the writing style of a formal report needs to be professional. to make your writing style both clear and appropriate for a formal report, what should you do? check all that apply.


Answer 1

Writing techniques like active voice, regular verb tenses, powerful transitions all improve clarity of reports of all types. You should also refrain from opinions and utilizing first-person pronouns in professional report.

How should a formal business presentation be written?

The formal business presentation should be handled similarly to a project. Plan out your goals in detail before you begin gathering information and outlining sections. You will have higher chance of writing a report inside a straightforward manner if you do this.

How should I proceed before turning in my official report?

Make care to thoroughly read the formal report before submitting it. Although your may have a certain audience in mind for it, other people inside or outside the business may read it.

To now more about reports visit:


Related Questions

Part A
What does respite mean as it is used in lines 14 and 16?
O an unexpected friendship
O a dangerous risk
O an unfulfilled desire
O a break from traveling



we need line 14 and 16 to answer this question

The author refers to the extreme climate, frostbite, and icy water mainly to imply that:


The author refers to the extreme climate, frostbite, and icy water mainly to imply that danger was Ponting’s constant companion as he photographed.

Who is Ernest Shackleton ?

Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) served as the captain of three British Antarctic expeditions. He was a key player in what is regarded as the "Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration."

When Shackleton was ten years old, his Anglo-Irish family moved from Kilkea, County Kildare, Ireland, to Sydenham, a suburban south London neighborhood. Shackleton's first exposure to the polar regions came while serving as third officer on Captain Robert Falcon Scott's Discovery expedition in 1901–1904, from which he was evacuated early due to health concerns after setting a new southern record by marching to latitude 82°S with Scott and Edward Adrian Wilson.

To learn more about Ernest Shackleton checkout the link below :


what are two things a speaker can do to help an audience gain an immediate understanding of the language they use?


1. Use Simple Language and 2. Make Your Points ,These are two ways a speaker can ensure that their audience understands what they are saying right away.

What are two strategies a speaker might use to captivate their audience?

How to get your audience's attention at the beginning of a presentation

1. Relate a tale.

2. Pose rhetorical inquiries.

Why is it crucial to understand your audience effectively?

Identification of the audience is necessary in order to tailor a presentation to their interests, degree of comprehension, attitudes, and beliefs. It's crucial to keep the audience in mind when creating and delivering a presentation because doing so will increase a speaker's efficacy.

To know more about audience visit:


Jane’s friends feel that her career has brought her a _____ that did not exist previously. She is always cheerful and has lost the ____ she once had for her superiors.


Jane’s friends feel that her career has brought her a felicity that did not exist previously. She is always cheerful and has lost the impertinence she once had for her superiors.

She is no longer afraid to express her opinion and is instead able to express her ideas in a respectful and mature manner. This newfound maturity has enabled her to be taken more seriously, resulting in more success and happiness in her career.

Her newfound sense of accomplishment has brought her deep and lasting contentment, as she was able to achieve something that she had previously thought to be impossible. This newfound felicity has given her a greater appreciation for life and a newfound appreciation for herself and the people around her.

For more questions like Jane click the link below:


in the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, which is most clearly a reason macbeth fears banquo?


Banquo has virtues that make him a fearsome rival in Macbeth's tragedy, Act III. This is clearly one of the reasons why Macbeth is afraid of Banquo.

Banquo is a thane in Duncan's army who initially befriends Macbeth. At the start of the play, he is equal in rank to Macbeth, and while Macbeth is told that he will be King, Banquo is informed that his children will be kings.

Banquo is important in the play because he serves as a foil to Macbeth's aspirations, thwarts Macbeth's intentions, and his connection with Macbeth epitomizes Macbeth's character change. Banquo primarily leads a life that replicates the lifestyle that Macbeth could have had if he had not been consumed by ambition.

Macbeth eventually realizes that he can no longer rely on Banquo to assist him in his evil, and he sees him as a potential danger to his recently acquired throne, so he murders him.

For more information on Banquo , visit :


What theme does this excerpt best express? poetry is interesting when it is authentic. poetry is often a mirror of human behavior. poetry is dull except when written in free verse. poetry is interesting only to the author of the poem.


The theme of the excerpt "Poetry" is poetry is interesting when it is authentic.

Thus, the correct answer is A.

What is the Poetry theme?

In "Poetry", the speаker wrestles with whаt mаkes а poem worthwhile. The speаker begins by аdmitting thаt they themselves get pretty frustrаted with poetry, thаt аll too often it seems pretentious аnd incomprehensible. But the speаker аrgues thаt such trаits аre not intrinsic to the аrt form. Rаther, they result from poets mistаkenly аssuming thаt good poetry hаs to contаin obscure, reаder-аlienаting lаnguаge аbout grаndiose subjects. On the contrаry, good poetry is sincere, honest, аnd, аbove аll, contаins "the genuine", something reаl.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full excerpt was

Read the excerpt from "Poetry."

I, too, dislike it: there are things that are important beyond all this fiddle. Reading it, however, with a perfect contempt for it, one discovers in it after all, a place for the genuine. Hands that can grasp, eyes that can dilate, hair that can rise if it must, these things are important not because a high-sounding interpretation can be put upon them but because they are useful.

For more information about the excerpt from "Poetry" refer to the link:


What is a heart connection with someone?


The heart connection is a caring, reassuring, and emotional bond between a kid and their parent, as well as between a parent and their child. This relates to the bonding or attaching process.

A feeling of congruence and intimacy between two individuals that transcends mere physical attraction, amusement, cursory talks, or even intellectual similarity is known as an emotional connection. Instead, it seems more like you're connecting on a soul level, and you feel comfortable doing so.

Try this simple meditation to connect with the energy of your heart:

Sit somewhere and make yourself comfortable.Close your eyes.Picture it.Let your thoughts and feelings come and go without judgment.Simply relax and see what your heart has to say.Take all the time you want to listen to your heart.

Learn more about heart connection  to visit this link


Romeo and Juliet assignment

20 pts


You can write the journal entry as Lady Capulet, keeping in mind that she was extremely frustrated when Juliet refused to marry Paris, as exemplified below.

As much as I love my Juliet, my only daughter, I have to admit she can be quite foolish sometimes. I fail to understand why she should refuse the hand of a man such a Paris - handsome, cultured, rich. What is it about him that she dislikes? I am afraid that this may hurt her more than can fathom. Who know whether, in the future, another man of Paris's kind will ever want Juliet for wife?

Who is Lady Capulet?

Lady Capulet is one of the characters in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." As Juliet's mother, Lady Capulet does what she thinks is best for her daughter. She is unaware that Juliet has fallen in love with Romeo, the son of their rival family.

The customs and traditions being very different at that time, Juliet was expected to marry at a very young age. Not only that, but she was also expected to marry whomever was chosen for her. When she disagrees, both her parents get frustrated and angry.

The journal entry above is just an example written from Lady Capulet's point of view. Feel free to change it in any way you find appropriate.

Learn more about Lady Capulet here:


What is the main message of BTS?


It stands for Bullet Proof Boy Scouts, Bangtan Boys, and most recently, Beyond The Scenes. The idea behind BTS, according to the Wiki Fandom page, is that the lads put a halt to the preconceptions, criticism, and expectations that are shot like bullets at young people.

BTS, the acronym for the septet, is short for Bangtan Sonyeondan, which means literally "Bulletproof Boy Scouts" in Korean. The moniker represents the group's intention to "block off preconceptions, critiques, and expectations that aim on teenagers like bullets," according to member J-Hope. BTS, or Bangtan Sonyeondan (Korean: "Bulletproof Boy Scouts" or "Bangtan Boys"), is a South Korean K-pop band, also known as Beyond the Scene, that rose to fame internationally in the late 2010s. Its seven individuals were

To learn more about expectations please click on below link


What is the nearest 10 to 99?


The nearest 10 to 99 is 100.

If you want to round to the nearest 10 like you did with 99 above, use the following convention:

A) If the last digit of the number is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, round the number up to the nearest 10.

B) If the last digit of the number is 1, 2, 3 or 4, round the number down to the nearest 10.

C) If the last digit is 0, it's already 10, so no rounding is needed.

Nearest tenth : Rounding a number to the nearest tenth means that you must find or find the nearest tenth of the given number and write it as the rounded number.

Learn more about Nearest tenth here:


comprehension questions for the necklace answer key at the beginning of the story, what is the cause of madame loisel's contant unhappiness?


Madame Loisel is a member of the middle class who, for whatever reason, believes she ought to be affluent. She was born into a family of clerks, not upper society, "as if by a slip of fate."

Who wrote The Necklace?

The short story "The Necklace" was first released in February 1884 in the Paris journal Le Gaulois by Guy de Maupassant.

What Is The Necklace About?

In this tale, a woman named Madame Mathilde Loisel yearns for a posh existence. Monsieur Loisel, Mathilde's husband, is not a wealthy man, but he tries to win her favor by giving her money to buy a nice dress to attend an event at the Ministry. As the ball date draws near, Mathilde is still unhappy because she lacks jewelry to wear and is concerned that she will appear unattractive. Her husband advises her to see her wealthy acquaintance Madame Forestier and request a jewelry loan. Finding the ideal jewelry that in Mathilde Loisel's opinion transforms her image.

To know more about The Necklace visit:                                              


who can help me with this



I believe the answer would be B

What does the old woman think about Arachne's



She thinks her weaving skill is so good that no one can give her advice.

Why do you think the boss is kind to woodifield but kills the struggling fly? support your response with evidence from the text.


Hahahshsvdjdbdbdidbdjd di

Which of the following best describes a central idea in the text


Answer:   what is the effect of the imagery in the excerpt?


Is distance and displacement are scalar quantity?


Distance is a scalar quantity that quantifies "how so much territory an item has traversed" while in motion. Displacement is a vector parameter.

What are distance and displacement?

Distance is a scalar quantity that quantifies "how much territory an item has traversed" while in motion. An object's total change in position is alluded to as displacement, a vector variable that measures "how far out of position an object is."

Can displacement have a bad side?

Displacement can, in fact, be harmful. You can set up a co - ordinates where moving ahead is positive and moving backward is negative if you are traveling along a straight route. Then, if you

To know more about visit:


How do you choose key terms in a research paper?


Key terms search res-ults help resear-chers to find articles that are rele-vant to their own research inte-rest.

Avoiding the dupli-cation of words already in the art-icle’s title is strongly recom-mended by journals. It is prefer-able to choose key terms that comp-liment the main topic of your research, including rel-ated words and/or method-ology-specific terms. Al-ways remem-ber to test your selected key-terms.

Make sure to fol-low any instruct-ions your target journal pro-vides regarding key terms. Think about wh-at terms you would use to sea-rch for papers related to your topic. Key-terms should indicate the gen-eral subject mat-ter; how-ever, they sho-uld not be too broad.

To know more about Key terms click below:


in his last speech virtual reader, john brown claimed that the sole purpose for his actions was to bring down the political leadership of the slave-owning states. group of answer choices true false


John Brown stated in his final statement that the only goal of his acts was to topple the political establishment of the slave-owning states. This is untrue.

What caused John Brown to become famous?

John Brown Being a man of action, John Brown would not let up on his mission to abolish slavery. On October 16, 1859, he led 21 men in a raid on the government arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

However, local farmers, militias, and Marines led by Robert E. Lee stopped him from arming slaves with the guns he and his men took from the armory. Within 36 hours of the raid, the majority of Brown's forces were either killed or captured.

To know more about John Brown visit:


What is an example of being open-minded?


Instead of expressing their own beliefs or engaging in debate, open-minded people prefer to ask questions. During virtually every interaction, you may practice asking more questions.

Ask a coworker about an activity they like if you've never tried it, for instance, and get additional information about how it works.

"Openness to experience," or simply "openness," is the personality characteristic that most accurately captures the common understanding of open-mindedness.

Intellectually curious, innovative, and creative traits are often seen in open individuals. They have a passion in the arts and are ardent consumers of literature, music, and other cultural products.

Learn more about to open-minded visit here;


Choose the option that best improves the underlined portion of the
products, that
products, which
products that


The option that best improves the underlined portion of the sentence is given as follows:

C. the suits keep them high in the water, while others say...

How to improve the sentence?

To improve the sentence, we need to observe what is the relation between the parts of the sentence.

The underlined part is given as follows:

"the suits keep them high in the water and others say..."

The "others say" part is a complement to the argument that the suits help keep the swimmers high in the water, and since it is a complement, the while sentence should be used, meaning that option C is correct.

Missing Information

The problem is given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

More can be learned about improving sentences at


The lottery by Shirley jackson


Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" revolves around a fictitious small American town that has an annual tradition known as "the lottery," in which a member of the community is chosen at random and stoned. The story wasn't ethical as people shouldn't be stoned without committing any offence.

What was the lottery about?

Throughout "The Lottery," Jackson strives to establish a theme that emphasizes the danger of following meaningless tradition through the use of irony, symbols, and language choice. The story depicts people who blindly follow traditions without considering the consequences.

Jackson also emphasizes how men treat women as objects. Jackson's main point in "The Lottery" is that people can be involved in such a violent act and not think anything of it. The plot revolves around a fictitious small American town that has an annual tradition known as "the lottery," in which a member of the community is chosen at random and stoned. The lottery preparations and execution are both described in detail.

Learn more about the lottery on:


Look up 5 facts about the crucible by Arthur Miller



The standard details about Arthur Miller's life are well known. He was married to Marilyn Monroe. He testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee (and was convicted of contempt of Congress). He wrote Death of a Salesman, considered by some t0 be the great American drama.


he was married to marilyn monroe. He testified before the house un american activities committee. he wrote death of a salesman. combining social awareness. his best known plays are ‘all my sons’ and ‘the crucible’.

Which of these are independent clauses Check all that apply if you finish setting the table my grandmother made rice and beans we need to wash the windows tomorrow?


The independent clause can be seen in ‘my grandmother made rice and beans’, ‘we need to wash the windows tomorrow’.

Typically, a clause consists of a subject and a verb. To construct a sentence, clauses are primarily used. Dependent clauses and independent clauses are the two sorts of clauses.

An independent clause is one that can stand alone, indicating that there is no need to join the subject and predicate as has been done in these sentences in order to give it meaning.

My grandmother-made rice and beans.

We need to wash the windows tomorrow.

Thus, no clauses are employed or any kind of connector is necessary in the aforementioned statements.

To know more about clause, visit:


throughout the passage, the author includes narrative details to support the thesis that king jordan


The passage's author uses narrative details to back up the claim that King Jordan.

How was the King Jordan?

D-experiences many difficulties and setbacks despite having a lot of drive and endurance.The author describes King Jordan as a diligent worker who toiled through the night to complete some challenging tasks, as shown by the text provided.As a result, we can see that even on the day of his inauguration, he refused to take a break and continued working, demonstrating his incredible drive and stamina in the face of numerous obstacles and setbacks.Consequently, the right response is: has a ton of motivation and endurance, yet encounters many obstacles.

To Learn more About King Jordan refer To:


What main subject or event do both versions of monster address? in what major ways do the versions differ?


By combining a theatrical screenplay framework with a narrative journal style, Monster tells Steve's story both from his perspective and more objectively from a distance.

While the dramatic text format portrays the story from an outsider's perspective, the narrative text structure tells the story from Steve's point of view. They provide additional evidence that Steve is guilty. Why does Steve believe he is not a part of his own case? He simply watches as people dispute because he has no control over whether he is innocent or guilty. Monsters are frequently used as allegories for people's ingrained fears and suppressed ideas. Some monsters have a history that explains how they came to be malevolent or horribly disfigured. Monsters can physically exhibit certain bizarre human or animal qualities. It Steve is found not at fault. But in the end, Steve's mind is still plagued by the horrors of his imprisonment. He was treated like a monster in prison, and he still harbors the horror and gains within of him.

To learn more about imprisonment please click on below link


I need evidence for how does Lincoln, in the Gettysburg Address, try to change what his readers/listeners believe about what it means to be dedicated to the American idea that “All men are created equal”? I need evidence from the text of The Gettysburg Address
Please and Thank you


Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, in 272 words, attempted to persuade the northern public to stay the course.

What was Lincoln's Gettysburg Address?

In it, he invoked the Declaration of Independence's principles of human equality and linked the Civil War sacrifices to the desire for a new birth of freedom.

The having signed of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, rather than the writing of the Constitution in 1787, marked the beginning of the republic.

The sacrificial nature of Union deaths was also emphasized in the speech, with Lincoln noting that the "brave men" who fought there had already "consecrated" the ground, "far above our poor power to add or detract."

Lincoln also attempted to redefine the concept of American nationhood. Lincoln mentioned "the Union" twenty times in his First Inaugural Address in 1861.

Thus, this way, Lincoln, in the Gettysburg Address, try to change what his readers/listeners believe about what it means to be dedicated to the American idea.

For more details regarding Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, visit:


How do you love with an open heart?


Enjoying life despite setbacks, displaying affection towards other people. concentrating on people's positive traits rather than their flaws. being receptive to fresh chances and experiences.

Physically, across your entire body, and in your chest (like comfort and warmth). Empathy, compassion, and emotional stability are just a few examples. Mentally, such as maintaining perspective and wishing other people well.

How do you help someone open their heart?

How to get someone to open up:

Consistency is key.Practice active listening.Ask questions...but not too many.Demonstrate sharing and self-disclosure.Lean on nonverbals.Let them know you value your relationship and ask what they need to feel safe.Acknowledge your own desires.

Learn more about open heart to visit this link


What is an example of a nonfiction story?


Examples of nonfiction include diaries, biographies, information testimonies, documentary movies, textbooks, journey books, recipes, and clinical journals.

Right here are many distinctive kinds of nonfiction, but they appreciably suit those classes expository nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, persuasive nonfiction, and descriptive nonfiction.

A few common examples of nonfiction encompass diaries, biographies, information memories, documentary films, textbooks, journey books, recipes, and clinical journals.

Nonfiction, by means of assessment, is genuine and opinions right events. Histories, biographies, journalism, and essays are all taken into consideration as nonfiction. commonly, nonfiction has a better wellknown to uphold than fiction.

Learn more about nonfiction


suppose human activities that influence the carbon cycle came to a complete stop. use the information provided in the figure to predict the net effect on global carbon cycling.


If the human activities that influence the carbon cycle came to a complete stop then, Carbon cycling would be shifted toward increased sediment and fossil fuel deposition and decreased inorganic CO2 levels.

The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that exchanges carbon between the Earth's biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Carbon is the most abundant element in biological compounds, as well as in numerous mineral deposits such as limestone.

The carbon cycle characterizes the continuous movement of carbon atoms mostly from the atmosphere to the planet and afterwards back into the atmosphere. Since our planet and its atmosphere form a closed surrounding or an environment , the amount of carbon in this atmosphere does not change.

For more information on the Carbon Cycle, visit :


The author of reading lolita in tehran wonders aloud if sanaz is aware of her own power? what power is she referring to? Does the main character in persepolis feel she has a similar power? Explain


The author is alluding to Sanaz's capacity for hazard "when every errant gesture endangers everyone's safety. In Persepolis, the main heroine is aware that she possesses a comparable ability.

In Persepolis, the main heroine is aware that she possesses a comparable ability. She is aware that doing actions like "Putting on cosmetics or baring your hair logically evolved into rebellious behaviors. What concepts are stressed in the graphic book as well as the text? According to both writers, women are compelled by the dictatorship to maintain their anonymity and have less privileges. Women resist in teeny-tiny ways to express themselves in both the comic and the plot. The administration of Persepolis has significant control over its residents and imposes a number of limitations.

To learn more about Sanaz's please click on below link


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Rachel has drafted a plan for her firm that explicitly analyzes the marketing and advertising situation, identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign, clarifies a specific strategy for accomplishing those objectives, and indicates how the firm can assess whether the campaign was successful. this subsection of the firms overall marketing plan is called its? you're the network administrator for a consulting firm. your network consists of the following: 30 laptops in the sales department 10 computers for hr 5 laptops for management 20 computers in marketing 15 computers in it you're using microsoft intune to manage the company's devices. you've created a new update ring called testing and need to choose the appropriate servicing channel. this ring will be used by testing computers that are set up by it. you want to receive early builds of feature updates so you can begin testing them for any bugs. which servicing channel should you select? 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Check all of the boxesthat apply.uniformsa code of conductOlegal representationa network of professionalsskills validationDONE thor weighs 192 pounds and plans on losing 2.1 pounds each month. belvedere weighs 211 pounds and plans on losing 7.5 pounds per month. If they stick to their plans, how many months will it take for belvedere to weigh the same as thor Imagine you work in data entry and, after taking a course in touch-typing, have been steadily improving your productivity over the past three months (your work tracks exactly how many cells of data you enter per 10 minutes, and you can see its been going up steadily for a while). Assuming you have access to anonymized results for all your data-entry peers, explain how you could take the data for your performance and create an illustration to argue to your boss that they should offer the course for all data entry workers and/or give you a raise. There are 120 people in a sport centre.78 people use the gym.46 people use the swimming pool.45 people use the track.21 people use the gym and the pool.16 people use the pool and the track.24 people use the gym and the track.9 people use all three facilities.A person is selected at random.What is the probability that the person uses exactly one of the facilities? In a market with few firms with varied production processes and cost structures, the following pollution reducing strategy would be more efficient a. taxes b. command and control c. tradobio permits 4) Suppose the United States eliminates its tariff on ball bearings used in producing exports. Ball bearing prices in the United States would be expected toA) increase, and the foreign demand for U.S. exports would increase.B) decrease, and the foreign demand for U.S. exports would increase.C) increase, and the foreign demand for U.S. exports would decrease.D) decrease, and the foreign demand for U.S. exports would decrease.E) decrease, and the foreign demand would be unchanged