made their hair stick
to their necks, and their energetic dancing didn't help,
but they were having the time of their lives.
What is a way this setting affects the plot?
A. Daphne is with her best friends, so she is miserable.
B. Daphne is with her friends, so she is having fun.
C. Daphne is with her friends, so she is angry.



Because she is excited to be at the concert

How does the Constitution keep any one branch of the government from becoming too powerful?



The constitution uses the system of checks and balances to keep any one branch of the government from becoming too powerful

With using a system of checks and balances the constitution keeps all branches of government of qual power.

Brainliest? Got any movie recommendations? I like Wes Anderson movies

Who was the founder of Confucianism?


master Kong

or Conficious

The 14th Amendment grants citizenship to anyone _____ or _____ in the US. The Amendment was meant to stop discrimination based on _____ & _____.



White or Black

Color and Race


After the Civil War, many changes were made in the United States regarding slaves. Slavery was banned in the United States as former slaves were now considered free. Some of the changes seen in the amendments (13th, 14th, and 15th). The 14th amendment gave rights to the African American as the white American by providing equal rights for all, as well as equal citizens rights in America. It meant to stop discrimination based on colour and race.

Lesson 5 Do Now: Why do countries fight wars? ​



Resources and land


For freedom of there part/)))

Please answer both parts, thanks, will give brainiliest
1. Napoleon was engaged in constant warfare. How did Thomas Jefferson help fund these wars?
2. Describe one major impact Napoleon’s conquests throughout Europe.
3: Spain and Portugal continued to be great trading nations. How did they foil Napoleon’s planned defeat of Great Britain?



4. The only definitive answer I'm able to come with while researching was that Spain and

Portugal teamed up against Napoleon & France while Napoleon was plotting against Great Britain.

5. Napoleon wanted to end 10 years of Warfare with Great Britain under the peace of Amiens. He then tried to crush

the Haitian Revolution but his Army was soon defeated, Napoleon also Re-obtained the North American Province of

Louisiana from Spain in 1800, but, the loss of Haiti made Louisiana undesirable, and with Great Britain starting back up

soon, Napoleon agreed to the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.

6. Napoleon improved Europe's economic systems by building Canals, controlling prices, and Encouraging new Industry


Why did the Opium Wars begin in China during the late 1800s?



The Opium Wars arose from China's attempts to suppress the opium trade. Foreign traders had been illegally exporting opium mainly from India to China since the 18th century, but that trade grew dramatically from about 1820.


Successful Dictator Brainstorm What makes a Dictator Successful? Complete the following chart to help you answer the Essential Question: Was FDR a dictator the man Americans needed at the time? Successful Dictator Unsuccessful Dictator Personal Freedoms Crime/Disorder National Prestige Economy Foreign Policy ***Getting stuck? Click below on each title to find out some helpful information!*** Dictator Information Videos: WW2 - OverSimplified (Part 1) (A Funny Video Explaining The Rise of Dictators) How did Hitler rise to power? - Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard What is a Dictatorship - More Grades 6-12 Social Studies on Harmony Square



Due to great power.


Dictators were successful because they are the leader of country's army which helps them to maintains their power over the country and its people. The dictator spread fear and terror in the people so that the people can't revolt against the dictator. A dictator rises due to its popularity in the country or the democratic government did not fulfill their duties efficiently. The Hitler rise to power in the same way i. e. gaining popularity due to its ideology.

How did the French Revolution of 1830 affect British politics?
O Parliament passed a bill granting adult women the right to vote.
O Parliament passed a bill granting some adult males the right to vote.
O Parliament abolished hereditary titles in the upper house in an effort to democratize government.
O Parliament passed an emancipation proclamation freeing enslaved people throughout the empire.



1.) Parliament abolished hereditary titles in the upper house in an effort to democratize government.

Check ALL that contributed to the chaos in the South following the Civil War

Question 4 options:

no courts, postal service or law enforcement

lost generation of white Southern men who had died or were severely injured

millions of freed black Southerners

desire to forgive and forget those who had not supported slavery​


Answer: It is A, B and C.

Explanation: I took test and got right, also I have link to notes my teacher gave us.

On page 4 at bottom.


How can the White Rose incident serve as a critique of those who stood by the side?



Christoph Probst was promoted to the rank of sergeant in the medical service ... The third leaflet claimed that the goal of the White Rose was to bring down ... over the fence is Sophie, who is standing on something on the other side. ... Hans Scholl later told his sister Inge about one incident that had a profound impact on him.


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