This function of marketing is responsible for identifying and reducing risks associated
with marketing decisions. Choose the answer.
O financing
O promotion
Orisk management


Answer 1

This function of marketing is responsible for identifying and reducing risks associated with marketing decisions is risk management. So risk management is correct option of the given statement.

How does risk management work?

IT risk management refers to the use of risk management techniques to handle IT threats. Procedures, guidelines, and tools for evaluating possible risks and weaknesses in IT infrastructure are part of IT risk management.

What function does risk management play in general?

The process of discovering, evaluating, and managing risks to people, assets, liabilities, and income is known as risk management. The ultimate purpose of risk management is the preservation of the organization's material and human resources to ensure the smooth continuation of its business operations.

To know more about risk management visit:


Answer 2


D. Risk Management


Related Questions

Please help me look for the answer to this question!!!
On July 1, 2019, Sheridan Company purchased new equipment for $80,000. Its estimated useful life was 8 years with a $12,000
salvage value. On December 31, 2022, (before calculating annual depreciation) the company estimated that the equipment's
remaining useful life was 10 years, with a revised salvage value of $5,000
(what is in the red box is incorrect)


The depreciation expense entry on Dec 31, 2019 is

DR Depreciation Expense $4250

CR Accumulated Depreciation $4250

The depreciation expense entry on Dec 31, 2020 is

DR Depreciation Expense $8500

CR Accumulated Depreciation $8500

Revised Annual depreciation to be charged on Dec 31, 2022 is $5375

The depreciation expense entry on Dec 31, 2022 is

DR Depreciation Expense $5375

CR Accumulated Depreciation $5375

Balance Accumulated Depreciation as on Dec 31, 2022 is $26,625

What is Depreciation?

Depreciation is a systematic allocation of cost of an asset over the useful life. Depreciation is charged monthly or annually according to the policy. Depreciation can be calculated using straight line method or reducing method, these two are common methods of you of calculating depreciation.

In the case scenario provided in the question the depreciation was initially charged on eight years while the revised depreciation estimated that the useful life of the asset remaining is 10 years. The asset value is first deducted from the salvage value of the asset then divided by the number of estimated useful life. Revised depreciation can be calculated by taking the original amount of the asset minus accumulated depreciation till date minus salvage value then divide into revised useful remaining life of the asset.

Learn more about depreciation at


a(n) ____________ involves interviewing business people at their offices concerning industrial products or services, a process that is very expensive.


A focus group involves interviewing business people at their offices concerning industrial products or services, a process that is very expensive.

Manufactured goods are goods that are produced primarily by using labor and capital to produce raw materials and other inputs. As such, product is the opposite of the primary product, but includes both intermediate and finished products.

Manufactured goods are goods intended to be sold for the purpose of producing other goods or providing services, as opposed to goods primarily intended for sale to final consumers.

Manufactured goods are purchased and used for industrial and commercial purposes. They consist of machinery, production equipment, raw materials, and other commodities or components used in industries or enterprises. Consumer goods are available for consumption and meeting human needs, such as clothing and food.

Learn more about Manufactured goods


Suppose a person who is developing a card game crowdfunds $40,000 and holds this as cash for future expenses. If this $40,000 comes from donors' checking accounts, by how much will the money supply fall if the reserve ratio is 10 percent?
A. The Money Supply will decrease by $___.
I've tried 4000, 40000, 36000, 44000, 400000, and everything else you can think of. Someone please help answer this!


According to the given details, the money supply will decrease by $400,000

Money supply

Money supply refers all the currency and other liquid instruments in a country's economy on the date measured.


Suppose a person who is developing a card game crowdfunds $40,000 and holds this as cash for future expenses.

Here we need to find the decreasing rate in money supply.

While we looking into the given question, we have identified the following values,

Account balance = $40,000

Reserve ratio = 10%

Now, the decreasing rate is calculated as,

Decrease rate = Account balance[1/reserve ratio]

Now, we have to apply the values on the formula, then we get

Decrease rate  = 40000[1/0.10]

When we simplify it, then we get the decrease rate as,

Decrease rate =  $400,000

Therefore, the money supply will decease by $400,000.

To know more about Money supply here.


Self-management is very important when it comes to choosing our purpose in life. Without self-management we will have a more difficult path to our purpose.






one of the goals of business intelligence is to _________.



Improve an organization's business operations through the use of relevant data.

Explanation: The ultimate goal of BI initiatives is to drive better business decisions that enable organizations to increase revenue, improve operational efficiency and gain competitive advantages over business rivals.

To achieve that goal, BI incorporates a combination of analytics, data management and reporting tools, plus various methodologies for managing and analyzing data.

learn more about business intelligence link below


You walk outside only to find that your car has been towed because you
were parked illegally. You paid the towing company with a check and took
this unexpected expense from which budget?


'Utilities' can be used to pay for this unexpected expense

What is budget?

A budget is a financial plan that projects future earnings and costs. A budget, put simply, forecasts future spending and saving in addition to anticipated income and expenses.

Governments, companies, and people all utilize budgets as financial guidelines to monitor their income and expenses.

Maintaining that one's expenditure does not exceed their income is still a crucial component of financial planning.

What is utility budgeting?

Planning your spending and usage of energy according to your financial schedule. Taking into account the company's particular energy goals and making sure that budgets, along with any additional costs that need to be addressed, can be rolled up to appropriate responsibility centers.

To know more about budget refer


Why are credit card companies more willing to offer a young person a secured credit card than an unsecured card?


Answer: I work at a bank and we offer young person a secured card than unsecured card because people tend to steal a young persons card more than a middle aged man or woman, because people think it is just more effortless I guess.


Discuss why do wages differ across occupations?


Answer: Depending on the level or education.

Explanation: Some occupations require degrees and what not so if you have a degree or a phd you can get a job that has a higher wage because it required more knowledge. A job can offer a lower wage because it is easier or does not require studying or as much effort. An other factor is the rank, a janitor will be payed less than a lawyer because it is a very low rank. Difficulty also. Doctors and surgeons will be payed well because other humans lives are at risk whenever they perform a surgery

Question 4 of 20
How is the equilibrium price found using a supply and demand graph?
A. It is found at the midpoint of the supply curve.
B. It is found at the midpoint of the demand curve.
C. It is found where the supply curve meets the demand curve.
D. It is found at the lowest point of the supply curve.




It is found where the supply curve meets the demand curve

how do supply and demand work together to influence the price of a product


When supply exceeds demand for a good or service, prices fall. When demand exceeds supply, prices tend to rise. They have a inverse relationship.

If a perfectly competitive firm receives a marginal revenue of $10 for its product and the minimum average variable cost is $11, then the firm should, in the short run:
a.reduce the level of output its produces
b.increase the level of output it produces
c.neither increase nor decrease the level of output it produces
d.shut down


If a perfectly competitive firm receives a marginal revenue of $10 for its product and the minimum average variable cost is $11, then the firm should, in the short run shut down.

For a perfectly competitive firm, the marginal revenue tends to equal price and as well as the average revenue. So, this implies that the firm's marginal cost curve in its short-run supply curve for values is thus greater than the average variable cost. So, if the price drops below average variable cost, the firm shuts down.

So, a firm's total profit is maximized by the producing the level of output at which marginal revenue for the last unit produced will thus equal its marginal cost, or MR = MC.

Hence, option D is correct.

To learn more about a perfectly competitive firm here:


2. Unemployment is likely to increase when

a. Aggregate demand is high
b. There is a period of moderate inflation
c. Workers voluntarily leave their jobs for new ones
d. The supply of goods is less than the economy demands


Unemployment is likely to increase when There is a period of moderate inflation

Inflation and unemployment have been historically maintained in  an inverse relationship which is  represented by the Phillips curve. Low levels of unemployment generally and typically corresponded with the  higher inflation whereas high unemployment always corresponded with lower inflation and even deflation also.

Inflation is the term which is used to describe the drop of a currency's purchasing power over a fixed time. Unemployment is the situation where the economists refer to when the number of jobless people which are willing to work in the given time  exceeds the supply of jobs in the workforce

To know more about inflation here:


Your house is valued at $125,000. Assume the tax rate is 11.9 cents for every $100 of assessed value. How much will you be charged in real estate tax?


Answer:   The correct answer is $148.75 in real estate tax


The formula for tax computation:

(House Value/increment)*tax rate


1250 * 0.119 = 148.75

Why is lifelong learning important?



to be very educated



to understand life and the world

The owner of Tastee Cookies needs to decide whether to lease a small, medium, or large new retail outlet. She estimates that monthly profits will vary with demand for her cookies as follows:
If she feels there is a 30 percent chance that demand will be high, what is her expected payoff under certainty?
a. $1,100
b. $1,000
c. $500
d. $900
e. $1,600


If she feels there is a 30 percent chance that demand will be high, her expected payoff under is: c. $500.

How to find the expected payoff under certainty?

Chance demand is Low= 100% - 30%

Chance demand is low = 70%

EMV Small = 0.7($1,000) + 0.3($1,000)

EMV Small= $1,000

EMV Medium = 0.7($500) + 0.3($2,500)

EMV Medium = $1,100

EMV Large = 0.7($0) + 0.3($3,000)

EMV large= $900

Expected monthly profit = 0.7($1,000) + 0.3($3,000)

Expected monthly profit = $1,600

Expected payoff under certainty=$1,600 - $1,100

Expected payoff under certainty= $500

Therefore the correct option is C.

Learn more about Expected payoff under certainty here:


Jerome says that he will spend exactly $25 each month on new apps for his mobile device, regardless of the price of apps. Jerome's demand for apps is

A. perfectly elastic.
B. perfectly inelastic.
C. unit elastic.
D. somewhat inelastic, but not perfectly inelastic.


Option C; Jerome says that he will spend exactly $25 each month on new apps for his mobile device, regardless of the price of apps. Jerome's demand for apps is unit elastic.

Unit elastic refers to a scenario in economics when a change in one variable causes an equally proportional change in another variable (also known as unitary elastic). One of the core ideas in economics is elasticity, which is essentially related to the idea of unit elastic. Elasticity in this sense refers to a variable's responsiveness to changes in another variable. Elasticity is a term economists frequently use to describe how a good's demand or supply changes in reaction to changes in its price or in consumer income. As a result, demand or supply curves that are totally responsive to price changes are sometimes referred to as having "unit elasticity."

Learn more about  unit elastic here:


the party making the promise to pay the promissory note is the? a.maker. b.payee. c.lender. d.assignee.





A promissory note is a legal instrument in which the first party (maker) promises to pay a specific amount to another (payee) at a specific time with specific terms and conditions.

For example: I want a business loan (promissory note). I go to the bank. They write up the paperwork. The loan officer (maker) agrees to pay me the $3000 at 6% for the next 3 years. I sign the paperwork stating I accept the loan (I am now the payee).

A food worker has prepared a
large pot of rice that must be

How should the food worker
cool the rice safely?

a. Place the pot in the refrigerator

b. Cover the pot and leave it at room

c. Separate the rice into smaller portions
and refrigerate



The food worker should separate the rice into smaller portions and refrigerate to cool the rice safely.

Very hot items can first be cooled at room temperature.

Put the food in a shallow dish so it cools more quickly. Once cooled, refrigerate all leftovers.

By this way a large pot of rice will be cooled easily.

A food worker should (c)Separate the rice into smaller portions

and refrigerate.

Why are very hot foods not kept in refrigerator?

Between 41 and 135 degrees Fahrenheit, dangerous germs can develop. The danger zone for foods is this spectrum. At these temperatures, germs that might be hazardous proliferate the fastest. Putting huge quantities of hot food in the refrigerator might cause it to reach this dangerous temperature.

How to quickly cool down food ?

Distribute huge food batches. advises you to split meals into smaller or shallow storage containers when preparing big quantities of food, such as roasts and stockpots full of soup. As a result, the food will chill down more rapidly in the refrigerator.

Put some ice in the meal. Place the smaller food containers into an ice bath or run them under cold water to quickly chill goods before keeping them in the refrigerator.

to learn more about food safety click:


What is the use of registration card in front office department of hospitality industry



After the guest arrives at the hotel, the front desk agent creates a guest registration record in order to collect important guest information like full name, address, date of birth, email, telephone number, company name, passport and visa details etc.


Every business which has multi-departments should have a front office or a reception to receive the visitors. It is said that front office department is the face of the organization, as well as the voice of a business. Regardless of the rating of the hotel or the hotel type, the hotel has to have a front office as it is the most important and the first visible department of an organization.


What is a PEST analysis of the UAE in terms of retail industry?
Political Economic Social Technology​



UAE finds itself in, with the aid of a PESTLE analysis.

PESTLE analyses look at the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors that affect a venture, organization, or country’s success.

What are the examples of fair or unfair practices? in data analytics



Fair practices in data analytics include using data ethically and responsibly, ensuring data accuracy and reliability, and protecting user privacy. Conversely, unfair practices in data analytics include using data for unethical purposes, manipulating data to produce biased results, and using data without the user's consent.


Using data lawfully and professionally, as well as guaranteeing its quality and dependability, are fair practices in data analytics. Using data unethically and altering data to obtain biased results are examples of unfair data analytics practices.

What is data analytics?

Analyzing data collections to identify trends and make judgments about the information they contain is known as data analytics (DA). The study of examining unprocessed data to draw inferences about such information is known as data analytics.

Understanding trends or patterns from the enormous amounts of information being gathered requires the use of data analytics. It aids in performance optimization for enterprises.

Fair practices in data analytics include using data ethically and professionally, as well as ensuring its dependability and quality. Unfair data analytics practices include the use of data unethically and the manipulation of data to produce biased conclusions.

Learn more about data analytics, here:


Bay Meadows Corporation designs and produces a line of golf equipment and golf apparel. Bay Meadows has 100,000 shares of common stock outstanding as of the beginning of 2024. Bay Meadows has the following transactions affecting stockholders' equity in 2024.

March 1 Issues 56,000 additional shares of $1 par value common stock for $53 per share.
May 10 Purchases 5,100 shares of treasury stock for $56 per share.
June 1 Declares a cash dividend of $1.55 per share to all stockholders of record on June 15. (Hint: Dividends are not paid on treasury stock.)
July 1 Pays the cash dividend declared on June 1.
October 21 Resells 2,550 shares of treasury stock purchased on May 10 for $61 per share.


The following entries will be made for Bay Meadows Corporation
Mar 01, 2024

DR Cash $2,968,000

CR Common Stock $56,000

CR Additional Paid in capital $2,912,000

May 10, 2024

DR Treasury Stock $285,600

CR Cash $285,000

Jun 01, 2024

DR Dividends $233,895

CR Dividends Payable $233,895

Jul 01, 2024

DR Dividends Payable $233,895

CR Cash $233,895

Oct 21, 2024

DR Cash $155,550

CR Treasury Stock $2,550

CR Additional Paid in Capital $153,000

What is Journal Entry?

Journal entry is the entry that is recorded to keep a record of the transactions of a company.

Dividend is calculated by adding 100,000 with 56,000 that were the stock issued and then deducting 5,100 of stock that was repurchased as treasury shares so the total of 150,900 shares are multiplied by $1.55 per stock of dividend.

Learn more about journal entries at


Which of the following statements are CORRECT when comparing For AGI deductions to From AGI deductions? (Choose all that apply.)

a. Deduction for AGI reduce AGI thus reducing the limitations on other tax benefits that are decreased or phased out for higher income taxpayers.
b. For AGI deductions are also called deductions ""below the line"" or ""itemized deductions.""
c. From AGI deductions are generally preferred over deductions for AGI.
d. Certain from AGI deductions may not have an effect on taxable income despite the taxpayer incurring the expense.
e. For AGI deductions are subtracted directly from adjusted gross income.


Option a and d are correct when comparing For AGI deductions to From AGI deductions.  IRS calculates your annual income tax liability using your AGI.

Your annual gross income (AGI) is determined by adding up all of your revenue for the year and deducting specific income adjustments. Your AGI may have an impact on the amount of your tax deductions and your eligibility to contribute to certain types of retirement plans, such as a Roth individual retirement account. Your AGI less a few ordinarily permitted deductions is known as your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI). AGI and MAGI are likely to be similar for many persons.

The word "income tax" refers to a category of tax that governments levy on revenue produced by people and enterprises within their territorial authority. To assess their tax liabilities, taxpayers are required by law to file an income tax return each year.

learn more about AGI here


What is the role of stakeholder mapping in the procurement​



It is used primarily to gain knowledge, understanding and ideas from key individuals within the organisation. Engaging with the right internal stakeholders can ensure procurement functions gain understanding of strategic issues, cost-saving goals, value-add, compliance and organisational input moving forward.

The stable behavioral and psychological characteristics responsible for a person's identity are known as _______


The stable behavior and psychological characteristics responsible for a person's identity are known as Personality.

Behavior refers to the assortment of behaviors and etiquette that people, living things, systems, and artificial entities exhibit in a given context. These systems may consist of both the inanimate physical world and other systems or species. It is the system's or organism's calculated reaction to different inputs or stimuli, whether internal or external, conscious or unconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary.

From the standpoint of behavior informatics, a behavior is made up of an actor, an operation, interactions, and attributes. This can be shown as a vector of behavior.

People's health is greatly influenced by their behavior, and many behavioral patterns are intricately linked to their socioeconomic status.

To learn more about behavior visit here:


The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]

Clothing Frontiers began operations on January 1 and engages in the following transactions during the year related to stockholders’ equity.

January 1 Issues 600 shares of common stock for $38 per share.
April 1 Issues 100 additional shares of common stock for $42 per share.


The following entries will be made for Clothing Frontiers

Jan 01

DR Cash $22,800

CR Common Stock $600

CR Additional Paid in capital $22,200

Apr 01

DR Cash 4,200

CR Common Stock $100

CR Additional Paid in capital $41,00

What is Journal Entry?

Journal entry is the type of recording transaction that have occurred in a company, these journal entries are also known as the double entry for their nature of having impact on different account. The journal entry is the initial step for the transaction to be recorded. At the end of the month trial balance is maintained and then Income statement and balance sheet are prepared.

The Common stock is credited with the par value of the stock sold while the difference of the cash received for the sale of cash and the par value is credited to the additional paid in capital account.

Learn more about Journal entries at


A buyer and seller have a serious disagreement regarding a defect in the swimming
pool. The buyer gives up and demands the deposit back. The seller disagrees and
demands the earnest money as liquidated damages. What should the broker do?


The broker will treat real estate  as deposits as liquidated damages.

What is demand?

Demand is the consumer's intention to buy a specific product or service.

The demand for a specific good on the market is known as market demand. The total demand for goods and services in the economy is known as aggregate demand. The price of an item or service is determined by how well supply and demand match. Recognizing the idea of demand.

Thus, the buyer demand for money has void.

Learn more about demand, here:


A student paraphrases the ideas of an expert criminologist in her essay on crime and deviance. Should she:


Based on the essay writing technique and standards, when a student paraphrases the ideas of an expert criminologist in her essay on crime and deviance. she should cite the source and reference it.

Paraphrasing ideas in the essay

The act of paraphrasing different ideas when writing an essay as a student is a very common thing. However, when paraphrasing, it is always expected that the writer cites the source and makes a reference to the original person who jas the idea to avoid plagiarizing.

Three methods of paraphrasing are the following:Acknowledging paraphrasingOrganizing paraphrasingAbstracting paraphrasing

Also, to make a proper paraphrasing, one needs to do the following:Ensure to use synonymsAlways use the different word formMake sure to change from active to passive.Always try and change the word order.Make use of a combination of techniques.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that when a student paraphrases the ideas of an expert criminologist in her essay on crime and deviance, she should cite the source and reference it.

Learn more about Paraphrasing here:


a fixed asset should be removed from the accounts except a.when it is sold. b.when it is discarded. c.when it is fully depreciated. d.when it is given away.


A fixed asset should be removed from the accounts except  c.when it is fully depreciated.  

A fixed asset, also referred to as lengthy-lived belongings or assets, plant and gadget, is a time period used in accounting for assets and assets that may not without difficulty be transformed into cash. constant property are specific from modern-day assets, such as cash or financial institution bills, because the latter are liquid assets.

The term constant asset refers to a protracted-term tangible piece of belongings or system that a firm owns and uses in its operations to generate income. the overall assumption about fixed belongings is that they're predicted to remaining, be ate up, or be transformed into cash after as a minimum 365 days.

Learn more about fixed asset here:

comment on the ethics exhibited by amy and the possible consequences of her actions. how does the merchandising company account for the suits that amy returns? (what journal entries are required?)


It is extremely unethical on their part of Amy to purchase a suit from the merchandising company and then return it after a week wherein she wears the suit for her event and then returns to the company to get a full payment refund. Ethically, she can only return the suit that she did not like for some reason or it has some other problems (like fitting, etc) however in no circumstances it is ethical to return a suit after using it for one party. This unethical practice can also land Amy in trouble in case the merchandising company discovers her intentions. If they come to know that suit was already used by her during a function and then returned they could certainly sue them for the breach of sale and return of goods contract.

Unethical: “A scholar used plagiarism on their very last written project to get a better grade” This is unethical as it is going towards social norms and the bulk of humans might discover this act unacceptable.' Unethical' defines as something this is morally incorrect, even as something being 'unlawful' way it's far from the law. In an unlawful act, the decision-making element is the law.

For an unethical act, the finding out the agent is the man's personal conscience. An unethical deed can be towards morality however now no longer towards the law. The unethical behavior of the strength agencies is disgraceful. But lately, we've got visible simply what the value of unethical behavior can be.

Learn more about unethical here


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