The water level at a local pier rises and falls with the tide. Yesterday, the maximum depth of the water at the pier was 8 feet, and the minimum depth was 4 feet. High tide occurred at 12:00 am and low tide occurred at 12:20 pm. Which function models the depth, in feet, of the water at the pier yesterday, as a function of the time t in minutes past high tide?

The Water Level At A Local Pier Rises And Falls With The Tide. Yesterday, The Maximum Depth Of The Water


Answer 1

Answer: C, Bottom Left

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2

The  function that models the depth, in feet, of the water at the pier yesterday, as a function of the time t in minutes past high tide is: 2 cos(π/740t)+6.

What is function model?


A = 8 - 6

A = 2 ft

Average depth

A = (4 + 8)/2

A = 6 ft






When t=0




d(t)=2 sin(π/740t + 4)+6

2 cos(π/740t)+6

Therefore the function that models the depth, in feet, of the water at the pier yesterday, as a function of the time t in minutes past high tide is: 2 cos(π/740t)+6.

Learn more about function model here:


Related Questions

an integer smaller than -5 but greater than -8​



so what is the question?

Q: using the Substitution Method, and the value ory in
Using the Substitution Method, find the value of y in
the below system of equations?
-2y = 44 – 4
7x = -4y + 10



Step-by-step explanation:

To properly apply the substitution method, it will be better for us to rearrange the system of equations to have similar variables on the same side

[tex]44 - 4 = -2y ----equation 1[/tex]

[tex]10 = 7x + 4y --- equation 2[/tex]

We can simply evaluate equation 1 to have

[tex]40 = -2y\\y = 40/-2 = -20\\[/tex]

y = -20

From the first equation alone, we can evaluate the value of y as -20. This is because only one unknown is present in equation one, hence a single equation is sufficient enough to evaluate it. If to unknowns were present, the two equations would have been utilized to evaluate the solution.

Consider A TUV in the figure below.
The perpendicular bisectors of its sides are AD, BD, and CD. They meet at a single point D.
(In other words, D is the circumcenter of A TUV.)
Suppose CD= 36, BV=58, and UD = 60.
Find UV, VD, and TC.
Note that the figure is not drawn to scale.
UV - 10
VD = 0
TC -



Step-by-step explanation:


The lengths of text messages are normally distributed with a population standard deviation of 4 characters and an unknown population mean. If a random sample of 26 text messages is taken and results in a sample mean of 28 characters, find a 98% confidence interval for the population mean. Round your answers to two decimal places. z0.10 z0.05 z0.04 z0.025 z0.01 z0.005 1.282 1.645 1.751 1.960 2.326 2.576



The answer is "[tex](25.32, 30.68)[/tex]"

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\bar x = 28\\\\ \sigma = 4\\\\n =26\\\\[/tex]

When [tex]98\%[/tex] confidence level so, the z:

[tex]\alpha = 1 - 98\% = 1 - 0.98 = 0.2\\\\\frac{\alpha}{2} =\frac{0.02}{2} = 0.01\\\\Z_{\frac{\alpha}{2}} = Z_{0.01} = 1.645\ \ \ ( Using \ z \ table )\\\\[/tex]

[tex]E = Z_{\frac{\alpha}{2} \times ( \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}})[/tex]  

[tex]= 1.645 \times (\frac{4}{\sqrt{26}})\\\\=2.68[/tex]

When  98% confidence interval estimate of the population mean  is,

[tex]\bar x - E < \mu < \bar x + E\\\\28 - 2.68 < \mu < 28 + 2.68\\\\25.32 < \mu < 30.68\\\\(25.32, 30.68)\\\\[/tex]

j need help w number 4 algebra to have to show all work



[tex]\sqrt[3]{\frac{-729}{216} } = \sqrt[3]{\frac{9*9*9*}{6*6*6} } = (\frac{9^3}{6^3})^{\frac{1}{3} } = \frac{9}{6} = \frac{3}{2}[/tex]

option a

a²b² + 2ab (a²+1) +a^2-b^2-1​


Exponentiation is not clear

If so Exponentiation


this answer


As for if so Exponentiation

[tex]a²b²+2ab(a²+1)+a² - b {}^{2 - 1} [/tex]

this answer


A lawn service owner is testing new weed killers. He discovered that a particular weed killer was effective 89% of time. Suppose that this estimate was based on a random sample of 60 applications. Find the lower confidence limit (LCL) for a 90% confidence interval for p, the true proportion of weeds killed by this particular brand. Round your answer to two decimal places.



The LCL for a 90% confidence interval for p is 0.82.

Step-by-step explanation:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the zscore that has a pvalue of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

A lawn service owner is testing new weed killers. He discovered that a particular weed killer was effective 89% of time. Suppose that this estimate was based on a random sample of 60 applications.

This means that [tex]\pi = 0.89, n = 60[/tex]

90% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.1[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a pvalue of [tex]1 - \frac{0.1}{2} = 0.95[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.645[/tex].

The lower limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.89 - 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.89*0.11}{60}} = 0.8236[/tex]

Rounding to two decimal places, the LCL for a 90% confidence interval for p is 0.82.

20 POINTS!!!!!!!!!! what are two numbers that multiply to equal -13 but add to equal +7



x = -1.525

y = 8.525

Step-by-step explanation:

xy = -13

x + y = 7

we can let 'y' equal 7-x and use substitution

x(7-x) = -13

7x - x² + 13 = 0

divide through by negative one to get a positive x²

x² - 7x - 13 = 0

use the quadratic formula to get:

x = -1.525

y = 8.525

what is 3/4 of 4/5= ​



answer: 15/16 Hope this helps!

1. Based on the information given, what is the Worthington Family's net worth? Will they qualify for the loan?


Net worth:

Will they qualify for the loan? (yes or no)


Question Completion:

The Worthington family has liquid assets of $10,000, use assets of $150,000 and investment assets of $34,000. They also have liabilities totaling $108,000. They need a loan from the bank and to qualify for the loan, they must have a net worth of $100,000.  They will incur additional $7,000 in liabilities.


1. The Worthington Family's net worth is:

= $79,000.

2. No. They will not qualify for the loan, as their net worth fell short of the requirement by $21,000.

Step-by-step explanation:

a) Data and Calculations:

Worthington Family's net worth:

Liquid assets =                      $10,000

Use assets =                         150,000

Investment assets =              34,000

Total assets =                    $194,000

Liabilities =                            115,000

Net worth =                         $79,000

Required net worth =       $100,000

Shortfall in net worth =      $21,000

b) The Worthington Family's net worth is the difference between their assets (the things that they own) and their liabilities (the things that they owe others).  It is an important financial metric for calibrating the family's financial health.  Computing it provides a useful snapshot of the family's current financial position.  Financial institutions and other potential creditors use it to gauge if they might extend some credit facilities to the Worthington family.

Indicate whether each statement about linear functions A and B shown below is true or false by checking the appropriate box in the table.
The rates of change for both Function A and B are positive.
The rate of change for Function A is 3 times the rate of change for Function B
The y-intercepts for both Function A and Function B are positive.


Answer: The rates of change for both function A and function B are positive : TRUE

The rates of change for functions A is 3 times the rate of change for function B : FALSE

The y - intercepts for both Function A and Function B are positive : FALSE

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Richard bought 4 shirts that cost $85 all together. Each shirt cost the same
amount. The model below represents this situation.

Which equation below and solution for x does the model represent?
A 2x + 2x = 85, x = 42.50

B 4 + x = 85, x = 21.25

C x + x + x + x = 85, x = 21.00

D 4x = 85, x = 21.25


Answer: D

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help asap.......



it's d

Step-by-step explanation:

A Carpenter was told to make
a rectangular desk with top
dimension of 50cm by40cm.
The Carperter altually made
the desk 60cm by 35cm.
Callulate the percentage
error in (a) the length and
b) the breath (1) the product
of the two enors (2) area of
the table top.​



a. Percent error = 12.5%

b. Percent error = 20%

c. Product = 250

d. Area of rectangle = 200 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following data;

Actual length = 40cm

Experimental length = 35cm

Actual breadth = 50cm

Experimental breadth = 60cm

To find the following values;

a. Percentage error in length;

Percent error can be defined as a measure of the extent to which an experimental value differs from the theoretical value.

Mathematically, it is given by this expression;

[tex] Percent \; error = \frac {experimental \;value - actual \; value}{ actual \;value} *100[/tex]

Substituting into the formula, we have;

[tex] Percent \; error = \frac {35 - 40}{40} *100[/tex]

[tex] Percent \; error = \frac {5}{40} *100[/tex]

[tex] Percent \; error = 0.125 *100[/tex]

Percent error = 12.5%

b. Percentage error in breadth;

[tex] Percent \; error = \frac {60 - 50}{50} *100[/tex]

[tex] Percent \; error = \frac {10}{50} *100[/tex]

[tex] Percent \; error = 0.2 *100[/tex]

Percent error = 20%

c. Product of the error;

Product = 12.5 * 20

Product = 250

d. Area of the table top;

Dimensions = 50 * 40 cm

Area of rectangle = length * breadth

Area of rectangle = 40 * 50

Area of rectangle = 200 cm²

Angel signed up for a streaming music service that costs $11 per month. The service allows Angel to listen to unlimited music, but if he wants to download songs for offline listening, the service charges $0.50 per song. How much total money would Angel have to pay in a month in which he downloaded 25 songs? How much would he have to pay if he downloaded ss songs?


Answer: $23.5

Step-by-step explanation:

0.5(x) + 11

0.5(25) + 11


A swimming pool is in the shape of this prism. A cubic foot of water is about 7.5 gallons. How many gallons of water can the pool hold? If a pump is able to pump water into the pool at a rate of 15 gallons per minute, how long will it take to fill the pool?




Step-by-step explanation:

SOLUTION: Each cubic foot holds 7.5 gallons of water. So, the amount of water required to fill the pool is 6400(7.5) = 48,000.

x and y are two integers and x ≠ 0. Which of the following is not a rational number? a) z b) y c)x/y d) y/x​


Answer: Choice A) z



x and y are two integers, with x being nonzero

This means x/y is rational as long as y is nonzero as well. If y = 0, then we have a division by zero error. Try something like 1/0 on your calculator and you'll find it doesn't work.

Similarly, y/x is rational as well. Any rational number is simply dividing two integers as a fraction like this. Other examples include stuff like 1/2, 4/5, 8/17, and so on.

Since y is an integer, this means we can write it like this: y = y/1. This shows any integer is also rational, but not the other way around. A fraction like 2/3 is rational but not an integer.

All of what was discussed above indicates that choices B, C and D can be ruled out. The only thing left is choice A. The variable z isn't defined, so it's not clear what it is exactly. But it's likely the answer as it's the only thing left after the eliminations.

PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!! Carla rode her bicycle 4 miles to the park and it took her 30 minutes.

What was her speed in miles per hour?
A.8 mi/h
B.2 mi/h
C.120 mi/h
D.7.5 mi/h



30 mins = 0.5 hours

4.5 miles/0.5 hours = your answer

Step-by-step explanation:


speed = distance


speed = 4


speed = 7.5

[15 points !] What is the factored form of x²y3 – 2y3 – 2x2 + 4?




Step-by-step explanation:

Have a Nice Day


(x^2 - 2)(y^3 - 2)

Step-by-step explanation:

I got it right on Iready

A line passes through the two glven points. Is it vertical, horizontal,or neither?
(-1, -1), (-2, -1)




Step-by-step explanation:

Which equation represents the following table?



y = 2x+4

Step-by-step explanation:

When we substitute the value of x in y =2x+4. The output of function is exactly like in the table shown.

x = 1 —> y = 2(1)+4 = 6

x = 3 —> y = 2(3)+4 = 10

x = 5 —> y = 2(5)+4 = 14

x = 7 —> y = 2(7)+4 = 18

x = 9 —> y = 2(9)+4 = 22

Since the output is exactly like in the table. Therefore, y = 2x+4 represents the following table.

i don’t know if it’s B or C what do you guys think?



I think it is D.

Step-by-step explanation:

It is a guess, but I am not fully sure.

If correct, may I have a brainliest?



D) 17.51

Step-by-step explanation:

D) 17.51

write 5/3 as a mixed number


Answer: 1 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:


1 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:

3/3 is = 1

2/3 = 2/3

5/3 = 1 + 2/3

5/3 = 1 2/3

Hope this helps!

can someone help me find the measure of the angle indicated in bold please


9514 1404 393


  A)  105°

Step-by-step explanation:

The two marked angles are alternate interior angles, so are congruent.

  8x +17 = 9x +6

  11 = x

  8x +17 = 8(11) +17 = 88 +17 = 105 . . . . degrees

The bolded angle is 105°.


105 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Here ,

8x+17=9x+6(being alternate angles )


11= x



Therefore 8x-17=105 degrees

need some help on this




Step-by-step explanation:

From the box plots given, the options that seem very much on support of the information given in the box plot is option G.

Median number in a box plot is the number at the point where the vertical line divides the box.

The median for Thin Crust is about 55 while the median for Thick Crust is above 55.

Therefore we can conclude that:

"The median number of orders for thick crust pizzas is larger than the median median number of orders for thin crust".

10. Jackie
dog v
7. Juan is baking muffins for the school
bake sale. He needs 1 cups of flour to
make a batch of blueberry muffins. He
needs 2 cups of flour to make a batch
of banana muffins. How much flour
does Juan need to make both batches
of muffins?
A 4.cups
a pup
B 47
B 4
D 13
3 cups
34 cups
11. Ariana



your answer choices don't make sense

Neesha uploaded a funny video of her dog onto a website. The relationship between the elapsed
time, d, in days, since the video was first uploaded, and the total number of views V (d), that the
video received is modeled by the function V (d) = 31.5d.
How many views will the video receive after 5 days? Round your answer to the nearest whole



the answer is 2

Step-by-step explanation:

One half of 4

Plz help I need help


The answer is 2 lmk if this helps

Can someone please please answer this




Step-by-step explanation:

You can see the three angles shown form a straight line, meaning they add up to 180°. We can et up the equation:

m<AOC + m<COD + m<DOB = 180°

And we can substitute the values we have:

5a + 18 + 24 - a + 8a - 30 = 180

Next, we can combine all like terms:

12a + 12 = 180

12a = 168

a = 14

Now, to find each angle, we can substitute the value of a:

m<AOC = 5a + 18 = 5(14) + 18 = 88°

m<COD = 24 - a = 24 - 14 = 10°

m<DOB = 8a - 30 = 8(14) - 30 = 82°

The smallest angle is <COD with a measure of 10°.

In the figure, side AB is given by the expression 1 + 3, and side BC is 21 – 4.
The simplified expression for the area of rectangle ABCD is




Step-by-step explanation:

Length of the rectangle given in the picture = [tex]\frac{5x+5}{x+3}[/tex]

Width of the rectangle = [tex]\frac{3x+9}{2x-4}[/tex]

Area of the rectangle = Length × Width

                                    = [tex]\frac{5x+5}{x+3}\times \frac{3x+9}{2x-4}[/tex]

                                    = [tex]\frac{5(x+1)}{x+3}\times \frac{3(x+3)}{2(x-2)}[/tex]

                                    = [tex]\frac{15(x+1)(x+3)}{2(x+3)(x-2)}[/tex]

                                    = [tex]\frac{15(x+1)}{2(x-2)}[/tex]

Therefore, area of the given rectangle is [tex]\frac{15(x+1)}{2(x-2)}[/tex].

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