this is a 3 part questionplease see picture for part A73) The human brain consumes about 22 W of power under normal conditions, though more power may be required during exams.(a) For what amount of time can one Snickers bar (see the note following Problem 48) power the normally functioning brain(one bar provides 280 calories)? (b) At what rate must you lift a 3.6-kg container of milk (one gallon) if the power output of your arm is to be 22 W? (C) How much time does it take to lift the milk container through a distance of 1.0 m at this rate?

This Is A 3 Part Questionplease See Picture For Part A73) The Human Brain Consumes About 22 W Of Power


Answer 1


The power consumed by a brain, P=22 W

The energy per bar, E=280 calories=280×4184=1171.52 kJ

The mass of a milk container, m=3.6 kg

The power output of the arm, P₀=22 W

The distance through which the container needs to be lifted, d=1.0 m


The power is given by,


Where t is the time.

On substituting the known values in the above equation,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 22=\frac{1171.52\times10^3}{t} \\ \Rightarrow t=\frac{1171.52\times10^3}{22} \\ =53250\text{ s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is,

[tex]\frac{53250}{3600}=14.79\text{ hr}[/tex]

Therefore one snicker bar can power the brain for 14.79 hr


The power output can also be calculated using the formula,

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=F\times v \\ =mg\times v \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where F is the force applied by the container on the arm, v is the rate at which the container must be lifted, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 22=3.6\times9.8\times v \\ v=\frac{22}{3.6\times9.8} \\ =0.62\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the rate at which the milk container must be lifted is 0.62 m/s


The rate at which the container must be lifted is given by,


Where t is the time it takes to lift the container at the calculated rate.

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.62=\frac{1}{t} \\ \Rightarrow t=\frac{1}{0.62} \\ =1.61\text{ s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus it takes 1.61 s to lift the container through 1 m at the given rate.

Related Questions

What common unit is used to measure sound intensity? Answer here



Decibel (dB)


Sound intensity is the power carried by sound waves per unit area in a perpendicular direction to that area.

The unit of sound intensity is the decibel

An airplane covers a straight-line distance of 8.13 km in 33.5 s, during which time it has a constant forward acceleration of 4.6 m/s2.1. what is the speed at the first begining of 33.5 s.2.what is the speed at the end of the 33.5 s.


Given data

*The given distance is s = 8.13 km = 8130 m

*The given time is t = 33.5 s

*The given acceleration is a = 4.6 m/s^2


The formula for the speed at the first beginning of 33.5 seconds is given as


Substitute the known values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8130=u(33.5)+\frac{1}{2}(4.6)(33.5)^2 \\ u=165.6\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the speed at the first beginning of 33.5 s is u = 165.6 m/s


The formula for the speed at the end of the 33.5 s is given as


Substitute the known values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=(165.6)+(4.6)(33.5)_{} \\ =319.7\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the speed at the end of the 33.5 s is v = 319.7 m/s

In deep water, a tsunami moves very fast and has a long wavelength and a small amplitude (see A in picture). As it enters shallower water, it slows down, and the wavelength decreases. This causes the wave to become much taller (see B in picture).As waves slow down, they start to bunch together, so they have a shorter wavelength than before. This can also be explained by the wave equation v = f x λ (speed = frequency x wavelength), which shows that, when a wave’s speed decreases, it must have a shorter wavelength than before – slowing down won’t change the wave’s frequency.Having a shorter wavelength means that the waves get higher. You could think of the shortened wave as being ‘squashed’ sideways – the water in the wave has to get higher because there’s not as much room for it within the shorter wavelength. It’s a bit like squeezing a toothpaste tube – all the toothpaste is forced upwards.



The wavelength of the wave decreases as it gets closer to the shore.

The speed of the wave decreases as it gets closer to the shore.

The waves get taller as it gets closer to the shore.

To find:

How does a change in velocity cause a change in amplitude?


The amplitude of a wave is described as the distance of the highest point of vibration or the oscillation of the wave from its mean position.

Given that as the velocity of the speed decreases the waves get taller. That is as the velocity decreases the distance of the highest point of vibration of the wave from its equilibrium or mean position increases.

Final answer:

Thus as the velocity of the wave decreases, its amplitude increases.

Two positive charges of 10 C are separated by 12 meters. What is the force between the charges?


In order to calculate the force between the charges, we can use the formula below:

[tex]F=K\cdot\frac{q_1\cdot q_2}{d^2}[/tex]

Where F is the force (in Newtons), K is the Coulomb constant (K = 9 * 10^9), q1 and q2 are the charges (in Coulombs) and d is the distance between them (in meters).

So, for q1 = q2 = 10 C and d = 12 m, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=9\cdot10^9\cdot\frac{10\cdot10}{12^2} \\ F=\frac{900\cdot10^9}{144} \\ F=6.25\cdot10^9\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the force between the charges is 6.25 * 10^9 N.

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for a planet? A. must orbit a star, but is not a star or satellite of another planetB. must be roundC. must clear its orbit of debrisD. must have a moon



D. must have a moon


Scientists say that a planet must orbit a star, must be round, and must be big enough so its gravity clears its orbit of other objects. Therefore, the statement that is not a requirement for a planet is

D. must have a moon

For example, Mercury and Venus are planets with no moons.

A train car with a mass of 5 kg and speed of 5 m/s is traveling to the right. Another train car with a mass of 2 kg is standing still. After the collision, the 5 kg train car is stuck to the 2 kg train car, what is their combined Final Velocity?


From the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum, we have:


If the two particles have the same velocity after the collision, then v₁'=v₂'.

Let v be equal to the final velocity of the particles. Then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_1v_1+m_2v_2=m_1v+m_2v \\ \\ \Rightarrow m_1v_1+m_2v_2=(m_1+m_2)v \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since v is unknown, isolate it from the equation:


Replace the data to find the value of v:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_1=5kg \\ v_1=5\frac{m}{s} \\ \\ m_2=2kg \\ v_2=0 \\ \\ \Rightarrow v=\frac{(5kg)(5\frac{m}{s})+(2kg)(0)}{5kg+7kg}=\frac{25kg\frac{m}{s}}{12kg}=2.08333...\frac{m}{s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the combined final velocity of both train cars is approximately 2.1m/s.

A ball of mass 1.86 kilograms is attached to a cord 1.29 meters long and swung in a vertical circle at a constant speed of 5.27 meters per second. What is the centripetal force acting on the ball? Include units in your answer. What is the tension in the cord when the ball is at the bottom of its path? Include units in your answer. What is the tension in the cord when the ball is at the top of its path? Include units in your answer. All answers must be in 3 significant digits.


[tex]\begin{gathered} centripetal\text{ force= 40.044 Newtons} \\ T_{bottom}=58.291\text{ Newtons} \\ T_{\text{top}}=21.79\text{ Newtons} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Step 1



a)centripetal force:

the centripetal force is given by.

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=ma \\ F=m\frac{v^2}{r} \\ \text{where } \\ F_{C\text{ }}\text{ is the centripetal force} \\ m\text{ is the mass } \\ v\text{ is the velocty } \\ r\text{ is the radius} \end{gathered}[/tex]

now, replace

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=m\frac{v^2}{r} \\ F=1.86\text{ kg }\frac{(\text{ 5.27 }\frac{m}{s})^2}{1.29\text{ m}} \\ F=40.044\text{ Newtons} \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the centripetal force is 40.0446 Newtons

b) What is the tension in the cord when the ball is at the bottom of its path?

to find the tension in bottom, we need to add the weigth of the ball,so

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{weigth}=\text{ mass}\cdot accelofgravity \\ w=mg \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, the tension would be

[tex]\begin{gathered} T_{bottom}=m\frac{v^2}{r}+mg \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} T_{bottom}=m\frac{v^2}{r}+mg \\ T_{bottom}=40.044\text{ N+(1.86 kg}\cdot9.81\text{ }\frac{\text{m}}{s^2}) \\ T_{bottom}=40.044\text{ N+18.2466 N} \\ T_{bottom}=58.291\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

c)What is the tension in the cord when the ball is at the top of its path?

to find the tension in the top we need to subtract the weigth, so

[tex]\begin{gathered} T_{\text{top}}=m\frac{v^2}{r}-mg \\ replace \\ T_{\text{top}}=40.044\text{ N-18.2466 N} \\ T_{\text{top}}=21.79\text{ Newtons} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

In a smartphone, how many megabytes (MB) are there in thirty-one gigabytes (GB) of memory?


We know that for each Gb there are 1000 Mb, thus in 31 Gb there will be 31000 Mb.

I have finished most of this question just need help on making sure it’s correct and the last 2



m: mass

m = 50 kg

KE: kinetic energ

PEg: gravitational potential energy

v: speed


Point A

KE = 0

PEg = mgh

PEg = 50 kg * 10 m/s^2 * 100 m

PEg = 50000 J

v = 0 m/s

Point B

h = 60 m

PEg = mgh

PEg = 50 kg * 10 m/s^2 * 60 m

PEg = 30000 J

KE = 20000 J

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\sqrt[]{\frac{2\cdot KE}{m}} \\ v=\sqrt[]{\frac{2\cdot20000\text{ J}}{50\text{ kg}}} \\ v=\sqrt[]{800\text{ }} \\ v=28.28\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Point C

h = 30 m

PEg = mgh

PEg = 50 kg * 10 m/s^2 * 30 m

PEg = 15000 J

KE = 35000 J

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\sqrt[]{\frac{2\cdot KE}{m}} \\ v=\sqrt[]{\frac{2\cdot35000\text{ J}}{50\operatorname{kg}}} \\ v=37.41\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Point D

h = 60 m

PEg = mgh

PEg = 50 kg * 10 m/s^2 * 60 m

PEg = 30000 J

KE = 20000 J

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\sqrt[]{\frac{2\cdot KE}{m}} \\ v=\sqrt[]{\frac{2\cdot20000\text{ J}}{50\text{ kg}}} \\ v=\sqrt[]{800\text{ }} \\ v=28.28\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Point E

h = 0

PEg = 50 kg * 10 m/s^2 * 0

PEg = 0 J

KE = 50000 J

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\sqrt[]{\frac{2\cdot KE}{m}} \\ v=\sqrt[]{\frac{2\cdot50000\text{ J}}{50\text{ kg}}} \\ v=44.72\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

it would be greatly appreciated if you plug in the numbers according to the format of my worksheet.


a. List variables

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_{1i}=\text{ 0.015 kg} \\ v_{1i}=\text{ 0.225 m/s} \\ m_{2i}=\text{ 0.03 kg} \\ v_{2i}\text{ =-0.18 m/s} \\ m_{1f}=\text{ 0.015 kg} \\ v_{1f}=-0.315\text{ kg} \\ m_{2f}=\text{ 0.03 kg} \\ v_{2f}\text{ = ?} \end{gathered}[/tex]

b. plug into the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_{1i}v_{1i}+m_{2i}v_{2i}=m_{1f}v_{1f}+m_{2f}v_{2f} \\ 0.015\times0.225+0.03\text{ }\times(-0.18)=0.015\times(-0.315)+0.03(v_{2f}) \end{gathered}[/tex]

c. solve for missing

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_{2f}=\frac{0.015\times0.225+0.03(-0.18)-0.015\times(-0.315)}{0.03} \\ =0.09\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

a block sliding on the ground where uk= 0.193 experiences a 14.7N friction force. what is the mass of the block in kg



F = ma

14.7N = m(0.193)

m = 76.3 kg

lc. A student makes a claim that states the first hill of a roller coaster is always the tallest(Point A) provided there is no mechanical assistance at any point after Point A on the track.Do you accept or reject her claim? Explain your answer. (2 points)


We accept the claim. This comes from the fact that if there is no mechanical assistance after point A (that is the tallest) then we make sure that the potential energy converts in kinetic energy and that way we make sure that the rollercoaester reaches all the other hills. If the tallest point is not the first one and there's no mechanical assitances then the rollercoester won't reach the hills that are taller than the first one (the kinetic energy won't be enough to reach it).

If your favorite radio station is on the FM Dial at100 MHz (Mega Hertz) Calculate the wave length for this Radio station. Hint use the equation c = Lf, Where L is the wavelength and c is given at the top of the exam.


In order to calculate the wavelength, let's use the given formula, using c = 3 * 10^8 m/s (speed of light in vacuum) and f = 100*10^6 Hz:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3\cdot10^8=L\cdot100\cdot10^6\\ \\ L=\frac{3\cdot10^8}{100\cdot10^6}=\frac{3\cdot10^8}{1\cdot10^8}=3\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the wavelength is 3 meters.

A spaceship and an asteroid are moving in the same direction away from Earth with speeds of 0.8 c and 0.45 c, respectively. What is the relative speed between the spaceship and the asteroid?





The relative speed between the spaceship and the asteroid can be calculated as the difference between their speeds, so it is equal to

Relative speed = 0.8c - 0.45c

relative speed = 0.35c

Therefore, the answer is


Solve using a system of linear equationsA motorboat takes 3 hours to travel 108 miles going upstream. The return trip takes 2 hours going downstream. What is the rate of the boat in still water and what is the rate of the current? Rate of the boat in still water=( )mi/h Rate of the current=( )mi/h


Let's use the constant motion equation: d = v*t, to express the equation for each case. But first, let's find the speed.


The speed going upstream is 36 mi/hr.


The speed going downstream is 54 mi/hr.

Observe that the distance traveled is the same.

Once we have the speed for each case, we can form the following system of equations.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-y=36 \\ x+y=54 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The first equation represents the difference between the motorboat speed in still water (x) and the rate of the current (y).

The second equation represents the addition between these two rates x and y. One equation represents the situation where the speeds are in opposite direction, and the other one represents when the

Calculate the answer to the correctnumber of significant digits.1.899+ 0.58





We have to add like we normally do with whole numbers and put the decimal point in the same place it is in each summand:

The significant digits start with the first digit different from zero, reading from left to right:

This number has 4 significant digits in total: 2, 4, 7 and 9

Note that the numbers added don't have the same number of decimal places. The first one has three decimal places while the second one has two decimal places. This means that we have to round the answer to the second decimal place - which is hte 3rd significant digit. SInce the 4th significant digit is more than 5, we have to add one to the third significant digit:


The maximum possible efficiency of a reversible heat engine is 79.46% when the cold temperature is 224.0°C. What is the hot temperature in degrees Celsius?


We have

A heat engine is 79.46%

TC= 224.0°C


we have the next formula


we substitute the values


then we isolate TH

[tex]\begin{gathered} .07946-1=-\frac{T_C}{T_H}\times1 \\ -0.2054=-\frac{T_C}{T_H}\times1 \\ \frac{T_C}{T_H}\times1=-0.2054 \\ \frac{T_C}{T_H}=\frac{0.2054}{1} \\ \frac{T_H}{T_C}=\frac{1}{0.2054} \\ T_H=4.8685\cdot224 \\ T_H=1090.55\text{ \degree{}C} \end{gathered}[/tex]

the hot temperature is 1090.55 degrees Celsius.

A cyclist is freewheeling (not exerting additional force) down a 7 degree angle hill. The cyclists weight is 75N. What acceleration is the cyclist experiencing? I have to do the following:1. Draw a free body diagram2. Identify Givens and Unknowns3. Identify the Equations4. Set up the equation using the givens and unknowns5. Solve


The free body diagram in shown below:

From the diagram and the problem we have that:

• The weight and angle of the inclined plane are given.


• The normal force and the components of the weight are unknown (this implies that the acceleration is unknown too); we also notice that the mass is not given the it is also an unknown.

We know that Newton's second law states that:


where F is the resultant force and a is the acceleration. Since this is a vector equation we can decomposed it in two scalar equations (in this case we only need two scalar equations since the forces are coplanar), then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Wx=ma_x \\ N-W_y=ma_y \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since we don't expect the cyclist to move in the y direction (otherwise he will surely fall) the equations above would reduce to:

[tex]\begin{gathered} W_x=ma \\ N-W_y=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the first equation we can solve the acceleration, to do this we use the triangle to get the x-component of the weight:

[tex]\begin{gathered} W_x=ma \\ W\sin \theta=ma \\ a=\frac{W\sin \theta}{m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the weight is given but not the mass we use the fact that the weight is:


to get the mass, then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{W}{g} \\ m=\frac{75}{9.8} \\ m=7.65 \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence the mass of the cylcist is 7.65 kg.

Now that we have all the values we need we plug them in the expression for the acceleration:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=\frac{75\sin 7}{7.65} \\ a=1.19 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the acceleration of the cyclist is 1.19 meters per second per second.

A jet plane has a maximum deceleration rate of -7.30 m/s/s. It touches down on a runway with a speed of 122 m/s. From the instant it touches the runway, what is the minimum time needed before it comes to rest??


The maximum time needed before the jet plane that has a maximum deceleration of -7.30 m/s² comes to rest is 16.71 seconds.

What is time?

Time can be defined as an ongoing and continuous sequence of events that occur in succession, from past through the present, and to the future.

To calculate the maximum time needed for the jet to come to rest, we use the formula below.


t = (v-u)/a........... Equation 1


t = Maximum time needed for the jet to come to restv = Final speedu = Initial speeda = Maximum deceleration of the jet

From the question,


v = 0 m/s (to rest)u = 122 m/sa = - 7.30 m/s²

Substitute these values into equation 1

t = (0-122)/(-7.3)t = -122/7.3t = 16.71 seconds

Hence, the maximum time needed is 16.71 seconds.

Learn more about time here:


How do i solve this problem? Hint: The cannonball is being launched vertically upwards, therefore, there is no initial horizontal speed. The given initial speed will also be the initial vertical speed.


The initial velocity of the ball is given as 36.0 m/s.

The horizontal component of velocity of ball is given as,

[tex]v_x=v\cos \theta[/tex]

The ball is projected vertically, therefore, the angle made by ball is 90 degree.

Plug in the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_x=(36.0m/s)cos90^{\circ} \\ =(36.0\text{ m/s)(0)} \\ =0\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the initial horizontal velocity of ball is 0 m/s.

The vertical component of velocity of ball is given as,

[tex]v_y=v\sin \theta[/tex]

Plug in the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_y=(36.0m/s)\sin 90^{\circ} \\ =(36.0\text{ m/s)(1)} \\ =36.0\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the initial vertical velocity of the ball is 36.0 m/s.

A. How many Coulombs are there in one fundamental/elementary charge?B. How many electrons are there in one coulomb of negative charge?


(A). The number of Coulombs in one fundamental charge of an electron is,

[tex]1e\text{ = 1.}6\times10^{-19}\text{ C}[/tex]

(B). The charge in terms of the number of electrons is,


where q is the net charge, e is the fundamental charge and n is the number of electrons,

For the net charge of q = 1 Coulomb, the number of electrons is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1\text{ C=n}\times1.6\times10^{-19}\text{ C} \\ n=\frac{1}{1.6\times10^{-19}} \\ n=0.625\times10^{19} \\ n=6.25\times10^{18}\text{ } \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the number of electrons in the 1 Coulomb of charge is,


One coulomb (1 C) is equal to approximately 6.24 x 10 18 elementary charges. Thus, an elementary charge is approximately 1.60 x 10 -19 C.

The unit of electrical charge quantity in the International System of Units is the coulomb. Coulomb is the SI unit of electric charge which is equal to the amount of charge transported by a current of one ampere in one second. It can be also, a property of a matter due to which electrical and magnetic effects are produced. It is denoted by C. Mathematically, 1 Coulomb = 1 Ampere × 1 second.

To illustrate the magnitude of 1 Coulomb, an object would need an excess of 6.25 x 1018 electrons to have a total charge of -1 C. And of course, an object with a shortage of 6.25 x 1018 electrons would have a total charge of +1 C. The charge on a single electron is -1.6 x 10 -19 Coulomb.

Charge on an electron(e)=  1.6∗10^−19 C  approximately.

By quantization property of charge(Smallest unit is e),

Charge (Q) = 1C  where n-number of electrons.

Electron (e) = 1.6× 10^-19

A number of electrons (n) =?

Q= ne

1 C = n × 1.6×10^-19 C

n = 1/(1.6×10^-19)

Which gives, n=  6.25*10^18  electrons

To learn more about coulomb charge visit,

Here are three stress and strain graphs shown on approximately the same scale. Match each graph to one of either copper, glass or rubber. Give reason for your choices, perhaps making reference to the grey circular points


For the three graphs A,B and C in the graph C we see that the strain is larger for a small value of stress.

This type of graph is for the polymers (rubber).

The graph A has smallest amount of strain for stress in comparison with B.

Upto the grey circle stress and strain are proportional .

Graph A is for Glass and B for Copper.

When an arrow is released from its bow, its energy is transformed from potential energy to kinetic energy. Determine if the statement is correct.


Let's determine if the statement ''When an arrow is released from its bow, its energy is transformed from potential energy to kinetic energy'' is correct.

Let's first define kinetic and potential energies.

Potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to its position which depends on the relative position of various parts of the system.

Kinetic energy is the energy possesed by an object in motion.

Therefore, before the arrow is released from the bow, it is at rest and the energy is stored.

Hence, it posssess potential energy.

When the arrow is now released from the bow, it is now in motion. Since it is now in motion, the potential energy is now transformed to kinetic energy.

Therefore, the statement ''When an arrow is released from its bow, its energy is transformed from potential energy to kinetic energy'' is correct.

A tractor travels at a constant speed of 6m/s. Find the power supplied by the engine if it can supply a maximum force of 467 kN.


speed = v = 6m/s

Force = 467 kn = 467000N

Power = Work/ time

Work = Force x distance

Speed = distance / time

Isolating Distance:

Distance = Speed * time

P =[ Force * (speed * time ) ] / time

P = Force * speed


P = 467000 N * 6 m/s = 2,802,000 W

If frictional forces and air resistance were acting upon the falling ball in #1 would the kinetic energy of theball just prior to striking the ground be more, less, or equal to the value predicted in #1?


Given that the ball is falling in two different situations.

Kinetic energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its motion and it is proportional to the square of the velocity of the object.

The frictional force and the air resistance are the forces that will be opposing the motion of the ball. That is these forces act in the opposite direction of the motion of the ball thus reducing the net acceleration acting on the ball.

As the acceleration decreases the final velocity of the ball decreases.

Thus the kinetic energy of the ball just prior to striking the ground will be less than before.

Which statement is not true of the reactions on the Sun?A.They are fusion reactions.B.They occur between helium atoms.C.Fast-moving nuclei collide.D.Hydrogen atoms are reacted.


Answer and explanation:

A correct option is an option (B). Option b is not true of the reaction on the sun because the reactions do not happen in between helium atoms.

All other options (A), (C), and (D) are incorrect because, in sun, the nuclear fusion reaction takes place between hydrogen atoms. Due to the sun's gravitational force and high temperature, the nuclei of helium move vary fast.


The correct option is option (B).

A 1 kg mass has a kinetic energy of 1 Joule when its speed isA. 0.45 m/sB. 1.4 m/sC. 1 m/sD. 4.4 m/s


Kinetic energy = 1/2 x mass x velocity^2


Kinetic energy = 1 J

mass = 1 kg

Isolate v (speed)

KE = 1/2 m v^2

√(2KE/m) = v

v = √(2KE/m)

Replacing with the values given:

v = √(2*1/1)

v= √2 = 1.4 m/s

Answer: 1.4 m/s (B)

Kinematics question. Please note I’ve never done kinematics before so lots and lots of explanation very necessary.


Given figure is Time -velocity graph that indicate acceleration .

Now, according to problem

1) A graph line is parallel to time axis i.e. velocity is not changing with passes of time , so acceleration (a) = 0.


acceleration (a)= 0

time (t)= 20 sec

starting speed (u)= 40 m /s

final speed (v)= 40m /s

distance covered( s)= ?

Now using formula for linear motion ,we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} s=ut+\text{ }\frac{1}{2}at^2; \\ s=\text{ 40}\times20+\text{ 0}\begin{cases}a={0} \\ t={20}\end{cases} \\ s=800m; \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer is 800m

2) For graph line B---

Starting speed(u)= 25 m/s ( when time =0)

final speed (v) = 50 m/s (when time =20 s)

time (t)= 20 sec

acceleration (a)= ?

distance travelled (s)= ?

Now acceleration is given by

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=\frac{v-u}{t}; \\ a=\frac{50-25}{20}=\text{ }\frac{25}{20}=\text{ 1.25ms}^{-2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Again distance travelled in 20 s is given by

[tex]\begin{gathered} s=ut\text{ +}\frac{1}{2}at^2; \\ s=\text{ 25}\times20+\frac{1}{2}\times1.25\times20^2; \\ s=500+250=750\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer is a= 1.25m/s² and s= 750m

3) when t= 20 sec then distance travelled by A=800m and distance travelled by B= 750 m . Therefore A is ahead of B

4) distance travelled by car A in 40 sec is given by

[tex]\begin{gathered} s=ut\text{ +}\frac{1}{2}at^2 \\ s=\text{ 40}\times40+0\begin{cases}a={0} \\ u={40}\end{cases} \\ s=1600m \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now distance travelled by B is given by


Calculate the mass of an object with a weight of 467 N.


We will have that the mass of the object is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{467N}{9.8m/s^2}\Rightarrow m=\frac{2335}{49}kg \\ \\ \Rightarrow m\approx47.65kg \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the mass of the object is 2335/49 kg, that is approximately 47.65 kg.

Question 1: Assume that the pendulum of a grandfather clock acts as one of Planck'sresonators. If it carries away an energy of 8.1 x 10-15 eV in a one-quantumchange, what is the frequency of the pendulum? (Note that an energy this smallwould not be measurable. For this reason, we do not notice quantum effects in thelarge-scale world.)



Energy = 8.1 x 10⁻¹⁵ eV.

Let's find the frequency of the pendulum.

To find the frequency, apply the formula for the energy of a light quantum:



E is the energy

h is Planck's constant = 6.63 x 10⁻³⁴ m² kg/s

f is the frequency.


1 eV = 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ J.

Rewrite the formula for f and solve:


Thus, we have:


Solving further:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f=\frac{8.1\times10^{-15}*(1.6\times10^{-19})}{6.63\times10^{^{-34}}} \\ \\ \\ f=1.95\text{ Hz.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the frequency of the pendulum is 1.95 Hz.


1.95 Hz

Other Questions
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There is not a war going on in America now.Question 30(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)(Foundations LO 7 MC)If the Nineteenth Amendment was not enacted, which of the following reasons would be valid for denying an individual the right to vote? Race Gender Citizenship AgeQuestion 31(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)(Foundations LO 7 MC)Which is an expression of an individuals use of the Second Amendment? choosing to change religions purchasing a firearm for personal use hiring a lawyer for criminal defense supporting the armed servicesQuestion 32(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)(Foundations LO 7 HC)Larry has been standing in line for an hour to vote. When he gets up to the front of the line, an elections worker tells Larry he cannot vote. Which option would explain why Larry is turned away and is that legal according to the Constitution? Larry is not old enough; no. Larry has not paid his taxes; yes. Larry is a convicted felon; yes. 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You can plan an all-day trip or ride around the island for a few hours, and with all of the options of things to see, you can make the trip as easy or difficult as you'd like."Select how this information supported the author's claim that biking is the best way to see the island. It let the reader know that they don't have to be very athletic to tour the island by bicycle. It shared with the reader that cycling is a great sport, but you have to be very enthusiastic. It showed the reader that it takes a lot more time to tour the island by bicycle than by carriage. It told the reader they have more choice about how much to see if they tour by bike. A carpenter is building a set of trusses to support the roof of a residential home. In theblueprints, she has determined that she needs to make a support triangle with an area 56 m. She knows that the base must be 1 less than 2 times the height. Write the equation thatcorrectly shows the area of the triangle in terms of its height, h. In multiparty systems, sometimes close to 10 parties might enter theparliament.O TrueO False Which is NOT a cause ofhabitat loss?A. building of new housing, cities, orfactoriesB. remodeling an already present building this is answerC. grazing livestockD. draining a wetland to put on top soil andmake it farm land Causes of transnational in greater lake region g(t)=t^2 - 2f(t) = 4t+4Find g(t)/f(t) Select the statements that are true about electronegativity between elements, and their type of bond.A.If the difference is over 1.0, an ionic bond will form.B.If the difference in electronegativity is 0 to 0.5, the bond will be polar covalent.C.If the difference in electronegativity is from 0.6 to 1.7, the bond will be polar and covalent.