______ theory states that the more participatory and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives.


Answer 1

Quite sure it's Activity theory

Related Questions

The competing visions of Reconstruction between President Johnson and the Radical Republicans brought forth the nation's first impeachment charges. Place the following events in chronological order. a. Congress authorized the Tenure of Office Act in March 1867.
b. Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.
c. The House of Representatives initiated impeachment charges.


The following events in chronological order are :

[a]Congress authorized the Tenure of Office Act in March 1867.

[b]Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.

[c]The House of Representatives initiated impeachment charges.

What did the Reconstruction Acts aim to achieve?

Five military districts, each under the control of a different general, were established by the Reconstruction Acts of 1867. In addition to depriving many former confederates of their voting rights, they mandated that Southern states guarantee black suffrage.

Slavery had to be abolished and financial freedom had to be achieved were Reconstruction's opposing aims. Lincoln and Johnson came up with the reconstruction act to revive the southern economy.

Therefore, The first impeachment allegations in American history were sparked by President Johnson's and the Radical Republicans' divergent views on Reconstruction.

Learn more about the Reconstruction Acts from the given link.



What was a major purpose of yellow journalism in the late 1890's?


Yellow journalism is the term used to describe sensational or biased articles that newspapers offer as the real deal. The phrase was created in the late 19th century to disparage the unusual methods used by their opponents.

What do you mean by Yellow journalism?

Yellow journalism, used by newspapers to draw readers and boost circulation, involves sensationalized news and graphic features. The expression was created in the 1890s to characterize the strategies used in the fierce rivalry between the World and the Journal, two newspapers in New York City.In the 1890s, journalism that sensationalized—and occasionally even manufactured—dramatic events was a strong influence that helped push the United States into war with Spain. The Spanish-American War is frequently referred to as the first "media war."The rise of a sensationalism culture, a change in social, political, and economic life, as well as a distorted mass media are all consequences of yellow journalism.

To know more about Journalism here



How relevant was yellow journalism in the outbreak of the Spanish-American War in 1898 can such a practice actually start wars?


Yellow journalism was one among many elements in the late 19th century that influenced the United States and Spain to go to war in Cuba and the Philippines, which resulted in the United States gaining control of foreign territory.

A reporting method known as "yellow journalism" favored sensationalism above accuracy.

Sometimes too much credit is given to Yellow Journalism for the United States' participation in the Spanish-American War. Even if it wasn't the main driver behind America's declaration of war, it can be claimed that it contributed to the public's support. William Randolph Hearst of the New York Journal and Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World were the two successful and important Yellow Journalists.

Learn more about Spanish-American War in 1898 here:



which of these terms is a valid specifier of sexual dysfunction in dsm-5? select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a lifelong b secondary to a medical condition c due to relationship factors d due to psychological factors


A valid specifier of sexual dysfunction in dsm-5 is because of the psychological factors.

Sexual dysfunction should be evaluated by a nonjudgmental health care practitioner using the same history-taking and physical examination approaches as are used to evaluate any other complicated symptoms. Unless it is distressing to the patient, a lack of sexual activity should not be considered sexual dysfunction.

Primary sexual dysfunction suggests that the individual has never been satisfied with their sexual activity. Secondary sexual dysfunction, on the other hand, denotes a decline from a previous level of sexual functioning and engagement. Secondary or acquired sexual dysfunction is significantly more common in clinical practice.

A Paraphilic Disorder is defined by the DSM-5 as a paraphilia that has also "included personal injury, or danger of harm, to others." In other words, using DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, it is conceivable to have a paraphilia but not a paraphilic disorder.

learn more about sexual dysfunction at https://brainly.com/question/9930877


According to personality researchers, the predictive power of traits will reveal itself when we?


Predictive power will reveal itself when the personality traits and the objectives state of the world, influence the subjective perceptions of people about their environment.

Research proves that the more extreme people are towards a people trait, the more consistently a trait will factor in their behavior. The traits provide the indication of how people act average but are not good in predicting how the person will act in a certain situation. Thus, the predictive power of traits reveals itself when traits are observed in many scenarios, and this way they easily predict a behavior. In addition, the predictive power of traits will reveal itself is through assessing people`s characteristics, thought patterns, and feelings as they help in identifying a person's trait.

Read more about the predictive power from https://brainly.com/question/29815251


cognitive dissonance is the mental unrest that accompanies being told we are wrong. question 31 options: true false


True. Cognitive Dissonance is the mental unrest that accompanies being told we are wrong.

When your views and actions are at odds, you experience cognitive dissonance, a mental conflict. When someone has opposing beliefs, attitudes, or viewpoints towards the same issue, it can be unsettling. The level of pain varies depending on the topic and how effectively the person handles mental conflicts. Uncomfort, worry, and anxiety can result from cognitive dissonance. And the severity of these consequences frequently depends on the degree of divergence between the opposing views, how important those beliefs are to that individual, and how successfully that person manages self-contradiction.

Learn more about Cognitive Dissonance here:



What are the forms of corruption tendency ?


Answer: Forms of corruption vary, but can include bribery, lobbying, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.

Explanation: read the answer

What was happening in Cuba in the 1890s?


Long before 1898, the United States was interested in purchasing Cuba. Following the Ten Years War, large tracts of land in Cuba were purchased by American sugar companies. Changes in the United States' sugar tariff in favor of home-grown beet sugar aided in rekindling revolutionary fervor in 1895.

In 1898, the US aided in the war to safeguard its citizens and enterprises in Cuba. The Spanish-American War was the name given to this conflict. The United States declared war on Spain after the US warship Maine exploded and sank while visiting Havana, Cuba, on February 15, 1898.

Learn more on Spanish-American War



defined by miles as ""a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is affected by the activities of other subunits"" is a _________.


A contingency is described by Miles as "a need of the activities of one sub-unit that is influenced by the operations of other sub-units."

What is the process of a contingency?

Buyers may withdraw their offer to purchase a home if certain conditions aren't met by a contingency clause they add in their offer. Buyers who make an offer without a contingency run the risk of losing their earnest money deposit if they decide not to buy the house.

Which four sorts of contingencies are there?

The four possible outcomes are extinction, punishment, positive and negative reinforcement. When the desired behavior yields favorable results, positive reinforcement happens. Another name for this kind of reinforcement is a reward.

To know more about contingency, visit:



greg ensured that his group members were all motivated to help create the solution to the problem they were solving. as a result, they all worked for the best outcome. this advantage of group problem solving arises because .


Greg ensured that his group members were all motivated to help create the solution to the problem they were solving. as a result, they all worked for the best outcome. this advantage of group problem solving arises because group work enhances buy-in.

Team buy-in allows managers to match employee strengths and weaknesses in a complementary way, which takes all the responsibility off of one individual and allows teams to pick up each other's slack and build a sum greater than its parts. Joining groups satisfies our need to belong, gain information and understanding through social comparison, define our sense of self and social identity, and achieve goals that might elude us if we worked alone.

A working group consists of people who bring the specialist skills and expertise you need to a project. The working group could be several individuals with lived experience of mental health problems or a combination of staff and individuals with lived experience. The advantages of grouping materials are: 1) Sorting things help us find items of different types easily . 2) Arranging things to different groups makes our life ordered and organised. 3) Sorting materials also helps in the storage of things and waste disposal .

Learn more about group members visit: brainly.com/question/407954


what factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in georgia during reconstruction?


Large amounts of worthless Confederate money in circulation factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in Georgia during Reconstruction.

After the American Civil War (1861–1865) and generally continuing until the Compromise of 1877, the Reconstruction era was a period in American history.

After the bloody Civil War, efforts were made to rebuild the country, accept the former Confederate states back into the union, and address the political, social, and economic effects of slavery.

During this time, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution (together known as the Reconstruction Amendments) were ratified, ending the final Confederate secession in the South and presumably granting newly freed slaves (freedmen) the same civil rights as white people.

But as "Liberal Republicans" and Democrats banded together to demand that the Army leave the South, support for Reconstruction in the North began to dwindle.

To know more about reconstruction:



weber's theory that religious beliefs follow an evolutionary trajectory toward rationalism is understood by present day anthropologists in what way?


In the cultural context of daily life, Weber's theory demonstrated that the belief in witchcraft and empirical knowledge are compatible.

Sociologist Max Weber had a keen interest in the development of religions as well as the interactions between the economics and society. His few forays into anthropology always revolve around an interdisciplinary, socio-anthropological, and historical viewpoint. Weber's theory served as the foundation for the "interpretive anthropology" that Geertz developed.

In light of Weber's theory of religion, the anthropological study of religion is revisited, and in particular the disagreement between Geertz and Asad over the theoretical underpinnings of this area. It is demonstrated that a significant body of anthropological research on religion and political economy in societies where the major world religions have a long history has been built upon his comparative analysis of the ethics of the world's religions and, in particular, the "Weber's theory" about the relationship between religion and the development of bourgeois capitalism.

Learn more about Weber's theory:



Mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


Talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of relational aggression.

What is relational aggression?

Relational aggression, also known as alternative aggression, is a kind of violence when the victim's connections or social standing are harmed. Relational violence, in especially among teenagers, has drawn a lot of attention, despite the fact that it can occur in a variety of situations and among many age groups.

According to its definition, relational aggression is a form of violence "designed to damage others via intentional manipulation of their social status and connections." According to Daniel Olweus, relational violence is a form of bullying.

To learn more about relational aggression



which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


The Ural Mountains form a natural boundary between European Russia and Siberian Russia

What are the features of the Ural Mountains?

The mountains stretch for 2,500 kilometers (1,550 miles) and cut through arctic tundra to the north and forest and semi-desert landscapes to the south. The Ural Mountains were formed as a result of continental collisions 250-300 million years ago, making them one of the oldest mountain ranges on Earth.

Is it cold in the Urals?

The Urals are one of the coldest regions in Russia, with an average daily high of just 6 degrees Celsius. The climate is overwhelmingly cold, with mercury not even reaching positive levels during winter.

When did Russia cross the Ural Mountains?

The official Russian invasion of Siberia dates back to 1581, when Cossack chief Ermak Timofeevich led a detachment across the Urals and soon after Sibyll defeated his Khanate army.

To learn more about Ural Mountains visit:



do you think the supreme court is a de facto law maker, and do you think there is a difference between the role of the judiciary set forth in the constitution and that stated in marbury v. madison? are the constitution and marbury consistent with each other?


Marbury v. Madison made the federal judiciary stronger by giving it the power of judicial review. This allowed the federal courts to declare legislation and executive and administrative actions "unconstitutional" and invalid because they were inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution.

What role does the Supreme Court play in defining citizens' rights and responsibilities?

The Supreme Court, as the law's final arbiter, is tasked with delivering on the promise of equal justice to the American people and serves as a guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.

What does the United States Supreme Court do and how does it contribute to the criminal justice system?

First, as the nation's highest court, it is the last resort for those seeking justice. Second, it is crucial in ensuring that each branch of government understands the limits of its own power because of its judicial review authority.

To learn more about U.S. Constitution here



why does the united states only have two major parties when most modern democratic states have three or more


The US has a two-party political system because of two structural features in American politics: single-member districts and winner-take-all elections. Both features encourage the existence of 2 major parties, as smaller parties face great difficulty in winning elective office.

The nation's founders hoped to prevent the brutal warfare between political interests that they had witnessed in Europe. They were extremely worried about not causing incapacitating division within our political structure as the Constitution's founders. Ben Franklin spoke as a skeptic in the Constitutional Convention on Saturday, June 2, 1787. Franklin was concerned that the new American government would become divided into factions due to a greed-driven race for the presidency.

All civilized would be split up into various sects, factions, and interests, including rich and poor, debtors and creditors, residents of one district or another, adherents of one political figure or another, and members of one religious denomination or another. The rights of the minority are at jeopardy in any situation when a majority is motivated by a shared passion or interest.

To know more about political



Which best describes the innate ability to mentally group similar events, people, and things together?


All of the mental processes involved in thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating are collectively referred to as cognition. Concepts are conceptual collections of related things, happenings, thoughts, or people.

The term "cognition" refers to the mental processes and activities involved in thinking, knowing, remembering, and expressing knowledge. Reasoning, judgment, and putting new information together into knowledge are all examples of cognition.

Concepts are the mental associations of related things, happenings, and people. Hierarchies are used to group concepts into different categories.

notion is the mental collection of related things, happenings, ideas, or people. The mental processes involved in thinking, knowing, remembering, and transmitting knowledge are the main emphasis of cognitive psychology.

To know more about Cognition here



the more recent social cognitive career theory proposes that th etypes of career-based choices we make are rooted in our beliefs about whether we can or cannot perform certain behaviors. i this way, the theory is anchored in the concept of


The more recent social cognitive profession idea proposes that the styles of profession-based choices we make are rooted in our beliefs about whether we can or can not perform certain behaviors. In this manner, the theory is anchored in the idea of self-efficacy.

Lent, Brown, and Hackett's (1994) social cognitive profession principle (SCCT) is a version of career improvement that delineates how individual inputs, contextual affordances, and sociocognitive variables have an effect on the formation of vocational pastimes, career goals, and movements.

Advanced by using Robert W. Lent, Steven D. Brown, and Gail Hackett in 1994, SCCT consists of a variety of standards (e.g., pastimes, abilities, values, environmental elements) from earlier career development theories, employing Albert Bandura's well-known social cognitive concept as a unifying framework.

Learn more about  social cognition here



20. who should make announcements over the pa system during an evacuation/relocation, shelter-in-place, or lockdown?


During an evacuation/relocation, shelter-in-place, or lockdown, the principal should make announcements over the PA system.

An EPAS serves two primary purposes. First, the alarm control unit (ACU) of the FSS will issue an order to cause an evacuation alarm to go off, which will then be followed by a sequence that alternates between an NFS 32001 siren and a spoken announcement in either English or French. The voice messages can offer guidance, reassure listeners, and help them act more rationally in dangerous situations.

The background sound system is the second purpose. You can broadcast activities over a UHF microphone, play background music, or send pre-recorded messages using its dedicated inputs.

A variety of loudspeakers that are connected to DEF's FSS are each created for a specific application, such as in offices.

Learn more about " PA system " to visit here;



The amygdala causes us to compare current events to past events and then to respond: _________


The amygdala causes us to compare current events to past events and then to respond: in past.

The amygdala is generally thought to form the core of the nervous system that processes fearful and threatening stimuli, including the detection of threat and the activation of appropriate fear-related behaviors in response to threatening or dangerous stimuli. The amygdala plays a central role in anxiety responses to stressful and arousing situations.

Pharmacological and lesion studies of the basolateral, central, and medial  amygdala have shown that their activation produces anxiogenic effects, while their deactivation produces anxiolytic effects. The main function of the amygdala is to regulate emotions such as fear and aggression. The amygdala is also involved in attaching emotional meaning to our memories. payroll and decision making.

Learn about amygdala:



How does the idea of different generations interact with the theory of the four turnings.


The idea of different generations interacts with the theory of the four turnings as while each generation faces its own issues, historical evidence suggests that there may be a pattern of different reactions, or Turnings, that take place within different generations. (Option C)

Theory of the four turnings, formally known as the Strauss–Howe generational theory was developed by William Strauss and Neil Howe describing a theorized recurring generation cycle in American and Western history that follows a fairly predictable pattern. The theory suggested that historical events are associated with recurring generational personas or archetypes (which were identified as Hero, Artist, Prophet, and Nomad). Each generational persona unveils a new era called a turning which lasts around 20–25 years, in which a new social, political, and economic climate (mood) exists. As each archetypal generation reaches the end of its 80-year lifespan, the cycle repeats. Hence, although each generation faces its own issues, historical evidence suggests a pattern of different reactions that occur within different generations.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are A. By studying past generations, we can predict how future generations will act B. The difference between generations can help explain why people from different age groups generally do not see eye-to-eye C. While each generation faces its own issues, historical evidence suggests that there may be a pattern of different reactions, or “Turnings,” that take place within different generations D. Each generation faces its own trials, but some generations thrive from hardship while others suffer

Learn more about Theory of the four turnings:



Why is it important to include keywords that represent each of the essential concepts that make up your research question when you are searching for sources?


When searching for sources related to your research question, it is important to include keywords that represent the essential concepts of your question in order to narrow down the search results and make sure you are not missing any important sources.

What are the benefits of including keywords in a source search?

Including keywords that represent the essential concepts of your research question is important because it allows you to focus your search for relevant sources. By using keywords, you can narrow down the search results to sources that are more likely to contain information that answers your research question. Additionally, using keywords helps to ensure that you are not missing out on any important sources that may be related to your topic.

Learn more about Keywords: https://brainly.com/question/26355510


the humanistic perspective on psychological disorders emphasizes the group of answer choices influence of the society that is capable of causing behavioral abnormalities. influence of genetic abnormalities that are responsible for anomalies in human behavior. responsibility people have for anomalies in their own behavior. impact of hormonal imbalances that bring about changes in human behavior.


The humanistic perspective on psychological disorders emphasizes the responsibility people have for anomalies in their own behavior.

What is the  humanistic perspective on psychological disorders?

Humanistic therapy  can be described as the mental health approach which focus on the importance of being your true self in order to lead the most fulfilling life.

It should be noted that it was based on the principle that everyone has their own unique way of looking at the world which can bring impact to your choices and actions however the human dysfunctions can be as a result of the  faulty or interrupted development process for instance the human problems are due to immaturity, generally of the social/emotional variety.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about disorders at:



negative campaigning a. all of these. b. works effectively with low-information voters.c. uses personal information, true or false, to work against an opposing candidate.d. takes advantage of emotions in voting.


Negative campaigning includes engaging low-information voters, exploiting voters' emotions, and utilizing personal information right or wrong against an opponent's candidate. The right response in this case is option A.

Negative campaigning is the purposeful dissemination of unfavorable information about someone or something to harm the described's public perception. Mudslinging is a more common, and rather pejorative, word for the act.

We are led to believe that whatever we need can be purchased by advertising. Another important negative impact of advertising is that it gives us the false notion that everything we need can be purchased, and as a result, that our primary concern in life should be making money.

To learn more about negative campaigning



(q024) alexandra and her best friend had a fight, after which they didn't speak for months. then alexandra came across a ticket stub from a concert the two girls had attended together, and suddenly she recalled happy memories of times she spent with her friend. she then decided it was time to call her friend and try to make up. how did the ticket stub help alexandra access these memories?


The ticket stub help alexandra access these memories. It was a retrieval cue, imprinted with other joyful memories.

A memory retrieval cue is what?

Aspects of a person's physical and mental environment known as retrieval cues might be expressly provided during recall, generated by the recalled themselves, or encountered incidentally through the retrieval context.

What kinds of retrieval cues are there?

There are two sorts of retrieval cues. There are two types of cues: external or contextual signals found in the world, and internal cues found inside the human brain. The environment in which memory is being recovered in these situations differs frequently from the one in which it was encoded.

To learn more about retrieval cue here:



how does waverly find her own unique identity that embraces her heritage as well as the opportunities life in america allows her?


In chinatown, Waverly discovers her own distinctive personality that embraces both her history and the possibilities of American life.

Two characters from Waverly are American and Chinese, respectively. Although she has an American national identification, her Chinese identity gives her a place in her community. Growing up in San Francisco's Chinatown or Town Center, where she was surrounded by the Chinese and Chinese-American communities and had a feeling of belonging, had an impact on Waverly's personality and upbringing.

She wished for her daughter to benefit from American chances while retaining the respect and sageness of her Chinese ancestry.

Waverly appears to seek "the best of both worlds," a way to accept both her culture and her heritage, rather than continuing to try to reject it as before.

To learn more on waverly;



ling, who has been diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia, shows only the slightest smile when happy or the slightest frown when upset. this limited emotional expressiveness is called


Ling, who has been diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia, shows only the slightest smile when happy or the slightest frown when upset. this limited emotional expressiveness is called diminished emotional expression.

Schizophrenia is an extreme mental sickness wherein human beings interpret truth abnormally. Schizophrenia can also bring about some aggregate of hallucinations, delusions, and extraordinarily disordered wondering and conduct that impairs day-by-day functioning, and can be disabling. humans with schizophrenia require lifelong treatment.

Schizophrenia typically involves delusions (false ideals), hallucinations (seeing or listening to things that do not exist), uncommon physical conduct, and disorganized questioning and speech. it's far commonplace for human beings with schizophrenia to have paranoid mind or listen voices.

Schizophrenia is a persistent mind ailment that affects much less than one percent of the U.S. populace. whilst schizophrenia is energetic, signs and symptoms can include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, problem with questioning and lack of motivation.

Learn more about Schizophrenia here: https://brainly.com/question/7201954


what does it mean to say that americans are more open to interracial relationships as an ideal than as a practice?


Americans' openness to interracial relationships has been increasing, but most date within their racial groups.

Two people who are in a relationship who are of different races are said to be interracial. Taking a connection between a person of colour and a white person or an Asian person marrying a Caucasian person as examples. It might be challenging to accept and comprehend the social and cultural differences between two people. There is still some shame in society when people from different races get married or commit to one other because such unions were once thought to be illegal. One of the major challenges for interracial couples may be communication due to cultural differences, language obstacles, and varying viewpoints. Lack of a shared language can also seriously hinder communication.

What does it mean to say that Americans are more open to interracial relationships as an ideal than as a practice?

a. Americans universally approve of interracial relationships

b. most Americans say they do not support interracial relationship, but they engage in them anyway

c. Americans' openness to interracial relationships has been increasing, but most date within their racial groups

d. most Americans today oppose interracial relationships, but some do not

Learn more about interracial relationships here:



what type of classical conditioning therapy would likely work better for a person who is addicted to cocaine than someone who has a phobia of water?


Aversion therapy would likely work better for a person who is addicted to cocaine than someone who has a phobia of water.

What is Aversion therapy?

A person is assisted in giving up a behavior or habit by associating it with something unpleasant in aversive therapy, also known as aversion therapy or aversive conditioning.

Aversion therapy is most commonly used to treat patients who exhibit addictive tendencies, such as those associated with alcohol use disorder. The majority of the research has been on its advantages in relation to substance usage.

The basis of aversion therapy is classical conditioning. Two stimuli are said to get linked when they occur together frequently in learning theory (pairing).

Someone who has a phobia of water has been addicted to cocain. This addiction can be cured with the help of aversion therapy

Know more about aversion therapy click:



remember, a symbol is something physical representing an abstract concept.what might the burning of miss havisham's wedding dress symbolize?


The burning of Miss Havisham's wedding dress symbolizes redemption and rebirth of a better person.

There are numerous ways that fire is employed in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations.  Fire can represent a variety of things. The few things that fire can represent are warmth, little evils that have the potential to grow into bigger forces, and devastation.

Fire is used by Charles Dickens to symbolize all three of these concepts in Great Expectations. Miss Havisham's bridal gown takes on an ironic meaning of death and decay when it is worn by her deteriorating body.

Later, when her rotting wedding dress catches fire, her atonement is complete. This denotes the beginning of her rebirth as a better person and the discharge of her former sufferings.

To know more about Great Expectations, click here:



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