This exaggeration is an example of____

No one can beat level 8 on that game!


Answer 1




Related Questions

20 pointssss!!!! due tonight helpppp pleaseeee :)



will help


You wake up in the middle of the night to see a dark figure crawling across your floor. What do you do?




Get up from my bed and go drink some water  cause I am thirsty

August decides not to dress up in his ordinary planned costume for Halloween because...
A. it is too difficult to put on when he is in a hurry
B. he decides he does not want to wear a costume at all
C. he forgot the mask at his grandmother's
D. he is afraid that other students will wear the same one ​





it is too difficult to put on when he is in a hurry

Why are parking tickets unfair

write 250 words about it

i need help pls and thx


Answer:In some cities, parking signs are confusing, and parking isn’t always easy to find. If you drive enough, chances are that you’ll end up with a parking ticket at some point.

If you clearly did something wrong, like parking in a no-parking or street-cleaning zone, you should just pay the ticket and be done with it. If you didn’t, you should quickly file an appeal so that the issue can get sorted out as soon as possible.

How do tickets impact your driving record? And what happens if you don't pay your ticket? Learn the answers to these questions and more.

This driving history will impact your insurance rate. If you’re a risky driver with lots of violations, you’ll have higher rates. If you put off paying too many parking tickets, the DMV could take drastic action: towing your vehicle, putting a boot on it, or suspending your vehicle registration.2

Dealing with a Parking Ticket

The easiest way to deal with a parking ticket that you received for a legitimate error on your part is to pay it immediately.

If you believe you should not have gotten a ticket, you should protest the ticket as soon as possible and secure a date for a traffic court appearance. There, a judge will hear from you and the officer who issued the citation. Then, they will decide whether you received the parking ticket in error.

If you don’t pay or resolve the ticket by a certain date, the amount you owe may increase. Parking tickets do not go on a driving record—they go to the financial record of the registered owner of a vehicle if they are not paid on time. They could also be reported to the DMV, which could result in serious consequences.3



Which of the following statements best explains the symbolism of Montresor’s coat of arms?

A. The foot and snake in Montresor’s coat of arms both represent the vengeful nature of Montresor.
B. The foot and snake in Montresor’s coat of arms both represent the insult Fortunato has given Montresor.
C. The foot in Montresor’s coat of arms represents Montresor’s revenge on Fortunato, who is represented by the snake.
D. The foot in Montresor’s coat of arms represents Fortunato insulting Montresor, while the snake represents Montresor getting revenge.



A and C



the answer is C.


I did it and got it right

ASAP please

The following quote is an example of which literary term?

"Therefore do nimble-pinion'd doves draw Love,/ And therefore hath the wind-swift Cupid wings."

comic relief


I think this could be both imagery, conjuring up romantic images of doves and Cupid, but also allusion, alluding to doves as a symbol of romance (Aphrodite) and the Roman figure of Cupid.


the answer is a imagery


Breakfast in America

In America, breakfast is the only meal that is still eaten at home by most of the population. About 80% of Americans eat the first meal of the day at home. The other 20% of people either skip breakfast or buy their morning meal outside of the home.
Most Americans eat dry cereal with milk for breakfast. Fruit juices, such as orange juice and apple juice, are common breakfast drinks. Eggs, with or without bacon, are the second most common morning meal. Bagels, muffins, and pastries are eaten less often than cereal and eggs.
The breakfast trends in America are changing, though. While cereal is still the most popular breakfast food, its sales have started declining sharply in the last few years. Instead, more Americans are reaching for portable breakfast items, like yogurt and sandwiches. Many people who eat breakfast want a satisfying meal without a lot of added sugar. Breakfast items rising in popularity are higher in fiber and protein than dry cereal.
A typical "All-American Breakfast" on the menu at restaurants might include eggs, bacon, ham, toast, potatoes, and coffee. However, most Americans are eating a lot less food in the mornings. They are also on the lookout for breakfast items that are easy to prepare and easy to carry.

Passage 2

What's for Breakfast?

The nutrients you eat in the morning help give your body energy all day long. In the United States, like in some other countries, cereal in milk is a popular breakfast food. However, unlike the United States, many other countries include seafood, meats, and vegetables in their morning meal.
All over the world, people eat foods for breakfasts that most people in the United States would save for later meals or not eat at all. In Japan, miso soup, white rice, squash with soy sauce, and grilled salmon are part of a common breakfast. In both Brazil and Germany, large pieces of bread served with cheese and meat, such as ham and sausage, make up the morning meal. In China, breakfasts vary greatly by region.
Dim sum, which is made up of small plates of food such as dumplings and marinated meat, is one traditional breakfast option in the large country. A soup made of egg, milk, and green onions is a morning staple in Columbia. In Nigeria, moi moi, which is a paste made of ground beans, is wrapped in leaves and steamed for breakfast. In both Australia and France, breakfast cereals served with fruit and bread are common for breakfast. In Turkey, small plates of many items, such as tomato slices, olives, bread, cheese, eggs, cucumbers, jam, honey, and sausage, make up breakfast.
Though breakfasts around the world look different, they all serve the same purpose—to satisfy your hunger, at least until lunch!

Select all the correct answers.
According to both passages, in which two ways do most Americans' breakfast preferences differ from the rest of the world?
Most people in the United States prefer cooked cereals and grains for breakfast.
Most people in the United States prefer breakfasts that are loaded with fats.
Most people in the United States prefer salads with meat for breakfast.
Most people in the United States prefer cereal in milk for breakfast.
Most people in the United States prefer breakfasts that suit their hectic lifestyle.


The last one...............

Which detail best helps readers to visualize Jeb's character? Jeb's short sleeves and the hole forming in the sole of his shoe the warm smile he gives to his mother as he serves himself the fact that his family was not doing much better than others the way Jeb passes the fried potatoes to his father



B. the warm smile he gives to his mother as he serves himself


PLEASEE HELP WITH ENGLISH!!! Write a compound sentence about your favorite person.



My best friend used to play basketball in A R. Johnson

Explanation: A compound sentence is a sentence with 2 words put together making a word so I used basketball because basketball= basket-ball.

What does a aviator mean


Answer: Aviator; A pilot [noun]

Why do you think slave owners wanted the slaves to be afraid? Why would they want slaves to have low self esteem? (Feel bad about themselves)



They most likely wanted slaves to be afraid so they did not collect the courage to escape or disobey. With low self esteem they might not try anything.

Good luck!


how did J.J. Thomson discover electrons?​


in 1897, J.J. Thomson discovered the electron by experimenting with a Crookes, or cathode ray, tube

(pls have it done by tomorrow need it asap will give brainliest)​



dude... i can't read that...


to dark. print is to smalldude ain't no one gone see that

Aretha Franklin has (sang, sung) professionally for more than forty years.


Sung because it’s past tense

Please help me with number 7 please




person vs nature


C. Persons vs nature!


how does the author's discussion of George Orwell's 1984 contribute to the text(paragraph 8)


The most obvious thing here is it proves or states on how unrealistically dystopian fiction portrays social and political issues. It shows how our own society can be avoided from becoming the world that is depicted in 1984. Hope this helps!

The author's discussion of George Orwell's 1984 contribute to it proves how unrealistically state fabrication represents political and social issues.

What is author's?

The writer of the story is referred to as the "author." The author is currently working on getting her manuscript published. The author is expected to compose the story based on her understanding. The author writes the articles entirely for financial gain. The author's primary body of work is in English literature.

According to the author, George Orwell's 1984 contributes to the political and societal difficulties that are unrealistically depicted in dystopian fiction. It demonstrates how our own civilization might avoid becoming the world described in 1984. George Orwell created 1984 shortly after World War II ended with the intention of serving as a warning to his readers.

As a result, the author's discussion of George Orwell's 1984 contribute to it proves how unrealistically state fabrication represents political and social issues.

Learn more about on author’s, here:


Why do people fear what they dont understand?


Answer: not so sure


They fear what they don’t understand because they can feel that it bad

Movie recommendations
What is your favorite movie?
What genera?
Why is it good?
I need some movies for me and my cousins to watch on the weekend.



If you guys wanna watch a funny movie maybe you can watch the new movie on Netflix it's called "The Mitchell's vs the machines"

8. Which of the following is an example of a
A. I think of you a million times a day.
B. Seven days without laughter makes
one weak
C. My sister has a mind like a
I computer.
D. My dad is so tall, Sir Edmund Hillary
tried to climb him.





How can a speaker provoke emotion in an audience?

Emotive language

Emotionally affecting anecdotes

Body language

All of the above




D. All of the above

as all this must be include.

Kathy is from the Watutu Tribe, but she and Watsu Bangu met at the Sudan university of Technology.

Which word is incorrectly capitalized?




Technology isn't supposed to be capitilized, but it isn't on the list so im not sure


It say which word is incorrectly capitalized so I think it’s Sudan because the word watutu is already capitalized so the rest don’t need to be get it.

L 2.4.1 Study: Using Contextual Clues Identify the definition of the word consumed that is being used in this passage. Then describe which context clues help to clarify the meaning of the word. Passage My Response For months, the game of chess consumed Rita. She used all of her free time to read about strategies, solve chess problems, and play games online against stronger opponents Consumed: (1) le or drank; (2) absorbed the attention of; (3) destroyed, as by fire 0 of 1000 characters​


2) absorbed and attention :)

hope it helps , good noon how are you .

do you won't some points ?

what do you think a “literary criticism” is? Explain



the art or practice of judging and commenting on the qualities and character of literary works.


Literary criticism is the comparison, analysis, interpretation, and/or evaluation of works of literature. Literary criticism is essentially an opinion, supported by evidence, relating to theme, style, setting or historical or political context.

Can anyone help me on this please!!!
-As you read this passage from Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, identify how Lincoln uses parallelism in his speech.

-It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

-What is the effect of Abraham Lincoln's use of parallelism in this passage?



the effect of Abraham Lincoln's use of parallelism in this passage is to

create a balanced and unified theme which aids in our understanding of his remarkable message.


The effect of Abraham Lincoln's use of parallelism in the passage creates a balanced theme to give us a better understanding of the message he states. When Lincoln states "Of the people, by the people, and for the people," he is using parallelism to imply that the government should be working for the citizens, and should care for them and not just themselves. He wants to be sure that the citizens understand that they should be cared for by those who run the country.


I wrote this on my exam and the teacher marked mine as correct. I hope it does for you!! :)

¿Por qué crees que los traidores están en el círculo más profundo del infierno?



Debido a que son traidores y apuñalan a la gente por la espalda, a nadie le gusta el traidor.


Which is a statement of opinion? A) Soak overnight in cold water. B) Add sufficient water to cover beans one inch deep. C) These tiny limas are most delicious when baked like the ordinary navy bean. D) In the morning wash again and then place in a saucepan and cover with cold water.





The statement “These tiny limas are most delicious when baked like the ordinary navy bean.” is an opinion.

I need help if you know how to do this please message me or something so you can help in my test



it's the fourth option. antynems are words that mean the opposite.

Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.
Fabian got into an accident on his way to work. He had multiple fractures in his leg. His doctor advised strict bed rest for at least three months. Fabian is a freelance wildlife photographer who usually works on a contract basis, and this is his primary source of income. Before the accident, Fabian was planning his finances. Which goal of his financial plan would help Fabian in getting through without pay for the next three months?
The goal that requires the creation of a/an
would help Fabian get through the next three months without pay.



emergency fund


i hope this helps

Your answer is emergency fund!
Hope this helps :)
Brainliest plzz

Which of the following is good advice for organizing and presenting an oral report?
Use academic language; avoid humor and pathos.
Be sure to include all the detailed information you collected.
It’s okay to talk as long as you like, but just be sure you stay on topic.
Keep the presentation brief, interesting, and engaging.



i would say Keep the presentation brief, interesting, and engaging.


Use academic language; avoid humor and pathos.

using thing to relate to your aduicence is not always a bad thing just ecuase you wouldnt write in an essay to you teacher.

Be sure to include all the detailed information you collected.

This make things drone on, cuasing your audince to go bored and notpay attention.

It’s okay to talk as long as you like, but just be sure you stay on topic.

A lot of times you will only have so long, and people will go bored and notpay attention if you stretch it out for too long.  

Keep the presentation brief, interesting, and engaging.

this has the best universial advice that can e applied to most situautions


Keep the presentation brief, interesting, and engaging.


I took the exam

Who calls Gene at the end of the chapter?(chapter 6) What is he encouraged to do and why?



In this chapter, Gene returns to Devon for the Winter Session and instantly finds that the independence of the summer days has passed him by.... is only slightly intrigued when Mr. Ludsbury informs him that he has a long-distance phone call. Finny dismisses Gene's confession once more, expressing gratitude that they will always be together.


Other Questions
Suppose that you are an emancipated slave in the South at the end of the Civil War. What changes do you hope for in your new life? Write about three ways you imagine your life will change now that you have your freedom. (ill be checking for plagiarism ) Why is it called the Dark Haired One? In number the stars? 780 is what percent of 540? Please help with this using the chain rule SUPPOSE you are starting a business of selling jewelry online, what kind of audience will you talk with ? What strategies will you use to persuade your audience how will you create your own market PLEASE HELP!!!Why should you modify your approach to evaluating literature, based on the form of the literary work?A.Different forms of literature hold different levels of value with readers.B. Different forms of literature require different key elements to succeed.C. Different forms of literature tend to be written in different languages.D. Different forms of literature use different narrators with different points of view. Probation, house arrest and incarceration falls into the "Corrections" component of the criminal justice system.A. TrueB. False Help please thanks so much l-Ready Put gold bars into the machine toproduce exactly 21 gold cats.Tap the reset button to start over.cey CarGo Why does the "encounter" depicted in this cartoon seem so "unnatural"? Revise these three sentences by addition appropriate transition words or phrases at the beginning of each sentence to clearly connect the ideas of the sentences together for a reader.-The team drove home from California. -It rained on the way home. -The team arrived safely. The following transactions occurred at several different businesses and are not related. Post the following transactions into the appropriate T-accountsa. Serena Hamilton, an owner, made an additional investment of $42,000 in cash.b. A firm purchased equipment for $20,000 in cash. c. A firm sold some surplus office furniture for $3,400 in cash. d. A firm purchased a computer for $3,700, to be paid in 60 days. e. A firm purchased office equipment for $22,400 on credit. f. The amount is due in 60 days. James Taylor, owner of Taylor Travel Agency, withdrew $12,000 of his original cash investment. g. A firm bought a delivery truck for $38,500 on credit; payment is due in 90 days. h. A firm issued a check for $7,200 to a supplier in partial payment of an open account balance Whats the supplementary angle of 109 degrees. En aquest moment, la diferncia de preu entre dos cotxes s de 987. Quina ser la nova diferncia si el model ms car disminueix 50 en el preu i el ms econmic augmenta en 200? PLS HELPTwo students are comparing scientific experiments to investigations. They came up with the following ideas.Student A: Testing plant growth in different types of soilsStudent B: Comparing the water level in a lake during different times of the yearWhich student gave an example of a scientific experiment? Student A because it requires experimental and control groups Student B because it requires a hypothesis Student A because it is preferably done in natural settings Student B because it is preferably done across a long period of time Dose mitochondria transfer things to the cell What is 7,300,000 written in scientific notation? perry bought 5 nectarines for $4. how many nectarines can amanda buy if she has 16$ a boy takes 20 minutes to cover 3.2 km on a bicycle find the speed in km/hr What are Sodapop's strengths in The Outsiders.