The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a statement on October 22 local time that the director of the agency, Wollensky, tested positive for COVID-19 on the evening of the 21st and had mild symptoms. Wolenski has been vaccinated with the latest COVID-19 vaccine, and is currently isolated at home and will participate in the meeting online.


Answer 1



Walensky tested positive

Related Questions

Which term can either be described as cubic or free-flowing


A shape can either be described as cubic or free-flowing. Option D

Describe cubic?

The word "cubic" refers to anything that is based on three dimensions. There was a solid cube there. There was the volume measure. 1 unit equals 1 cubic.

The term "flow" refers to how much fluid moves in a given length of time. Commonly used units for measuring groundwater flow include cubic feet per second (CFS), cubic meters per second (CMS), gallon per minute (GPM), and other units.

As a consequence, the phrase cubic feet per second (ft3/s) may also refer to free-flowing fluid.

Find out more about cubic here:


Mr Pollock, there’s been a good deal of controversy and a great many comments have been made regarding your method of painting. Is there something you’d like to tell us about that ?


I believe that there is a great deal of misunderstanding about my painting technique, and I’d like to take this opportunity to explain it a bit further.

What message or meaning is Pollock attempting to express through his artwork?
His renowned "drip paintings," which he started creating in the late 1940s, are among the most innovative body of work this century. Sometimes they may allude to the life-force inherent in nature, while other times they could allude to the trappings of man.

What is the meaning of Pollock's artist statement?
Convergence, Jackson Pollock (1952) I like to convey my sentiments than to describe them. As long as something is spoken, it doesn't matter how the paint is applied. I feel more at home on the ground.

What was Jackson Pollock's opinion on his works of art?
Pollock didn't discuss his paints in detail, other than to mention that he liked "a liquid, flowing type of paint." Additionally, he claimed that he retained control when creating his drip paintings, even though he acknowledged that he worked spontaneously with accepted chance effects.

Learn more about Mr Jackson Pollock:


Consider the song "As Time Goes By." How would you describe its emotional effect? How is it used throughout the film?


The song "As Time Goes By" defines the importance of love in the movie Casablanca.

What is Casablanca movie?

Casablanca affected how citizen perceived American involvement in the Second World War and in international relations in general at a critical juncture in American history.

The Gulf War, among other events, contributed to perpetuate a trend that was started by Casablanca in which America intervenes in challenging international circumstances.

Rick and Ilsa's song, "As Time Goes By," served as a testament to their union. In Casablanca, Rick worries that a forbidden song will make him think of Ilsa, but its absence has made it the music that people associate with her.

In the middle of a horrible conflict, with suffering all around, "As Time Goes By" serves as a poignant reminder that love always triumphs over hate. The trip there can be challenging at times, but it always happens.

Thus the song covers importance of love & peace over war & hate redness.

Learn more about Casablanca movie refer:


What does Millet's subject matter and composition reveal about Millet's personal identity and experience? Explain your response in no less than two to three complete sentences.



Millet's subject matter, often depicting peasants and rural life, reveals his personal connection to and admiration for the simplicity and hard work of rural life. His composition, with an emphasis on natural light and dynamic figures, reveals his appreciation for the beauty and energy of the natural world. These elements together suggest that Millet had a deep connection to and admiration for the rural, natural world and the people who lived within it.

• Explain how you felt at the end of your day. • Reflecting on what you learned, discuss 1-2 strengths of your time management strategy. • Identify 1-2 ways you can improve your time management strategy. • What goals did you set for the week and how did you achieve them? • Explain how keeping a time log helped to improve your study skills.


At the end of the day I feel satisfied for having carried out all the activities that I set out to do.

What is a time management strategy?

A time management strategy is a tool that allows an individual to organize her activities in a period of time that is usually one day. A time management strategy generally establish schedules to perform different activities during the day (including sleep) with the aim of achieving a specific goal.

How to improve time management strategies?

Generally people manage their time unconsciously about the time it will take them to perform an activity. Therefore, it is a priority that people are aware of how much time they need to carry out an activity.

Additionally, they must take into account that time management must take into account minor activities such as travel or other times of getting ready to carry out an activity. For example, when I want to read in the library, I must take into account the time it will take me to go to that place and the time it will take me to look for the book.

What goals did you set for the week and how did you achieve them?

This week I set out to get at least 9 hours of exercise, so I divided this amount into the number of days in a week. Subsequently, I had to spend about an hour a day exercising in the morning.

Explain how keeping track of time helped improve your study skills.

A time log helps improve your study skills by keeping you aware of how much time you spend on each activity. Additionally, it allows you to identify when you have spent more time on an activity.

Learn more about time management in:


The term _______ is now recognized as problematic because it implies that the Western gaze is superior to the African style of sculpture. The root word suggests non-Western art is less developed and sophisticated. It implies a racist attitude and promotes colonial values and judgments on African creativity.​





A very famous sculpture is Michelangelo's David. You have been researching this sculpture and are preparing for a presentation to your classmates. What TRUE statement can you share with your classmates about this piece of art?

a. it was created in varying texture and shade of the color bronze

b. it was first intended to be placed on the roof of the Sistine chapel

c. no other artist contributed to the creation of the famous sculpture

d. it was a nūde standing male figure that did not include the head of Goliath ​


The true statement that I can share with your classmates about this piece of art is option  d. it was a nūde standing male figure that did not include the head of Goliath .

What is David by Michelangelo famous for?

The Statue of David is a great representation of youthful beauty and represents the city of Florence by representing independence and strength. Soon after its completion, Michelangelo's David acquired fresh significance as a representation of the city and a symbol of the Renaissance.

Therefore, in Today era, people admire Michelangelo's David more for its exquisite visual beauty than for its political message.

Learn more about Michelangelo's David from

What is form in music?

A. The aesthetics of musical notation
B. The organization of musical elements in time
C. The arrangement of lines that make up a staff
D. The distribution of musical instruments in a space


I'm not very good in music so I will take an educated guess and say the correct and is (B).

What style of Greek pottery was characterized by its use of black figures on a red background?

A. Black-figure

B. Corinthian

C. Geometric

D. Red-Figure


Answer: A. Black-figure.

Black-figure pottery was a style of Greek pottery that developed in the late 7th century BC and continued until the mid-6th century BC. It was characterized by painted black figures, typically on a red background, and typically depicting scenes of mythology and everyday life.

Terrance is trying to find the correct setting for his photograph, so he uses a light meter. Which type of metering is he using?
Terrance is taking a photograph of a subject in a room with a window. He decides to use his new light meter. First, he performs
metering by aiming the meter at the key light source, a softbox to the subject’s right. Next, he aims the meter toward the window to measure the reflected light. This type of metering is


Terrance is trying to find the correct setting for his photograph, so he uses a light meter. The type of metering he is using is meters built into cameras measure.

What is metering?

The metering mode in photography describes how a camera chooses an exposure. The user can typically choose between spot, center-weighted average, or multi-zone metering settings when using a camera. The user can choose the most suitable metering mode from a variety of options depending on the type of lighting. Professional photographers typically switch to manual mode under challenging lighting conditions rather than relying on a camera setting. The process by which a camera chooses the proper exposure settings on its own is referred to as metering. The Sony a6000 can measure a scene in a few different ways.

Know more about photography -


why is charcoal a limited drawing medium??​


Charcoal is a limited drawing medium because it can be challenging to control, smudges, and spreads quickly, making it hard to create precise lines and shapes for an artist.


it smears easily


yusuf loves to see plays that make him feel like he's seeing lives that are wildly different from his own getting a look at how other people live is thrilling what do these plays allow yusuf to do



Handheld meters measure incident light (light that illuminates the subject of the photography) as well as reflected light

Explanation: Handheld meters measure incident light (light that illuminates the subject of the photography) as well as reflected light

10. In which measures is the rhythm, "quarter, eighth, eighth, eighth, eighth,
quarter rest" found? How many beats make up this rhythmic pattern?


Answer:Handheld meters measure incident light (light that illuminates the subject of the photography) as well as reflected light

Explanation:Handheld meters measure incident light (light that illuminates the subject of the photography) as well as reflected light

who was behind the cross country rap tours called fresh fests


The answer is B. Def Jam


Def Jam


What is carved from stone and typically depicts Gods, Goddesses, or other vital figures

A. Maya statues
B. Xantolo Masks
C. Bronze status
D. Buddha heads





A. Maya statues are typically carved from stone and depict gods, goddesses, or other important figures.

poorly chosen fonts, type styles, and type size can greatly impair a piece's readability. health educators should consider only using


Poorly chosen fonts, type styles, and type sizes can greatly impair a piece's readability. Health educators should consider only using 12-point font with a serif type when developing print materials.

How is readability measured?

The majority of widely used readability formulas base their score calculations on one or more of the following ideas: Compared to longer sentences, shorter sentences are relatively simple to read. Compared to longer words, shorter words are simpler to read. It is simpler to read words that are more widely used.

The complexity of the printed materials is primarily assessed through measures of the number of words per sentence and the number of letters or syllables per word (i.e., as a reflection of word frequency.) The grade level of the printed material is indicated by a "score."

Therefore, Health educators ought to think about using only 12-point font.

Learn more about Health educators from the given link.


This is really a culinary question but was not an option.
You are a hotel meeting room coordinator for a hotel with 998 rooms and suites. The San Diego Credit Union Convention will be held in your area. Your client will need one large exhibitor space for about 900 people, including 55 exhibitors, one large conference room and three medium meeting rooms for about 250 people per meeting room, 350 sleeping rooms and 25 suites, breakfast and lunch both days, and coffee, tea, and snacks throughout the two-day event. Create an outline of the chronological order of things that you need to do to secure a convention booking in your hotel.


In order to get to secure a hotel booking for the convention in the hotel, you would have to do the following:

Make a choice on the hotel of choiceGo through the available reservations to pick the one of your choiceselect your choiceReserve it online

How to secure a hotel booking

First of all you have to start by making price comparisons between various hotels so that you can make the best choice.

You would also want to take the security of the place you have booked to be very serious before you go ahead to make the reservation for the people.

Read more on hotels here:


is a term describing a broad variety of musical styles including bluegrass, hillbilly music, and contemporary country. generally speaking, most types of music that fall under this category originated in the american south (although it also encompasses western swing and cowboy songs) and features a singing style with a distinctly rural southern accent, as well as an instrumentation that favors string instruments such as the banjo, guitar, or fiddle.


Country Music is a term describing a broad variety of musical styles including bluegrass, hillbilly music, and contemporary country. generally speaking, most types of music that fall under this category originated in the American south (although it also encompasses western swing and cowboy songs) and features a singing style with a distinctly rural southern accent, as well as instrumentation that favors string instruments such as the banjo, guitar, or fiddle.

What is Country Music?

Generally, The blues, old-time music, church music (such as Southern gospel and spirituals), old-time music, and American folk music forms such as Appalachian, Cajun, Cajun, Hawaiian, and the cowboy Western musical style of New Mexico, Red Dirt, Tejano, and Texas country are the roots of the popular music genre known as "country." The country is a genre of popular music that originated in the United States.

Country music is an umbrella phrase that may be used to describe a wide range of musical forms, such as bluegrass, hillbilly music, and current country.

The majority of the styles of music that are classified as belonging to this category were born in the American south (although it also includes western swing and cowboy songs).

It is characterized by a singing style that has a distinctly rural southern accent, as well as instrumentation that favors string instruments such as the banjo, guitar, or fiddle.

Read more about Country Music




____is a term describing a broad variety of musical styles including bluegrass, hillbilly music, and contemporary country. generally speaking, most types of music that fall under this category originated in the american south (although it also encompasses western swing and cowboy songs) and features a singing style with a distinctly rural southern accent, as well as an instrumentation that favors string instruments such as the banjo, guitar, or fiddle.

In the study of urban ecology in Baltimore and Phoenix, how do the two cities differ in their citizens' exposure to toxic chemicals?
Baltimore has taken a zero-tolerance approach to polluters, so its citizens are much less exposed to toxic chemicals than the citizens of Phoenix.
Minorities in both cities are more likely to be exposed to such hazards than white citizens, but minorities in Phoenix are provided with better health care to offset the costs related to exposure.
Baltimore was built before building codes and zoning laws prohibited building homes on contaminated sites, so all of the citizens of Baltimore are exposed to high levels of toxic chemicals, whereas Phoenix has been built more recently and so does not have problems related to toxic chemical exposure.
Phoenix has largely eliminated exposure to toxic chemicals, whereas the citizens of Baltimore suffer from extreme exposure to such hazards.
In Phoenix, ethnic minorities are more likely to be exposed to such hazards, whereas in Baltimore, those living in working-class white neighborhoods are more likely to be exposed.


The statement, ''Baltimore has taken a zero-tolerance approach to polluters, so its citizens are much less exposed to toxic chemicals than the citizens of Phoenix'', perfectly explains the difference between the two cities in the study of urban ecology. Therefore, the option A holds true.

A study of urban ecology can be referred to or considered as the study that takes the factors such as the ecological forces of urban regions and areas into consideration for the purpose of outcomes of the study. The urban ecology of the cities, Baltimore and Phoenix, are completely in contrast to each other with respect to their exposure to toxic chemicals.

Learn more about urban ecology here:


the total number of people that can afford to purchase art has not grown substantially during the past few decades.


The total number of people that can afford to purchase art has not grown substantially over the past few decades. This statement is true.

Why Is the Number of People That Can Afford Art Not Increasing?

The reason that the statement in the question is true is that the price of works of art basically continues to increase so that works of art become luxury and tertiary goods. Apart from that, the artwork is also a niche commodity and not many people are willing to spend a lot of money to acquire a work of art. However, simply put, the ever-increasing price of works of art is the main factor in the number of people who can afford to buy works of art that have not grown rapidly in the last few decades.

The question is incomplete, but most probably your question was:

The total number of people that can afford to purchase art has not grown substantially over the past few decades (True/False).

Learn more about famous paintings at


A recording of "silence" that approximates the acoustical qualities of a space.


The acoustical qualities of a space is the characteristics that determine the quality and control of sound waves in a space.

What is Acoustics?

The science of acoustics is the formal name of acoustics. It is defined as the examination of regulation, sound presentation, reception, transmission, and effects.

Many persons incorrectly believe that acoustics is entirely pertained with music or architecture. Properties govern the quality and activity of sound movements in a space, according to the answer that best describes acoustics.

It is the science concerned with the production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sound.

Learn more about Acoustics here:


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